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So said Charles Mitchell, and y’all on the list know him already!
A great “ex man in blue” customer that has been with me for a long, long time now (indeed, it seems like “forever” when I First sent the email on sprints and heard back from him that afternoon in China! (though he had gotten my stuff even before that)) . . .
And we rapped about a LOT. Lot of things. Politics, life, what not.
For a change I’ll try to be less verbose. Lets see how it goes (not, hehe).
Anyway, he was saying he was sick of hearing of the Bozo for one.
And I dont blame him! I was getting sick of it myself, so I stopped writing about him.
Until a point, it was fine and WARRANTED, but now that Schofield’s disappeared back into whatever “crevice” he prefers, or hole, or cubbyhole or what not, “good riddiance to bad rubbish” is what I say.
YES, his brazen and UNWARRANTED attacks deserved a fightback that NO-ONE except me has given me as of yet.
But he’s backed down – so long as he stays quiet, we’ll “let him fester” , hehe, as I told Charles I believe.
Anyway, he then made the comment about “Anyone with half a brain can see the value in what I can do”, and how, well, let me just paste here.
Some of this is chopped – I’m including what is relevant (not the politics part etc.
Anyone with half a brain can see the value in what you produce. You have to ignore a lot of stupidity in this world or it will eat away at you.
That was a nice discount you recently offered, I only wish I could use it for my kindle as I have no more space in my small apartment for physical books. Very interested also in the 70% Gorilla 30% Human book, sounds great. Eventually I know I will get it. The problem with transferring an ebook to your kindle is that you cannot adjust the print for it on the kindle the same way you can for a book that has been formatted for kindle. I have your Battle Tank Shoulders book and the Pushups Central book on kindle and have no problem reading then at all. I will just save my pennies and get what I want on kindle even if I pay full price Lord knows your books are certainly worth it!
Now, why do I mention this part verbatim and not the other emails he sent me?
Well, for one, I wanted to affirm my support for Donald Trump again, hehe, something Charles agrees with.
For the record, I still think Joe Biden is a great guy personally, but I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again – he is in WAY over his head.
VP Kamala is the one I really cannot “fathom” for the life of me! A person that cannot seem to decide what ethnic background she is from for one – black when she wants black votes, And Indian when she wants those, and God knows what else!
Ugh. Can’t stand people like that. The most USELESS VP ever, personally I’d say.
But more than that, why do I mention it?
Well, first off, what he said about KINDLE.
Now, Kindle is something I haven’t quite done as of yet.
My publishers on the “other site” that I worked with WAY back in the day do it, so I’ve asked them how to convert my pdfs (currently, most of you get pdf’s via digital download after purchase, which works fine for MOST People, especially Dinos like me that read on the computer if at all, and abhor tablets and Kindles of any nature, and prefer paperbacks wherever at all possible – – but lots of you want Kindles too!) to Kindle format, since pdf in some regards apparently doesnt transfer over well to Kindle (in some regards).
that ain’t a deal breaker to me. Neither is to him, or any of the other DOERS.
Because for the most part the two are compatible (pdf and kindle).
But there are some small things, like not being to adjust fonts etc …
It’s one of things I gotta get sorted, and its on the bucket list of things to do.
So much to do, so little time!
But it’ll be worth it when I figure out HOW To do it. I know there’s softwares out there claiming to do it, but I’ve never done it before, and while that might sound strange coming from a former IT guy, its true.
So, we’ll see what my publishers (erstwhile) on the “other site” get back with. They’re great, great guys! (from the UK).
Now, the discount?
Well, ya’ll know why I pulled it!
But most of all, I am mentioning it for the book “Profound 70% GORILLA 30% human Handstands“, which hasn’t quite made it up the popularity charts as yet (at least not on THIS site) – but it will!
Here is what I told Charles about it –
Hi again Charles
(hopefully the rapid emails aren’t too “overwhelming”, hehe. I know I “talk a lot”!)
The book you’re referring to i.e. Profound Handstands is more variations on the handstand pushup that “look simple”, but when you do, they’re anything but. Man, those workouts – my shoulders (and remember, I do these all day long i.e. handstand pushups!) were so damned sore I could barely type the next day!
Thats another reason I’m doing the book on implements (that, and well, a lot of people want it) – Indian clubs for one are a great way not just to build strength, but also alleviate soreness etc in a way that is different to isometrics (which I’ve already put out a book on – and to be honest – THAT response stunned me – people loved it!) (I’m not saying I didnt think the book wasn’t useful, but that book literally took to people like a “duck to water”, hehe, and still is).
But anyway, that aside – yes, agreed. Sometimes and often times its best to ignore trolls and Bozos of any nature – but “beyond a certain point”, you just have to sometimes (as you know) put an END to their nonsense, or they’ll just keep going on and on. . .
(I know I promised to be less verbose. Hey, we’re already past 1040 words. LOL)
But anyway, thats something to note about “level 3 of handstands and handstand pushups” as I like to call that book – and isometrics too.
What looks simple is anything but when you actually do it, as Panourgias, another great customer from Greece recently told me!
You ask for review.well when you do them look easy but I need a lot of hard work to do any of them.the good think is that you describe them in a way that I understand and I am motivated the same time.the thinks that look simple is the most difficult and it is the trap where stupid’s fall and say that it is not worth it.you are a doer and that’s who doers need to teach them.i cant judge someone who is better in something but I can spot who to follow.
And there you go – straight from the horse’s mouth that!
So those of you uber serious about handstands etc, grab the course now (along with the one on isometrics).
Battletank shoudlers, and Pushup Central, well, I’ve already (and my customers too) waxed lyrical on that!
As Charles Mitchell said, they’re worth every penny!
And thats why he’s happy to pay full price for my books with NO regrets!
So it should be.
Lets see, what else. LEt me scroll up!
Ah, books.
Charles was the one that originally, I believe asked me for a book on isometrics and others did too.
A year later, it “came out”, or months later, whichever it was.
And he’s asked me for the following too.
A book on one armed training
A book on muscle ups.
And a book on ADVANCED plyometrics (well, thats what the name is that I’m going to call it!).
And the NEXT one on the list is most likely the book on training with implements which another great guy John from the UK has been asking me for quite a while now, so I best do it, hehe.
And other than that, I suppose two last things.
One, remember we’re down to TWO copies of the Collector’s Edition of Fast and Furious Fitness from 8.
Once these are gone, they’re GONE.
Yes, the book is what 0 Excuses Fitness was modeled upon, but it’s still different in many regards – get it and you’ll see!
The ORIGINAL edition, nothing beats that – truly a COllector’s item (which is why yours truly will be keepign the last copy for himself).
No, I wont do a reprint of that edition. So if you want in, jump on this NOW.
And the Kindle conversion thingy – if anyone has any ideas – shoot ’em in – let me know!
And Mr “Pithy” is out after almost 1500 words, heh.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Ah, but this has already gone on long enough!
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