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I gotta say, I was WRONG.
I thought the Bozo was finally off his week long bender, but he aint.
Latest from him?
Well, he’s signed up again using the name “Oxford Bozo” (if y’all recall, the last he did that was when talking about wearing “20 k GBP Rolex watches” – wonder where the Bozo saw that commercial. No doubt while jacking off to you know what in the basement of Mommys very palatial mansion which she (righfully so) keeps the Bozo out of most of).
And this time, it ain’t about watches or the lack thereof.
The most inane thing ever, perhaps, he’s sent me.
“Icantaffordrent@” … is the email address.
Now, if there was anything more STUPID than this, I’m yet to see it. I wrote about certain others being even stupider than the Bozo, but given whats going on, I’m inclined to take even that back and thats saying a lot, but can’t afford rent?
First off, I dont believe the Bozo is, as Charles said a few months ago “always a step or two away from being homeless”.
And if she is, which SHE often is, its usually because she’s abou tto get deported or kicked out of a monkey job, or the girl that he’s duped has wisended up to “mooch job” (in more ways than one, hehe) …
Or somethign like that.
Being he’s in the UK now, I doubt the deportation thing is a factor.
And I think he’s conning some poor chick as we speak right now for cash so he probably does have a place to stay.
I think in his sorry, drunken state as he was in 2020 when I did up the post on why I dont engage with scorpions – he “wants” me to “forget and forgive”.
And embrace him like the Brother he thinks he is … deep down inside.
I would NEVER EVER do that.
And even if he couldn’t afford rent, what am I supposed to do?
Toss him a few crumbs “because I gave my laptop away for free“?
I think thats what prompted that “sign up from him” …
Anyway, I wouldn’t give Bender Blowfield anything for free, and wouldn’t accept anything from me if he PAID for it – and he’s TRIED To pay me in the past, and has been roundly REBUFFED like the PLAGUE he is.
But lesson here ?
Is that sometimes, my friend, just sometimes, “not being able to afford rent at the end of the month” is a reality, bro.
And if thats the case with you – or SOME People reading this – due to whatever reason, then remember, please do NOT get my products.
I mean, really – if it’s a choice between going into debt and getting a fitness or any product to improve your life – then I suggest you wait (and there are plenty of people with legit reasons to do just that).
But I DO suggest the following to you …
That being this.
If something is important, my friend, you eventually find a way to do it.
Rent might be for some people.
After all, no-one wants landlords and landladies breathing down their necks, least of all idiots in China that claim to be “teachers and business experts when they’re broke as hell and anything but …
But the point is, you FIND a way to make it, don’t you?
Or you’ll be out on the road.
So the point here is to prioritize.
A certain person emailed me about how “he has just enough to buy food and drink – the drink being a ton of you know what daily”.
And it wasn’t beer either, in case you’re wondering.
Apparently the “expensive wines” is what he enjoys.
And yet, he complains about my products being too expensive.
He dines out every opportunity he gets (so he says).
And yet he complains about “not being able to make rent” at the end of the month.
So if YOU, my friend, are doing something like that, and then complaining about “not being able to afford my stuff” – well, sorry, but I’m not going to shed any tears over it.
And thats enough from me on this one.
Today seems to be a day for Bozos indeed, so I’m OUT for now.
In the meantime, remember (for you sane ones out there) that a well deserved discount for EVERYONE is very much active right now – but the clock’s ticking.
And no, it won’t last forever.
Get in while the going is good.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Almost forgot the WeShat part. I have several of them, and one of them refused to let me delete so called “friends” (read idiots who keep adding me out of the blue) because “I reached the deletion” limit. Like, WTF? Now I can’t even REMOVE idiots from my list? I can understand there being a reason to not letting people ADD too many people, but delete?
TIC (this is China).
Anyway, I requested WeShat for account – deletion. See what the idiots do NOW.
Truly ONE of those days, hehe.
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