A bozo claimed I “want war”
- Nutjob Central!

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In response to a recent post on Pinked-Out about how the U.S. was sending B-52 bombers over Poland or something to remind the Russians and Chinese that no matter what, the BIG DOG when it enters the fight – has the potential to smash bullies left right and center like no-one else can.

And lots of people and I wrote about this a few days ago on the other site – have ignored the fact that the B52 bombers, despite being from the WWII era, despite not having fancy shmucko technology etc will be one of the GO-TO “planes” if all hell does indeed break loose more than it is right now.

Those B-52’s can “flatten” like NOTHING else can, my friend.

Nothing else.

In terms of sheer punching power, BRUTE force – there is nothing that compares.

No, not even the idiotic and untested glitzy planes the Chinese have developed that apparently the pilot doesnt even need to fly the plane, but can “focus on fighting”.

I’d rather a pilot with real skill – such as in the RAF – or the IAF – as opposed to Bozos plugging away at computers in the sky!

First thing you know, technology is only reliable and works until it does, and when it doesn’t all hell breaks loose.

Heres the rant I got –

congratulations on your stupid comment! Maybe you would be happy when WW3 breaks out and the majority of the world is dead or shortly will be.

Here’s my response –

This is what I call a comment from Nutjob Central and the pot calling the kettle black. Before you claim “others want war” and “will be happy when war breaks out”, maybe you should take a look at the glass house that is China that is provoking and has been doing all they can to make sure actual war erupts (not to mention the plague i.e. bio warfare they spread which is mass killing in itself)….

As for what I said, it’s not a “stupid” comment. The bullies need to be shown their rightful place, else they’ll continue to run riot. In this case Russia obviously.

Enough said…

Anyway, on that front, technology.

A few people have said that the “review” link that I keep asking you post reviews via (in the email you get with your purchase) sometimes doesnt work or what not.

Well, I’m not sure – but it should work fine!

You should login to the site – then simply click that link, and it should take you to a simple form or what not where you can submit the review, star rating or what not.

If not, let me know – we’ll look at it!

Now, onto other things – one being “why people want to reinvent the wheel”, and two being prepared for war – yourself.

Both stuff I’ve covered in the past, so I won’t go on and on about it here, but yesterday I wrote some nutter on Joo Tube wanting to do Hindu pushups the dive bomber style, and while I wrote about that yesterday I gotta say this.

Why people want to reinvent and put their own spin on something (and then pass it off as the original and “right way”) that others have been doing for CENTURIES – and that works better than the so called modern gizmo driven rot and rubbish and nonsense is BEYOND me.

except, perhaps WASTING time and doing precious else (workouts? Forget about it! Most of these guys are keyboard workout warriors if anything).

I mean, Jesus.

The Hindu pushup is done the way it is for a reason and has been for centuries.

Sure, you can add “twists” to it to “make it better”.

Thats the point of pushup Central, to do exactly that in a way NO-ONE else ever has before.

(truly no other course like Pushup Central out there)

But you don’t mangle and butcher the original while doing so, my friend.

The original, as I’ve said is the original and nothing beats it, not “Tiger Shroff” playing Rambo (ugh! I signed the petition against this, not because I have anything against the Tiger, no, I don’t – he’s great – but Stallone is Stallone – a living legend – nothing and no-one replaces him!) (and really, Rambo being played by someone other than Stallone? Think about it! Or Rocky!) … and not Hindus being done “dive bomber” style.

Nothing against diving and bombing either.

Do all you like, my friend, and if youre Brummie Blowfield (Glyn – y’all know him) dive where the sun dont shine all day long – but please do NOT say the Hindu pushup needs to be done the dive bomber way.

To give you another example of just how stupid Glyn is, a recent comment from him was “Taiwan is of course China! China should reunify by force if necessary!”

Of course, given his current “druggie” income is coming from welfare and what he manages to mooch off fat Chinese women (the over 60 sort) … I get it.

Nothing beats appearances eh.

But still what an effling LUNATIC. Truly, Charles, you were right – known lunatic!

And of course, being prepared for WAR?

First thing you know, you need a corrugated core for that.

second, you need BRUTE strength and conditioning that does NOT quit.

Training that you can feel in your BONES – for days later!

There is a reason Special Forces over the GLOBE do pushups as a mainstay of their routine.

Not handstand pushups, not pull-ups, not sneak-ups, not wacko Jim Shim or what not.

Pushups, my friend, get them into the ass kick shape they are in and stay in years AFTER their service too …

And you can recognize the look.

Case in point, Brigadier …well, I’ll leave the name out, but in 2018 I wrote about a 70 year old man that don’t look a day over 40.

Those massive arms …

He’s not a pullup champ.

Pushups, maybe not these days.

But the training effect remains!

Believe me, my friend, pushups will make a MONSTER out of you.

They’ll burn fat and give you the ripped abs you so want.

They’ll give you a midsection of steel, forearms of rebar, fingers like pylons, traps like Gorilla’s and ….well, you get the picture.

There’s a reason old timers love the pushup and it’s variants – the FLOOR pushup.

Get on the train here.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS –  I was going to wax lyrical there, but I stopped, or I’ll go on all day . Golly!

On an interesting and somewhat lighter note –

A lady Melanie on social media complained about customer service she didnt know from Adam callin gher up as “Hey Mel!


Now, her name’s Melanie. I suppose you could shorten it.

But I replied with…

“Yeah, overfamiliarity! I don’t particularly like the “Sir” rubbish I’m subjected to a lot, but … yeah. I wouldn’t want them calling me “what up bro!” or some such thing!”

The things people get up to.

I wonder if she’s in Birmingham. Wouldn’t put it past salivating Bozo to dial her up, LOL.

Anyway …

Animal Kingdom Workouts is another course y’all MUST get for that “animal like strength and conditioining” do so now.

I’ve gone on for long enough – so back soon!

(and before I forget – mea culpa Melanie. I was guilty of calling her Mel too. Hehe. Thankfully she didnt whack me!)

(she’s a great “gal” actually)

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