More on the importance of genuine feedback and REVIEWS!
- And more ...

I recently posted a blast on LinkedIn (sorry, Pinked-Out) about China forcing everyone up and about in the middle of the night in a city very close to … well, Lowu in Shenzhen.

I was going to say close to Hong Kong, but that might end up being an oxymoron.

I really let loose as you saw from the email this morning.

Of course, the idiots and Tom Toms and braying Jack and Jill (led by the Jill’s, no surprise there eh!) asses are out in FULL FORCE!

How dare I say it, hehe.

But I did, and I will keep saying it, so there.

Here is what Bozo Lucas Han said …

“pls go back to your country. go to india”

Then as if she realized that was too “inappropriate” –

china is most safety now. pls do not say something not true”

False my rear end.

Safe my hairy ass …

Anyway, Rahul Mookerjee has never been known to back down – from anything – or any gender. Hehe. Or the third Schofield “wierdo” Gender either!

Please crawl back into the hole you came from. Thank you!

Please stop Tom Tomming and making ridiculous, retarded, monkey strung statements. What I said was 100% true. Check your own facts first, if you’ve got half a brain to do so!

Now, this Bozo might not understand most of what I said.

But isn’t it true.

I post something about China, and instead of addressing the FACTS?

“Go back to India (or whichever my own country is that she thinks I’m from – when I say India, the morons don’t believe because “u not dark!!!!!!!!!!” and when I say I am, they say “your english is so good”, and, well….!)”

Like lady, who gives a rip about whose country is what and where someone is.

Address the FACTS!

Of course, thats too much to ask – i.e. a logical discussion when it comes to the left and retards and China tom tom’s …

And to be fair, even the great (not) Schofield once attempted to corner them about racism at some so called school he worked at where he pestered a girl incessantly about “but why does skin color matter”

Never thought I’d say the Bozo had half a brain, but he displayed signs of it there …

Anyway, that aside, we’ve gone a LOT into why you genuine customers should leave reviews, or the Bozos will … for those yet not up to speed?

Read THIS.

But either way, I’ve been writing about Amazon as of late, havent I?

And the fact that despite my recent bad experience with them I’ve got utmost faith in Jeff and his team, and I continued doing biz with them anyway, and I will continue to do so because “customer first” is Jeff’s philosophy and I fully support this!

Hell, I support it – not only support it – but implement the same in my biz too!

And true to form, Amazon Executive Customer relations team (their top rung of customer service) solved the problem as I KNEW they eventually would.

They asked for a review (feedback).

I gladly gave them some.

A minute or so later, Twitter, with whom Ive been having some billing (strange) issues … got back to me with a resolution/explanation of what I had been asking for the past week.

Took them a while to get it done, but get it done they did!

And they asked for feedback. I gave them that too!

My email guys constantly ask me for feedback, so does EVERYONE I work with – any serious business.

And I give them ALL serious reviews, because guess what – thats how it goes!

That is just how the cookie crumbles ie. if you do business with someone, you’re in it for the long term, or you should be, at any rate – that is always how I’ve done biz.

And thats part of the reason behind my recent WeShat cull as most of the hyenas on there showed their true colors after I started posting about politics and how the CCP intended to destroy the whole world – with proof.

How dare I.

Not one said I was wrong.

Well, I might not “go back to my own country”, lady, I should have said but I showl WILL put my foot up your arse if you bitch at me about something like that and you WILL get deleted, no questions asked.

But I gave them all great reviews – why?

They deserved it.

And thats the thing about business – you pass on the good things one business has done to the rest of the world, and they do the same by you.

It’s just how it works my friend, an dit’s yet one more reason YOU should USE the links in that email you got with your download – and post a review.

It don’t need to be 5 star, 1 star, any star, or 7 star even. Hehe. Though it’s great if it is, that ain’t the point.

The point is honest feedback.

And when you post through that link, it auto posts to the system and I can’t change it even if I wanted to – good, bad or ugly!

And thats what I want i.e honest feedback more than anything else!

Anyway, Amazon sure does know how to do biz!

And keep their customers happy. No wonder Jeff has a personal fortune rivaling that of a couple of South American nations, and may it grow as far as I’m concerned – he does biz like it’s supposed to be done!

But Amazon is HUGE on their Amazon pay thing, and gift cards etc.

And we here at 0 Excuses Fitness did somethign similar a while back.

We had the “wallet” system implemented wherein you could add funds to your wallet HERE – and use those for purchases, either current or future.

And of course, all wallet purchases got an auto discount (without asking – 10% I believe on top of whatever discount was being currently offered – as of now none).

But down the line, that feature stopped working, and I’m waiting for the guys to add it back – I’m sure they will in future releases.

Code can be complicated.

Hell I know. I used to be a coder myself!

But anyway, thats the update from now from yours truly “ever combative”.

I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, TWO copies remaining for Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Edition, and one is mine. Get it now while the going is good!

PS #2 -As for Lucas the Bozo-nator?

I posted the following too –

To all Chinese that agree with the Bozo above, and not all do – no, not all Chinese are that damned stupid!! – next time, don’t show up in America complaining about discrimination and “us calling it the Kung Flu” no matter where we might be. Guess what, we WILL. Because thats what it IS, the Chinese virus. China created it, China spread it, and thats just the bottom line. Dont like it?

Well, then, as you say – go back to your own country and STAY THERE!

I mean really, folks – do you see how STUPID this line of reasoning is?

Address FACT, not RHETORIC!

When Carol told me “your legs are sexier than hers!”
- Indeed astonishing, but not really, hehe.

It’s funny, but before people reading get any ideas – she was a …..

s …





(Salacious details omitted as always but if you’d ask her NOW what she was, she’d reply with student, therefore, so am I).

Anyway, before I proceed, a review from the ages from a troll par exellence (so he thinks, hehe) and a wacko-job like never before – the one and only Bozo Schofield in the UK.

He left this review on Fitness Pioneer (Amazon inexplicably removed it, but let the rest “stand” – I dont know why – this was one of my favorite ones!)

The weepiest by far … hehe. if you can catch his “I dont get none, Rahul gets it all” schoolboyish drift!

(Maybe it’s the long hair. Hehe. “Habib” always had the “hair”! as TEMB once told me!).

Or maybe …

(I have all of the Bozos’s stuff saved for posterity in a “Sco the Nutwad” folder. LOL).

For Fitness Pioneer, a book where I posted an admittedly “handsome” selfie of myself as the cover – which by the way is something I HATE doing (taking selfies))

Being as I’m something of a pioneer myself, I thought I would try Rahul’s book. Utterly, utter drivel spurting from the mouth of a barely literate mad men. He cheats on his wife, so what can he do to his friends? Avoid this book.

More here . . .

But anyway, Carol was a STUDENT. Hehe.

And I once sent her a picture of myself at a foot massage salon in China.

A rather fancy and expensive one too, no hanky panky, not that I “asked for” anyway.

Upon sending the pic over, I fully expect her to comment on the cute little gal doing the massage.

I fully expected to her say what some foot massage worker told her about her feet “apparently small and beautiful” or some such nonsense.

Well, it made sense, but I dont know, why would they say that, but anyway, women, but Bozo “Wanna be Woman” Schofield knows all about that.

But anyway … (poor Bozo. He’s probably frothing at the bit right about now, his email signups all in “outer space”) …. I was gobsmacked and stunned.

“Me?????? Why the hell me” I asked her.

“My legs???”

She replied in the affirmative.

Yes, you!

But I got it by then.

I can be a bit slow at times …

Remember the email I sent about what women really, really want?

Well, contrary to what a lot of men and boobybuilders think (and especially phat phock expats thinking they’re God in China – hint – they’re the opposite) – women don’t want men with large bellies hanging down to their ankles tom tomming their weight lifting or what not. Neither do they want “My Olympia’s fat free body”.

Women are most interested in a TONED (hint, not striated) midsection.

And LEGS – yes – !

No, not legs that look like they’re pillars either.

Legs like in the page on Animal Kingdom Workouts.

I’m not saying that to Tom Tom. I’m saying that because if YOU Do what is mentioned in the book, you’ll understand the truism or what I am saying.

That picture on the Advanced Hill Training page . . .

THAT is what women want (and therefore all the trolling it gets).

Anyway, I thanked Carol profusely, but did nothing after that.

Much like the poor Bozo, except he “wants” to but can’t, hehe.

But really, lesson in this is an old and “tested” one, except I’m saying it differently.

Legs, hips, grip and core my friend.

There literally is nothing more important.

Get started TODAY.


Rahul Mookerjee



Why I love “moms in miniskirts” (or lonnnnnnnngggggg flowing skirts) that call me a fool and buffoon
- (not the latter. she didnt know the word, hehe)

“No, you FOOL! How coul dI forget you!”

Said with true Panache, said like an Asian would (you know, the accent and everything – I still remember my dad using the word when I was young sometimes hehe – and while that doesn’t carry any sort of pleasant memory, Sophia said it the same way) … and said in the same “tone”.

(The Asian style? Well, it’s people flattening their palms – and gesticulating wildly at the “other person” whose the “fool” as if to say “GRRRRRRRRRRRR”! YOU FOOL!)

It’s hard to explain. LOL. You Brits reading this will get what I mean!

So will the Asians. Hehe.

Back to tale – Bozo Schofield would literally have CREAMED his panties. Believe me. Hehe.

Sophia is as natural to what he craves, but never gets …

But anyway, this lady told me the following to a simple comment about “Sophia, I believe you forgot me” (something biz related , some nonense we were discussing I believe).

Maybe it was me asking her about the dude she met, and “yours truly caveman” hoping for some salacious details only to be met with the following repeatedly.

“Hmmph! You far more hansome than him!”

Right down to the misspelling.

Unfortunately some handsome men don’t leave their homes, hehe.

Anyway, point of me saying this – and remembering Sophia?

I saw a certain lady on LinkedIn cussing up a storm.

IT reminded me of Sophia, who was the best at it – Chinese style, of course!

It also reminded me of how I first met her – or, the two months before I did.

We were in a WeShat group – I believe I mentioned this story before when some Chinese dame was going bananas over me accepting a “group red packet” (basically a few pennies or less than for namesake given to a group of people) and calling me all sorts of names under the sun and implying all expats were groveling losers living under the Chinese jackboot.

Much like I did on Freakbook – I didnt take it.

Attack back x 10000!

OF course, the pathetic group administrator was too shit scared of her to SAY anything to her – though she was the one cussing up a storm.

He did the usual cucked “tell both people” thing, and it was aimed at me.

As if she could start it and get away with it!

Privately, of course, he told me he’d kick her out of the group.

I mean, dude, really.

Have the balls to say it to her face!

Sophia did.

And for a woman to come out and say that – well – I admire the lady!

I should have said Hi to her then, Ididnt, a couple of months later we ended up meeting anyway.


That line in the sand, or the circle in the sand as they said in the old Sufi poem.

Anyway, I’m sorry to report there wasn’t much of a romantic story to share there. Hehe. Except the cussing which I kind of admired, but most of all, she stood up and did the right thing.

Kudos, gal!

(I’m deliberately leaving the juicier bits out too, hehe. Bozo Schofield must be literally wetting dem panties by now) …

He’d LOVE her. LOL.

Anyway – – – Sophia once called me a Gorilla – multiple times actually.

And as I keep opening those hard to open cans around the house or what not, I’m reminded of what Charles my former friend told me in a “sneering” sort of manner.

Remember, the Bozo has a limp fish handshake par excellence, but Charles didnt exactly have a strong grip either.

Gotta love it when men3x size get “shaken” by the handshake like a leaf in a tornado. Hehe.

It all comes from the core though, my friend. Sorry to disappoint, but mammoth striated forearms without core and legs are like a hot air balloon without air , puffed, buffed and strutted, with NOTHING to show for it (like the boobybuilders building their pecs or what not).


But anyway, he told me this once in an irritated sort of way

“You must be the guy they call when they gotta open those hard to open cans!”

True dat, bro.

And I find them amazingly and appallingly easy to open to the point I even ask said people “just why the heck can’t you open something so damned EASY!”

They get pissed, of course. Hehe. So be it!

“You make it sound like grip strength is more important than breathing!”

Well, my friend, it’s as important if you get my drift.

The true heroes – the UNSUNG CHAMPIONS – DO!

I’m out.

For now, remember if you want to turn into a bonafide Gorilla (and no, if you’re Schofield’s pal on Freakbook commenting upon “I jerk my gorilla daily” or some such inane nonsense, no, that ain’t what it’s about – neither is it about Gorilla wangs or what not rubbish people talk about) .. then get the compilation HERE.

Back soon


Rahul Mookerjee

(Oh, the fool part, more on that – especially when driving and some Bozo cuts you off – CLASSIC! Asia, you beauty!!)

PS – For those of you that haven’t – here are two more great courses (for the core, but the entire body too) you just must pick up now – Animal Kingdom Workouts – and Advanced Hill Training (in reverse order preferably, but take your pick!)

PS #2 – Remember a great customer Panourgias, who spoke about “sexy girls on the hill”?

Well, long skirts or shorts – the LEGS, my friend are what it’s about. Hehe. Even with masks and what not, the LEGS!

I’ve always been a leg man workout wise and otherwise. Hehe.

Not so much a Bozo like “MILF” fan, but hey – us “high T” guys can’t ignore them LEGS, even if clad! Hehe.

OK, maybe too much detail, but a lot of you will relate, hehe.

(Sophia was more of a long skirt gal. Love it when the girls say “long skirt” to men who want short. and the reverse. Women. Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em. hehe)

“Nowwwwwwwwwwww is a good time to do business in China” (not!)
- Ugh, these buffoons - but know what really irks me?

It isn’t just the neediness in the posts these self obsessed lard ass Mama’s boy (controlled by Chinese wife and girlfriend) so called China business experts “WE teach you how to do business in China, without us, you’l lFAIL!” (yeah – right – it ain’t the 1990’s no more, Bubba) keep making, Tom Tomming everything the CCP does, and dissing everything the ROW does – to the point of being called traitors to their own countries (a friend of mine told me that privately).

And thats what they are – TRAITORS.

I see a lot of these Tom Tom’s on a daily basis – they come from all over the globe, but Australia seems to have a lot of them running around in China, desperately looking for the next ESL gig, and hoping for the next cash handout from their wives and girlfriends while pandering to the Chinese public in the hope they’ll care (hint – they dont. The age of foreign devils being worshipped is LONG gone, if it was ever there – it wasn’t, to be fair – and ESL was never the golden cash cow people thought it was – and now? Less than the dregs and pits! ) about their silly “business plans” that their wives paid for …

Cooking meals on the middle of busy streets much like a low income Chinese hawker would …

But anyway, the Tom Tomming pisses me off not so much because it’s untrue – flat out – but also because it glorifies a dictatorship that did everything possible (admittedly, the ROW helped while they slept on the threat!) to destroy the entire world and put it on the brink of war (which might still end up happening).

The latter actually is more of a reason.

Note I dont say China.

I say CCP!

LOTS of Chinese dont like the CCP’s policies, my friend.

This is something not spoken about openly.

Things were a lot better pre Xi Jingping takeover, when China was *gasp!) actually becoming somewhat more democratic in that people were finally able to START to find their voice – not a lot – but a little.

It all starts with ONE voice.

And Xi knew that, of course, and China right now is in the grips one of the most brutal dictatorships it’s ever seen since Mao.

I love the country, but fear the direction its headed in. So do many Chinese. I could name 10 right now. I won’t.

But anyway, that aside, it’s not even the neediness you can smell a mile away that pisses me off – or maybe thats it.

“NOWWWWWWWWWWWW is a good time to do business in China” claim these Bozos while posting doctored pictures of pool parties in Wuhan saying “China is the most hedonistic place on the planet to be!”

I mean, really, dude.

Get the eff real (if drinking engine oil baijiu equates to hedonism in your book – GREAT – but not all of us feel the same way!).

The plague China sent over is by no means gone in China, and we all know about the doctored figures and cover ups to this day.

How many of you know the recent incident in Lowu Shenzhen China – where residents were forced out of their houses in the middle of the night no less for COVID testing?

If you dont comply, they’ll drag you out, kicking and screaming.

Dont believ eme?

Follow me on social media, and you’ll see photos.

Dont believe me on the kicking, screaming, extreme violations of privacy etc?

Think having anal swabs is bad?

Well, picture the CCP putting cameras IN YOUR HOUSE – watching your every move.

(dont believ eme? I know. I know. Great! I just “demonize” the See Xi Pee. But fact is, even the most liberal leaning of news media, example, She – En – En has said it…)

That, my friend, isn’t the end of it either – I won’t even get into Xinjiang here!

But it just irritates and irks me, the constant neediness and tom tomming and blatant MIS REPRESENTATION of actual FACTS ON THE GROUND!

People might not know it, but masks are still very much mandatory in China in many places, and unlike back home, you can’t “argue” with the law there.

It’s either do it, or you get put in PRISON. Simple.

Anyway, the neediness is I think what irritates me and makes me laugh in equal measure, especially when I see the pictures these nuts post.

You can’t fake VIBES!

They try to, but they can’t.

They’re DESPERATE for business.

Anyway, yours truly never does the “NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW is a good time to buy my products“.

Hell, I do a pretty damned good job of inflaming and repelling the vast majority of people who come to the site. Hehe.

So it should be.

I’d rather market my stuff to the DOERS – the great guys that GET IT – not the Tom Tom’s and typical wackos running around with heads up asses or what not.

The only time I’ll say NOW is when the word is warranted.

Such as the one copy of Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Edition lying around.

Two, actually.

But no more than that.

If you want it, get it NOWWWWWWWWWW – why? Not because it’s a magic potion to solve “awwllllll” the problems you’re having now, but because once gone, this RARE GEM OF A COURSE – will be gone – forever.

No more reprints, not the Collector’s Edition.

If you want in, jump NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

The recent John Cena Kow Tow to China was Pathetic!
- I gotta say this.

I’m not and never have been a huge fan of John Cena either way – and I dont particularly dislike or like him.

Quinetessnal (I know, I love spelling!) all American boy was his image in the WWE – but that was a long time after the Attitude Era, and being all my favorites were during that era (and to this date, I make it a point to watch and read everything “Steve Austin” related! – and probably also the Rock to an extent) – but not just that – I try and listen to the Steve Austin podcast as often as I can – and being I didnt really watch WWE after that, my feelings for this guy?

Probably a nice enough guy.

Other than that, big fat zippo either way.

But the Steve Austin podcast is a great one, and even Cena showed up there once!

My favorite podcasts on that show were Austin/MacMahon (classic, Austin talking about his own “firing”!) – Austin/HBK (Shawn Michaels), but there’s plenty of other great segments if you’re a WWE fan of yore.

I am!

Anyway, Steve Austin is by far my all time favorite WWE superstar, but there were plenty of other great ones too.

But anyway … this isn’t about that.

This is about John Cena’s recent kow tow to China – a shocking one in my book – but really, it’s not that “out of the ordinary” given Hollywood in general has been kow towing to china for AGES NOW.

From “Meg” to “Mulan” (both atrocious movies, and the only positive in the former was Jason Statham who tries to make a go out of a mess, but even he couldn’t salvage the movie despite being his usual great self in the movie) …. and even one of the recent Stallone flicks “Escape 2” and “Bullet to the Head” – Hollywood in general has completely sold out to China.

A fact constantly made by the great Mike Pompeo and others on the right for one, and they are … well, right.

I’ve been bitching up a storm about these movies and the mindset as well for ages.

Not only are the movies utter crap – there is an element of unnatural jingoism to them that are flat out nauseating.

I mean, the Meg for one was about a prehistoric underwater shark, and somehow, by the end of the movie, Hainan Island and Sanya showed up choc a block full of Chinese chicks ready for the massive shark to gorge on.

And of course, the obligatory “red” flag flying as a Chinese couple got married on a boat, and those annoying rat like pink dogs the Chinese so seem to love (I’ve never seen a German shepherd -my favorite breed – or any real dog in China till date!).

Just flat out annoying.

But Cena?

He apparently made the mistake (not) of referring to Taiwan as a country, and hey – I get it!

(During an interview in Taiwan for his latest movie Fast and Furious Fitness 9).

I mean, I call it a country too.

What do you call an island with its own government, military, foreign affairs and the whole she bang?

Obviously a country!

Much like going from China to hong kong doesnt warrant a “it’s part of China” response that it gets from the idiots that jingo up and down in China (I mean, look, dude, you pass….um, IMMIGRATION? Light bell! – or bulb!) …. calling Taiwan a country doesn’t even mean one is interested in politics or Chinese politics.

Thats just the natural reaction!

And I’d expect Cena to say just the above and then shrug his shoulders and say “politics? whatever!”

That would get him off the hook no matter what his personal opinion may or may not be.

As it stands though, he’s issued an official apology video with some broken Chinese basically saying he’s “so so so so so so sorry!” (and to calm some of us down, he never really said what he was sorry for).

But still, the intent is CLEAR.

And he hasn’t satisfied anyone.

Folks lik eyours truly, Pompeo, Senator Tom Cotton and the rest are livid with what has been said.

Rightly so!

When a citizen of the free world kow tows to a repressive dictatorship and is forced to apologize for his/her remarks on politics or seeming politics – not on!

The NBA has no problem with people kow towing to China either, it would seem – as you can tell from the “Hong Kong comment issue”!

Back in 2015 I believe during the pro democracy protests in Hong kong, someone who was a somebody at the NBA tweeted ONE line in support of Hong Kong, and of course, that was enough.

It set the Tom Tom’s and Jingoists off.

And he had to apologize else China threatened to pull the NBA.

Typical CCP style. Threaten and bully to get what they want, and throw a hissy when those of us with some sense refuse to get pushed around and bullied.

There’s only one way to deal with a bully, my friend.

Fight back x 100000!

Aka Bozo Schofield (he’s just a puny example though – there are plenty – but given his recent scam of cheating Chinese women – the more gullible and older ones, though there are plenty of young ones too – out of money to help them acclimatize in the UK or some such nonsense – he’s been on a “pro CCP” tom Tomming tune as of late too).

Anyway, all Cena said during the video was “so so so so sorry” – thats what it boils down to, and if you didnt know context and just saw the video – you wouldn’t even know what he’s talking about.

In the past, Cena would probably have said it upfront in the video because the China market would be “too important to ignore”.

Now, he’s walking the tightrope between “not pissing the Chinese off” and “keeping the ROW happy as well”.

A disaster, my friend – from every standpoint, but most of all marketing.

What you see is what you get is how it SHOULD BE.

You’re either here or there!

You’re never in the middle.

And some of cena’s Chinese fans have said the same thing ie. “we won’t accept this hollow apology until and unless WHY you are apologizing is made clear”.

Fair enough.

Hey, I’d say the same thing!

You’d think Cena being in an industry where marketing is KING more so than others would have known this, but he seems to be doing exactly what Universal Pictures tells him to do!

Regardless – in one word – as Senator Cotton rightly said – PATHETIC!

As is the current Biden admin push on (and as I write this, they have done it) CLOSING the investigation into the China virus – an effort led by Mike Pompeo.

Just pathetic, even more so.

I mean, don’t we need to hold the CCP accountable for the devastation they spread globally?

Of course we do.

The whole world does!!

And though most of us have been saying it since forever, ever since this “panic demic” started, the facts coming out since then have only proven even more than this damn thing was started in a lab in Wuhan, and spread to the rest of the world by the CCP – who never reported it when it first leaked, and did all it could to cover it up while shutting their own country down and allowing the damned thing to travel everywhere else globally, and of course the WHO aka CHO was NEVER allowed a look in and when it was, it was never allowed to operate freely — and despite all this, I can just imagine Biden saying the following.

“Oh well. IT happened. There’s no sense pissing China off further!”


And combined with his pampering of Iran, it only serves to heighten the sense of unease I felt after the stolen election.

That something was – is – very very wrong here!

Anyway, back to Cena.

If he had simply responded in the “I made a mistake, lets get it over with because …. ” way I mentioned above I’d have far more respect for him, as it stands now, I sure won’t be watching Fast and Furious Fitness.

I never have, for that matter.

The only connection I have with the brand in any way, and it’s not even a connection is in 2010 I thought of a name for a fitness book – NO, it had NOTHING to do with the movie itself!

Nothing at all.

If it did, I would never have made 0 Excuses Fitness the flagship brand.

But the first book is Fast and Furious Fitness, and thats the only connection there – direct or not, and it is a book that will get you into just that sort of shape if you “do” what it tells you.

Currently, we’re down to the last few Collector’s Editions (two) – and if you want this gem – my first, and one of my best – then order NOW my friend.

No more reprints.

Once gone, they’re gone

And thats that from me.

Back later!


Rahul Mookerjee

The women I was told “I could never have” – that I did x 1000 – and how that applies to YOU!
- anytime they say NEVER!

You know what fires me up more than anything else, pally?

I might not show it, but it does!

Remember Rocky in Rocky I talking about Apollo Creed joking about “if he can’t fight, he can cook!”

(with reference to Rocky’s Italian lineage).

Paulie (his long suffering or so he said brother in law (later)) made the comment about “dont let it bother you, Rock!”

He said it didnt.

On the way out home that night though (they were watching the interview at his then sweetheart Adrian’s home) (they were old fashioned too, hehe, in case you didnt guess) (Stallone is nothing if not SMART) …

“Yo!” he tells Adrian.

YEs, she asks.

“You know how I said that didnt bother me?”, he goes.

Yes …

“It did!”

and he then walks off, having exposed his most inner feelings to her …

Yes, I know I said that opposite!

Same thing with ME.

Few things fire me up as someone saying either directly or indirectly “you can’t”.

Note – this doesnt hold true for trolls or Bozos, I’m talking folks who “really mean what they say or imply”.

Not drunken Bozos with heads in ass “Booz-O” style, hehe. Poor Brum!

But anyway, the new email signups where it redirects you to a new page was long overdue, and thankfully with the double optin (I finally!) implemented, it’s goodbye to the Bozo – unless he shows up on Amazon again, hehe.

(Which I kind of hope he does).

But anyway .. . women!

At the age of 19, a certain “J” I wont mention the name of .

“You can never have her! She’ll never go with you!”


(Not only that – she’s the heroine of one of my bestselling BOOKS – non fitness, of course. Fitness books ain’t got no romance, pally. The others … well!).

Or, my girlfriend in the US when I told my “family”.

“She’s too beautiful for you”, went my sister in a “huffy” sort of tone.


Then when I met and married my wife.

Same thing.


Now, all of the people that said or implied this knew deep down inside I was getting plenty from plenty of sources.

I gotta say this though – if these people knew the TRUE EXTENT to which even I didnt keep count – hehe – they’d be gobsmacked x 1000.

Maybe my Dad was “right” when he asked me if I had “any other wives” when they found out about my marriage in 2008 / 09 on the second page of the Times of India …


I should have done the fitness thing then too!

Anyway, where am I going with all this and what’s this got to do with you.

Well, nothing really.

Except …

One, I’m very qualified to write the book on Nazi feminism – yet another reason.

And two?

It ain’t about notches on the bedpost for me.

It’s about when they say you can’t do it – then DO IT x 1000000!

It may take years, but I’ll DO IT!

And do it I did, hehe, right down to a job in 2003 no-one wanted me to take, so much so that even I had second thoughts, but I took it anyway, and oh boy!

I cannot remember the Sufi Poem, but a certain Elizabeth credited in one of my books once mentioned the part about “God always drew a circle here around the spot where you’re standing now. You were always here!”

Maybe that explains the odd connection I’ve mentioned before between Chinese (and a lot of other) women and yours truly.

Part of it, at least.

Steve Jobs is credited in that book too – his great quote on connecting the dots backwards, and not forward (can’t be done) and how that approach served him so well over his life!

Yes, yes, I know.

“I’ve got no drive and desire but everyone else does!”


Anyway, point of this being – lets get back to fitness for the most part and life.

And you’ll see how this applies to you.

10 things – or SOME things I was told I could never do.

(or implied).

  1. Grip Strength – I was always told “I think I’m so strong” – and that I had a weak grip.


2. That “I’d die by the age of 30 if I kept up my drinking” (beer – and I did).


3. That I’d never get in movie star like shape.


4. That “no girl would ever want me”.

HA! x 10000.

5. That no-one would buy my books.


6. That the books were too overpriced, and no-one would want them.

Hee, hee …

7. That I’d have to live under the corporate yoke the rest of my life, because “how dare I”.


8. That I’d never develop BRUTE strength that other had “naturally”.


9. That I’d put on weight anyway around the midsection “and the only reason I didnt at the age of 19 was I was young”, and “I’d see”.

Tee hee.

10. ….. well, I believe I’ve gone on long enough. But if those that made those comments read this, well, you know who you are!

(10 should have been “you’ll never win a case by fighting against anyone”.


But anyway ….

When someone says NEVER to you, do you feel the PRICK OF ANGER ?

The desire to YELL “how the hell do you know” at the person?

The NEED to HAMMER the other person to Cain and beyond?

And so forth?

In short, it pisses you off, no?

Well, thats good – and bad.

It’s good if you get pissed off.

It’s bad if you undertake any of the other actions above.

Get pissed – but get EVEN.

And do so in the Napoleon Hill style of “Tell the world what you’re going to do, but SHOW IT FIRST!”

And as my books get translated into languages from Spanish to Portugese to French – well, Chinese is probably going to be the next one! Hehe.

If they say never?

“You’ll never be able to do pull-ups”, you might hear.

“You! How can you ever lose weight with your habits!”

“You! How could you ever work for yourself!”

And so forth.

I’m sure a lot of you have heard it.


Internalize it.

then get to work.

And hammer them – with your RESULTS – better than what you or they thought!

Remember, deep down inside, the criticism comes from those way more insecure in themselves than you.

The crab mentality – the crab trying to escape will always get pulled back – first!

or the other crabs will try, at least.

And they’ll all hate him for it, hehe.

Alright, this has gone on for long enough, but really, you get the photo!

When they say never – do it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Perhaps the one course that sums up the “Ill show YOU!” mentality better than any other is this one – BAttletank Shoulders.

Get on the exercises, and routines therein, bro.

You’ll see.

You will … SEE!


PS #2 – Don’t be surprised if when confronted with your accomplishment down the road the Tom Tom’s and Naysayers whine and moan and “turn the other cheek”.  (or of course try and claim CREDIT for what is RIGHTFULLY YOUR CREDIT!)They’re not worth it in the first place anyway … and they know it, and so do you.

Onward – upward – and MORE!

( and no, “they weren’t just joking either”. Hehe. did I cover all the excuses?)

Why you should “shamelessly steal ideas” provided you do … THIS.
- Yes. THIS!

Or, why you shouldn’t reinvent the wheel although you could …

But anyway, I was reminded of a Steve Jobs quote while taking a shower.

For the record, I dont like Apple – at all.

I’ve never owned an Iphone, never will either. I think they’re overpriced pieces of junk that dont work like they should, and Android in my opinion is FAR better and more powerful.

But of course, none of that takes away from Steve Jobs and his genius and his eccentricities, right down to “soaking his feet in the toilet bowl pedicure”.


But hey …

People do things that you’d never think – like the Bozo who “does it all secretly” and in the open he claims the exact opposite (except with a face so red you know you’ve “got him”).

At least Jobs admitted it!

Of course, without his success behind it, people would have labeled him a wacko and nothing else (and hard to get along with, and all the hate he gets).

But anyway, butts in toilet bowls (Bozo, not Jobs) or feet (Jobs, probably the Bozo in Brum too) aside …

“I’ve always been a shameless stealer of ideas”, Jobs once admitted.

Now, he is probably right!

I dont know what idea he “stole” or built upon for the MAc, or iphone, or what not … (well, not the iPhone, but whatever he built)

But he did a damn good job at building upon it – and marketing it – better than anyone ever had!

And made his millions.

“You can only connect the dots looking BACKWARDS, not forward”, this man once said.

“SO you have to trust in gut, karma, destiny, something, because at the end of the day trust and faith that it’ll work out is what keeps you going. This approach has made all the difference in my life!”


I used the quote in my book – a non fitness related one.

I’ve lived my whole life this way, and plan on doing so for the rest of my time (quite long, hehe) on this earthly plane of ours …

He’s right too.

But point being this.

when I wrote a book on fitness, or even my other themed books, none of it was an original idea.


Hell, plenty done wrote books – plenty made their millions!


I’m hardly the first to either do’em or write a book on ’em and I freely admit it.

I might be a damn good marketer, yes.

But fact and point is THIS.

You can shamelessly “steal” if you prefer to call it that ideas – provided you do a damned fine job of making the final product on it better than anything else out there!

And THAT, my friend, at the end of the day is why people buy my “high priced” books.

“Other than XYZ who writes bodyweight exercise books, I’ve never seen anyone with books like yours and workouts as exhaustive and tough!”, said a customer (I’m replacing the name of the guy – a millionaire by now – with “XYZ”).

He’s right!

There is a reason and a damn good one at that I’m called the “guru of bodyweight training”.

And THAT, my friend is what you can – and should do too – no matter what your calling is.

Trust me, if you do it right – the world will thank you for it!

And I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why Tom Tomming your crutches as you do your accomplishments is a sure shod sign of a moron
- Who got lucky until ...

Yes, “got lucky” despite the fact we make our own luck …

But anyway, I saw another one of those mega irritating threads – with a long list of backslappers and Tom Tom’s doing their “awwwwwwwwww look how much she WENT through, Mommy, to get to where she is” … and it was about (I’m saying this from memory but the words are the same) –

“Single black mother who made it big with her stimulus check”.

Now, there ain’t nothing wrong with mothers, fathers, singles, in between’s, anyone’s making it big …

But ever notice that the “single mom” thing is hyped and Tom Tommed beyond any reasonable limit – especially when you have the word “black” attached to it?

I could post the link to the post here, but it makes me cringe, so I won’t.

But a black dude got on there and said the following.

“For Heaven’s sake, stop posting about it like it’s a badge of honor!”

(He was referring to the single black mom thing”.

Of course, he was met with a chorus of boos – as someone right usually is.

I was going to jump in and reply, but didnt.

But really, how often do you see single fathers being praised? Congratulated? Tom Tomed?

Why is it the Mom’s and especially the so called “downtrodden black” mothers (apparently the same women who men their own race call the “crankiest” (I’m being polite!) of the lot) are always “celebrated” – but no-one else is?

On LinkedIn,I saw an older white dude who is finally getting somewhere with his copywriting books and biz (he’s from the UK, I won’t mention him here, but he’s a downright decent guy – one can tell!).

I’m not in agreement with all he talks about – not by a long shot, but he’s too nice to publicly disagree with!

He moved out of his old house. Bought HIMSELF a new one. Gave the old one to his ex, I believe.

Did the “single black mom” do any of that?

I dont think so, my friend.

Dig deeper, and you’ll like see child support and alimony coming in too – as for white dude who raised three young uns by himself, or at least one if I recall right?

I dont think any made it in! Hehe.

A black lady on the thread commented about “this lady’s title is misleading, maybe it’s just a marketing thing“.

I noticed no-one replied!

But anyway, it irritates the heck out of me, but thats that, but important lesson?

Ever notice the REAL SUCCESSES – not the overnight Instagram influencers “here today, gone tomorrow – back to welfare after being deplatformed or what not” NEVER complain about “how tough they had it”?

Do we hear Jeff Bezos complain about his garage, or the lack of funds when he started up, the tiny little office sitting right next to a seedy massage parlor in Amazon’s early days, an office so small that the door almost extended into the office, the 10 or so years Amazon didnt make a profit and so forth – or NOW, for that matter, the fact he’s the #1 charity donor in the world?

Sure I had it out with Amazon a while back.

but true to form, Amazon did the right thing eventually.

Their “advanced” customer service team hasn’t gotten back as yet – but I have a feeling they’re looking into my issue and the very valid complains.

NO company would do that except Amazon, and they continue to have all my business – bottom line.

I dont see Steve Jobs complain about when he was fired from Apple.

I dont see Napoleon Hill complaining about the various hardships he endured over 20 years and even towards the end of his life.

As for yours truly, believe me, I haven’t even gotten into the real juicy “bits” about myself.

Maybe I will someday, I dont know …

But on that note, always remember – there are TWO sides to every person  – the good and bad.

Unless you’re Rahul Mookerjee and his family, of course – in which case there are apparently NO good points to the former, and those that are staring them in the face are either brushed away hurriedly or under the carpet or somehow twisted to make it a good point for someone else (LOL) – this is true for everyone and everything.

(Except for my little girl. She’s the fairest and most fun person you could hope to be around!)

You see a lot of hate for Bezos out there.

How many times do we see his success spoken of glowingly though?

Except on this site, and yes – I dont consider myself to be a “fan” of anyone – but guys like Stallone, Bezos, Donald Trump – all legends in their own right!

And much like yours truly – all very routinely HATED by the majority, and loved by a tiny minority who’d go to the ends of the Earth for them!

And I’m fine with that.

Because that, my friend, is the indicator of whether or not you’re truly succeeding for the long term!

And I’d rather do it without the “crutches” if you get my drift!

Anyway, fitness wise, my courses are the MOST effective – the most trolled as well.

Both for good reason!

Here are the top three trolled books I’ve got –

Pushup Central

Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER stud – within weeks!

Animal Kingdom Workouts

And of course, Advanced Hill Training is up there too!

And that, my friend, should be reason enough to convince YOU to get these – now!

Not my words – a great customer said it.

And he was right!

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

The ONE fitness question you should be asking yourself TODAY
- is one you might NOT be thinking of!

It might sound a bit odd that this one comes right on the heels of a strength training post – or email – depending upon how you see it or look at it or read it.

Or, think about it.

But, the question isn’t “how many pushups can I do without a break”.

(i.e perfect pushups, not half ass pushups done to “show off” wrecking your shoulders in the process).

It isn’t “can I do Battletank Shoulders workouts daily”.

Thats a great thing, of course, if you can!

You’ll truly turn into a Gorilla bar none, and if you combine it with the next level ie. “Profound 70% Gorilla 30% Human” workouts, then that is Silverback Gorilla x 100.

And we’re only getting started!

It Isn’t “can I outlift my bro in the gym”. No, certainly not.

It isn’t about how many hours you can run on the treadmill.


It isn’t even what you do, how you do it …

It isn’t about grip, though that should be at the very top of any serious trainees (in all regards) training LIST!

It’s this, my friend.

WHAT are YOU doing – today, let me repeat – today and everyday to minimize or reduce FAT content in your body?

Let me tell you one thing.

Some of the strongest and fittest men in the world aren’t the sort you’d expect.

Sumo wrestlers for one are amazingly fit, but do we ever think fitness when we think about them?

Yet, try and do some of the Sumo leg stretches they do daily for one (I’ll cover it in the Advanced Plyometrics book – so much to do, and every time I sit down to it “something happens!”) . . . or the HOURS of training they do.

IF you even did ONE hour of training that way, or 15 minutes – you’d be a fitness phenom.

Or, let’s talk old time Indian and Iranian wrestlers.

The real deal!

They’re hardly the “six pack sporting” buffoons you see prancing around in the Jim.

They dont brag about “how much they can lift”.

Yet, put them to the test, and they can lift way more – without practice, at that, than most Jim trained bodies can after decades of lifting.

(Don’t believe me? Try lifting heavy Indian maces the right way – if you can do even 20 kg without breaking your shoulders, I’ll be a horse’s Uncle – this to the crowd that screams “Jimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” when it comes to any sort of fitness).

(Unless thats a bodyweight fitness themed Jim, then I get it).

But really, those retarded machines and weights do exactly “F all” in the overall scheme of things.

It wasn’t for nothing a great customer John from the UK wrote this on the Animal Kingdom Workouts review –

“It isn’t about how much you can add on to your bench press, its about moving like the human animal was MEANT To move”.

The review is here in “original”. I merely paraphrased . . .

But he’s right!

But back to it.

These are some of the strongest men on the plant, my friend.

Yet, the six pack nonsense?

In fact, at first glance, you might think they’re overweight.

There’s one reason behind the look, my friend, and it ain’t just training.

Well, thats part of it – natural training means your muscles stay SOFT AND SUPPLE – not the insane “flexed” look the Bimbos and Bimbettes at the Jim seem to want so much.

It’s about being able to explode with POWER and GRACE from a position of REST – much like Mr Tiger, and our friends in the wild do regularly, and I dont see them lifting weights, do you?

Neither do I see Gorillas or Grizzlies sit on machines or pound the bench press! (though if a tiny monkey got a hold of a barbell and tossed it at you – watch out!)

But anyway, here’s the thing.

And the question.

Most people do NOTHING to “minimize” the fat content on their bodies – even those that train “sort of right”.

And no, you can’t outtrain a bad diet forever either.

I say that in the Simple and Effective Diet, and all my writings.

To those on Advanced Hill Training, that may come across as a bit of a contradiction, but it really is not, my friend.

Sure, you can do it for a while, but not your whole life.

So here’s the key question, my friend, and it applies big time even if all you’re concerned about and the reason you train is looks (in that case you really shouldn’t be training anyway – but whatever – to each his or her own).

FAT is the reason you cannot see the six pack, have the man tits, have the bingo wings and triple chins, saggy necks, butts, and so forth, and it is only getting worse in lockdown with people making the excuse “we’re stressed” to themselves and binge eating and watching the bronzed bodies on screen and Korean soap operas, and wishing “I wish that were ME!”

Yet, they do NOTHING to “be that person” (except the unwelcome and unsavory parts if you get my drift).

So the question begets, my friend. It begets!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Cardio done RIGHT (no, that don’t mean for hours on end) should be the cornerstone, lodestone, and everything else of your fitness program. And the very best in that regard is here – Animal Kingdom Workouts – and this – Advanced Hill Training. I’d get both courses NOW if I were YOU, my friend.

Why heavy lifting done right taxes the abdominals WAY MORE than you think!
- If done right, that is

And I ain’t talking dead lifts or the profoundly idiotic bench press here.

Nor am I talking a somewhat better alternative, the “weighted squat” (which still doesn’t hold a candle to regular bodyweight squats, especially Hindus, done in high reps and proper cadence – nothing makes you feel like hindus do!) . . . (and certainly not to the kind of lift I am about to detail, and some of what I’ve been doing these days).

I think I mentioned before I’ve been lifting these days?

Yes, I did.

Also doing a lot of work with clubs etc (which explains the battle for shopping for clothes that I keep talking about. Billowing around the waist, but tight around the upper body, shoulders and chest! – especially the traps).

Train the way I do , and you’ll face this conundrum too, until we here at 0 Excuses Fitness start offering “training specific” T shirts!

And vests, and such.

But anyway, the lifts I do are solid lifts, and they’re sort of like (an equivalent most will relate to) – lifting a massive heavy rock off the ground – and not standing up with it – but “mid lift” tossing it away.

Then repeating again.

Let me tell you , there are few things that build an iron core better than this sort of training!

Done right, and most dont – most lift from the arms – perfect way to strain the lower back! – done right, you should be initiating this or any lift from the huge muscles of your butt, hips and thighs.

Then the arms do the “final bit of the work”.

Much like the force of a boxer’s punch come from the midsection, core and legs – same thing here.

You transfer the force over!

Thats the only right way to do it.

And believe me, I can feel my ab s – the entire “core” working when I do these. Big time!

But anyway, done right, you think hips and legs.

But do you ever think the abdominal s – the CORE – the “iron” (or so it should be) core of muscles that protects your internal organs and vital areas?

It’s like a “grid” of muscles all around those organs and the lower back, and you simply must strengthen them – right.

And part of that involves strengthening them from the inside out.

The “transverus” muscle (i cannot remember the exact name but it’s the muscle that really “holds it all together” internally) is one main muscle you need to strengthen – and FEEL while doing this sort of thing.

All the silly crunches targeting the “external upper abs” won’t do you an iota of good until you’re strong INSIDE.

And once you are, the external takes care – of itself.

More on this in the upcoming book Lumberjack Fitness -whenever that gets done!

For now, Corrugated Core includes 51 great exercises to target just the areas I’m talking about – the right way from the inside out.

Get on this now.

Well ,my friend, I’ve already delayed my tea a while. So I’m off for it now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And yes, I felt the abs this morning doing the lift as I did!