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A mistake I made in 2015 (or thereabouts) was trying to salvage a relationship that was OVER.
And my opposite half at the time did as well. Multiple times.
That relationship was probably doomed to begin with, but as she said, it was a “beautiful relationshup”.
While it lasted.
Both of us learned a LOT from it.
And it was something good for me in the overall scheme of LIFE – and things.
Anyway, point of this isn;t to say how I was “dwadling along before then” in many regards … and how it changed thereafter. I’ve written about that before, I believe.
But the point is to say this.
That when it’s over, it’s over.
Ever seen a husband and wife, or boyfriend girlfriend perhaps try to “keep getting back together”?
As I heard from somewhere, and as has rightly been said …
“Relationships wouldn’t END in the first place if there wasn’t an issue”
In some cases, you might be able to fix the underlying issues.
But in most cases, I’ve found it better to gracefully “acknowledge” and then MOVE ON.
Trust me, the “fear of letting go” holds so many people back from so many things that I cannot even begin to write about it!
The moment you let go of what you do NOT want, or what doesnt “serve you” (and note – the same holds for the other person, so don’t jump up and down about being selfish! Actually, fact is youDO need to think of yourself first and foremost before you can even take care of others like you SHOULD, but most miss the boat there … ) is the moment something else takes its place, or start to.
Don’t like that job?
QUIT IT, and DO what you like. (and ignore the negativity that is sure to abound initially).
Trust me, when you make it and you WILL if you do the right things, those that are the most negative will come around to your way of thinking ultimately!
I’ve seen it happen so many times that I – again – can’t even begin to write about it.
Life, relationships, business, whatever it is.
That hole will be filled before you know it.
Fitness wise, folks make the same mistakes over and over again.
They get on my programs, and they WORK.
Then they for some inexplicable reason get back to their “gym shym”. Yoga shomoga. Tai chi Fai Chi. And so forth.
“I’m in shape now. I can afford to take some time off!”
No you cant either!
As Claude Bristol so famously said in the Magic of Believing, the MINUTE you pause to rest on your laurels is the minute that success takes wings and flies away. It truly is a never ending application!
(thats not verbatim obviously, but close enough)
(a lot has been written about owning a saying by being able to repeat it in your sleep verbatim. Perhaps there is some truth to this – I dont know – but for me, I think the import of what the person is saying and owning THAT is far more important!).
And just so you know, and as I’ve written about so often, yours truly has been guilty of this too.
Anyway, drop what is NOT working my friend.
No excuses, no drama shama, no guilt “filt”.
What takes its place will be what you WANT, and how!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Get on the train in terms of the BEST damned home based fitness system right here. So good you dont even need pull-ups if you’re on a steady diet of these! – The 0 Excuses Fitness System.
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