Why Korean Soap operas will turn your brain into mush and Gollum
- And ...

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And if you’ve got any T-rone at all in your body (And all real men should) – it’ll drastically make said levels DROP.

Big time.

If there ever was Nazi feminist paradise, my friend it is soap operas of any nature, shape or form – and starting from the Bold and the Beautiful to all the Oprah like copies globally, they’re all equally cringeworthy.

I just pick on the Korean Soap operas more because… well, they’re EVEN more annoying.

There is a reason women from all over the globe (or at least in East Asia) show up in Korea to get boob jobs, face tucks, lip tucks, chin jobs or what not …

And the country I have to say is home to some of the most effeminate and sissified cuckolded men out there.

Want proof?

I’ll GIVE you proof in a future email – basically a guy from there that a Chinese rental agent snagged – that kept sending his girl money for vacations, holidays etc – and every time he asked her “why the entire amount wasn’t there” (when they got together) she’d yell back at him furiously.

“I sent it to my parents!”

As if dude was responsible for that.

And as if chick had earned the money, or had any right to do that …

Dude took it, though. (though from what he told me after she made HIM do all the formalities for a certain apartment I got – late until 11 PM at night no less – and it was HER job – even he was getting sick of it, but he still put up with it) …

And Korean soap operas are just worse in that regard. Don’t believe me?

Just look at the men int hem, for one.

If you’re wondering what the Rum Dum in Brum looks like, it’s like a fatter lardier “toothier” version of some of those idiots that they say are “hot” (some girls do at least – most with sense prefer real men).

Not effeminate idiots prancing around in tight pants, holding hands with other men, holding women’s handbags because “we lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve you” and stinking of nasty jasmine perfume and so forth …

(its great on girls, but guys? UGH!)

And the Bozo loves it.

Anyway, he’s sending me the following right about now.

“Rahul needs a new nose job!”

“Skin tone like a turd!”

And so forth.

And he then claims he isn’t racist, hehe.

But I could care less what he says – my point is the soap operas.

(And also, I’ll say what Ole Mickey told Rocky about his nose.

The only thing special about your nose is you ain’t got it busted. Leave it there, nice and pretty where it is!


The Bozo, of course, did get his busted and ended up in a charity hospital or something. As Charles rightly said, someone probably done got tired of his nonsense.

Anyway, back to soaps…

And, as if to “agree” with me, here is what a great customer of mine said about ’em.

Korean soap opera, shoot and I thought we had it bad with the Aussie crud that they send over to us in a never ending stream of shit.

It is marvellous how women can scream at you and think nothing of it because after all you never listen so they’re justified (in their mind) but you scream at them and you’re a bully and subjecting them to mental cruelty, give me strength.

Enough about women, they’re just wind-up merchants who like nothing better than setting you off and leaving you to fume all day.

This guy, I gotta admit is more eloquent than me at times, and says it like it never was!

SO damned true!

And anyway, moral of the story on this one is simple.

Avoid dumbphones and the idiot box like the plague from China – and avoid soap operas of ALL natures like the Rum Dum from Brofield with the plague x 10.


Anyway, enough on that.

My products are gritty, admittedly so.

Barebones training, barebones budget!

And if there was one decidely NON soap opera like quality they have (including me as well)?

Well, here is PART of the latest review for Fast and Furious Fitness

If you’re looking for a minimalist approach to getting strong and supple you cannot do better than this book. Get the book, put it to use and it will turn you into a Leopard, why a Leopard? Because a Leopard is the perfect balance between suppleness and strength. The book delivers on many fronts but it is it’s no nonsense “spartan attitude” that makes it stand out from the crowd …

I’ve posted the entire review before, so won’t do so again here, but for purposes of clarity, its posted on the site – and the sales page for the book.

And we only have TWO copies left, so if you want yours, get it now, because these won’t be reprinted. Once they’re gone, they are well and truly GONE.

Anyway, to close off, an interesting insight –

Not all is bad with them Korean gals, hehe. Some of them can drink men under the table!

I’ve never once had a guy that coul ddo that, but I must admit – Ann Lee would pound beers like nobody’s business (I think she had part Korean blood or something – not sure – but there was a connection of some sorts from what she told me) . . .

As Charles said,

“Why would you want to leave her? Damn, a gal that pounds beer after beer with ya!”


That, my friend, is a tale for another time from this bad boy.


I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – But really, this bears significance because rather than avoiding the inanity on TV Shee-Vee, people are diving deeper into the idiotic manufactured news, wacko like “cry baby” soap operas, and so forth. Why not use the time for something productive, my friend.

MAKE something of your life.

DO something with your fitness. NOW!

You’ve got all the time in the world, methinks!

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