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Cavemen and wolves.
Both a category most people would be well advised to stay AWAY from, hehe.
And a category which most high achievers at some point in the other have been placed and ridiculed (though to be very honest, my Uncle wasn’t trying to ridicule me when he said the “wolf” thing).
Caveman, well, thats … that came from him too actually.
Are you going to sit in your cave and do it, he once asked me for an IT business I no longer deal with (for the most part).
Curiously enough, my first major writing (not for this site) was done for a publisher with the word “cave” in their title.
Great minds think alike! Hehe.
Anyway, point is simple.
If there is something I want more than anything else in LIFE – it’s this – to be LEFT ALONE – and not pestered up and down, left right and center, sideways and what not with Bozo like inane requests and comments.
Certainly not idiotic questions like “when will you travel the world again”.
I mean, look fella (or lady – that was Cicy that asked).
The whole damned world is shut down, and yes, we all know we can travel in China internally.
So it can be done EVERYWHERE. DUH!
It’s ridiculous questions of that nature aimed at “irritating” the other person either consciously or subconsciously I’ve fielded my entire life – until a point.
After which I just IGNORE.
Curiously enough or maybe not that incenses the Bozos, hehe.
They hate being ignored!
And I love it. LOL.
But anyway …
(speaking of which, I wonder where Bozo Wacko Glyn Scofield the one and only is. I miss his trolling, hehe).
But Glyn. Ah, I forgot to tell you something.
Apart from all his other wierd fetishes, he’s got a “Charles” fetish.
He left the note about “Charlie Bandana created the racist memes of you” to me privately and a nonsensical troll review on Kiddie Fitness which claimed that “Charles R T Bingham who he met in Korea introduced him to the book and that Charles was trolling him”.
And there’s more, but lets leave that out (though if you want to know, I’ll paste it. I have before!).
Now, Charles is obviously the friend.
And Charles for some strange reason knew bout the Bozo doing what he was, and never despite being a so called friend saw fit to tell me.
Now, China tom tomming aside though, what is fair is fair.
And Charles – racist?
No way, Jose.
Guy that did biz with me in 2017.
Guy that helped me out once when I asked (more than once) – and once of his own accord.
Guy that was screwed over repeatedly big time by Bozo Schofield who still hasn’t returned his 2000 GBP (not to mention Roya’s money).
And much more …
Not to mention I’ve met Charles. (and the Bozo too)
And I can tell you this for a fact, Jack.
charles may be many things.
He may be a Jim Shim addict, and a machine addict, and he’s obviously wrong in his rants on pull-ups and such.
But racist, my friend, he ain’t.
It’s the Bozo that has the Charles fetish … ugh.
And if any of y’all can make any sense of the “R T Bingham” thing, please do let me know!
Anyway, on that note. Pestering eh.
I HATE it.
By anyone …
If I say I’ll do something, I’ll do it unlike some other idiots I know.
But don’t frigging BADGER and pester me about it!
Anyway, I adopt this same thing in BUSINESS.
If you (those that do) think bodyweight exercises are useless when you yourself can’t hang on to the chinning bar and can’t do the thing – FINE.
But don’t pester me about it.
No-one’s asking you to buy my books or products.
If you can’t do a handstand and think lying flat on your back is the solution to your problems and muscle and what not – guess what – go for it.
You ain’t gonna find me hankering after you to BUY, BUY, BUY.
In fact, that is one reason I clearly state the no refunds policy as well (in red too I believe).
Because I dont want the price shoppers and other nutwads of the nature of what I mention on the very lengthy list on the Ship page.
And that, my friend, is that.
Live – and let live. Hehe. Except of course some bozos dont get it.
BAck soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – What the hell. I’ll post the troll review again here for y’all to giggle at. Maybe your kids can laugh at the Bozo too, hehe. He’s a comic character if nothing else!
Awful, terribly written, horrid author
RM – Aw, cry me a river. How horrid this here WOLF is, and continues to be. Ain’t I an asshole for driving the stake in, Glyn?
(Edit – He should have said “horrible fellow”, hehe. What a horrible and ungrateful fellow! Glyn, I’m sure the language sounds “familiar”, hehe.)
Having a four year daughter myself I thought I would try this.
RM – You did birth quite a few things with your tongue where the sun dont shine, but it ain’t kids, “datz” for “sho”, bro.
A friend I first met in Seoul, Korea,
RM – He’s right on this one. He did go to Korea and unlike China, he didnt get deported from there, hehe. PRobably did his drugs on a slightly more low scale note there.
a certain Charles R T Bingham the Third recommended this book (turned out he was trolling me).
RM – Addressed above. Charles may be many things, but he ain’t racist and he ain’t a troll.
Ineffably bad, it seems to have been written by a small and particularly stupid child. Avoid.
As for that last comment, remember, when the trolls say something, it’s gotta be because it’s so good that it TRULY did piss ’em off … hehe.
LOL You know what I mean.
Get this book now for your kids my friend. Truly the BEST GIFT YOU CAN EVER GIVE ’em!
(And ignore these loser trolls, but DO make money from it wherever possible – law #1 of REAL BIZ, hehe)
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