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This afternoon, I had 10 minutes or so before picking up the daughter, 2 of which were supposed to be used to get ready, 2 of which were supposd to be used to do some pull-ups before leaving the house to face that BLAZING heat – my! Reminds me of those days I climbed the hill several times in that heat, not quite mentally that stressed then in some ways, but still – it was SOMETHING, doing that day in and day out, I remember how I’d be soaked, fatigued and more – much like I am getting my daughter chocolate and “hiding” it from an overly aggressive mother, and much like she cautiously inquires about and hopes about Mom’s “mood today” .
Ugh, I wish she’d stop giving a shit. Maybe she will when she grows up.
But shes right, when the wife is pissed, she yells even more, not that she doesn’t do a lot of that anyway – meaningless. And she gets even more pissed when she sees me taking pictures, videos etc (but for her to do it’s OK apparently? LOL the lunacy of Nazi feminism and how to combat it).
Anyway, so I’ve been wanting to pack the bookbags up and do some weighted pull-ups with them.
I’ve been thinking of getting my “girlfriend” to sit on my back while doing pushups too, and she’d gladly do it – in front of the S.O who wouldn’t say a thing. Hehe.
But as I did them easy peasy, two stories came to mind as I thought, and said “man, I’ve never done these” (starting at the age of 42 plus!).
One, the story of the gymnast who NEVER did weighted pull-ups, just regulars for years, then one day he was tested, and he did them with like literally 40 kgs on his back. LITERALLY.
Second, tons of tales I’ve heard of folks doing bodyweight alone for months, then they return to the gym to test themselves, and they can bench/pull more than ever before.
All true stories.
And lots of guys place emphasis on weighted pull-ups, is this bad, unncessary etc?
This pushup workout – I did mostly fingertip Jack La Lanne pushups, and tiger bend pushups – two of the toughest, along with archer pushups – for most folks to even think of doing correctly.
(on that note, a SPANKING – no pun Glyn – new product out is this one – Pushup Central – TIPS! You’ll want to check it out now – especially if you think “its a newsletter, and not a book”. Ugh).
((but really, check it out now, currently being narrated on Audible too, the guy doing it cannot stop praising it and why? Because it’s got the same personal vibe everything I do, say and write does, including newsletters!)
Then, the tough(er) pullups.
And while I’ve no idea what I’ll do next, waiting for the “girlfriend” to show up- hehe – maybe its not a high rep day today, but boy that don’t mean I’m not getting in a workout!
And truth is this, higher reps (bodyweight) will do an equally good job of conditioning you for weighted pull-ups or pushups as doing them with weight will, except perhaps in a slightly different manner.
I’m living proof of this in terms of pushups, and pull-ups too. Remember, it was probably around 7 kgs extra weight, if I was going to school back in the day like 10 – I remember my bookbag being so stuffed even carrying it was a chore, my fourth grade teacher glaring at me because I took the whole period to take the right book out, then in college toting that damn thing all over campus before I figured out “studies” weren’t the ticket, as Bruce said “you’re here to get high and get laid”. LOL. Never been an issue there, eh)???? But I could probably knock ’em out in sets of 10, only prep being the bodyweight stuff I do …
And so it goes, my friend.
So it goes.
One of our most popular courses is Pull-ups from STUD to SUPER STUD WITHIN WEEKS!, and it will truly get you to stud level at pull-ups when done right.
Get this course NOW, my friend, lots of you are putting this purchase off, I don’t know why, if you know why other than if you’re a cheapskate who won’t spend one red cent on anything – then write back and tell me, we’ll do what we can to help out!
Back soon –
Rahul Mookerjee
PS #2 – in that order – its easy to add weight to bodyweight exercises, if you so choose, and amp the difficulty immediately. Thicker grips, bookbags, people on your back, I could go on and on, weight belts etc etc…
PS – Whats it with idiots (selling things) – you take their numbers for an emergency, then they start pestering you daily. Ugh!
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