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Well, in a word – it truly IS the bomb.
But you on this list know it – lots of you – more than four off the top of my head, actually have MENTIONED that you want the book on pull-ups – but have yet not “gotten it” due to whatever reason.
Pull-ups, from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS is what it’s called, and for a damn good reason. You truly WILL turn into a chest thumping STUD at pull-ups – and an overall MEGA BEAST once you get this book (and start DOING).
It is a book that I haven’t marketed a lot, but it’s one of the REAL GEMS – the TRUE jewel in that CROWN of books I’ve written … one of the real BIG DOGS as it were.
Never good putting something like this off, my friend. There are “some things”, even fitness wise you can put off – but when it comes to pull-ups if I were you, I’d GRAB everything there is now “because there truly is no tomorrow” if you get what I mean.
And of course, like Pushup Central, it’s a book that the trolls have whined about a lot -including a certain Bozo Schofield, and here is the lovely “sh-view” he left on the book (without buying it, of course, hehe).
This one is review #1 in the upcoming book on trolls, and how they truly make you “laugh all the way to the bank” in some cases!
Lots of people “wilt” under troll attacks, or any attacks.
Yours truly doesn’t.
Attack back x 1000 has always been my mantra.
And it’s x 10,000 now!
And PULL-UPS are part of the reason why! That might sound amazing, but we’ll get into that below (and thats yet another reason to do – NOW!).
The author claims to share how he can be a stud, I thought I would try it.
RM – LOL. A stud with man boobs that hang down to his waist, a mammoth belly that makes me wonder how he ever WALKED with, and the only exercise this stud does is scratch his paunch when he wants another beer. (which he ususally does NOT pay for).
The Bozo, that is, in case you were wondering – and believe me, I’ve met him. I know. LOL.
My days would start at 3am with me walking 20 miles a day, and doing 25 laps of the swimming pool at the complex.
RM – In your coke induced hallucinations, pal. And in your dreams. In reality the only walking the Bozo did was from “el threadbare dancing monkey couch” to the throne – or the balcony on his 11th floor “one room palace” from where he’d toss down beer bottles and “indulge with women of ill repute” as it were, and got notices issued by the management all the time to that effect.
“Glyn throws bottling down”.
But I will give it to him. He did at least have enough gumption to read the “Free” preview Amazon gives, and he copied and pasted the part about the swimming pool from there. LOL Again.
The rest of the time, I was doing volunteer work or working with the local authorities.
RM – I pity then. I truly do!
I was just a typical Tom Tom!
RM – You know whats hilarious? “Tom tommer” was something I never once called the Bozo, yet he thought I did. LOL. Tom Tommer was something I was calling the so called China business experts without a dime to their name and living on their girlfriends and wives and the ESL “gurus” who are much in the same boat, but the Bozo? I’ve always called him a BOZO, but he apparently picked up on this too. LOL once more!
I wanted to be a stud like Rahul who has no friends or sex life.
RM – More self projection here, since the Bozo’s “sexy” life consists of begging to put tongues where the sun don’t shine, but yes, he DID send me several emails under the nick of “Arthur” something claiming that “you’re a good looking dude, and get plenty of tail, teach me how to get some”.
Some things even the Bozo can’t ignore. I still remember him badgering me about “how many girls asked for my WeShat on the hill out there today”- ugh.
But he DOES want to be a stud with that X shape to his back, those V shaped lats, the flat abs … don’t we ALL?
(This book caused his heart to go into a flutter) – Advanced Hill Training
Some of us do it. The rest chatter, yammer, and troll about it. No prizes for guessing which category the Bozo falls into.
Sure enough, the book was utterly drivel. I asked for my money back but Rahul launched into a campaign of threats.
RM – I wonder what threats I issued. As for money back, this is probably the stupidest thing ever to say, unless the Bozo thinks I own Amazon. Given the recent comparison to Jeff Bezos (implicit) a customer made for me (a real customer, and a great guy!) – its hilarious to see the trolls picking up on it too.
He is obviously a loner and we hope he will get help.
RM – He did get the “lone wolf” part right. Hehe. And yet, this lone wolf is badgered up and down for his secrets damn near daily … interesting huh?
Before we look at this idiocy (or actually, since I’ve addressed it above you HAVE now), here is a bit on Amazon reviews (and I was chatting about this to a great customer of mine the other day who was asking just how the heck Amazon allowed such trolls to not just “stay” but thrive and prosper as it were).
(and again, here is the link for the advanced book on pull-ups – get it NOW – https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-stud-to-super-stud-within-weeks/).
From the Amazon help page on customer reviews . . .
Who can write customer reviews?
Anyone with an active buying account who’s in good standing with the Amazon.com Community can write reviews. It doesn’t matter if the customer bought the item, received it as a gift, or borrowed it for a weekend. If they want to write a review of an item, they’re welcome to use this feature.
I guess that explains the reason behind the “Bozo” reviews. It seems absolutely unbelievable that a great company like Amazon whom I otherwise admire would allow people who haven’t even bought a product to review it – – and let obviously trollish reviews remain and “spawn” – – and yet, and in many cases, some CUSTOMERS (on another site) have tried to review some books from there, and Amazon won’t allow ’em!
Truly inexplicable it IS.
(I dont know if the Bozo has spawned anything as yet, hehe, but I wouldn’t want to see it if he has!)
As for the review itself, I’ve addressed it enough times ad infinitum. But I’ll do so again in “red” … yawn. Just did, actually …
But anyway – you KNOW if a book has ticked off the trolls as much as it has, and one reason it has is the cover, where I truly do (without trying to) look like a super stud doing one of the best exercises there is, and an exercise that MOST people, probably even lesser than 1% of the population as a great customer said about handstand pushups can DO.
And this brings me to the central reason why you need this book – NOW!
Yesterday – and the past couple of days – have been busy for me.
I’ve been dealing with email issues. An annoying computer which I finally seem to have gotten back on it’s feet (and of course giving away all that stuff I have been writing about).
And more things.
And so, workout wise?
What I’ve been focusing on is the pull-up for the most part over the past couple of days along with stretches out of Isometric And Flexibility Training.
Don’t get me wrong – I’ll get back to the rest – but for now, pull-ups, my friend, give you a super lative workout – an ALL in one workout … within less than 2 or 3 minutes FLAT and leave your heart thumping BIG TIME if you know what you’re doing.
Thats right.
You get TONS OF CARDIO with these routines in this book! With pull-ups – YES!
Core, you ask?
Well, that one exercise you see me doing will blast the core like never before.
And ALL of this can be done at home – in fact, those doorway chinning bars are great for this purpose!
So a superlative grip, upper body, and CORE workout in ways the “normal” pull-up (in the initial book on it, which if you have not gotten by now, you simply MUST NOW) CANNOT give you.
And last, but not least, and perhaps the most SPECTACULAR thing about this book?
And really, the CLINCHER if I might say so?
Is that …well, when I told people that pushups work the LEGS big time, people looked at me like I was crazy.
They didnt believe me.
After doing the routines in the book – they KNOW. Especially some of those Hindus – the “tables” – the “spider man” pushups – and of course, the “arms extended” versions.
All great stuff, but pull-ups, you ask?
YES – YOU CAN work the LEGS with pull-ups – and here’s another hint – the GROIN area which is often neglected with these workouts!
The “Swami” pull-up in the book shows you exactly how to do this, my friend.
Come to think of it, the Bozo probably noticed that, hehe, and he’s aching (big time, literally) to find out “what the secret is there”.
Except he won’t work his own … ah, but lets forget the bozo.
These, my friends, are all reasons why you NEED to grab the book on pull-ups NOW – the advanced book.
(and believe me, it isnt just groin. Your THIGHS for one WILL BURN LIKE NEVER BEFORE – yes, with pull-ups!)
No, putting off that purchase won’t help – THIS is one MUST HAVE BOOK – and it has variants on the pull-up (including that one I just mentioned) you “ain’t never seen before”.
Combine it with the stretches in Isometric and Flexibility Training, and you WILL KNOW what it means to “feel like you’re on top of the world” – and stay there!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Along with this, remember to pick up Corrugated Core – another golden book for those of you looking to reduce FAT around the midsection in a “midnight jiffy”.
PS #2 – Those of you wanting the compilation (remember, this includes the FAQ – which is a seperate book by itself! for FREE) can get it here.
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