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So back in the day, I believe I mentioned Dongguan Expat a bunch of times, and I believe I mentioned the website, and of course good ole Uncle Bob.
“Michael, Bob and Rahul”, as the “head wanker” often referred to us as – in that order.
Now, for reference, there was tons of behind the scene politics going on.
Michael and Rahul were always at loggerheads – the former indirectly and directly, and yours truly always brazenly direct. No beating around the bush on that for me!
Uncle Bob, the “silent” third party, along with a fourth I won’t mention here, but he and “Mikey” didnt get along either apparently.
Hey, it happens.
Faults on both sides and such . . .
And one of the notes he sent me was this.
“Don’t tell him because I dont want him to start jumping up and down”.
(It was a business deal …)
And he finished off with this …
“The General, The Pope, The Self appointed head wanker … “
Now, the specifics of the deal aren’t important.
(The “Pope” part was some so called charity the General was doing to get his site “on the front page of that charity” or some rubbish, replete with all the right pictures as well. Certainly not me quietly giving functional laptops away and declining the certificate they offered for it!)
No, China Charlies for those reading with memories stretching back to back in the day does NOT come into this.
But China Charlies aside, it was interesting the way he said it, and he was right.
The General had sort of “appointed himself” the ringleader in many ways, hehe.
But anyway, point of me bringing this up?
Is that I’m no “holier than you “saint, my friend.
I’m honest – brutal – and what I do and say WORKS.
I still take a crap every morning though, and it often stinks.
I still drink beer by the gallon I’d say . . . or truck load. I love it!
And I still indulge in many other things you on this list love to.
Point being, I’m no different except in one regard from the vast majority of people out there.
I decided what I wanted to get.
I pictured it. Decided I WOULD GET IT NO MATTER WHAT.
Then I went out there, and GOT IT.
And now, I’m teaching YOU.
The THIRD line is where most of the Bozos and non doers out there fail.
What do I mean?
Well, here’s a comment I received from a certain (interestingly enough, even his name is Charles – that makes three, hehe. GOod things come in three’s??) reader of 0 Excuses Fitness (he got just the book, not the videos) …
Its a good read, but way too intense. I come home from work and am always tired. My wife is complaining and nagging the whole day, and after office I dont have really have any energy to do it.
In the mornings I have to drop my child off at pre-school, and then need to rush to work. I dont have so much time as you say.
He then complained about “my legs ache after work”, and “my back is always sore”, and “I wish I didnt have so much work to do”, and other rubbish stuff.
When I read this … there was MORE I ain’t revealed here (I think he’s from the UK too, I’m not sure?) – I was SHOCKED AND GOBSMACKED.
But then again, not really. Gotta be honest. I wasn’t shocked at all.
This, my friend, is a typical LOSER.
Complains, whines and moans about the very things I told you NOT to in the 10 Commandments of Physical (and LIFE) Success, with REAL EXAMPLES.
And this, my friend is exactly why you listen to the “head wanker” here – yours truly. Because I’m the same as you – but theres that one thing, or a group of things I AM BETTER at than most people.
One of them happens to be fitness, bro.
I can get you fitter as a fiddle, stronger than a human gorilla or part ape -and get you that six pack or corrugated core you’ve always wanted – on one condition.
That you DO what I say, and suspend so called disbelief.
Yes, it will work – if you let it.
So to those reading this looking to lose your spare tyres – go right HERE, bro.
Truly the very best in fat burning – SMELTING – there is out there.
Write back and let me know how you do!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And don’t be a whining, sniveling loser. Everyone’s got problems, pally. Face up to em, and be a MAN for once in your life. (this holds true for Bozo Schofield wanking around on his ‘puter as well).
I’m waiting for the next email from him which tells me to “be a man”.
LOL. This guy truly is an ass clown for the ages.
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