Why I keep improving beyond BELIEF in each and every workout (and how you can too).
- YES!

It was only yesterday or so, it seems like, that I read one of PG Wodehouse’s Bertie Wooster novels.

This morning, I woke up cackling for no reason apparently, and Bertie literally kicking young Edwin’s ass who went flying through a window, then being thanked by his elder sister who he had hoped to piss off, then Uncle Percy, the Garderer with a pitchfork touching the seat of Wooster’s friends pants and an angry looking dog as they escorted the friend (who had been hiding in the grass and Uncle Percie stepped on his squishy derrerie) …. and then of course, Uncle Percie the lifelong enemy inviting Bertie of all peopl eto have a drink and smoke in his study (“he shoved what looked like a torpedo in my mouth).

For reference, Bertie and Uncle Percie never got along.

The latter once chased him five miles or so across difficult country when the former had his first cigar at the age of 9, gotten from of course, Uncle’s study.

Uncle J, Uncle Tom, Uncle Percie. All make for great stories!

The first was made by me. Hehe.

But PG Wodehouse was a literary genuis, my friend. His brand of slapstick humor might not appeal to all, but I LOVE Wodehouse – there truly is not and will never be one like him, and even if you dont like comedy, he gives you a MASTERCLASS in copywriting, the way he uses words and the way the words “speak in pictures to you” – the way we THINK – hence the cackles!

I’ve often been told the same thing about my writing too – that it hits home, and thats part of the reason it does that.

Anyway, I started this email with a completely different theme in mind …

And improving in each workout?

It was only yesterday, or so, maybe two days ago I wrote about how the Fat Gripz kicked my BOOTUS from here to you know where.

(PS – If you’re Glyn Schofield from Brum reading this, yes, we know booties and torpedos in mouths turn you on, but Wodehouse was decidely PG rated and then some).

(so please, no idiotic comments)

And today?

I’m doing sets of five pull-ups with then.

My forearms feel swollen, look bigger – so do my traps, chest, and everything else upper body.

From the pull-up manic, you’d think 5 is not a lot?

Well, it isn’t to me at all.

But doing them with THOSE gripz – oh my.

Next goal is Captain Crush grippers, or perhaps just crush a Coke can. Hehe.

Yes, that can be done!

You’d be amazed at the “wonders” the human body is capable of, but anyway, I know this too – YOU – the reader aren’t necessarily wanting or looking to enter the Guiness book of World Records in any of those regards.

You’re just happy getting in the best shape of your life with a pint or two of Guiness later, maybe.

Or whatever your poison is.

Part of the key, my friend, and one of the most important ones is this.

I do NOT train to absolute and beyond failure in every workout.

I hit a limit – then I stop.

Somedays, I brutalize myself.

But most of the time, no.

Even when I was doing Battletank Shoulders and all those 5-6 hours long daily and nightly climbs up the ole hill – and remember, these are some of the most BRUTAL workouts you can do especially in that weather, as I’ve mentioned in 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections … I wasn’t training that way.

You might be goggling at me right about now.

Like what, dude, what the hezey.

5 to 6 hour climbs daily aren’t brutal – especially with NO breaks, come rail, hail, sun, shine, or Bozos asking me how many girls added my WeShat (ugh).

But remember.

I’d been doing that for a while, and I didnt exactly get there in one day (the Rome analogy, and thus forth).

Thus, it became “extreme” for me, but not so extreme as to “kill me for days” as another customer put it (he was right!).

Right about now, I’m doing my favorite “mini workouts” throughout the day.

Before writing to you,5 pull-ups, after, another 5, some isometrics. …

All the pull-ups done with the thick gripz.

Most people woul dhave given up after the first try i.e. thats too hard! I’ll stick to regular!

I could have , too.

But I didnt.

Key is, dont be fazed by the goal.

Incremental progress, and not killing yourself every time is what it’s about.

Adopt this technique not just fitness wise.



Even relationships.

You’ll be amazed at your results – effortless often – if you do!

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why I write about what I do.
- Coz I CAN.

As Glenn from Australia once famously told me, hehe.

It was bout me guzzling a beer too many.

“Cos you can, bro! Cos you can!”

He was right. Hehe.

But anyway, I’ll never forget the word of caution I got from a (current) friend last year.

He was shocked to read some of my emails on China.

“Dont say that”, he cautioned. “You’re just one man, and you can’t change anything!”

He then went on to say I should stick to fitness, and not bring politics up, and even if I did – hey – make sure not to offend the Chiiiiiiiineeeeeeeeeeeeeeez because “they have soooooooooooooo much money”.

Well, fake illusions aside (ever heard of “ghost towns in China” and “all that glitters aint gold”? If you have, thats exactly what CHina is. Take away the veneer of “development”, and youll be faced with the nigh filthy reality for what it is, perhaps a step up from the subcontinent as Uncle Bob said, but not by a lot- despite what Harold the Tom Tom said about “China progressed way way more than India” – they really haven’t, not in all areas.

I could list 10 right now.

(of course, that dont take away from India’s failings, numerous as well)).

But anyway, fake illusions aside, money?

I’d rather freedom.

Freedom to say and do what I like, as I like, where I like, when I like. That involves money to an extent, yes, but its about the mindset first and money later.

The money, my friend, is just energy and a tool.

You’l lnever attract it willy nilly if you have the wrong mindset about it, and no, this isn’t fancy shmancy Tony Robbins talk either – it’s true.

Attraction is how we attract – without conscious or “outer” effort.

I just said this so many times on a different podcast for a different biz ….

But anyway, until 2020 or so, I didnt say a word about politics except my support for Trump.

It was only when China took all our freedoms away collectively as a “globe” that I started to speak out – like Trump, Pompeo and other greats were (and are).

Gotta do it, friend.

I love certain things about China. But no, it ain’t about Tom Tomming as I’ve said before.

The so called China business experts living on their wives and girlfriends do it all the time while pretending all is well in so called paradise.

IT never is, anywhere in the world.

They’ll never admit that.

To them, it’s only about posting pro CCP and China trollish remarks that even the Chinese laugh at “look at the idiot lao wai promoting garbage”.

Truth – the Chinese as a people are brainwashed, yes, but not to the extent these days you’d think (at least not those that were present pre-Xi Jingping).

Things were actually getting sort of better to an extent.

Before, of course, as they said at the end of the Bourne Identity, it fell apart – as it always does!

Oh, baby. Oh, baby. Then it fell apart. Then it fell apart!

.. .like it always does!

Extreme ways, extreme workouts have indeed helped me every time. Hehe.

Dont know so much about dark places, I’ve been there though (not the “holes” a certain Glyn infests though if you get my drift).

But back to it.

Thats why I say what I do about China.

Its true.

So …

And as freedoms continue to be curtailed globally, as social media in general all attempts to make us buy into the Wu Flu panic – and mask-demic – and panic-demic – panixines – and CHina’s other official line designed to take ALL our remaning freedoms away – hey.

We all, unless you want our kids to grow up speaking Mandarin and nothing else have that responsibility to say it like it is. Precious few Do though.

I always have, and WILL always do.

My friend then cautioned me about “what if” .

Well, what if the CCP finds out?

Well, they probably already know – for a while.

Except, I’m not submitting my passport to them through LinkedIn.

No official release from me on that.

And no, they dont put people in jail willy nilly unless there is SOME benefit to THEM – Commies are nothing if not practical and hardminded first, anything else later.

Anyway … more importantly.

Why I write about what I do?

BEcause I can.

Because, my friend, its about what I WANT to write about.

I’m not here to please everyone.

Some may not like politics (Though to me, I call it freedom, not politics. Thats why I like Trump – he is a rational hard headed businessman, not a goddamned politcio or what not) – and really, talking about freedom becomes politics?

I dont think so, friend.

It’s about something I consider dear to all of us, something fundamental everywhere, or that should be, but it isn’t unfortunately.

I’d rather not live behind the great wall or Iron Curtain. If you get my drift.

And the point is this – why talk about everything under the sun?

Because I can, my friend.

It’s my site, my business, if I deem that something is important – Nazi feminism, sports, my own life, your own life, whatever it is – then I’ll damn well say it!

And so goesth this rant.

Ah yes.

“He says it only to sell!”

Well, 800 plus words into this I haven’t put a single link in this, or sold you anything …

I’ll start now.

The best damned fitness system on the planet, a system that makes you feel FREE as a bird, light as a feather, fit as a fiddle, and strong as an ox, lithe as a cat, agile as a Bozo ducking under “Yes, YOU told Josie that!” question, and so forth …

Truly the Rolls Royce of ALL Fitness programs.

Grab it NOW, friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Look, this thing is good – damn good. The best. And no, dont think I’m going to crawl over broken glass in Bozo’s ville beggin you to buy and make something of your self starting today either , my friend. I wont. Either yo udo, or you dont. Its that simple!

YOU gotta decide if you’re a wolf – or a sheep!


Brutally honest and abrasive as heck – or “sneaky as Eff” yet polite about it – take your pick!?
- The ongoing discussion with LinkedIn. . .

I wrote yesterday I got kicked off LinkedIn – or perhaps “temporarily banned” would be a better experience.

This morning, I received the following  –

> Response (06/03/2021 23:39 CST)
> Hi Rahul,

> I’m so sorry that I don’t have a quick answer to your inquiry. Due to
> the sensitive nature of your request, I’ve forwarded this message to
> our Safety team.
> Please understand that your issue may require some additional
> research, which may delay their response. Someone from that team will
> get back to you as quickly as possible.
> If you’re able to access your account, you can check the status of
> your case at any time from the Your cases tab on LinkedIn Help. Learn
> more here: <chopped?
> Thanks for your patience as we look into this for you.
> Regards,
><name chopped>
> Member Support Consultant

This was after I messaged them multiple times on Twitter (no answer) – and then (finally) found a support form (thanks to another dude who via his blog pointed me that way) that allowed me to “vent” and explain the issue.

I’ve explained it here – https://rahulmookerjee.com/index.php/blog/item/673-so-it-s-official-pinked-out-linked-in-is-pandering-to-china-as-well-pathetic  . . .

And so, I wasn’t exactly surprised to get that “copy and paste” reply but nothing else.

I sent them this in response (there’s a reason I’m telling you all this) –


OK, please let me know – I will wait for you guys to get back. It was
most disconcerting the way this has been done especially given that
certain trolls etc on there are free to publish what they like – while
those that speak the truth are censored, and not just that – what really
worried me, as I said below, was LinkedIn asking for passport info etc
which will no doubt be shared either directly or indirectly with the
authorities in China (and we all know what happens then!).

Please let me know. No, I cannot access my account which is why I wrote
to you in the first place.

Thank you.



Isn’t it funny the trolls etc (and I’ve been most verbose about them before, as y’all know) are given a free rein – whereas those that say it like it get “ostracized” and banned?

So be it.

I’m not about to kow tow and pander to any BS just because some social media site deems it .. ah, but let’s get into that below with their next reply.

Hi Rahul,

Thanks for reaching out. Your account has been restricted due to multiple violations of our Professional Community Policies. Sharing unprofessional or abusive content goes against our policies.

Shared Post 6/3/2021:

Brats and Nazi feminists, whiners, pissers, moaners, and those soooooooooo stressed by so called #covid19 (plague from China ) – you need one thing – a KICK UP THE ASS! (and no I ain’t interested in “you teach me English I teach you Chinese’). I wouldnt learn Chinese if you paid me to do so (other than what I’ve learne dmyself) – if you dont like that – PISS OFF!!

NOTHING PISSES ME OFF MORE THAN THESE GODDAMNED FREEBIE seeking wackos and timewasting lunatics, and of course the pander to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee “me, me, me” Idiots!


#life #pathetic #brats

Comment Posted 5/27/2021: Please stop Tom Tomming and making ridiculous, retarded, monkey strung statements. What I said was 100% true. Check your own facts first, if you’ve got half a brain to do so!

You can appeal this restriction by replying to this email with your explicit consent that you will abide by the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies.

• User Agreement: <chopped>
• Professional Community Policies: <chopped>

If you have any questions regarding your appeal you can reply to this email. Thank you for being part of the LinkedIn community.


Now, I believe  yesterday’s emails, and a couple the day before explain the issues above, and why I posted what I did?

Anyway –

Hi <name chopped> –

Thanks for getting back to me. While the language in the posts beneath may be somewhat abrasive, I believe it has to be seen in context. The first “shared” post beneath – there was a reason I said what I did, and the reason is mentioned in the link there. Ditto for the second statement i.e. it was a reply to another statement (I Cannot paste it here right now) which was simply not true, albeit worded more “carefully”.

While I’m sorry to have violated the “unprofessional” content rules, would you not agree that at the end of the day it is better to be honest and abrasive rather than sneaky yet “polite about it”?

Please let me know. There are no other questions I have, I’d just like to know your (and by extension, LinkedIn’s) opinion in general on this if you don’t mind . . .

With regard to this, “You can appeal this restriction by replying to this email with your explicit consent that you will abide by the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies.” , I’ll be happy to abide by them – please go ahead and reactivate my account. What I am NOT ok with is sharing my ID details – I do not approve of ANYONE reporting those to governments anywhere, especially not dictatorships like in China for obvious reasons.

Please let me know if this works for you.

Thank you!


Rahul Mookerjee

So, a few things –

You’ll notice that they’ve not addressed my main gripe in all this i.e. “collecting identifiable information to be used by LinkedIn, even though they really don’t need it -t heir main purpose is to send to the CCP most likely “for the record”, and we all know the sort of record that is … ”

Not that the See Xi Pee isn’t watching these posts anyway, but even they need a bit of an official reason at times.

If you’re wondering why Freakbook and the rest are banned in China, but Bill Hates aka Winblows producing Microsoft owned LinkedIn is and has been allowed in the PRC for years – well – as I said yesterday – this is a clue!

They’re the worst of the lot when it comes to pandering and China tom tommming which I cannot stand.

Anyway, look.

I’d be happy to “apologize” for the language of the posts if I needed to, although given the context in which they were made, and what I replied to (utter misleading BS and trolling basically)- I dont think I need to.

But what really irritated me was their demand for me to submit a passport or some other form of government issued ID “for their records”.

There’s no way I’m doin gthat.


Not to mention the overriding question I asked in the subject line of this email.

Whats better – to be sneaky, devious, and underhand – or in your face, brutally frank and “not liked” but honest?

I dont know.

It all boils down to what a customer Charles Mitchell said about my books and workouts

Don’t ever become a pussy trainer just so you can sell more books!

Never will, bro.

And neither will my brutally honest and frank style change. Thats one reason I charge the prices I do – thats one reason I do not put up with BS – and thats, even above fitness (though don’t get me wrong – the books DO back the talk up as you can tell) that people are willing to “follow” me – because they know they will get the truth from me – unabridged, politically incorrect if need be, and utterly UNVARNISHED, with no concern for sensibilities.

And in this increasingly sissifed world we live in, that is exactly what is needed.

I’ve been this way all my life.

I dont plan on changing any time soon, LinkedIn or not . . .

And then another comment – one of the very few things I agreed upon with my Dad but he said this in 2004 I believe when I was in China doing job #2.

“You’re there to advance in your career, not win any popularity contests!”

Some managers were grumbling about me “pushing” them to do something or some stuff, I can’t quite recall, but there it is.

And I agree.

End of the day, I’m here for two things.

One, to bring you the best in fitness – bar none.

And two – to give it to you STRAIGHT – without any blemishes.

Both are equally important to me!

And if I can do that, I can sleep easy at night, and to me – thats what counts – and matters!

Alright, thats enough for now. So for now, if youre following me on social media, until this is sorted – Twitter it shall be!


Rahul Mookerjee

The four main differences (for now) between THICK bar training – and fat gripz training!
- Listen - up!

So, I gotta say it!

I’ve been training damn hard with those Fat Grips I got yesterday

And I’m fried. Big time. I can barely type – I thought before was bad when I did Jump Rope Mania! plus pull-ups!

When I did those Battletank Shoulders workouts – on thick bars outside – I thought that was bad!

But THESE thick gripz, my friend, which make the whole damn apparatus (chinning) around SIX inches in diameter, maybe a bit more?

These are something else altogether!

Not because the diameter itself is overly taxing (for me).

But because of the nature of the beast.

As I keep saying, and as the fools keep ignoring, the littlest or little of things make all the difference, friend.

Especially when it comes to grip training.

One, and the main thing -these are the slide on sort of Fat Gripz that you just slide onto the bar and they “snap” shut if you get my drift (picture on Twitter, so you’ll understand).

(LinkedIn still hasn’t unblocked me, and I care NOT to give them my personal Info, therefore…)

(Freakbook – NO!)

So what happens then is that although the diameter of the thick bar is the same, or maybe even more – these gripz can sometimes “slide a bit” – especially during extreme workouts.

i.e. towards you, away from you – depending upon whether or not youre doing pull-ups or chins (I’ve always recommended the former, of course).

But …

You might think thats a small thing, but grip wise – and performance wise -especially high rep stuff – it matters – a heck of a lot!


You have to really FOCUS and visualize when you first start and imagine yourself “gripping the thing so it doesnt move”, and then it becomes easier.

Mind muscle, as I keep talking about!

Same thing with handstand pushups or any other exercise I teach of course. Mind and breathing are the most important.

If you’re just going through the motions, if its just routine … if I can’t hear you BREATHE … well, then you might as well not be DOING ’em!

It isnt’ what you do, as Ive said.


The passion with which you do, and pay attention to details and form.

Anyway, #2?

Following on from the above, GRIP workouts become that much tougher – but while some may say “same as thick bar training” – – – it’s not.

With a thick bar – like an iron pipe, for instance, or a swing set, it’s doubtful you’ll ever be able to literally crush the pipe. I’ve no doubt some old time strongmen could, but most of you – and me at this stage – probably not.

Yet, with these fat gripz – you’ll feel yourself crushing them – and the material “squeezed” – which gives you extra impetus, and more forearm work!

You’ll see what I mean when you do ’em. Its different!

Third, I’ve found regular pull-ups to be SOMEWHAT easier after done with thick bars – but in this case?

A hell of a lot easier!

Maybe thats because I havent trained with Fat Gripz for a while, I dont know …

Fourth, if you’re just starting out grip wise – go easy on the diameter. For chinning, 2 inches is probably all you should be looking at, unless you’re a grip monster like me!

Fifth (I know, but it slipped my mind, so we’re on to 5 now) – HIGH rep workouts and cardio require more rest in between when you first start.

(yes, pull-ups give you SUPER cardio if you know HOW!)

Or, more other exercises in between to let the forearms recover.

Again – it’s different from training on thick bars!

Try it, you’ll see.

Anyway …

POint of all this, and as I keep saying in Gorilla Grip, Gorilla Grip (Advanced) – and the rest … Is to DO the thing.

Incorporate thick bar training into your routine – and focus on the GRIP!

And if you’re still a wuss and pansy and sissy (sissifed male I should say) that uses “lifting aids” to do deadlifts and moan and pisses and groans about “you make it sound like grip training is more important than breathing” (its just as important in my opinion, actually) – well, what I got to say ain’t for you.

But you know that already, hehe.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

How I grow my list organically without any idiotic “social shedia” techniques
- Hard work, nothing fancy!

I dont know if you can see the subtitle of this email (up there), but if you can, that explains it all, much like with all my workouts.

If you can boil it all down …

Two things.

One, as the great sage Emerson rightly said, do the thing and you shall the power and TWO – hard work – PERSISTENCE – as Napoleon Hill was fond of saying “is truly to man’s character what carbon is to … STEEL!”

Truly, there is no substitute for persistence and hard work – not the Bozo style “nose to the grindstone” hard work, but inspired hard work.

Anyway, lets put the Bozos and Schofields in Brum aside for now.

(he’s gone curiously silent again, by the way.)

Let’s address two great questions here!

One being “how do I keep going with all the shit that keeps getting thrown at me” question that John Walker once asked, and a variant of that i.e. “how do I write so much!”

And how do I keep to schedules etc.

And two, and a connected question – and one that Fotis asked me (Fotis, the guy I introduced … today? Seems like forever, hehe, with all the emails I’ve been sending – hey, what I can say. You signed up for one a day, you get 10! “I email above average” as a customer nicely put it – I’d say WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY above average!”

Thats part of the secret, of course, to building a highly engaged list, but that ain’t all.

Anyway, lets address #1 first.

The first part – all the trolling, all the crap thrown at me?

I just throw it right back at them x 10000!

Like Trump said – attack back x 100000!

Thats what I do, if you’d boil it down.

And, I use the troll attacks to make sales etc -which this list is well familiar with (for those not, do a search on Bozo Schofield, and you’ll see. He’s famous on Google now to, hehe).

Best troll ever, and has made me a TON of sales. . . (Glyn, if you’re reading this, gotta say – thank you!)

But two, the “finding inspiration” thing.

Here’s the bottom line.

IT may sound anything but purdy to most, but here it is – it boils down to what Charles the former friend so famously once hated.

“You just say just do it”, he once wailed.

Well, thats what it boils down to.

I dont always have inspiration bubbling around inside of me, my friend – I often and usually do yes, and it just all pours out of me naturally, and you hear it.

But there are times – in fact, even days when I’m cranky as heck, and nothing “flows”.

What then?

Do I just say “I’ll take a break”?

Hell no!

I sit down and write anyway, and once I do, the flow returns – the Mojo returns!

I dont make excuses. I don’t brook ’em either, neither should YOU!

Either fitness wise or life wise or email wise, or biz wise!

Anyway, the second question Fotis (I know I said I’d mention him once, but he’s a great dude, and asked a great question, and plus anyone on Ben’s list for the long term is a DOER! – else Ben wouldn’t have him) asked was this …

How do you grow your list. I’m particularly interested in you since you’re an aggressive emailer and I’d guess you get more than average unsubscribes. So I’d like to discover what you do for list building.


Well, those on this list know how – most of it. Hehe.

But, lots of people have asked this question in different ways …. so here goes!

Hi Fotis

I dont really use any “special technique” for list building. I’ve been in this biz for years – the only real marketing I do is … well, what I do via emails! Thats really where the money comes – true, I’m all over the Internet too – which is another tactic you can use down the line, but most importantly, I (and my site) have been around for ages, plenty of customers etc, so thats really all the publicity I need in terms of list building (other than the obvious like paid ads, social media etc … (but to be honest – social media is mostly BS. I’m on there yes, but for other purposes than just list building. It’s not that great for building lists etc to be honest! In fact, as my followers know I QUIT all social media last year. I still refuse to use Freakbook (Facebook), haha).

So it’s all writing – daily emails – and my books/courses (to back the talk up) – – and it builds from there.

(and having quality people, referrals, reviews etc on your site – Googles pretty smart these days – hence the suggestion of “linking Rahul Mookerjee” – auto gives you more cred with Google)

(I’ve got an I.T. background in case you’re wondering, haha).

Yes, slow and steady – and didnt happen in a day, but neither was Rome (or a great body) built in a day!

The last email was one on grip training – I did up a PS though which said “I’m going to introduce …ah, but I’ll let you read it yourself – https://rahulmookerjee.com/index.php/blog/item/672-the-blue-fat-gripz-report (if you look through both the sites – I can’t remember which one – there was an email where I promised to give my list feedback on the new “Fat Gripz” I bought, which arrived this morning, so thats what I did. Hehe).

Great training – especially on thick bars! I’m sure you know that though.

And yes – all about relationship building especially in this biz and others too – so thanks for the kind words – glad I was able to help out! Yes, I would never introduce someone unless they were the real deal at least in SOME regards, and if they are/were – well, I’ll always do up an intro – it just feels more natural – just like if I was “talking” to someone!

I’m sure I’m not telling you anything you have not already learned from Ben, hehe. Shout out to him as well – if you’re on his list – write to him and let him know – he’s the real deal!



For reference – the “kind words” part – he like dthe intro I did for him, but hey, all good bro!

The last email part – well, it was that email on fat gripz where I “pre introduced him”.

(Guys – if you’ve been to his site – write back – let me know what you thought! I saw plenty of people clicked through, so probably people HAVE been…)

And yes, despite the hordes of followers on Freakbook, I abandoned it last year after Zucko Sucko pulled the China pandering BS on me and refused my goose and gander argument.

Fuck ’em.

Maybe I’ll get on there again now that they’re starting to at least “allow” posts about COVID etc.

but really, after what social she-dia did to Trump last year, and after all their leftist pandering … I’m still on some, but it’s certainly not to build the list!

Anyway, I hope this email gave y’all some value. I think it does – if you look within!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Before I forget, in all the bedlam, a rock of “calm and symphony” as it were, almost an oasis – that ONE Collector’s copies of Fast and Furious Fitness – still remaining ! If you want it – get it now – no more reprints once done. And yes, it WILL turn you into a human leopard or close to it if yo ujust “do” the thing.

(no handholding or pandering tho. if thats you – stay away. not wanted, hehe).

(And if you’re doer, head on over there – – NOW!!!!)

PPS – As he rightly said, I get plenty of unsubscribes. Rahul Mookerjee ain’t everyone’s cup of tea. You either love me or you hate me, and the former category is a very small but rabid one. The latter is far bigger, equally rabid, but can’t back their talk or actions up. And if you’re in the latter category, please dont whine about “why do you write about china” and “can I tell your readers how to get the best home loan” and other rubbish that people send in through the contact form (I mean really, guys. Do y’all even read!) – just UNSUBSCRIBE and thats that. NO drama please!

Hi, Getting a home loan as a freelancer or contract employee is no easy feat. That’s why I am writing a piece that details what the “self-employed” need to know before they apply for a mortgage. Would you be interested in posting it on your site for your readers if I send it over when I’m done? Hope to hear from you! <Bozo name chopped>

. . . . ! Like people, really! At least bother to read before spamming !

Why you should stop pandering to brats and Nazi feminists IMMEDIATELY ! (if you are!)
- It boileth - over!

I gotta say, I done had it.

I done got the red ass – again – big time.

I was happy this morning – happy as could be – happy like a kid with it’s toy when I got my new Fat Gripz, and I’ve been working on that all morning.

Of course, this insane brat like behavior, Nazi feminism and the like keeps rearing it’s head up – and of course, as I keep saying, the goddamned plague from China is one reason it’s really racheted up to another level.

The lazy phocks and idiots and Nazi feminists, and brats – getting increasingly younger by the day at that – “were soooooooooooooooooooooo stressed, pander to usssssssssssss”!

And of course, most of the time these people need the literal or figurative equivalent of a royal, good ole SMACK – to the backside!

Quite literally, it’s INSANE these days – the amount people expect to be pandered to.

Yours truly thought he had been accused of it all, but the most latest accusation … ?

“You eat all the food in the house!”

Remember my Mom saying just that about a bigger guy when we were growing up – a guy NOT in any way related to her?

I mean, it’s pathetic, really!

The things REAL men that refuse to lie down and pander to all the BS out there get accused of – which is untrue x 10!

REcently I saw a meme or article or something asking about “which group was the most stressed out during covid”

(or, as I like to say Wu Flu – Corona is the name of my favorite BEER!)

I think the meme was something about which “race” was more stressed out, and of course, an Asian look face was on the cover of the damn thing (article, or whatever it was(

Ah yes.

Shitter popped it up.

And I replied … because I know the sort of tripe these liberal SJW’s write.

“Those that are suffering the most are likely not saying a word about it”

And thats all yours truly is going to say about that.

As John Walker, a great customer from the UK recently confided in me –

“Its going from bad to worse for me. If I didnt have my workouts to keep me sane, I’d be going NUTS by now”

He was referring to his …well, we all know.

But he’s right!

If yours truly didnt have his decidely non pandering, non Bozo, hard hitting workouts to go to -I’d probably be climbing up walls by now too.

But anyway, this sort of inane, juvenile, illogical to a T blame game is yet another reason yo ushould be reading the book on Nazi feminists – when it comes out!

And of course, it applies to liberals, SJW’s and the rest of the rot out there as well.

It’s also another reason I need to get my arse in high gear and finish that book -but hey. Ive been busy with projects x 10!

Not the least of which being the “other business” which is really taking off by leaps and bounds as I write this!

Anyway, I’m nothing if not aggressive – email wise “an aggressive emailer” as Fotis Chat from Greece recently called me – and he’s right!

And aggressive business wise.

And aggressive, and in your face about IGNORING – not just ignoring, but stamping out all this pander to me BS going on out there.

The world, my friend, needs real men.

There is WAY too much of a shortage there, and way too much of every other pestilence it seems.

And one way you become a real man both physically and mentally is by training like one.

Training like our ancestors did.

Training like, as John Walker correctly said “the human body was meant to move!”

And he’s right.

And for that sort of training – Animal Kingdom Workouts might just be your thang, my friend.

And for some other BRUTAL courses that hit you square on the jaw (figuratively, hehe) –

Pushup Central

The 0 Excuses Fitness System

Advanced HIll Training

Jump rope Mania! (much ignored, but this one is amust grab too!)

And if your kids are turning into brats, well, Kiddie Fitness is what the “doctor” (Doctor Rahul, hehe) ordered.

I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And no, I dont want to go to you “for free” to lunch with you in China “as a friend” when you dont know me from Adam or if you do, you contact me after YEARRRRRRRRS for FREEEEEEEEEEEE!

Freebie seekers – I cannot write enough about utter, and sheer CONTEMPT For these wackjobs, lunatics, and Bozo-nators.

Anyway, here’s more on that – https://0excusesfitness.com/2021/02/15/why-i-dont-eat-lunch-with-my-students-in-china/

PPS – And no I ain’t interested in “Teaching you English and you teach me Chinese”. Sorry, but I didnt just get off the boat, Aunty Sophie. And all the rest!

Anyway, here’s more on that – https://0excusesfitness.medium.com/why-i-aint-interested-in-learning-chinese-even-for-free-for-that-matter-b2a24d3dd658

(That last one pissed a LOT of people off, so be warned, hehe)

But it’s true – me – raw – unfiltered – brutal – and HONEST!

3 so called muscle secrets for the Bozos and Morons – ignored by most REAL men – and rightfully so
- Introducing as promised Wackjob Feetus Chat

OK, so if you read the last email on GRIP training – you know I said in the PS I had a “little something extra” for our readers from Greece.

And there seem to be quite a few here, some customers, some not (as yet).

Anyway, I recently received an email from a guy I instantly “recognized” as a doer. Not because I’ve met him, not because he’s into fitness (I never even know that upfront) – and NOT because I spoke to him first. I’ve never met him!

But yet, the name STOOD OUT!

Ben Settle!

Anyway, I guessed he had signed up for Ben (and if you’re on this list you know who that is!)’s list – and Ben had mentioned him once publicly, so after receiving his initial email which there’s no need to share here, I knew this guy was a … DOER!

He asked me to do up a short email blast for him introducing him to this list.

Normally I dont do this – for anyone.

You on that list know very well what I do with idiotic inquiries I get all the time from the contact form!

But this guy – struck me – as different!

But, I asked him just in case – I asked him what he did, what books he’s written, his training etc …

And he told me – and I knew THIS guy is the real deal at least in terms of being a doer!

Yall on this list know I would neve rintroduce someon eI dont have a good feeling about, and this dude, from the get go – good feeling!

(Edit – as of August  30, 2021 – I gotta tell you this – my FIRST feeling was “something is off – more HERE). I should have listened to my FIRST gut feeling which I always do, but in this case, given he mentioned Ben Settle, well … poor BEn, guilt by association and all that, but I figured I’d give him a chance, and as on EVERY other occasion I’ve done that, I was WRONG. 

(The title of this post was something else in June, but I edited in on the date above).

Even before I saw his website – and even before he said anything else about a book he’s written “Crappy Steriod Bloated Muscle Monster Body” (that isn’t the real name, of course but given events that transpired – which you can find on his site probably and Amazon!

I haven’t read the book, so I dont know – but I’d bet it’s good and worth a look given the guy’s training background which is extensive.

Anyway, enough from me. Let the man speak himself. As he says … “Feetus Chatzinicolaou of Serial Refunding, Steriod Pumping, Cat loving, Bozo Beckoning Moron Man.

And, his email – and words to YOU – are beneath –


When I started training 12 years ago, I followed the mainstream Fitness advice.

Magazines and “experts” suggested going balls to the wall, annihilating my body and insisted that no pain meant no gain.

I followed the advice and in 2 months…

…I’ve wasted 60 days!

My girlfriend at the time wasn’t impressed with me spending 1,5+ hours at the gym and not looking like I lifted. Even worse and since I have weak joints, I ended up hurting my wrist and back. This led me to lose whatever progress I’ve made till that point.

(looking at him, it’s a wonder he even has a girlfriend. Anyway, more on this idiot here ).

Then, call it divine intervention or plain luck, I stumbled upon some obscure European training studies.

Reading them I realized this: Many of the suggestions given by mainstream sources, focused on people who were injecting steroids or were genetic freaks. But the suggestions were horrible for a chubby guy with a weak body like me.

Anyway, I decided to try the suggestions inside the European studies.

To my surprise, the pains and aches caused by my workouts were reduced and eventually eliminated.

But that wasn’t all.

Since I wasn’t in pain all the time, I could be consistent with my training. Slowly but steadily, my arms and chest (the weakest parts of my body) began growing.

However, those European studies didn’t have all the answers.

I had to discover a few things of my own.

When I later became a coach, I realized that many of the so-called “rules” of training had almost nothing to do with reality.

Take for example the number of reps.

Most training programs suggest a set number of reps, in all the exercises.

Unless your body is perfectly symmetrical (hint: almost 100% of the clients I’ve worked with had some kind of imbalance) you need to adjust the reps to your body. So someone who is tall with short arms will have a different rep scheme for his quads and glutes than his triceps or his chest. And I’m not talking just about reps for strength, hypertrophy, leaning out or whatever.

Personal experience clients over the last decade has helped me discovered a few secrets you won’t find in mainstream courses.

In fact, here’s what one client recently said about my help…

“Working with you allowed me to keep adding muscle without increasing my bodyweight. Your programs are to the point, saving me a lot of time…my body has received the right amount of stimuli to grow, without overtraining or beating my joints. For an old guy like me, that’s very important”.

If you’d like to discover more, I’ve prepared a short report sharing 3 of my favorite muscle building secrets.

You can grab it at:

<chopped As of Aug 30, 2021. Since this wacko decided to file a charge back for fraud HE Committed – and being I dont entertain wackos and serial refunders ANYWHERE NEAR any of my businesses – well, it’s gone now – I see no reason why this great site should drive links to his dumb ass silly “bits and pieces website” that looks like a third grader “threw it together” and bailed>

<Again, I never tear someone apart like this unless there is a damned good reason, and with Feet Worshipping Bozo Chat from so called … ah, but it doesnt matter. There is a damn good reason – again, go HERE. >

(that post was written a day or so after he decided to serial refund)

(And, his reviews are all PAID reviews. ie. he paid people he knew to get ’em, hence the “fake smell” of them that you can smell a mile away)

(if he was just a run of the mill wacko, Iwouldn’t care that much, but his slithering snake like technique of using names like Matt Furey, Ben Settle, and then the “honor by association” thing – that, and the blatant dishonesty he showed “just because he could” is the reason I’m finally editing this post, which I thought I should have done deleted a long time ago, but again, I gave the wacko a chance…)

(Anyway, enough on this. Ugh. What a loser the guy is! And he’ll get his down the road too …)

Talk to you soon,


Wackjob Chatzinicolaou


Well, my friend, thats what he had to say – if y’all have any questions – contact him directly via the info above!

No, I dont get anything if he sells products per this email – and neither did I ask him!

(Edit – Neither would I want it. Ugh.)

And no, for those “wondering” – I’m not worried about “losing clients” or any of that nonsense. The more the merrier it is for me for all I care, provided they’re all the real deal!

I’m sure you agree!

I am out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – What a day, my arms BE SINGING! Yoo hoo! THOSE FAT GRIPZ – damn sure – damn SKIPPY -t hey’re the REAL DEAL!

(none of my own links here – this email is about “The Wacko”, but he wouldn’t mind me talking grip, given thats all he does all day “in front of the screen in a darkened room if you get my drift” hehe).

The shirt OFF mania!
- And Ihave many thoughts about this!

None of them “sexual” either, hehe. So if Bozo Schofield or one of his posse is reading this, this ain’t for you.

No “hanky panky” and asses and what not, my friend. Don’t know if Brum has nude beaches or “beeeeeeeeeeches” or a beach at all, hehe (probably not) but it does have sewers where the Bozo resides – deep, dark caverns … LOL. Given Glyn’s perpetual ass fetish, he’s probably better off there (and on the hockey field post game if you get my drift).

Anyway, this shirt off thing I keep hearing about and have been for ages.

And hey.

While I’m not and never have been a fan of puffing, bufffing, pumping one’s muscles up a like a bloated cow, adding “brooooooooooooo I added 10 to my bennnnnnnch today” kinda crap, hey – I get it.

Lean mean and a fighting machine, and there ain’t nothing wrong with being that.

Man was meant to be that way as opposed to the slob most men have turned into, therefore, all the calling out done on the Animal Kingdom Workouts page.

Anyway, I remember – years and years ago, I’d be embarassed to take my shirt off at the beach.

Man tits, you know.

My girlfriends and wives (LOL) would exhort me to do it anyway (they didnt care either way and thought it was hot anyway – there in itself is a huge lesson for Bozos in general if they take it ; as I keep saying on the other site, it’s all about the mind first and foremost in ANY Regard, this applies to both HER and him – and in betweens if thats your thang).

But I wasn’t too happy doing it, to be honest …

Man tits flopping about, bingo wings jiggling galore. And those “love handles” and the paunch!

Anyway, all in the past now, and you know that.

So this ain’t a Tom Tomming piece.

But it’s interesting, a guy that recently started (online) contacted me about promoting him in these here newsletters.

I haven’t decided. Maybe, maybe not.

We did a promo  if y’all recall a few months ago about a “bodybuilding” page, but a lot of the leads from there that WE got weren’t high quality, and a lot of the products promoted there?

Well, they weren’t exactly top notch either.

I’ve no idea of this dude.

But so now, I’m kinda wary of introducing people right off the bat, but I’m thinking about it.

Anyway, one of his reviews on his book (he’s got one out there) says that “he’s the real dude that walks the talk and shows himself with his shirt off or something”.

Which is great!

And again, I get it.

Far too many Bozos out there pretending to be what they aren’t …

But this whole shirt off thang. I dont know.

I decided I’d do it for the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

First comment was my lovely wife shouting about “OK, go away! Just be a porn star in China now!”

And other, similar comments.

That was a bit of a leery photo, yes!  (now that I look back, but it really didnt seem to be at the time)!

But certainly no nudes, no hanky panky, just a bare upper body …

Anyway, I then replaced it with the iconic “vest” picture … and of course, The Advanced Hill Training pictures, and the rest.

And if all that doesn’t “satisfy” a client (NO pun intended) either future or potential, well, the door’s right there.

Because guess what.

Yours truly doesnt just hate vidoes.

I dont like photos either!

Selfies or what not. I don’t like ’em!

And therefore, all my books have me in the pictures, but in a very minimalistic manner.

So long as I can show you how to do the damn exercise is what counts – for me, at any rate.

I’ve never been one for camera angles, “nice photos” etc …

Therefore the lengthy rant a Bozo on Amazon Italy once sent me about “worst book ever! And the pictures, the pictures!”

His whole rant was on the bestselling, world famous book on isometrics that has attracted rave reviews from doers, including one that says “Rahul, this might be your best book ever!”

And it probably IS (until the next “advanced isometrics” comes!)

His main gripe?

Pictures, one.

And two … that it was about “bodyweight stretches”.

Well gee whiz, dude. Or dudette, going by your rant!

Look up the definition of isometrics and tell me what you get!

I know, I’ve said this before. But I do need to keep reminding folks off certain monuments to sheer and utter IDIOCY. Much like “Keith James” in the UK who claimed “I only want positive reviews” (this nut never saw the Bozo Schofield so called reviews for one, hehe – which I never once complained about to Amazon, though I do wonder why they allow trolls that never bought the book to comment!) . . .

Anyway, this list KNOWS .

That Rahul Mookerjee is truly the bodyweight Guru, Stella Artois of Fitness, that WALKS the talk.

IT’s mentioned on the home page too!

And on that note, I cannot wait for the new fat gripz to show up  – hopefully tomorrrow?

We’ll see.

For now, I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, oldie but goodie – a CLASSIC – right HERE (and only ONE copy left of the Collector’s Edition, which was supposed to be mine, but if someone wants it, let me know – and no, NO, no, NO – no more reprints on that one!)

More on lazy phocks, and what they have in common with Nazi feminists, SJW’s and wackos and Bozos in general
- ... life!

This is more about the lazy asses and dumbphone addicted nutjobs (pretty much the entire world at this point??) – but Nazi feminists, SJW’s, all play a part in it …

There’s much in common!

But first, a great email from “yore” from a customer Charles Mitchell, and I believe it was in regard to an email yours truly wrote on sprints in 2018.

The salient parts of his note were this – (and I’m paraphrasing, but the email can be found via search etc) …

“It’s interesting that the world has progressed to the point where they can keep us all addicted to dumbphones endlessly, but they haven’t found a solution for knees that are too shot to do sprints!”

Hold on, lets see if I can find it again… for some reason, that hit me while I Was writing this!

I found it. April 11, 2018. Nothing if not a good memory I have!

(But you guys can find it via search too if you dig around in the archives)

SPRINTS!  What a nice idea, wish I could do them.  Osteoarthritis of the left knee put an end to that.  Seems the orthopedic industry has no answer for this condition no matter how many people suffer with it.  Funny how the smart phone industry can advance in leaps and bounds to keep us all hypnotized and staring at our phones endlessly, but the medical industry still cannot cure a condition that has plagued mankind since time began.

What a great memory and a great customer to start this off, and indeed the “day” with!

(& and as I put the links into this email, what a great word he used. Plagued. Hehe)

My reply –

My response to him –

Yes, the smartphone industry has made bozos out of us all, haha. I for one would much rather we go back to the good ole “flip phone” days. Things were far more “real” back then if you get my drift …

With regard to the sprints, you’re probably not in a position to do them now as you say. If I were you, I’d start out with gentle rope jumping and Hindu squats, as well as walking (which as I said in the book is a highly beneficial, but equally overlooked exercise). The Hindu squats have an incredibly rehabilitating effect in most cases – just do them in proper form as I show you in the videos, and I think you’ll be nigh amazed at the progress you make within a few weeks provided you keep at it.

Best, and thanks for writing in!

More here – https://0excusesfitness.com/2018/04/11/what-if-you-cant-do-sprints/

But of course, that isnt the point of this, or is it?

My wife was recently saying something along the same lines about the plague that China spread i.e. all these medical advances, and they can’t cure this dang thing.

“I can understand what happened in the 1940’s or before with the plague”, she was saying.

“Well”, I laughed. “Thats what this is, the plague!”

But why can’t these damn doctors cure it NOW, she said (again).

Well, I’ve made no secret of my disdain for CERTAIN parts of the medical fraternity … not least the Bozo doctors with paunches hanging way, way over their belts.


Why would a doctor be that out of shape, I wonder.

I mean, no-one is asking him to be a pull-up champ, or a 500 pushups per day Guru, but at least be in basic health and shape before advising others on it!

Like I always say, never take advice on sex from an eunuch!

It never fails to amaze me how many do though …

Anyway, the plague – ya’ll know my thoughts on how it was spread – fact, actually – and then some!

(and people are finally starting to get it in that regard, which is good, but it’s too late already I fear. China did what it had to, and now – well, people need to stop being SHEEP and panicking like idiots).

(I mean geez, just why the hell do you need to wear masks in cars for one? Some of the idiotic stories I hear just boggle the mind).

But now, lets get back to laziness and lazy phocks.

Picture this for a minute.

There’s work piled up everywhere. Could be housework, could be schoolwork, could be officework, could be many things.

And the person responsible for it “lets it pile up” i.e. “ugh! I dont want to do that”.

Much like Henry Ford said “stopping advertising to save money is like a man that stops a clock to save TIME” – the work doesnt go away.

It keeps piling up.

The lazy phocks and Bozo keep moaning and groaning about it.

Then finally, one fine day, someone else gets sick of it and does it in one go”if they can”.

he or she counsels lazy phock to be less lazy and stop making excuses and get off their butt and DO something.

Yes, yes, yes I will.

Next day?

“Oh, but there’s no work! You did it all!”

And back they go into their cellphone induced slump and mania … (addicted mania).

This, my friend is of course what Nazi feminists do in some regards – one of the silly games they play.

But it’s also a prime Lazy phock way of behaving you can spot for miles.

In one of my jobs, they had this attendance system where the manager had to “regularize your attendance” or some nonsense in case the system wouldn’t do it itself, or you missed clocking in or some BS.

Was supposed to be done daily.

Most let it pile up till the end of the month.

Of course, that was probably a “click once” deal, I dont know, as opposed to going through and ticking all the boxes one by one …

But this lazy phock behavior – not only do I not “get it” – but it pisses me, but more than that I dont get it!

I mean, what do these people think?

Its not like, for instance, all the weight that has been piling onto someone because they’re too lazy to move a limb to workout will just magically “go away”?

And I sure can’t come and workout for you!

Yet, you hear the moans and groans, cries of “we’re in lockdown! Be more sensitive!” and this other BS …. but when it comes to DOING, what happens?

A big fat zero.

Explains why the world is where it’s at NOW  in many regards doesnt it?

Maybe this damned plague will get things back to normal eventually.

Maybe thats the plan the Universe had/has in store for all of us!

Anyway …

Sprints, my friend are something everyone can and shoul ddo, but not intense ones right off the bat.

There are ways to do sprints on “2 legs” that you can do – that aren’t super intense, but that will burn fat off your frame anyway – and as long as your knees aren’t completely shot, you should be able to do ’em.

Or, Advanced Plyometrics! Whenever the book comes out on that.

I know.


But I’ve been super busy promoting another business where my Twitter readership for one is OTC . . .

And just going up, up, up.

Anyway, the great thing about Advanced Hill Training.

Most of the sprints in the book are on ALL Fours. And you CAN do these if your knees are shot or what not!

And of course, Animal Kingdom Workouts, the next stage to that in many regards, but even if you’ve got that book, it’s a great idea to get the book above – because they go “together” and because there’s some info in the first that isn’t necessarily there in the second (the second is more “exercise intensive” – but the first gives you a great primer of basics – always a good idea to revisit the basics!).

Anyway, thats enough of a brain dump.

I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I never understood why folks dont get the importance of a routine, and sticking to it. I tell them thats how they do it in the military (curiously enough these people above admire the military, but not so they can pick up on their GOOD things – it’s so that they can “ooh and ah” and “oh! they’re warriors!” (which they are – dont get me wrong!) – without THEMSELVES doing a thing to become one.

I dont get it, my friend. I dont get it.

A simple matter of creating a routine, sticking to it, and you don’t even have a drill Seargant yelling in your face hehe. How hard can that be!

Just do it, and daily, it’s that simple!

A bozo threatened to report me in HK, and more . . .
- Nothing short of hilarious!

Here’s a comment I recently got from a prime, grade A CCP troll and nutjob on Pinked – Out ..

(For reference, we were discussing the new security law in Hong Kong – well, the one implemented last year – – and how they really destroyed Hong Kong permanently with that law, and I never ever tire of referring to Hong Kong as my favorite city in the Far East – in terms of “used to be!” – the Pearl of the Orient, truly . . . and now? Sad, sad,sad what China has done to HK, but then again, they’ve really messed up the whole WORLD too).

(We weren’t discussing the plague from China – just the silly and utterly unenforceable in some regards “National Security Law” in Hong Kong that they claim won’t be used to track down dissidents or what not, that “freedom of speech” is there in Hong Kong … until they track you down and put you in jail like they did the teenage Joshua Wong (barely out of his teens).

Congratulations to the See Xi Pee for targeting feminists and barely out of teens to show they matter, hehe).

Anyway ..

I asked him if he was a ccp troll, so ridiculous were his comments (everyone in HK loves the law according to him!) . . .

are you one of those Indian that troll the side lanes in Guangzhou hussling around. For me, am enjoying the wealth that you will never see with your cheap motivational talk. Grow up. 30,000 applied for U.K. migration out of 7.5M is fleeing shows you don’t know basic math. Btw I do keep the NSL office informed of foreigners like you.


I was waiting for the threat.

Much like with Bozo Glyn, Nazi feminists, SJW’s etc – these idiots never ever have a coherent argument on anything – not just China.

All they can do is Tom tom, play blame games, and when called out either play the victim if they cannot threaten, or the reverse if they can.

Like I give a rats ass where he reports me. LOL. He ain’t gonna be the first one, that I’ll tell ya!

But it’s interesting, this Bozo with a sum total of around 500 followers (I’m at 10 k last I checked) claims to make “more money than I will ever make” – and he’s … what? Another one of these so called motivational speakers.

If he had any brains he’d check my profile and see I’m fitness guy first, and motivational speaker second!

Ok, maybe both at the same level, but definitely fitness too!

Then of course, the “hussling” in Guangzhou.

Gives his semi -Chinese status away doesnt it. Hehe.

Lots of these trolls wanking around these days as the See Xi Pee desperately tries to project whatever little so called authority it has left on the ROW . . .

To me and many, many residents in Hong Kong, the NSL is a savior to restore law and order in the city that was littered with nonsensical politics. Today Hong Kong is back to a peaceful city and one of the safest in the world envied by other countries, including those with democratic government.

And that says it all, especially the last line – dumb ass “el supremo”.

(ever notice that freedom of speech to these morons is “just politics”!)

(Wonder what they’ll say when the Jackboot clamps down on THEM …)

Backing his shyt up is the last thing he can do …

Like folks, really (and I dont mean you on the list – I mean those that do).

At least have the balls to back your threat up than make silly woman like threats.

If you got the balls, face me man to man and we’ll talk!

But anyway …. we’ve been calling trolls out as of late. Bozo Schofield wasn’t involved, but a certain Harald the Jackass has been involved, and another China Tom Tommer el supremo “Shaun Rein” – though he’s SO pathetic I dont even get involved in discussions he starts.

some people you just stay away from!

Anyway, been a busy day.

Im looking forward to my new gripz coming in in a day or so!

And I’ll be sure and keep you posted on some WORKOUTS with them too!

As for yall, remember that discount only will last for two more days, so get your thang on NOW while you can.

Oh, and as for the Bozo making lots of money, sounds eerily similar to Schofield on public welfare “in ass” (or sewer) in Brum wanking around stealing money from friends and fat Chinese women. LOL. Or, scamming them with fake promises of “life in the UK”.

Gotta say, birds of a feather DO flock together.

I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee