Why I Cannot tolerate people that want a “look see”
- Ugh.

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“but I want to look first, can I”.

These words, once in a lifetime, a past life, I think “centuries ago”, hehe, made me pause and think.

“Should I give the benefit of the doubt to him or her”.

Often times, I did.

Guess what I got in return.

If you’d think ZILCH, you’d be right – sort of.

The AGGRAVATION COMPOUNDED I dealt with from these folks was beyond comparison. ALL freebie seekers and complainers, whiners, moaners, pissers and GROANERS BASICALLY.

Know what got me results?

“Rahul, I want to buy this, please send me a link and the amount, thank you”.


“Rahul, can I get a discount if I buy (insert whatever combo he wanted)?”

I’m paraphrasing, but the gist remains.

I’m not saying everyone that asks for a discount is a doer either, but usually, via the tone of their email – you can tell , my friend.

You can tell!

Now, the “can i see first” part.

First thing you know, this ain’t a bookstore, friend.

A long time ago, I’d enjoy going to Barnes and Nobles, if just for the “fresh smell of the books”. Hehe.

I dont know, I’ve always loved “smelling books”.

Guess it’s better than sniffing asses, hehe, which the Bozo so loves.

But the smell of a fresh book, the pages freshly minted – know the only thing better int hat regard?

The smell of crisp red 100 RMB notes or perhaps ole Ben as well, hehe, straight out of the ATM .. and lots of them!

Wads of cash hehe.

Which I never use, being I’m all digital, and being my phone is stuck in an infinite boot loop – yet again – UGH!

“Buy a new one”.

Laptop too.

“Buy a new one”.

I can just hear people saying that.

Dani did too! (but she’s smart tho – she understand what I’m about to say HERE)

First thing you know though, the laptop I want is “not in stock” and hasn’t been for ages, and being this one was bought in 2018 – the “fag” end, mid – Dec, to be precise, I dont think I’m going to spend more on a new and equally and more crappier one – given laptops should last at least 8-10 years.

My last two Toshibas – warhorses!!!

Beaten up, battered, yet, they worked.

Hence, I gave it away last year (my old laptop) as opposed to sell it.

Good stuff, someone can use it!

Same with phone. This damned phone was bought in Oct 2018.

Now, it’s just been like what, less than 3 years?

I dont change dumbphones as frequently as I do underwear – when I wear it.

TMI, point begets tho…

Ah, for the days of the trusty ole Nokia phones – the brick phones with the “snake” games that a certain Aa Chie put her picture on “NO OTHER GIRL WILL HAVE YOU!” – and that years later, my soon to be wife (all in the past now) chipped off with her fingernails painstakingly, inch by inch, until that tiny blue cover was new as it could be.

“you dont need this anymore!”

I think she asked me if I did, but the point was obvious. Hehe.

But really, the buy a new one brigade, I wonder how much they’ve bought themselves?

And on that note back to it.

(But really, I’m like Henry Ford in that I spend big time on things that matter, but I also ruthlessly dissect each purchase. Which, again is one reason I’m not so eager to hand money over to the damn laptop guys unless they give me what I REALLY want…) 

( but really, I shouldn’t have to do it in the first place. Them things should last. Pathetic!!)

So yeah, in Barnes and Noble you can flip through books and what not.

You might even, in the good ole days, sit down and get away with “reading half of a short book for free”.

But this ain’t the good ole days, and it ain’t Barnes and Noble, friend.

First thing you know, everything I offer is a NICHE product.

Second, and more importantly.

EVERY TIME I’ve leafed through a book and read more than a few pages, it could be at an airport bookstore or wherever, but every time I’ve done it?

I’ve bought the damn book, period.

Because I’m a DOER.

And I wouldn’t LEAF through the damn book in the first place if there wasn’t something that attracted me to it in the first place.

Ditto for these serial refunding Bozos and those that “want a look see”.

They want it, they just dont want to pay.

“His products are so expensive!”

“Every time he wants money!”

“I’ve paid him so much before!”

All these moronic responses are what the Bozos think before spending more at the nearest bar, and hey.

(it’s INANE! I mean, do you go to the bar the next night and say “i spent $150 on drinks the night before, can I get this night “on the town” for free”?


I didnt think so. Even Bozo Schofield wouldn’t!

Then why apply the same inane logic to books and try and CHEAT PEOPLE??? Boggles the mind, I just think “A-hole” when I see someone like that!)

If thats worth it to you, so be it…

But, point is this.

EVERY time someone wants a look see on Amazon, it’s someone trying to game the system. 

True, Amazon has cracked down on this.

But not to the extent they should.

But, it’s also true that the majority of customers are like me i.e. they look, and buy, and it’s one way to spot idiots from a mile off… So, they let it be.

Much like they let the Bozo post his inane stuff on there.

These days though from what Dani told me, they’re making it tougher. She tried posting a review for a book she translated, they didnt let her for some reason.

So maybe they’re changing, but the serial refunding hasn’t stopped.

it’s just gone UP.

And, so have sales.


So if the serial refunding wackos want to continue on in their own merry way – do so.

I’ll continue on MINE.

And make more sales. Hehe. Trust me, it’s funny how that works. One guy returns it, two others BUY – and love it!

I mean, yeah, sometimes, there are genuine reasons, but most of the time it’s BS and cheapskates doing it, period.

So again, if you want it, just fuckin GET IT!

No “can I see first”.

And especially with niche stuff like mine, where most people follow me first, read what I have to say, sign up for the email list, read for months, and THEN and only THEN buy…

You’re already convinced, friend.

The only question is, can you NOT be a cheapskate and look for freebies all the time. Hehe.

So those are MY thoughts on that.

As with the reviews thing, I might have missed some things.

If I did?

Write back – let me know!

“Be Bothered”. 

Or , “Be arsed” to get back. Hehe. 

And thats that. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS- Ooh, almost forgot to pimp the last two copies of Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Edition, which I guarantee wont last longer beyond this week, trust me, I know how all this works, hehe.

Bottom line friend – If you want in – get it NOW.

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