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Back in the day, wayyy back in the day, I believe I told you about my two jobs in China (when I first went there) and how I shouldn’t have necessarily left the second one the way I did.
(I should have quit, yes, and that I did. But I shouldn’t have done it the WAY I did. Freddie was, and IS a great dude!).
But anyway, after that, I was mucking around for a few months on the loose with all the money in the worl d(well, not all of it, but a substantial enough bank balance to goof off for at least three or four years and do SQUAT ALL if I so chose).
I decided to get a job. Or look for one.
Sadly, the thought of starting my own business back then – except for the Major General who gave me a cryptic thought to the order of “Rahul, why jobs? Maybe you could be creative and create a way to make a living here!”.
I resented Michael at the time for not being “clear”.
Years later, sitting here I know if he HAD been, I wouldn’t have got the benefit I am TODAY by “going through the school of hard knocks and ultra hard knocks on this one!”.
Truly, my friend.
There is a reason Napoleon Hill says the same thing about the secret in Think and Grow Rich “I could tell you what it is right now, but that would deprive you of the many benefits YOU will get from discovering this secret on YOUR own”!
I tell people the same thing these days.
Anyway, so one of the jobs I went to was a project manager job where they did all they could to offer me a LOW starting salary.
I think it was the same at which I left the last job, and I told them – hey – why would I come to you in the first place – I’d just stay on at that last job if thats what I wanted!
Stony silence.
Their technical team tried to find fault with my tech “self”. OK …
And their HR and PM’s grudgingly said I had the best English they had ever encountered.
AChievo, I believe was the name of the company.
Dont know why they put the “o” at the end!
But anyway, HR was haggling with me over salary, and I never joined.
What they were of course trying to do was maximize my weaknesses and minimize my strengths to offer me a lower wage than they should have.
If they had up and said “hey, this is what we’ll offer you” and thats that, I’d have FAR more respect for them.
As it was, I told various people about this and the reactions from the Bozos was expected, a mournful “You need to learn at their feet”sort of spiel.
(When I probably knew MORE than their PM’s on many levels).
“What does Rahul Know”.
“You need to be satisfied with what you’re getting!”
And so forth …
I wonder if Jack Ma for one, who was canned from no less than (or rejected for, outright) 34 jobs, including KFC delivery for “not being qualified enough” – I think it was “he was too ambitious”, hehe – got the same response.
Hey, at least some BPO jobs I applied for back in the day were honest and told me “you’re way too over qualified”
The things I did when I didnt have the confidence to tell people to go straight to hell !
But anyway, I never meant to join those, but … lets talk about what we were initially.
That being, the so called rejections.
Jeff Bezos – laid off from job.
JAck Ma – well – you know the story!
Insert achiever of choice and I’ll give you a story like this.
Dr Kolibal in college had it spot on (my Cal profession – and he didnt say what he did because I aced his classes half drunk and without trying. True, one reason behind that was I had done in high school what was being taught in Cal 1, 2 etc in college – but on that same damn note I can show you TONS Of people who did it too, and yet flunked Cal. I didn’t because Math was one of the very few subjects I liked in high school, and therefore made an effort – a real effort – and when I do – watch out!.
“You dont need to be taking these Mickey Mouse classes! You need to be challenged!”
Touche, Prof. Touche! He read me better than I ever could at the age of 19!
It might sound like the height of arrogance for myself to be comparing myself to the people above.
But I dont think so, my friend.
But if you’re the sort that is wrinkling their nose “how dare he!!” as you read, I get it …
But really, those people I mentioned, and any of the other legion are mere mortals like YOU.
They’ve got nothing you don’t have – except the qualities at the end of this email which cost nothing except desire, and anyone can have them.
And they HAD LESS than what you did – less than a pot to piss in most cases for many, many years.
Back to the dumbasses and low ballers tho … (and those that complain about my products being too expensive or what not). All ilk of the same breed.
What happens is subconsciously the Bozos sense the desire and ambition and of course then “how dare he want more money” basically.
That ain’t to say I’ve not done well at jobs.
ALL The jobs where I reported directly to the person IN CHARGE – and where I was given a free hand to do what I do BEST – i.e. deliver RESULTS – I’ve done it, and then some.
As a former boss of mine said, “we just throw ’em and see if they sink or swim”. We don’t train!
*He told my wife this!*
But anyway, how does this relate to fitness you ask.
Well, it does. Big time.
People moan about (the idiots do, at least) – how I don’t “structure the workouts better”.
Or, “there is no progression from unzipping my pants to putting down the toilet seat to taking a dump”.
INsert exercise of choice.
OK, that is an extreme way to describe it, but the nutwad who emailed me recently saying this …
“There is no progression from regular pushups to the #2 variant!”
I mean, sweet Jesus.
A – B.
How many more hand holds do we need for Christ’s sake??
Don’t get me wrong.
I teach you EVERYTHING you need to know in my books about workout.
I give it to you – straight – undiluted – and in excruciating detail, even the most minor of details and the workouts ARE structured if you look at ’em!
Por ejempelo, Battle tank Shoulders, the book that has been taking the workout world by storm, grabbing it by the SCRUFF of the neck, shaking it DRY and then some … workouts in there are those you could do for your whole life – and still not get good at – ANY ONe of them!
Great workouts to aspire to, and DO!
But if you’re the sort of person that needs to be told to try for 55 pushups when I say do 50 – well – you don’t need to be buying my products.
I’d rather the person who wants to do 55 and TRIES to do ’em without being told that buys – or should I say INVESTS – in my products!
I do not want Mama’s boys that whine about pull-ups being too tough and how I’m too brutal about calling people out.
I don’t want idiots that need to be handheld every step of the way.
Look at all the achievers of yore, and what qualities did they have?
Self starters. DOERS!
Problem SOLVERS.
A tendency to DO as opposed to piss and moan and find reasons NOT TO.
Persistence, perhaps most of all!
And again – self starters.
That, my friend, are the qualities I want YOU to inculcate in yourself.
Do so, and you’ll be on the way to the TOP of the heap before you know it.
And I’m out.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – ALL Serious trainees, even if you think weights are the bomb OWE it to YOURSELF to pick up Battletank Shoulders – truly one of the VERY BEST EVER!
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