Why Jair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump (OF COURSE!) had it spot the EFF on (and those of us with BRAINS too)
- My oh my, the panic!

I dont know if anyone noticed it, but the plague from China has returned with a venegeance – oddly enough, around the exact time countries locked down fully last year is what is starting to happen again THIS year.

Oddly enough, both years, Chinese New Year was downplayed big time.

Oddly enough, ALL the festive seasons – no matter in which country – the plague miraculously seems to “abate” a few weeks before, and return right during it.

I dont believe in coincidence, period, but the Bozos – globally – seem to hav ebought into the mess that the CCP wanted them to.

Hook, line and sinker.

Do we ever see any one talking about FITNESS – and how this damn thing doesnt generally strike people in good health (and even if it DOES, 9 out of 10 people that get it usually have a pre existing health condition)?

Do we see ANYONE, except those of us with brains (I’d put myself right in that bracket – I’ve been saying this since Jan 2020!!) – and Donald Trump – and the Brazilian Prez Bolsonaro (though even he hasn’t said it openly) criticize the people that actually DID this to the whole world??


Hell even the CHO (WHO) has come out and said now that China is withholding evidence, not allowing access etc!!

Yet, this inane trend of lockdowns and restrictions continues. Not to mention this vaccine mania – and from what I read today (though it’s somewhat old news) 15 millions doses of Johnson and Johnson vaccine in the US Of A have to be destroyed for not meeting quality standards or what not.

Apparently the supervisors are so over worked that when confronted, one guy snapped back “do you want me to make the drugs or do quality checks?”

Well, can’t say I blame him.

These vaccines take AT LEAST 3-5 years to be rolled out – AFTER exhaustive testing, and this hasty “push through” in less than a year?

Was bound to be fraught with issues.

But of course, how dare I say it.

How dare I rail against masks and the panic, and how dare I want the world in general to get back to normal.

Most of all, how dare I say that the LOCKDOWNS are what is ruining the global economy – something the Bozos are unable to see apparently.

Anyway, the Brazilian President said th efollowing about the plague from China –

(My daughter once called it the COVID – I told her NOT to. I mean, Jesus, Corona is my favorite beer – I sure dont want to associate Corona with the Kung Flu!

“I saw some recent research that those who have a healthy lifestyle are eight times less likely to have problems with Covid,” he said. “You lock people at home… what does he do at home? I doubt they haven’t increased their weight a little, from last year to this year.”

“Even I grew my belly a little bit,” he joked.

Of course, he was lambasted in the press as being “genocidal” for saying this.

Much like yours truly is for saying it like it is – remember that LONG list of names?

And much like the Trumpinator is …

Truly, saying it like is attracts a ton of criticism, but so BE it.

I for one ain’t gonna stop calling people out on their bullshit.

And healthwise, what the Brazilian Prez said is SPOT ON.

Focus on your health – both mental and physical – and you’ll be just fine most likely.

That, oddly enough is what people are NOT doing at home, getting more and more panicky “woe betide me” and screaming doom and gloom from the rooftops.

People would do well to remember Claude Bristol and the sage words he referred to in the Magic of Believing.

As we think so we are.

And that, my friend is that.

Remember the 30% discount we’ve got going on.

Remember that NOW, more than any other time is when YOU need to be investing in YOUR health – if just to keep yourself and your loved ones safe in the near future – which looks to be unpredictable and “last man standing” to be honest!

It’s coming – mark my words.

Best you can do is stay – prepared!

Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pushup Central has been getting a lot of rave reviews as of late, and in the coming days I’ll be sharing more – stay tuned!

PS #2 – I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again. Mucho respect to the BEST damned President EVER in history – Donald J Trump – for having the BALLS to say it like it is from the get-go – and stick to his convictions NO MATTER WHAT!


(and in my book, he’d STILL be President if not for the … ah, I know. How dare I!)

The “secret shaminiac” way to RELAXING at a deeper level after a ROUGH DAY! (or lots of writing, hehe).
- Or, a tough day at the OFFICE.

Well, well, well.

I’ve been scarce today, haven’t I?

At least by own very prolific emailing standards .. . (most of you are likely still catching up on emails from DAYS ago, as opposed to yesterday or a couple of days ago).

Anyway, my “client application” was accepted in a dream this morning – almost a lucid one, but not really.

I woke up, and got to work.

8000 or words later, and a couple of solid hours later – Im done with yet another course – except it ain’t fitness related, and it truly is a “shamianic way to super pain and pleasure” if that makes sense!

Pain and pleasure!

And on that note, what did I do right after putting my course out?

I did my own variant of “pain and pleasure” – or I should say, whats painful for MOST initially – for the first coupla seconds.

After which you start relaxing into such utter bliss and relaxation, that, my friend you’ll wonder why you didnt do this before, or KNOW these techniques before.

I did techniques straight out of … you got it.

Isometric and Flexibility Training.

Some of what I did ASIDE from that – was hang from a chinning bar for a minute, and hold a handstand for half a minute.

That 1:05 is enough not just to hammer most people, but give them the static workout of their lives.

And then of course, I finished off with the special squat I teach you in the book.

A squat that is truly a “shamianic squat”, has benefits that go beyond the profound – super spiritual – and a squat that pretty much takes care of any and all digestive problems on its own.

I feel great.

I’m off for a good meal soon.

ANd I’ll talk to you soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The course you MUST grab along with the above, and this holds especially true for you “office workers and couch potatoes and desk jockeys out there” is this one – Animal Kingdom Workouts. COmbine the two, and you’re well and truly off to the RACES!

When the apes ape you . . .
- Copying, plagiarism and more!

This is going to be a quick one, but I gotta share it with y’all.

Saw the following on Moronic-Cesspot-In . . . (I’ll let you figure out the exact social media there).

Some chick was getting upset over people copying someone’s work apparently. (and she ain’t the only one either).

Copying someone is NOT a form of flattery!
It’s theft.

As I’m looking into the copyright section for my upcoming book, I think back to the many posts I see where someone mentions they’ve been copied. A post, word for word. Or worse, an entire training or method is passed on by someone else, who changed nothing else but their name.

Of course, you can get inspired by others, and then give it your own insight and experience. Or when you want to share something word for word, just share the post so that everyone sees who it’s from.

Do you think copying is a compliment?

Well …

I think I’ve addressed this a lot before, and why those being persistently copied should take it as a huge compliment, why the idiots doing so are doomed to fail, and why you can make some BIG money off people copying your stuff (and even trying to cheat you by “passing your stuff on for free”).

So I won’t start again, but just a couple of things that are applicable here.

First, plagiarism, and people copying stuff I’ve written – or things I do in my daily life – and then very vehemently denying they got it from me (and when I show them proof, they harrumph and run away) is common for me.

Initially I used to get upset over it – now?

I laugh at it – even welcome it.

Because if you know what you’re doing, you can make some serious MONEY off these fools.

Por Ejempelo, one of my non fitness books was actually put on one of those file sharing sites a couple of years back.

It was one of the more popular ones amongst the 80 or so books (just in that vertical) I’ve put out.

And till date, that book – which until then hadn’t really made a lot of sales – remains the most popular one in my arsenal, without me doing any real conscious marketing for it (I do market it, but not as much as you’d think, or near as much).

Even 0 Excuses Fitness was for a short while put on one of those sites by some idiot before I complained and had it taken down.

But really, people complaining about this need to think about one other aspect.

Look at all the movies that are pirated out there, for one.

I dont think their stars are losing sleep over being pirated?

Piracy hurts the industry, sure. But it also makes sure you get a whole new set of eyeballs watching your work, who whether you might think or so may buy from you down the line and usually DO buy.

I’ve watched movies on “DVD rip” or what not, and then seen the exact same damn movie in the theater. Or, bought a DVD! (a $18.something original for Get Carter back in the day in 2001 was one memory – of course, that DVD didnt work outside the US, so in China it was back to bootleg, hehe.)

So, thats something to bear in mind

Second, and more importantly, giving credit.

Where it’s due.

I believe I go the other extreme in this regard.

I dont shy away from mentioning people I learned from – those that inspired me – those that didnt – the wackos – Bozos – everything.

I let it all hang out.

Hell, it’s all there in the open on my sales pages, in my books and presentations, even the videos, and Bozo Schofield even made it to the second Volume of Fitness Pioneer for his pioneering trolling techniques (not really – hehe – tried, tested and REJECTED techniques – and plus I only mention him in one line) . . .

Does it hurt sales?

Any  ?

Not a lick, my friend.

Not a lick.

My most trolled courses are Gorilla Grip and Pushup Central, and Animal Kingdom Workouts is making its way up those charts, in ALL regards. Hehe.

And I’m loving it.

And my response to the lady – oh, before that  – remember that discount we got going on – 30% – get in now because it won’t last forever.

Personally, I’d take it as a compliment and use their “copying” to put more dollars in my pocket. Hehe. I do it all the time when getting copied/aped by idiots that won’t even give my material credit in terms of where it comes from.

I’ve never understood why people do that by the way, as if someone inspires me, even if I didnt “copy” anything from them in any way, shape or form I freely credit them in my books and courses.

Small minded are the sort of people who just steal, plagiarize and wonder why they ultimately aren’t getting anywhere. To put it another way, you can try and duplicate Mozart, or any of the greats all you want, but you’l never be the original.

The key is to be YOU, which makes you UNIQUE – unfortunately although everyone reads about this, precious few have the guts to truly do it. Thats my $0.02 on it, anyway!

And that, my friend is that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Big news, and when it doesnt “make sense to talk”
- The things folks get up to, hehe

This is gonna be a short one before I send you some “meatier” dispatches later on.

But first off, and big news – our latest “offer of the month” (which is admittedly a week or so later) is BIG!


I’m doing something right NOW that I have not done for anyone except my most devoted of customers and supporters – that being, a mammoth 30% discount OFF – for ALL customers – old, new, returning, whatever.

And it applies to all products.

If you’ve been sitting on the fence “wondering”, or if you’ve been waiting to order some products (Animal Kingdom Workouts and Jump Rope Mania! are two people have often asked me about!) “until the time is right” – well – the time will never just be right my friend.

Actually, I take that back.

The time is right NOW. It’s not only right – it’s RIPE!

Jump on this now, my friend – it’s big. Coupon code BIGOFFER – you’ll see that on the pop up during the checkout process too.

But remember – good things don’t last forever, and neither will this great offer – I’m pulling the PLUG on it next week – April 13, 2021.

Until then … JUMP on this while the going is good, my friend!

Truly a value offer I do NOT do for the most part – but I am now.

And, to finish this off, here is what “Sandeep Sharma” whose been pestering me for days about “bespoke solutions for my website” (clearly another copy and paste moron trawling the Internet for suckers) . . . (and clearly a person that does NOT know I worked in THAT job . . . )


I’m writing to follow up on my email. If it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.

Thanks for your help!

Kinds Regards,

Sandeep Sharma

No way, my friend. No way!

Coupon code BIGOFFER.

Jump on this now, bro. It’s HUUUUUGGGGEE!

B est,

Rahul Mookerjee

The boobybuilder who wanted a “back shape” like mine!
- Yet, that wasn't what it brought to mind for me.

Last year, around May or so, I saw a boobybuilder.

A great guy, actually, but a self confessed boobybuilder that spends I believe at least three hours in the gym daily (and he’s actually one of the guys that DOESNT miss, as opposed to  the majority of Joes that get (and Jane’s) fitness memberships that lie mostly UNUSED).

And when I met him, entirely by chance, I was struck by his massive size – and aesthetics as well.

For a change, this dude didn’t look to be a bloated mess, but he was HUGE.

Those shoulders, broad chest and the traps (well, to an extent) stood out the most, but it was the shoulders that really did it.

He gave me the once over after exchanging initial pleasantries, and I could tell the question was coming before it reached his lips.

I’ve had it happen so often!

“You must be going to the gym here”, he offered. 

“Never”, I said. “I dont go to Gyms at all!” 

“Oh”, he said. “But … even for a Crossfit guy like you….”and he trailed off. 

“I dont do Crossfit”, I replied laughing. And knowing a boobybuilder wasn’t exactly the best person to try and convince of my stuff (not that I’d want to anyway – to each his own) – I tried changing the topic.

“What is the name of the …”

He wasn’t having none of it.

“But your back is built!” 

I shrugged. Can’t win ’em all!

Yes, I said. “I do a lot of bodyweight etc”.

Now, this guy was MASSIVE, but – and I didnt notice this before – from the back, he looked “nowhere near as big” as from the front.

His legs were decent sized, but nothing compared to the shoulders.

Good genetics, and I can only wonder the Tyson like legs he’d have if he did some serious leg work too!

But anyway …

Rather than “praise myself on the X shape to my back”, what this brought to mind at the time for me was the case of the 26 year old boobybuilder in the pool, supposedly in the prime of his life, that had not one, but two heart attacks before 25 (after which he saw the light) and even a year later, doing a GENTLE breadth – ONE time- across the pool left him winded for 10 minutes.

That was years ago.

I was fat – somewhat – at the time.

Yet, I couldn’t believe the shape this guy was in externally – and internally – a total mess in terms of the latter!

And he was pretty forthright about it too, which is great.

Great to see more and more people’s eyes “opening” as it were, if not for the dazzling bright light you should eventually say (thats a Claude Bristol special, and way over the import of this email).

But really, my friend.

This more than anything else proves the adage of train for HEALTH first – and looks shall follow.

Do it the other way around, and you’ll turn into a mess, which unfortunately is what most people end up choosing.

And funny part, one of the best exercises to get that shape for the back isn’t even pull-ups, as you might think.

Time for the pimp then – check it out HERE.

And I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – That is step #1. Step #2 is here, and if you’re really advanced – go here for #3.

(And I’ll be coming out with one arm work and FREEstanding too on this later this year – super advanced!)

Why I prefer being a LAZYASS over all else.
- Amen to me, and us, hehe

But first, my lazy man workout today!

As I sit here wheezing and geezing like an old lady being asked to push a Mack truck up a hill (or me up a hill with Ann Lee, hehe) – the only difference between me and the old lady, lovely or not, is this.

My muscles aren’t fried

My breathing damn sure IS though.

I’m still panting a good 2.something minutes after the workout, and I wrote to yo ubefore about it, right?

The visualizing part?

Well, let me say two things, both of which should be lesson enough for this here email and you – one, I didnt do 100 to warm up twice.

I got to 150 each time.

Two, I never made it to 1500.

I did 1200 in 9.something minutes flat.

Good, bad, you decide!

Is less more sometimes?

You decide!

Those obvious lessons aside, lets get back to being a lazyass – and why most people simply cannot comprehend or understand my lifestyle.

Not having an open mind is one reason, of course.

“Sitting at home and making money” is something that SCARES most people at their core, which is why they never do it.

Putting in the hard yards too …

But anyway, lets talk China.

Many people keep asking me “why always China!” (or the Far East).

Well despite its many issues, my friend, the Commies ARE doing something – many things – right.

True, it comes at a price.

But … where else in the world could you wake up in the middle of the night and have four cases of beer delivered to you within 15 minutes flat, with a smile at that?

Where else coul dyou have the guys at the store calling you up about special offers on beer and what not?

More – I haven’t seen anywhere else in the world other than the Far East where parcels ordered online are left at the doorstep without delivery guys clanging doorbells and what not non stop (either that, or at a designated delivery spot where you choose to pick it up – if not, you can choose to get it sent to your house the next day for free anyway).

Where else are stores pretty much open 24 7 – and no, there is no 2 AM limit on serving beer etc?

Where else can you get the best massages for, even with the recent price rises – dirt cheap?

All of this sounds like “so what” to people I tell them to “apparently they aren’t required”.


Most people would give their left wrist for a lifestyle like that lived in a place like that – they just won’t admit it!

More …

What exactly is wrong with the idea of living life a WILD CAT?

When you work (hunt) – do so QUICK – and so rapidly no-one notices.

Stun your prey, go “home” – and EAT.

Job well done, after which you can do the cat thing and stare into space for hours or what not …

What exactly is RIGHT about the “life’s meant to be dreary and a bore and a grind until you die” mentality?

I cannot for the life of me find one reason to support the latter, while the former is how we as human beings were meant to.

Live, work and train like a wild cat my friend – you’ll be a lot happier, I’ll tell you that!

And for more on the workouts that do it for me “wild cat” style where I’m reinvigorated and writing to you now – Jump Rope Mania! is the ticket, my friend.

There’s a reason all the greats do this activity, so check it out now.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I’m starting to sweat like a racehorse too, so Im out!

The jump rope workout that WOKE me up this morning
- As it should!

I woke up this morning, somewhat groggy.

Thoughts somewhat disjointed.

Thinking of this, thinking of that, a dream I just had – trying to decipher it.

One of the less “lucid” ones it was …

Drank my tea. Green tea. Steaming hot!

And stared at the computer for a while, not for lack of something to write to you, but just “because” if you get my drift.

Then I made a quick decision.

Grabbed the rope.

Set the living room in order. There’s stuff everywhere, it seems!

Moved my heavy clubs I occasionally train with, and am writing a book about (I know, that loong wait!) to the side.

Once I had space, I jumped straight into it.

100 jumps.

Got the blood flowing, easy peasy.

Let the heart calm down.

Did another set of the same.

Before I knew it, I was at 500, and RARING to go.

I did.

Advanced jumps – as taught in Jump Rope Mania!

And before I knew it, 15 minutes were over, and I was at around 1500 jumps which given I haven’t jumped rope in ages is not bad at all.

And my brain fog has all but dissipated, and I’m sitting here, writing this to you – or am I?

I’m actually writing this to you BEFORE my workout which I’m about to go do now.

This email here contains two very valuable tips, and I’ll tell you one NOW.

That “going through your workout” mentally is one of the best things you can do for yourself, along with making sure you did what you had to – and is one of the Commandments of Physical (or any) Success in the Rolls Royce of Fitness.

Which if you’ve been on this list a while, and haven’t got it – many of you have NOT – so take action NOW – you really need to today.

Or NOW, I should say.

One of the best, if not THE best training system you’ll ever use, which will kick your rumpus into solid shape from here to kingdom come(or you decide, hehe. I dont know why that expression came to mind).

And, lets see what else.

The other tip. I’ll talk about that later, but really, you should be able to spot it!

That, and jumping rope is one of the BEST things you can do for yourself.

The greats all did it.

And it’s a workout that YOU can do – even if you’re not a boxer or martial artist.

Thats the great thing about my workouts – you tailor them to your level (actually, I give you the workouts anyway) – and you then just do it.

Perhaps nothing encapsulates this better than the training shown in Jump Rope Mania! which you can do at ANY level and still make great gains.

As for my own workout, I’m about to go do it now – but I’m pretty sure I’ll have a great one.

I’ll talk to you soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is the link for Jump Rope Mania! 

PS #2 -Some of you like to pick up products “at once”. So remember, we’ve got that discount going on on anything over $400. Or, the Ship awaits YOU – free access to EVERYTHING I’ve ever put out on this site so long as your membership stays valid!

Not to mention exclusive access to yours truly via the forum etc (more so than via email). This truly is a “once in a lifetime offer” my friend, and if you’re going to make me crawl on my elbows over broken glass to “exhort” you to get it – well – you’ll be sorely disappointed as it “ain’t gonna happen”, hehe. I’m going to tell you, and then the choice as always, is up to YOU.

Why Amazon will always be … AMAZON and why Rahul Mookerjee will, at the core, remain who he IS
- Yes!

A lot has been made of Amazon, and it’s reliability, and yours truly has been very vehement about the FACT – Jack, that you can damn near set a clock by Amazon no matter where in the world you’re at, so damn reliable it is!

And in today’s increasingly unreliable world, and indeed it’s a principle of business that has stood the test of TIME in general – reliability is one massive reason people dont talk about that Amazon is where it is today (plus the customer service, but reliability is huge too).

I’ve also made no bones about the fact that while I detest working with (not for) companies in general, Amazon is the one large company I’m happy to work with, despite the occasional glitches they have (especially with books etc).

At the end of the day, I know two things.

If I bring a legit gripe up – and if I email Jeff about it (assuming the initial customer service guys can’t resolve the issue) – it not only will be looked at by a HUMAN BEING – but it will be resolved to my (the customer’s) satisfaction.

I’ve dealt with Amazon for years, and there has never ever been ONE instance where this was proven to be wrong.

If Amazon says something, they’ll do it.

If Amazon says they’ll deliver by a certain time, it’ll happen, come rain, hail, sleet or snow (one time it was pouring like the Dickens, but the Amazon guy still managed to show up, half soaked!).

One of my great customers made the financial comparison between Jeff Bezos and myself a few days ago.

“The only reason you aren’t as rich as Jeff Bezos is because most people look at your workouts, and say F – that! It’s too tough for most people, but GREAT to aspire to!”

He then went on to tell me the following (again).

“Keep challenging us! Never become a pussy trainer just to make more money!”


(That was part of a Battletank Shoulders review).

Now, a couple of things.

The financial success your seeing today in terms of Amazon and Bezos himself – well, it wasn’t always this way.

When Amazon started, despite what the neigh sayers neighed, they experienced almost immediate growth and success, but the real money, the big money, didnt come until much much later.

As Bezos himself has gone on record saying, and he’s right.

The success you’re seeing today, and the position you’re seeing amazon in TODAY is the result – the culmination of many YEARS of innovation and sticking to our core values i.e. the customer always comes FIRST.

True dat!

When you invent something, and years later people think about it and yawn – that, my friend, is the biggest success an inventor can get.

True again!

There was no concept of online delivery of anything, especially books – before Amazon started.

And as Bezos himself says, sticking to his CORE principles is really what made him the resounding success he is today.

Yours truly may or may not reach that financial level someday, but you can bet your bottom dollar my workouts won’t get any easier.

Profound Handstands is proof enough of that.

You can also bet your bottom dollar – that the books, marketing etc won’t be any different. (and I’ll probably be even crankier and “hammering the Bozos” as it were, hehe).

If anything, it’ll be “Grandi style” back to basics – even more so!

That dont mean I don’t love money.

Sure I do.

But over all, I love who I AM – I always have!

This has created plenty of friction, of course, between the majority that hate me and the white hot core that supports me and follows me.

The idiots and the doers, I should say.

So be it!

I dont plan on changing any time soon, hehe.

The best for the best, as I like to say (I got that from Training Day)

And of course on that note time to pimp my BEST book ever, or damn near.

IT’s hard to choose – there are so many, and the list keeps growing.

(Hell, if you were on the OTHER site with 80 plus books, you’d be wondering what I’m going on about here, hehe).

But anyway, here’s Animal Kingdom Workouts – a book you simply must have to blast past any current obstacles you might have in your training – to improve rep counts in other exercises – to get better at damn near everything you do including SEXUAL performance (yes!) – and pretty much a must have book anyway.

Youll truly reach “elite” and super human status with the revolutionary exercises and workouts “never seen before” in this book – so get it NOW.

Back soon, I’m sure!


Rahul Mookerjee

What to do if you dont like posting REVIEWS.
- This is definitely one to note.

Amidst all the Bozo Schofield madness, I think I mentioned a woman “Roya” he kept trolling and drove to the point of insanity?

Or so she said in a lonnnnnngggg email she sent me last year.

It was so long my eyes watered upon reading it – much like Alan Murray’s eyes water upon reading Rahul Mookerjee’s Weshat messages, which admittedly aren’t for everyone, if just due to their length.

Then again, neither is he (Rahul) for everyone.


But I do like to explain myself clearly, and as Charles Mitchell once said (a customer) “You have the ability to think very clearly!

I do, yes, but I’d add on “we all do – IF we develop whats already in us”.

Anyway, on that note (and thanks for the great testimonials, Charles!) …

Sandy, another lady the Bozo stole money from has been getting in touch with me as of late, and I never ever thought she’d be a customer.

Which is fine, of course.

Hey, I ain’t for everyone, especially with my rants on Nazi feminism.

Anyway …

Reviews, you ask.

I’ve been very upfront in asking all of ya’ll to leave reviews, right?

It doesnt even need to be a 5 star or any star review – GENUINE is all I ask, and why?

Because if you dont, the idiots and Bozos with nothing better to do sure will!

More here, and I know I sound like a stuck record on this, but there is good reason behind what I am saying (explained in the link which I’ve reposted elsewhere on the Web too).

Anyway, Sandy bought the 0 Excuses Fitness book (recently revamped and rebranded in many ways – and with never seen before PICS) off Amazon . . .

And while her email was rather long too, here is what she said.

“While I really dont agree with what you say about feminism, Glyn and everything you say about him fits the bill!” 

There was more on this, of course, but this is the relevant part. (not to mention “Madam” missed the part about “Nazi feminism”, an entirely different BEAST from “feminism”).

I paraphrased the above but digging into what she “said”

“The other stuff? Not so much! But what you say about Glyn – you’re right!” 

Anyway, I paraphrased it.

Back to reviews tho.

I asked her for a review on the book.

She gave me a great review, saying it was a great way to workout at home with never heard of exercises for the most part – and that she would be writing back with her progress over the next few months. 

(It’s a looong email, so I’m paraphrasing quickly).

But when I asked her to post on Amazon, same thing as many of my great customers have told me.

That being, reviews are subjective, what works for one might not for the other, that reviews are usually BS (because the trolls and Schofields leave most of ’em), and so forth – and most of all, and THIS resonates with ME – I love the product, but reviews?

Hey, there have been tons of times I’ve loved a product, praised it up and down till pigs fly out of the Bozo’s sun dont shine, but I’ve not left reviews!

So yes, I’m guilty on that front as well.

But what if you dont like to leave reviews – or think any of the above?

Well, HERE is one thing you could put in front of your review – in fact I’d love it if you did it, because it will be one more step in terms of keeping the Bozos and trolls away.

Rahul Mookerjee isn’t for everyone admittedly” is what you could start your review off with, and you could say “why”. Hehe.

“He’s got a weird sense of humor sometimes, he sends too many emails (while sitting at home), he’s just too abrasive for most people, he wont do what the idiots and morons do, he gets “fired” from all his jobs (not really, I left half, and the other half canned me, hehe) and his workouts are too tough for the vast majority of folks out there”.

You could also put “his products are too expensive for all except the most serious and COMMITTED of doers”.

And then, and only then … write what you THINK of the books, hehe. And the exercises – and I dont think I need to tell you how to start or end that!

I dont know, but if I were to do a review for Rahul Mookerjee, thats what I’d do! 

Much like a disclaimer, hehe, and I dont know – disclaimers – I put them in all my books – so why not the reviews if it makes you feel better about what other think?

(Not that the doers give a fig either way, hehe).

Brutally honest yours as always – I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I’m sure Sandy will do something along the lines of what I’ve said, but even if not, plenty of GENUINE reviews HERE.

Uncle Sam sang a song . . . (and the list of fones I avoid like the plague from China)
- And thus was born . . .

This is one of the sillier things I’m going to send today, but I was writing some completely unrelated poetry, and the following popped into my head as I wrote.

(But the recommendation on fones is SPOT ON)

This was in part due to my daughter telling me about the latest dumbphone her mother “received” (which Mommy claims isn’t hers, and daughter claims its hers, and what not – dont ask – there’s more madness there) (I mean really, if you get something, you get it, so I dont see how you dont get it, but anyway!) … which is a Sam-Shun.

Samsung, which I’ve always shunned.

My first dumbphone was a Samsung, and I hated the damn thing so much I’d probably use it as a brick weight or something if I had it NOW.

It was by far the crappiest phone I’ve ever owned, and admittedly those were the initial days of dumbphones, but still!

But anyway, it was a Sam-Shun galaxy of sorts, I believe, which crashed all the time, wouldn’t let me reboot the damn phone after a couple of months of buying it, kept running out of space, and so forth.

And as I wrote my poetry (nothing related to fitness, believe me), the following came into my mind as I put on my “Uncle Sam” T-shirt.

Uncle Sam sang a song, and thus was born Samsung. 

One of the crazier things I’ve said admittedly.

Or goofier, I dont know.

But there was actually a British band, curiously enough named “Madness” back in the 1980’s who sang the actual Uncle Sam song – maybe that for some reason, with all the Glyn Schofield madness going on as of late – popped into my brain and it made the association!

Anyway, writing poetry is one of the best things you can do for yourself, my friend.

Even if it’s “stupid” poetry (to most people, what they write seems stupid so they dont do it – big mistake!).

Just do it, my friend, and preferably by hand in CURSIVE.

No dumbphones and inane Google Shoogle dictating gadgets and what not.

But anyway, back to FONES.

I love me some Tai-pos as you can tell, hehe.

SamShun is #1 on the list closely followed by Spy-Way aka Huawei which I wouldn’t use if they PAID me to do so given all the bloat and spyware the damn thing has .

#3 on the list is the iPhone.

(Bozo stole that exact phone multiple times off women, just so you know)

If there ever was a piece of junk designed to “satiate the desires and thirsts of the sheeple”, it is the iPhone.

For the life of me, I cannot see what makes people choose Apple over Android. Admittedly I’m an IT person by trade, but believe me, when I went to college there was no cellphones around – let alone dumbphones – so its not because “he knows it all already and has an unfair advantage”.

I LEARNED using the tools YOU TOO have at your disposal, the biggest being the Internet, and we all know what the Bozos use the Internet for. (again, I’m talking to the wackos here, not the doers).

Why someone would want to use a phone that cannot be customized in any way, and which has nothing beyond the brand name is beyond me.

The Chinese do in hordes, of course.

“face”, they wail.

“We want our face!”

I dont, so I dont use it.

Curiously enough, the list of phones I WOULD use?

#1 being XiaoMi, a brand I LOVE. Not because it’s “cheap” – there’s plenty of expensive variants out there.

I still remember a girl Carol I know sneering saying “thats the poor man’s phone!


Because it ain’t a CCP sponsored piece of garbage?

I’d rather have a “poor man’s phone” that works – and has more features than any other phones I’ve EVER owned as opposed to shiny garbage that “looks good”, but is the exact opposite in reality (which describes China to a T in many regards anyway).

(And the Bozo no doubt is having great fun re-posting this on WeShat).

(That he doesnt think I know about, hehe).

Second phone?

Oddly enough – #2?

Lenovo. I cannot say enough good things about their dumbphones and laptops . . .

More to avoid ?

Asus. Oppo. More worthless brands …

Anyway, what does all this have to do with fitness, you might ask.

You’d be right.

Nothing, really, except my arms are SINGING – with pleasure.

Those lats arent just screaming like the proverbials bats from the PRC but they’re SQUEALING like the Bozo does “in heat” and “in pleasure” if that makes any sense.

I mean, these workouts tax you like nothing else – and make you feel like a billion bucks!

But yes, they’re super advanced, so if you havent got Shoulders like Boulders!, and BattleTank Shoulders, you’re better off doing those two first.

I mean, getting those two first, hehe. Bozo might get ideas from “doing”.

(He’s already on his bender from the inanity he’s been sending me all night).

And so it goes. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Forgot to mention, Profound Handstands “70% human 30% gorilla” is what is making those arms SING!

PS #2 – Another course a lot of you need to grab along with is Pushup Central – that oldie, but goodie – and Animal Kingdom Workouts.