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In all the Rocky series, I dont know if you noticed it, but pull-ups – that exercise makes you feel like a CHAMP are noticeably and conspicuously absent.
Except for Rocky II, where we see Stallone pounding wood like a lumberjack (great montage that much like in the Bollywood potboiler Ghayal! – And I’ve written galore about that too!) and doing one arm pull-ups – though honestly, those aren’t FULL EXTENSION one arm pull-ups – we dont see pull-ups at all.
Until the “Rocky VI” – or “Rocky Balbao” movie in the franchise, which was a great movie I thought – down to earth and REAL – and we see Stallone waking up, loosening up, going to the backyard, and then doing a few pull-ups on a stand outdoors.
The old man still got it, hehe.
The PUNCH is the last to go on a man, as they say in the movie!
I dont know why, but I watched that movie in the theater, and certain Bozos started “giggling” when they saw that scene.
I thought Stallone was setting a great example – and not just on the screen – in real life too!
Anyway, that movie has some great training sequences later on too …
But the point I’m trying to make is this.
Pull-ups hardly ever show up at all.
In the “Creed” series, they show up yes, in Creed- II.
The mighty son of the even mightier Ivan Drago is shown doing them, and doing ’em RIGHT!
That was a great movie as well. As I write this, I remember the scene where Drago’s wife (who leaves him in Rocky IV because he “lost the battle”) is sitting with her new husband years later, and Drago’s son gets pissed off royally at the dinner they were invited to before the bout …
And how Drago himself throws in the towel for his son at the end of the movie, because his son just won’t quit – much like he didnt back in the day!
Anyway … great movie, and where was I? I got carried away by the dinner part of things!
Pull-ups, again, don’t make much of an appearance at all.
What does, then?
Well, Rocky I – you see Rocky doing tons of pushups – medicine ball work – and jumping ROPE!
(Now, for those of you that are eagerly looking forward to the book on training with implements, well, rest assured “its on the brain”. But I dont want to start it on this laptop – I am waiting to get a decent Toshiba – an EXPENSIVE one which will be worth every penny I Spend – and THEN the remainder of the courses shall go out the door. Getting tired of this damn thing acting up all the time …)
And medicine ball training is in the above book, just as one arm pull-ups are there in the book on one arm training work.
Been a while since I put out a new book, I believe …
But anyway, theres plenty to grab right HERE – PLENTY.
But pushups make a huge appearance throughout the whole series, along with …?
Thats right!
Jumping rope!
This, my friend, is a combo that has been used throughout the AGES, and with damn good reason.
I was going to do sprints outdoor yesterday, but for some odd reason I changed my mind.
Came indoors.
And knocked off 1000 jumps before my pushups.
Let me tell you, if you can knock out 100 pushups and it feels like a “workout” – then you’ll be feeling that way after THIRTY of them if you mix jumping rope in.
Remember jumping rope and pushup both involve a lot of deep breathing, and CHEST Work – both from the inside out and EXTERNALLY.
In fact, some of the moves I teach you in Jump Rope Mania!, a book you absolutely MUST have if you own the book on pushups – or even if you don’t – or even if that is the FIRST book you buy from me – will make you feel like you’re “running out there on the street”, and you WILL tax the chest. Big time!
And trust me, everything else will feel “harder” after that.
And you’ll get in great shape even quicker.
So if you’re like some of my great customers (btw – John Walker – thanks for the great review you sent in!!) who “you live for that pain, the feeling of your muscles as they stretch and contract and how your body screams at you to stop but your mind will not allow you to quit, you have that target in your mind and you cannot stop until you hit that target, yes my friends this is training “brutally effective” training.”
He wrote that for Pushup Central, but the SAME thing applies for the combo I’m talking about …
And truthfully speaking, if you’re into hard training, and training done right, then you SHOULD “live for the pain” in a way, hehe.
Anyway, enough from me.
Be sure and grab Jump Rope Mania! now – oh, and if you’re the sort that simply must “do it outdoors” – remember – two things.
One, you can take the jump rope outdoors.
I often see people – especially you ladies out there reading this – jumping rope on the top of the hill I climb.
I train at home with it, sure, but that don’t mean you can’t take it outdoors.
And two?
It cancels out yet another excuses to “not get in your cardio” – anytime – any place – any day!
And that, my friend, really is that.
BAck soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Another fat smelter of a course is Advanced Hill Training – this one is engineered for you “great outdoors” lovers – but you can do it at home too if you modify a bit. Check it out right here – truly the Jaguar of fitness programs …
PS #2 – Just so you know, NONE of this is to “diss pull-ups”. They’re a great, great exercise – and one you SIMPLY MUST GET GOOD AT! And if you’re like the majority of folks that can’t even hang on to the chinning bar for any length of time – then go HERE.
(and if you can do pull-ups a bit, but want to get REAL GOOD at them – SUPER STUD – grab the course HERE).
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