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At the outset, I’ll say this.
This is NOT a “PG” rated blog, much like Bozo “backside perfume worshipper” Glyn Schofield in the UK might want it to be, so we won’t even go “there”. Hehe.
Glyn’s mind no doubt is . . .
But the funny part about this one -I don’t know if I wrote about this before, but she originally said I was a “cow”.
What did she mean?
Well, she was trying to get my daughter to eat veggies (from what I hear / remember, at least).
And one of the ways she was doing it?
Don;t worry, she told my daughter.
“Papa will eat more veggies than you!”
So she said, and she also giggled about “Papa turning into a cow” at the same time.
Which is hilarious, because in China, the one country where people mistakenly assume people eat nothing but veggies, MEAT is what is consumed the MOST.
Especially pork, which in the West is considered to be one of the unhealthier meats you can eat . . .
But anyway, she corrected herself later from what I heard.
“Nah. He’s a bull!” she giggled, and she giggled in “that” way.
I heard her say it, so I know!
But anyway, as I look at pictures of cows serenely grazing on grass where I’m at, I tell you the following.
Eating your veggies is a damn good thing.
But there are those that over do it and because fructarains or vegetarians to an extreme, which is NOT good.
Sure, the latter option has plenty of protein as well. Lentils for one, and perhaps spinach etc to a degree.
That brings to mind what Bozo Schofield said about Gorilla Grip – TIPS! , a book he left a review on – a two word rant, that I haven’t addressed as yet.
But will not.
“Unfeasibly awful”.
(This email was originally going to be titled “why you should buy books from Tom Tom’s that write unfeasibly awful books”, hehe)
And the next day, I made not one, not two, but five sales for the book. Hehe.
Then he left the review about “Tom Toms” on the book on (advanced book on) pull-ups and ranted in a girly manner about how “Rahul is a stud, and I wanted to be like him”, and only Bozo Scho the IDIOT par excellence knows what else.
I’ll give to the Bozo though, ass licking is an area where the Bozo has NO competition, myself included. Hehe.
But anyway, sometimes learning from “Tom Toms” that write unfeasibly awful books is good – because guess what.
Those books are what get results, and are hence roundly trolled etc.
Those books are also the ones people WANT the most.
Will do ANYTHING to get.
And they sell the most.
Yes, I outsell most of the Bozos out there that write “easy” books that molly coddle and mamsy pamsy their way into “helping you get fit”.
I just crack the whip my friend – and I tell you to GET HER DONE!
And the doers KNOW THIS.
But anyway, meat is a damn good thing to have my friend.
MEAT is an essential part of our diet, I’ll even go so far as to say that!
I won’t say you can’t make any gains without it, but grazing on greens all day will turn you into a placid COW, my friend.
Trust me on this one.
MEAT done RIGHT (and no I dont mean “JFC” as we called KFC back in the day either) is really what gives you that T-boost we all need (especially Bozo Schofields, but they willingly take estrogen and wear pink underwear, so …) . . . along with the right workouts.
Tearaway Brahma Bull is what comes to mind, eh, when you think BULL?
And to develop that sort of EYE POPPING, RAMPAGING STRENGTH – this is the course that will DO IT for YOU, my friend. Battle Tank Shoulders!
Jump on this NOW (oh, and if you have not got Shoulders like Boulders! first, then get it FIRST, and then the book above).
I’ll see you!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Another course that will give you the RAW animal like FEROCIOUS vitality, VIM AND VIGOR we all want is Animal Kingdom Workouts – a course you MUST grab NOW. Quit putting it off, my friend. Grab this NOW.
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