Why manipulating emotions is a trick ALL GREAT MARKETERS use – bar none!
- Either naturally or not ...

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And it doesnt’ necessarily happen the way you think, friend.

Sometimes, folks use the “feel sorry for me” emotion so often and so much, that the other person just relents.

They do it naturally ins ome cases, in some cases, they “learn”.

MOST scammers for one – at least the predatory types like Bozo Schofield use do this naturally.

They make the other person, lonely or not feel so sorry for them that they’d do anything to “help” ’em … and of course, once the money goes, away flies the Bozo.

Hey, I know.

Even yours truly “seasoned” tried helping the Bozo, of course, I stopped short of financial or anything like that, and called him out ALL THE TIME on his B.S. including when he smeared other people in the WeChat group I owned …

But I did try and help him, even me!

Which of course, I dont know, I’m a nice guy, I’ll try and help folks naturally, it’s what I do – like Mandy said –

“You can help people, both physically and mentally”



Bozo wasn’t.

Anyway, I remember my Uncle and Aunt once discussing Rambo II with me when I was in college.

Hehe, in 1997 I think …

First, Rambo I.

You end up feeling sorry for him!” my Uncle said about that movie.


The entire movie is built on the premise of making people feel sorry for Stallone -much like happened with Rocky, except that happened in a more natural manner, but First Blood Part ONe, was pretty natural too!

IN Two, of course, he turns into a stud.

I know, Mandy.

How dare I objectify Stallone by calling him a stud, eh.

Or, is it no goose and gander ie. All OK for men, but not for women? All OK when women say something, but men say the same thing, not ok?

I dont think so!!

Anyway, my Aunt responded with a censorious look …

(she was actually gorgeous. Hehe, but the look … )

“he had to apologize to many people!”

(Stallone racking up the body count in Rambo II).

Maybe he did.

But point is (and my Aunt also gav eme a long lecture about how I shouldn’t be all alone “out here” at the age of 17, and how if she had kids (which I think she does, wel, she DOES, two) she would “never send them” anywhere at that age … hey, what can I say, Ma’am – or Auntie, in this case. I’m a pathblazer! TRAILBLAZER!)

I’ve always been that. Hehe. Plus, there were other factors at work, but bottom line – well, there were others I won’t get into here, but I wanted FREEDOM – as I always do and did and will!




Its so worth it!

Point being emotions.

Trump does this so well all the time.


He simply plays on similar emotions “naturally”. Thats who he is!

Anger, rage, frustration, Trumps a master at manipulating those too!

But yeah, if you’re dealing with scammers like Bozo, yes, the first thing you’ll see they do?

They try and make you feel sorry for them.


And since they’re so damned lazy, like the Gigolo in one of James Hadley Chase’s books I so loved “Helga Rolfe the Nympho” (I didnt say that, Chase did, and she was upfront about it too!) … they amount to nothing in life.

“I looked at the gigolo, and suddenly felt nothing but CONTEMPT for him”, thought Archer. “What I’d have given to be in his position!”

(this was when gigolo did the only thing he could do i.e. make billionarie lady Helga feel sorry for him, do a damn fine job in bed, his only area of expertise – – unfortunately for Glyn, he ain’t even got that going for him – all he does in bed is “tongue up ass” … and Helga offered him a partnership in her million dollar enterprise!)

Sometimes, I feel the same way about Boozo.

Fuck, all the opportunies he’s got on a platter HANDED to him, right from Mommy’s American Express Credit card whenever he needed it.

If I had all that, I’d be a bazillionarie by now!

Come to think of it, I prefer being in the trenches and LEARNING. Hehe.

And then getting to whereever I want to be.


Anyway, thats the emotion part out of the way.

“you sell all the time”, like a Bozo recently claimed.


I didnt even put too many links in all that!

But I’m brutal – in your face – and I market all th etime, yes.

But I do it in a way that slips past the radar, and it doesn’t fit any sort of conventional playbook on HOW to.

Read the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales, you’ll know!

Be yourself, folks!

Thats really what it boils down to … and BE HONEST!

And as for you, the reader reading this – write back – let me know what YOU Think!

I’m out – back soon!

(as for you, Mandy, remember, Glyn Bozo gave you my email so you could “forget” about what Bozo did to you).


Unless, of course, you want to be fleeced again by the Bozo or others (mark my words, THAT is why- another reason – he sent YOU – MY EMAIL! -so you could “forget”, then “forgive”, give him dough again, and then of course- vicious cycle), thats your choice. I know if I were you, I’d be applying for coaching right about now, I’d be saying THANK YOU, RAHUL, not this “whiny inanity” you’re sending, but hey ..


Rahul Mookerjee

PS. – Today is the LAST day for the pre-order for Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness. IF enough people want me to extend it, I will, otherwise, it’s gONE NOW. (today).

And remember, write back and tell me if you want any other implements in that book other than whats mentioned, since we’re nearing COMPLETION!


Like the last one was… (is)…

PS #2 – Folks, stop feeling “offended” for inanity. The great doers of the world don’t feel offended. They take what they perceive as insult as FODDER to hammer the BOZOS with – and they succeed.

If every millionarie alive would spend time whining about their lonely hearts for one, they’d get NOWHERE.

Be a winner, not a loser!

And if you are, or want to learn HOW – well – pick up Gumption Galore now. Trust me, from Rahul Mookerjee in the trenches, along with zero to HERO! – you’ll LOVE IT!

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