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All the Bozo’ing aside, lets talk Charles for now.
R T Bingham we’ll call him. I dont want to use his “real name” here for obvious reasons.
(Which Charles, if you’re reading this – in itself should be a clue that I ain’t calling you out or trolling ya. Just like yours truly is “Michael” to some, Charles could be anyone!)
(It’s strange how it works tho. Remember that book you thought was “idiotic and had no value” (even though you didnt say it)? Well, one of my best customers turned up a month or so later – and he is Charles too. The wonders of the UNIVERSE!)
(bread cast upon the waters never goes unrewarded my friend. The reverse is true too. Bear that in mind as you read! And no, for the jackasses that might be reading this, this ain’t no threat or anything).
Now, point of me saying this is …
OK, So Charles.
You contacted me back in the day about sourcing some stuff from India before we met.
I asked you TWICE if you could “trust me”. Because , you know, we hadn’t met, and you had no clue I was doing the fitness thang and so forth …
(Initally I thought I shouldn’t have told the Bozo I was, now, I’m glad I did. Maybe I’ll reveal ALL to the Bozo so you guys can troll a bit more, hehe. I’m lovin it!)
(makes me a lot of MOOLLLLLAAAAHH as my daughter likes to say, hehe).
(on that note, Mr Bingham would be well served by seeing the last post on this).
Flippancy aside tho back to it.
Your answer was an unhesitating YES.
fair enough, bro.
I have NEVER EVER once cheated anyone, made false claims, or not (ultimately) lived up to a promise.
‘Tis just a fact Jack.
I got the stuff. Offered no less than thrice to send you reciepts for every damn thing we bought for you.
You refused.
“We don’t need reciepts!”
OK. Great.
Years later, your woman claims I “cheated” you and “she could have got it for cheaper”.
Directly or indirectly, that is what she said and felt. You were the one that told me, if you recall.
Now, women will be women. I get it!
But still , my friend, you never called her out on it did you?
Credit where credit is due – you DID call her out on the “woman” judgement that she made (and fair enough – hey – girls will be girls!) and that Bozo Schofield later picked up on his inane trolling.
(Hey, Glyn, DO send me some more reviews of that nature. Lol. Amazon deleted a few, so …)
Anyway, but still my friend.
You KNOW fully well I dont cheat people. If I did, you’d never have hired me in the first place!
(I use the term “hired” very loosely).
But I forgave that. I forgave your thinking about my WORK – my PASSION in life that I shared with YOU and YOU ALONE! (initially).
I FORGAVE the fact that you think my stuff is useless. You aint the only one, and hey. To each his own.
In fact, as far as the last part goes, I actually welcome it. HEhe. You know me. NEver one to back down anywhere, any regard!
(and no, I dont care if you think I can’t speak English)
(oddly enough I will NOT – and REFUSE to bracket you as “racist”, because you’re NOT).
but you know the two things that really ticked me off?
Remember when I posted something against the Chinese aggression in India, and you – despite claiming you love the country – and despite professing to have a deep interest in visiting the place (and never doing so because your girl thinks we’re all “dark and dirty”, hehe – and hey – if thats what she thinks, more power to her. We all know how the Han Chinese are in that regard!) – and despite claiming that “the Indians are the ones that know their shit – the Chinese just copy!” … your response was two pronged and a rather long one, so I’ll post the gist.
One, how dare I say anything against China.
Two, you implicitly SUPPORTED their aggression with your “it is what it is statement”.
Maybe when it comes to women, thats your train of thought and perhaps thats why you didnt ever call her out on the “cheating” thang.
Hey, thats fine.
Like you said, according to you, my DAd’s a smart guy because he follows the same train of thought when it comes to women.
Yours truly doesnt.
But I get it. Hey.
But what I do not, and refuse to get is you saying I cannot exercise my freedom of speech, and that China was right (implicitly) in doing what they did in 2020. Spreading the plague, and then attempting to wreak havoc everywhere.
My friend, China has many great things.
That Corona beer delivery being one, hehe.
But when something is wrong, it’s WRONG.
And you know, I know it, everyone on this list knows it – even the Bozo knows it.
What they did in India and to the WORLD “just ain’t right bro”.
And that was really what upset me.
And saddened me.
I dont care if you don’t call ’em out publicly.
But privately?
Hypocrisy, my friend is what I cannot stand.
You made the comment a few months ago about “if thats what you really thought”.
Well, THIS is what I really think my friend, and no, unlike the Bozo, I wish no harm to you in any way, shape or form.
The Bozo neither. Hehe. He’s just a pathetic excuse of a human being, so I’ll mint money off his trolling … but other than that?
I wouldn’t wish harm on ANYONE.
And that, my friend is what I thought, although if you remember, I said much of this on WeShat.
And that is probably the last time I mention any of this.
Golly, feels good to get this off my chest. Hehe.
Anyway …
My products do what they say, bro.
No false claims being made.
And that, my friend, you can take to the BANK.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Learn how to do pull-ups via the world famous course on it that has been turning DUDS at this exercise to bonafide real men and STUDS (and SUPER stud, hehe) – right HERE.
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