Why following up ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.
- Now thats another rant for the ages, hehe.

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??? WTAF.

A lovely fellow copywriter kindly recommended me to somebody who needed some writing done for one of his clients.

He emailed me and asked me for my rates.

I responded professionally, appropriately, in a timely fashion, as one does.


Sh*t happens. I get that. Life. It’s busy.

A few days later, I followed up with another polite, friendly email.


I got cross. So I sent another charming, friendly email, obviously. ?

Gosh, it’s great that you’re so busy, I said. I always think it’s nice to send a holding email if I’m too busy to deal properly with something, but don’t want to look UNPROFESSIONAL, I said. (I didn’t capitalise in my email, obvs.)

? Don’t ghost people. Treat people with courtesy. If I’m too expensive for you, that’s fine. It takes 30 seconds of your time to tell me so in an email. Dictate it. Spell my name wrong. It’s fine.

❗️Radio silence is the RUDE, CRAPPY option. ?

In 25+ years of teaching, I always treated kids with respect. And they returned the favour.

If kids can do it, why would I expect less from adults?

☠️ GAH.

Don’t go there.


So, just saw the followed on Winked-In … LOL. I won’t mention the names to protect the not so guilty . . . (she’s actually a cool person the person that posted that and anything but the virtue signaling sort).

But really, this bit of it rings true in terms of following up, and …

Ah, but for a change?

Let me just paste my response – with NO mods. And no explanation.

yeah I have that happen all the time with wackos that want “websites built”, but arent willing to fork out the (not so big) bucks I once upon a time I used to charge for it. Exactly – I quote – and then the usual “we’re busy” tripe or radio silence. Pretty much means they’re cheapskates, and pretty much why I got out of web dev int he first place unless I get paid damned well for the hassle, but hey, you know probably know this already. If I were you, I wouldn’t bother following up, hehe.

(That back when I did web development, which for the most part I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot long “pole” if you get my drift – NOW).

But you don’t want to look like a chaotic, disorganised person by NOT doing your follow-up

Yours truly – –

Well, personally I don’t think not following up is either chaotic or disorganized, hehe. If some jack (or Jill) ass whose clearly “price shopping” – you can feel these things . . . isnt getting back to you for that reason, you’re just feedin into their silly trap by replying and doing the professional thing by them when they clearly aren’t. Anyway, that is just me, hehe.

As for me personally I NEVER follow up with ANYBODY (business wise). I get called plenty of names though too, so take what youwill, hehe – I’d rather the latter.

And . . .

o-kaaaay. You gotta do YOU, your way, I guess! ??

Yours truly – last paste for this one –

true. lol. Plus I dont need it anyway, which is the real point. 😉 (I know, so not humble. lol).

I’m sure that’ll get me plenty of flames given the rants about the economy as of late and how “people are having it tough” and so forth.

(Of course, the same somehow never applied to me when I or anyone else thats actually done anything of note “had it tough”).

Some of us suck it up, move on – and never give in.

But really, following up . . .

I NEVER do it.

Maybe in rare cases, yes.

And maybe in some cases where I know the person may have genuinely forgotten, and also in THAT job where I made all them sales, but in all them cases, they were all DOERS, and I could tell.

There’s a difference between pandering to the Bozos who are price shoppers and talking to (not pandering to) DOERS.

Big, big difference.

And business wise, and life wise, that is how I run things.

If they dont get back to me, their loss is the way I look at it, and no, I ain’t gonna run after nobody “elbows on broken glass” etc to buy my products either.

You either do, or you dont – and either is fine by me . . .

And there endeth that “Blinked-in” thread. Hehe. Two already, so I best close the damn thing before I feel compelled to write more!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Some great and unapolegetically so products HERE.

PS #2 – I just gave YOU a huge secret to business secret above. It isn’t just not following up, though that is certainly part of it!

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