“Extreme ways have helped me. Have helped me out every time!”
- ... until it all fell apart!

Extreme ways have helped me, have helped out every time!

Extreme places I’ve been … that never seen any light!

Too many places, too many faces, too many heartaches, too MANY different things!

I couldn’t even believe!

I will stand in line for it!

I always stood in line for it! …..

…. Oh baby! Oh, Baby! Then it fell apart …. then it fell apart!

Oh baby, Oh baby, oh baby … like it always DOES!

… and so forth.

So goeth the end credits and the SONG at the end of the Bourne Identity, and most of all the Bourne movies, even that one movie (Legacy I think) where beyond a fleeting glance on a sheet of paper, Matt Damon doesn’t even make an appearance!

But that was a pretty extreme movie too, hehe.

But anyway ..

Remember those days where I literally picked up a MASSIVE iron rod lying on the road “outside them saunas and bordellos back in the day, hehe” and brought it home – drilled two massive holes in the wall, and used it as a chinning bar?

That damn pipe was so thick I could barely hold it.

Took thick bar training to a new level, but I didn’t know it back then.

My neighbors did occasionally sing along with me around 6PM or so though which is when for whatever reason before settling down to “beer and pizza” I did my pull-ups, and a lot of ‘em.

Not well.

NOWHERE and nothing like what I teach today.

But not bad either.

But anyway, I’ve mentioned the story of not being able to find a chinning bar in the PRC, finally finding it in HK, and so forth.

“Chinese people do it outside!” was the “Sage” observation and thats as far as I got in China.

The world’s factory floor churning out chinning bars by the bazillion – and yet not ONE to be found for sale. Hehe.

Water, water, water everywhere, but NOT a drop to drink is what it reminds me of!

But anyway, the way that song, and the way it ends – I love it.

Can identify!

My own life has been that way in many, many regards.

Doing and living in a way where some might consider it extreme. Most do!

But at the end of the day – some, or should I say – MOST things “fell apart”.

Bozo jobs. Relationships that didn’t work for me (or the other person). Crappy ways of workign out. Countries. Places. Things.

Believe me, yours truly has done things that most wouldn’t in lifetimes, and I’m not yet a couple of months over 40.

Plenty of faces, plenty of piss fights, plenty of ACTUAL Fights, plenty of chest thumping, plenty of bar room brawls, plenty of idiotic (and absolutely useless) getting into it with Nazi feminists and so forth …

But all those “extreme” things?

They taught me a lot about life. And I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Throughout it all, what MATTERED Remained.

My personal FREEDOM.

My independence.

My NON-RELUCTANCE to say it like it is freely without fear of censure, no matter WHERE I BE.

And a tendency to keep myself fit and strong.

Becuase, my friend, you never know what might happen. It does indeed all fall apart at the end of the day and if you look at what is happening now?

All my life those not in the know told me that “there was some problem with my mind” in order for this to keep happening.

Not really, my friend.

If you look at Napoleon Hill for one, possibly one of the greatest men who’ve EVER lived – well – look at his life, and you’ll see how things just curiously “always” fell apart before he finally did what he was put on this planet to do.

“Remember this lesson now, and remember it well! You’ve been a stubborn student and had to be cured of this through numerous failures!”

There was more, but you get the point. That was Hill’s inner voice speaking to him.

He ain’t the only one either. Dr. Maltz brought up the axiom of the elastic rubber band in Psycho Cybernetics, and it is TRUE.

Now, anyway . . . what does this have to do with YOU?

Well, fitness wise make sure that it NEVER falls apart my friend.

You could focus on doing nothing but long hikes for months, maybe even years.

Then you might get sick of it and do the 0 Excuses Fitness System exclusively. Hey, who knows. YOU might come out with your OWN book!

(I did, hehe, on multiple such occasions).

For a while you may do nothing but jumping rope and pushups, Mike Tyson style.

You may bang out 500 of ‘em in your living room daily. I did it at a certain point!

And so forth.

But key thing – NEVER let it fall apart to the point you’re physically unable to defend yourself.

That, my friend is what matters. That, and never let them energy levels droop!

As we move ahead into an increasingly chaotic and tumultous world, THAT is the best advice I can give you.

OK, thats it for me (for this one). I should be back soon with a rant on why I hate Tom Tommers of any nature, or I might not … we’ll SEE!

For now, make sure to pick up some products here.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The 0 Excuses Fitness System is the greatest, best, and MOST EFFECTIVE exercise system out there, and you can avail of it right HERE.

PS #2 – And worry not – NONE of my exercise systems are so extreme you can’t do ’em. You can make ’em into that, but you dont have to!

Why I got off Shitter – and why you should too.
- You really should. Boycott it, to be honest! It's for your OWN GOOD. No, not just politics!

Not just because they banned Trump, no.

That happened WAYYY after my decision.

For whatever reason and those on this list know it, at around the beginning or so of November I done got the red ass with social media sh-media- and the massive and mammoth WASTE of time it is with Bozos that don’t have the intelligence of a cow even.

Or something like that.

(but apparently some of these bozos like “cows”. Anyway…)

But really.


Or, Shitter as I like to call it.

The 150 character limit is great for keeping things pithy, but not everything can, and other than trolls, I see no good reason why anyone should have Shitter.

I Call it that because more so than other social media Twitter has ONE thing going on.

A bunch of idiotic, shallow, doo doo like comments.

Am I saying the 160 or what not limit cannot be used well?

Sure it can.

Alan Murray, my last “boss” (though to be honest, he’s more like a good friend, hehe) at a job I worked (for reasons other than money) once said his “eyes watered” when he saw my loooooonnnnnnngggggg posts on WeShat.

(Alan is featured on the testimonials page too!)

(the ONLY “boss” I’ve EVER featured, hehe, though “Gabriel” might make it too, heh).

Admittedly I sent him a LOT of messages. Visas. This. That. School. And so forth.

But, even so his responses were equally crisp and to the point!

He’d answer everything – – in a couple of lines, and he has that skill from YEARS of doing BUSINESS.

Real business.

When Bozo Schofield in a very underhand manner tried trolling HIM too, he asked me who it was.

I sent several lengthy explanations.

Alan replied with this.

“Got it! Blocking him now”

If there were people like that on Twitter, I’d be on it.

But if there are, I haven’t seen ‘em!

Twitter is mostly to me a massive gigantic SHITTER – a waste of time!

Anyway, where was I?

Ah yes. Long posts.

A lot has been made about “customers not wanting to read long form stuff”.

That your emails should be pithy.

I call FOOEY on that.

I’ve never adhered to what people think is short or long in ANY Regard.

And Glyn if you’re reading this, it ain’t what you’re thinking either.

I say it any which way I please, and thats usually VERY LONG. (by most people’s standards).

And for the sort of people I wish to attract, and do attract to my website, it seems to be working just fine. Hehe.

Anyway, this has gone on for too long, so I’ll end here. But you get the point, eh.

To get some pathbreaking, bestselling products that will you get in the great shape you’ve always wanted to be, the best of your life, go HERE.

(long form, hehe).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I jumped ship before the sham of an election results were announced. Foreboding? Probably!

PS #2 – and no, banning Trump doesn’t mean anyone forgets. I’ve written about this GALORE before. Banning anything only intensifies the movement. Prohibition being one PRIME example …

PPS – Yours truly? Jobs? Alan was the ONLY reason I took that job – for a few months – if you need any more convincing as to the “hidden sales talent” in the dude which he unconsciously used, THAT is it! Great, great guy – one of the very best!

The parallels between ATTRACTING (almost on auto pilot!) the woman of your DREAMS – and the FIT BODY of your DREAMS!
- More on the true seat of POWER. (it ain't your butt hehe)

There are many, but I’ll cover one. The most important one.

And as I wrote about the “Senorita” in a post prior to this (I believe that email should be hitting your Inbox right about NOW) – I gotta say it HERE as well.

For background, you’ll have to go through the other email.

But really.

The parallel, you ask. Getting right to do the meat of why Sch the Tro obsesses about “how many girls asked for your WeShat today” and other rubbish and “Edwin Barker” sends me a dozen emails about daily saying “you be a good looking guy, and I have a small bla bla and my wife laughs at me” (really, if YOU are laughing – the Bozo sent me that email too!) . . .

(meat – pun not intended)

It’s this my friend.

You attract who you ARE – and what you LIKE.

Not what you THINK you like.

What you subconsciously like at your very core.

The SUBCONSCIOUS mind, my friend, is the seat of ALL power – and – I REPEAT – ALL ACHIEVEMENT man makes in ANY sphere of life (or woman, or in between, or what have you).

You can liken it to the famous “elastic band” (in India some call it “rubber band”, hehe) theory that Dr. Maltz rightly proposed in Psycho Cybernetics.

Your subconscious mind determines the “limits” to which the band can be pulled.

If you consciously “force” yourself to do or believe in something, but the REAL seat of power doesn’t, guess what.

You’ll eventualy “snap” back to what you TRULY, deep down inside, without even knowing it believe in.

And the limits etc associated with that.

There is a reason I REVAMPED the book on pull-ups – Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS! And put in visualization in there.

There is a reason I’ve done so in 0 Excuses Fitness.

And so forth.

Most will SKIP it.

BIG, BIG mistake!

Fitness, language, women, everything and anything it applies. I even give you the example of “Tracy” an English student of mine who improved SO rapidly in English once she was with me that it beggars the imagination.

Not carol.


Carol was a different case. Principles behind her success were the same too!

And curiously enough she is mentioned in the book I talk about on the other site.

Now, believe it or not, I’ve never had trouble attracting women in any way, shape, nature or form.

I don’t chase ‘em. I try and not give ‘em my contact details. I try and be ME – i.e. a CAVEMAN. \

And yet, as you know. Hehe.

My Dad once made the comment in college about “I’m sure the girls will still find you cute if you cut your hair”.

My hair, long or not, has NOTHING do to with it, and never did. HA!

Thats a personal preference for yours truly caveman.

Anyway, when I Was fat – same thing. No problemo.

And the point of me saying this isn’t for you to be fat, or find an excuse to be so.

It’s to say you will ATTRACT what you REALLY want.

Deep down inside, I wanted the fit body of my dreams.

Guess what.

I got it.


Guess what.

I got it.

But the secret behind all this wasn’t in my physical “doing” so much as “how I did it”.

I wrote about this in 2018 in an “it’s not WHAT you do, but HOW you do it” email I sent to all on this list (those of you that were on there at the time – those not – do a search, and you should find it on the blog).

And how, my friend can only come if you are SUBCONSCIOUSLY convinced that what you’re doing – the path you’re taking – is the right one for you.

And it could be fitness. Money. Women. Anything.

I keep telling people it’s not about looks or anything else. We all want looks, sure, but the real secret has got nothing at all to do with it.

Vibes, my friend.

And the point of me saying this isn’t (again) women, but to tell you that to attract any sort of result in life, it starts with your THINKING.

The subconscious mind.

It’s something I tell EVERYONE on my coaching calls, and it’s something I “rant” about in my products.

And if there is ONE MOST USEFUL thing I could EVER tell you, it is that (what I just told you).

If you really, really, REALLY, REALLY want it – you’ll FIND a way to GET IT!

(often times WITHOUT, and in my life, ALWAYS, “conscious thought”).


Have at !


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Be sure and pick up “one of my best courses ever on turning you into a BEAST – super human level” right here – Animal Kingdom Workouts.

PS #2 – The “if you really want it” axiom holds true for getting products etc too – and my customers are livin PROOF of that FACT!

Pics or it didn’t happen. Aint that the ABSOLUTE truth, hehe

You on this list have probably heard the saying. And even if you arent on the list, you probably have . . .

The eternal truism of “pics or it didn’t happen”.

Well, how does it apply here you might ask, beyond the obvious.

The obvious being pictures of yours truly, yours truly working out etc.

I’ve been asked often, nay, TOLD – by folks (sadly or not, not in the know) to not put certain pictures of myself on my books.

One being the classic Shoulders like Boulders pose.

And the other two being what I have on the cover of “Eat More – Weigh LESS!” and the advanced book on pull-ups.

Some have asked me to remove the “fat” picture of me on “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!

I still remember, when I first way back in the day asked my wife in an unsure manner about the Shoulders like Boulders picture.

Her face said it all.

And so did the vibe.

The face said “I don’t know”.

And the vibe said “that looks good in a certain way!”

She herself probably didn’t know how good. Hehe.

Blowfield for one started to troll me using just that pic. In COLOR at that, hehe. Back when the Shoulders like Boulders! Page was on my other site, he used the color picture from there.

And he used a bunch of others.

My wechat picture for one.

Then the pics on Eat More – Weigh Less, and the picture of me in “16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections”.

And he ain’t the only one, bro.

He’s by far the one that is the most obsessed, so I reward him by writing about him.

Hey, I “owe” the Bozo THAT much, especially after all the sales I’ve made from his lunacy, hehe.

But the picture on the Advanced Hill Training page pisses feminists off for some reason.

How dare he.

Alpha male, UBER MACHO, call it what you would …

Or, as the self projecting Bozo says, “trolling”.

The super troll calling the opposite that.

Truly no justice in this world eh.


Well my friend, long answer to a short question many have had on the pictures .. .

They’re there for a reason.

One, the honest reason. To tell EVERYONE that looks at the book that excess weight doesn’t mean you can’t lose it QUICK. And that yes, BIG people (not FAT) CAN do advanced stuff.

Advanced BODYWEIGHT STUFF (just look at the old timers if you doubt me).

And two, well, to make sales.

More of the green dollah, hehe.

No “20 dolla” Blowfield stuff either, hehe.

But really, trolling and that aside – point begets.

The last two crappy reviews some nuts gave my book (one being th eBozo, and the other apparently a hot tempered Italian) weren’t about the books.

The Bozo in the first gave us a reason why he wouldnt read the book (as if he would read it anyway).

“Because the author doesn’t look like he’s trained”.

(from a guy thats never trained his entire life, hehe)

And the Mamma Mia sort in the second review?

HE openly said that the book on isometrics was …well, about isometrics.

Yes, he said that in his review!

And he complained about price and the pictures not being “good” or something.

But the pictures were what ticked him off.

So long answer to a short question?

You get the point, hehe.

But really, bro.

Fitness books are, as a customer rightly said, about the INFORMATION in them.

Not typos, pictures or what not …

Anyway, all of that aside, I think that be a long enough “rant” on that one. Im sure everyone gets the point.

And picture or not, rest assured of one thing – the 0 Excuses Fitness System has not one, not two, but plenty of pictures.

Not to mention FIVE videos for whoever buys it.

Trolls, or REAL customers – it matters not. Hehe.

Grab it right here.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Nah, not the trolls. But some of them have actually bought. LOL. Remember the “I wont learn Chinese” and subsequent sales on Gorilla Grip?

(sure, they chose the product which had the lowest “price” at the time, but still. LOL. Another lesson right there!)

Squats and SOLES, and how both make my head spin (well, the combo!)

Oh boy.

Pun intended for those in the know.

I just wrote about something I wrote on another couple of sites.

And this one is more closely interwined with them (pun VERY MUCH INTENDED!) than you might think!

And I’ve been wanting to do this a long time, and trolls coming out of the woodwork and such?


Lets talk about SQUATTING.

Not the lovely Hindu squat, which gets you FIT in a way NO other exercise, even climbing hills regularly can.

Believe me, you could do NOTHING – I repeat NOTHING but Hindu squats your WHOLE life, and turn into a fitness PHENOM.

These make you SO sore when you first start … (so go easy, hehe, no, I don’t mean the “Bozo” going easy either hehe).

But anyway, Bozo “Blow”field aside, the squat I am talking about is in TWO books – – two of my latest and very BEST.

John Walker from the UK told me that the book on ANIMAL KINGDOM WORKOUTS might yet be my best to date.

IT probably is!

And he told me the book on isometrics was the missing link that connects all my books together.

High praise from a TRUE WARRIOR – a Samurai waging the battle against “Covid Shovid” as we speak (with his wife) and Ive got FULL FAITH – THEY – will recover!

The plague doesn’t KNOW what it’s up against.

A real MAN! A warrior!

And a great, great customer.

But anyway, this squat my friend is something most people cannot get into – especially those of us that grew up or are otherwise accustomed to in the West.

Asians can for hours.

Well, I take that back.

OLD SCHOOL Asians can.

The modern lot is EVEN worse off at it than the first category above.

This one position held for time does the following.

Improves your overall health, LEG STRENGTH and stamina beyond belief.

Gives you a stretch to the lower and entire body (and that wonky lower back) like you will NOT BELIEVE.

(those of you with backs shot from the deadlift – try it!)

Is a great position not just to sit in but relieve yourself if you get my drift (indeeed, in Asia in most places till this date thats how people do it).

The “throne” is great, hehe, but it ain’t the healthiest by far.

Moving around in this position can be done on either one leg or two. Dont try one leg unless and until you’re good at two.

Most of all, it gives you a workout from HELL in less than five minutes flat.

I should know.

I was moving about in a patented “Rahul Mookejee” style manner in this position I’ll teach later.

In Isometics – Volume #2 most likely …

But it kicks – ASS.

Big time.

I’m dizzy.

And those two words above, and yes, I’m saying it will be the missing link that ties a lot of my businesses TOGETHER, hehe.

So sayeth Rahul Mookerjee.

And his words have a way of coming true!

More later- for now – make sur eto pick up Animal Kingdom Workouts – – and the book on isometrics RIGHT NOW.

Truly some of the greatest books I’ve ever put out.

BUT – more to come!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – More superb products available here that will get you in the BEST SHAPE OF YOUR LIFE – QUICK! Get on the train NOW.

Why “Major General” Michael was the ONLY one that inspired me (truly) wayyyyy back in the day in China
- The General, the ... hehe, I wont go there.

I’ve written about two illuminaries in the last email.

People that have inspired me.

But one of these people – well, I omitted to mention him in the last email, but I should have – is probably MORE instrumental overall in terms of who I am today, and who I will ALWAYS be all my life.

That being a person who is not a public figure most likely now. I havent spoken to the “General” in a while!

But he COULD eat a Second Lieutenant or two for lunch, hehe.

Brings a smile to my face everytime I think of him, and those heady days of Dongguan Expat!

But anyway, that site was his idea. His brainchild, at a time where he was a) making TONS Of moolah (not from this site) and b) when there was nothing really like it in that town

(That town was mostly “rice paddies” back then).

True, I owned the site later.

True, as he said “it was his, but I contributed the most”, and for a site like that, it MATTERS.

Not to mention tech help etc when I could.

And lots of bashing either way, lol.

But the point is, the dude’s LIFESTYLE was really what inspired me.

He was 40 and I was 24.

He was living the dream (at that point, anyway).

Yours truly was making GOOD money – but at a JOB.

Uncle Bob was making 3x money – but at a job.

And the “Major General” was making 4x – while working ONE Day a month.

Not daily.

He didn’t even send emails most likely daily.

He created his stuff daily, probably, sure. He worked at it. But really speaking, his job when it came right down to it was to show up at a factory for one day a month, and make BIG bucks that day – and then goof off the rest o fthe month (or do what he liked).

And THAT was what I wanted to do!

Yours truly was making good money for his age, and given he had very little actual experience at that time. Dont get me wrong. They paid me well!

Expat position and so forth (not as cushy as Bob’s, but it was close).

But, we had to go into to office.

And Bob often remarked snarkily about the General “well, some of us have to work real jobs”.

That was the one thing that left me tongue tied.

Yes, me! Whose always got a response for ALL.

Because I admired that in Michael, and still do.

It’s probably why my English name in China is Michael.

That, and they called me “Lahoo” …. so I had enough of that after a while, hehe.

But I still have a Chinese name based upon my real name (my work permit etc had it too. LOL. So much for the Bozo’s self projecting rants about “cuckolds working illegally” – that was what the Bozo himself did and does every time he shows up in the PRC (but I think they red stamped him now, so he can’t)).

But anyway, THAT is the lifestyle yours truly wanted.

Crack open a beer at 11 AM if you so choose, and definitely at 4. LOL.

Financial freedom!

And truth be told, I could have gotten started on my own journey a LOT before I did – but I didn’t know how!

All’s well that ends well. My “story” thus far most closely mirrors Napoleon Hill’s to a T, so I get that.

But I still remember the General telling me during those days (and it irritated me, because I didtn know how)

(I thought he was giving me the run around. He wasn’t!)

“Your time will come, Rahul. Maybe sooner than mine!”

In Hill like ways he often told me that “the secret is something he couldn’t reveal, because if he did so, it would STRIP me of much of the benefit I would get by discovering it myself!”

Most would say “he’s not telling me”.



He said it better than most could. I just didn’t know it.

And shout out to the General aside, HAVE I achieved all Iwant to?

Not by a long damned shot my friend.

Fitness wise, several goals.

Life wise, several goals too (all keeping in accordance with the CAVEMAN way of life, hehe).

And many other things I’ll reveal, or maybe not in future emails (Tell the world what you’re going to do, but SHOW it first!)

But at the age of 40 and … I believe a couple of weeks more, I don’t know why, but I felt compelled to write this, and give the General a clap on the shoulder.

He deserves it!

And on that note, I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember to pick up some PRODUCTS before you leave!

The “who taught me” Question …
- Well, it's a good question!

And I don’t just mean when dealing with trolls, hehe.

That I didn’t “learn from anyone”.

I learnt as I did with everything else – by experimenting, failing, failing, failing, then succeeding BIG (finally! Ah!) – and on my lonesome.

No silver spoons in my mouth, and truth be told I prefer it that way.

I’ve told you the story of a struggling Napleon Hill with no money to buy even FOOD during the 1930’s or so.

He worked for a man with several coal mines, I believe, and as he wrote monthly checks out to his boys in college, his eyes watered.

$100 was a lot of money back then!

But YEARS down the line the business was gone, and one of the boys was a drunk. The other, I’m not sure, but it’s fair to say he did NOT succeed at being anything except perhaps “loser el supremo”.

(true story).

And a story that repeats itself daily in everyone’s lives. You likely see it around you!

I’d rather get my education through the school of hard knocks.

Fitness wise.

Troll wise.

Email wise.

Writing wise!

But, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go it alone in the sense you think.

Yours truly “renegade” doesn’t admire a lot of people.

Very few indeed, but when HE DOES?

He is EFFUSIVE in his praise of ‘em.

And he takes EVERY opportunity to “take ass and kick names” – or was it the other way around, hehe.

(I was writing about Bozo Schofield in the last email, and … pardon me. LOL. Thats what he does!)

Kick ass and take names.

Troll wise, and “those I admire wise”.

Matt Furey was who I got this from, and Matt Furey was who first implanted the seed for all this in my mind through his emails.

I don’t know the guy. I’ve never bought his products. Some of this list have, and they love mine more.

Well, thats just how it is.

But I give Matt credit whereever I can, including in the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Another guy Matt inspired was the great Ben Settle who went through real “third world tough times” when livin in the good ole US of A (things ya’ll wouldn’t even imgine possible, but I can, for obvious reasons).

And though I always “knew” how to deal with trolls internally – Ben’s emails provided that extra spark for me to just do it.

Again, I Dont know Settle. He don’t know me. (don’t, hehe).

But the guy’s top notch, and …well, EVERY time I’ve needed inspiration his emails have done it.

There are some dudes you just “connect” with.

People have said I’m that sort of person.

You either love me, or you hate me.

Settle’s the same.

Anyway . . . point of all this?

We ALL learn from someplace.

Someone. Somewhere.

Every time I tell my wife she’s an excellent cook I ask (or used to ask) her the following.

“Where did you learn! Damn!”

By myself, she replies.


She’s a talented lass in many areas!

But she had the environment growing up, which makes a huge difference.

(that doesn’t mean she doesn’t get credit for continous experiment etc that she DOES do, or for encouraging her – our – daughter to do the same despite plenty of opposition)

(But “environment” whether you like it or not DOES have an impact. The ole Hill saying about “you’re the sum of the three people you hang out with the most holds true”!)

(Hence yours truly CAVEMAN. Hehe).

Yours truly has always had the OPPOSITE environment growing up.

Fitness – Zero. Sales – Bah, humbug. How dare I, and “those are just sales men”.

It was always about the GRIND, which yours truly does if he likes something. Believe me, I do, and you know it!

But the results were never shown, which is a key, key mistake most people make.

Focus on the end result FIRST, my friend.

If you care about it enough, you’ll do it – any which way. You’ll find a way!

I did it.

So can YOU.

And THAT is the person I’d rather learn from, someone that has pulled themselves up by the boostraps – fitness included.

I’d rather learn from the guy that had terrible genetics and went on to become a fitness phenom.

(Funnily enough, even till this date, while strangers (initially) buy my products, courses, praise the programs etc, my own “those supposed to be closest to me” do the exact opposite. Such as it goes tho. You either love me, or you hate me, hehe. They chose the latter, and hey. I respect that!)

A guy with tons of injuries in the past that knows how to avoid ‘em NOW.

A guy that put in the HARD YARDS – the SLOG – even when everyone told him he was a fool for doing so.

A guy that truly believes in, and lives the maxim “just do it”!

And so forth …

THAT is who I’d learn from – and THAT is who you should learn from too!

Start right here.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And no, I ain’t concerned about losing sales by mentioning the “greats”. Please. Spare me! (if you’re about to say that, and the sensible folks won’t).

“Just bodyweight exercises and static stretches” . How dare I!
- Another zinger, lol.

Well, well, well!

With all the positive reviews flowing in for my books as of late, there was one nut “Keith James” (pretty much Glyn Schofield “el troll”) who claimed that “all I allowed was five star reviews”.

We got into that a couple of emails back.

And his comment is insane, meaningless, and lacks any sort of factual basis – why?

Well, because much as I would like to (actually I take that back – I would NOT) yours truly doesn’t run Amazon.

And yours truly doesn’t have much control over the reviews etc posted there, much like you don’t.

Amazon, of course has been doing its best to crack down on bozos, serial trolls and refunders, lookie lous, serial whiners and so forth, and so if they banned both your comments without me saying anything about it at all, that says a lot right there, hehe.

Anyway, lest you think I give you the positive stuff and that alone, here’s another zinger I received recently that (though I really need to go to bed) I had to write about.

(It literally made me throw my hands up in the air and go “hurray”). LOL.


Honestly, one of the worst fitness ebooks I’ve ever read (and I’ve read quite a few);

it’s a simple bunch of static stretches and bodyweight exercises.

A shallow recommended programming, and the photos quality is simply unwatchable. And never, never all of this for € 46!

Not recommended

(Someone named “Andrea Vidolin” posted this)

Boy oh boy.

How do I even begin.

Lets begin with “The Specialist”.

The tepidness of the movie aside, there is a scene where Sly blows up half the balcony off a hotel room, and then rushes to the kitchen to avoid being caught or something.

(funnily enough, they show ole Sly doing a lot of isometrics to maintain that shape of his. One of those same exercises is mentioned in the book, hehe)

A lot of mayhem (ham handed mayhem), knife throwing etc ensure, and a huge, fat (I think Italian) chef throws a hissy.

Righfully so. They were having a ball in his precious kitchen!

Mamma mia!

He might as well said, LOL (but his expression said it all, and if you saw the movie, you KNOW what I BE Talking about!).

But anyway, “Andrea” reminds me of this person.

Lets take a close look at what he/she said.

Honestly, one of the worst fitness ebooks I’ve ever read (and I’ve read quite a few);

Remember, this is the review in its entirety, so these are the ONLY reasons given.

it’s a simple bunch of static stretches and bodyweight exercises.


How dare I!

Let’s look up the very definition of isometrics –

( I googled it, and this from Wikipedia)

An isometric exercise is a form of exercise involving the static contraction of a muscle without any visible movement in the angle of the joint. .

How dare I put out a book on isometrics, and then talk about just that . . . LOL.

Bodyweight exercises? Again, how dare I put out a book on bodyweight stuff?

Maybe he has a different idea on how to do isometrics, but she (he) sure didn’t tell me how!

Maybe he/she is just on his period. I cannot understand how people leave such insane and idiotic reviews.

(and no, I am not going to ask Amazon to remove it either, lol. Some monuments to INCREDIBLE stupidity shall remain!)

A shallow recommended programming, and the photos quality is simply unwatchable.

Shallow, yet recommended? Hmm! Dichotomy Central?

Photos quality? I wasn’t aware we were filming in Hollywood, partner. Last I checked it was my living room . . . and last I checked, fitness books didn’t need “studio quality” pictures . . . the TEXT does it for the most part . . .


I just took a look, and it doesnt seem that way to me at all. Most seem pretty clear …

And never, never all of this for € 46!

AHA! NOW, we get to the point! The PRICE! Munneeeeeee!

How dare I charge a premium for what works, eh.

And that really sums the whole thing up, along with the idiocy.

(But at least he seems unrelated to Bozo Schofield, so I’ll give him that. Those hot tempered Italians do sometimes get pissed over the smallest things. I get it! LOL)

Now, just so you know, neither do I only want five star reviews, nor do I necessarily tear apart those that aren’t.

On the Gorilla Grip page you’ll see a lengthy three star review which I did sort of critique, but that was it.  (The Amazon UK page that is)

I haven’t made any attempt to have it removed, and neither will I.

He was essentially a price shopper, and so be it.

But inane “rants” like this – well – they deserve a bit of a chuckle or a laugh or both.

Italian cooks running amok, and what not … LOL. Going haywire.

Stereotypes aside though, look at the damn thing logically, and in light of the other reviews the book has received, and I think thats all the “proof” one needs in order to decide whether or not it’s one of the best of it’s kind out there – or not!

And so it goes. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Almost forgot the link – Isometric and Flexibility Training. PIck it up NOW, my friend. Those of you that get it will see it truly IS the missing link in your training – with info that you HAVE NOT seen before out there (And stuff that (some of it) will put you FLAT On your ass when you first DO IT!).

“A little danger never hurt anyone, did it now Baby?”
- Sometimes, hehe

A bit of a cheesy, worn dialog it was, but a classic nonetheless, especially if you’re a Sly Stallone fan like I am.

But even his biggest fans including me would agree that the 1993 movie “The Specialist” was in serious need of … some … ENERGY!

(I still love it tho!)

I don’t know if the directors meant for the movie to be the way it was, but the actors with the notable exception of James Woods, lively as ever as he is on Twitter, hehe, were exceedingly tepid.

In fact, the movie has this slow melachonly tune that plays along and if you’re feeling sleepy, or have had a few cold ones – probably perfect to doze off to. (but just wake up for woods in the police station, hehe – he truly DOES liven things up!).

But anyway, Stone.

Sharon Stone.

Those eyes, and those never ending legs ALWAYS have energy (at least they did back in the days of Basic Instinct and such).

In fact, to me, SHE made the movie watchable, and even she wasn’t at full blast like she is in Basic Instinct.

Crossing and uncrossing them lllooooonnnggg legs is a Stone special, and I’m sure that needs NO introduction.

And in the Specialist she does that, giving a baddie a sexy stare (its meant to be sexy, at least).

While crossing one slim leg over the other, perfectly tanned, puffed, and buffed (Sly is the epitome of that in the movie as well, so lets not blame Stone for it, hehe).

“A little danger didn’t hurt nobody now, did it baby?”

In response to Eric Robert’s “you like to live dangerously”.

(to which he replied “sometimes” and started kissing her legs) 

(if there ever was an example of how NOT To be a true bad boy, Eric Roberts in that tepid movie is IT) 

Anyway, yours truly remembers a girl “Venus”.

I gave her the name.

And though she is no longer on my WeShat list (I suspect my anti China posts ticked her off), for a while there she was very well and truly “with” yours truly if you get my drift.

And every message she sent me would be recalled, or edited, lest it “incriminate” her (she was married).

(I can hear Bozo Schofield gnashing his teeth. Why, why Rahul! LOL)

(Well, maybe because he’s got something they want unlike you. But we’ll get to that, ye Schofield. Hang on!)

Anyway, pictures. Text. All would be recalled, and edited, and it exasperated the heck out of me.

I told her so too.

She stopped doing it, but started up soon enough.

“You’re dangerous!” was her only comment.

(and with that dangerous boy she did more than she probably has with ANYONE. LOL)

And this “danger” and “bad boy” has been repeated to me so many times throughout my life that I’ve lost track.

True, I’m not a good boy.

Probably and definitely not the boy you would want to introduce to your Mama, ladies.

But on the other hand, the bad boys are usually the ones that “get it all” if you get my drift!

And of course, the Bozos and whiners can’t stand it either.

Remember Bozo “Cuck” Glyn Schofield’s bizarre rant about yours truly supposedly “writing books on cuckolds” and “they didn’t like you not because you’re ugly, but because you’re dangerous”?

Dangerous love was the name of a Bollywood flick back in the day (surprisingly good).

Dangerous Cuckold will be the one the Bozo plays out in his own mind for the rest of his days in the London Loony Tune Bin El Supremo.

Oxford my rear end. LOL.

But anyway, ‘tis a common refrain with me.



“Bad Boy”

And so forth.

I might be all of those things, but really and once the dust settles I’m just a caveman with long hair that wants to be left alone.

To his own devices and handstands.

And as “Milan”, a great, great guy once told me.

“I can see you have no shortage of excitement in your life!”

(never a dull moment were his exact words, I believe)

‘Tis true, bro.

I don’t.

And so it should be.

But my exercise and fitness techniques are all safe, my friend. Exceedingly so. In fact to the point they make me look positively BORING.

Just pushups.

Just pull-ups.

Just this and that.

No Bozo like machines, Jim Shim, pump tone, supplements, and all that fancy rot.

Just the basics applied hard, which flat out work.

But regardless, a little danger never hurt anyone did it baby? 😉

Well, actually it MIGHT hurt you while doing handstands for one!


Anyway, enough on this.

Remember that you gotta FEEL your best (which leads to you Looking your best) in order to attract what you WANT in life to you.

And that goes for money, girls, boys (the Bozo prefers in between’s last someone told me!), excitement, good people and so forth, and you can only do that once your BUZZING from the inside out.

And the right fitness program is imperative bro.

Get on the STICK – NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Truly zero excuses! (and NO danger, hehe)

Why being a Bozo of the highest order doesn’t necessarily lend itself to decent or any dialog.
- Ugh, that "my way or the highway" thing is so STUPID.

I see it in the PRC all the time.

Point out something bad, even legitmately so, and the Chinese start (well, the overly jingoistic ones do, and the ccp members as well).

“If you don’t like China, you can leave!”

I pointed out a case of a taxi driver who was persecuted for some reason in China, fled to HK in the 90’s or so, somehow got a HK ID and lived on there, driving his cab.

When I got into his cab there, he told me the following.

“We no like China! China velly bad, Japan velly good!”

Bear in mind this was before Xi took over and completely and utterly destroyed any semblance, vestige or “sham” of the Kong having any form of limited democracy!

If there is one thing the Dems and Republicans agree upon, it’s China.

Even Biden’s admin wasn’t happy with the retarded sanctions placed upon Mike Pompeo and his team in a vain “after the horse done bolted” attempt to “save face”.

I mean, really.

If they really wanted to save face, these idiots could have done it WHILE Trump was in power.

Instead, in typical slinking bully style they wait until Trump is out of power and do it with Biden in power, hoping that Biden will support ‘em.

While I feel Biden is a good man, Idont think he’s the right choice for Prez. I’ve been very clear on this. And the election, well, the less said the better.

But point being, even Biden and his admin knows the damage China has done to the US and the rest of the world.

(and themselves, of course, but if they want to shoot themselves in the foot, go for it!)

But anyway …

I hear this sort of thing all the time.

“If you don’t like it, leave!”

Or as a certain person from a factory just told me “That person can leave! Don’t waist China resource!”

(right down to the “waist”. LOL)

So in other words, don’t discuss a genuine issue. Just be a Bozo Scofield style China tom tommer, say ‘all is well’, and all problems shall be solved.

(or simply blame the other person, or the other country)

(and bringing up an issue, or saying “someone in China is wrong” means (apparently) that “I dont like China”. Thats SOOOOO sensible!)


Not in my world they won’t, my friend.

And not in any SANE person’s world.

Of course, tom tommers aren’t exactly the sanest of sane …

But anyway, why does this matter?

Because fitness wise, same thing.

When you point out to the Jim Shim crowd why their way is not necessarily the best way, you get the same nutty “don’t tell us that!” responses.

Or, “so and so expert” told us.

You show ‘em proof. News.

Results. Tests.

“All fake”, they go. “Big muscles and the bloat is where it’s at!”

Discussing something in today’s world calmly without letting one’s partisan tendencies get in the way seems to be a dying art. If it ever was alive in the first place.

Anyway, so be it.

Time for the shameless plug – the best damned fitness system ever, and indeed the FOUNDATION of everything else offered here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Grab now, and start putting the blues BEHIND you right away.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – and overall, I’d rather take democracy with all it’s flaws at the end of the day. Commie dictatorships do SOME things well, but by and large, I’d rather speak my mind freely!

(based upon FACT).