Super duper SORE lower abs
- Another jack La Lanne special!

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My friend, my friend!

My LOWER abs – the trouble spot for most men (and women) – are SO sore today I cant begin to tell ya!

“DOMS” some may call it i.e. delayed muscle soreness.

I call it “HDTS” – heavy daily training soreness!

Now, thats nothing new for me you might say, so whats the fuss about?

The Battletank Shoulders guy complaining about sore abs?

The pushup “master” (whose still striving for mastery, and will continue to until he passes) – with sore lower abs?

Well, yes. Yes, my friend, the pull-up guru has ’em!

And while super tough workouts aren’t the reason, WHAT I did over the past few days is.

I’ve switched for whatever reason to focusing (again, which I do in short burts) HEAVILY on floor pushups as opposed to handstand pushups like I normally do.

And trust, while the latter is Gorilla stuff, the former ain’t nothing to sneeze at as it works the entire body like nothing else.

It works you to the BONE.


And I’ve been doing a lot of jumping rope too.

Pull-ups, yes, but I might as well not have done pull-ups the last couple of days, so sore am I!

And truth be told, if you’re on a program with th efirst two, you’ll be lucky to DO pull-ups once you’re done.

Anyway, lots of my workouts involve brutal combos.

But this one exercise that I did – is a pushup which is primarily a lower-mid back pushup – and a shoulder and LAT movement.

Not Hindus and reverse, though those are great.

This , my friend is a Jack La Lanne special the great man often did.

And it’s something I’ve modified a bit, and put in Pushup Central.

It’s something that will make your lower abs SO Sore that you’ll struggle to sit up in bed if you do it right.

Which depends upon your fitness level.

For most, even GETTING into the position is impossible.

If you can hold the position without quivering for more than 15 seconds, you’re already doing pretty good.

It makes the plank look like what it is – KIDDIE stuff.

And it makes ab rollers etc seem “pale” by comparison (though thats a piece of equipment that for a change I do endorse as did President Roosevelt, and if he endorsed it, you know it was good!) . . .

Check this out –

When most presidents take a beating, they do it in the headlines, not in a headlock. Teddy Roosevelt preferred the literal version.

During his political career, he voluntarily subjected himself to a staggering number of brutal sparring sessions with championship-caliber fighters. Boxers; wrestlers; martial artists — it didn’t matter to Roosevelt. If they’d be willing to punch him in the face or pin him to the ground, he’d take them on. He felt it was the only way he could maintain his “natural body prowess.”

While Roosevelt was governor of New York, he found out that the American middleweight wrestling champion was training in Albany. The instant he heard the news, he summoned the wrestler to the Governor’s Mansion. After a short conversation, the wrestler agreed to come over three or four afternoons a week to train him. Roosevelt, who was in his early 40s at the time (nearly double the age of the wrestler), looked forward to his training sessions so much that he eventually bought a wrestling mat for the workout room. While neither combatant had a problem with the wrestling mat, Roosevelt’s Comptroller did, and he refused to audit the bill for the mat, claiming that wrestling wasn’t “proper Gubernatorial amusement.”


Need more in terms of just how tough the past Prez was?

There’s a fine line between toughness and strength. TR walked on both sides. His willingness to engage in hand-to-hand combat has already been established, but is there a greater measure of toughness than how he acted after he was shot? Just before he was about to give a speech in Milwaukee, Roosevelt took a .32 caliber bullet to the chest at point blank range from a would-be assassin. Fortunately, he had some papers and a glasses case in his coat pocket to blunt the initial force of the impact, however, the bullet ended up lodged in the president’s chest. After a short delay, TR went on to deliver his speech — with the bullet still in his body. After a few words, perhaps our manliest president pulled the bloodstained script of his speech from his chest pocket and said, “You see, it takes more than one bullet to kill a Bull Moose.” He won over the crowd, and a solid 5 score for toughness, in the process.

Bull Moose indeed!

Maybe I should write a course on bull moose strength. Hehe. But anyway, this isn’t about Teddy. You can read more great stuff about him here – . . . but for now, remember.

Sore lower abs – and you know what that means, my friend.

You kno wwhat that means!

Fat burning and weight loss – at warp speeds – and if you’re telling me thats not something you want – well, you’re lying my friend. Hehe.

Here is where you can learn ALL about this special style of pushup I talk about – Pushup Central.

And here is Corrugated Core , another MUST have course in that regard.

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – From Roosevelt’s autobiography …

autobiography: “Having been a sickly boy, with no natural bodily prowess … I was at first quite unable to hold my own when thrown into contact with other boys of rougher antecedents. I was nervous and timid.”

And here’s how he describes the first real beating he took: “Having an attack of asthma, I was sent off by myself to Moosehead Lake. On the stage-coach ride … I encountered a couple of other boys who were about my own age … They found that I was a foreordained and predestined victim, and industriously proceeded to make life miserable for me. The worst feature was that when I finally tried to fight them I discovered that either singly could not only handle me with easy contempt, but handle me so as not to hurt me and yet to prevent my doing any damage whatever in return.”

There’s more at the link above, but I Can relate. Oh boy, I can relate!

From one whose grip was SO weak that girls threw the ball further, lanky strong tennis players made it a point to “crush” the wrist (even when it was injured) – from one WHO never had good physical genetics and still doesnt, from one who was taunted from a young age “he thinks he’s so strong” and routinely got his ass beat when he was young …

.. to the fitness champ, a guy that can HELP you do the same!

Gorilla Grip.

And then some!

Truly, skyscrapers DO rise from the most humble of beginnings, if the seed of DESIRE planteth by YOU!

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