Am I a “white man trapped in an Indian body”?
- I dont think so!

I wrote a couple of posts on some annoying stuff about so called racism (really – folks – grow UP – thats what it all boils down to) – and while those posts should be hitting your email Inbox sometimes late today, or tomorrow, this one is somewhat related.

Somewhat, totally, you decide!

But I’m getting sick of all the “celebs opening up about so called racism or what not”.

Not all.

Just the nutzos.

But anyway, here’s what Charles (friend) once told me when we were on speaking terms w.r.t China.

(and the mighty – NOT – subject of dancing monkey jobs aka ESL)

(which yours truly does NOT do, but Charles curiously enough told me (and he was right) there’s no resaon I couldn’t do it if I wanted to (he was right)).

“White men have it best in China”, he proclaimed. “Brown men have it worse, and blacks the worst!”

Now, I won’t get into black and China here.

I posted about the Chinese putting (literally!) up signs of “blacks not wanted” in McDonalds etc last year.

A gal I knew (a real pretty one! Hehe) had a black “monkey” with a pink bow around its neck and Prez Obama’s face on it, and the US flag on it.

The entire intent was not so much to denigrate the US (it was, but thats a different issue) but it was to say “Obama is a monkey”.

I don’t like Obama. First thing that comes to mind when I se ehim is “snake oil salesman”.

I like Hillary Benghazi Clinton even less. Benghazi, Email gate, …. well, you be the judge!

But would I ever do what that girl, and many in China did, and do?

No way, Jose.

Thats just WRONG. Plain disrespect … and RACIST.

But anyway, Charles was talking about ESL.

And I kept telling him .. .maybe.

Maybe what you’re saying is true, I said (and to an extent yes, it is).

“But sorry Charles, I’m not going to use that as an excuse”, I responded.

And I went on to tell him how I was getting paid more than him in the few monkey jobs I DID do wayyyy back then.

“I don’t want a crutch, Charles”.

“No-ones saying you want one!” he replied, peeved.


He didn’t.

But wouldn’t that be exactly what I used if I “bought into that line of thinking”?

(it was around that time he made the infamous “You’re like a white man trapped in an Indian body!) 

(Funnily enough last night I had dreams of being “transported” to another body. More on that later, hehe). 

(There was tons of lovely GALS in the dream tho – I’ll tell you THAT! ;))

But back to it. (and no, I dont think I am! I’m just being HONEST)

Where would Martin Luther King be if he had started off with “the deck is loaded against us mentality”?

I speak of Mike Tyson and Herschel walker a lot.

Denzel Washington.

Tyson was bullied when he was young, and how many times do you hear him weep about it?

Ditto for Herschel, who much like yours truly did NOT have good genetics etc growing up, and growing up in the slavery plagued deep South, got past all that, MADE something of himself!

Booker T (I believe?)

And of course, Denzel.

Where would good ole Denzel be if he complained that “Hollywood is predominantly white”.

I mean, really, fella.

TRUE success in fitness or anything doesn’t see race or color.

And truth be told, a lot of the so called (SO CALLED!) priveleged lot have suffered more than they’d let on.

Stallone, for one … and plenty of others.

Guess what.

They just kept barrelling past the obstacles and just did it!

And thats what YOU have to do too – in life – and in fitness.

Get rid of the crutches, bro.

Get rid of “I need a gym mentality”. No you don’t!

Get rid of the “without machines I can’t accomplish anything”.

Yes – hell yes – you can.

You get the photo.

No excuses, MOFO.

Full speed AHEAD.




And then go out and ACHIEVE!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember the 0 Excuses Ship – full of motivated folks that mean (and do) business and get in the best shape of their lives and continue to without making excuses. And so can you my friend. SO CAN YOU!

Plenty of BASHING going on on several fronts (back in the day, hehe)
- Heady memories, LOL ...

I just had to write about this one (actually, I was going to do it after I got the idea in the shower, but then I decided not to, but after the last post on whining and moaning, a lot of it silly ,juvenile and unwarranted – I mean really – if someone calls you “brownie” – and you speak English – call him or her something back – and bash him or her back – or give him the Gorilla Grip like yours truly did YEARS ago rather wait until “youre on the wrong side of 35” to “open up about it”).

Like, cry me a friggin river.

Other than media brownie points, doubt anyone really cares . . .

Anyway, back in 2004, I’ve spoken about Dongguan Expat.

And for a while, all was fine on that site, and Michael and Rahul were having lots of fun with a certain “Uncle Bob” and “Ziv” – two of the more “silent” partners on that site.

Actually, Michael and myself were the two that actually DID anything on there, hehe.

But anyway, for whatever reason, my break up with the lovely Ann Lee (yours truly bad boy apparently ended up in one bordello too many, and she found out, but she wouldn’t give me none at that point, at least not what I ‘wanted’, so what was I supposed to do, LOL) coincided with one of the stormiest periods in Dongguan “expat history”.

These guys that have lived there a few years think they know it all.


Yours truly first got there when half of the city was rice paddies . . .

Anyway, tempers were flaring at a certain point.

There was the usual fight between Michael and Rahul which no-one ever really won (and the rest all picked up their popcorn to watch/participate in) because we were both “right in our own way”.

It went on for ages.

While we got in each other “faces” offline. LOL. With beers in hand, long hair and all, hehe.

Anyway, then the “infamous” fight between a Brazilian food joint and “Pizzeria Calzone” owned by Miguel (some bozo from somewhere had also attacked him back in the day for being SUPPOSEDLY “gay”)).

And the fight between those two “Boteco Basil” I believe was the name of the Brazilian joint.

In the middle of all that we had Ann Lee publicly trying to woo me back and yours truly running for the hills (both literally and figuratively).

Then we had poor ole (good ole, LOL) Jason, him of “One for the Road”, famous expat bar in China just starting up the promoting his Sunday roasts and what not.

Poor guy. LOL. He was doing his best, but he was getting drowned out in the noise.

Uncle Bob, that sage and steady influence on us all that occasionally let it all ERUPT (and if you’ve read the “firing” part of this – another hilarious story I’ve covered earlier – – you know his response to that!)

And in the middle of all this, we had a troll who went by the name of “Steven California” who’d do his best to enter each thread, each forum, talk to “Ann” Privately, talk to “Rahul privately”, talk to “Michael privately” and in general do everyting a troll does, except in a more sensible manner than the Bozo did.

Anyway, why do I tell you all this?

Well, I don’t know.

Maybe because of what I’m goin gto say workout wise later.

But point was this.

I doubt any one of us was particularly “proud” (looking back) of what happened during that period, but I highly doubt anyone really regrets it either.

It happened.

(I dont know why though. Maybe “that time of the year or something”, I dont know, but I don’t quite recall it getting THAT stormy, or even close post that period!)

And in a strange sort of “springer” way, it got the site even more eyeballs (this was something Uncle Bob disagreed on, but we’ll have to let it slide!).

Point was, it was folks being real.

And you know the best part?

ALL OF US down the line got together, had a few brews, and sorted it out face to face.

It was mostly all of us getting stressed in 2004 in China and nothing more than that.


Nothing if not “rambunctious” we got during them heady good ole days in China …

Even Steven the troll was looked upon more as a kindly nuisance than anyting else, really. And someone to laugh at basically, but that was that.

Point being this.

We don’t hear anyone from that group complain about “being offended” years later, or some such rot. We all got on with it!

(Uncle Bob made the comment about “plenty of bashing going on on several fronts” once to me when we spoke about it, but even he in his own inimitable manner said the following.

“Wanna know whats happening in DG, Rahul?”

Well, logon to the site!)

Much like the Indian and Aussie cricketers having a good ole go at each other on the field, an dthen getting on OFF IT.

Certainly NO nasty stuff like what the Bozo does. Thats just plain unacceptable, and hence the response he’s getting.

We’ll see what he does post the latest “blitzes” he’s got, and we’ll go from there.

For now though, workout wise, I’ve been “bashing away on several fronts as well!”

One, the book on ONE ARMED training.

I’ve been doing plenty of one arm pull-ups and pushups myself, because that will be there in the book, along with squats.

Then, plymoetrics, and Indians clubs and such.

Thats two more on the list to go, and I’ve been training accordingly.

Panourigas, another long term customer asked me about putting out books on “general living and diet” as well, and gave me some great authors to follow as well in that regard, which I will, and share on this list here (once I get through the books and know which ones are good enough to share).

So there’s a lot to do!

Not to mention a book on kiddie handstands, something I’ve been seriously considering for a while, and that which depending upon feedback from a few people might well see the light of day soon.

(Actually, I might DO that one. It might help a lot of you that are trying to what is mentioned in Shoulders like Boulders, but can’t quite get there. There are a few progressions that MAY be of help. Although I’ve spoken of these in that book, I might just get into them in “excruciating detail” in the “kiddie” book if you get my drift …)

And thats that for now.

Fingers in several pies, bashing away as it were!


From the WILD SIDE (no longer so much, but it’s there – the wolf still emerges on occasion! ;)),


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Ah, them good ole days inChina. I’ve written compilations on them (in another vertical) on the other site! Hehe.

PS #2 – I wonder if the dude that runs Bartolinis’s pizza in China now knows of that site, and what went on back in the day. He’d love it. Quite a “colorful character’ he was back in HIS day I hear, hehe. But anyway – if y’all BE in Southern China anytime, hit me up and I’ll point out his way – he’s got some great, great pizza, I’ll tell you that much!

Beta “sheta”, Plague Shague, HODGE – PODGE
- UGH.

And that what it ends up, I’ve often told my lovely daughter.

And she, unlike someone else IS lovely. Hehe.

But anyway . . .

I don’t know what it is with “English in India”

I wrote about why I keep attaching “sh” to words occasionally when I write, and the reason ain’t Do-Do.

LOL. Sometimes it is.

For instance, in the Simple and Effective Diet, yours truly refers to experts throughout as “sh-experts”.

The correct (if there’s one lol) way is “shmexperts”.

And I’m RIGHT in that (btw, the secret to RAPID weight loss, and one primary one at that is right at the start of the book. You can either pick it up by its lonesome, or get it GRATIS with a purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System).

Remember, the 0 Excuses Fitness System was my first product here, and it’s still by far a MUST GRAB – BEFORE the others!

Trust me on this one.

You gotta build that base FIRST before you do so a skyscraper.

And, I wrote about the “sh” thing in India before on the other site, something I’ve never quite understood the “why” of.

Something I laugh at …

But something I do NOT like when it comes to kids, and schools.

I’ve often in years bygone, now, and likely forever the teachers referring to the kids (in ENGLISH class at that) as “Beta”

(which is supposed to mean “son”, but colloqially can mean both sons and daughters).

And more …

Now, hear me out before you start jumping up and down, my Indian friends.

You either do something, or you don’t.

Yuo’re either on ONE side, or the other.

Politics, I get it, but even there, “in the middle” is more of an oxymoron than anything else. You either agree on something, or you don’t – it is that simple,a nd anyone that tells me otherwise is a buffoon of the highest order.

For the most part.


Yours truly hates ESL, yet has done it.

And in China, despite its many faults, I’ll tell you ONE damn thing.

The Chinese either speak Chinese or English.

NEVER, even when they don’t know the word in English a “combo”.

Now, it’s a battle to get them to speak English in the first place, and without fail, most got pissed off a the no cellphoen and no Chinese rule in my class.

No, nothing racist!

I implemented that rule for a reason.

When you learn or speak a language, you do it ONE way.

You either speak one language, or the other.

You don’t speak a hybrid, especially not when teaching kids listening to the same damn thing in class.

I realize most reading this might not agree, and that is fine.

But I’m yet to see ONE benefit of it, other than crappy “hybrid” hodge podge English …

… and REDUCING your OWN strengths rather than ADDING to or complimenting them.

Anyway, to each his or her own I suppose.

Alonozo was right in terms of “Changing the goddamned world!”

So was the “sometimes it’s easier to just GIVE up” sign I spoke about before (kiddo pissing it out)

(believe it or not, I saw that on the desk of a Chinese manager at the factory back in the day. Hehe).

And …

On that note, fitness wise?

You’re either here, or THERE.

… for the most part.

The ONLY exception I’ll make for the Jim Shim is if you do what I say in the Jim Shim.

For the most part tho?

Getting your shoulders ‘pressed’ while you do sets with PINK dumbbells?

Pump, tone, puff, buff?

Plague Shague?

That IS the plague, really, as far as fitness is concerned, and you know what I mean. Hehe.

Anyway, im out.

I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Really. Try and not make a hodge podge out of things, folks. It just don’t work that way in real life!

PS #2 – And when a teacher refers to kids as “betas”.

Obviously not talking alpha males or beta males, or those in between, hehe, but the point begets.

Geez! I mean, I know, I know. It’s India. But still! If you’re learning a language you could be doing it Timbuktu for all I care, but you do it RIGHT! Or not at all…

I know. How dare I. But I said it, because guess what.


(So says my RIGHTEOUS booty, for the BOZOS out there)

PPS – One area where yours truly is guilty of hodge podge (shodge, hehe) is the TESTIMONIALS page – gotta rejig … sometime!

Gotta dig ’em out from the annals of a FOUR times crashed Winblows machine. Thank heavens for backups!

So much to do, so little time, hehe.

The 3×3 ISOMETRIC workout that BE kicking my BOOTY – and getting me – and YOU – in even BETTER and more STELLAR – shape!

And I mean, shape, SHAPE as in literally!

Literally, my friend.

Although I always did isometrics, before writing the book finally (which took a sum total of a couple of days I believe?? Not sure) … I worked isometrics HEAVILY (hence what I said yesterday about some of my books taking forever to write).

I gotta try and test everything until kingdom come FIRST!

And my customers and the testimonials they give me SPEAKS volumes to this fact.

As I said in the last email, talk’s cheap – but money buys WHISKEY.

That was Karl Gotch.

But if you can’t back up good sales with a STELLAR product, youre dead in the water for the most part.

Anyway, one thing and comment Bozo Hannibal Glyn Schofield on public assistance in the good ole U of K (I wonder what he’d do in a country without that, hehe – maybe why he got boooted out of China first, and then the Phillipines LOL) and his posse (and this includes the pump and toning “Jim Shim” posse) would say about the workouts in the book on isometrics is this.

Just a few minutes??

Well, most of my workouts are short.

But the book on isometrics really takes short and effective to new and giddier limits, and literally.

I feel GIDDY right about now.



And the 3 x 3 isometric workout I follow (sometimes I do 3 x5) is to blame for it, hehe.

And I’m getting STRONGER – and better at pull-ups as a result of this one!

Yes, even yours truly pull-up STUD and CHAMP (and so can YOU BE if you try) is getting BETTER at them. I can FEEL IT!

It’s not just the numbers.

It’s the fluidity of the FORM!

And anyway, the workouts I do take a sum total of three minutes, but those are intense three minutes bro.

What do I do?

Well, one being a dead hang, two being the special squat I teach you in the book (believe me, you won’t find it on the Internet) and three?

Well, a SOLID handstand – but I do it ISOMETRICALLY which is way different from a static hold.

All explained in the book.

Although I’m not fat, and haven’t been for ages, I can literally see my tummy and other parts (not the part you’re interested in Glyn lol) SHRINK in front of me (curiously you know the visual effect that has elsewhere. LOL).

I can feel my bones, muscles and tendons getting STRONGER.

I feel like a TRILLION BUCKS.

These truly are the YIN and YANG of fitness, or the “missing link” as one of my great customers John Walker recently and correctly noted.

(He has a great way with words. I love it!)

The FLUID often wears down the SOLID.

Water vs ROCK for one.

And for those of you just interested in beating up your joints beyond repair and “hard workouts” – well, guess what.

Thes eworkouts do a great job of loosening and WARMING you up as well.

Not that you need warm ups with any of my stuff.

But believe me, a few seconds of minutes of some of the poses I teach you?

You … ah, but you gotta DO IT – TO FEEL IT!

And on that note, I’m out. Be sure and grab Isometric and Flexibility Training before leaving – truly the “missing link” in most people’s workouts including YOURS.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Other products here. Paperbacks freely available, flowing like water (and beer, hehe).

The sound of the RAVEN crowing …

It’s no secret that I’ve spent most of my adult life in China, and a LOT – I repeat a LOT – of it right next to a fantastic Mountain.

Qi Feng mountain, and I’ll forever be very very indebted to Ann for introducing me to the treasure that lay “within” and right in front of my eyes!


I remember watching that red lantern from my fourth floor flat when Igot to china.

I remember Saurabh, an Indian colleague of mine in China who I sometimes spoke with telling me of another Chinese guy who “climbed it twice a week”.

I remember being OUT OF SHAPE AND FAT.

I remember my so called massive forearms when I lifted weights, and how LOUSY I felt overall. (excess flab, indigestion, terrible stamina, smoking an dso forth).

The hill and bodyweight exercises are what turned it around – in that order!


But this isn’t about that.

I’ve written about my favorite place in India as well.

When I DO go there. Which isn’t often!

And I don’t have many favorite place there.

Well, let me backtrack.

The Southern part of the country is a different beast altogether from the North where yours truly has traveled very extensively, and maybe THAT part is the part I’ll visit someday. I have a feeling I’ll love it.

Perhaps NOT as much as China

But perhaps more!

Or less.

We’ll see.

But anyway Khajiiar

The Himalayas. Lush greenery all around! And FOREST – – real forest!

The forest on Qi Feng has nary a stray feline now, but lore has it BACK in the day them mighty tigers roamed there too (before the Chinese ate ‘em up. Tiger penis soup and what not. Hehe).

(and then started the TERRIBLE practice of tiger farming. Very few things in life if any make me shed a tear, but seeing that magnificent beast reduced to what it is NOW)


But anyway, point of this is the RAVEN crowing – there are plenty of those in the mountains in India!

Even the chickens there taste different from those in the city. Far leaner, far healthier … not to mention the AIR there.

And that raven crowing happened on GOOD days in China to me too!

Working out out there ALONE in the cold, or heat.

I’d often hear the raven crow “all of a sudden!”

While doing Battletank Shoulders. While doing pull-ups. While doing … well, you get it.

It would do it in that unmistakable way which said the Universe is talking to me!

Along with that, I often see eagles out of nowhere seemingly.

A hawk recently plucked a pack of bread plum out of my hand (the face wasn’t masked, so I’m glad it didn’t get closer, hehe).

But anyway, that all reminds me of one thibg.



Yours truly “Houdini” has ALWAYS been a free bird.

He resents AND ALL impositions on him and will ALWAYS and HAS ALWAYS found a way to break the chains and be FREE above all.

Either physical or metamporhical, hehe. No Ben Hur there, thank you! LOL.

Anyway …

Question begets my friend.

With the world as it is – when will YOU start taking control of YOUR LIFE – an FITNESS?

One follows the other.

One is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve without the other.

A customer recently made the following commment about ‘humans are meant to move their body naturally – – not keep making goals of piling on another 10 kgs or lbs or Schofields to your bench press”.

And he was RIGHT.

IF there was a movement WITHOUT Function or purpose other than EGO, it is the idiotic bench press.

Ask these guys to do a handstand, and watch how quickly they back off.

But anyway …

When you get in the best shape of your life, you look mean and LEAN. LEAN AND MEAN!

(as I do here – Eat more – Weigh LESS – a picture that has bozos globally in a TIZZY. Some clown recently commented I look like I Dont work out. HA!)

(That picture is inspiration for YOU – or should be – along with the picture HERE on Shoulders like BOULDERS!)

(No I wont change it for “more sales”. It shall remain as IS. It’s there for a REASON, far more important than aesthetics. If thats your thang, you’re at the WRONG place, hehe).

Like an unstoppable machine.

You FEEL that way.

When are YOU going to do it?

I mentioned the raven up there, along with the tiger.

The former (and the eagle) isn’t mentioned in Animal Kingdom Workouts, as (believe me, I gotta say ths!) I don’t want people literally doing what they did before the Wright brothers in an attempt to fly which is to literally jump off buildings with arms outstretched.

Believe me, there is a reason I have disclaimers in all my books!

Never know what Bozo might take it into his head to …

But I DO mention the tiger.

And the tiger walk is just one of the exercises there in that will get you in the sort of shape where you’ll be ready to kick ASS – and some major league one – no matter what – starting now.

Get on the SHTICK – NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Birds? I DO mention a “bird like way of stretching and loosening the joints” in isometric and Flexibility Training. This ONE movement will make you feel like a billion bucks throughout the day and can be done even if you’re 50 lbs overweight or what not. Or 100 for that matter. Trust me. Crack open the book, and see what it is for yourself, and no, you won’t find it on the internet either!

Why serial refunders are idiots and should be avoided like the plague from China

Or the bubonic plague. Or the Spanish inquisition. What have you!

I just had another one of these nuts demand a refund on Amazon for another book (for another business).

Easy to spot, my friend.

These idiots get on the book page – buy – and then a few minutes later (or an hour or so later) “ask for a refund”.

Now, Amazon’s been cracking down BIG TIME on these bozos.

(Not Schofield – he’s too cheap to even buy anything. Remember, he was too cheap to pay for his own dinner as well. As Charles rightly noted BEFORE all this, “if you ever go out with Glyn, know that he NEVER pays”. 

Amen, lol). 

And thats of course another reason I welcome his batty comments. Digging himself that hole EVERY time , hehe.

Much like the nuts who use (or used to use) Walmarts very liberal return policy (even “rich” people would wear clothes for THREE MONTHS – and then return them claiming they didn’t “fit” when they did and would GET their money back – gross mis use and abuse I’d say, but it went on for years and years and YEARS), these people are scum in terms of the business world.

And NOT because of money either.

In fact, money would be the last reason on my list to avoid ‘em.

Anyway, Amazon is cracking down, hence the rant from “Keith James” the other day (aka Bozo Schofield).

(his first account seems to be suspended or some such rot).

Anyway, I’ve always been VERY clear about the NO REFUNDS in ANY CASE WHATSOEVER on my website because I want NO part of these bozos ANYWHERE NEAR me.

That causes some to call me a hardass and “gun toting cowboy”.


(But those that have emailed me in person KNOW different)

I’m pretty strict on these things because there are certain fundamentals I build my biz on, and this is one.

I do NOT want people who think of my products as “purchases” as opposed to investments.

I do NOT want people that think it’s OK to pay huge bucks to these useless gyms with the even more useless “shiny machines to puff, buff, pose and preen”, and yet not my books which give you FAR MORE VALUE than Jim Shim ever could.

I recently invested around $250 in a business of mine.

Not a huge amount you might claim, but that business hasn’t made me a lot – as YET.

However, it WILL.


If I even told anyone in my close circle about this, they’d think I was nuts.


But faith trumps NUTS anyday (not Schofield style nuts, hehe).

It’s an investment, and it will pay me back in spades down the line. It’s just that simple.

Same thing for my products.

Any ONE of the tips in my books by itself I’d say is worth the investment you make, and then some, if you really get it.

And my customers do!

Recently, a customer from Greece purchased the FAQ on handstand pushups – but he didn’t stop there.

In the same order – he got the FAQ on pull-ups, the book on isometrics, and another one I Cannot remember for now.

Now THAT is an example of a man that gets it!

Panourgias, if you’re reading this (I think the email issues got sorted out eventually??) – Pushup Central and Jump Rope Mania are two more courses you need to jump on.

Along with of course the incomparable compilation on pull-ups that drives the Bozo insane with utter jealousy and the DOERS with “GUMPTION”.

The doers WANT the product, and to start implementing!

And thats how it should be.

But back to serial refunders.


I don’t want them ANYWHERE near me.

I mean, don’t get the damn book, you ain’t gonna hear a peep out of me, but don’t get it, and find every excuse to refund an hour or so later i.e. SERIAL REFUND!

And a long list of other people I don’t want ANYWHERE near me has been mentioned on the 0 Excuses Fitness SHIP page.

Lifetime access to all digital downloads provided your membership stays active – – truly a value deal.

I’ll work in an option for paperbacks down the road too. But thats more complicated as we need to factor in printing costs etc.

Therefore, for now, digital only – – but if you want paperbacks, just choose the paperback option when buying your product. In fact, it’s the “Default” option on most of the products…

And thereth endeth THIS rant. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – BE sure and check out the latest review on Animal Kingdom Workouts


This is one of your best books to date, clearly you understand what it takes to create the perfect beast.

Mastery of one’s own bodyweight is so much more important than some random goal of adding 10kg to your bench press.

Moving your bodyweight with strength, grace and power is how the human animal was built to move.

People, do yourself a favour and buy this book and learn the lessons in it so you too can join the ranks of the superhumans. Yet another masterpiece Rahul.

Glyn Schofield, you’re a clown and quite clearly you’ve never worked out in you pathetic little life, because if you had you’d know what’s important in a “training book” which is the training information it supplies not whether it has typographical errors, “I mean come on man training books are about training not writing style”.

Warmest Regards

John Walker.

Amen, bro. Amen!

For you dudes and dudettes reading this, get to SUPER HUMAN level NOW, my friend. Get started today. HERE is the link – Animal Kingdom Workouts (remember, paperbacks available too now!).

“Glyn Schofield, you’re a clown and quite clearly you’ve never worked out in you pathetic little life “
- That he is, Sir John. That - he - IS!

Hooo …. BOY!

My day just keeps getting better and better!

On the other site I wrote about how Bozo Glyn was weeping about “Rahul, you’re a joke!

When I was kind enough to give him advice, help him, coach him – do MORE for him than anyone except perhaps Charles has EVER, EVER done (I pity my poor friend Charles, really. I mean dude, really. I know you don’t agree, but that guy is NOT good for you – he’s taking advantage not just of you, but your girl as well, and you damn well KNOW IT!)

And you COULD pick him up and throw him out the window, hehe. Which of course you did. I still remember the picture of Glyn, half drunk (and probably stoned out of his mind) face down in his shorts in the middle of the street.

Some “things” even the cops don’t want to deal with, perhaps thats why he’s been on the lam for so long. LOL. Even those poor cops have a limit to the madness they can tolerate!

And of course, on his face and in his underwear is what Bozo Glyn prefers anyway (at least from what all the gals that promptly block his ass on WeShat tell me).

Anyway …. my day gets BETTER!

HERE is a review from a REAL customer – a REAL SAMURAI – A REAL MAN – whom I’ve been writing about as well, who at the age of SIXTY plus can do the things the average man ONE THIRD his age can’t even begin or dream of doing.

John Walker from the United Kingdom says the following about Animal Kingdom Workouts.

Have at!



This is one of your best books to date, clearly you understand what it takes to create the perfect beast.

Mastery of one’s own bodyweight is so much more important than some random goal of adding 10kg to your bench press.

Moving your bodyweight with strength, grace and power is how the human animal was built to move.

People, do yourself a favour and buy this book and learn the lessons in it so you too can join the ranks of the superhumans. Yet another masterpiece Rahul.

Glyn Schofield, you’re a clown and quite clearly you’ve never worked out in you pathetic little life, because if you had you’d know what’s important in a “training book” which is the training information it supplies not whether it has typographical errors, “I mean come on man training books are about training not writing style”.

Warmest Regards

John Walker.

Amen, my friend. Amen!

(and thanks as always John for the frank, honest, to the point and FROM THE HEART reviews – it means a lot!)

And I think that says it all. Look for a review on the book on isometrics too – coming up shortly from anotehr customer … and, in the meantime – be sure to kick AZZ in today’s workout!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up Animal Kingdom Workouts right here. Truly THE BOOK to turn you into a FREAK, a RAVING muscular GORILLA LIKE FORCE OF NATURE TO BE RECKONED WITH.


Hats off you Marines!

Why the Trumpinator’s advice on ATTACK BACK x 100 is spot on – and kudos, Amazon!
- Woo hoo! (x 100, hehe, NOT for reasons you might think)

So, I’ve been counting the sales on the site my friend.

Site(s) I should say, and I sell on so many of them. Still a fair few to get through, but to be honest? Too much to do already, and I’m getting to the point where after I accomplish a couple of my other goals, I’m just going to SIMPLIFY all my operations EVEN MORE.

Yes, thats right.

The man whose books are “amazing in their simplicity” (according to John Walker, the former and current FIGHTER – REAL MAN – and SAMURAI!) is going to make things even simpler.

Anyway, it’s funny.

I was reading up on the Trumpinator again last night – about his diet actually.

An admittedly crappy diet, but hey, end of the day, it’s what’s INSIDE is what counts, and the Trumpinator’s WILL and SOUL allows him to get away with a lot more than many others would.

Yours truly can relate, because at a certain point in life I had a diet way worse than his. Hehe.

And I still did pull-ups, and handstand pushups.

And to Troll Bozo Schofield, well, perhaps thats one reason I didn’t put the “slim and trim” LOL pictures on the book covers.

Yes, you heard me. Hehe.

The point is to tell FAT people that they can and should lose weight – and stop making excuses about “I’m a big guy so can’t do pull-ups”.

If I can do it, so can YOU. Oh YESSSS. You CAN!

(if you’re not Bozo Schofield with one hand on his wanker reading this that is).

But anyway, Amazon seems to have already REMOVED the review.

Good thing I saw it when I did, as Ive posted it for posterity in the last post, and have emailed it my 10k plus list. LOL.

Anyway … Donald Trump once made the comment about “If I’m attacked I fight BACK. x 100!” 

And he’s RIGHT.

I’ve always been this way myself 


I have NEVER taken a step back. I NEVER EVER WILL!


And while this may not be the best thing to do in all situations, I believe that in life – the true WINNERS never go on the defensive.

And unfortunately for a while in 2016 I did, and the Bozo took full advantage, as these bullies and trolls will.

No more, bro.

I was willing to forgive and forget, but as I told Charles, “I will DESTROY the Bozo”. 

And while that may or may not be physically, the battle lines have been drawn for him and a few other people, and I WILL (as Charles said) “give it to him”.

For all his faults (and hey, I’ve got plenty) – I can say one thing about Charles.

He ain’t racist.

And end of the day, he’s a good man. He’s just bought into the China “shina” BS …

But anyway, I thought I’d post this since Amazon JUST removed the review.

I can hear the Bozo gnashing his teeth, hehe.

Anyway, here is the PAGE.

And heads up – if you buy from MY site – you’ll still get paperbacks etc – but (for you first time customers) there is an automatic TWENTY percent discount.

So, thats something to consider.

But all good for me either way … (and if you’re genuine, and contact me nicely, I’ll see what I can do for you as well).

And so it goeth.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Turn into a “solid character” like yours truly by doing the ONE exercise that will GET you there. OOO RRRAAAAAAA!

Bozo Schofield is BACK! And so is “Keith James”, hehe. All of that, and “do I look like I never trained”?
- Woo hoo!

Well well well.

I was wondering where Bozo Schofield was hiding out over the past month or so, since he went unusually quiet after posting the troll “sholl” reviews we ALL know him so well for, hehe.

And he’s popped up again – curiously enough or maybe not, on (after being banned under the initial name) – via another name “Keith James”.

He’s even written the review in a different style to “hope that people don’t think it’s the Bozo”.

But it’s him, my friend.

It’s him. MOST definitely. LOL. Or one of his troll buddies, but I highly, highly doubt that.

Anyway, here is the review – (LOLZ)

Ths book is a joke (that line by itself gives it away, hehe. Ah, Schofield my dear boy. At least be a bit more inventive … )

Okay my last review was not allowed as the truth hurts.
This book is a joke I would not purchase anything this author has written, why?
Well the truth is the author does not look like he has ever trained.
Now this review which almost identical as my last is not slander or use of bad language.
I will be making my own complaint about this author to Amazon because he is trying to only allow high ratings and not low rating reviews.


But anyway, let’s get into what the Bozo is saying via his pen name now.

(He’s picked up a tip or two from yours truly on the “other site” hehe. Nothing if not a leech is the Bozo).

Last review not allowed?

Not that I know of, hehe. I actually welcome any and ALL Reviews – – and I’m not even the one deciding if it’s allowed on Amazon or not. Sure, they do ban trolls, and they’ve been cracking down on idiots that buy the book and return it a sum total of ONE minute later – believe me, I can track these things … but unless you’re a troll “el supremo” (hey, my books are in Spanish too) … Amazon won’t really remove anything you say.

Second, “I don’t look like I ever trained?”


Coming from the same person (Schofield) who routinely asked me “how many girls asked for my WeChat”.

A person who got routinely told he was in great shape (because he IS, and WAS) by nigh on EVERYONE – and men that DO the thing (boxers, ex Marines, and such) … a person that has a gorilla grip that would literally make grown men CRY if I applied it … and a person that has been called “movie star”, “TV star”, and such?

Perhaps most pertinently, a SOLID character … 

LOL again.

The tears BE a flowing, hehe.

(actually I have a good idea who “James” is if he’s not the Bozo, but chances are excellent and second to NONE that he is – LOL. He just wrote it differently).

Third, he never actually mentioned WHY I don’t look like I didn’t train. LOL again.

(I know, I know. I’m giving the trolls ideas. But hey, I LOVE this sort of hate – it makes my day to be very frank!)

(Compare his review with the other review on the page, by the way).

A superb book from an amazing writer/trainer.

If you’re at all interested in Bodyweight/Calisthenics training? Then you need to get your copy of this superb book. You’ll be glad you did.

And THEN tell me which review is HONEST – and which sounds RELIABLE.

I won’t tell you. You tell me!

Anyway, getting on with this blinder of a review (if I can call it that).

His second last comment says he used “slander and bad language” and that Amazon apparently banned him for it.

So they should, my dear Schofield. So they should. And they did. Kudos. Amazon has been cracking down on trolls ever since 2018, and a couple of comms from yours truly didn;t hurt either.

Cry a river over to Amazon – see if me care.

Me no care, me no share, me no cry “gummy bear”.

Sorry, I had to say that, since it turns the “Scho” on. (not really, hehe, but you get the drift).

But anyway, last, and perhaps most pertinently, it’s not a VERIFIED review.

And that, my friend is the icing on the cake.

I love me some trolls to start my day.

Keep it coming, brooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

And do some handstand pushups while you’re at it, hehe. Maybe you’ll actually DO something with your life as opposed to retarded trolling that (to be honest) I admittedly like because it makes me some more moolah (believe me, I would NEVER disallow this sort of thing even if I COULD, lol) …

But then again, in a strange way, thats what these wackos want, is to get my approval.

Hence the looooonnnngggg list of “affiliate wannabes” I just DELETED from the system today. Hehe.

No, my friend. If you’re genuine, you’ll get approved, and the RED carpet.

If you’re not, you get the boot.

‘Tis that SIMPLE, Jack.

And on that sage note I’m out. Back soon with more.



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is a page which might give you some ideas on “if I train”. LOL – Pull-ups – from STUD – SUPER STUD within WEEKS!

PS #2 – Schofield, worry not. Your account may have banned from Amazon UK, but your one star reviews are still there. Again, why would I wanna get ‘em deleted. LOL. Man oh man. You really need to get down from that “high” (looks like you did when you posted this review tho, hehe but in terms of me “not allowing”? I think you’ve wayyyyyyyyyy overinflated my ego today – hey – but thanks – so it goes when “superstars” and SUPER STUDS remind YOU, the BOZO, of what you never were, never CAN be, or never WILL BE (and)).

(You can, actually, but … ah, but we’ll let it slide).

(To the Bozo – Bring it, boy. I’m more than glad to hear from you! _)

Blue Monday, New Years Resolutions (an utter and total CROCK) and more ..
- All in a days work, hehe.

Dani and more, I should say. Hehe.

I mentioned her in an email or so prior, did I not?

Yes, Bozo Schofield. I did. I know he’s the one most interested in yours truly’s truly wicked and Lothario like ways.

We crave that (or covet) we CANNOT have but see daily.

Remove the cannot part, and thats what Hannibal Lecter, Glyn’s close buddy and confidante “in arms” said. Hehe.


That would be doing Hannibal a disservice. He was SMART if nothing else, not a complete, useless, worthless, good for nothing dolt

Unless you consider where his head usually is, and depending upon how one looks at it. Ugh.

Anyway, this is about the polar opposite eof the Bozo.

About a lady that as I said has been translating one of my books. “Madam” Daniela.

And as I finished chatting with her on that, she ended witht his.

“happy Blue Monday!”

Now, yours truly is well read, well traveled, and a complete ass at times (so they say, hehe).

So be it.

But I gotta be honest.

I thought she meant she was having a “blue” day. i.e. Bad day.

(no, Bozo Schofield and those that thought it. This ain’t got nothing to do with blue movies and the such)

(in a way it might, but NOT in the way you’d think!)

Anyway, I goggled it.

Googled, I mean. Hehe.

Here is what I got –

(I got it on the Bozo phone, so am typing it out instead of copy and paste).

Every year, the third Monday of January is dubbed “blue Monday”. The theory goes that this is the time of the year whwere we’re all cold, broke, and riddled with guilt that our new year’s resolutions to get fit, drink less alcohol, and be a better human being have falled by the wayside.

On that note, I heard my daughter school wanted them to do a resolution thingie on paper, and send it over online.

My first reaction?

Resolutions are the biggest CROCK ever.

OK for kiddie games, but that is IT.

And if you need proof?

Well, Blue Monday is the proof in the pudding.

Anyway I’m glad to report I’ve NEVER ever had any New Year’s Resolutions for the most part.

And without exception, everyone I know that has had them went on to … NOT accomplish them.

Or even get started.

You take baby steps daily.

You make EACH day great (as I told Daniela!).

And you realize that it’s small hinges that move big doors, not resolutions that subconsciously scare you from the get go.

‘Tis how it works, brah.

And in terms of FEELING great daily, that is key too. And no, long sessions on the asinine lat pulldown pretending to be “strong” or “big guy, but not fat” or any such ridiculous assertion aint gonna cut it bro.

Neither will long sessions at the Jim shim.

It’s SHORT intense workouts that leave you feeling – like a billion bucks – every day of the year – ALL day.

And yes, I AM pimping my products, and WILL continue to do so because guess what.

They ARE TRULY the best out there!

Jump on some now.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Forget the resolutions to “lose more weight by X day, or x amount”. Do something DAILY, and you’ll get ther efar quicker without the drama or pressure!

(So says yours truly Lothario with proof in plenty of puddings).