Where does the horseshit stop?
- Truly, there are no limits the left won't stoop to - or stop at.

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The latest episode out of the White House, to me is probably one of the most, if not THE most egregiously outright DIVISIVE act perpetuated by a sitting American President – (of course, in reality, old man Biden probably didnt orchestrate this mess, probably done by the two Nazi feminists whose skirts he so clings on to – Kamala Harris (if there was ever someone unfit to hold any sort of political or any office – ugh) – and of course Grandmother Pelosi) …

… I mean get real.

A “pride” flag displayed pretty much “over” the US national flag?

I dont care which side of the spectrum you’re on, which side of the political fence you’re on, whether you care about politics or not – that is just disrespect to the nation in general – period.

Mike Pompeo (yet another reason why he remains my choice for Pres, dark horse albeit) made the point, and very rightly so about how it dishonors all fallen service members.

I couldn’t agree more.

I mean look, it’s a NATION first, last, and foremost.

And displaying “pride flags” outside the White House – where does this shit stop?

Rebel flags too? Why not? Oh wait those were outlawed on military bases …

More of a Trump case? Anything’s possible, of course Hillary Clinton who literally caused US service members to die in Benghazi wasn’t even investigated fully …

Nazi flags?

I mean, really – if “pride” can be flown outside the White House – where are the limits?

True, what happened on Jan 8 2022 was pretty egregious too, but that was not a pre-planned Trump thing – the ole Trumpinator was simply raising hell as he always does, I highly doubt even he foreaw what happened.

True, stocking classified documents in bathrooms – or garages – none of that is remotely acceptable, but again, I fail to see how and why Trump is the only one investigated – not Pence, not Biden, not Hunter Biden … when they’re all equally guilty or more in Biden’s case of the same or similar things??

The left of course will whine and never answer the question.

Some will whine about how my products are “anti LGBTQ” and how “in this current environment” I should change my stance.


I wont.

I never have.

I’ve always stayed true to my beliefs, I’m not about to change now, part of that for me means anyone encouraging kids to actively question and change their genders deserves a padded straightjacket x 100 at the best, and firing squad at worst.

Limits, anyone??

(and same thing for idiots selling “penis shaped toys” and other crap. UGH!)

It also means saying, and believing that what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms is their damn business.

Lots of folks forget a huge part of my erotica biz caters to guess which segment of society … if you’d say “beginning with L” you’d be right.

We all have those hidden desires that never go away.

Nothing wrong with consenting adults playing out what fantasy they choose to, but when you, as a person recently told me “Have your giraffe child by all means, but dont force ME to pay for it” shove your beliefs down other people’s throats saying “LWBTQ” is the only way – or the highway – then thats flat out frigging wrong.

And to see the White House explicitly endorsing that sort of thing, pre-planned of course- is just a royal mess, nothing doing, no other ways you can frame it.

No, I dont care if someone is gay, or lesbian, or if an adult wants to identify as some other, or third, or 95th gender or a Martian (Musk – hehe – doing a great job on Twitter though despite what I initially thought – respect my friend!) …

… I dont care if two men hold hands, kiss, or what not – but again, there are limits, you cannot hang that flag outside the highest office in the country – thats like hanging the rebel flag outside the Supreme Court.

I DO very much care though if those men – biological males – or women – biological females – decide to change their gender and want to compete in sports reserved for the gender they “want” to be – as opposed to what they are – thats utter BS and unfair to the extreme for EVERYONE involved except these lunatics wont see it.

I saw “Space Bus” written in front of one of my daughter’s numerous pencil boxes.

And before I could investigate furtehr, the wife chimed in saying “thats hers”, so I couldn’t look at it further.

But I loved the term – hehe – maybe someday buses will run in space.

I’m sure Elon Musk who does a fine job of marketing himself to the point even the wife who could barely pronounce his name knows what antics he’s up to including folks comparing him to a Martian or what not (as I told her, thats brilliant marketing on the guy’s part and smart too given Twitter’s market value has tanked by about a 1/3rd now) …………….

…. I’m also 100% sure Elon Musk or anyone would agree that buses dont run in space because we “want” them to.

Ugh. Back to it –

Laws, government etc are made equally for ALL.

And if you really look at what folks will think – not me, but most folks when they see this bullshit and many already do “thats a country full of faggots and queers”.

(and liberals – of course “it’s not appropriate in some countries” but it is in the US – I fail to understand, are these guys even Citizens of the USA – they showl dont act like it!) (seem to be more hell bent on destroying the nation than anything else)

No, I dont agree with the terms- I’ve never been huge on any sort of classification anyway, we’re all shades of grey, but you dont hang that sort of thing outside the White House, again, there’s limits!

And it’s amazing how the left acts like “we never thought of that”.

Oh yes you DID.

This was done to further stoke division, period.

I’m yet to see a Republican President or anyone from the right doing such a thing – they’d be impeached most likely if they even shared a desire to do so (again, I dont think old man Biden is responsible for this himself though – he’s doing well not to trip after speeches…).

If you can leave the hate aside and come to me logically about this and give me one good goddamned reason behind this, I’ll be your Uncle – or a monkey’s uncle.

Oh, the “small” matter of the flag code violations … ?

And there endeth that rant.  (it’s also amazing how many moderates on both sides of the spectrum agree with me, but wont say anything publicly due to fear of backlash either personally or biz wise. Look, you gotta SAY it my friend – Trump was dead on right there too).

Lots of BS going around in the fitness world as well – and judging by how and where the world is headed, it wont stop anywhere or anytime soon.

And thats why – one of the reasons I created the 0 Excuses Fitness Ship, a welcome return to sanity if at all – and a great, great place to be if you’re truly into real life inspiration, fitness, and all else related.

And thats that.

LGBTQ folks more than welcome.

Those who disrespect the concept of goose and gander will be instantly booted though .

And thats that.

Back soon!


Rahul mookerjee

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