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Hey, friend –
There’s several ways to make a damn point. Last night, I made several, youtube, site, email list – in a very different manner than Mr Man of Extreme Opposites and Mr Quick is making TODAY.
And the point here is quick and brief.
Lots of people question “why” an exercise is done a certain way – and why not other ways.
Most commonly you’ll hear those without shoulder flexibility complain about “pushup dont need to be done touching chest to ground”, and fat folks complaining about “we have different body types therefore we dont need to get our chin over the bar” and out of shape and obese folks complaining their ex or current can outrun them on hills because “they’re smaller” or some nonsense.
I’ve debunked this nonsensical excuse making logically so many times before that after yesterday, today, I made a vow not to waste any more time doing so – those interested in why’s from that angle can figure it out from my books, site writings, emails, videos etc.
Today, I’ll do it in a manner that …
… well, hark back to I think 2004, when the General and I were on the phone, each pretty drunk.
I kept asking WHY he wasn’t publicly as brutally honest as I am, he kept saying (he was and probably still is an expert at playing both sides) “because I have a daughter and it doesnt look good”.
Granted, what doesnt look good in China, he might have done things differently back in Cali, then again, he might not have.
I do it the same damn way everywhere regardless.
And my daughter does too.
And in the midst of all the why’s, I heard something that made me guffaw for ages, and still does.
When I remember how it was said, the context etc.
“WHY does a dog lick it’s balls, Rahul!”
It was said in such a goddamned exasperated manner … ???? (and he used that Southern accent which often shows up with people from certain parts of California)
And that sums up some of the feeling I have when I hear idiotic comments like the ones above, and those not mentioned here.
OK, back soon with a great video – in the DARK most likely – on how to manifest what all of y’all really “crave” – MONEEEEEEEEEEE!
It’ll involve a few products yes, but you’ll get great value from the video even if you dont buy a damn thing.
Stay tuned!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Them good ole days, them memories from the 90’s and early 2000’s. OH YES, they WILL RETURN will those times.
Edit – Maybe I’ll google for teh answer, I just did. I DID learn yesterday why cat ears “rotate” … Hehe.
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