Why I’d rather “live in my own world”
- So they (she) said, hehe.

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Last night I was having a conversation with my significant other about … something related to voting, if I recall right.

It was about an incident years ago where she didnt want to vote for anyone, but did anyway.

Why vote “anyway”, I asked.

“I just checked the “no-one” option”, she said.

It was a local city or something election, I believe . . .

I shrugged.

“Might as well not go”, I said. “If you … ”

She sniffed dismissively.

“What do you know! You live in your own world!”

And that, my friend, was the end of that conversation, and virtual or not, I’m glad I did NOT take it any further.

I’m glad I just mumbled something about “ok”, while thinking “here we go again with the blame game”.

And this, my friend, is why I’d rather live and stay in my OWN damn world.

And invite those, such as my daughter, that truly “get it”.

By get it I dont mean agree with me on everything, but when every conversation turns into a “I’m right, and you’re wrong, because thats how it is”, and a cauldron of seething frustration and negativity with NO attempt being made to correct the latter, then you know something is wrong – big time.

And no, it ain’t “just my significant other”.

You guys that have been married for years for one know what I’m talking about and then some!

But anyway …

In my own world FEELINGS reign supreme.

Feelings that drive me towards doing what I want, and achieving the results I want without external interferences or excuses.

In my word, LOGIC also exists.

Gut feeling exists. Sometimes, there is indeed “no why”!

And most of all, in my world, solid results backed up by proof of those results exists – aka my books, when it comes to fitness, and the results they deliver you.

(Results, by the way are what the pissers, moaners, wankers, ranters and so forth lack – and that gets projected on to someone that actually DOES the thing …) .

It could be 120 – 60 kgs.

It could be from DUD to STUD at pull-ups.

It could be building shoulders like you never thought possible!

Could be anything, but do what I tell you, follow products I created mostly on my lonesome with sage assistance sometimes from folks that “get it” … and you’ll get results, my friend.

Along with the Rolls Royce of Fitness, my most popular and flagship product, Animal Kingdom Workouts is the NEXT level in fitness – that will give you results even quicker.

In fact, if you combine it with a dose of Advanced Hill Training, you’ll turn into superman – or woman- very soon.

If you want the sort of results the WORLD is raving about – well – jump on the train now, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – A huge thank you to the “Dinos” who ordered and continue to order paperbacks. Mucho gracias for keeping the SPIRIT alive!

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