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Back when ( and even until this day when there’s no real need to do so) I went completely my own way biz wise and life wise, i kept gearing this whiny moan from my wife about “what about us”.
It’s interesting how women, especially Naxi feminists pull children into their BS when that child had nothing to do with it, when that child’s getting all she needs and more.
What the wife wasn’t getting was her fancy lifestyle, Gucci bags and other crap she piles onto her brain on YouTube – hence the moaning.
Now, we all want money.
Some of us take the hard path and do what we have to to get it ourselves.
And I remember every time I did a little thing for myself, one little thing – even if it was stuff like a beer with a friend which I might not have even paid for at the time (get together at home etc) – it was an issue.
I have never understood this thinking of “when times are rough, you have to forget your dreams, goals, and you must live like a saint, think like one too!”.
That’s a recipe for living long term like that.
Look, take care of yourself first . That’s the only way you’ll ever take care of anyone else, friend.
That includes mentally, physically, in all aspects. And yes, feed your business first, or it will never feed YOU or those you care about later. Fact.
It doesn’t mean be selfish or ignore others, but it does mean ignoring fools who claim to be in it with you all the way but bail the minute things get rough.
Anyway. I don’t know who needed to hear this today,but i suspect many do.
I’m out. Dump phones …
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Zero to Hero awaits you – grab the book, and start changing the way your life looks TODAY.
It won’t tho if you have the “I’m just here for free emails”mentality, I hate to tell ya that but it’s true .
Back soon!
Sent from my dumb phone.
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