What young kids can teach you about … no, not just fitness, but GOALS and SUCCESS
- Well worth a READ!

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Ever notice a young kid that DOESN’T get what he/she wants?

If it’s a newborn, they signal their hunger by loud wails until someone feeds them.

(Or, if it’s my daughter, until Daddy changes his diapers. Hehe. Yes, I did that wayyy back in the day too. Such cute memories!)

(She HATES staying dirty even now, hehe)

(She is also “Little Einstein”, meaning her room at any time from what I gather looks like a rocketship hit it, hehe) …

Anyway, way back in 2016, curiously enough a couple of days after I read the Pyscho Cybernetics book, I bought a new air con for the bedroom.

I wasn’t there, of course, but I bought it online.

The old one?

Well, some nutter who serviced it apparently didn’t do it right and it went bad.

Wouldn’t cool worth a damn. So I finally bought a new one.

And you should have seen my THREE year old when that damn thing showed up.

You’d think the biggest box of chocolates showed up!

YES, she’s my daughter and has my polar bear like genetics in that A/C (and hot water) is a MUST (something which apparently in India is still a luxury for the most part, and despite what you read to the contrary, even in the good ole PRC in many areas)

(I still remember the sneer “Amy” gave me when I first got aj ob in China and said I couldn’t live without A/C)

“We Chinese do it all the time!”

OK, so … how does that negate the fact that Southern China is hot as heck, and AC is REQUIRED?

It doesn’t, of course, but of course, “they don’t use it, so how dare I tom tom my own usage of what I consider and what ARE basics of life. Hehe”.

Anyway …

Much the same thing happened today when a “tenthouse” of sorts she’s been waitin for a while showed up.

The last one I ordered was apparently utter CRAP.

Finally, this one seems to have shown up and she’s HAPPY!

And the joy is the same – it shines through!

PURE, unadulterated JOY!

Kids are MASTERS, my friend, at unconsciously (I won’t say subconsiously – there is a difference!) at going back into the memory banks and RELIVING their WINNING – and HAPPY moments!

How many times do you see a young kid wake up “unhappy or tired” no matter WHAT happened the day before?

Every day is an adventure, a blank SLATE.

And this, my friend, is something (an attitude) most adults need to RE-LEARN.

Do so, and you’ll reach levels of success you never dreamt about before my friend.

THIS is the key to visualization – the feeling – something most people either miss or ignore.

It’s about understanding, acknowledging and RECOGNIZING (and then taking action) the FACT that as Dr Maltz so famously said in Psycho Cybernetics, and Napoleon Hill did too in his books.

YOU are Master of the ship of your life and decide how and where it sails. EVERY MAN is indeed Master of his own fate and soul!

These words are mine, but they capture the gist perfectly.

And I mention this story and more in Zero to Hero!, possibly one of the best and most motivational books I’ve ever written.

Grab it Now, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Make sure to pick up some fitness products right here too – you’ll LOVE ‘em! (and you’ll get in the best shape of your life).As a customer recently said, “even if they didn’t have any value fitness wise, which they SURE DO, I’d still want to read ‘em anyway because they’re MOTIVATIONAL!”

(Paraphrased, but you get the gist)

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