It’s not how you start. It’s how you FINISH!
- Amen my friend!

My friend Charles made an interesting comment to me back in 2019.

This was after the multiple roadbumps I hit in 2018 (which I believe I spoke about on one of the two sites) and after it was all sorted, and all was OK in terms of business etc (actually, I was blasting on full force into a NEW business venture at that point).

And ignoring the one I should have really been spending time on, the one everyone told me to drop and that “I’d never make it doing what I am” . . .

It’s no wonder I once wrote a post about “if everyone is supporting you, it probably isn’t the right thing to do!”

People only see the easy money and the “prize” on offer.

Or the gold at the end of the rainbow. But what they often don’t see is that any real gold requires sacrifice and hard work in spades, and then some and on a level most people could never BEGIN to imagine.

And what seems “easy” isn’t always the right thing to do, and probably never is.

Anyway, where was I?

Ah yes. The comment.

“It isn’t about how you start. It’s about how you finish!”

(I believe this was at a point I returned a loan – – a tiny one – – I’m not sure but I think that’s when he said it. And that’s financial tip # 1 for you guys reading this: the MINUTE you start making money, put some of that away to pay DEBTS off, my friend.).

#2 is something that is so important that it should be right up there with #1, but I’ll get into that later.

But yes, pay off all debts asap (curiously enough my buddy made the following comment, but has done exactly the opposite in his OWN life).

I’ll never forget what my buddy Dwayne once told me about a friend of his.

He owes him some money. A tiny bit of money. A few hundred bucks, and yet, instead of returning it, he’s apparently making expensive gun purchases and such, and showing it off on Facebook and social media . . .

And I agree with what my buddy said – i.e. it’s all well and dandy for him to do that, but why not simply return my cash first?!

Anyway . . .

Point of me saying all this?

Is that it truly isn’t about how you start. It’s about how you finish.

People will remember you not for the struggles, my friend. Not for the times you were down. Not when you needed help. Not when . . . but you get the picture, don’t you?


People will remember you for your ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

At the end of the day, THAT company I refer to so often remembers me for my brazenness, uniqueness, and my ACCOMPLISHMENTS, which try as they might to sweep under the rug can never be done.

The truth always comes out.

When people call me a great motivator (and they’re right), they remember me for my motivational writings. My products that get results.

But not the struggles that went into it.

Don’t get me wrong. The struggles are necessary, but the point is this- if you don’t PERSIST, then all those struggles will have been in vain.

Most great men from Edison to Napoleon Hill to David Copperfield and Abraham Lincoln were NOTHING before the age of 40.

These facts may surprise and shock you.

Henry Ford had NOTHING before his third company finally succeeded. I mean literally less than nothing.

And when you think of those names TODAY, does “less than nothing” come to mind?

I think not, my friend.

It’s not about how you start, son! It’s about how you finish!

And the reason I use “son” there is . . . my all time favorite character Alunzo Harris in Training Day.

It’s not what you know, son! It’s what you can prove!

Boy I love Denzel. Hehe.

Anyway, this applies to fitness too my friend.

If you’re overweight, obese, and looking to get in the best shape of your life – – and finally DO – – then guess what people will remember you for.


Don’t believe me?

IN my own case, Robyn, a model and client of mine (I.T. client) once spoke with me about modeling.

“You can do it too!” (this was back when I wasn’t quite in the sort of shape as I am now, and that’s putting it lightly!)

But I didn’t have the confidence, and end of the day, cavemen don’t make good models, hehe.

Years later, when I got into the best shape of my life, he sent me the following text.

“Congratulations on getting into shape. Feels great doesn’t it?”

And at that point, I was getting these sort of texts damn near daily.

From my students. Colleagues. Friends. Clients.

“He’s really lost a lot of weight!” said a certain person named Carol as she was sitting in (yikes!) an English class of all things.

Nah. That wasn’t your typical ESL class; it was a lot of fun, hehe, and I’ll leave it there! ?

Point is, again . . .

It’s not how you start. Or proceed. It’s the end result that counts, and that’s really the bottom line!!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Wouldn’t YOU like to get in the sort of shape where you get comments like the above from just about everyone you meet? If so, invest in  the best damned fitness system PRONTO – right here –

P.S #2 – And yes, I keep referring to both my sites. YES, the website is meant for another pursuit, but for now, I’m still posting there as well, so if you want to be “apprised” of all posts there as soon as they happen – make sure to sign up for the newsletter there as well!

Brazenness VS Sheer STUPIDITY
- Sometimes you just have to stop and say "WTF"

Sometimes you just have to shake your head and (as a friend recently told me privately) “WTF”.

I mean, really.

You DO have to say it sometimes with a look of utter incredulousness on your face as if “is this truly possible”?

Can someone truly be that deranged?

And apparently the answer to that is yes.

I don’t know if you’ve heard about it, but the Chinese have effectively stripped Hong Kong of their “special status” afforded to them back in 1997 last week. I heard about it vaguely, but didn’t really bother researching it more (can we say my fitness books and computer issues were taking up ALL my time)?

And the book that was taking up most of the time, and rightfully so is right HERE –

Anyway, so amongst the other things the law has done, it has effectively taken away what made HK so special in the HK-China region; the ONE place where some sort of democracy was allowed to thrive.

The one place in the region where the judiciary was indeed independent of the police (and despite attempts being made to change that by the mainlanders, nothing really happened on a large scale . . . UNTIL NOW).

And the one place where you could speak your mind freely. About anything. Including the moronic CCP.

But I’ve often said before that Hong Kong is, at the end of the day a Chinese issue, and while I’m saddened by the fact the Chinese didn’t follow their agreement, I’m not surprised.

As I’ve written about before, does a fox change it’s colors?

I don’t think so, my friend, and for the Chinese to renege on an agreement is as common as it is for you and I reading this, for instance, to STICK to a mutually agreed upon agreement.

They just have a different view of things there! Contracts meant to be broken and worth little more than the paper they’re inked on (and if you don’t believe me, well, have another think. I’m currently engaging in dealing with several Chinese factories as we’re talking for a myriad variety of issues!).

All non fitness related, so don’t worry. ?

Anyway, the most LU-DICK-ROUS (sorry, had to do it!) part of all this, and indeed what I Deem as pure insanity is this.

It matters not where you’re in the world, or what social media platform you’re using, but if you write anything that they deem “subversive” or otherwise “anti party”, then you’re liable to be prosecuted  . . . even if you’re just arriving in Hong Kong for tourism, for instance!

And while that was pretty much always “de facto” the case in the mainland, it’s now extended to HK too.

And if there ever was something quite as moronic as this law, I’m yet to see it.

The defenders of this law, most notably Carrie Lam claim that the law will be “applied” only for TRUE cases where “national security” truly is at stake, and if it were any other nation saying this, I might be inclined to believe it.

But coming from the CCP?

I doubt it, my friend.

There is indeed a line between brazenness – – and sheer STUPIDITY!

And this law is just as stupid as it gets, given it attempts to police Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of the free world.

Utterly ludicrous, and I just had to get that off my chest (and no I ain’t gonna shy away from expressing my opinion very publicly on it either).

Anyway . . . off my soap box on that one.

But hey, it applies to FITNESS too.

My products have often been called overly promotional by some.

Some claim I’m “arrogant” and hate my very guts.

Some will go to the ends of the earth to simply tear apart ANYTHING I write or say because they hate me that much.

Quite the polarizer I am, hehe.

And so be it. That’s how I’ve always been, and that’s how Ill always be.

But fact is this, my friend.

My products DELIVER.

I care NOT if you like me or not, but if you’re looking to get fit – in the shortest possible amount of time and in the most efficient manner, then Rahul Mookerjee is your man.

And then some.

And if that sounds arrogant, so be it. I’ve got the results to back it up, and so do my customers. And a quick peek at our testimonials page will be MORE than enough to convince you of that.

OK, enough for now.

I’m off for a jump rope workout soon, or maybe pull-ups. Learning towards the latter. We’ll see!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – HERE is where you can take another gander at our BEST SELLING, WORLD famous products –

P.S #2 – and if that last line ticked you off, good. The unsubscribe button is right THERE.


The best finisher EVER!
- . . . left me spanked!

This afternoon, as I got done with my own workout, I Called my daughter into join me, into the fray.

She didn’t want to.

“Im on the dumb phone, Dad!”

OK she didn’t say dumb phone, hehe, but you get the point.

“No problem”, I responded, smiling internally.

And I started doing my own thang.

My patented “animal like” workouts which I often use these days as a finisher.

As the sweat started to pour, and heart really start to hammer, I was almost collapsiong in a heat.

I paused to “catch my breath” while leaning against the wall.

My breath coming in HUGE RAGGEDY gasps!

And my little one of course heard it.

“Whats up, Dad!” she said.

“Come and beat me in the race!” I said, barely able to get the words out!

“sureeeeeeeeee”  she trilled.

And with that, she was off in the bear crawl.

Midway through the race, I collapsed again.

Sure, I had done a tough, tough workout before with very little rest. 30 minutes all in all of solid rope sprints, and that will KILL the cardio system in a good way, but still.

The bear crawl is but one of the exercises I speak about very highly in the 0 Excuses Fitness and Kiddie Fitness.

Truth be told I should come out with a course called “Bodybuilder fitness” which coveres nothing but animal like workouts, because most boobybuilders and gym goers would fall flat on their face if they even TRIED such a workout.

Including you 500 lb bench pressers.


I can put you through a simple ass workout that will kick your booty from here to you know where, and ALL with animal kingdom like workouts!

I’m sitting here right now.

A good hour or so after my workout.

After a shower.

Without a shirt . . .

.  .  . and the sweat is still trickling off me??!!

How effective do you think these sort of workouts are?

YOU TELL me, my friend.

And on that note, let me tell you that while the bear crawl is one of the most effective finishers ever, it aint the only one.

And it can be used as a workout unto itself with a few other animal like movements which require NOTHING but your own body, and a willingness to get down and just do it.

I may or may not put out a course on animal like movements, but if I do, rest assured the price will be HIGH, and it ain’t gonna be cheap, because if you think my CURRENT workouts are tough, then wait until you see what I’ve got planned for YOU in the future!

And that’s that forn now.

(Edit – and being this was written almost a week ago, and being Animal Kingdom Workouts IS OUT – HERE is where you can go to get it!)

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can grab the best damn course on Pull-ups –

The miles go by like WATER . . . under the bridge . . .
- . . . one of my favorite montages ever!

I don’t  know if you’ve seen the Sly Stallone starrer “Over the Top” way back in the day.

It’s about an arm wrestler who drives trucks to make a living until he finally wins the BIG arm wrestling competition, and a man (same character) who is estranged from his son but is desperately trying to make amends for his past mistakes in that regard.

Not a bad flick, especially not if you’re into “pot boilers”, hehe.

Anyway, in that move there is a song which is titled “Giving more than we receive”. OR something like that. I can’t remember the exact name.

But it plays as Stallone drives the truck through miles and miles of empty country expanse, and as you hear the song say “the miles go under the bridge” (not the exact words), you can literally SEE it in front of you. I think it was the initial montage that had that song . . .

The miles that go by like WATER . . . under the bridge! Ah, I got it now.

I loved the movie, as well as Cobra, another Sly potboiler.

The never ending miles unfold as far as I can see . . .

Right on the spot.

Follow my heart.

Giving MORE than we receive, and its with an open heart that we . . .

. . .

. . .

Great song, hehe.

And today while working out, guess what happened.

That song came to mind.

Along with a visual, but not an associated one.

The visual of a COUNTER before my eyes.

Numbers FLYING off the counter as the reps flew off the rope, and (as my daughter noted) I sweated up several “gallons”.

It was like a real counter in front of me, counting “double”.

So, if I was counting till a 100, the counter would count “1” twice.

And getting to 50 #2 means a 100 reps!

This by itself is a very powerful tip I’m giving you my friend, especially when the “numbers seem too far away”.

Trick your brain into thinking they’re NEARER Than they really are – – and you’ll not only have a super workout, but you’ll also get done a lot quicker as I did today.

And that’s today’s tip. See what you can make of it, my friend!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can grab the BEST damn course there is on pushups – a course that has been getting rave reviews and continues to –

P.S #2 – Sly looked like a REAL man in that movie for sure, and as for the engine oil guzzling “Grizzly Adams” and the true BEAST INCARNATE “Bull” Hearley, you could accuse them of many things but being UNMANLY isnt one of them. Pity I can’t say that about the average “man” (I use quotes for a reason) out there, hehe.

Fear NOT though my friend. My latest course WILL bring back the RAW ANIMAL LIKE “BEAST” in you. Go HERE and grab the course NOW –

Animal Kingdom Workouts!
- Become the REAL MAN (or woman) you were MEANT to be

What a frustrating last 8-10 hours it’s been!

And what a HARD few hours before that (but very enjoyable!)!!

What do I mean here?

Frustrating, I hear you ask me? A new product’s out, and you’re frustrated?

Well, not exactly my friend . . . not at the product itself.

In fact that’s about the only good news I’ve got to give you for the past couple a days, and there’s been a LOT going on.

Not to mention my computer screwing up ROYALLY over the past day or so. Seems the mammoth Animal Kingdom Workouts book was too much for it to handle, hehe, and it’s been acting weird since yesterday.

It took me (or was taking, I should say) three hours to do what should have been done in three minutes flat. Literally. It was that bad.

And the problem still ain’t fixed despite bazillions of installs, uninstalls, and so forth.

But it’s working to the point now I can upload the latest product we have – – Animal Kingdom Workouts!

This is truly the most comprehensive book out there on HARD workouts.

Isometrics fans, you’ll love this. Plenty of static holds and one arm workouts in there as well!

Rapid fat loss, and muscle building at a rate that will bring the INNER BEAST and REAL MAN (or woman) back in you RAPIDLY.

(The above is sadly lacking in today’s world as you know).

Modern day man is a royal MESS my friend.

Not only are most modern day men flabby and out of shape and always complaining about something or the other, or unable to seemingly focus on anything or achieve any sort of goal, but they’re also WEAK – mentally (where it counts the most).

And, speaking of counting the most, most men are unable to perform at any decent level in the . . . ah, but you get the picture don’t you?

It’s a sorry state of affairs indeed my friend, but if you’re reading this and can empthasize, take HEART.

Deep down under, there exists a REAL MAN in you, my friend.

A STRONG, FIT, virile man that is a GO GETTTER as Nature intended.

A physically FIT man with LOADS of energy to boot, and that “primal vibe” coming off you which will make other men stop and take note of you.

This real man is INSIDE of you, just waiting to be released.

And pumping iron in the gym ain’t gonna do it. Neither will countless rounds on the pavement or slow swimming or yoga shmoga or whatever (or Spandex, surely!).

What is needed is for you to get back to BASICS.

As Nature Intended.

And as I get back to fixing my computer, I have this to say – – email updates may be sporadic until I get all this RESOLVED.

And HERE is the link for the ONE book that WILL turn you into and unleash the INNER BEAST IN YOU –


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Special introductory price for now – hurry – and grab it NOW before the price goes UP, UP and UP!!

The first TWO hours of every day
- Are KEY to your success at anything

This morning I had the idea to write about “how I want to be remembered”.

Or how “you” want to be remembered, and it was afternoon, actually. Hehe.

And I wrote about it.

I never have any set plans for what I want to write.

This may come across as nigh on ASTOUNDING for those that know me, and my output.

This will come across as unbelievable to those “in the know” about my other ventures, where I’ve written not just long NOVELS – – but also a lot of instructional courses such as with 0 Excuses Fitness.

Not to mention all my other writing all over the Internet on various other sites.

Not to mention THESE daily emails . . .

And more, but no, I don’t.

I live life in the flow. When it comes to me, it comes. And it usually comes so spontanesouly that I have to literally RUSH and drop everything I’m doing and put pen to paper (metamorphically speaking during the day and not so much when I’m writing my dreams down on PAPER using a real PEN) and get it done.

And the first two hours of the day are usually when inspiration strikes out of the blue.

If there ever was one tip I could give you (I have NOT mentioned this in Zero to Hero, by the way) – – it is this.

Devote the first two hours of each day for yourself.

The fights with the S.O. can wait.

The laundry can wait (unless it’s done between tasks!)

The dishes can wait just a little while longer

The kids can too!

And so forth.

You on this list will remember what I said about THAT company I worked at, and the immense success I enjoyed while doing things my way (which while it was eventually and ultimately unpalatable and incompatible with the boss’s ego, which is fine; he’s a great guy!; worked WONDERS while I did it).

(Edit – he hates it when I make comments like this. One of his pet grouses was when I point out faults, and yet say the other person’s a great guy).

According to him, that’s being hypocritical.


Don’t we ALL have faults?

And pointing out a fault hardly makes a person a bad person, my man!

Anyway . . . (oh, and before I continue, its shades of grey. NOT black and white! ?).

Anyway, the point of all this is that I did (worked my magic) what I had to for them in the first hour of the day when I woke up.

Along with some other writing I did for some other people. 10-15 minutes of high energy fun that got me more than I’d ever bargained for and a lot of high quality contacts I have until this day!

After that I’d workout.

And then it was back to the “fag end” of the day when the magic would work again.

Think this only applies to sales?

Think again.

Fitness wise, I do my fitness routines FIRST thing in the morning, or if that’s not possible, FIRST thing after I finish a bit of writing.

And usually, it’s the first thing in the morning, as I’ve written about so often!

Is it any wonder that I’ve gotten the results that I have doing it that way, my friend?

Devote the first few hours of the day (first TWO actually) to doing what YOU WANT – – and watch how your life expands and gets better almost instantly!

Yes, this is one of the best ever tips I could give you. For FREE. Try it, and let me know!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And yes, I recommend you do the exercises in 0 Excuses Fitness (or Corrugated Core – – or “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of weeks” – – or any of my other products) first thing in the morning too!

Everything happens . . . for a REASON!
- There is ALWAYS A greater and better power making the REAL decisions.

I’ve often spoken about living life in the flow.

About making decisions based upon GUT feeling, and almost on the spot, and instantly.

I’ve spoken a lot about how in 2018 I was put into a position with my back against the wall, and it was literally do or die at a certain point in time and then some.

I was literally pushed (WITHOUT being given the opportunity to plan in advance, or even think about it; though to be honest it was expected from a certain standpoint) to give a DATE for a certain activity, and if I did not, the ramifications would be enormous.

That period in my life was certainly one of the toughest I’ve ever dealt with. And successfully at that!

As my friend (well, at a time anyway) Charles once said, it’s not how you start. Its how you finish!

And as I finished the year off on a massive, massive high – – new business in tow of all things, I was flying HIGH.

Or so I thought . . .

Claude Bristol warns AGAINST complacency in his wonderful little book “The Magic of Believing”.

Anytime you get complacent – – you go DOWN. It’s just that simple!

As he so famously said, success is a matter of never ending application. Anytime you pause to rest on your laurels is when it takes WINGS and FLIES AWAY.

There are always others in this world aspiring to “your position!”

Anyway, the habit of making decisions on the fly, and almost instantly is something all successful men have.

I should say, making decisions quickly (even if those are highly unpopular decisions or make NO logical sense at the time) and NOT changing them (or being excruciatingly slow to change them, if at all).

Ford was often known as stubborn and obstinate, for one.

But this was because of his tendency to MAKE a decision and then BACK it – no matter what.

Remember the story of the 8 cylinder engine I keep telling you about?

Ford wanted to build it, and at the time it was unheard of, and his entire team of engineers were not shy about telling him about this repeatedly either.

That will never work, the world said!

In a chorus at that . . .

Ford could care less. He ordered the men to go and start work on it anyway, and they did it. They had little choice if they wanted to keep working for Henry Ford!

Six months later?

Nothing happened.

“Go right ahead!” said Ford. “I WANT IT, and I SHALL HAVE IT!”

And this, my friend, forms the basis of TRUE success, and speaks tomes in terms of persistence, that one quality that separates the true ACHIVERES in life from the lookie lous and wannabee and “has beens”.

You have to be persistent!

And you have to back your DECISIONS.

Anyway, six months more passed. Nothing happened.

Ford told his engineers to keep working upon it anyway.

And then, all of a sudden, at long last, the SOLUTION was discovered – as if magically!

As Edison said, ideas do “come out of air”!

And the reason for me mentioning this?

I do the SAME thing.

I take decisions based upon GUT feeling, and mostly that alone. Sure, I do my due diligence and all that, but end of the day, it depends on the GUT feeling and pretty much the feeling I get when talking to the person I’m doing biz with (and no, it don’t need to be the phone either. Words carry a very very strong vibe as well if you know how to read ‘em!).

In fact, believe it or not, I have NEVER gotten on the phone for some of the biggest deals I’ve cracked. Except at THAT company where I often made phone calls, but even those were not really necessary as the real deal making was done via email.

Last year, I was RIPPED off doing just this.

Once for a smallish amount (still significant, but not “break the bank” in any way).

Did I stop trusting my gut?


I made another biz decision, and ended up getting ripped off for about ten times that amount, and then some!

Another gut based decision.

This year, as I switched web hosts, I did something “on the fly” I’ve never ever done in my life.

I cannot speak highly enough of my current web host, and compared to the nightmare (literally, and if you don’t believe me, here is what one person (not at that company, but elsewhere) said about it “outrageous and then some”) the last company was, these guys come across as a breath of fresh air.

Hosted in the good ole USA – – TRULY hosted there as opposed to the bunch of lies the last company fed me.

And I gave them a testimonial nigh on two weeks after using their service, so impressed was I.

So impressed was I after talking to Peter, the guy who handled my case . . .

GUT feeling my friend.

Logically, you might think this is astounding, and for a sane biz person like me to do this . . . after just two weeks?

Its about GUT feeling.

And why was I ripped off the last year?

Because it all happens for a reason.

I’ve spoken about not giving this biz enough time last year. Many times.

Despite having struggled for JUST THAT all of 2018, and then finally when the doors of SUCCESS were thrown open, I ended up jumping into another venture!

And perhaps this was the Universe’s way of telling me some things, and teaching me yet another lesson.

Which I’ve hopefully learnt now, hehe.

It all happens for a reason, my friend!

And that’s that for this email. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Be sure to check out our highly motivational fitness and other products that get RESULTS quick right here –

P.S #2 – Animal Kingdom Workouts has “swollen” to over 68 exercises now. Oh boy! I can FEEL it . . .’twas workout #3 in one day while taking the pictures yesterday, as I wrote to you before. So it will be a few more days before the book is out, but rest assured the wait will be WELL worth it my friend.

On snowflakes and more
- Indeed interesting!

Oh boy!

They sure do say it like it, or some do, hehe.

My last email blast (well, one of the last ones) caused more than 24 people to unsubscribe off my list.

For good.

With a snarky comment or two thrown in there as well which to be honest are so ridiculous that I won’t dignify them with a response.

And . . .while unsubscribes are nothing new for me, and something I personally WELCOME, this latest number was a surprise to me.

I don’t normally have that many people leave, but hey, if saying it like it is pisses people off that much, so be it!

There’s a lot of people that would raise their eyebrows and say it’s a bad thing.

Not true, my friend. Not true.

Lets take the example of Donald Trump, who once famously and very publicly made a comment about a certain model “not being a 10 any longer”.

Or something like that.

You should have SEEN the backlash! Or heard it, or watched it.

Twitter was ablaze with people accusing him of being a woman hater, womanizer (curious how a woman hater is a womanizer huh), abusive person, and much, much more.

And in the all this hoo haa, steadily his follower base kept increasing.

The publicity he got from all of that was MORE than what he would have got by posting a more “normal” tweet. And trump is a master of the game, bar none as I’ve often said.

If there is something I admire the man for, it’s not so much his politics, but his STYLE!

This morning I was reading about a retired Major in India making the comment about the Nepalese PM being honey trapped by a Chinese dame. Supposedly the Chinese Ambassador to Nepal or something.

And while I don’t know if it’s true, there is no smoke without fire.

And, knowing what I do about the Chinese, and how things work there, it wouldn’t surprise me one damn bit.

And neither does the outrage surprise me.

From the snowflakes, all of whom are unwittingly giving the Major way more publicity than he would have normally gotten!

There’s a marketing lesson in there for you, my friend.

Whether or not you choose to take it is up to you!

And fitness is the same my friend.

The minute someone with a huge belly hanging over their gut posts about being able to do pull-ups, or wanting to for that matter, everyone goes nuts.

How can he. How dare he? Can he ever? And so forth, and often times people lose track of their OWN workouts while discussing it.

And while I don’t recommend sharing your goals with others, the “hard nosed” amongst us often do so and make bold statements with ALCRACITY and POMP and CANDOR . . . and rake in the bucks too, hehe.

Don’t believe me? I understand, and I’ll have more on this later.

For now, the last thing to say here is that the new book on Animal Kingdom Workouts has been written, but my photographer (my wife) bailed mid way due to some B.S. reason about “you didn’t do this, so I won’t do this”.

I wouldn’t be calling it a stretch to say she’s been doing all she can to bully me over the past few months for reasons I best not get into here, but it’s a typical Femi-Nazi approach.

It’s either her way or the highway.

“No, I won’t retake those few pictures!”

OK, dearie.

No problem.

Guess what.

I’ll put the book out with THOSE IMPERFECT pictures (which really aren’t that imperfect as they may seem. I set high standards and like to maintain them but the pictures with a bit of work will be fine; and not to mention there are a few more I have, hehe. Always best to keep an ACE up your sleeve!).

And on that note, I’m off.

Let’s see how many people this last statement of mine ticks off (but really, if you can’t stomach brutal reality of LIFE for what it is, then . . . you should not be on the list, period!).


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – There are some very interesting parallels between the India-China situation and countless stories of “abuse”. Not everything is as it seems to the naked eye, my friend. A bully is a bully, regardless of gender . . .

P.S #2 – Anyway, upward. Here is where you can grab Corrugated Core – a course that has seen plenty of interest since I blasted out the last email on Core Fitness. . .

P.P.S – The book on Animal Kingdom Workouts is coming along nicely, except for ONE thing, which is good, hehe. Much like the book on Pushup Central (I wasn’t planning on more than 30 odd exercises for that book, but we all know where it ended up! ?) it started off SMALL. I was thinking maybe 25, 26 exercises, but it “grew” (much like with Pushup Central) and right now I’m at 50 odd. All good. I’d rather the book take a couple of weeks more so that (as my customers say) they get REAL value for their MONEY!

“You get the core ready, you can handle anything else!”
- Indeed!

A long time ago, or maybe not that long ago, I was having a drink with a good friend of mine.

We were talking physical (contact) sports, combat, and more. I think that was the first time my buddy showed me how to CORRECTLY unsheathe a knife (a monster if there ever was one!) . . . and believe me, most people do NOT do it the right way.

And more, but one of the topics was conditioning.

And we were talking guys that could take a punch to the midsection (or not).

Actually, it was the “big VS fat” discussion.

Yes he’s a big guy, my friend said about another person. But lets see him take one to the gut!

To which I agreed.

The core is most important, I said. And I emphasized that by throwing a few “mock” punches to my midsection.

“Here, try hitting that!” I laughingly offered.

My friend laughed back.

“I know. I’d be wasting my time hitting there!”

And while this is a story unto itself, the point being is this.

The old “am I a big guy, or am I fat”.

And I think you know my answer and stance on that one.

Now, let’s take a look at a living legend Herschel Walker.

A physical specimen and a BEAST if there ever was one. Football player, and what a player at that! MMA. Bodyweight enthusiast. Martial artist. Sprinter. Is there anything physical this guy has NOT done?

And despite his muscular build that would put most boobybuilders to shame very quickly, he does not and has not ever lifted weights, and is going STRONG at the age of 58.

Most men call it quits at less than half that age . . .

According to Walker,

“Almost everybody wants to look like a body builder and do 500 pounds on the bench. That sounds good, but all of sudden you’ve got back problems and all these other problems.”

And then this . . . (when asked about his erstwhile 3500 pushup a day routine which during his MMA days was cut to 1500, still a gargantuan daily amount!) . . .

“You get the core ready, you can handle anything else!”

And it’s true, my friend.

It’s TRUE.

There is a certain inner and innate CONFIDENCE that comes from having a core of STEEL.

There is a certain “underhinted” swagger you’ll naturally have when you have abs so solid that people’s elbows “bounce” off them as they would steel walls!

(Yes, that actually DID happen to me!).

There is a certain pride in having abs so solid that all the punches in the world wouldn’t hurt it (in fact, as Martin Farmer Burns rightly said of well developed abs “my own abs are soft enough when relaxed, but when I “set” them the muscles are as hard and rigid as the muscles of my arms or legs. In fact you might strike me with all your force on the stomach with your clinched fist and not cause the least pain.”).

And that’s the sort of CORE you need to look to build my friend, and no, crunches ain’t gonna do it. Not even close. Sit-ups are OK, but they don’t come anywhere near to building the core as REAL core building movements do.

The core is NOT just the six pack. It is everything from below your chest to the knees!

And I’ve put together a compilation of 51 exercises, no less, that are BY far the best there are when it comes to building muscle in the core – and burning that unsightly blubber off in record times.

Get cracking on these now, my friend. Truly the best core exercise you’ll ever do!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S.: Along with that, remember to pick up Pushup Central for max core benefit!

China and India . . . India and China . . .
- The two nations are more similar than they (publicly care to acknowledge) know!

Recently I saw a picture in a leading Indian daily of a couple.

An Indian guy married to someone who can I only assume is either Chinese, or of Chinese origin.

And this picture brought back memories. Many, many memories came flooding back and while there was the brief second of hesitation that prompted me to WAIT before I put “pen to paper”, that didn’t last too long!

And for good reason.

It was never really hesitation, actually. It was INTROSPECTION, as I now come to realize, an hour or so after a smashing workout (I’m still sweating after a shower in air conditioning as I type this!).

The two countries, or should I say the PEOPLE are more similar than they think – – or know.

Lots of folks think I’m a huge supporter of war between the two nations.

While the rogues that run China right now have made that something almost impossible to ignore, the fact is this – I am not for war anywhere if it can be avoided. Neither is the Indian nation as a whole, and a quick gander at it’s history and indeed its place in history as the OLDEST civilization should be more than enough to explain why I’m saying thi.

What I am NOT for is being bullied on any level.

It starts small, and much like COVID unleashed by the CCP on the rest of the world (and their own people), it starts to grow.

It grows, grows and grows unchecked because “people think it doesn’t matter”.

It does, my friend.

Never ignore something that is small but growing.

The Universe recognizes no such thing as the word IMPOSSIBLE!

It recognizes three things.

DESIRE. (the starting point of any and all action).

What is right.

And what is WRONG.

And it metes out justice accordingly, and what is happening in the world right now should be more than enough proof (and I am not just referring to the India-China situation here).

Prior to WWII, and prior to the meteoric and sudden rise of a genocial yet BRILLIANT lunatic that would put Hannibal Lecter to shame was never forseen, was it?

He took over a beer hall.

He got put in prison.

He wrote Mein Kampf.

And the rest is, fortunately, or unfortunately, history.

Slowly, but steadily, the country he led IGNORED all its post war obligations. It took over neighboring nations territories . . . and was “ignored” by global powers that chose to unwisely let sleeping dogs lie.

The dog was never sleeping!

It marched into territories that were demilitarized, and did the exact opposite of what was promised.

All this while, they ran a reign of terror at home. Ordinary Germans that were no more racist or prejudiced than you or I were forced to believe (or say they did), or else . . .

. . Mass terror, hypnosis, and BRAINWASHING.

Is it just me, or are there plenty of parallels between the thugs that currently run China as a nation and what I just described above?

It’s sad that it’s come to this.

The Chinese in general are more Indian than they know it, and probably in some regards vice versa too!

In fact, it is a pity that the two giant economies are choosing to break each other down as opposed to WORK TOGETHER!

And there is only ONE rogue actor in all this. The CCP, and it’s leadership.

It is NOT the Chinese people themselves, many of whom would PRIVATELY agree with me and then some.

I first visited China in 2003, and some of the people that have helped me the MOST when I needed it the most have been Chinese.

Maria, the “sister” I never had. Anne (both of them), the “friends” as they like to put it. And many others. . .

Is racism a huge problem in China?


And yet I say the above!

If you were to really ask the Chinese middle class, and indeed the Indians as well what they want, it would be peace and economic co-operation, NOT trying to “outdo” or outbully the other.

Who really loses in a war my friend?

Those that make the decisions usually don’t, at least not in a way we know of.

It’s still a matter of debate, for instance, as to whether Hitler really took his own life . . .

Sure, the Universe dispenses justice to ALL in its own unique way, but the people that suffer the first and most are those that actually go to war to FIGHT – – and the middle classes back home.

Is it any co-incidence that middle classes are slowly, but surely being WIPED out all over the globe (the REAL and silent PANDEMIC that NO-ONE talks about, or has the balls to TALK about?)?

I think not, my friend. I’ve never believed in coincidences anyway, and don’t think I’m about to begin now.

My close friends know that while I ain’t no fan of the CCP, Deng Xiaoping is a man who I’ve always rated highly as a Chinese leader (perhaps the ONLY ONE) due to his sheer PRAGMATISM and practicalism.

Before you say it, NO, I do NOT support Tinamen!

But he was the one that was responsible for bringing China to the global stage in a way that what is happening now can even HAPPEN.

“Hide your strength, bide your time”.

And I do NOT think he would approve of what is going on now if he were to be alive. Indo-China ties were actually improving under his watch as the two neighbors put aside silly rivalries for a while . . .

Alas, that was not to last.

And before you complain about ramapant materialism and so forth, and “money being God”, (which unfortunately is a reality for many of the brainwashed masses in mainland China today), Deng Xiaoping did NOT make that actual statement.

“Rang yi bu fen re, qian fu qi lai.”

The real meaning behind this is “If some people grow rich, that is a GOOD thing”.

And he was right. That is how the middle classes rise and millions are taken out of poverty!

It’s a pity the old man isn’t alive today, as I really doubt he would be in favor of taking the country down the path of devastation which is sure to happen sometime in the future if the CCP doesn’t change it’s rogue style.

Last, but not least, none of this should be taken as a pacifist approach to anything.

There is a time for being “Gandhian”, and a time to take up the cudgels and actually RESPOND in kind.

And that time will come. September from where I can see will truly be a time of reckoning in many regards.

Yes, you can laugh at me if you so choose. The same way people laughed at me when I first said that lockdowns would NOT get rid of the virus, for instance . . . or that it was “blatantly” clear who spread this.

Does the Chinese public want war?

I do NOT think so, and the same has been mentioned publicly on many fronts as well.

The rogues that run the nation? I don’t think I need to answer that, do I?

But the clock is ticking, China. The time is now starting to run out.

Although there is still time to do the right thing, that time won’t last forever.

What path you choose to take is indeed up to you!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Back to “regular programing” from the next email, or something closely approximating it. With the current situation as it is, I HAD To talk to you guys about this!