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(Before and I forget and I believe as promised in the last email – that pineapple beer is FINISHED – and is some of the best darn brew I’ve ever had in my life. Even better than when I brewed from BREAD in 2018, hehe. Yours truly is nothing if not a “survivor”, or “preparing to survive” at all times, and I recommend YOU do the same ,my friend).
Anyway, back to tum tums and the TUMMY SHAKER workouts.
Back when yours truly had a child (seems a long time ago, hehe) was NOT in the best shape of his life (although getting there) … and was definitely “corpulent” around the midsection, he was introduced to an interesting workout indeed.
Actually, it was a couple of years down the line if I recall right!
And for those of you “big” (read FAT) guys reading this – yes – this applies to YOU as well, despite the various ways in which you’ll try to tell yourself it doesn’t.
Anyway, the tummy shaker – lard bubbler if I might say so – workout first!
And it’s simple.
There are two versions of it – adult – and kiddie.
The adult version involves standing up straight and jumping … as high as you can, till your KNEES reach your chest.
Repeat. For at least 20-25 times, and put everything you’ve got into it.
If you make it that far that is without your legs collapsing – the man boobs shaking … and of course, that TUMMY FAT bouncing up and down!
And the kiddie version is to do it with one hand in the air, and on your tippie toes, which is somewhat easier, but will still knock the average adult on their asses.
Too simple, I hear ye grumble.
And the simplest things work the best my friend.
To you out there that claims it’s too simple, did you actually DO the thing? If so, for how long and how many reps?
Thought so!
Anyway, this brings me to the central point of today’s dispatch, that being this “the more you shake it, the more you LOOSE”.
As Paul Bragg I believe it was, fitness pioneer back in the day famously said “Fat can only accumulate on those parts of the body where there is the least activity”.
And if you’ve ever wondered why a lot of marathoners and those that swear by “walking” as an overall exercise and the be all and end all of the same have slim legs but portly bellies, giving them the pelican effect, well, you KNOW WHY.
And jumping, especially footballer jumps as I’ve given you above are the very best ways to get in shape my friend.
The workouts need not take long at all, as you’ve just observed, no doubt!
And what I just gave you IS practiced by soccer players – some of the fittest beings out there (hm, I wonder why!) … there is a variant of this in the “elementary” sections of Corrugated Core that will EAT away that fat much the yeast in the beer I just brewed is eating away the sugar, hehe.
I look forward to cracking open that pineapple beer tomorrow, and before we end …
Jumping rope is another great way to accomplish the “fat shaking and BURNING effect” – and QUICK.
Trampolines are great, and so are rebounders, but you don’t need ‘em.
And the best of all them all … HILL SPRINTS, that get everything shaking and moving within a few minutes, and have you not only LOOKING – but FEELING – like a new man or woman – from the inside out in nigh quick time!
And I’ve put out a course just on THAT alone – here is where you can grab it.
Alright, my friend. Make sure to do your Hindu squats today – and I’ll let you know how the pineapple beer was, hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Hindu squats are one of the best and quickest ways for the average tub of BLUBBER to lose said poundage. Learn how to do ‘em in the System, which you can get right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
P.S #2 – Those of you with constipation, you may want to have the throne nearby. Hehe …
P.P.S – And don’t forget to pick up good reading material for said throne right here – stuff you can read on the throne and then implement later to REDUCE time spent reclining on the throne – https://0excusesfitness.com/corrugated-core/
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