The shirt OFF mania!
- And Ihave many thoughts about this!

None of them “sexual” either, hehe. So if Bozo Schofield or one of his posse is reading this, this ain’t for you.

No “hanky panky” and asses and what not, my friend. Don’t know if Brum has nude beaches or “beeeeeeeeeeches” or a beach at all, hehe (probably not) but it does have sewers where the Bozo resides – deep, dark caverns … LOL. Given Glyn’s perpetual ass fetish, he’s probably better off there (and on the hockey field post game if you get my drift).

Anyway, this shirt off thing I keep hearing about and have been for ages.

And hey.

While I’m not and never have been a fan of puffing, bufffing, pumping one’s muscles up a like a bloated cow, adding “brooooooooooooo I added 10 to my bennnnnnnch today” kinda crap, hey – I get it.

Lean mean and a fighting machine, and there ain’t nothing wrong with being that.

Man was meant to be that way as opposed to the slob most men have turned into, therefore, all the calling out done on the Animal Kingdom Workouts page.

Anyway, I remember – years and years ago, I’d be embarassed to take my shirt off at the beach.

Man tits, you know.

My girlfriends and wives (LOL) would exhort me to do it anyway (they didnt care either way and thought it was hot anyway – there in itself is a huge lesson for Bozos in general if they take it ; as I keep saying on the other site, it’s all about the mind first and foremost in ANY Regard, this applies to both HER and him – and in betweens if thats your thang).

But I wasn’t too happy doing it, to be honest …

Man tits flopping about, bingo wings jiggling galore. And those “love handles” and the paunch!

Anyway, all in the past now, and you know that.

So this ain’t a Tom Tomming piece.

But it’s interesting, a guy that recently started (online) contacted me about promoting him in these here newsletters.

I haven’t decided. Maybe, maybe not.

We did a promo  if y’all recall a few months ago about a “bodybuilding” page, but a lot of the leads from there that WE got weren’t high quality, and a lot of the products promoted there?

Well, they weren’t exactly top notch either.

I’ve no idea of this dude.

But so now, I’m kinda wary of introducing people right off the bat, but I’m thinking about it.

Anyway, one of his reviews on his book (he’s got one out there) says that “he’s the real dude that walks the talk and shows himself with his shirt off or something”.

Which is great!

And again, I get it.

Far too many Bozos out there pretending to be what they aren’t …

But this whole shirt off thang. I dont know.

I decided I’d do it for the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

First comment was my lovely wife shouting about “OK, go away! Just be a porn star in China now!”

And other, similar comments.

That was a bit of a leery photo, yes!  (now that I look back, but it really didnt seem to be at the time)!

But certainly no nudes, no hanky panky, just a bare upper body …

Anyway, I then replaced it with the iconic “vest” picture … and of course, The Advanced Hill Training pictures, and the rest.

And if all that doesn’t “satisfy” a client (NO pun intended) either future or potential, well, the door’s right there.

Because guess what.

Yours truly doesnt just hate vidoes.

I dont like photos either!

Selfies or what not. I don’t like ’em!

And therefore, all my books have me in the pictures, but in a very minimalistic manner.

So long as I can show you how to do the damn exercise is what counts – for me, at any rate.

I’ve never been one for camera angles, “nice photos” etc …

Therefore the lengthy rant a Bozo on Amazon Italy once sent me about “worst book ever! And the pictures, the pictures!”

His whole rant was on the bestselling, world famous book on isometrics that has attracted rave reviews from doers, including one that says “Rahul, this might be your best book ever!”

And it probably IS (until the next “advanced isometrics” comes!)

His main gripe?

Pictures, one.

And two … that it was about “bodyweight stretches”.

Well gee whiz, dude. Or dudette, going by your rant!

Look up the definition of isometrics and tell me what you get!

I know, I’ve said this before. But I do need to keep reminding folks off certain monuments to sheer and utter IDIOCY. Much like “Keith James” in the UK who claimed “I only want positive reviews” (this nut never saw the Bozo Schofield so called reviews for one, hehe – which I never once complained about to Amazon, though I do wonder why they allow trolls that never bought the book to comment!) . . .

Anyway, this list KNOWS .

That Rahul Mookerjee is truly the bodyweight Guru, Stella Artois of Fitness, that WALKS the talk.

IT’s mentioned on the home page too!

And on that note, I cannot wait for the new fat gripz to show up  – hopefully tomorrrow?

We’ll see.

For now, I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, oldie but goodie – a CLASSIC – right HERE (and only ONE copy left of the Collector’s Edition, which was supposed to be mine, but if someone wants it, let me know – and no, NO, no, NO – no more reprints on that one!)

More on lazy phocks, and what they have in common with Nazi feminists, SJW’s and wackos and Bozos in general
- ... life!

This is more about the lazy asses and dumbphone addicted nutjobs (pretty much the entire world at this point??) – but Nazi feminists, SJW’s, all play a part in it …

There’s much in common!

But first, a great email from “yore” from a customer Charles Mitchell, and I believe it was in regard to an email yours truly wrote on sprints in 2018.

The salient parts of his note were this – (and I’m paraphrasing, but the email can be found via search etc) …

“It’s interesting that the world has progressed to the point where they can keep us all addicted to dumbphones endlessly, but they haven’t found a solution for knees that are too shot to do sprints!”

Hold on, lets see if I can find it again… for some reason, that hit me while I Was writing this!

I found it. April 11, 2018. Nothing if not a good memory I have!

(But you guys can find it via search too if you dig around in the archives)

SPRINTS!  What a nice idea, wish I could do them.  Osteoarthritis of the left knee put an end to that.  Seems the orthopedic industry has no answer for this condition no matter how many people suffer with it.  Funny how the smart phone industry can advance in leaps and bounds to keep us all hypnotized and staring at our phones endlessly, but the medical industry still cannot cure a condition that has plagued mankind since time began.

What a great memory and a great customer to start this off, and indeed the “day” with!

(& and as I put the links into this email, what a great word he used. Plagued. Hehe)

My reply –

My response to him –

Yes, the smartphone industry has made bozos out of us all, haha. I for one would much rather we go back to the good ole “flip phone” days. Things were far more “real” back then if you get my drift …

With regard to the sprints, you’re probably not in a position to do them now as you say. If I were you, I’d start out with gentle rope jumping and Hindu squats, as well as walking (which as I said in the book is a highly beneficial, but equally overlooked exercise). The Hindu squats have an incredibly rehabilitating effect in most cases – just do them in proper form as I show you in the videos, and I think you’ll be nigh amazed at the progress you make within a few weeks provided you keep at it.

Best, and thanks for writing in!

More here –

But of course, that isnt the point of this, or is it?

My wife was recently saying something along the same lines about the plague that China spread i.e. all these medical advances, and they can’t cure this dang thing.

“I can understand what happened in the 1940’s or before with the plague”, she was saying.

“Well”, I laughed. “Thats what this is, the plague!”

But why can’t these damn doctors cure it NOW, she said (again).

Well, I’ve made no secret of my disdain for CERTAIN parts of the medical fraternity … not least the Bozo doctors with paunches hanging way, way over their belts.


Why would a doctor be that out of shape, I wonder.

I mean, no-one is asking him to be a pull-up champ, or a 500 pushups per day Guru, but at least be in basic health and shape before advising others on it!

Like I always say, never take advice on sex from an eunuch!

It never fails to amaze me how many do though …

Anyway, the plague – ya’ll know my thoughts on how it was spread – fact, actually – and then some!

(and people are finally starting to get it in that regard, which is good, but it’s too late already I fear. China did what it had to, and now – well, people need to stop being SHEEP and panicking like idiots).

(I mean geez, just why the hell do you need to wear masks in cars for one? Some of the idiotic stories I hear just boggle the mind).

But now, lets get back to laziness and lazy phocks.

Picture this for a minute.

There’s work piled up everywhere. Could be housework, could be schoolwork, could be officework, could be many things.

And the person responsible for it “lets it pile up” i.e. “ugh! I dont want to do that”.

Much like Henry Ford said “stopping advertising to save money is like a man that stops a clock to save TIME” – the work doesnt go away.

It keeps piling up.

The lazy phocks and Bozo keep moaning and groaning about it.

Then finally, one fine day, someone else gets sick of it and does it in one go”if they can”.

he or she counsels lazy phock to be less lazy and stop making excuses and get off their butt and DO something.

Yes, yes, yes I will.

Next day?

“Oh, but there’s no work! You did it all!”

And back they go into their cellphone induced slump and mania … (addicted mania).

This, my friend is of course what Nazi feminists do in some regards – one of the silly games they play.

But it’s also a prime Lazy phock way of behaving you can spot for miles.

In one of my jobs, they had this attendance system where the manager had to “regularize your attendance” or some nonsense in case the system wouldn’t do it itself, or you missed clocking in or some BS.

Was supposed to be done daily.

Most let it pile up till the end of the month.

Of course, that was probably a “click once” deal, I dont know, as opposed to going through and ticking all the boxes one by one …

But this lazy phock behavior – not only do I not “get it” – but it pisses me, but more than that I dont get it!

I mean, what do these people think?

Its not like, for instance, all the weight that has been piling onto someone because they’re too lazy to move a limb to workout will just magically “go away”?

And I sure can’t come and workout for you!

Yet, you hear the moans and groans, cries of “we’re in lockdown! Be more sensitive!” and this other BS …. but when it comes to DOING, what happens?

A big fat zero.

Explains why the world is where it’s at NOW  in many regards doesnt it?

Maybe this damned plague will get things back to normal eventually.

Maybe thats the plan the Universe had/has in store for all of us!

Anyway …

Sprints, my friend are something everyone can and shoul ddo, but not intense ones right off the bat.

There are ways to do sprints on “2 legs” that you can do – that aren’t super intense, but that will burn fat off your frame anyway – and as long as your knees aren’t completely shot, you should be able to do ’em.

Or, Advanced Plyometrics! Whenever the book comes out on that.

I know.


But I’ve been super busy promoting another business where my Twitter readership for one is OTC . . .

And just going up, up, up.

Anyway, the great thing about Advanced Hill Training.

Most of the sprints in the book are on ALL Fours. And you CAN do these if your knees are shot or what not!

And of course, Animal Kingdom Workouts, the next stage to that in many regards, but even if you’ve got that book, it’s a great idea to get the book above – because they go “together” and because there’s some info in the first that isn’t necessarily there in the second (the second is more “exercise intensive” – but the first gives you a great primer of basics – always a good idea to revisit the basics!).

Anyway, thats enough of a brain dump.

I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I never understood why folks dont get the importance of a routine, and sticking to it. I tell them thats how they do it in the military (curiously enough these people above admire the military, but not so they can pick up on their GOOD things – it’s so that they can “ooh and ah” and “oh! they’re warriors!” (which they are – dont get me wrong!) – without THEMSELVES doing a thing to become one.

I dont get it, my friend. I dont get it.

A simple matter of creating a routine, sticking to it, and you don’t even have a drill Seargant yelling in your face hehe. How hard can that be!

Just do it, and daily, it’s that simple!

A bozo threatened to report me in HK, and more . . .
- Nothing short of hilarious!

Here’s a comment I recently got from a prime, grade A CCP troll and nutjob on Pinked – Out ..

(For reference, we were discussing the new security law in Hong Kong – well, the one implemented last year – – and how they really destroyed Hong Kong permanently with that law, and I never ever tire of referring to Hong Kong as my favorite city in the Far East – in terms of “used to be!” – the Pearl of the Orient, truly . . . and now? Sad, sad,sad what China has done to HK, but then again, they’ve really messed up the whole WORLD too).

(We weren’t discussing the plague from China – just the silly and utterly unenforceable in some regards “National Security Law” in Hong Kong that they claim won’t be used to track down dissidents or what not, that “freedom of speech” is there in Hong Kong … until they track you down and put you in jail like they did the teenage Joshua Wong (barely out of his teens).

Congratulations to the See Xi Pee for targeting feminists and barely out of teens to show they matter, hehe).

Anyway ..

I asked him if he was a ccp troll, so ridiculous were his comments (everyone in HK loves the law according to him!) . . .

are you one of those Indian that troll the side lanes in Guangzhou hussling around. For me, am enjoying the wealth that you will never see with your cheap motivational talk. Grow up. 30,000 applied for U.K. migration out of 7.5M is fleeing shows you don’t know basic math. Btw I do keep the NSL office informed of foreigners like you.


I was waiting for the threat.

Much like with Bozo Glyn, Nazi feminists, SJW’s etc – these idiots never ever have a coherent argument on anything – not just China.

All they can do is Tom tom, play blame games, and when called out either play the victim if they cannot threaten, or the reverse if they can.

Like I give a rats ass where he reports me. LOL. He ain’t gonna be the first one, that I’ll tell ya!

But it’s interesting, this Bozo with a sum total of around 500 followers (I’m at 10 k last I checked) claims to make “more money than I will ever make” – and he’s … what? Another one of these so called motivational speakers.

If he had any brains he’d check my profile and see I’m fitness guy first, and motivational speaker second!

Ok, maybe both at the same level, but definitely fitness too!

Then of course, the “hussling” in Guangzhou.

Gives his semi -Chinese status away doesnt it. Hehe.

Lots of these trolls wanking around these days as the See Xi Pee desperately tries to project whatever little so called authority it has left on the ROW . . .

To me and many, many residents in Hong Kong, the NSL is a savior to restore law and order in the city that was littered with nonsensical politics. Today Hong Kong is back to a peaceful city and one of the safest in the world envied by other countries, including those with democratic government.

And that says it all, especially the last line – dumb ass “el supremo”.

(ever notice that freedom of speech to these morons is “just politics”!)

(Wonder what they’ll say when the Jackboot clamps down on THEM …)

Backing his shyt up is the last thing he can do …

Like folks, really (and I dont mean you on the list – I mean those that do).

At least have the balls to back your threat up than make silly woman like threats.

If you got the balls, face me man to man and we’ll talk!

But anyway …. we’ve been calling trolls out as of late. Bozo Schofield wasn’t involved, but a certain Harald the Jackass has been involved, and another China Tom Tommer el supremo “Shaun Rein” – though he’s SO pathetic I dont even get involved in discussions he starts.

some people you just stay away from!

Anyway, been a busy day.

Im looking forward to my new gripz coming in in a day or so!

And I’ll be sure and keep you posted on some WORKOUTS with them too!

As for yall, remember that discount only will last for two more days, so get your thang on NOW while you can.

Oh, and as for the Bozo making lots of money, sounds eerily similar to Schofield on public welfare “in ass” (or sewer) in Brum wanking around stealing money from friends and fat Chinese women. LOL. Or, scamming them with fake promises of “life in the UK”.

Gotta say, birds of a feather DO flock together.

I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

My “surprise” – not – and YES!
- Nay - and YAY! (well, yay too to the first, hehe)

Picture this, my friend.

My wife returns home from shopping – or yours, or your S.O., or you return yourself, or whatever.

“There’s a surprise waiting for you!”

You hear that.

Then after hearing that, you’re all ears!

Me, you ask!

Just how could there be a surprise for the “MHP”(most hated person, hehe).

“There is!”

OK, whats it!

“look and you’ll see!”

You peer inside the bag, you can’t see much other than the usual, and some handwash you’ve been meaning to buy or what not, but never got around to.

“There it is!” , she’ll say triumphantly!

The handwash!

You goggle.

“But I thought there was something nice …. “

“OK, if you dont want it, then … “

LOL. You realize it’s futile, and you make the right noises (futile to argue).

You then rejoice your son or daughter getting their “candy treat” or what not from the Store. For them, surprises are always surprises and it should be that way!

and then!

You get back to your workout – and you get a surprise – a great one – for yourself!


This story may be truer for a lot of YOU than you think!

And I, after posting that last picture of my chinning bar on Twitter, decided to do ONE thing – NOW.

Get myself a pair of SUPER DUPER heavy “fat gripz” since the ones already there have done almost worn off, and thats not good for Mr Gorilla Grip.

I should get them by Thursday. We’ll see!

There’s some other great training equipment I’m ordering too – and I’ll keep you posted, but it’s all going to be there in Lumberjack Fitness – whenever I get around to doing that one.

Anyway, I saw something about “excess tension in the body, not mind” on Twitter or somewhere this morning, maybe Medium.

And the author is partly right.

Most of us carry way too much stress in our bodies – neck and traps – thighs – hamstrings – all over – than we need to!

And some simple isometrics really unlock your body – make you feel like a bazillion bucks like anything else – and really, really, increases your STRENGTH and power on everything else by leaps and bounds if you do it right!

Trust me, the reviews on that book are what they are for a reason, a damn good reason.

And anyway, mind too.

A free mind, of course is the most important, and an OPEN one as I’ve been blasting out on a Twitter account of “mine” all day long

Maybe I’ll share those things here too, hehe.

The Bozo for one would have a field day!

For now, it’s been a super busy day, so I’m out – I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, Fast and Furious Fitness, the Collector’s Edition – just waiting … for YOU! Now thats a great surprise, like Uncle Bob told me once, when he sent me green tea (in 2006 when I was in India I belive for a short while) “something to look forward to for sure, like Christmas packages or what not!”

He was so right!

PS #2 – The “handwash” story is one of those stories of yore, and gotta give to the wife – she “remembered”! If not handwash, whatever she DID remember! Credit where it’s due!

Why lazyasses cannot stick to a ROUTINE is beyond me!
- Truly beyond!

It never fails to amaze me, my friend.

It’s like moving a boulder up a mountain getting a lazy ass to do something – or make something of their lives if they complain non stop about it and blame the entire world for it.

When one finally moves that boulder up, and the lazy ass finally “seems” to get into a routine of sorts – and you think “finally!” – BAM!

BAck to square one.

It could be idiotic excuses like “friends over caused me to miss my workout!”

Or,a general life routine like waking up, doing X , Y, Z replaced by “I’ll mope around the house woe betide me and do exactly, other than the bare minimum “F – all” for myself and anyone else”.

Or, a general trend of complaining up a storm, and doing precious LITTLE when someone calls said people out on it.

Then you have the Bozo-nators on their dumbphones from morning (waking up) till night (even before going to bed, the person has to have their addiction “dose of” mobile phone) – yet, when someone tells them – or someone they think “has no authority” …?

They won’t just listen or not.

They’ll YELL back at you.

How dare you tell ’em!

Of course, if you yell back – you’re the one at fault.

Woe betide me in the lockdown, they all wail – either directly or indirectly.

I keep getting comments of (these days even more so) how I used to be “fat as phock” back in the day from folks that are themselves anything but fit – or not fat.

Yet, not one single time about the work I do all day – the stellar sales results – the great shape I got into, the work it took me to get there, the work it’s taking me to stay in great shape, and so forth.

I gotta say it.

People the vast majority aren’t – but they act like – LOSERS!

With a capital frigging L.

Sorry if that offends, but it’s spot on damn well … TRUE!

And don’t give me the spiel of “I’m in a bad mood!’

Your always in a bad mood if thats the case …

Anyway …

Pointless trying to talk to these people, of course.

But I’m here to tell you – and have told YOU in the past – the importance of two things.

One, de-addicting yourself from the dumbphone and two – making, and more importantly, STICKING to – a routine!

Isnt it amazing how many parents are themselves glued to the dumbphone all day long, will literally and angrily fight for their “lives” if someone advises them to de-addict, yet will pass around silly advice on getting fit, achieving, accomplishments, and “he drinks sooooooooo much” nonsense – and berating their children for too much dumbphone when they themselves are guilty of it?

Yes, to me.

I find it nigh pathetic.


Thats one reason I wrote Kiddie Fitness ,and told YOU the parents you could do along with your kids.

And routines.

The first few hours of your day, indeed, the first hour or so sets the TONE for how your day goes.

Unfortunately for the vast majority of Bozos out there it starts with checking their dumbphones, and even if you tell them not to – hell, even if it “bothers you” – guess what – no use.

Ah, the sheeple!

But anyway, fitness wise, same thing.

Person A will start a routine of daily pushups.

For a week, he’ll do great.

Then he’ll lose motivation.

One day! Just one day of rest!

Just one day of binge eating and drinking!

And so forth.

The excuses come in thick and fast.

Then this person takes another day off to recover from the binge.

Another to “relax” (oh my! I’m finally back feeling normal!).

And so forth.

If you, my friend, think this is an exagerration, well, think AGAIN.

Think several times, because this is exactly how sissified and pansified the world in general has become.

Excuses seem to reign supreme, as opposed to doing.

Anyway, I’ll continue to call the Bozos out.

In the meantime, I just got done with 20 pull-up exercise snacks!

And I feel great.

More soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

There is NEVER EVER a recession, my friend. Never, in any regard.
- And it BE true.

I’ve written often about what Claude Bristol said about “mens’ thinking creates more recessions and mishaps and misfortunes and hard times than anything else.

IT was true for both the World Wars, and the Depression that preceded it both.

It’s true for the panic demic now.

It’s true too, for the SO Called recession we’re seeing now, apparently way worse than the Great Depression. …..


It’s May 31, approaching “night” as I write this or evening, whatever ..

And I’m here to tell you this.

I’m reporting my best damned sales figures not just from THIS business (during a traditionally slow time i.e. May) – but from another business as well which sprang into life years ago, but has really got going a while back.

And more.

Truly the best sales figures “ever”. And it’s only going UP.

Think it’s untrue?

It’s not.

And this is from me, me the so called “small guy that knows no-one”, and as a friend Charles famously once said “you’re a one man show! You have nothing!

Thank you, Charles!

For everything, most of all the negativity!

But anyone, ask any achiever – during this time – especially and they’ll report the same thing.

Anyone YOU consider “the real deal”.

All of us cannot be wrong, eh or lying or what not …

Hell, I’ve even given you (returning customers) guys a discount that will last probably for three more days.

And even then, thats the status on the best sales figures.

It’s all about thinking, bro.

As we think, so we are!

Claude Bristol – truly a seer for ages, that yours truly seer learned from – along with Napoelon Hill and a host of greats far greater than me and Time itself (Emerson too!)

Then again, no-one is greater than Time – or the Universe – and I believe both are one and the same.

Time is merely an eyeblink for the Universe.

Anyway, I could go on and on about faith, investments (the right sort), and what not – but I’ll just say this.

There is NEVER a recession – either business, or life, or even “ladies wise” (again, proof is in … you know what, the decidely “Non Bozo” pudding!) … or in ANY regard.

IT is what you MAKE of it.

All of us can.

Yes, you’re a SOMEBODY.

Yes, that thinking needs to change – NOW!

Fitness wise, same thing.

Lots of folks keep moaning about gyms being closed.

Not being able to find weights to train with.

Not even being able to go out to parks and what not without masks or other idiocy.

And so forth.

The whole world is, from what I Can tell!

And yet, a select few of us are getting in the best damned shape of our lives as we AGE as the rest are growing fatter, more miserable, more Bozo phone addicted and so forth.

Coming from a guy who was in the best shape of his life at 25, then x 10 at 36, and then x … for now, 5 at the age of 40? plus?

Thats something!

Inspire, my friend is my job.

I hope I’ve done that in today’s email!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – A customer wrote back to tell me the following about the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

“Your stuff works, yes. You’re a fitness champ, yes.

But what I love the most? Rahul, you’re just so damned inspirational!”

Amen, Tom. Amen! And I thank YOU and everyone else for the opportunity to serve YOU – with the best – and more!

the best for the BEST!

2 minute workouts to build your grip like NEVER BEFORE!
- I did this yesterday!

And they’re all static, bro.

All static!

There is not a SINGLE pushup, pull-up, or other “movement” involved – although you CAN and should work those in too with the workout.

But this one is especially tailored for the Busy Bozos (ha!) who claim they have “no time” when everyone has nothing but LOADS and LOADS of … time!

And if you’re the Bozo, loads of laundry, at least  in his dreams. Hehe.

I was going to title this the “Busy Bozo” workout – but didnt.

But anyway …

Grip and core strength, that old bugbear eh.

And yes, it’s one of the most important things YOU can do for yourself – today.

Do it right, and you’ll work the back and legs heavily too while you’re at it – there is simply NO way to do this right without working the back and legs into the ground as well.

And marketing shebangs aside, let’s give it to you straight.

The exercises I did – modify to YOUR “taste”.

The first is to find a chinning bar, and do a dead hang (or a tree branch, or what not) for one minute – in the STRICT form I mention in Gorilla grip and my other books.

Remember, strict form, and one minute by the clock.

Most men would be doing good to get to 30 seconds, and that the FIT ones – the really fit ones.

Most Busy Bozos and “pull-ups aren’t important! I’m big, not fat!” will flub this one at the get go itself.

Then you have the Hindu pushup – or the static part of it. The downward dog position – on your fingertips.

Again  form is KEY. See the book on isometrics and pushups for more on that!

Then you have an oldie, but goodie that has been practised throughout the ages, and it’s possibly more difficult for you than BOTH the above.

Just stay in a proper fingertip pushup position for a minute, my friend.

60 seconds. Thats all!

If you can do even 10 seconds without collapsing, you’re already in decent shape.

Those are the three static movements the bodyweight exercise Guru worked yesterday.

Thats ALL I did. (x 10 of course).

But even if you did this 1-2 minute workout daily, and thats all you did, your grip would become like a vise.

Your traps and core would get a great workout – so would your legs – and you’d WANT to do more …

You’d be curious to find out more about “those exercises that really work”.

Sometimes, that first sip of blood is all thats required to turn into a full fledged Dracula as a certain Iron lady posted a video of herself as!

It was uber cute – and sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy – I’ll give Madam that!

Ah, the word, Madam, how it makes the “Schofield Bozo” salivate. Hehe.

But anyway, I’ll finish off with a bit about her – she’s currently doing Iron Man and running marathons etc in “beach paradise” Hawaii.


And the post that really grabbed my attention was her talking about the importance of being HYDRATED – with plain ole WATER!

Just water.

No tea “shee”.

No coffee.

No Coca Cola.

No diet shyt Coke.

No nothing except plain ole water, and sometimes, indeed often times THAT works the best, my friend. It truly does!

The President of Belarus once made the comment about defeating the plague from China with a good dose of vodka, saunas and work.

Can’t say I disagree, hehe, but I’ll take the beer!

I’ll DEFINITELY Take the saunas too. Gals or none is a different issue!

Anyway, all these tips are covered (no sauna, no hanky panky) in the Simple and Effective Diet, and more – yours for FREE with a download of #1 premier bodyweight fitness system in this whole wide WORRRRRRRRRRRRLD that has been getting people fit and in the best shape of their lives for ages.

Even if youre just on the list for “the freebies”, you need to at least check this out now, because guess what – it’s the real deal.

(No, before people ask, the price won’t go down).

And I’m out!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – But, remember, that discount for returning customers is still very much there, very much applicable to any product you buy!

The magic involved in just SAYING IT – and just DOING IT – the sheer MAGIC!
- It indeed is magic!

I wrote in the last two emails that success ain’t exactly magic.

It’s the precise opposite i.e. the principles you follow to succeed.

Even if you’re Glyn Butts “never succeeding at being Mr Butts” …

But anyway, the MAGIC!

After writing those two emails to you – something strange happened – something great – wondrous – and this repeats itself in my life in this manner over and over again, and so will it for you if you let it.

An issue I’ve been having with a bank for YEARS miraculously got sorted.

Sometimes, you gotta reach out and SAY what you want, and feel – honestly!

People will listen. If you do it right, people will listen. Trust me!

Not only that – ANOTHER issue with a bank (another one) will likely be sorted this afternoon.

Before I spoke to you, none of this was happening.

Now, voila – magic!

You might argue that I am doing the Universe’s calling and bidding i.e. I was meant to inspire and motivate and uplift and I am, and thus … what I want is being given to me with minimal “effort” on my part.

You might be right.

I’d point this out too though – that I’ve often been – usually am – criticized for my off the cuff comments which are not moderated, especially not on emails and social media.

If it’s a biz discussion, proposal, what not, sure, I’ll think through it.

But ask me what I feel, what I think – gut comes to the fore. It always has, and it’s always saved the day and brought me back to giddy heights from one foo thanging well over the BRINK.

Henry Ford was known for making decisions lightning quick and being slow to the point of obstinacy of changing them. I’ve always been this way too.

Look at how Trumps interacts with people.

He doesn’t think forever before saying.

He just says it – and just does it.

There is indeed MAGIC Involved in this!

Because you’re being you – you’re flowing – you’re NATURAL!

In that vein, let me add this too – two things – one, you’re being you and doing what you want, and feel – not what the Buffoons at Buffoon Central want for you.

And number two, an old Hindi saying I heard in the “Munna Bhai” movies .. .

“Dil Halka ho gaya, BApu!”

The movie in question was one (a comedy) in which Gandhi showed up at the hero’s beck and call to “help from the dead” every time he needed either romantic or other assistance. Hehe.

It’s a classic, the series – I’m eagerly waiting for edition three, but it might not happen.

But it’s one of those rare series where the sequel was just as good in many ways as the former, if not better.

The orignal I mean.

Anyway …

“I feel great now that I’ve said it!”

A load off my mind!

A weight off my heart -a  burden!

Say it anyway you like, but you get the photo.

Once you do, you feel calm, and relaxed. Things flow!!

Key, of course is to say it to the right person – I’m lucky in that (well, I made my own luck!) I have YOU to talk to!

And the better and calmer I am, the more great products I put out for YOU!

And thats another thing.

Before “saying it” – as Dr Kolibal told me all those years ago.

“To get noticed you have to excel at certain classes first!”

I got noticed because I wasn’t showing up for Calculus classes, when I was, I was acing exams half drunk (literally). Same thing for my History classes, so no, it aint any unfair advantage either. When I like to do something I do it!

If you work for a man, for heavens sake – WORK FOR HIM! (Claude Bristol in the Magic of Believing).

I always HAVE – if I WANTED TO!

Anyway, he asked why my Computer Science teachers weren’t noticing me.

The D’s and F’s, hehe.

And then, he said what he did – he was right.

My books are by far the BEST out there in terms of fitness – real man fitness. There are nothing close to it – nothing at all.

And so thats the secret – although it shouldn’t be at all.

Since I feel “unburdened” now, THIS is the book that started it all …

Best, Cheers,


(I had to say both!)

(Zero to Hero is a great read for those of you interested in SUCCESS, by the way).

When “its always OK for the other person”, but never for you!

It is amazing, but true.

Lots of the life lessons I’ve given (back when I DID do it) to folks you’d think would be the “closest” to me ?

They were of course roundly pooh poohed.

When I brought up others that succeeded using the exact same principles I learnt (hell, a lot of it has always BEEN there with me, much as it is with most successful people) … you know what was even more astounding ?

“Oh, they’re right!”

So you say that, for instance, Henry Ford went through Cain to build the greatest business empire in history (and didnt do before age 45, etc) (of course, Jeff Bezos is the man now!) …

Or, anyone, really.

“Oh, thats fine for them! Not you!”

“Dont tell me about those people!”


Are you frigging SERIOUS?

I mean just why the f*** not should I NOT tell you?

Because of some stupid preconceived notion YOU have about ME – that is false, and based upon your buffoon like assumptions (and note, in most cases people like this have done one thing intheir OWN lives – exactly F-all).

Like a blind man teaching those that can see how to walk, the eunuchs teaching you the humpty and so forth …

Because of some silly idea you’ve got that “achievement” – real achievement – and the sacrifices are for others?

Because all the tremendous sacrifice going on right for you is “not valuable” because it doesnt fit your DUMB ideals of what success should be like (hint – it ain’t magic for sure!).

Then again, what can or should you expect from morons that have never once done the thing in their own lives yet see fit to “dispense advice” like flowing rivers of sewage.

Do they have the right to do so?


I’ve got the right to ignore them too though …

… and here’s the point – so do YOU!

This sort of BS ,my friend, there is no point logically “arguing against  it”.

These people have an agenda from the get go.

And to see a classic example of this at work – you just look at the interviews Wei Yia Jiang “Nazi feminist to the core” did with President Trump – any of them – where she’s accusing in that manner “oh, I’m a woman, how dare he!” only a Nazi feminist can do (a female one, because guess what, if it’s a man, he’ll get cut down to size RIGHT QUICK!) . . . with other men.

There is a reason most interviews with Trump were deemed as controversial, and after watching them I understand why.

Because it didnt fit the pandering “pander to me and do what I say” mindset the liberals in general have …

And you know who else!

Point being you.

If you’re looking to achieve something – anything – and you hear this BS – either ignore it – or learn to do what I outline in the book on Nazi feminism – it works just as well for liberals and jackass social justice buffoon-cum-so-called-spurt-warriors.

And for now … well, the book that started it all for me, and might well for you too, if you let it!

Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Edition. Jump on this now – two copies left, once gone,they’re GONE!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Returning customers – discount. YES!

When you feel like you ain’t got a choice
- Many of you do!

I’ve written about this before. But NOW is a good time to write about it again!

I’ve been having thoughts – plenty of thoughts this morning.

And I had a great, great dream in which I jumped off what was I believe the “Golden Gate Bridge” into the deep depths of what showed up as “NY” in my dream, but was actually obviously the seas surrounding Alcatraz or what not (actually, I never wrote that down! It just came to me now).

I was trying to swim, but the current just swept me away.

Along came a powerful motorboat, the stern gleaming BRIGHT orange. It came to me, I clambered on it, and all was well.

Now, there’s plenty of other aspects to this dream.

But the most important one – the THRILL!

For a guy who is scared of heights (well, I thought I was!!) – and a dude that isn’t exactly enthusiastic about bungee jumping and jumping into deep ocean (though I Dont mind swimming in it ) – hell, in the dream I remember my legs flailing about as the current just pulled me – that was a thrill indeed!

But the point isn’t my dream, or the implications it had for me.

The point is what I’ve been thinking about.

“Not having a choice”.

Relationship wise, lots of people stay married for years – decades – longer believing “they dont have the choice” to break free of what they know very well is toxic.

I could give you plenty of examples.

Then you have people thinking the same way about business – or life.

Those that feel “stuck” in a certain situation (and with the COVID thing everywhere, well, that adds another unknown dimension to it – hey, I get it!).

Those that feel “if they say something, what will they think and I’ll lose the little I’ve got” (a guy on Twitter privately told me that this morning, which hey, I like the guy, so I agreed in terms of not publicly replying to his comments, but I dont agree with the thinking behind it, but hey, to each his own!).

He’s a great guy though. I worked with him!

Then you have those that are content to ride the steady boat – for now – until the choppy waters or the Meg overturn it.

I still remember the shark teeth from the dream a week before I ended up watching the Meg!

And again, given all that is happening globally – do you really think thats the best option to bank upon my friend?

The best option is YOU. The inner YOU.

This morning, or actually a couple of days ago I read about a celebrated wrestlers in India – an Olympian – and his “fall from grace” after being implicated (and the videos seem to prove it) in a brutal gang inspired murder (so it seems) .

And he isn’t the only one either.

He was someone the whole country looked up to, I’d presume. Hell, he was certainly the fittest of the lot out there – REAL strength – not the show boat strength a lot of the WWE guys have.

Maybe he too, deep down felt he “didnt have a choice” but to accept a life of crime (which seems to be an issue a lot of times in India)?

I dont know . . . I haven’t read the tale in all it’s gory details – maybe I will.

But its THAT thinking I’m urging you to change my friend – for YOU.

You’ll never be happy to just “float along the seas of life wondering what might have been”.

I can tell yo uthis though – branching out on your own takes guts – and gumption – a hell of a lot of both!

Putting up with all the hate you’ll get – all the people you “thought” you were close to dumping you like toxic waste (when THEY Are the problem!) … and much, much more.

Hell, I could write a tome on it!

But ask any doer that “finally” got there, and he’ll tell you the same thing.

Sometimes, there are things in life that have to be done that require great courage, valor and sacrifice but they have to be done ALONE.

Perhaps thats part of what my dream told me this “morning” (it was).

Flip side, the REWARDS are great too.

Take from this what you may, but it’s all 100% TRUE.

Anyway … fitness you ask?

Well, fitness wise, many years I didnt think I had a choice either.

The negativity was really starting to get to me, and for years, although I Worked out when “fat” yes – I never really slimmed down like now.

I was of course routinely laughed at, made fun of -a nd every time I brought up the past in terms of “ok, thats now, but what about then?” – they said ” so what”.

When I show them the now they say “so what”.


When I show THEM their own deficincies – its either “so what” (but they do care, trust me, they DO!) – or the staid “but it wasn’t always this way!”

Interesting how goose and gander never applies to the vast majority of buffoons out there.

Which is exactly why Napoleon Hill said the bit about …

Tell the world what you’re going to do, but show ’em first!

Preferably dont tell them at all is what I’d say, hehe.

But anyway … fitness wise, and every other “wise” the spark was always there.

Deep down inside, I’ve never been a man to be controlled, tamed – I always rebelled – sometimes seething for years, but I GOT what I wanted eventually. Every single damn time!

Despite my own family in my cases actively plotting and scheming against me in their own way and sometimes they didnt even realize they were doing it.

Hey, all good.

I’m used to it.

Point is, THIS is the book that really started it all for me.

Throughout the years, even though at times I didnt do anything at allwith it, I kept the site going, the book going …

… Sometimes, I wondered why.

Then I stopped wondering!

I just did it.

So should YOU, my friend.

Thats why I have it as the tagline of this site!

And … last, but not least, remember the Collector’s Edition of that very book – once gone, they’re gone – two or so copies left – NO MORE.

Remember, if you want to get your hands on this gem – do so NOW.

It’s where it all started for me.

Who knows – it might do the same for YOU!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And yes, returning customers, we’ve got the special going on for YOU – 20% off, and it applies to paperbacks as well! And digital too … HAVE AT!