Why I’ll always be an old fashioned guy, and why I don’t do DVD’s . . .
- But I DO do videos!

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Memories, memories, memories!

And they all come flooding back as I write this.

My first “cellphone” was a brick Nokia – not a “bricked” one, but you know, one of those old blue models . . . dark blue, actually. All the rage back then!

I believe my Dad pointed it out to me after college.

“Why do I even need this”, I asked.

Back then, you know, we’d pick up the phone, dial and call if we needed to! Hehe.

(Which yours truly caveman never did, preferring to stay with dial up interent, then ADSL, and now of course blazing fast fiber or what not).

I may someday embrace 5G. For now, I’m happy enough with 4G!

(And, until 2016 I believe I didnt even have a SIM card that supported 4G. Hehe. I was making do with 2G!).

But anyway …

My second phone was one I got in China which a certain “Aa Chie” (Or Aa Ling, depending upon how you look at it) put her picture on.

On the back.

It was a cheap yet “brutally effective” model I picked up a Walmart.

My S.O. (or wife, depending upon how you look at it!) tore off the picture soon after she started dating me.

“You dont need this anymore!”

Well, she was right.

And I never really “needed” the girl, but she was pretty cool (I wonder where she is NOW), I do remember, and I’ve written a book on her, and I’m fixing to start the second Volume soon, based upon demand!

Which there seems to be plenty of.

Along with a certain other “Joanie“.

Anyway, dont get me started. Hehe. Yesterday’s trip down memory lane with short skirts and mountains did it. Thank you, Panourgias!

But anyway, plenty more such inspirational and FUN trips down memory lane in the following – and if you’re a Mookerjee fan and love to read my books, you MUST have these. In fact, I have Fitness Pioneer- Volume Two sitting on my bedstand right now staring at me!

Fitness Pioneer – Volume One

Fitness Central – The READER! (or the Volumes individually – there are THREE of them).

Each contains 51 fitness tips, and you’ll love to read ’em again – and again – over and over again, and the nostalgia will wash over you as well, and not only that – you’ll pick up plenty of real life training tips and info that I may not have put in my books or videos.

And on that note!

John Walker, who has read 0 Excuses Fitness and loved it, asked about “if I do instructional videos”.

Damn right we do, bro!

The Rolls Royce of Fitness is the only product for now which has videos (other than a short one for the book on pull-ups I believe, one of them, but that is just a snippet – not a real video) . . . but the Rolls Royce has FIVE different videos, including a workout video and a great one!

And then, another great question from John.

Do you have instructional DVDs ?

Now this is a great question!

While our videos are mobile compatible and will play on computers, no DVD’s … and why?

I did actually toy around with the idea back in 2016, but given the world is going more and more towards “online” and “instant downloads” and so forth, and given most laptops these days don’t even have an external DVD ROM – I figured it wasn’t worth it.

And again, the sales and feedback etc proved I was right – WAY BEFORE people were starting to get on the “online only” bandwagon – yours truly did – and was proven right.

Right now, I can see people that used to THRIVE on selling DVD’s go the “online only” route …

So, as I told John –

Nah, no DVD’s because most people don’t want ’em at all these days – the trend seems to be “dumbphone friendly” and it only seems to be going more and more that way unfortunately (most modern day laptops don’t even have a DVD player if you’ve noticed).
But yeah, the videos play fine on the computer though (and are smartphone friendly too obviously) – but no external DVD’s … Back in the day it would make sense to do ’em that way, but these days, all seems to have gone the digital route save for a few Dinos like you and I, hehe.

Now, paperbacks you ask?

Those I DO DO – and will continue to!

But more from John – –

Hey Rahul

I’ve no wish to join the “digital age” which is why I do not own a mobile phone nor have I ever owned one.

It is sad that people feel that they have to own a mobile phone because from my observations it appears that it’s the mobile phone that owns them ….

(and then he spoke about the madness where people can barely tear themselves away from their mobile phones – an earthquake could hit right there, and they’d be staring at their phones!)

(In China, dating consists of going out and the guy and gal doing squat all except stare at their phones and pick at their food – true story!)

If you don’t do DVD’s and I understand why you don’t, do your videos come as downloadable files that I could into DVD’s for my own collection?

Warmest Regards


YES! They do, my friend.

You can certainly burn the vidoes onto a DVD and watch them that way if you like – I love it that way!

But, I recently gave a HUGE stack of old movies etc I had lying around on DVD’s, and an old DVD player too (right, I gave it away – I didnt resell on Shebay etc) so I dont know – but I’ll tell you one damn thing.

If there is one thing I will NOT give away it’s my book collection!

Some of the best times I’ve ever had growing up during my tumultous childhood and indeed even now, as a certain Milan Bujak once told me “you don’t have a dull moment in your life!” were while READING.


Either with a beer in hand or not!

And nothing beats the feel of a good paperback my friend.

Nothing at all.

While of course,  I understand why people want to go all digital, and indeed, my entire business is founded on “digital” – paperbacks still cannot be beat for us Dinos, hehe.

And so, I still offer ’em!

As for the dumbphone?

Well, you already know my thoughts on that!

Anyway, to close off – remember, we still have the 20% special going on Barnstormer Shoulders and all our other great compilations – but I’mma pull this soon.

So jump on this now while the offer is good my friend!

And I’ll see you around.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – This should be hitting your email Inboxes soon. We WILL BE back up to speed on EMAIL today after a break of 14 days I think – way too long, but hey, such as it goes!

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