Why perfectionism is a plague BEST AVOIDED, and why I laugh at other that nitpick and pester (and laugh at) those DOING The thing.
- BEcause these same people have NOTHING going on in their own lives ... Badger Central!!

Long one. And the bove pestilinces take on MANY FORMS.

(much like my typos in these here emails do).

Anyway, i just got done with some STRETCHING.

And I was reminded of something – this time, why my wife of all people “laughs” at what I do for a living, albeit in a more gentle manner than Mommy dearest and some others who claim to not know what I do, but know fully well (but not all, hehe).

But either way, she claims “how can you be a fitness expert”

Why cant I be, I laugh back.

She doesnt know it bothers me, and really, it doesnt beyond a point.

She then brings up my one weak point, which I’ve done a lot to address.

My hamstrings – – naturally tight due to lack of physical activity when growing up and crappy genetics, and something I’ve worked upon so much that you wouldn’t even notice I have them now.

And yet.

“HE can’t even straighten his legs fully”, she giggles.

True if we’re talking years ago.


Hell no.

But it’s a weak point, and according to her unless the legs are perfectly straight, you ain’t working out.

Which is the stupidest thing I ever heard unless we’re doing yoga shmoga, and even there … Even “Bikram” or whoever the guy is probably wouldn’t say this!

Swimming. Boxing. Wrestling. Which one of these is done with ramrod straight legs?

Stretching, yes.

But even there, you have plenty of wiggle room my friend.

If you can be perfect, great. But shooting for perfection every time and the first time sets you up for one thing. FAILURE.

Curiously all of these people that keep screaming perfectionism with regard to yours truly are anything but the epitome of the same THEMSELVES in their own lives in ANY REGARD.

Including my wife.

And it takes many forms.

For example, dude who showed up when I was doing pull-ups and pestered me for a while demanding to know why I wasn’t “working my mind”.

Like it was any of his business anyway, and he got the point soon, to be honest.

Or, people that pester me to get on phone calls.

Now, I have nothing against constructive arguments or discussion, but all too often “can we get on the phone” means you’re a sounding board for the other person and nothing else.

While SOMETIMES that can be OK, in the vast majority of cases it ain’t.

And I live by the dictum “if you can’t put it in writing, you might as well not say it”.

And I IGNORE calls for me to call people up …

… Anyway, one of these people didnt get th epoint.

He pestered me again with the inane excus eof “are you still on social media?”:

He knew I was.

He was fishing for an answer.

Being I was in a generous mood, I gavehim one.

Lets give him a chance, I thought.

OF course, his flood of responses immediately thereafter proved me WRONG.

“What are you doing?”

“What are your plans”

In the vast majority, if not ALL these cases, people that badger you about your plans CLAM UP when youa sk them about theirs.

It’s always some sort of criticism or unwanted advice for YOU.

Which quit efrankly yours truly is NOT interested in.

But the nuts don’t get the point, do they?

And when you tell them that, they whine back with “well, I was just talking!”

True dat.

Dat they were.

Because they had nothing else going on.

Inane gossip and chatter to fill the time.

But yours truly has plenty going on, and yours truly does NOT want to get involved with any of that!

And back to perfectionism. AVOID it, my friend.

When you first start out with many of the exercises I advocate, an dindeed even when you’re advanced, you’re lucky to be able to even DO THEM.

And perfectionism means MASTERY, which even the great Bruce Lee, or Herschel Walker, or anyone of note would admit is NOT attained easily, if at all.

Boddhidharma probably would too.

Our Creators created us all flawed.

Trick is to WORK those flaws, and LIVE with them, and MAXIMIZE your strengths while working on the weak links in the chain so long they dont remain weak anymore.

And NOT badger those that are doing the thing …

Long one – – but I think you guys get the point!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – – No home based fitness system is “perfect”, but the 0 Excuses Fitness System and Advanced Hill Training are as perfect as they get (or as close to it as possible) when it comes to burning LARD off your frame quick. Be sure to check ‘em out – oh, Jump Rope Mania! Is another one!

(Just got done with a workout out of that book, so I KNOW!) .

PS #2 – My wife probably (and certainly, actually) thinks I’m a pestilence best avoided as well (on certain things). So does Mommy – except she doesnt DO it. HEhe. Anyway, even stevens. LOL.

$799 VS $999?
- The SHIP!!!

So, I just had a revelation in the shower.

I shoudl say I finally done decided. Decreed. Said this is how it’s going to be. It’s this way … or the highway. Decision making. Call it what you will …

… and this decision is the following (and is something I’ve been talking about for doing forever, but never did, but perhaps the lookie lou this morning “tipped my hand”)

Poor guy, hehe.

And I’ll give it to you straight without further ado bro.

Hidden away in this here site is a GEM of a link all except the most dedicated IGNORE.

I’d probably make way more if I put it out there in the open.

Id also attract many more headaches, nutzos, bozos with nothing better to do with their lives than “live to troll”, serial whiners, moaner, pissers, groaners, Mama’s boys and serial refunders (who would be denied, but still…)

In short, I’d attract more hassle with the money. (extra dough).

I’d rather it be the way it is now.

And that link is the 0 Excuses SHIP which is an annual membership to the site – and as long as that membership is active, you guys that sign up for it are able to not only download ALL products off the site free of charge (forever, as long as your yearly membership stays active) – but also get access to an exclusive forum of DOERs where you can ask not only me, but THEM questions as well.

Just as misery loves company, so does GREATNESS – – and nothing lights the fire more than seeing a bunch of fellow DOERS in life, fitness, what have you – rise each morning and GET AFTER IT with VIM, VIGOR, GUSTO and GUMPTION!


The membership is currently priced at a pittance of $799/year, and is set to go up on the stroke of midnight on the 31st to $999/year.

No if’s, buts, maybe’s and why’s.

Thats just how it is, bro.

I realize this may turn off a lot of people, and some of those people will be CUSTOMERS – REAL customers.

But guess what – the value I offer goes WAY ABOVE and beyond (and several heapings above) what ANYONE else out there is offering!

You signed up for this list expecting a single daily email for me, for one, and look what you got, hehe.

You expected fitness, and what did you get?

Way, way more …

Now, what ELSE will be DIFFERENT?

The forum, for one, which was intended as an add on and is currently included gratis in the yearly membership may or may not be gratis any more.

But it might well end up being …

More importantly though, the basic tenets remain the same.

YOU’ll still be able to download EVERYTHING off the site – except in the New Year, or perhaps a little before, we will do away with the current cumbersome and convoluted process to download (well, the new process will make the current one look that way!).

The current process works fine, and there ain’t no reason to change what works, but I can make it BETTER, which is what will HAPPEN.

So there it is, bro.

Oh, forgot the “good news”.

First off … if your membership currently renews BEFORE Dec 31, you will NOT be charged the new price unti lnext year.

If you sign up NOW, you get the old price.

If you however cancel and sign up NEXT YEAR, then it’s the new price.

Basically if you sign up now, or renew before the year ends, you get to stay on an extra year at the same price despite the actual “price of admission” being 200 or so bucks more in the New Year.

Thats my way of saying thank you to my regulars, hehe.

And one thing remains very much the same.

NO REFUNDS whatsoever for whatever reason. Piss and moan all you like (this for the lookie lous, but that is how it is, and how it WILL BE in the future as well).

And last, but not least, you will STILL have priority access to yours truly via email if you’re part of the member’s area, but you guys know that already!

And thats what I gotta “sound” you with today.

Have AT!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And no, for those that may want to know, signing up now does NOT mean I’ll prorate your membership up to the new price come Jan 1. Next year upon expiry – yes. Before that – no! Just thought I’d make that clear once again, hehe.

PS #2 – And if you choose to download products “per product” – well feel free to do so! We’re always open for you …

The towel secret to a GORILLA LIKE GRIP!
- And RAMPAGING pulling "ape like" strength!

And gettign insanely good at pull-ups, I Should say!

And it isn’t what most people think, and what most people cannot do i.e. do pull-ups with a towel tied around the bar.

Sounds simple as heck, I know.

But I have this to say – much like the other simple exercises at the start of “Gorilla grip”.


Ditto for an exercise with rice of all things which features at the very beginning of Gorilla Grip – Advanced.


Most take forever to even decide to do these exercises, because apparently they’re “too easy”.

But once they try, they’re humbled, and HOW!

And the obvious part is getting good at pull-ups once that grip improves, of course.

But really, towel workouts can be done on the GROUND as well if you know how!

And anywhere, really.

And that little (or large) towel will fry your grip in ways most grippers will not.

In ways doing 400 lb deadlifts will not.

They will hit your inner forearms in ways only fingertips pushups can, and more so at that!

And much more!

They’re also too tough for most people to even start doing, so thats why I dont really make mention of them – a lot, that is but some towel stuff, does, if memory serves me right feature in Gorilla Grip – Advanced.

And if you’re in any way, shape or form serious about fitness and GRIP in general, you’ll want to grab this now.

Do so – and let me know!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Or, you could grab it in Compilation format.

PS #2 – Don’t forget the book on tips, and in as of itself a GOLDMINE in terms of grip “trade” secrets.

“Trade secrets, my son”. Sean Connery was the best!


And of course, the tips-cum-FAQ’s are available FREE with the courses on shoulders and pull-ups (requisite to each). Grab those now too!

When Delhi Police screwed yours truly over royally …
- Indeed insane!

I dont know why I havent written about it as yet, hehe.

But I told Charles once about it.

“Rahul against Delhi Police” was his comment.

And I should title that as the “heading” for this post!

But I won’t, hehe, even though it will get more views.

Or, “The kiss that landed me in jail”.

Which it did – temporarily.

And the lard ass female lawyer that did her best to screw both my wife and myself over … and the idotic Bar Council of India who despite getting a HIGH COURT order to the contrary never ever actually disbarred said lawyers.

Credit to Delhi police though.

After the entire shebang was over, they DID take action against the guilty.

OF course, that took forever. And of course, they made us jump through WAY too many hoops than they had to, or shoul dhave.

Including a certain Commissioner of Police at the time “YS Dadwal” saying “I’d never get a job in IT” for even daring to speak out.



‘nuff said.

But the dude did eventually take action. And he DID send us official letters of apology, so hey, no hard feelings …

I’ve always been a huge supporter of cops in general. They have a tough job to do for the most part.

Sure, there are bad apples, just as they are everywhere, but it does NOT mean we tar ‘em all with the same brush.

Anyway, in all this I forgot to tell you what happened.

In 2008, and I’ve mentioned the drama, court cases, honor killing threats etc nd all the BS that happened when yours truly – GASP! – dared to marry of his own free will (And hers. So no, I didnt “trick” anyone into getting married as I’m often accused of!).

India being what it is, despite the fact I did NOT believe in religion – never have, never will, there was some smoke filled ceremony or the other that I had to go through.

Gawd, my eyes watered, I still remember …

And then of course, the eternal “walk around the fire”.

Yours truly was decked up in head gear that the Teleban would be proud of.


But it is what it is!

And anyway, after that, the real deal. Go to court, get the damn thing solemned or whatever and piss off happily ever after.

Not so for Shilpi Saini, an Indian lawyer who we hired (wrong choice) and wanted to screw us out of more than she was already gypping yours truly for.

We were sitting under a pillar on the Delhi Metro.

Doing nothing.

All of a sudden, cops pulled up.

Showed up in my face claiming “we were kissing and causing public nuisance” (and to be fair, there wasn’t even a bystander nearby!) when we were not.

And claimed “he had other ways to take me in” if I resisted. Which yours truly never did!

I won’t get into it here, but for those interested, let me know, and I’ll direct you to the Delhi High Court pages (annals) where a fantastic judge threw the whole damn thing out in a way only HE Can.

Justice Muralidhar is a man for the ages!

Unfortunately he gets transferred every time he has to make an importance decision these days.

I’ve never seen him, but I admire the man for doing the right thing.

But anyway, I wanted to fight these trumped up bullshit charges which were based upon the fact that “neither family would support the marriage” and yours truly despite having TONS Of knowledge on the American legal system, cops, etc wasn’t really a fan of or aware of how things worked on the ground in Asia.

India, specifically, but China as well which can be way worse sometimes in certain regards.

And of course, all the advice I got was “drop it”.

“You can’t fight the cops!” My Dad said.

And of course, when it was all said and done and we got the letter of apology from the police, and thus forth, the entire world sallied forth to support us.

There’s more to all this, of course, including court case #2 which I haven’t mentioned here. Maybe I will, hehe.

But point begets.

Do the right thing, bro. Fight for whats yours and whats RIGHT.

And the world will eventually bend to that as well!

Fitness wise, you ask?

Well, fitness wise, never stop fighting to get in the best damn shape of your life my friend.

Thats for starters.

You owe it to yourself, and then some!

Never settle for second best when it comes to pull-ups.

Never … but ah, I think you get my point!

Enough for now – I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – We weren’t even kissing. Hehe. All we were doing was sitting together. Insane!

PS #2 – Take a gander at Corrugated Core right here – it’s a course that will FRY the fat off your midsection quicker than LARD in a frying pan, bro (or fat off a a Foreman grill). It’s also something you can use during these not-so-merry times to keep and stay in the best shape of your life!

(Remember, the core is where it’s at!)

PPS – They gypped me out of money, yes, but Delhi Police did eventually do the right thing, and return what the cops stole. OF course, expecting the Bar Council to do the right thing is like asking pigs to fly …

Why being a ONE LEGGED MAN in an ASS KICKING contest can sometimes be a damned good thing.
- If you can "do it" on one leg, hehe ...

Jack Carter.

Not the 1971 classic, but the Stallone remake, and I have to admit, it wasn’t one of Sly’s best works – but if you’re a die hard Stallone fan like I am, you’ll love it.

I loved the movie, despite the fact it had almost zero real action as compared to the gritty Michael Caine flick made in the UK years ago.


Right down to Caine getting out of bed with his erect you know what “pointing” at two gun men. (while he reaches down to grab a massive rifle of his own under the bed).

“Put that away, Jack”, one of the gun men laughs. “He means that”, of course, he said, gesturing to the rifle.


And classic!

As was to an extent the Mickey Rourke line of “Let me tell you something, Jack! You’re going to end up as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.

(There is a lot of dialog here I love, but I’ll omit for the sake of brevity and jumping to the point)

Now if you still want to do this little dance for old time’s sake Jack – then – BRING IT!”

(and the one legged comment after that – I must admit I inverted the order)

It’s something I’ve been explaining to my 7 year old as of late.

And she giggles away every time I say it, no doubt forming a picture of “fat Papa with a round tummy on one leg”.

Kids are so cute, hehe.

Anyway, if you CAN fight on one leg – then KUDOS to you, bro.

You’re so far ahead of the rest I cannot even begin to tell you!

Let me tell you something, Jack.

If you can do one leg squats, for instance, bodyweight Hindus or “ass to floor” squats – youre ELITE.

Even if you can go halfway down!

Ditto for doing one leg rope jumps(something I show you HOW To do in Jump Rope Mania! And its easy, really. Way easier than most think!) …

Or one arm pull-ups.

OR even HANGING on to the bar with one hang, which I just finished for a minute on both sides with both arms.

If you can do any of this, you’re already in great, great shape.

But you can always improve!

And back to bringing it ..


The honor killing threats, either supposed or real when Igot married?


The Bozos sending me “threats” on emails (which I love, because they’re so hilarious and toothless, much like the “lovely” reviews he leaves, hehe, and Amazon panders) ?

Bring it, scofield. I WILL turn you into a one legged man pronto, and I dont do that with many people at all, bro, but as a customer recently said, what the Bozo needs is a slap across the face, and most likely someone has already DONE it to him.

But if not, I’ll be happy to do it.


Fitness wise, the arm chair theorists and “experts” that claim bodyweight stuff doesnt build STRENGTH, and loads of muscle?

Well, and again.


And thats how to go about things!

Well, my friend – thats it for now. I’m removing BOTH my hands from the keyboard (no, I’m NOT putting them elsewhere for now!) … and Ill be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I’ll be putting out a course on one arm work pretty soon – stay tuned. Probably an advanced conditioning course too. Plyometrics. So much to do, so little time, but when the urge hits – watch out! Hehe.

For now, gorge yerself on “Isometric Training and Flexiblity”, which already seems to be pissing a ton of bozonators off, hehe.

Why I advocate playing to your strengths, and always have myself …
- Because it's the only way that WORKS!

“Never try to box a boxer, and never try to wrestle a wrestler”.

So said a close friend of mine, and he was RIGHT. Unless your Mike Tyson or Dan Gable, of course, hehe. Or perhaps the Gama. But even if you’re “exceptional” as my friend called me, the above holds true because … well, I’ll get to that soon!

I’d add on the following tho.

“Never get into a piss fight with a skunk” (because you can’t win that way, hehe).

But you CAN shoot the skunk, or shoo it off, or whatever …

But it’s interesting.

How many people do the exact opposite of what should be the blinding obvious.

Yours truly has always done what has been mentioned int he subject line of this here email, either instinctively or otherwise.

Despite my many outwards strengths, and yes, they ARE strong points in tons of ways, most people miss my strongest point.

They mention the writing. They mention the ability to do pull-up, or hike in extreme weather carrying loads for hours.

They mention my superb conditioning, and the “V shape to my back”.

The Bozos get ticke doff at “how many girls keep asking for my wechat” (in most cases women that are far younger than me – but age is just a number as I’ve always said!)

Or my so called genetic gifts physically – note – I got a sum total of zero. Perhaps negative. I’ve WORKED at this stuff first brah!

And only then put out what I did, and thats why I stand behind it 100% and more (and no refunds, drama, BS etc – lookie lous, whiners etc not welcome).

But my strongest points are the MIND – and my ability to trust and follow my GUT – and pull a Houdini several times when it’s most needed.

Several years ago, my wife called me the following “Khota Sikka” (diamond in the rough).

She was right.

But she missed the Houdini and gut part … which to be honest is really what any true survivor is made of at the core.

It ain’t about your physical skills, or lack thereof. Sure, you should have those.

It ain’t how many guns you own, or girls you bang.

Maybe that matters, I dont know!

But your MIND is really what counts – in life – and everywhere. Yours instinct too, and I like to call my own approach and have called it as well, the BLACK MAMBA mentality.



Snipe – and STRIKE – but only when that IRON IS HOT!

Or, the tiger mentality if you so would.

Stalk for hours, but when it’s time to get the job done – BAM!

And not a minute befor eor after either!

In the meantime, keep doing your own thang.

Is that the coward’s way out?

Not at all, bro.

It’s the SMART person’s way of doing things!


And in the meantime, remember one thing.

We all have weaknesses.

You’re only as strong as the weakest link in your chain, so in the meantime, work on those.

Sure, you’ll still have strengths anyway. Strong points and weak points. But the key is this – you CONVERT the weak points into strong ones either way!

It’s what I’ve done ALL MY LIFE.

And fitness wise, it’s obvious.

Weak grip?

Well, Gorilla Grip and Gorilla Grip (Advanced) will take care of the issue for you provided you DO what it mentioned.

Want to get to “stud” level at pull-ups and knock ‘em out effortlessly, David Goggins style or better, all damn day long?

Well, get the course. And do the thing!

Weak shoulders?

Ditto …

And so forth.

And thats how you live, my friend. In all ways!

Play to your strengths, and convert your weak points into strong ones, an dhammer ‘em galore when the time is RIGHT.



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Check out our other products right HERE.

Why I might STOP selling on Amazon, period … (at least my ebooks)
- Theyre fast turning into PANDERERS ...

I’ve made a decision … sort of, or almost.

I might stop selling on Amazon ENTIRELY very soon.

Yes, this probably comes across as even more contrary to what I normally say, and what the vasssst majority of the people DO. I mean, Amazon.

How can I stop selling there, you might ask. The world’s biggest e-retailer for one … an dbiggest many other things …

Well, it’s simple.

The way they seem to be pandering to the trolls, trollish comments, and – most importantly, the serial refunders, as of whom I’ve been having a rash of lately.

Not to mention blindly blocking, banning books etc (in another business vertical I write in). The most amazing part was when they emailed me about a book that I Supposedly “had to get permission to publish” – even though I am the author for the book, and even though NO other publisher had published it! (in that vertical, I used to publish a few years ago in collabaration with other publishers from the UK).

(Before going “solo” as it were, hehe).

But really, these serial refunders and the Amazon system itself (which works great if you’re a customer, but not so much these days if you’re a seller unless you’re prepared to jump through all their various hoops) are the reason.

Most of the former category fall into either the “Oh my! That money coul dhave been better spent on something from the house” chants from the wife … or, people that just flat out won’t use the info.

Lookie Lou’s, as I like to call ‘em.

And I do NOT cater to either category.

It’s simple bro.

Either you make a choice, or you dont.

And once you do, you go the whole humpty. NO backing out, which is why I VERY CLEARLY state the NO REFUNDS policy on my website, and generally don’t even reply to emails asking for the same (unless the person couldn’t download the book or whatever, in which case I’ll move heaven and earth making sure he or she CAN).

Or, unless (and as a certain customer recently wanted) – he “can’t login to the account”.


I didnt have that function on the site, and I told him that – but as soon as I did, a light bulb went off.

“Rahul, wouldn’t be it be convenient for GENUINE customers to have a place to track their purchases and re-download if need be?”

In the past I hadn’t done this, but I went ahead and did it for him (and everyone else obviously) that same night.

Only catch being, you have to email me to get your registration approved. Sorry trollos, no auto bot signups anymore … it’s only for REAL customers. Paying customers.

And in the future, I’ll have paperbacks here on this site as well. There will be TWO options for each product – one the currently existing e-download option, and the second the paperback. Be on the outlook for it -oh and we’re also going to set up the “full membership” option (currently a $799 price tag) in a much more convenient manner than is already.

What will happen is you’ll be able to go to the product page and download directly from there if you’re a customer that has opted for that option, as opposed to the groups option as it is now.

Both work, but the former is far smoother and less hoops to jump through as it were.

Be on the outlook for both!

And I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The latest serial refunding BOZO did so with Isometric training and flexiblity training. You on this list know the importance of the same – pick up the course NOW, my friend.

The conditioning FANATIC that couldn’t keep (or get) his jab up!
- True story, hehe. Blast from the PAST! But Marc is a great, great GUY!

It’s funny.

I remember an instance where Marc the African silver back Gorilla was talking about boxing one day.

And getting in the ring with him (I think we were out there doing pull-ups, an dI was coaching him on how to do ‘em).

And while Iwas doing dips, he made the comment about how I could and should do dips with extra weight “like the Rock” does.

And he does!

And of course, the famous “you’ve got that V shape to your back that girls love!

Anyway, in the midst of all this, he said something else.

“I’m no conditoning guy”, he said. “And I’m carrying more weight around the midsection than I should!”

To be fair, he was …

But to be fair, he also … ah, but we’ll get there soon!

Anyway, he asked me to do the following.

“Get in the ring with me, Rahul!”

I laughed out LOUD.

I’m many things, and good at many things, but boxing with a pro level boxer (and he was almost at that level) is NOT one, hehe!

“I wouldn’t last more than a second”, I said, clapping him on the shoulder.

He looked me over.

“Conditioning wise, you would!”

Well, a year or so later he put me through a boxing workout which left me SPANKED to the bone.

And then once we were done with that workout, we DID get in the ring.

And I remember NOT being able to get my jab up in about round #3 or so.

My shoulders were burning like nothing else, hehe.

The rest of me was hurting, but the shoulders!

From the Shoulders like Boulders guy.

And we burst into laughter midway.

Was a great, great workout, much like the time where Marc’s apartment block elevator wasn’t working, and we decided to hoof it up about 14 flights of stairs (which was actually more like 20 the way those apartment were designed).

With beers in hand … Hehe.

“I could barely hear you breathe”, he said once he collapsed into a chair.

True. IT was easy peasy for me.

But he did the thing!

He GOT her done, and didn’t stop throughout, and for that I gotta give credit where credit’s due.

And thats why he is the AFRICAN silverback gorilla, with shoulders to boot, hehe.

But anyway, point begets.

Conditioning is KEY my friend. In the ring, or anywhere in life.

So is physical FITNESS.

You never know when you might need it!

And while boxing specific conditioning is something that you really have to train with the experts, FITNESS and conditoning in general – and STRENGTH and HEALTH from the inside out is something yours truly is well qualified to teach you, and you SHOULD listen to me on it, hehe.

And thats that for now.

Be sure and jump on the 0 Excuses Fitness train – and get started TODAY!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pushups are a mainstay of any serious boxer’s routine. And I give you PLENTY to do right here – Pushup Central. Be sure and grab this course now, and check out the reviews while you’re at it too.

(And leave your OWN review post purchase/trial!).

Its the start that counts.
- You gotta start ... SOMEPLACE!

I’ve said this before, and so did Lo Taszu, that wise old philosopher.

The journey of a thousand miles … starts with ONE single step, bro!

And it does.

IN life, fitness, biz, anything – the START is really what gives you momentum and gets th eball rolling.

Over the past couple of days, I’ve got yet another website up for another biz.

It wasn’t originally supposed to have a newsletter, but it does now.

And even yours truly started to wonder.

“When will this ever reach 500, 1000 etc” I thought (note – the current site you’re on NOW has more than 1000 posts, and the other one which you NKOW about probably does too!)

And this stopped me from creating the blog, newsletters etc initially.

Yesterday I woke up and did it anyway.

Posted one post.

Which turned into another.

And right before I’m writing this to you, I posted another.

Thats three already.

And if I keep that up, it wont take long to reach 200 or 500 – or whatever goal!

Key is to get started first bro.

Wanna get good at pushups? Get good at ONE first, and start!


Just START, bro!

Where there is a will there is always a WAY.

It’s getting STARTED is what counts – in any sphere of life.

Do so now, bro.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – HERE is the link for the best damned fitness system ever!

Faith, blind faith, BELIEFS, and more!
- All used interchangeably, but understanding - and then IMPLEMENTING - the difference is KEY.

The terms are used interchangeably often, and with good reason!

All these terms are CLOSER to each other than you might realize, and yet different.

And so I thought I’d do up a bit on it!

First, the two things – FAITH. And belief.

The two are different.

One moves mountains. The other leads up to the other.

In other words, FAITH is what moves mountains – seemingly umovable ones.

Belief does too, but if it’s just belief, then its probably goals you thought you would achieve anyway …

When belief gets upgraded to FAITH – NOW THERE YOU’VE GOT A WINNER!

Faith means TRUST.

Trusting in yourself when no-one else does, and when all seems impossible.

It means trusting the Universe to deliver what you want!

In your ability to CREATE results!

And if you believe all the above, great! You already DO HAVE faith.

And on that note, an importan tthing.

The difference between BLIND faith and real faith.

(some of you on this list might remember the example I gave on this a few emails back)

Well, blind faith is when (for instance) you dont really know the answer to something, but pretend you do.

And it’s something that you instinctively know might or might not happen, but say it will anyway.

REAL faith?

In those situations, you would smile an inscrutable Cheshire cat grin and say nothing, or smile and say “maybe”.

While believing deep down inside that it will!

Case in point being when I was put on the spot in 2018. THAT TIME!

I was hit out of left field basically.

I had NO LOGICAL or any answer planned, or otherwise.

I didnt expect it. I was coming home after a workout!

And the question that was sprung at me by people you’d think were closest to me?

Was a very WELL Thought out one, or so they THOUGHT hehe.

A true case of logic not trumping GUT and real faith, which it never does. Never ever!

My answer just “came”.

NO logic. NO planning. Spontaneous!

And then equally spontaenously, I changed the time frame I gave said people to do said thing.

And MIRACULOUSLY, the help I needed appeared out of nigh on NOWEHERE without me evven trying.

Typos and all aside, that, bro is TRUE faith which most folks will NEVER, EVER understand – but should!

And fitness wise, here is how it works.

Belief is what you’ve been programmed with i.e. gyms are “needed” to get fit.

Faith is KNOWING instinctively that you’ve been fed with a crock of shit all your life in that regard.

Logically, you can back this up of course. You can point to results etc.

And faith is standing in front of the mirror, looking at a bloated and corpulent YOU – and MAKING A VOW to yourself that you WILL no matter WHAT – get the fittest you’ve ever been.

Once you have that faith!

Watch out!

Them mountains will nigh disappear.

I should know. I did it, and continue to!

So can you, my friend.

So can YOU!!!

Get on the TRAIN – NOW!


RahuL mookerjee

PS – More such typo ridden motivation (well, not really, hehe, I do spell check books occasionally) is available right HERE – Gumption Galore.

PS#2 – This post should be read in conjunction with that post I did up a while ago about how I knew everything was going to turn out GREAT. Do a search on the blog, and you’ll find it! (happened towards end of 2019).

PPS – Those days when you wake up. Just KNOWING it will turn out OK. And great. That FEELING! THAT IS FAITH! REAL FAITH! Trick’s to live like that DAILY.