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Cometh the latest sign up for the Bozo … (one he did a week or so ago, except I’m only now noticing it in “junk”).
The Bozo pollutes my junk damn near every morning, hehe, but not that JUNK.
Junk in the trunk though is something the Bozo is very familiar with in many ways, and indeed relishes.
But the latest sign up?
And he’s been spreading this lie ever since he was called out for spreading the racist memes he did about me.
Chuck being the “friend” or former friend, whatever the status is on that “Charles”.
Last night, I was thinking.
If other Bozos would listen to this Bozo and they no doubt do, a small “Seed” of doubt would be planted in their mind given how many times he repeats the same damn thing.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (in this case) are idiots par excellence, but they do have one skill – use their bipolar syndrome to manipulate and trick others. Remember, even I almost fell for his “Glyn needs help woe betide me” speil, and yours truly isn’t fooled easily!
But anyway, the Bozo’s constant refrain, both publicly and privately is that “Charles” spread the memes. And created them.
Somehow, I dont think so …
Sure, Chuck may have had a quiet chuckle at the memes, as he may have agreed privately with some of it (which if he did is an abhorrent way to think, but hey – free world!) . . . beyond that though?
As he told me, being a wechat troll isn’t exactly one of his areas of expertise.
I’m inclined to believe him NOW, as I did back then.
It’s about FEELING.
And I didnt get that sorta feeling from “Chuck” when I met him.
True, the other stuff I’ve brought up about him (his “S.O.” implicitly accusing me of cheating them – which is nonsense for the reasons specified before i.e. receipts etc were all sent and offered to them for everything, and they declined) and him not telling me about the memes that Glyn sent to him has probably irreparably ruined the relationship, which is sad, but thats how it is sometimes.
But creating the memes is something the Bozo himself did.
No matter how much he whines and moans to the contrary about it, hehe.
And this brings me to my central point.
That ole Claude Bristol chant I speak of so often … or should I say “piece of advice”!
I have many interests in life, my friend.
I’m a man of “fine tastes” if you get my drift. Extravagant even if you’re talking some things like beer and women!
But my computer? The desktop background?
Is plain ole black, with an old faded picture of the great Bristol in the center.
“Repetition of the same chant, the same affirmations, the same incantations leads to belief – and once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen”.
The Bozos though would do well to remember that while Hitler may have fooled the masses with this and the “reign of terror the Gestapo” spread – the Bozo is not the Gestapo for one – he’s a joke “par excellence” who I quite enjoy, to be honest, and two – I’ve been dealing with this “repetition of lies” all my life.
A lesser person might be taken in. Lots of the fools the Bozo has trolled went away in tears.
If he expected that from me, which he did, he truly is a moron par excellence.
Which of course he is, as a customer recently said.
If all that you care about is whether or not a book has any kind of errors, then you’re not really interested in the book and what it can teach you, you’re just an agenda driven moron who’s got nothing better to do with your time.
Rahul, if you choose to put this to use:- This is my message to all the arseholes out there that deliberately write bad agenda driven reviews in the hope that people will believe what you say and not make a purchase just because “you say” it’s not worth it.Give it up, you’re fooling no one but yourselves if you think that people cannot see through your obvious bias and know that you’re full of shit!!!
Now, where am I headed with this latest piece on the Bozo yo umight ask.
Well, first off, I wanted to clear Charles’s name a little. . . I mean, if the dude hasn’t done something, then he ain’t done it. It’s that simple.
And I dont take kindly to Bozos mooching off him, stealing thousands of pounds from him, and …
But really speaking, here is the point.
The gyms, my friend, have been repeating a lie “ad infinitum” over and over again for so long that the masses have BOUGHT into it.
The gyms have been feeding us the spiel of “you need machines and retarded ones at that, and hefty weights” to get fit and strong, and stay there.
The gyms, my friend, have been feeding us nice little commercials with pretty babes running on treadmills with their coffee mugs, lattes, and smartphones, and claiming to burn fat when they barely work up a sweat at ALL.
The gyms, my friend, have been BRAINWASHING us to believe that the heavier and heftier weights you lift, the better off you are.
All of this, my friend, is utter and absolute HOGWASH, and the repeated injuries, repeated muscle pulls – repeated evidence that HARDCORE, REAL WORLD training with your bodyweight is where it’s at – evidence that isn’t “sold” in snazzy packets far outweighs the rubbish above.
To end this –
If you can do pull-ups for reps, you’re far stronger in every regard, and far FITTER with LESS FAT – or almost non existent – around the ole tummy than the beer pounding Bozos and monkeys using the machines at the gym.
Handstand pushups do a far, far better job of building upper body strength than the most idiotic bench press ever could HOPE TO.
Grip and leg training are – I repeat, are – JUST AS important as BREATHING, not “second to it”.
And more.
And last, but certainly not least, your OWN bodyweight – whether you weigh a ton or 100 kgs or 60 – is enough to give you the workout of your life.
Don’t believe me?
Well, stop talking and DO.
Let’s see you get on the workout system in the Rolls Royce Fitness System (the last of the 5 videos) NOW, my friend.
Lets see if you can even walk after that.
And more.
Jump on this now, my friend. Truly the best investment you can make fitness wise.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Remember, the advanced book on pull-ups is another must have. It contains variations that will torch not just he entire upper body, but the LEGS Too on some of the variations. A must grab – do so NOW.
In short you truly will turn into a STUD that Bender Blowfield and the rest “salivate” after, hehe. Not a nice thought that, but the “stud” part might be!
Bender Blowfield, Bender Blowfield ..
It’s almost like calling a docile little puppy, hehe. I call, and he shows up, like a rabbit, teeth bared (non existent stained teeth).
Anyway, to finish all this off, here is a review on Animal Kingdom Workouts – one of my best books ever.
This is one of your best books to date, clearly you understand what it takes to create the perfect beast.
Mastery of one’s own bodyweight is so much more important than some random goal of adding 10kg to your bench press.
Moving your bodyweight with strength, grace and power is how the human animal was built to move.
People, do yourself a favour and buy this book and learn the lessons in it so you too can join the ranks of the superhumans. Yet another masterpiece Rahul.
Get this book now, my friend.
(and if you’re thinking price on this one, I’m sorry to say it, but you’re a fool. This truly is never seen before info, certainly not in the excellent format I’ve put it in, and you’d be nuts not to jump and grab this NOW).
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