Faith, blind faith, BELIEFS, and more!
- All used interchangeably, but understanding - and then IMPLEMENTING - the difference is KEY.

The terms are used interchangeably often, and with good reason!

All these terms are CLOSER to each other than you might realize, and yet different.

And so I thought I’d do up a bit on it!

First, the two things – FAITH. And belief.

The two are different.

One moves mountains. The other leads up to the other.

In other words, FAITH is what moves mountains – seemingly umovable ones.

Belief does too, but if it’s just belief, then its probably goals you thought you would achieve anyway …

When belief gets upgraded to FAITH – NOW THERE YOU’VE GOT A WINNER!

Faith means TRUST.

Trusting in yourself when no-one else does, and when all seems impossible.

It means trusting the Universe to deliver what you want!

In your ability to CREATE results!

And if you believe all the above, great! You already DO HAVE faith.

And on that note, an importan tthing.

The difference between BLIND faith and real faith.

(some of you on this list might remember the example I gave on this a few emails back)

Well, blind faith is when (for instance) you dont really know the answer to something, but pretend you do.

And it’s something that you instinctively know might or might not happen, but say it will anyway.

REAL faith?

In those situations, you would smile an inscrutable Cheshire cat grin and say nothing, or smile and say “maybe”.

While believing deep down inside that it will!

Case in point being when I was put on the spot in 2018. THAT TIME!

I was hit out of left field basically.

I had NO LOGICAL or any answer planned, or otherwise.

I didnt expect it. I was coming home after a workout!

And the question that was sprung at me by people you’d think were closest to me?

Was a very WELL Thought out one, or so they THOUGHT hehe.

A true case of logic not trumping GUT and real faith, which it never does. Never ever!

My answer just “came”.

NO logic. NO planning. Spontaneous!

And then equally spontaenously, I changed the time frame I gave said people to do said thing.

And MIRACULOUSLY, the help I needed appeared out of nigh on NOWEHERE without me evven trying.

Typos and all aside, that, bro is TRUE faith which most folks will NEVER, EVER understand – but should!

And fitness wise, here is how it works.

Belief is what you’ve been programmed with i.e. gyms are “needed” to get fit.

Faith is KNOWING instinctively that you’ve been fed with a crock of shit all your life in that regard.

Logically, you can back this up of course. You can point to results etc.

And faith is standing in front of the mirror, looking at a bloated and corpulent YOU – and MAKING A VOW to yourself that you WILL no matter WHAT – get the fittest you’ve ever been.

Once you have that faith!

Watch out!

Them mountains will nigh disappear.

I should know. I did it, and continue to!

So can you, my friend.

So can YOU!!!

Get on the TRAIN – NOW!


RahuL mookerjee

PS – More such typo ridden motivation (well, not really, hehe, I do spell check books occasionally) is available right HERE – Gumption Galore.

PS#2 – This post should be read in conjunction with that post I did up a while ago about how I knew everything was going to turn out GREAT. Do a search on the blog, and you’ll find it! (happened towards end of 2019).

PPS – Those days when you wake up. Just KNOWING it will turn out OK. And great. That FEELING! THAT IS FAITH! REAL FAITH! Trick’s to live like that DAILY.

Why some mysteries are best left UNSOLVED …
- So we dont screw things up further than we ALREADY do, hehe.

Because we as humans are a deeply flawed kind that do ALL we can to f*** up something that works perfectly fine.

Perhaps thats where the saying grew out of!

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

You’d be surprised at how many have tried to do just that through the ages, and continue to.

I’ve been guilty of the same thing sometimes, although not in terms of fitness …

(case in point my IT tinkering which is great, but beyond a point, hehe) …

But anyway, I’ve made no mention of the fact I dream.

VIVID dreams at that.

And after starting to study dreams at the age of 37, which is when I first adopted the practice and DISCIPLINE (and believe me, it is tough sometimes!) of WRITING them dreams down . . . I must confess I am not that far along on the road to understanding the subconscious mind.

Napoelon Hill once wrote about how so little is known about this part of the mind, and amazingly enough, THIS is what drives the entire WORLD, my friend.

You might think conscious thinking and rationale rules.

Not so, my friend.

You do NOTHING and think NOTHING without the subconscious being involved in a certain manner.

And thats why I keep speaking about visualization and conditoning for one!

But really, point is this – my dreams DO foretell the future. Right down to what I’m going to write today!

Right down to what WILL happen soon, or in the future.

Right down to FIGHTS.


Right down to people I’ll meet in the future, including their NAMES! Jack Lin being a prime example …

But try as I might, I have NOT been able to understand the pictorial significance of some of the characters that pop up in my dreams.

“Rajinder” was an old school friend of mine, and “vandana” was a high school teacher of mine.

Oddly enough, although I haven’t seen or heard from either after high school, I KEEP seeing them in my dreams.

She was gorgeous, yes. Hehe.

And he was a good friend at the time, but we lost touch.

And the only common thread there was my crush on my teacher, and how he knew about it.

Probably others did too.

But … they signify SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from “friend” and “teacher”.

Ditto for tiger, and any of the other symbols that keep popping up. Crocodiles for one!

But more that I think about it, the more I’m convinced that this part of the mind should remain unexplored.

Lest we start understanding more of it than we do (which is miniscule) and we screw it up even MORE, hehe.

Anyway, fitness wise, I’m glad to tell you that MOST mysteries SHOULD be resolved, and HAVE BEEN.

Por ejempelo, the mystery of why you dont lose weight despite HOURS of exercise.

Why despite those hours that nasty “fat on the obliques” (love handles, or hate handles, hehe) just does NOT go away.

Or, why bench pressing just doesnt give you the RAW POWER AND STRENGTH that handstand pushups and pull-ups do …

And so forth.

These things shoul dbe resolved, and they HAVE been!

And on that note, I’m out. Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

The size conundrum for those of that workout – right!
- Which size to buy is ALWAYS the issue, hehe.

I’ve written about this before. Shopping for clothes can be a nightmare for a lot of us that workout regularly, and are in shape.

Not just because you keep growing out of your shirts, for you guys out there!

And because the waist keeps getting “whittled” down – ladies!

And guys too, and kids, of course in that regard.

I actually found it far easier to shop for clothes when I was FAT.

I just went for “XXXL” or “Plus sizes” and that was that.

But now?

Anyway, I recently ordered a RED sweat shirt which says “trouble maker” ont he front, hehe. I wrote about that too!

And I left a review for it this morning.

“Great fit, fits as expected! IF you guys or gals workout, and have broad shoulders, buy a size up!”

And it’s TRUE.

If I bought “my size” for shoulders, which is XXL, it would fit fine around the waist. But it would look “tight” across the shoudlers, and FEEL tight. And yes, I’ve ripped out of shirts while working out too!

And so I ALWAYS buy a size up for upper body.

Lower body? They usually say “buy a size up” for lower body. I buy the right size, or a size LOWER.

And I’d probably buy two lower, except for my butt, hehe. I have a rather “muscular” one which gets fat easy, and probably fits more on a gal than a guy, hehe. But like with everythng about it, there is no IN BETWEEN.

You’re either in shape or you aren’t.

When I’m not, I look FAT and terrible.

When I am?

Movie star. Fantastic! Ironman! And so forth!

I’d rather the latter, hehe. Any day.

Even if buying clothes can be a conundrum, and the XXXL sweatshirt BE billowing around my waist, hehe.

All in a day’s work – until 0 Excuses Fitness starts making clothing too, hehe, which I might down the road!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the fitness system that got me in such great shape and continues to keep me there and more right here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System. Hindu squats – oh my!

Why Mr T was SPOT on about “living alone and training alone”
- More on living A frigging ALONE, hehe.

In a dungeon at that, hehe, or something that looked close to it. Mighty close, right down to the leaking drain pipes next to T as he does PULL-ups – TWO FINGERED PULL-UPS – STUPER STUD LEVEL!!!

Sure, he didnt go all the way up and all the way down, but still, doing two finger pull-ups with heavily taped fingers after a boxing workout?

I’ve done ‘em.

And let me tell you, boxing workouts are anything but easy brah.

And while Mr. T’s “real life” routine DOES include the gym, he used to be a bouncer. I bet he knows a thing or two about conditioning!

Anyway, I’m a huge, huge Sly Stallone fan. That much is known.

But Rocky III?



But the SOLE bright spot is Mr T!

Those training montages are classic – with T pumping out sit ups on a ball. Pull-ups in the manner I mentioned. Shadow boxing. And of course, the Loooong “Eye of the Tiger” boxer’s run (and no he wasn’t doing “heart rate int he target zone cardio” either brah).

Great, great stuff.

Motivational, inspirational, and REAL MAN training.

But anyway, in that movie he made the following comment while disparaging “Rocky” (who to be honest at that point deserved it).

“I live alone! I train alone! And the next time I’m not going to knock him out easy! He’s going to FEEL IT!”

(what he meant was he’d draw the thang out basically. Slow torture).

Point isn’t the movie though, or the dialog itself, or even how Stallone personally sees the “Eye of the Tiger” later in another equally decrepit gym where REAL MEN trained!

Hell, one LOOK in their eyes!

As “Apollo Creed” said.

“This is wher eI started. See the LOOK in their EYE, Rocko??”

(Rocko’s bro in law wanted to get out of there because “lets get out of here before they kill us”. Another classic was Paulie!).

But anyway, I’ve spoken about the LOOK in the eye often.

On the Battletank Shoulders page, and on MORE pages that I care to recall right now.

Perhaps also on Gumption Galore off the top of my head, but tons of others too.

But back to living and training alone.

I’ve made my best gains when living alone. True.

Ever wonder how prisoners get so jacked?

One reason is BODYWEIGHT exercises done right – and thats the main reason.

But they also have nothing else to deal with. No stressors. No jobs. No need to worry about income. Family shrieking at them. Moms and wives fighting and dragging yours truly into it. (or whoever).

Bells clanging off the hook. UGH! If there is something I hate it’s the goddamned doorbell. No wonder I dont HAVE one in MY apartment!

And more such annoyances which people CREATE, to be honest.

And then claim “thats how we are” …

OK, great.

But living alone takes a lot of that off your shoulders, and you free your time up to train.

Good news though, bro, is this, you dont need to turn into a cave dwelling “live alone and I’ll knock your teeth out” type if you dont WANT to.

(It will get results yes, but it ain’t necessary).

You just need DISCIPLINE.

Either do exercise every hour on the dot, or schedule it in somehow.

Or do what you gotta do.

Do pull-ups. Do sprints. Do squats. Do whatever works – for YOU.

Key thing is to BUCKLE down – and GIVE exercise the importance it deserves. I wrote about that in an earlier post.

And that my brother right there BE the secret.

Have at!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up YOUR copy of the 0 Excuses Fitness System NOW and get cranking.

What the mighty TIGER and tiger dreams can teach YOU about fitness -a nd LIFE.
- A ROAR for one, hehe.

I had a dream last night. Which isn’t anything out of the ordinary, of course, for yours truly.

Yours truly “seer” has had deceased family relatives show up in dreams warning him of dangers ahead that DID happen (and that I foolishly did NOT prepare for).

On MORE than one occasion, my dreams have , in their unique and symbolic way PREDICTED – the future!

I didnt know people that appeared in those dreams from Adam – or Eve.

Yet, I met ‘em. Sometimes weeks later, sometimes earlier, but it happened.

Anyway, there was a TIGER last night – stalking me through the “forest” (though it was an urban jungle!).

A crappy urban jungle at that, hehe. Sort of like “El Honduras” if you get my drift …

And the tiger – there were three of them, actually, were chasing some sort of weird “black headed” massive beast.

One of them finally got it.

The second was running uphill at the speed of KNOTS after more prey.

Yours truly and another person were in the way so we jumped out and “hid” in an alleyway waiting for the tigers to go their own way.

Except, it didnt.

I felt a bit of a tickle behind me.

Looked behind.

It was the tiger!

And as it roared, that mighty roar, I could see the FANGS!

And it went to town on the other person as I took off like lightning, hehe.

What happened after that isn’t of interest to this communication, but I’ve often written about how tigers are at the VERY TOP of the food chain, and how lions are BY NO MEANS the king of the jungle.

Lions don’t even live in the jungle, bro.

The TIGER is where it’s at. The Royal Bengal Tiger!

A stealth predator if any!!

Wait, watch, and STRIKE!

Which is what it did in the dream.

Kind like the “black mamba” mentality I talk about so often.

The “Jason Bourne” sniper like mentality!

Anyway, tigers can teach us a lot.

First, and importantly being to follow your GUT and intuition – and I know of NO other animal that embodies this better than the mighty and PEERLESS Bengal tiger!

And second, the way it works out.

El Tiger doesnt walk for miles one day and flop down into a brush or something and say “my legs are tired”.

“I need a break today from walking”.

El Tiger eats MEAT, and a lot of it.

And it SLEEPS afterwards.

And el Tiger usually doesnt go for those long, drawn out “cardio” routines that the Bozos do (Bozo Scofield for one with his mammoth belly doing “miles of walking” daily at 3 AM according to him).

They do SPRINTS.

Quick bursts.

El Tiger can reportedly reach up to 60 km/hr in one of these bursts. Some serious league speed I’d say!

And THAT is how YOU should approach life – and fitness.

In life, when it’s all said and done, you have that famous Mike Tyson quote.

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”.

In the ring, three things matters.

Your TRAINING. Your conditioning (very important – trust me!) … and your SKILL. An dthe killer instinct, and perhaps a host of other things, but when it’s all said and done?

When you’re staring at a monster ready to knock your damn block off??


Gut feeling, bro. Same thing applies to life as well.

And fitness wise, you’d be well served by following the QUICK workout bursts that tigers, and other animals follow – and stay lean, mean, strong and in FIGHTING shape!

Get on the shtick NOW bro – Animal Kingdom Workouts (yes, I’ve dedicated TWO exercise entirely to the TIGER in there – check ‘em out!).

(And do ‘em, if you cAN!)


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – First it was a case of having no electricity all day long back in August for whateva reason, and now no water apparently. Luckily I could flush the toilet in the morning, hehe, but … ah, but I’ll get into (so called) obstacles at a later date.

PS #2 – For now, make sure that (along with the above program) – you also get on Advanced Hill Training. Truly a course FOR THE AGES as it were.

Every hour on the DOT!
- Treat exercise with the SERIOUSNESS it DESERVES!

Its time to treat exercise with the seriousness it DESERVES, my friend – and given the nigh increasing number of lardasses – both young and old out there, this deserves more than a mention.

And it needs to be said, so I’m saying it!

Lets think bout all the things you do every hour.

Get up to get a cup of Java, for those of you in the office (or water, or coffee every X hours, or so forth).

Check your emails.

Get on the dumbphone to check your notifications.

Do something or the other on Facebook or Twitter.

Perhaps just get up to go to the John, or get a snack every so often.

Whatever it is, why is it that exercise needs a “scheduled time” or to be “fitted in”?

Why can it not be, as it SHOULD BE, and is for ME at any rate – PART AND PARCEL of your daily life, just like breathing is??

Believe me, simple things like this are really the keys to DISCIPLINE which in turn get super results!

Sure, if you can chalk out a time in your routine and STICK to that time religiously, and not miss a day – then great.

I did that myself for many years!

But when you get increasingly busy and overloaded as I have been the past couple of days, you switch things around.

I’ve been doing 50 Hindus on the DOT every hour as of late.

Not a big deal at all for me, and yet, every time I do them my time improves and I’m WHANGING them out – and I’m breathing heavy!

For me, that takes a minute. And I usually do a few pull-ups and handstand pushups or other movements along with it.

A brief 5 minute interlude at most. Sometimes Ill go for longer. But Idont have to!

And the other day I did a 250 squat workout.

Now, remember I haven’t been doing them in those numbers for a very long time now.

And I was AMAZED to note my time improve by almost half a minute.

May not seem like a lot until you do it, of course. If you do it, you’ll see!

More than improvement though, I’m getting in workouts throughout the day.

I’m HUNGRY – constantly – despite eating MORE!

And I’m getting into even better shape than I’m in NOW.

Trust me, my friend. Get on the right programs – and adopt the right mentality – and nothing can stop you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Get on the best program out there NOW.

Do we need “more women in charge”?
- We need more true equality and less BS is what we need, Madam Chloe . . .

Saw the following passage written by “Chloe” (a contact of mine on social media), and I’d normally let it pass.

But in the sort of mood Im in today, I ain/t either. Hehe. It’s time to call a SPADE a SPADE, and while feminism is great Nazi feminism isn’t and the entire post smacks of the latter.

We need more women in charge.

Of all the companies I know of, less than 5% are female-run. These companies give out a more respectful, uplifting vibe, and there’s less bullshitting and more efficiency in general.

One’s managing style has nothing to do with their gender, but women usually have the kind of compassion that it’s not very common among men.

Have you had a female boss? What’s your experience with them compared with a male boss?

Um …

Let me start by saying NO, I’ve never had a female boss.

Let me also tell you this, Chloe. I once worked a full time job (the first one which I worked in China, at that) and Iasked “Leslie” a co-worker of mine if he would mind working with or supervising female employees.

His answer was emphatic.

“I’d rather work with men”, he said.

(And no he wasn’t a foreign devil. He was of Chinese origin from Hong Kong).

Now, I knew why he was saying that, but I Asked anyway.

“Because anything you tell them, they’ll either complain about discrimination or start bawling” was the gist of what he responded with.

Guess what, my friend.

While NOT ALL WOMEN are that type, a sizeable portion are just that – BOZOS.

Just like a lot of men are.

Difference being, in today’s world, men can get away with a lot friggin less than women.

In India, they recently had a commercial selling some inane product where a woman SLAPS a man no less than NINE times.

It’s true.

I’m not kidding.

The commerical aired on TV too!

And while it was no doubt their version of guirella marketing, the point begets.

I can never ever have a constructive discussion with my Mom for one, mostly because … well, ONE of ther easons is “I’m a woman so I’m right”.

And she got ticked off when I labeled her a Nazi feminist.

How dare I call her a Nazi, she said.

Well, I didnt.

But point begets, again.

Simply because you’re any certain gender does NOT mean you get “free license” to do or say anything!

Look at the number of court cases in America, for one, in liberalsville where the woman earns a lot MORE than the money, and yet who gets stuck with a disproportionate amount of child support?

You got it.

The man!

Am I saying we need “less men and more women” in charge, or “more women and less men in charge”?

I’ not saying either.

What I am touting is EQUALITY and TRUE feminism as opposed to NAZI feminism is about just that – EQUALITY!

NO GENDER gets a free pass!

And back to Madam Chloe’s comments.

hese companies give out a more respectful, uplifting vibe, and there’s less bullshitting and more efficiency in general.

One’s managing style has nothing to do with their gender, but women usually have the kind of compassion that it’s not very common among men.

If there ever was BULLSHIT that stank to high hell and beyond, it’s that.

Men aren’t compassionate? Says who?

Men don’t help others? Says who?

Male led companies are more disrepectful? Says who, other than you Chloe? Who was probably called out by a male boss for NOT getting her job done right (hence all day spent on LinkedIn posting inane comments).

I WILL say this tho.

When it comes to fitness, two things.

I dont care if you’re a man or woman – my ways and means will work for YOU.

If you DO the thing.

And if you don’t, you do NOT get a free pass because of your gender.

No, women aren’t destined to be physically weaker than men either in terms of bodyweight exercise for those that will no doubt complain up a ruckus on this.

Pull-ups, for one, are an exercise that I’ve seen females do a lot better than most men out there.

Ditto for hiking.


And so forth.

Yoga shmoga as well, hehe

But really – no free pass bro. And thats what today’s post is about – take it – or leave it – I dont care – but its true!

And I’m out – for now!


Rahul Mookerjee

Edit – Remind yours truly disgustingly and VERY PROUDLY uber macho MALE NEVER to help Chloe again. I didnt know her from Adam when I offered to first help her, and did, but of course, all men are women hating nutwads eh.

Of course her response to this would be”I dont want your help!”

Well, you took it, Chloe.

And even if you didnt want it, the point begets, IF you can read between the lines …

Why motivation in any way, shape or manner only works if you’re INTERESTED in it!
- You can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it DRINK.

And if you can see past the effing obvious, past your nose at that . . .

And past “current reality”.

The vast majority of people despite their exhortions to the COMPLETE AND UTTER CONTRARY – guess what.



Hate me for saying it, or diss me, or troll me, or make idiotic memes and spread it in WeShat groups, or jump up and down leaving equally moronic, asinine and trollish “loser like” comments like Bozo Glyn the one and only “lunatic el supremo” does, but it’s TRUE.

What do I mean ?

Well, like I wrote about before.

You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

Before the nutzos start jumpin up and down about “what does Rahul know”, well, it ain’t something I said, bro.

And it’s TRUE again.

What do I mean?

Well … always, real life examples explain it the best.

My wife was apparently recently having trouble with (as she puts it, but I disagree) – a “vein” in her lower abs.

I counseled her on it.

Drink Ginseng tea.

“It’s finished! Nothing ever lasts!”

Drink Kashmiri “Kahwa” tea is what I told her next.

It’s a special kind of tea they drink up in Kashmir, Afghanistan, and those regions, and believe me now and trust me later I KNOW what I BE talking about here in terms of the benefits (and it’s different from regular normal Chinese greent ea which by itself is GREAT as well).

She harrumphed.

What khawa. I dont know what that is!

Curiously enough she was the one that informed me about it’s existence a while back

“I need to go the doctor”, she sniffed.

“Doctor”, I queried mildly. “Last time around we did that we filled up two folders – thick ones at that =- bursting at the seams (and literally one is TORN right now) – to these moronic “fancy degree” docs, and afte about a billion bucks spent, a bazillion trips to the docs office, trillions of time taken of work, and perhaps BAZILLIONS of “tests” later … what did we get?”

Irritated “ok, whatever” was the reply.

My daughter recently had a tummy upset.

Nothing more than plain ole constipation. I said it.

Of course, what do I know, eh.

Off went my wife to the doc, who (curiously enough or maybe NOT – HA!) gave her the same goddamned medicine that she ALREADY HAD.

And so forth.

People place way too much faith in fancy degress, and charlatan “Babas” and crap that doesnt work, because they’re just too damn lazy to do the thing.

In my wife’s case, MOVEMENT – any MOVEMENT (NO, I did NOT plug my exercise system to her!) would help, and dissipate the “annoyance” she feels all day long.

But nooooooooooooo.

What does Rahul know, eh.

And lest you think this limits itself to my immediate family, think AGAIN brah.

Think several friggin times.

Think very carefully, and then some

And then go and think AGAIN.

The same thing applies when you tell Bozos like Scofield to DO something productive with their life, as I (in vain) tried to teach him back when I still spoke to him.

His response was to troll.

“How dare he” , hehe.

If you tell a fat person that the reason he can’t do pull-ups despite secretly trying galore is not because of strength alone, but because of way the hell too much LARD around the midsection and tummy, chances are he’ll harrumph back.

“I dont care about pull-ups! The iron is the real deal!”

Tell the nuts who think that grip training isn’t important that it is, and list out the reasons why (which I’ve done HERE an dHERE amongst others!) … and they’ll pooh poooh it in a ridiculous manner.

“The way you emphasize grip training is like you think it’s more important than breathing!”

I wouldn’t say that, bro.

But it’s ALMOST as important!

And there endeth this one.

Long story short – don’t WASTE your time with nuts who will never, ever LISTEN to something uplifting.

And to end this, a story …

(another one, hehe)

… One of the great motivators of yore is Napleon Hill, and if you heard what his immediate circle said about him when he “hadn’t made it” … well, you wouldn’t believe your ears.

And your ears would likely curl up into a ball as well, so stinging was the criticism, and mostly BS for the most part (i.e. he had what it took to SUCCEED, and was willing to put in the hard yards, while the wackos, bozos and nutjobs – nutwads, actually – were NOT).

Again, you can take a horse to water.

But you best NOT make it try and drink if it doesnt want to, unless you’re the Bozo sort who prefers to bang his or her head against a brick wall.

Yes, ladies.

You can do pull-ups, sometimes a damn sight better than men.

But the BOZO thing applies equally to ALL genders.

And that is it from yours truly now – out for now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – PIck up some SPECTACULAR tips on building that grip like NEVER EVER BEFORE – in a a manner very few people CAN – by investing in Gorilla Grip (TIPS!) right HERE.

And before the excuses come a begging and POPPING …
- - please - spare me the DRAMA.

So if you’re not read my last email on why training to failure isn’t that good of an idea all the time, you better do so now, because THIS is relate to THAT.

Isnt it all?


Interconnected web is what he Universe is, really, to be honest …

But the point here isn’t the Universe. It’s YOU, the reader.

And the hordes of people that will ignore most of what I said about the gumption, hard workouts, getting her done NO MATTER WHAT and everything else in the last email, and focus on the “thats all you do” part.

I can just hear the pissers, moaners, whiners and groaners.

“I have a life! I dont work out for so long! I dont have the time! I’m Bozo Scofield and have an active sex life with my nose buried in … ah, but I’ll leave that be! I can’t workout at that time! It’s too hot! I dont know how you work out in that blazing heat!”

And so forth.

I cannot STAND it when someone responds in that manner.

Just like I can’t stand the bozos in the park that do nothing but lounge about and then tell yours truly “how to stretch”. That happened once too, and the guy in question was a portly MO who couldnt’ stretch down to take a crap if it were to save his life.


Thats how FAT some people are, and thats how UNFIT a LOT OF PEOPLE ARE.

(yes, I body shamed you if you’re int hat category – because guess what – HARD truths need to be said sometimes!)

Curiously enough these are the bozos that prattle on about how gyms are better than bodyweight exercises, and how bodyweight is just good for endurane, and how “theyre too big to do pull-ups” or other assorte drubbish.

But really.

MOST people need a KICK UP THE ASS to – guess what.


And most people haven’t an inkling of what TRUE TRAINING To failure is!

16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections might give you an idea.

Advanced Hill Training” might as well.

Animal Kingdom workouts” might as well.

Key is though, you do what you can, and don’t train to failure, but if you’re doing nothing, and if 10 pushups every hour is a chore for you, then you really need to take a step back and re-evalaute what youre doing with your life.

Certain things are basic.

So are certain levels of fitness, and they should be.

I’ve written before about Earlie Liederman’s basic standards of fitness, and most reading this would MISERABLY fail even ONE of those benchmarks.

Can you do 25 dips at a go?

CAN you do a chin up even once, let alone 25 times?

Can you … and I’m adding this – even GET INTO a handstand?

Or do 100 Hindu squats?

OR some of the stretches I mention in Isometric Training and Flexiblity?

All basic levels of fitness according to me, and those that actually did the thing.

True, them workouts I give you are TOUGH.

But I also tell you to tailor them accordingly!

Anyway, the DOERS on this list know what I be talking about.


Charles Mitchell.

John Walker.

And many, many others that I have NOT mentioned here …  Indeed LEGION! 

The DOERS do. The onlookers gape, stand and watch and do precisely squat all with their own miserable lives other than attempting to make others lives miserable, hehe.

And the bozos, well, they do what Bozos do. I ain’t an expert on that. Perhaps I’ll ring up Scofield and ask!

Longish one I know (dont tell the Bozo that – it might turn him on) – but the lesson is EVIDENT!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System right HERE.

PS #2 – A lot of folks are thrilled that I mention them in my emails. Well – I’m equally thrilled – because it’s always a GREAT HONOR to mention DOERS on this list! Thank you!

Why training to failure can be a good idea for SOME people but NOT most – and more.
- For the most part - I wouldn't recommend it if thats NOT all you do in life!

If you’ve read 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections, you’ll understand the truism of how the tough times sometimes shape us – quite literally!

Those loonnnng walks up the hill in hot and humid weather – where people were literally collapsing all around me – done multiple times a day, and often THREE Times a day when I was really, really hitting it (and using that as my primary workout tool, which was a mistake, but more on that later).

Those “Undertaker” like walks I’ve written about. Slow, deliberate, pushing on as the heat literally WRUNG every last drop of FAT from me …

And of course, the “ironman” comments, and so forth.

And the “Da Xing Xing” comments.

Those workouts were, and always WILL be some of the happiest times of my life, done at a time most people wouldn’t dream of working out, and done in a manner even experienced triathletes might shy away from.

Now there was a point during all this where I was quite literally training to failure EVERY workout – and putting in a day of work after that (for a brief period, I worked a crappy full time job, but in its defence, I could choose my timings, and it was a very easy gig, so …) ..

But really, it was ALL GUNS blazing every workout.

When it was climbing hills, ditto. Pull-ups/handstand pushups – ditto.

Soon, I quit that job (not for reasons related to what I’m mentioning here).

But I continued my workout style, and my results improved even further.

But, bear in mind this.

At a certain point in my life, as a friend said to me “Thats all you do!”

“It’s your life!” he said.

It wasn’t actually. I was putting out books and products and courses, but he didnt believe any of that would amount to anything (go figure huh).

And in accordance with the principle of ALWAYS keeping my cards close to my chest, I never really spoke to him about it.

I DID try and get him to do his own products, courses, but you know how it is. You can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink!

Anyway, I backed off on these workouts and the STYLE more to be honest a few months later.

I dont know why (or I didnt then).

But I do now.

Instinctively, my body had had ENOUGH of pushing itself to th elimit.

I needed a break!

And for most people, this sort of training (the train to failure thingy) will kill you within a week.


With stress at home, stress at your job, the commute, the plague from China and all these other idiotic things that shouldn’t be stressors, really, but are – if you overload that nervous system with INTENSE workouts done to failure – it’s a receipe for disaster.

It might work for a while.

And it may work for longer if “thats all you do”.

But training is NOT and should NOT be the end all and be all of life – and this is even if you’re a pro athlete!

You train to live, not the other way around (hehe, I know).

Now, thats why I keep advocating the idea of ONE 15-20 minute workout per day in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and doing something DIFFERENT daily.

Not jumping from pillar to post, but doing something different in a SANE manner.

Or, mini workouts spread out throughout the day.

I’m currently doing 100 Hindus throughout the day (believe me, those 3 minute workouts REALLY make you huff and puff!) – and just ONE set of 100 Hindu squats is more than what most experienced gym trainees that squat well over 300 or whatever can do.

Believe me.

40 is about all they can do and they can’t walk for days thereafter!

For most people, less is indeed more if done right.

Last, but not least, it wasn’t a good idea to focus solely on ONE exercise for SO long because I was neglecting the others. Simple. A.k.a that story of MAJOR soreness when I got back to pushups!

But if you’re really trying to improve at something, you may want to focus on that one thing primarily – but not do it to failure.

Those, my friend are the keys to success at not just working out – but life itself!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Be sure and grab the 0 Excuses Fitness System right here – it truly DOES leave you with 0 Excuses NOT to do the thing.