Why I consider solid hard workouts to be the best COVID vaccine EVER.
- Because ...!

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We’ve gone on a lot about the following – panic conditioning – sheeple conditioning – China requiring their people and foreign devils in the country too apparently to get “anally swabbed” or what not – about how people everywhere else are glibly buying into this highly moronic panicdemic spread by the See Xi Pee …

We’ve read – and we should KNOW (I mean a lot of these people coming to me telling me “You’re educated! How can you not get the vaccine!” – I mean, these Bozos with all their fancy education seem to want to stick their heads in the sand on a) people that get vaccinated still get the plague and B) those vaccines haven’t even been properly tested as opposed to “rushed out”!) .

Speaking of education.

The Rum Dum from Brum claims he goes to Oxford, and we know how educated she is.

And of course, in India, their top institution IIT Kharagpur, supposedly world renowned has been rocked by a case of … a fat, Nazi feminist professor literally abusing students because they were “from a different caste”.

In an online class no less. If it was not online, likely this story would never have come out because it wouldn’t have been recorded.

True, the superficial reason given was they didnt stand for the National Anthem. But she wouldn’t have used those flaming cuss words the way she did if they were “of a different caste” if you get my drift.

Some problems never go away in India, and casteism and religious divides are the prime reason, or ONE prime reason why the country is still saddled with all the annoying problems it has.

Claude Bristol said it best in the Magic of Believing, and it applies to nations too.

As we think, so we are.

And the people of India as a whole really need to get past caste, color, creed, religion …

Not to mention this person was a BULLY.

I mean, attacking students who have (in India) NO rights, no means to fightback as opposed to in the US etc where you can at least make the sham of “goin gto the Dean”.

India, nothing doing. I remember going for an “interview” for some silly MBA thing I was considering doing at that point, and the Math professor took one look at my long hair, eyed me up and down and said the following.

“Dont think you’ll have it easy here! One times your phone rings, and you’re OUT of my class!”

He was trying to quash the rebel in me before it even rebelled.

More importantly, he was pissed that the non conformist who “thinks he’s so good” showed up for his precious little silly interview.

I HATE that idiot.

I’d rather a professor like Dr Kolibal who talks to you like an equal!

Yes, the good Doc told me that I needed to get off my duff and stop taking Mickey Mouse classes.

YES, he urged me to get my ass in high gear.

But there is a WAY to do it, and a way NOT to.

Anyway, that bit is all over the sh-news … along with the nonsense about the plague and what not.

And the latest on that?

Apparently immunity only lasts for eight months.

Golly Whiz Bang!

So then what, we line up the rest of our lives to be controlled by governments that want to shove this inanity down my throats?

Or up our nether regions if it’s China?

https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/diagnostics/covid-antibodies-to-last-for-8-months-after-vax-aiims-director/80879001   – Source.

Just also read that despite the UK claiming “all restrictions gone by June” or what not, they’re already silently hiring “COVID Marshal” to patrol the streets.

Restrictions gone my rear end.

Anyway, judging by reactions on social shedia etc, more and more people are starting to wake up to the truth which is good – long overdue!

As for me, I’ve said it before.

Lots of my customers have.

Our immune system eat Covid, Show-vid, Fo-vid for breakfast, and the proof in the pudding.

NOTHING, my friend, boosts your immune system like workouts done out “quick and dirty:” and intense like I teach you.


Not to mention the sheer feeling of feeling on top of the world, attracting what you want, and the people you want into your life on auto pilot as opposed to shennanigans about Chinese plagues, bad economy and what not rubbish designed to control the sheep right till the slaughter.

Silence of the Lambs, indeed …

Anyway, thats that for now.

To get on programs like that – The Rolls Royce of Fitness is what I’d recommend starting out with for 15 minutes a day if you can handle that much.

Most can’t when they start, even experienced trainees.

And then my other products, of course.

Ge ton the train – now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS : And remember, the “collector’s edition of Fast and Furious Fitness” – we’re down to the LAST TWO copies!

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