Why ASS-umption = ASSinine
- Bozo Schofields and a lot others alike ...

I got this a lot and still get it during my time in the PRC.

And especially back when (during the fleeting period) that I did the dancing monkey job most expats there these days, HATED it – threw away the T shirt -and yet got paid way more per hour than many of the wackos kissing ass currently do or have a dream of doing (unless they get their shyt together).

Assumptions, as the great, great Ben Settle once wrote about (years ago – and yes I WILL give credit where it’s due, and no, it ain’t because I “get something” for it – same reason I give credit to others when it’s due, because thats just how it is!).

Assumptions make an ASS out of YOU, not me, said Ben.

I shortened it to Assumptions = Ass-inine, and given the ongoing saga of Bozo Schofield and his silly infatuation with asses of all natures, shapes, textures, and forms – it just seemed appropriate – LOL.

But it reminds of me of what Charles, my former friend told me about “only whites can really speak English like the real deal“.

As assinine statement if there ever was one.

“I’d rather take Mexican food prepared by a Mexican than a white guy!” 

OK, but what if that white dude is a world class chef like Glenn, an Aussie buddy of mine is – and could cook it way better than say yours truly – Rahul Mookerjee – who while he can dish up tasty decent stuff if he truly wants to, is anything BUT a “chef au extraordinnaire”

Charles, curiously enough also told me the following about doing the dancing monkey gig “there’s no reason why you can’t do it”.

Well, Charles, I know that.

I done earned more than YOU per hour in it, so why wouldn’t I??

But he also made the above comments … and then, followed up with “you should embrace your Indian ness in the classroom” – and “you sound like a white man trapped in an Indian body” or some inane stuff along those lines.

Now, anyone thats done dancing monkey in the PRC knows it’s called dancing monkey for a good reason.

Because all they want there is “white faces” to play the goofball and then the student dictates to the teacher how they “Want to be taught”.

Not to mention it’s also one of the most expendable vocations out there, if you can even CALL it that.

Bozos and Bottom feeders galore, as my buddy from the Marines once put it (well, he said the latter – I said Bozos).

And he was right, and so am I.

“Because I AM right”, it brings to mind what he once told me, hehe.

Hey, he was!

But anyway, the asinine assumption in China and the Far East that “skin color” is the sole and only determinator for speaking good English or any English or superlative or what not is the stupidest thing ever, and it makes asses out of those thinking that way (the vast majority).

Especially when given Public Welfare Bozo Glyn’s own so called “native” accent which even a native with all the perenially and perpetually drunken slurring and Bozo sailor like speech would have great trouble understanding.

And guess what.

Lets take Charles’s statement about “white man trapped in an Indian’s body”.

Maybe Charles my dear former friend doesnt know that the first thing I tell people if and when asked the IDIOTIC question of where are you from over all else (such as you did) is , well, where I’m from.

Most don’t believe it.

With you, I simply said New York – the partial truth – because guess what, my friend.

I could FEEL there was something off.

Ask my friend from the Marines. Ask Marc the African Silverback Gorilla. Hell, even ask Bozo Schofield the idiot par excellence, and you’ll see I ain’t never made no bones about where I am from.

So says “el cowboy from El Texas”, as I have been called – and this time, that is SO SPOT ON!

But anyway, assumptions are INANE. And STUPID.

Bodyweight exercises only build endurance, huh?

Very well, lets see you do handstand pushups, or pushups, even get into the damn position and hold for a while.

Lets see you get into a fingertip pushup position and hold for 20 minutes, or TWO without collapsing.

Lets see YOU, BRO do these exercises for high reps – or even “5”.

And so forth.

I deal with this daily, and as I deal with another Bozo like email for “Why should I pay for this” – I gotta say this.

As for “why should I pay dude”, I should just redirect him to the equally Bozo like instance of the guy at Wal-Fart that claimed “English speakers shouldn’t charge to teach English because they “just learn it””.

The idiocy, my friend, is beyond levels that you could ever imagine ..

Anyway, all that aside, remember one thing. 

A membership to the Ship gets you PAST all the rubbish. All the TRIPE. All the IDIOCY.

You get access to everything I have, and will have – for ONE price.

So long as your membership stays active, you’ll never need to bother about finding decent fitness routines, that I’ll tell ya!

And as I sign off – I gotta say it.

JUST – friggin – DO IT, my friend.

The rewards in life go to the DOERS – not the stander by’s, wankers, price moaners, and assorted ass clowns.

Do, and reap, and thats all I gotta say about that.

PS – Read what DOERS had to say about my stuff here.

“Jo Jeeta wohi sikander”
- I believe I got the Hindi "transliteration" right!

Yes, I believe I got the transliteration right for a change.

This was an old, old movie from back in the day. A typical Bollywood potboiler, and a rather dumb (but realistic as opposed to the crap they put out these days) movie at that, about some dudes whose only and primary purpose in life was to win a cycling race at school apparently.

And none of the dudes actually looked like they were in high school, and the heroine of the movie “bodacious” certainly did not.

They all looked around 30 or so, and thats WITH makeup, camera angles and such.

And then of course, we have yours truly who without any of that gets called a “movie star” all the time, and 15 years younger than my actual age …

OK, I know.

I Tom Tommed a little there, but it’s for a damn good reason!

But anyway, I dont know. Becoming a movie star, or TV star, or even Jesus was never high on my bucket list of priorities.

Being a caveman was, and IS, and will continue to be for the forseeable future.

Now, why do I remember this movie all of a sudden?

Well, for one, from what I heard, my daughter basketball teacher “claims-cum-jokes” that “its either my daughter thats gotten taller, or the cycle she rides has gotten shorter”.

I’d say both, hehe. All those pull-ups (though she doesnt quite like doing ’em) help!

Remember what my “beautiful wife” once told me in 2018 about “you’re looking taller now!

And that was at the ripe old age of 36. Or perhaps 37? Cant quite remember.

But thats there on the blog (s).

That was back when she actually had something positive to say about me other than “cut your hair!“.

(Which I won’t do).

And “you look like a schoolboy”.

Which, according to her at the age of 36 I “looked like a schoolboy” when MEN – real MEN all around me were telling me I got into awesome shape.

Strange the way female minds function, hehe. So long as you’re a fat ass they think the other women won’t chase you, but instantly when you’re the oppposite …

If they’d only get it its all about the MIND.

Anyhow . . . this ain’t no damn tome on women. So, anyway . . .

#2 was probably because of the song “Pehla Nasha” (in English, that means “first addiction”) – one of the most soulful and romantic songs I’ve ever heard, and it still rings in my brain as I right this . . .

I dont know – maybe thats why the movie was a superhit back in the day!

But anyway, that sort of thinking is the very WORST thing that can be done long term when it comes to relationships.

Trust me.

I’ve been there, done that, made the mistake, proudly worn the T shirt – done thrown it away, and sometimes yours truly makes it again. Hehe.

And #3, and most of all?

Well, my friend, the title of the movie, and it’s import.

What it basically means is whoever WINS is the ultimate CHAMP.

And this is what I keep trying to drive into peoples noggins, but precious few listen.

It matters not where you are NOW in terms of your fitness – or life – or anything – what matters is the will to SEE IT THROUGH till the end – and the will to BECOME that CHAMP no matter how LONG it takes, and accept nothing else.

It took Napoleon Hill twenty years or more to get to where HE Wanted to be.

Yet, years after he’s passed on, his books sell like hotcakes, and he’s the inspiration behind COUNTLESS successes from Donald Trump to Tony Robbins to just about anyone whose been there and done that.

When Hill met Carnegie at the young age of 24 something, I believe, Carnegie (unknown to Hill) gave him the sum total of one minute to decide if he was ready to take up a MISSION that wouldn’t pay for itself, that would take no less and probably more than 20 years to “accomplish”, that would meet with scorn, ridicule and many other things, and that for which the man who DID it wouldn’t really get any REAL and lasting recognition until long after he passed on.

Now those are long odds!

But Hill took up the challenge!

That GUT.

That GUT SPOKETH – and I can identify because I have been there and done that on many an occasion too!

More than I can remember.

Fitness wise, question begets.

Which path are YOU going to take ?

Are you going to understand that the world only remembers the WINNERS – and not those who “Stand by and watch”?

If you’ve got a goal to do 500 pushups per workout ARE YOU going to GET THERE?

If you’ve got a goal to get into the best damned shape of your life – WILL you do it ?

A long time ago, Eric a roommmate of mine asked me something when I asked him about his gym routine.

I was admittedly lazy at the time, but I did pushups in my dorm room “too ashamed of my skinny self” to tell anyone I did ’em!

And when I spoke to Eric?

He looked at me.

“But you’re never going to do it, are you?”

I didnt then. I didnt have the confidence!

But the desire persisted, and now, well …!

So I ask YOU the question, bro.

Will you – or won’t you?

The choice is yours, and yours alone. I can show you the way, but YOU have to make the choice!

Let me know!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – My pathbreaking products can illuminate the way towards TOWERING success in both fitness and life. I can be the beacon of INSPIRATION and light for YOU, but YOU, my friend need to take the DECISION.

And stick to it.

Sorry if I’m driving it, but it needs to be.

Why I’d rather go “solo” over all else.
- In all aspects of life.

So says yours truly “loner” (as the Bozo rightly said – for once he was right. Hehe).

I wrote about business yesterday, and not mixing the same with pleasure.

Every time, for instance, I’ve done business “in collabaration” with my wife – lovely wife , hehe – (so they “say”) – it’s gone ONE way.

Down South and where the sun don’t shine, to put it metamorphically, and I’m being kind.

And of course, no prizes for guessing whose fault it alllllllllllll is.

She’s always been more than eager to jump into something when the initial and easy money is on offer, but – and she is NOT the only one BY FAR – when the going gets tough as it always does, when roadblocks appear as they always do – sometimes for years (and yeah, I know. The inane rants about “why can’t it all be easy!”) . . . she backed out.

Again, she’s not the only one.

I’ve had plenty of instances in the past where business interactions with women started out professionally (much like “Cicy” who I have written about) – but and unlike her, later on down the line when problems occured, it all went South.

In most cases, logic and a simple frank discussion would have solved the issue.

Blame games, my friend, don’t solve anything.

Especially not business related “woes” (if you choose to look at it that way).

But fitness wise, doesnt this ring a bell too?

You’re supposed to go working out with your buddy, but he calls and tells you “hes too tired” and cant do the Animal Kingdom Workout routine today, or a light variant thereof.

Or, perhaps you had a hike scheduled, and your partner never showed up “dropping by the wayside” as it were.

Or something like that.

I gotta admit, I’ve never experienced that bit of it – becaus eI’ve always mostly lived and trained – A- LONE.

And that, my friend, is how it SHOULD BE.

I’ve said this for years.

Doing what Mr T did, for one, in Rocky III – i.e. live alone, train alone has more benefits than you’d imagine.

It’s only when you live alone that you’re really free to train HARD – become a BEAST.

Look at prisoners in jail, for one (prison).

No, I am NOT saying you need to be a criminal to be a beast!

But removed from the daily life hassles – all mostly mental – of dealing with wives, women, liqor, easy temptations, the ongoing battle between wives, moms, mother-in-laws and the inane men that support it all … look at the gains they make on absolutely crappy diets and with NO equipment usually.

Again, I’m not knocking married life or cohabitating or whatever for those that like it.

But I gotta tell you – living alone, and training alone, and doing business alone – so that YOU enjoy the spoils – and YOU tough it out when need be … is the way to go, my friend.

It truly is!

Anyway, business wise, I’ve been tinkering with the idea of making a few workout “instructional” videos for the following courses – Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD to SUPER STUD! – and Jump Rope Mania! – and Isometric and Flexibility Training. 

These seem to be the ones folks want the most in that regard.

But, write back and let me know if you have requirements for any more, and I’ll see what I can do.

You know me.

I dont like doing videos, but I might crank out a few more if enough of y’all want it!

For now though, the Rolls Royce of Fitness has five excellent instructional videos which you MUST take a look at – do so right here.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Oh, and I almost forgot, living alone means you don’t need to wake up at the ungodly hour of 6 AM on a weekend of all things “to do everything that needs to be done at home”. Ugh.

Anyway, more on that bit later, hehe.

But really, yours truly “visionary” has been saying this for years. It’s only now when that “shoe is starting to pinch” in all regards (though really, even that is mostly thinking than anything else) that people are starting to wake up – and – SMELL THE ROSES!

Why I cannot stand wackos and wacklets that stick their long Pinocchio like snouts in where they do NOT belong.
- Like dude, really. Do your OWN thang. Leave me the F alone.

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, and I gotta say this – I never tire of saying it.

It could be the idiot who showed up when I was doing pull-ups and pestered me up and down about “why I was working my body and not my brain” before noticing “something” in my demanor and then instantly taking off – for the HILLS.

He was trying to guess where I was from too.

Didnt do a very good job of that either.

Clearly this idiot had no idea that if you work the mind – you do so the body as well – and vice versa. Nothing exists in a vacum, especially not TRAINING of any nature.

Then the jokers and kids who act like adults and try and tell yours truly what to do (on occasion, before the sheer grumpiness and gruffiness drives ’em away).

“Uncle why dont you do this”

“Why dont you get her a new phone”

“Why don’t you fly to Mars tomorrow”

And so forth.

These sort of kids learn from – well, you got it – adults, usually their idiotic and profoundly inane and moronic parents who can’t keep their minds off others (due to lack of anything in their own lives).

And while I usually don’t really say much to kids on this (unless if and I’m teaching them, or they pester me roundly when working out) – the adults – I DO have a mouthful.

Like, dude staring a hole through me today when I was doing pull-ups.

Initially I ignored it.

He stared more.

I then stared back until he raised his eyebrows at me.

I raised mine back.

“What do you want”, he moaned.

“Same thing you do, buster”, I replied.

I cannot STAND people that can’t mind their own business, and the vast majority of these idiots?

They aren’t doers.

They’re wankers.

“Why don’t you do so and so in your life”. 

Like, dude, or lady – none of your damned business. If you weren’t so free in YOUR own life maybe you’d stop pestering all and sundry about it …

“Why not lift weights”

Push-ups are easy!”

And so forth.

I dont know if you have noticed it, my friend, but in most cases these people cannot DO the thing.

The idiots ranting about pull-ups not being the holy grail of working out can barely hold on to the bar for any length of time.

Bozo Schofields and the rest wanking off about “its just pushups” get driven away by the sheer BRUTAL and no-nonsense nature of the workouts they CANNOT do themselves.

And so forth. And I wish I could tell you that YOU will avoid this lot when you get on the 0 Excuses Fitness routines, but sadly, and unfortunately you won’t

You’ll get them in droves – goggling at you, unable to do the thing, and yet dispensing all sorts of unwanted free advice, but guess what – deep down inside – they feel inferior to YOU for not being able to do what YOU are.

And as a warrior on the 0 Excuses routines, it behooves YOU to laugh at these idiots – not let it bother you – and march on on to your own goals!

Which should really be, if you’re here at this site and on this list – to get in the best damn shape of your life – – in all regards – no excuses made – and no punches PULLED!

Alright, enough of my ramble.

My latest in this regard is “Profound “70% Gorilla 30%human” handstands“. If you’re doer, and into tough, tough workouts, be sure and check it out – now!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why following up ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.
- Now thats another rant for the ages, hehe.

??? WTAF.

A lovely fellow copywriter kindly recommended me to somebody who needed some writing done for one of his clients.

He emailed me and asked me for my rates.

I responded professionally, appropriately, in a timely fashion, as one does.


Sh*t happens. I get that. Life. It’s busy.

A few days later, I followed up with another polite, friendly email.


I got cross. So I sent another charming, friendly email, obviously. ?

Gosh, it’s great that you’re so busy, I said. I always think it’s nice to send a holding email if I’m too busy to deal properly with something, but don’t want to look UNPROFESSIONAL, I said. (I didn’t capitalise in my email, obvs.)

? Don’t ghost people. Treat people with courtesy. If I’m too expensive for you, that’s fine. It takes 30 seconds of your time to tell me so in an email. Dictate it. Spell my name wrong. It’s fine.

❗️Radio silence is the RUDE, CRAPPY option. ?

In 25+ years of teaching, I always treated kids with respect. And they returned the favour.

If kids can do it, why would I expect less from adults?

☠️ GAH.

Don’t go there.


So, just saw the followed on Winked-In … LOL. I won’t mention the names to protect the not so guilty . . . (she’s actually a cool person the person that posted that and anything but the virtue signaling sort).

But really, this bit of it rings true in terms of following up, and …

Ah, but for a change?

Let me just paste my response – with NO mods. And no explanation.

yeah I have that happen all the time with wackos that want “websites built”, but arent willing to fork out the (not so big) bucks I once upon a time I used to charge for it. Exactly – I quote – and then the usual “we’re busy” tripe or radio silence. Pretty much means they’re cheapskates, and pretty much why I got out of web dev int he first place unless I get paid damned well for the hassle, but hey, you know probably know this already. If I were you, I wouldn’t bother following up, hehe.

(That back when I did web development, which for the most part I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot long “pole” if you get my drift – NOW).

But you don’t want to look like a chaotic, disorganised person by NOT doing your follow-up

Yours truly – –

Well, personally I don’t think not following up is either chaotic or disorganized, hehe. If some jack (or Jill) ass whose clearly “price shopping” – you can feel these things . . . isnt getting back to you for that reason, you’re just feedin into their silly trap by replying and doing the professional thing by them when they clearly aren’t. Anyway, that is just me, hehe.

As for me personally I NEVER follow up with ANYBODY (business wise). I get called plenty of names though too, so take what youwill, hehe – I’d rather the latter.

And . . .

o-kaaaay. You gotta do YOU, your way, I guess! ??

Yours truly – last paste for this one –

true. lol. Plus I dont need it anyway, which is the real point. 😉 (I know, so not humble. lol).

I’m sure that’ll get me plenty of flames given the rants about the economy as of late and how “people are having it tough” and so forth.

(Of course, the same somehow never applied to me when I or anyone else thats actually done anything of note “had it tough”).

Some of us suck it up, move on – and never give in.

But really, following up . . .

I NEVER do it.

Maybe in rare cases, yes.

And maybe in some cases where I know the person may have genuinely forgotten, and also in THAT job where I made all them sales, but in all them cases, they were all DOERS, and I could tell.

There’s a difference between pandering to the Bozos who are price shoppers and talking to (not pandering to) DOERS.

Big, big difference.

And business wise, and life wise, that is how I run things.

If they dont get back to me, their loss is the way I look at it, and no, I ain’t gonna run after nobody “elbows on broken glass” etc to buy my products either.

You either do, or you dont – and either is fine by me . . .

And there endeth that “Blinked-in” thread. Hehe. Two already, so I best close the damn thing before I feel compelled to write more!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Some great and unapolegetically so products HERE.

PS #2 – I just gave YOU a huge secret to business secret above. It isn’t just not following up, though that is certainly part of it!

Why being modest and humble (at least the BOZO definition) ain’t all the virtue signaling Tom Tomming Bozo-nators crack it up to be.
- Much like virtue signaling in general, it's anything BUT useful.

All my life, it’s been this way.

Every time I take CREDIT and rightfully so for something good I’ve done, I’ve gotten blowback.

How dare I take credit – or get any.

How dare I not shut up and “let others get all the credit”.

More than all of that “who does he think he is!”

“If he’s good, he better keep his trap shut and NOT let others know!”.



And while some of this affected me to a degree growing up, it never really took hold (the thought).

Hence, yours truly maverick thats achieved and done precisely what I wanted to – not the goals the Bozos of any nature, shape or form set for me.

Anyway … just saw the following idiotic virtue signaling post on Shanked-In . . .

Growing up my mother always instilled in me lessons of humility and modesty.

As a kid I used to remember distinctively adults on TV talking themselves up as an “expert” or boasting about how successful they were, and I always wondered “Why can’t people just be modest?”.

Now as an adult (in marketing! the least modest profession!) I see bragging SEEMS to work, and across professions and platforms, people are bragging all the time (Listening to Clubhouse am I the only one eye rolling constantly?)

Even on LinkedIn it’s “expert” this, “expert” that, but I feel it makes you look like a jerk, and I’ve been instinctively avoiding jerks since I can remember.

BUT simultaneously I realise that downplaying my capabilities and achievements just doesn’t work, eg:

“I’m in marketing” doesn’t have the same effect as “I own a marketing firm”,

“We increased revenues for a client” doesn’t sound the same as “We increased our client revenues by 1.5 million rmb in 3 months”

So my question is, how do you, as a professional or a marketeer, stay humble but also let the right people know about your achievements and capabilities?

While this may seem like a decent enough question, and indeed it would be if the VIBE coming off it was not a wailing sort of vibe (woe betide me) like attracts like.

The entire post smacks of UNDERACHIEVING, not achieving.

And bragging about the former, not the latter.

Strangely enough!

Or maybe not, the post attracted a comment from a certain Chloe Lee that I’ve written about before.

I think your delivery and the situation also makes a difference. Like if you’re casually talking to someone at a networking event, saying “I’m in marketing” will do. But if it’s at certain situation where your expertise is important you can state some facts (achievement) in a calm tone and minus the adjectives like “awesome” “excellent” etc, and use more “we” instead of “I”!

Yet another WHINING post, and another reason why I avoid most social media like the veritable plague from China.

Social media is a MORASS – and becoming even whinier by the day.

Lets see, if you did something, what exactly is wrong with getting CREDIT and all the credit you deserve for it?

If you are a PIONEER at something – then thats how it is, my friend.

There’s nothing wrong about telling others about your achievement – once you DO it.

I’ve made NO bones about the fact I’m a pioneer when it comes to fitness, and many other things too.

I’ve even named a BOOK “Fitness Pioneer” (that the idiots trolled, which is great. Carry on brother matey, hehe).

I’ve made NO bones of the fact that my fitness routines are by far the most comprehensive, tough and best out there.

I’ve made no bones of the fact that I ain’t for everyone.

And many other things.

To me, it ain’t about Tom Tomming or not being modest.

If I were to say immodest or “not humble”, Id point at the person who says “Only I can do this,and no-one else can, should or is allowed to!”

THAT is the real negative aspect about all of this, and thankfully its only the Bozos who act that way.

You’ll never see Jeff Bezos tell someone he cant be surpassed.

In fact, he and others of his ilk will be more than happy to HELP a genuine doer as opposed to whine, moan, piss, groan and tear down.

Motivate and inspire is what its all about, NOT downplaying your own achievement or achievements!

And we all have ‘em!

Fitness wise, thats why (another reason) I keep telling you that if I did, so can YOU.

If I did it, bettering others, so can YOU better me.

But yes, you’ll have to be a doer first, foremost, above anything else and last.

You cant make excuses my friend.

You cant whine about price when you’re getting something from the Stella Artois of Fitness, and you sure cant complain about “how dare he”.

You know what I mean.

Let people know you did it – keep doing it – and then challenge THEM to better you!

(while getting better all the time yourself!).

As my great customer Charles Mitchell keeps telling me.

Never stop challenging us!

Amen, my brother. Amen.

I never will!


Rahul “pull-up super stud” Mookerjee.

Ps – And maybe thats why most of my customers don’t mind “shouting from the rooftops” about how good MY products are, the results they deliver to THEM and thus forth!

Yakking on the phone to ‘burn energy’ and “pecking on the keyboard to build grip’ ?
- This veers on the insane, at least according to me, but hear me out anyway.

Let me draw the curtains on this one, but before I do, this particular vaudeville show is EVEN more “unbelievable” than the title said.

Normal, smart, sensible (or should be sensible) folks are involved . . .

Back in 1998, I believe, when the internet was in its infancy, yours truly was taking “CSC102” under “Miss Gregg” who was the epitome of “Iron hand in a velvet glove” from an academic standpoint.

She was a great instructor, but STERN too. Unlike a certain jovial Dr Ali we had in 101 . . . who took so long to grade HW that we’d wonder if we ever did ’em hehe.

One fine night, I was on my nth beer working a particularly tough programming assignment she had given us.

And Tim, a friend of mine, and a whiz at that sort of thing was smoking up his nth you know what, hehe.

Bruce was there somewhere too, I believe.

In all the haze of beer, fog, and smoke, I believe the topic got around to grip.

Being all three of us were skinnier than skinny, and only Bruce had some sort of grip from working on cars his entire life until then or part of it, anyway – “body sizes” and “how big that dude is” or “he’s got a crushing grip” were always part of the discussion, as was one of Tim’s “big” roommates who used to smoke weed and workout all day and not much else (according to Tim).

Well, I dont know about that, but dude was strong – big time – so it seemed to me at that time ,especially that one time he almost crushed my hand in his grip.

Which of course repeated itself years later the other way around with a certain Alan Murray and myself, the latter “crushing the former’s hand in his grip” according to him.

Alan would probably never believe it if I told him there was a time my own grip was weaker than weak, and neither would many others. Hehe.

I’ve truly been in the trenches, bro, yet another reason that I CAN and DO bring to you what I do.

There is nothing that supplants learning in the trenches, or can replace it!

Anyway, I remember Tim telling me, while pecking at the keyboard.

“This builds grip too!”

Now the way he said it, making stabbing gestures at the keyboard, and touching the upper forearm, it did seem like it did to an extent!

Years later, one night with the lovely wife and daughter, a young girl “at the time” who wouldn’t for the life of her understand why Mommy was always tired and cranky at the end of the day.

The reply?

“I burn a lot of energy talking on the phone so I’m tired!”

My daughter said the following in an incredulous manner.


“Yes! The brain uses energy too!” according to the lovely wife.

And I dont think I need to get into what I thought when I heard this …

But really, these sort of stupid, inane comments is why the majority of the world is as unfit, cranky, and depressed as they are today.

Back in college, what Tim and I thought in that regard might could be excused.

But as adults, past 25?

No way!

And as I sit here thinking of a dream in which I was indeed “smoking it up” (in real life, every time It’s been offered to me it has had no impact – I’d rather have a COLD six pack!) . . .this memory came to mind.

So I shared it with y’all, hehe.

I wonder what the people above would tell me if I got them on tough workouts in Gorilla Grip.

Or Gorilla Grip – Advanced . . .

Or, Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD – within weeks! 

Or, one of my very best ever, Animal Kingdom Workouts . . .


Alright, enough of this.

Grab the books above if you haven’t already – and you’ll know what it means to build a strong grip and burn FAT, hehe. (and energy).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Be sure to pick up the Rolls Royce of Fitness right here.

PS #2 – Bruce was the one that made the comment of, “you’re here to study!? ” No, man!

“You’re here to smoke it up and get laid!”

He was more right than he thought, hehe. Much respect – great guy – till THIS DAY!

(I can still hear the KillJoy’s moaning about “responsibility” and how dare he, etc. LOL. Really, folks. We live – ONCE! Not saying we live to smoke it up, drink ‘er up, and do nothing – but FUN – and ENJOYMENT – is the key to success at anything, and the Bozos who move through life with a mopey hangdog expression, well, guess what THEY get out of life!).

Another great alternative to NECK workouts, and the BRIDGE, a great, great exercise.
- A superlative one, I should say!

Something I have not talked about as of late is the neck bridge – and the wrestlers bridge, which is funny, because with all the lockdowns, homestays etc – and indeed, even “normally” – NECK and lower back pain is something that most people are afflicted with during the normal course of their lives (especially a lot of folks sitting for long hours in front of the computer etc).

(No, long hours don’t necessarily mean poor fitness, or aches and pains etc – not if you do the right things!)

(One of them being mini workouts I talk about so much).

But anyway, the BRIDGE is part of the “big three” I talk about in the Rolls Royce of Fitness, and while I give a lot of attention to pushups and squats – remember one thing.

A LOT of the book is devoted to bridging, and it’s variants.

And quite a bit of the instructional videos are as well, with good reason – because the very position itself scares most people.

People think they will injure their necks.

Too much weight on their necks.

And lower backs!

And of course, most people cannot DO it to begin with, so I give you variants to start off with.

While bridging for most people is the very best thing you can do to cure lower back pain – and the BEST damn exercise EVER is a variant of it that got the testimonial of “it made me feel better overall than ANYTHING else I’ve ever done (despite being a tough nut to crack)” . . . there is ANOTHER great alternative I have not written about.

Two, actually.

One being, headstands.

Where you put your entire bodyweight on your … HEAD and shoulders, and thereby NECK.

Sounds scary, doesnt it?

Well, it don’t need to be to be honest. It isn’t half as scary as it sounds like or looks like, and in the future I plan on coming out with an advanced bridging-cum-gymnastic course on this, and many other great movements I have not covered a lot in my books as of yet.

Including a book on one armed pull-ups, which I’m off to do soon.

If any of the above interest you – do let me know!

And now, #2 for the neck you ask?

Well, it’s something you can do during a normal handstand – NOT a headstand – during ALL the variations, and it’s NOT scary at all.

It merely involves movement in a way that is so simple you wouldn’t think of it as anything that works, but boy oh boy, it does!

I just stretched my necks and traps out this way, and believe me, it feels so damned good I’m off to do MORE. NOW.

I’ll write more on this later, but in the meantime, remember Profound Handstands is our latest offering in that regard.

(It doesnt have the above in it, but it has several OTHER variants that if you thought Battletank Shoulders was tough – well – THIS will make that seem “trivial and a walk in the park”).

Get on the program NOW before I raise the price on this, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is the LINK.

Why I’d rather “live in my own world”
- So they (she) said, hehe.

Last night I was having a conversation with my significant other about … something related to voting, if I recall right.

It was about an incident years ago where she didnt want to vote for anyone, but did anyway.

Why vote “anyway”, I asked.

“I just checked the “no-one” option”, she said.

It was a local city or something election, I believe . . .

I shrugged.

“Might as well not go”, I said. “If you … ”

She sniffed dismissively.

“What do you know! You live in your own world!”

And that, my friend, was the end of that conversation, and virtual or not, I’m glad I did NOT take it any further.

I’m glad I just mumbled something about “ok”, while thinking “here we go again with the blame game”.

And this, my friend, is why I’d rather live and stay in my OWN damn world.

And invite those, such as my daughter, that truly “get it”.

By get it I dont mean agree with me on everything, but when every conversation turns into a “I’m right, and you’re wrong, because thats how it is”, and a cauldron of seething frustration and negativity with NO attempt being made to correct the latter, then you know something is wrong – big time.

And no, it ain’t “just my significant other”.

You guys that have been married for years for one know what I’m talking about and then some!

But anyway …

In my own world FEELINGS reign supreme.

Feelings that drive me towards doing what I want, and achieving the results I want without external interferences or excuses.

In my word, LOGIC also exists.

Gut feeling exists. Sometimes, there is indeed “no why”!

And most of all, in my world, solid results backed up by proof of those results exists – aka my books, when it comes to fitness, and the results they deliver you.

(Results, by the way are what the pissers, moaners, wankers, ranters and so forth lack – and that gets projected on to someone that actually DOES the thing …) .

It could be 120 – 60 kgs.

It could be from DUD to STUD at pull-ups.

It could be building shoulders like you never thought possible!

Could be anything, but do what I tell you, follow products I created mostly on my lonesome with sage assistance sometimes from folks that “get it” … and you’ll get results, my friend.

Along with the Rolls Royce of Fitness, my most popular and flagship product, Animal Kingdom Workouts is the NEXT level in fitness – that will give you results even quicker.

In fact, if you combine it with a dose of Advanced Hill Training, you’ll turn into superman – or woman- very soon.

If you want the sort of results the WORLD is raving about – well – jump on the train now, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – A huge thank you to the “Dinos” who ordered and continue to order paperbacks. Mucho gracias for keeping the SPIRIT alive!

Why sitting on a chair, even the straight backed ones with perfect form is the WORST thing (or one of the) you can do for your HEALTH AND ENERGY LEVELS
- And it IS.

There seems to be an interesting (not) trend going around these days – another one of those “we’re lazy, so make it easy and feel good” sort of trends.

With the lockdowns and what not, and people in general still staying indoors weight gains and other health related issues – the REAL PANDEMIC going on for a while, not to mention Kiddie Obesity – – as opposed to the silly PANIC DEMIC that the China plague is (and so they created it!) – there’s yet another idiotic “keep fit easy and lose weight” BS trend going on.

That being, to “stand and work”.

Admittedly, standing has it’s benefits, but standing for too long isn’t the best of ideas either, not to mention it’s … BORING. With a capital B.

MOVING around is great.

But standing and eating?

Standing and typing?

Standing and working?

Yet, this sort of “stationery” on your feet thing is supposed to be better than sitting on your butt all day, and I dont know about you, but the last I checked, those that run convenience stores and man the cash registers at grocery stores, super markets, K’s etc aren’t exactly any fitter than the average Joe or Jane.

Perhaps not a complete slob, but I wouldn’t say standing all day is the best thing you can for yourself.

Neither is “sitting with your back straight”.

TRUE and sure, it’s better than wanking around in the ole couch all day with a spine getting more curved – the wrong way – by the day.

But sitting all day, even in a straight backed chair isn’t anywhere near comparable to sitting the right way.

That being the patented SQUAT that I teach in Isometrics and Flexibility Training.

That being, MOVING around working in that position as I teach in Animal Kingdom Workouts.

Believe me, even me, when I first started (this was NOT when I was fat) … I found this damn hard to do for even a few seconds.

Now, I can damn near sit in that position and write books if I wanted to.

Drink tea (which I often do in that position).

Play cards.

Wash dishes (Yes, yes, I know. The bozo will have kittens upon hearing those two words).

and so forth.

and I’ve never, ever felt better and more energetic in my life , and my legs have never been in such super shape with such seemingly “little effort”.

Not to mention NO fat accumulation on the body despite very little for months as of late of what you’d consider “cardio”, even that done RIGHT.

Wanna find out these secrets?

The ones the old timers knew and used to build their PRODIGOUS levels of strength and fitness and keep the fat at bay permanently?

Well, get the two books above – and you will!

And I’m out.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And yes, when Rahul Mookerjee says something he means it. As Panourgias recently said, “he’s the real deal!” (and as others like Gautam from India have said too)

(The book on isometrics is, along with the Royce, his favorite).

PS #2 – If your kids are going stir crazy during lockdown invest in Kiddie Fitness NOW. And get them a couple of GOOD books to read too. Keep them as far away from the dratted dumbphone as possible.

(and yes, it will kick most adult’s asses too).