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It is strength that makes all other metrics possible, strength equals survival, nothing can survive without it.
Nature has the answer to the lack of strength to survive, it’s called extinction and human beings are still subject to the laws of nature in spite of all their technology and looking at the world today it could be argued that human extinction has already begun.
I’m quoting the interesting part of his email first i.e. interesting w.r.t the title of this email!
Or, the subject of the email, and the title of the post. Hehe.
There was more – and it was in response to THIS email I sent out recently . . . (sent out again, I should say, as it’s more than two years old is the initial draft!).
We’ll get to training shortly, but thats an interesting point he made!
Survival of the fittest – something I KEEP talking about or indirectly referring to in ALL my emails (for those who care enough to notice, and a lot of you do, which is great!).
Mental strength and physical strength both build upon each other and add compound interest to the “will to survive” which I’d argue would be weak and incomplete without the first two.
And needless to say, in the JUNGLE – in Nature, you either have it or you dont, and humans in general have completely lost it in general – especially over the past 20 years or thereabouts.
As for what he says about extinction, remember the four cycles I was referring to yesterday, and me telling the daughter about how we’re well and truly into the fourth and final (before rebirth) cycle?
Anyway – other than this there isn’t much in this communication you guys dont already know – but it never hurts to repeat the basics. Here goes!
(And thanks for writing in John!)
Whilst the below list is relevant it is limited, you have not included the number one reason people either struggle to do many pull-ups or fail to complete any, is because they “weigh way too much” their strength to weight ratio is out of whack.
I put it to you that no amount of supplementary push-ups will negate that fact.
People who train to “look good naked” need to realise that mass in and of itself does not guarantee strength, in my experience there is too much emphasis on building size for size’s sake, train for strength, keep your diet in check and leave the aesthetics to the pretty boys who don’t know any better.
It is strength that makes all other metrics possible, strength equals survival, nothing can survive without it.
Nature has the answer to the lack of strength to survive, it’s called extinction and human beings are still subject to the laws of nature in spite of all their technology and looking at the world today it could be argued that human extinction has already begun.
Take care my friend
Yours truly –
Hi John,
Thanks for the email on this one! Yeah, I agree – limited indeed, but I’ve written SO much about the main reason people cannot do pull-ups i.e. excess FLAB around the midsection and the fact that “big” does not mean “fat”, and “fat” certainly doesnt equate to “big” either that I figured I’d share a few other reasons, but you’re damn right in what you did NOT say, hehe – that the reason just mentioned “cannot be shared enough”. Hehe.
Strength to weight ratio is a great way to put it as well, but some may argue “we measure strength differently” (i.e some guy may be fat and still be able to do some sort of heavy one time lift). . . of course, that is akin to fat people saying we aren’t fat, we are “big” – so that doesnt hold any water in the world of LOGIC (and real training incorporates plenty of that!).
And you know my thoughts already on the pretty boys puffing and buffing in the gym, hehe – as well as the bodybuilders with muscles increasingly more bloated and massive, and a pecker equally “tinier” by the day (ok, I know, I shouldnt be saying that, but I couldnt resist, plus its true, hehe) that can’t really do much outside puffing and preening outside the gym (just ask some of their ilk to pick up a massive sofa and move it up a flight of stairs, and watch them collapse like flies even before starting – hell, I’ve heard of bodybuilders literally collapsing before the age of 25 simply to raise their arms up to hang a picture! Extreme example I know, but the guy on the “Shoulders like Boulders!” page https://0excusesfitness.com/shoulders-like-boulders that I mention (scroll down to the center I believe) was one of their ilk until … well, you’ll read why. Hehe. At least he learnt in time, a lot dont or refuse to even with the right knowledge at their fingertips “can’t lead a horse to water”).
I agree, you’re really seeing survival of the fittest play out now, and it’s just starting (although as I keep “prattling” on about the signs have been there for years, but people prefer to stick their heads in the sand as I believe I said in one of my communications today and ignore the bloody obvious) …
Now pushups do help improve your pull-ups in terms of strengthening a lot of the muscles needed to do ’em, but you’re right, no amount of pushups will remedy that issue of having too much fat around the midsection, or not DOING pull-ups regularly for that matter. Pushups do build strength (I dont need to tell you that, hehe) in the core and entire body (upper included) but if someone has too much fat around the ole waistline, chances are their pushup form will be pretty lousy too as will their rep counts etc, so it all goes together really.
Functional strength is what it’s all about, I think that is what you mean when you say “It is strength that makes all other metrics possible, strength equals survival, nothing can survive without it.” . . . (and in life, mental strength obviously too – though again – lots of overlap there, and rightfully so!).
And there it is, my friend.
There it is!
Rahul Mookerjee
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