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Saw the following passage written by “Chloe” (a contact of mine on social media), and I’d normally let it pass.
But in the sort of mood Im in today, I ain/t either. Hehe. It’s time to call a SPADE a SPADE, and while feminism is great Nazi feminism isn’t and the entire post smacks of the latter.
We need more women in charge.
Of all the companies I know of, less than 5% are female-run. These companies give out a more respectful, uplifting vibe, and there’s less bullshitting and more efficiency in general.
One’s managing style has nothing to do with their gender, but women usually have the kind of compassion that it’s not very common among men.
Have you had a female boss? What’s your experience with them compared with a male boss?
Um …
Let me start by saying NO, I’ve never had a female boss.
Let me also tell you this, Chloe. I once worked a full time job (the first one which I worked in China, at that) and Iasked “Leslie” a co-worker of mine if he would mind working with or supervising female employees.
His answer was emphatic.
“I’d rather work with men”, he said.
(And no he wasn’t a foreign devil. He was of Chinese origin from Hong Kong).
Now, I knew why he was saying that, but I Asked anyway.
“Because anything you tell them, they’ll either complain about discrimination or start bawling” was the gist of what he responded with.
Guess what, my friend.
While NOT ALL WOMEN are that type, a sizeable portion are just that – BOZOS.
Just like a lot of men are.
Difference being, in today’s world, men can get away with a lot friggin less than women.
In India, they recently had a commercial selling some inane product where a woman SLAPS a man no less than NINE times.
It’s true.
I’m not kidding.
The commerical aired on TV too!
And while it was no doubt their version of guirella marketing, the point begets.
I can never ever have a constructive discussion with my Mom for one, mostly because … well, ONE of ther easons is “I’m a woman so I’m right”.
And she got ticked off when I labeled her a Nazi feminist.
How dare I call her a Nazi, she said.
Well, I didnt.
But point begets, again.
Simply because you’re any certain gender does NOT mean you get “free license” to do or say anything!
Look at the number of court cases in America, for one, in liberalsville where the woman earns a lot MORE than the money, and yet who gets stuck with a disproportionate amount of child support?
You got it.
The man!
Am I saying we need “less men and more women” in charge, or “more women and less men in charge”?
I’ not saying either.
What I am touting is EQUALITY and TRUE feminism as opposed to NAZI feminism is about just that – EQUALITY!
NO GENDER gets a free pass!
And back to Madam Chloe’s comments.
hese companies give out a more respectful, uplifting vibe, and there’s less bullshitting and more efficiency in general.
One’s managing style has nothing to do with their gender, but women usually have the kind of compassion that it’s not very common among men.
If there ever was BULLSHIT that stank to high hell and beyond, it’s that.
Men aren’t compassionate? Says who?
Men don’t help others? Says who?
Male led companies are more disrepectful? Says who, other than you Chloe? Who was probably called out by a male boss for NOT getting her job done right (hence all day spent on LinkedIn posting inane comments).
I WILL say this tho.
When it comes to fitness, two things.
I dont care if you’re a man or woman – my ways and means will work for YOU.
If you DO the thing.
And if you don’t, you do NOT get a free pass because of your gender.
No, women aren’t destined to be physically weaker than men either in terms of bodyweight exercise for those that will no doubt complain up a ruckus on this.
Pull-ups, for one, are an exercise that I’ve seen females do a lot better than most men out there.
Ditto for hiking.
And so forth.
Yoga shmoga as well, hehe
But really – no free pass bro. And thats what today’s post is about – take it – or leave it – I dont care – but its true!
And I’m out – for now!
Rahul Mookerjee
Edit – Remind yours truly disgustingly and VERY PROUDLY uber macho MALE NEVER to help Chloe again. I didnt know her from Adam when I offered to first help her, and did, but of course, all men are women hating nutwads eh.
Of course her response to this would be”I dont want your help!”
Well, you took it, Chloe.
And even if you didnt want it, the point begets, IF you can read between the lines …
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