Why sitting on a chair, even the straight backed ones with perfect form is the WORST thing (or one of the) you can do for your HEALTH AND ENERGY LEVELS
- And it IS.

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There seems to be an interesting (not) trend going around these days – another one of those “we’re lazy, so make it easy and feel good” sort of trends.

With the lockdowns and what not, and people in general still staying indoors weight gains and other health related issues – the REAL PANDEMIC going on for a while, not to mention Kiddie Obesity – – as opposed to the silly PANIC DEMIC that the China plague is (and so they created it!) – there’s yet another idiotic “keep fit easy and lose weight” BS trend going on.

That being, to “stand and work”.

Admittedly, standing has it’s benefits, but standing for too long isn’t the best of ideas either, not to mention it’s … BORING. With a capital B.

MOVING around is great.

But standing and eating?

Standing and typing?

Standing and working?

Yet, this sort of “stationery” on your feet thing is supposed to be better than sitting on your butt all day, and I dont know about you, but the last I checked, those that run convenience stores and man the cash registers at grocery stores, super markets, K’s etc aren’t exactly any fitter than the average Joe or Jane.

Perhaps not a complete slob, but I wouldn’t say standing all day is the best thing you can for yourself.

Neither is “sitting with your back straight”.

TRUE and sure, it’s better than wanking around in the ole couch all day with a spine getting more curved – the wrong way – by the day.

But sitting all day, even in a straight backed chair isn’t anywhere near comparable to sitting the right way.

That being the patented SQUAT that I teach in Isometrics and Flexibility Training.

That being, MOVING around working in that position as I teach in Animal Kingdom Workouts.

Believe me, even me, when I first started (this was NOT when I was fat) … I found this damn hard to do for even a few seconds.

Now, I can damn near sit in that position and write books if I wanted to.

Drink tea (which I often do in that position).

Play cards.

Wash dishes (Yes, yes, I know. The bozo will have kittens upon hearing those two words).

and so forth.

and I’ve never, ever felt better and more energetic in my life , and my legs have never been in such super shape with such seemingly “little effort”.

Not to mention NO fat accumulation on the body despite very little for months as of late of what you’d consider “cardio”, even that done RIGHT.

Wanna find out these secrets?

The ones the old timers knew and used to build their PRODIGOUS levels of strength and fitness and keep the fat at bay permanently?

Well, get the two books above – and you will!

And I’m out.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And yes, when Rahul Mookerjee says something he means it. As Panourgias recently said, “he’s the real deal!” (and as others like Gautam from India have said too)

(The book on isometrics is, along with the Royce, his favorite).

PS #2 – If your kids are going stir crazy during lockdown invest in Kiddie Fitness NOW. And get them a couple of GOOD books to read too. Keep them as far away from the dratted dumbphone as possible.

(and yes, it will kick most adult’s asses too).

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