On paying PEANUTS, expecting to get “kings” instead of Bozos and monkeys, and complaining about “not being able to find the right staff”
- What idiots!!

Employers in general these days, and indeed in general even back in the day when I worked a job.

And other than the hassle and nuisance, it’s one reason amongst many I never ever work for anyone and haven’t for years, and NEVER WILL.

Not saying there aren’t good ones out there, but I haven’t been fortunate enough to meet too many.

Anyway, Madam Dani – I believe I wrote about this lady before?

Well, she’s a translator for the other business, and she emailed me this morning asking for a reference.


Apparently the clowns that hired her on contract (an excuse to not pay benefits obviously) – didnt resign with her, because “they dont have the money”.

They would resign only if she’s willing to accept LESS THAN HALF of what she made before.

What idiots. lol.

Thankfully Dani told them to go piss off.

And thankfully she’s got the letter of reference from me as well which I was more than happy to give out, because she’s a good girl, and she translates damn well!

(Speaking of which, I’m currently having Isometric and Flexibility Training translated to Portugese by another person, but Pushup Central is already in Spanish – but another translator)


Pushup Central

So if you know somewhere in Spain that is hiring good translators, let me know – I’ll pass it on to her.

But anyway, this brings to mind the same thing employers told me.

The Bozos told me “We won’t pay you what you’re worth because no-one will hire you with a resume like that“.

They didnt say the first part, but that was their import.


Well, guess what dude.

I dont want a crummy job anyway.

Never have.

Fitness wise, how does this relate.

Well, you pay peanuts, get monkeys.

And thats why – – amongst MANY OTHER REASONS – this Stella Artois of Fitness, the BEST there ever was, ever is, and will be (ok, I copied that from the inimitable “Bret Hart”, hehe) will NEVER EVER either make his workouts easier, or his info less hard hitting, or his products cheaper.

Take it or leave it.

I’d rather be ELITE than a monkey. 

And the rest, of course, as they say is up to “Providence”.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And proof – along with my other products – my latest course on handstands – price WILL go up next week. Dont believe me? Well, watch this space for MORE.

Fire Extinguishers, Lampoon Schofield and more . . .
- I think I did this one before? Not sure?

I’m not sure if I wrote about this before – now that I “come to think of it”, I probably did.

But anyway, the thought struck me, so I gotta say it.

The Bozo sent me some inane emails about my significant other (I wonder if he even knows, hehe) a month or so ago that I believe I wrote about on the other site …

Check out the other site – it’s their in “all it’s glory” like the Bozo himself in the archives somewhere. I can’t be bothered to dig it up but basically the Bozo was projecting his cuckold tendencies and other inane nonsense on to me, but the point of this?

Is to say, that a friend of mine MJ – makes some damn good pizzas.

If you’re ever in Southern China – let me know – I’ll hook ya’ll up! Almost as good as the NY pizzas I had back in the day!

I HAVE mentioned that (both of the above) before, so I’m doing it again

But maybe what I didnt mention is his wife Susan, a great lady who helped me out in July 2019 (thank you SUSAN – YOUR help was nigh INVALUABLE – and a lady who I’ve enjoyed our very occasional chats) is a “firebrand”

She once took a fire extinguisher to a Bozo’s cranium – literally (I believe the guy was breaking into their house).

MJ, who said he did martial arts “back in the day’ wasn’t even required.

They make them BIG, TALL and STRONG up there in Northern China.

Sons and daughters of the soil (when it comes to latter, I dont mean big as in “fat”. No.).

I mean really big, unlike some of the nuts who’re fat – cannot do pull-ups and say they’re “big” so they can’t do them.

But anyway, shes actually petite – but damn, that lady is strong!

And my own significant other is from a similar part of India where they let their fists, wooden batons, oiled “bamboo poles” (NO, Glyn, not the hockey poles you so love to “blow”) and such . . . do the talking rather than their mouths.

Well, they “ask questions later”, I should say!

So I dont know if the Bozo knows this.

Probably not, hehe.

And my wife’s been known to do similar things in her hey day, though I believe they didnt have fire extinguishers back then (at least not in her home).

I, for whatever reason always have had one in China. Not for Bozo, hehe. But the landladies, especially a lovely lass “Elizabeth” have always been kind enough to hook me up “just in case”.

Thank you, again!

But anyway, point of this?

Think about this, my friend. 

Can YOU lift up a fire extinguisher and use it as a club if you need to? 

An odd object like that, my friend ain’t exactly “light” and easy to lift like one of those silly handled dumbbells in the Jim “Shim”.

And to swing it around like a club – boy!

That requires some STRENGTH, my friend – shoulders like BARNSTOMERS.

Which you might think is a pitch for the book.

In some ways it is.

But it’s mostly to tell you that – serious workout fanatics – fret – NOT.

The book on training with implements will be out sometime soon, and it’s unlike anything out there, and anything you’ve ever seen from me.

Animal Kingdom Workouts is probably “my best book ever”.

But this one might top it – who knows!

Stay on the outlook for it – and in the meantime, the closest thing you can do to get to “part gorilla” status is to pick up and get cracking on the BOOTY KICKING workouts in “Profound Handstands” right NOW.

Do so, and let me know!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Maybe another couple of weeks on Lumberjack Fitness, I dont know . . . The wait will be WELL WELL worth it though.

PPS – And if you’re the “it’s just this” and “its just too easy” and “its just too elementary” sort of lampooner nutwads who can’t DO the thing – then word of caution and request – please (nice please) DO stay away from not just this book, but ALL my books. Thank you!

(I dont like Bozos on my list, so …)

(Pretty please with a cherry on top, or several)

I was laughing so hard I almost fell over in the handstand
- Ha, ha, ha!

Ever had that time or times when you just couldn’t stop laughing?

Or, an inanely funny thought struck you as you were supposed to be doing something important (such as the Bozo (for the Bozo) doing someone’s laundry, for instance))?


And you just couldn’t stop laughing . . .

It happened often in school, and the teachers, fatso most of them, weren’t shy about WHACKING us brats (those were the days where corporal punishment for kids wasn’t just accepted, it was EGGED on and seen as necessary as opposed to now – and no, I dont physically punish my little girl, and never will!) for laughing when we weren’t supposed to.

Stinging slaps, I still remember the ones “behind the ears”. But we made a joke out of that too!

And my friend Dheeraj would often tell me not to keep making me laugh.

You see, I could purse my lips in a way (Glyn Schofield is probably pursing his right now, hehe) that makes it impossible for the person to know I’m biting my tongue and doing all I can not to laugh.

He couldn’t, for whatever reason.

And he got whacked more, hehe.

Anyway, he’s a great guy.

Much like Uncle Bob was!

And one fine night in 2005 I was at Bob’s place, and we were drinking and having a good ole time.

For some odd reason, that struck me as a good time to start teaching Bob handstands (remember, I did them even back then, but wasn’t near as good as them at the age of 24 as I am the age of 41).

Or was it 40 . . . hmm!

Anyway, I got Uncle Bob up into the position.

He was a skinny “sometimes acberic” dude who when I asked him to hike mountains would say “Thats why God invented fourth gear!” – so it’s safe to imagine he never did a handstand before in his whole life.

And as he got up into the position, he almost collapsed when coming down.

I had to help him.

And then we looked at the wall.

With sock marks on it.

I better clean that, he said hastily. I don’t want Nicole yelling at me!

Wives, yelling and so forth. LOL!

(Nicole was his wife, and so he got to work with a cloth and well, I think some sort of “Kleenex” or “Mr Magic something” (the orange color). Pity Glyn wasn’t with us. He’d happily spring to the task, hehe – spring in more ways than one).

(Those were the Ann Lee days for me, and I was about to be happily solo once again, though I didnt quite know it. Thank you, Aa Ling!)

Anyway, why do I bring this up.

Well, it’s simple.

Because my friend, in Shoulders like Boulders!, I tell you to get as close to the wall as you can when doing the handstand, but remember, when you first start out, it will be impossible for you to do so, especially if you do ’em the way I teach (super tough).

Not for pussies and wankers.

But that should be the goal i.e. “touch your chest” to the wall.

NOTE – Please DO NOT try this unless you’re already damned good at handstands and handstand pushups!

And if you are well, Profound Handstands “70% Gorilla, 30% Human” tell you ONE thing above ALL.

That being, on ALL of the exercises get as close to the wall as you can (except one variant).

And thats yet another reason why it’s a must grab, bro, if you’re truly serious about taking your strength training to the next level (and indeed your HEALTH and fitness too).

If you’re one of those people, grab this course NOW.

Remember, it’s currently priced at less than $70, but that wont last for long.

So, get this now while the going is GOOD.

And I’ll be back SOON.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is the link.

PS #2 – If the Bozo is reading this, and I’m 100% plus sure he is, yellow teeth gnashing away, here’s a bit of news for ya Glyn.

I just did …. did …. LAUNDRY! That holy grail for the Bozo, Miss Schofield the one and only, hehe. 



And now, I can’t stop laughin again, hehe.

6 Bananas, One Melon, and one apple!
- Actually, half a melon I believe . . .

It was hilarious, that time, and another one of those “never live me down” moments!

But anyway, I was starving.

Had just got done with handstand pushups – a workout straight out of Battletank Shoulders!

And those workouts will make you hungry as a horse, my friend.

You can eat more – and weigh less – and so will THESE workouts HERE.

But anyway, that day was a “fruit” day if I recall correctly for lunch.

And while it happened a while ago, and I cannot remember the exact circumstances, I believe my wife went to the “beauty salon” or some such nonsense, and so it was my daughter and myself with the food.

Which has been mentioned in the title, hehe.

“Dont you want me to leave a couple of bananas lying around for you” I asked.

“Just eat it!”

She was in a bad mood (which is par for the course, so I didnt bother asking more. Waste of time, hehe).

(Glyn the Blowfield would love her mood – but anyway, more on that later).

I ate it.

And was still hungry!

And later on, I joked to my daughter, “there was nothing to eat for lunch”.

My wife looked at me, “wounded”!

And yelled out loud.

“Someone that ate six bananas, ONE melon, and ONE apple, and yet!”

Well, hey.

What can I say.

I was still hungry!

I would have gotten irritated, but there’s a far more productive way to handle all this, and then I laughed . I got it!

As if on cue, my little girl laughed too!

“Six bananas, one melon and one APPLE!”

And thats become the rallying chant, and a huge joke around the house, hehe.

So that is the wisdom for this one. Add in some steak with all that – and you’re good to go!

As for you guys wondering where the Bozo is (a reader wrote back last week saying this “Where’s that dude Glyn? Haven’t heard of his antics as of late“) – well, Bozo “Blow zo” is still very much around, lining up for his welfare checks and so forth, and then disappearing back to his rat hole for a bender.

He’s just not poking his head out too much because he’s finally wisened up to the fact that he’s been GOT. LOL.

And a certain Roya that he keeps ranting about seems to have signed up for the list too.

I’ve no idea if thats the real person or if it’s the Bozo messing around.

could be either.

I removed the person the first time, but haven’t for some reason this time. We’ll see how that goes!

As for the Bozo, sending inane messages of “can I be your servant, do the laundry, press your feet, carry your shopping etc” to women goes?

Well, I dont know about pressing feet. Eww.

I dont know about shopping or laundry done by Bozos. Ugh.

I’d rather do mine myself.

But as far as his “servant” rants go – the latest is he’s pestering a professional Dominatrix in the UK for “free service” – I dont know . . . there’s a pretty dusty and dirty house right here for the Bozo to clean if he wants to.

Hey, I might even let him wear the frilly maids and call him Miss Schofield as he so loves.

And that, my friend is that. (no, Bozo won’t cut the papaya. LOL. Again, I’ll do that myself!).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you thought Battletank Shoulders was the BOMB – Trust me, PRofound handstands will have you floored, especially the workout part. Check ’em out now.

70 % Gorilla, 30 % Human

PS #2 – I just remembered it wasn’t papaya. It was a “melon”. Yum. Musk melon, I believe. Along with cold sugarcane juice, and WATERMELONS in China, thats one of my favorite fruits . . . (and banana too).

(I’ve edited the original post to replace papaya with “melon”, but you might still see a papaya lying around someplace . . .)

(But again, Bozo Schofield is getting NOWHERE near my bananas, lol).

More on why you should learn from Tom Tomming Gorillas with grips of steel that write “unfeasibly awful” books.

The list of names I’ve been called is legion. And it grows by the day, hehe.

While I haven’t quite added the ones the Bozo recently sent me to the list, the list of ANIMALS is an interesting one.

Bull. Cow. Then as Sophia said “You strong as a gorilla!

“Like a Gorilla, Big and Strong!” 

And given the “Da Xing Xing” the Chinese refer to me as, well, gorilla is safely on the list.

Ape (yours truly). Ape like workouts (yours truly). Ape like long limbs (yours truly)

So ape is on the list too.

Chameleon (again, yours truly). Another one on that list!

I suspect that if we add “elephant” to the list which I’ve been called too (not for being fat by the way – there is a reason I mention the ELEPHANT on the Battletank Shoulders page) . . . we’d have quite the Noah’s ark, as there are no doubt other animals I’ve been likened to.

The only one I’ve ever likened the Bozo to is “skunk” because he, quite truly and literally “stinks”. And given his “get to know the person’s butt better than the person himself or herself (yes, he swings both ways)” , that perhaps isn’t surprising. Plus he drinks engine oil regularly, so I’ve been told (bai jiu – i.e. traditional Chinese liqor which is just “unfeasibly awful” – – belive me, I’ve tried it – – I love all liqor, but vodka straight and engine oil I’ll stay away from!).

Sly Stallone’s competitor in Over the Top did of course guzzle a can or so of it down!

Before then losing the arm wrassling match to Sly.

But anyway, you should learn from me – well, I think we’ve covered all those reasons PLENTY of times, no?

If not, read the past dispatches.

But one of the other reasons is this, my friend.

Because training like an ANIMAL – indeed, like Noah’s Ark – which is one of the workouts I give you in Animal Kingdom Workouts – is one of the secret keys to superhuman strength, fitness and endurance. 

Most people complain “it’s too easy”.

Or, “its childish”.

Or, “I can do that”.

Or, I did that when I was young.

Or other such B.S.

OK, great.

But what about NOW?

Let me tell you this my friend – most IRONMEN would fail miserably at some of the workouts I lay out in the book for you.

And thats precisely why YOU, the average “Joe” should pick up a copy of your book – if you want to turn into a super stud fitness wise all by your lonesome at home, and if there is ONE book I could tell you to pick up in that regard – it would be Animal Kingdom Workouts.

Really, my friend.

If there was a “awe inspiringly BRUTAL” book I’ve ever written (not my words – customer feedback! – I’ll write more on that later) … THIS is it.

Get this now, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Again, the link is right HERE. Let’s do this NOW.

My wife called me a bull recently.
- Indeed! In more ways than one, hehe.

At the outset, I’ll say this.

This is NOT a “PG” rated blog, much like Bozo “backside perfume worshipper” Glyn Schofield in the UK might want it to be, so we won’t even go “there”. Hehe.

Glyn’s mind no doubt is . . .

But the funny part about this one -I don’t know if I wrote about this before, but she originally said I was a “cow”.

What did she mean?

Well, she was trying to get my daughter to eat veggies (from what I hear / remember, at least).

And one of the ways she was doing it?

Don;t worry, she told my daughter.

“Papa will eat more veggies than you!”

So she said, and she also giggled about “Papa turning into a cow” at the same time.

Which is hilarious, because in China, the one country where people mistakenly assume people eat nothing but veggies, MEAT is what is consumed the MOST.

Especially pork, which in the West is considered to be one of the unhealthier meats you can eat . . .

But anyway, she corrected herself later from what I heard.

“Nah. He’s a bull!” she giggled, and she giggled in “that” way.

I heard her say it, so I know!

But anyway, as I look at pictures of cows serenely grazing on grass where I’m at, I tell you the following.

Eating your veggies is a damn good thing.

But there are those that over do it and because fructarains or vegetarians to an extreme, which is NOT good.

Sure, the latter option has plenty of protein as well. Lentils for one, and perhaps spinach etc to a degree.

That brings to mind what Bozo Schofield said about Gorilla Grip – TIPS! , a book he left a review on – a two word rant, that I haven’t addressed as yet.

But will not.

“Unfeasibly awful”. 

(This email was originally going to be titled “why you should buy books from Tom Tom’s that write unfeasibly awful books”, hehe) 

And the next day, I made not one, not two, but five sales for the book. Hehe.

Then he left the review about “Tom Toms” on the book on (advanced book on) pull-ups and ranted in a girly manner about how “Rahul is a stud, and I wanted to be like him”, and only Bozo Scho the IDIOT par excellence knows what else.

I’ll give to the Bozo though, ass licking is an area where the Bozo has NO competition, myself included. Hehe.

But anyway, sometimes learning from “Tom Toms” that write unfeasibly awful books is good – because guess what.

Those books are what get results, and are hence roundly trolled etc.

Those books are also the ones people WANT the most.

Will do ANYTHING to get.

And they sell the most.

Yes, I outsell most of the Bozos out there that write “easy” books that molly coddle and mamsy pamsy their way into “helping you get fit”.

I just crack the whip my friend – and I tell you to GET HER DONE!

And the doers KNOW THIS.

But anyway, meat is a damn good thing to have my friend.

MEAT is an essential part of our diet, I’ll even go so far as to say that!

I won’t say you can’t make any gains without it, but grazing on greens all day will turn you into a placid COW, my friend.

Trust me on this one.

MEAT done RIGHT (and no I dont mean “JFC” as we called KFC back in the day either) is really what gives you that T-boost we all need (especially Bozo Schofields, but they willingly take estrogen and wear pink underwear, so …) . . . along with the right workouts.

Tearaway Brahma Bull is what comes to mind, eh, when you think BULL?

And to develop that sort of EYE POPPING, RAMPAGING STRENGTH – this is the course that will DO IT for YOU, my friend. Battle Tank Shoulders!

Jump on this NOW (oh, and if you have not got Shoulders like Boulders! first, then get it FIRST, and then the book above).

I’ll see you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Another course that will give you the RAW animal like FEROCIOUS vitality, VIM AND VIGOR we all want is Animal Kingdom Workouts – a course you MUST grab NOW. Quit putting it off, my friend. Grab this NOW.

If doing freestanding handstands scares you (or kicking up does)
- But first, a STORY . . .

In the 1978 James Hadley Chase classic “Consider yourself dead” – a book I rate highly, and even above my all time favorite “Believe this, you’ll believe anything!” (or actually, I’d say the first book IS my favorite, along with “The Vulture is a patient bird”)  . . .the “hero” of the story is Jack Frost,  a war veteran – a tall, broad shouldered strapping individual – black belt in judo – imposing physique – ex cop – the works!

And a tough cookie to be honest.

James Hadley Chase has so many great books I’m not sure which one to classify as my favorite, but if I had to choose one?

Consider yourself dead” would be it, and “Grandi” would be my favorite tycoon that the man has written of (ahead even of the ape like beefy “Vidal” in book #2 mentioned up there).

No, for the Bozos reading this, I dont get anything by mentioning Chase here. Yet another case of giving credit where it’s due – – both to the Bozos – – and the TRUE GREATS.

Many people have said exactly the same thing about my books i.e. choosing the one THEY like the most?

Is a tough one?

But they DID make the choice, but anyway, in the book “Consider yourself dead”, basically the plot is that Frost gets hired at a cushy “bodyguard” job along with another tough ex cop to protect Grandi’s 18 year old daughter with mental problems and hot pants (and more of the former than the latter apparently) – and then  a bunch of thugs show up along with a hot girl, and persuade Frost to be the inside man in a kidnapping attempt which ultimately goes awry as the girl does the kibosh on all of them and runs away.

Frost and the rest of his accomplices never really got along.

He’s a loner.

My sorta guy!

And the already tenous relationship breaks up completely when Grandi makes a deal with Frost to bring his daughter back alive, and he’d get a million or something dollars.

Less than the kidnapping loot, but still a LOT.

Anyway, I dont remember the exact amounts etc, but this pisses “Silk” – one of the thugs, and an expert rifleman – off.

He gets a fat Bozo – one of his accomplices to “scare” Frost.

Apparently their modus operandi was to first “scare” the victim mentally such that he’d be looking over his shoulder every time he stepped out – and ultimately that fear would do more to off him than any shot from “Silk” would.

“Silk would eventually get you, you know. He’s a professional!” remarked the fat man ‘sadly” as he attempted to scare Frost.

Frost laughed in his face so raucously you might have thought he was getting drunk at a party.

“Who the *** do you think you’re trying to scare, punk!” he snarls. “Go back to that one eyed fink and tell him I dont scare!”

Later on, they try and find out where Frost is holed up, and they do.

And Frost gets tipped off that they tried to find out, and did find out (a rather silly attempt) – and doesnt just get angry.

He goes AFTER that.

He doesnt sit and wait for them to come to him.


And we see Silk shaking his head in frustration.

“It’s all gone wrong!”

“Frost never scared!”

Anyway, the ending of the book is a Grandi special which I won’t reveal here.

But in a curious Universe like way, James Hadley Chase gets it spot on.

Anyway, the Bozo might well have read this book when he sent me his inane and laughable emails of “Stay safe fugly because I will eff you up” and other nonsensical rants of “Chuck and I are coming to you!”

By all means, my dear Bozo, just bring enough beer, hehe.

But anyway, he sent me other inane stuff, but his crowning glory was the bender he went on on the night of Sep 22, 2020, when he left all the reviews on Amazon that I’m still making moolah off.


Truly manna from heaven is Bozo “Cuckold on public welfare” Glyn Schofield . . .

Yes, my reaction was similar to Frost’s reaction upon reading his nonsense.

I dont just “defend”.

Attack BACK x 10000! 

(Bozo thought I’d roll over like his other troll victims who are themselves starting to now give it back to him – good on ’em).

Anyway, we’ve been over that many times.

Point being, handstands …

The thought of getting into a freestanding handstand, believe it or not, SCARES many people.

And the thought of “kicking over” does too.

Which is precisely, and yet another reason I teach handstands the way I do – NO-ONE, I repeat NO-ONE out there teacher them the way I do – not to mention my way works the shoulders and lats a heck of a lot better, and it’s the right way to work up to freestanding.

Everyone wants to do freestanding handstand pushups.

But precious few people take the right steps in the right order to do so.

First, you LEARN how to do the basic handstand, and do workouts that way.

Second, you get DAMNED good at it – so good that you’re better than MOST people at it “0.1% of the population can even DO those workouts!”

And third, you PROGRESS to freestanding the right way – again with a wall.

And this, more than anything, my friend, is what I teach you in my latest course on handstands – Profound Handstands.   (i.e two of the exercises in this course are the IDEAL way to progress into freestanding).

Truly one for the ages, and the next in line is freestanding handstands.

And then, PUSHUPS in that position.

There’s always room to improve!

Grab the course above if you’re truly looking to ace handstands and get to super elite level – – you’ll love it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And remember two things.

One, the DISCOUNT on the compilation will end tomorrow. No exceptions, no ifs, no buts, no maybes.

(I better not speak of “buts”. Bozo be watching, hehe).

PS #2 – Animal Kingdom Workouts is my best course ever overall – if you ain’t got it as yet – do so NOW, my friend.

Beer “sozzled” workouts back in the day
- Those were the days, hehe.

Back in the day, Uncle Bob once made the following comment when I told him about what I had done with Ann Lee that past weekend (well, he made the comment on a Sunday evening I believe).

“4 Am in the morning? What is your girlfriend, a female monk??”

It was funny, the way he said it.

But that, my friend, was indeed a weekend (or a Saturday) for the ages.

Plenty of “doing the rounds” (that was how Uncle Bob put it – his own weekend was “nothing as interesting” he said – with his then wife getting upset about something and sleeping on the couch and he “got to watch Home Alone again for the nth time, yippee”).

Anyway . . .

I woke up at 530 AM on a Saturday morning.

Had to go to Hong Kong to deposit a few wads of cash, which I did. Those were the days I did a full time job, so the company car picked me up sharp at 615, dropped me off at the border – I did my thang – enjoyed an ice cold beer (two) and a fantastic burger at Dan Ryans (old style diner back then in HK) – and then loped on back to the mainland.

To China.

Yes, China lovers and Chinese, we all know Hong Kong is a part of china.

There’s never a shred of doubt on that one (although whether China has followed the agreement it made with the UK to let Hong Kong’s systems stand until 2035 is another story – but to be fair – SOME amount of that is warranted on China’s part – most? NOT).

I’ve always found it strange though how the Chinese throw a hissy fit when I say “I returned to China” instead of saying “the mainland”.

I mean, theres an international border there for a GOOD REASON, eh?

Anyway . . .

So got back around 1, did the company car back home.

Met up with Ann around 4, climbed the mountain twice I believe. Soaked in sweat – those were the pre-fitness days, remember.

Then we hung around the park, and I believe ended up in some restaurant or the other drinking beer and eating dinner.

Somewhere down the line Ann decided that was the night she “didnt want to go home” and didnt want me to go home either (we were not living together at the time – it was the second date I believe).

Ok, so we didnt.

Evening turned into night.

We ended up at “walking street” – which in those days meant tons of outdoor BBQ and cold beer, and whats more it was near my old office (the last job).

I had to show her the old office, of course, which was in a hotel, so off we went, I was pretty tipsy by then.

Around 9, we “sat down” at the BBQ.

Several hours later, it was 3 AM, and I think I had gotten through the better of 16 24 oz beer bottles. Ann wasn’t far behind either.

And as the ladies of the night trundled home, giggling away at the foreign devil (I knew some of them, and tried not to show it) – – Ann piped up.

… This was in response to me getting my last beer from the BBQ guy.

“You should have told ME! I’d have gotten it for you!”

(She was actually upset I “asked” for the beer and didnt let her do it for me)

Now, thats my type of gal and Charles, years later (the friend) was to say “If your girlfriend used to pound beers with you, I wonder why you left her”.

Well, I dont know. Thats a long story actually!

I think it all started after I snuck off to one lady of the night too many … the impressive Aa Ling, and much MORE.

(and not answering Ann’s phone. Now that was dumb on my part. I locked the damned thing away in a cupboard, because, well, who could bother with phones when …)

Anyway, went back home. Woke up the next morning at 12.

Had a date with “Angel” on that same damn mountain .

“Lawd” only knows how I made it up and down that damned thing in that frame of mine, but I managed it, and upon seeing a photo of myself that “Angel” took, I recoiled – and then laughed.

Looked like something the cat brought in for sure, hehe.

That was probably the longest night I spent drinking, climbing, and more of the same …

And that sort of thing never happened to that extent again, but to varying extents it did.

Staying in shape might be hard , you imagine with that sort of lifestyle, burning the candle at ALL ends.

Well, when your young … you get away with a lot.

But I got away with a lot of it at age 37 too, when I figured out the secret key to losing oodles of weight WHILE on that sort of a lifestyle.

Note though, I do NOT recommend that sort of thing long term.

BUt sometimes, for periods it happens.

It happened with me, and I know it happened quite a bit!

But anyway, the tips and tricks I used to stay in shape EVEN while partying it up every night?

Well, they’re right Here – – Advanced Hill Training, a course guaranteed to blow the SOCKS off ya.

An oldie, but goodie. In the middle it was called “Eat More – Weigh Less“, but that attracted a lot of Bozos to the course, so I renamed it so it seems more exclusive, and attracts less Bozos.

I’d rather ONE serious customer to 100 lookie lous and price wankers.

And there it is, my friend.

And there’s a reason Ann Lee is mentioned on the page!

Hurry and grab this one before the price goes up, up, and UP on it.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – ONE more day remaining for the 20% discount on compilations – jump NOW if you’re interested my friend. (and if you’re truly interested in fitness, you SHOULD be, and WILL Take action NOW if you have not already).

PS #2 – This is yet another one of those recollections that will be there in the book on fitness recollections (vol #2). Pick up Volume #1 HERE.

A cutie little course on handstands – that is also UBER, super TOUGH!
- It will make GORILLA out of man, thats for sure.

And yes it WILL make “gorilla out of man” as it were, and “believer out of Bozo” as it were.

But anyway, Charles Mitchell, a long term customer of mine had the following (amongst other things) to say about Battletank Shoulders! 

I dont see how anyone can do these workouts unless they’re at least part gorilla!

(and, then he said they are truly great workouts for EVERYONE to aspire to – he does!)

Then he bought Pushup Central, and although his favorite pushup is the handstand pushup, he rates the workouts in Pushup Central as some of the toughest he’s ever done – and well – what can I say.

He is right!

This morning,I was getting done with a super tough workout on pushups – and some advanced handstands I have never taught before.

And indeed, it’s been an idea for a while (months now, actually) to put a BOOK out on them (the super tough handstands that you haven’t seen until now, and won’t see anywhere else – Google, internet, wherever – search away, but NO-one teaches them like the bodyweight exercise GURU Rahul Mookerjee, truly the Stella Artois of Fitness does!).

It’s been an idea for a long long time.

This morning, I was pondering starting the book (well, it’s already done – a lot of it – but the “final draft”, I mean) on Lumberjack Fitness, which is the next one sometime next month, and a very eagerly anticipated book.

But then, feeling PROFOUND as I was, I paused!

And I had another one of those ideas – on the spur of the moment, and I listened to my GUT, and there in – another great course was – IS – born!

Profound “70% Gorilla 30% human” handstands. 

And the name is what it is because really, these workouts and movement are SO advanced that they are tough for even yours truly.

I can do them in high reps, sure.

But they’re tough as heck!

And they will make GORILLAS out of real men – provided you’re a real man, of course.

Now, remember, this is NOT a “Starter” level course.

If you don’t know how to do handstands, get Shoulders like Boulders! first.

Then go on ahead and get Battletank Shoulders!

And then, and only then get THIS course.

It’s so tough it’s not even included in the compilation, because most people are not ready for it, and guess what – I – am just – getting STARTED!

Those of you on this list are into super tough workouts, eh.

Well, you’re going to LOVE this one.

Get this now … and let me know how it went!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – This course is NOT for wusses, pansies, Mama’s boys, or idiots that want Sly Stallone’s make up artist to take the pictures. If thats you save your money. I only want REAL serious folks getting this – folks that understand the importance, value and RIGOR of REAL MAN TRAINING!

Plenty of bashing going on on several fronts.
- #1 - Stokesy!

Man, what an innings that was!

If I just called it brutal I wouldn’t be doing it justice!

True, it was played on what Tony Greig would have called a “humdinger” of  a pitch which made the target of 330 something the Poms were chasing in Pune, I believe, in India if I’ve got it right (I was watching the telecast online) look positively pedestrian at the outset, more like 290-300 and anyone with any knowledge of cricket knows that sort of total is easily chased down thes edays for the most part.

It wasn’t a couple of days ago though on the same ground where England despite a positively blistering, ROARING, pirate like start somehow managed to flounder at the end in their chase of 313.

But they didnt collapse so much as flounder, but THIS time?

My word.

They positively ground the Indian attack into the dust, and took ’em to the cleaners, and along with the pirate like “beefcake” Jonny Bairstow and “suave” Jason Roy – it was Stokes the BARNSTORMER that really stormed the party and took the game by the scruff of the neck – and up, up, and away!

Some of those windmilling 6’s he pounded – my word!

At one point I predicted he was going to hit three in a row.

Sure enough, the next over he did.

Then I briefly thought of 6 6’s in a row.

Didnt happen, thankfully for India. Hehe. But the match itself finished with around 10 overs to spare – a thorough licking – and I’m sure Virat and team are licking their own chops as well at the prospect of the third ODI (they’ve been known to barnstorm on occasion too, though not quite as BRUTALLY as this!).

Anyway, Ben Stokes is a phenom to say the least.

My sort of guy.

6’4″ inches I believe, wiry and tall, “steel and whalebone” sort of strength that I keep emphasizing, and that punch proof abdomen I keep talking about!

(I have no idea if he actually has the last, but going by the barroom brawl he’s been involved with former Army guys, no slouches themselves I’d think – I’d bet he knows how to throw a good punch and then some!).

But those ARMS are why I’m writing to you about him!

Much like yours truly “ape” he’s got those lonnnnnng levers, and he windmills them to great effect!

He doesn’t come across as a massive man mountain like Matthew Hayden did. (and he is!).


But the force and power he generates is just brutal, and other than Kevin Pietersen back in the day (who was more timing than POWER) – I haven’t seen anyone else hit it quite that hard! (other than Hayden, Lance “muscleman Zulu” Klusener and a couple of others).

That last person Klusener, and the comment I made reminds me of what a certain Andy (a girl) said when she was promoting the book on pull-ups “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!

“Learn from this muscle man”, was what she said on WeShat!

And so they did, but back to Ben Barnstorming Stokes.

He LARRUPS the ball.

And he does so in a windmill like motion with long arm loosely “spinning” if you get my drift that sends the ball into orbit where “no man has gone before” if you get my drift.

What an innings!

I know next to nothing about Stokesy other than the charity he quietly did in India (interesting how people never talk about that, preferring to focus on the negative) and his batting – and bowling (as an Aussie commentator once said “we dont car eabout much else other than what you can do with a BAT and BALL in hand”).

But I’ll bet he can do pull-ups, and do ’em well …

Now, lessons to be learnt here?

One it’s not the tight and “grunting Bozo like gym look” that gives you real strength and power.

It comes from the inside out.

The looser your limbs are, like an apes for instance – the MORE POWER you’ll generate – especially if you’ve got a rock solid core.

Let me tell you, an ape swinging it’s limbs can generate some SERIOUS power, my friend.

And if that ape took your little finger in it’s – a baby ape – you’d scream Uncle within no time.

Stokes looks to have that kind of strength, and that kind of strength is what YOU can build with my course on pull-ups – – and the course on ISOMETRICS – – both of which should be done TOGETHER.

As Panourgias, a long time customer told me the other day.

“The Rolls and Isometrics together are my favorites”.

That is the key.

Work the muscles into the ground, and then relax and gain strength and flexibility at the same time with the isometrics.

And last, but not least, another FORGOTTEN key?

Is training with Indian clubs, my friend.

Let me tell you something, I did a workout with them yesterday in preparation for Lumberjack Fitness, and I was blown away by a) how good they made my shoulders feel – – and b) how they worked me to the BONE.

You might think 3 kgs is nothing, but believe me, when you first start with these, ONE kg is enough!

(for most people – I used 8 kg, and will work with 10 soon).

(in each hand).

And those Indian clubs loosen your shoulders and strengthen the tendons of the upper body beyond belief, my friend.

Trust me, if you want ape like power x 10 – or 100 – you’ll want to get on these routines.

That book is going to take a while to come out. For now, feast on the book on isometrics – – and the BEST book I’ve ever done most likely – Animal Kingdom Workouts.

And I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Another great workout combo? Pushup Central, Jump Rope Mania! – – and that old favorite Advanced Hill Training! Jump on these NOW my friend. Truly worth their weight in GOLD is that info!