Excuses, excuses …
- Cut 'em out!

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I’m always surprised, mind boggled, and astounded as to the number of excuses people make for being lazy and not succeeding at what they so called “want to succeed at” (if they’ve even thought of life beyond the next bottle) and making excuses/looking for “crutches” to explain away their lack of success (or make excuses about “he’s so lucky, so he got to where he is! luck, luck, luck!”

And it ain’t just one person, or two – it’s the majority of folks out there.

I will never ever forget a conversation over dinner one night with a former friend of mine who claimed the following.

“White men have it best in China, then brown, then black!”

I told him that while this might be true for the sheeple, to use that as a crutch was just PATHETIC. FLAT OUT PATHETIC!

“No-one’s saying you’re using it as a crutch!” he replied.

Curiously enough, this same person when quizzed about the inherent bias the Chinese have about people of a certain skin tone being qualified to be dancing monkeys whether or not they can dance (think Russians doing the job for one) … he was ambivalent and even supportive of the Chinese.

According to him English can only be spoken by a “certain group of people” if you get my drift.

Then you have Bozo Brofield who complained up a storm about the Pakistanis getting the jobs he didnt, God knows why (he was probably busy with his nose stuck you know where) and then making fun of their accents late at night in WeShat groups while getting trashed in his roach infested apartment.

If people in general would do something better than look for excuses – the world would be a much better place!

Perhaps thats why I named my fitness system what I did – 0 Excuses Fitness!

It truly leaves you with NO excuses, no crutches …

No, Charles, you didnt get a “10 year visa to China” because “they gave it to you”. you got it because you were born in a certain country.

No-one can control where they were born etc … and to use that as an excuse for NOT succeeding, or an excuse to say “he only got there becaus ehe had more chances than me!” – is just weak, pathetic, and DUMB – and STUPID to a T.

I find it all the more astounding given when I really wanted to (not a lot at all ,to be honest) I earned far more in these same stupid vocations (if you can call’em that) than these same people that Tom Tommed race, skin color etc as being the sole criteria for “success”.

I mean, get real.

Henry Ford didnt succeed “just because he was born in the US”. I’m pretty sure that even if he were to born in Ethiopia for one, he’d have succeeded!

Carnegie and Rockefeller would probably have accumulated their fortunes regardless anywhere in the world. Ultimately when we cut past the horseshit, its about how you use your mind to get past whatever so called obstacles are stopping you from getting to where you are.

It’s all in the mind, friend.

And I’m sure Napoleon Hill would have written the books he did regardless of his nationality.

Thats why I laugh at people that tell me “you succeeded because you’re lucky!

Or, you make sales “because you can speak English like they do!

Or “you got lucky to go to China” (the most astounding of all – my job sent me there of all things – luck???? No-one even wanted me to take that job!).

And so forth.

Fitness wise, same damned thing applies.

I’m sure Charles the guy who complains about pull-up being difficult and my advice not helping or some bullshit could have cut past the excuses, and done the thing.

If he had, and followed my advice instead of ranting about it – he’d be a stud at pull-ups, not a dud that can’t hold on the bar for any length of time.

If he’d spent half the time he does about telling me “I dont know how you do it in that heat and humidity” – and DO what I do – hed get in better shape too!

And so forth.

And he, Bozo Schofield, Keith James, or any of the wankers and wacks out there would be well pressed to follow my advice instead of complaining “your fitness tips aren’t particularly … I forget the term he used? Mind blowing, or something!”

Be a doer, friend. Not a whiner, moaner, pisser, groaner, wanker and complainer.

Look for ways to SOLVE a problem, not make excuses at every step of the way, and you’ll likely do far better than you are now.

My advice, take it or leave it.

Anyway, we’re down to the last two copies of Fast and Furious Fitness, and if I keep the last one for myself which I may, its ONE copy remaining.

If you want in, get this now.

And I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

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