“Hands like sledgehammers, fingers like STEEL!”
- - and a customer testimonial on Pushup Central!

So, woke up to some great feedback today for my book on pushups – – the new book that is – – and it truly IS the most comprehensive book out there on pushups that I’ve put out till date (and to be honest, I’m yet to see any OTHER book with this many variations on pushups etc).

And bear in mind these are all (well, mostly) pushups done on BOTH arms and BOTH legs. I DO have a few where you use one leg at a time, but for the most part, I haven’t even gotten to the “one armed” training manual as yet – – but hey – – more on that below!

Now you grip fanatics out there might be wondering what the grip part is all about. I don’t blame you – – and without further ado, let’s jump into the email I received today (in the early AM, hehe) from Charles, a long time customer and REGULAR reader of this daily newsletter.

(This was with response to the email I sent out last night about “What a Chinese dude can teach you about working out”. If you haven’t seen that one – – check the blog – – its posted there as well).

Good story!  Got your new push up book off Amazon.  Very impressed!  Was a little hesitant due to the price, but once I got it I was not disappointed!  Just like all the other books I’ve bought from you in the past It’s great!  If I’m ever able to master the fingertip versions of all these push ups I will have hands like sledge hammers and fingers like steel!  Keep up the good work, and start working on a book of training unilaterally, one arm, one leg, etc.  I look forward to this in the future.  Using various progressions, you will truly build incredibly powerful indestructible human beings.  

My response – –

Hi Charles

Great hearing back from you – – and good to know you got (and are enjoying) the book on pushups as well. Thanks for the positive review on the book, as well as the rest – – do leave a review on the Amazon page (for the book on pushups, as well as any others you might have bought and liked) – – reviews help to “spread the word” as it were!

(Ditto if you buy anything directly off the site – email me your feedback in that case!)

Yes, the “one limb” workout book is definitely in the plans – – stay tuned for that! The closest I got to that in THIS book was the “one leg in the air” pushups (both torqueing and otherwise) – – which alone is enough to give the majority of trainees the workout of their lives if done correctly – – but yes – – the “one limb” training course is IN the works – – once again, be on the outlook for that in the future!

With regard to hands like sledgehammers and fingers like steel – – you’re NOT far off the mark. The great Bruce Lee did fingertip pushups all the time (I mentioned this in the book I believe) and so did Dan Hodge (who was reputed to have a grip so strong that he could literally snap a pair of pliers with one hand – – and would regularly crush APPLES with his bare hands at the “ripe young age” of 75+!!). Work up to them with care though – – some of the hand positions are tough even to get into and HOLD – – so start from there (on your palms) and work up. Yet another good way would be to get good – real good at the palm versions of these, while also working in fingertip HOLDS and “mini-reps” for the same exercises.

Keep working ‘em assiduously, and you’ll soon have the fingers – nay, CLAWS of steel that you (correctly!) refer to in your email!



So, there’s some great, great feedback, my friend – – and if you haven’t yet grabbed Pushup Central – – now is the time to do it – – and HERE is where you can do it – – https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/

Also, for all those of you that have bought from me in the past, and CONTINUE to do so, please DO send me feedback such as Charles has, and several other customers have as well. We always enjoy hearing back from our readers and customers – – and please DO sign up for our daily list as well.

Several of you have invested in our products – namely the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and then have RETURNED to purchase other courses (the courses on pull-ups, and the “Eat More – Weigh Less” course, as an example), but have NOT signed up for the newsletters.

Normally, I’d set it so that customers are “auto signed up for newsletters”, and that is what many folks do, but I’m a bit hesitant to go down that route, as it is, after all, at the end of the day, YOUR email address. I’d rather YOU sign up for the newsletter and provide express consent to me to send you daily emails – – it works best that way!

Third, and not least – – there are some valuable tips in that email I sent Charles – see if you can spot ‘em! One of the tips is something I rarely give away in my daily emails, but I’ve done so now – enjoy!

Fourth and last (but not least, hehe) – – the “one limb” training manual is ON the way. Believe me, that is for TRUE fitness fanatics – – doing one arm pull-ups or pushups (and I’m just talking about the REGULAR one arm stuff) is NOT for the faint hearted.

You’ll see what I mean when I come out with the course – – but for now – – feast on Pushup Central – – it truly has everything you need in order to get a complete workout in – – both now – – and for the rest of your lives!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – By the way, email issues sometimes make it hard for me to contact you, so if you’ve sent me an email – – and I have not responded – – it could be that my emails aren’t getting through – – or yours aren’t to me. For instance, I was unable to send Charles a reply from my normal account so I had to switch to another – – and so forth.

It happens – – especially with the amount of spam out there, so that is definitely something to bear in mind as well!

P.S #2 – Another course that has got RAVE reviews is the 0 Excuses Fitness System. This is a “two book” course along with five VIDEOS – – a must have for every serious trainee. Grab it right here – –https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

What a “skinny Chinese dude” can teach YOU about working out!
- - and more on REAL, functional strength ...!

I think it was around last August or thereabouts – perhaps mid-August, when one of the air conditioners in my apartment conked out – for good.

The damned thing had been repaired once before, but it was dripping water all over the living room again – – so I called my landlady, and she called the repairman – – who in turn advised her to buy a new unit.

There are two air conditioners in the apartment I’m in right now – both “split units” rather than the traditional window units if you get my drift.

And though one of them was working, fine, my landlady wanted to replace BOTH.

“How about I replace both”, she asked me.

“Uh, that’s great .. but there is no need”, I responded. “It’s just the living room A/C that is out of order – – bedroom one is working fine”.

But she was getting a special offer if she bought two A/C’s apparently (online, of course!) and of course it was future “insurance” against most repair costs etc – – so two A/Cs it was.

And come installation day, I was in for a SURPRISE – a huge one – – when a skinny Chinese dude that looked like he was 15 or less knocked my door “to make sure it was the right apartment”.

“I’m coming up”, he said cheerily thereafter, and I figured two to three people would show up – – if nothing else, perhaps just him, but with a dolly.

Nothing of the sort, my friend!

Shortly thereafter I heard a noise like a runaway locomotive running out of steam – and there he was.

… With a massive, 1.5 TON compressor – – that he had lugged up BY HAND (the box had a cable wrapped around it, but that’s it!) … up FIVE flights of stairs.

Now bear in mind this dude was no Paul Anderson, or even close to it. Probably weights 50 kg soaking wet, and still …

And he didn’t pause to rest. Off it was for the SECOND compressor. And then the slightly easier actual units and at of that hot summer day – – he was literally breathing like he had sprinted several MILES at a go – – with the sweat pouring off him – – and I could pretty much “see” his heart trying to thump out of his chest (not really, but you get my drift!).

And as he was off, I was reminded of the Chinese lady who used to deliver water to me all those years ago when I first moved to China.

Up and down FOUR flights of stairs she would go – with a large, unwieldy bottle of water in each hand – one of those large 20 liter bottles that you grab by the snout – and she’d rinse, and repeat over and over again. I still remember the first time I shook her hand – – and if you had – – you wouldn’t be mistaken in thinking she was a guy, hehe.

And these are examples, my friend, as I wrote an email or so ago about how you can get in a FANTASTIC workout (and pretty much NOT need any other exercise) doing tasks in your daily life that are either part of your daily routine – or your JOB.

Truly no excuses, and if the Chinese lady – – and skinny Chinese dude – – haven’t inspired you to go start working out NOW – – well – – I don’t know what will!

All for now – I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I mention more such stories of how to work EXERCISE into your daily routine in 0 Excuses Fitness – which if you’re serious in any way, shape or FORM – – you really DO need to grab. I’ve got a special “limited time” offer going on on this which is NOT going to last much longer. Get on the stick NOW, my friend – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

Be human – be YOU!
- .. and thats how - and why -people can relate to YOU!

Over the past couple of days (well, around 28 hours) or so my sites have all been DOWN.

If you’re reading this, it’s likely back up online now, but the last three posts or thereabouts were ALL written while the site was down – – including this one.

Issues happen, sometimes those over which we (and by “we” I mean the guys at the data center, or whoever actually “houses” the server on which 0 Excuses Fitness and a few others are “sitting”) – – but how we DEAL with those issues is key.

Over the past day or so, and indeed every time there is an issue – – I get on “live chat” with the technies at the data center, and on numerous occasions I’m nothing but disappointed with the end result of the chat – – and why?

You might think it’s because of the annoying site outages. True, that’s one reason, but that ain’t the main reason by far. In fact if I were to be honest it doesn’t even rank as being ON THE LIST in that regard, if I might say so.

You may think it’s due to lost sales (no site, no sale obviously). Or simply annoyance at “it shouldn’t be happening if I paid”. And so forth.

None of that.

No, most of the time it is because when I talk to these guys – -and indeed a lot of customer service reps in general – it doesn’t feel like I’m talking to a human being that is actually interested in listening to what I have to say and SOLVING my problem (or trying to).

It feels like I’m talking to a robot – copying and pasting stock answers such as “We are sorry for the inconvenience”. And believe me, being a “techie” myself in a past life, I know that the software has an option to spit out pre-“programmed” responses at a click.

When I get on the phone – or on live chat – I want to make sure I’m talking to a HUMAN BEING.

There are two guys that I’ve dealt with over the past few years with regard to server outages etc (for whatever reason, its happened more times during the space of this year than it has over all the years I’ve been with these guys – reference the “survivor year” email again, hehe) – and although they haven’t always solved my problems instantly – I usually walk away from the chats somewhat satisfied and certainly not “worried”.


Because these two guys actually TALK to you. It’s not just a matter of copying and pasting responses when you talk to them. I’ve even got into mini-arguments with them … hey, it happens! In the heat of the moment, and all that … but at least they’re HUMAN – and that is what counts!

That is the real foundation of good customer service – something which most companies fail to recognize – Amazon being one very notable exception to the rule. If there’s one company in the whole world that I’d unabashedly praise for having GREAT customer service – its Bezos brainchild Amazon!

Lots of people have asked me about my “brash” and “brutally frank” style – – both while writing and while talking to people in person.

Lots have asked me to “tone it down” – – and be more “politically correct” – –  and curiously enough, over the years, it’s been family members that have constantly asked me to do this.

And my answer – – or response?

No way, Jose.

I am who I am – – take it or leave it. What you see is indeed what you get – – and that, my friend is a lesson YOU too would do well to learn – and take on board.

When people deal with you – or buy your products – or talk to you – or come to you for help with fitness (an example) – they want a HUMAN being – a real, authentic HUMAN being on the “other end of the line” as it were (I’m using examples from my own fitness coaching biz here, but this applies to any business).

People want to feel as if you’re real. People want to know that it’s a real person that has been there, done that – and will help them resolve their issue – and most importantly, be there WITH THEM as they “work towards a fitter themselves”, for instance.

And most of all, people want the real scoop – said DIRECTLY – without a dozen or even one “rounds around the mulberry bush”, if I might say so.

Incorporate this philosophy into your own life, and business dealings – – and you’ll notice that folks will follow you until the end of the world to hear what you’ve got to say – – because you’re giving it to them STRAIGHT – and that – at the end of the day – is what counts!

OK, my friend, that’s all for now. I’ll be back later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Straight talking, along with plenty of nuggets of fitness related information that I have NOT put out in my books is exactly what you get in the 0 Excuses Ship. Not to mention you’ll get access to all my books for LIFE – for FREE! I haven’t uploaded some of the latest ones as yet, but will do so soon. Jump on board NOW, my friend  – –https://0excusesfitness.com/groups/0-excuses-ship/

P.S. #2 – By the way, I don’t know if I mentioned it, but Corrugated Core (and the 0 Excuses Fitness System as well) is being given away at a ridiculously LOW price – for a LIMITED period of time. Here is where you can check it out – – https://0excusesfitness.com/corrugated-core/

More on the FARMER’s WALK
- .. And variations YOU can implement - in YOUR daily life!!

Dear Reader,

I still remember my daughter when she was 5 years of age, and when I sometimes used to help her put on her clothes after a bath.

I still remember joking with her in winter in terms of the “layers of clothing” going on. As she said “Papa, do the countdown first!”

“First layer”, I’d intone, much as a robot would and she would giggle in child like, innocent amusement.

“Second layer coming up!”

And so forth, and while that was an interesting game, Id often pull her pants up to her “chest” (sort of like famer’s overalls) – – and refer to her as “Farmer”.

And she’d complain, of course – right to Mommy.

“Mommy, how dare he call me that!”

And after the mandatory scolding … Mommy dearest would remind her that being a farmer – – and growing your own food – – and being self sufficient is a good thing – – and that modern day farmers are just that – MODERN!

“No need to actually get your hands dirty all the time”, as she said, which may not be entirely accurate and not what I’d personally prefer either, but hey, whatever!

These days I call her SURVIVOR – and for those that read my last email as well as the one on “You’re a goddamned survivor” – – well, NO further explanations are in order.

And this evening, I did another variant of the exercise I’ve talked about a lot in the past – – in the subject line of today’s email – – a SUPERLATIVE exercise if there ever was one, and indeed one which (although “weights” are required) – – I love.

It isn’t weights of the kind you see in the gym of course. No barbells or dumbbells – – but plenty of heavy, hard to grab stuff – – such as a ton of GROCERIES, for that matter – – and given that the delivery services here around these parts have slowed down for whatever reason tonight (Coronavirus and all that) – – I figured I’d do a few walks up and down the stairs – -hilly “country” – – and back and forth from the store.

Well, after about 4 of these “jaunts” (yes – I STOCKED up!) – I’m “cooked”.

For those that aren’t aware, the farmers walk is a simple exercise where you take a heavy, unwieldly (preferably) weight in each hand and walk for time – and if you think that’s too simple – well – TRY it, my friend.

If you think it can’t be made tougher – try doing it on HILLs – or up and down flights of stairs.

Try carrying bags full of groceries – – or heavy 20 liter water bottles back home as I did in the Middle East (back when I was stationed there – – and as I wrote about on the old blog).

Try carrying 50 kgs worth of tea (unwieldy large packaging again) up and down stairs – – and rinse – – repeat – – in HOT weather.

Or, do what I did today and cram as many groceries as you can in a bag – walk back – rinse – repeat!

I could have taken a cab back and done it all at one shot, but hey, why spoil the fun??!

And now, as I sit here in “survivor” mode, hehe, my traps and shoulders feel like they’re got the workout of their lives.

My forearms are sore (expected). And though you wouldn’t think it to be true, my hips and thighs are sore too – this from the guy who hikes hills regularly!

And most of all – my CORE – – my ABS – – seem to be “popping out that much more” and as I sit here, I feel contented – the sort of “glow” you feel after a great, great workout – – and the best part – – it wasn’t even technically a workout!

And that’s the fun of working out the way I do. Always something new – – always that variety – and on that note – I’ll end this particular “tome”, hehe. If you haven’t already – grab your copy of 0 Excuses Fitness – it’ll get you in SHAPE for the sort of workouts mentioned above – and how!

Run on over now, and invest in the ONE program that will get you in the best shape of your life so quickly that you’ll wonder what exactly happened – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And if you’re really looking to build them traps – and shoulders – well “Shoulders like Boulders” is just what the good ole doc ordered. Grab this bestseller right HERE – –https://0excusesfitness.com/shoulders-like-boulders/

2020 – The year of the SURVIVOR!
- ... and so it is, my friend - so it IS!

Dear Reader,

(NB – This email was written while the website was down for a while – sending it out now – enjoy!)

Today’s email is going to come across (as one reader famously once put it) – “for someone that doesn’t believe in God – some of your messages have a strong spiritual content”.

You are right, Charles … but if you’ve read the subject line of todays email – – well – – a bit of background first!

Back in December 2019, I received a call from my wife. Nothing out of the ordinary, except it was a shorter call than usual.

She sent me a few astrological predictions that claimed “2020 was going to be a very strange year” – – including a YouTube video or two from folks I do NOT follow (and don’t quite believe in either for various reason).

At around the same time, a couple of other people I know sent me messages stating “2020 was going to be an awesome year for ALL”.

My reaction to both statements?

Ho hum. I don’t believe in “predictions” of that nature – – what I believe in is what I FEEL – – what my gut – – and my connection to the Universe (and believe me, we ALL have it – – we just need to choose to FIND it – – and TRUST in it – – see the last email on this) tells me – – through means that most people would scoff at.

Dreams being one of those means … and as I woke up this morning with the Internet out (yet again, for no apparent reason) – – and the website DOWN (yet again – – for no apparent reason) and a host of other occurences – – a thought flashed into my mind.

The world has been participating in a LOT OF excesses – both financially and otherwise.

The financial part probably comes as no surprise given the scams etc galore (especially over the last year; I could write a tome or two on it!). And in terms of other excesses – – well – – talk a walk down any local Wal-Mart – – either in China or America – – or whichever country you so choose – – and you’ll so what I mean in terms of health excesses.

Despite the barrage of medical science telling us that being a lard ass (especially around the waist) is NOT healthy at all – guess what is happening – all over the world – with gay abandon at that.

I could go on and on. On and on and on. Natural resources, the way people treat each other. Common courtesy seems to have become a thing of the past for many folks, and why do I bring all this up?

Well, because of the SILENT THIRD PARTY that the great Napoleon Hill and other writers (notably Emerson) referred to so often in their writings!

THERE IS A SILENT THIRD PARTY TO ALL OUR BARGAINS … which cannot be cheated, no matter what – – and these words hold AS TRUE today as when they were first penned.

It all boils down to the Law of Compensation which cannot be cheated or refuted in any way – least of all by man.

In Emerson’s own words …

Men suffer all their life long under the foolish superstition that they can be cheated.

But it is as impossible for a man to be cheated by any one but himself, as for a thing to be and not to be at the same time. There is a third silent party to all our bargains. The nature and soul of things takes on itself the guaranty of the fulfilment of every contract, so that honest service cannot come to loss. If you serve an ungrateful master, serve him the more.

Put God in your debt. Every stroke shall be repaid. The longer the payment is withholden, the better for you; for compound interest on compound interest is the rate and usage of this exchequer.

And as we look upon what is happening GLOBALLY – – these words make even more sense – – or at least they should.

The outbreaks of seemingly incurable viruses globally. Recessions. Countries isolating when they need to be working TOGETHER. And so forth. All seems to be coming down to a “pre World War One” era – – and while I’m NOT predicting “war” as we know it – – a different type of “war” has already been declared by forces unseen – and it is going to be all about the SURVIVAL of the FITTEST.

As I sit here writing these lines to you, the other thing I’d like to say is this – for those of you entrepenuers out there – – this year will probably be YOUR LITMUS test. Pass it, and you make it. Fail, and … well …

As Napoleon Hill famously said, there seems to be a “hidden guide of sorts” whose job it is to test us ROYALLY through all forms of disappointments, seemingly “final” defeats – – and hurdles us over many obstacles, one more seemingly insurmountable than the other – – until only the MAN that CANNOT be defeated, first in MIND (spirit) and then IN BODY survives – and enjoys the spoils.

And any sort of “survival” is of course dependent upon your physical fitness, my friend. As gyms etc (and even outdoor parks) remain shut globally – – its back to the the good ole days – -and things that WORK.

Nothing fancy, no BS. Just exercises that work – exercises with your own bodyweight that not only deliver the best results in terms of fitness – – but also help you SURVIVE – what is potentially going to be the most interesting and challenging year we have had in a while.

I look forward to it though – – and I hope YOU do too!

By the way, my apologies for the prolonged site downtime – yet again. I have NO idea why the sites are going down so frequently – perhaps it’s time for a (long overdue) change of host. We’ll see how that goes, but for now, it’s adios – – and I’ll be back again soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – This is also NOT the time for “loose mouths” or “idle thoughts – especially destructive- – no matter how seemingly insignificant” – – of ANY NATURE. I had a thought of the dreaded Coronavirus striking (again) in my apartment complex – – and lo – – a few days later, guess what happened. Three days ago, I had a weird feeling that the Internet would be acting up soon – – and lo – guess what happened. While I am NOT given to negativity, we all occasionally have disturbing thoughts occasionally – – and my advice would be FIRMLY BLOCK all of them OUT. Let the good in – out with the bad!

P.S #2 – Oh, and in terms of workouts you can do at home, make sure to grab Corrugated Core – – as well as Pushup Central – – for a barrage of exercises that you can do on your lonesome, at home – “survivor” style – – and NEVER get “bored” –  or stop making gains!!

Trust in the process
- - and KNOW - that everything will happen - at the right time - for you!

Dear Reader

Often times when focusing on a project – or end goal – or simply something we really, really want – it’s easy to get caught up in or with the end result.

It’s easy to visualize the end result – – and equally easier sometimes to get frustrated because it doesn’t come to us “now” (at a time of our choosing).

And during the process, frustration is not your friend, my friend. (hehe, I know).

What WILL aid you – assist you – and ultimately propel you towards that end goal is your focus -your DISCIPLINE – but MOST of all – your faith and persistence!

When batters are out of form, for instance, high quality batters – the coach will not sit down and “reevaluate their technique” – or “teach them new things” – or so forth.

True, he may notice inconsistencies if any in their overall game and may bring it up with them, but any coach WORTH HIS SALT will tell the athlete first and foremost – to relax – block out the outer noise – and TRUST IN THE PROCESS!

And this is key, my friend – not just in terms of life – but fitness as well.

It’s easy to get frustrated because it “isn’t happening now” – but believe me, if the process is what you’re really focused upon from day to day – it will happen and on a grander scale than you ever imagined possible.

Dont believe me?

Well, I could give you plenty of examples from my own life – as well as others – but I’ll give you the best example I could – FITNESS.

When getting into the best shape of my life, although I had a picture of what I wanted to look like FIRST in my mind – it was NOT what I ultimately ended up looking like (or the sort of shape, more importantly I got into).

The picture in mind – the guy in my mind was in good shape – granted – but in nowhere near the excellent shape he got into.

Day by day, what I did was not just to focus on the end goal – in fact there were many days where I wouldn’t even consciously focus on focusing on the end goal as it were.

I’d focus on the daily PROCESS.

The daily tasks. The daily climbs. And I’d tick them off one by one on the mental calendar – each day feeling a sense of gratification, satisfaction and indeed EXTREME GRATITUDE – that I was moving towards my end goal with certainty.

Is it any wonder then, my friend, that I ended up in the sort of shape I am in?

True, the right exercises were key – and so was focus – and visualization but what really got me there was the process – the daily process – and this holds true for any and all successes I’ve “manifested” in my life – be it sales – business – life – or fitness.

And so it holds true for YOU, my friend.

This is a message that a lot of you need to hear given circumstances today – and if you’re one of those people – – I believe you’ll find it as uplifting and motivational as I did WRITING it.

Trust in the process – and see where it gets you – I bet you’ll be AMAZED!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Yes, you won’t get results today or tomorrow on the 0 Excuses Fitness System – at least not the end result. You may not lose 15 kilos within two days, for instance. But trust in the exercises I’ve given you – and FOCUS on the end goal – and most importantly concentrating on the daily PROCESS – and JUST doing it – without fail – is what will get you stupendous results, and how. Find out more here, my friend – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

The stretch – that sets you up for the day
- ... and what we have to learn from cats - or the domestic dog!

Dear Reader,

Woke up at the “early” hour of 11 AM today, and launched straight into a 2 minute straight stretch – a stretch that left me buzzing from head to toe – and everything in between too, if you get my drift.

While I wouldn’t say I felt lazy upon waking up – or even lethargic – there was something missing – and being I have a lot of writing to do today, I needed to turn the switch on – and quick.

Yes, I could go outdoors for my hillworkouts – but I needed something to do right NOW – much as a lot of you headed to office – or elsewhere need.

What a lot of us need is a pick me up right NOW – before work, or whatever, and that is precisely what I did via this stretch.

I held this stretch for two minutes, and while I will probably have a full workout later – this was ALL I needed for now – to get the blood flowing – the heart rate cranked (just that little, of course) – and the FEEL GOOD VIBES – flowing!

This one stretch is something I describe in detail in 0 Excuses Fitness – as well as the recently released, and seemingly immensely popular Pushup Central.

Folks liked 0 Excuses Fitness – – but I feel the reason Pushup Central is so popular is because in that book you have – literally at your fingertips – a course that allows you to “drop down” and give yourself 20 – or 50 – without ever getting bored – and while getting some of the best workouts of your life.

Fat burning, six pack building, muscle building – massive shoulders – upper back – whatever your goals are – even the legs – the course has YOU covered, my friend.

Follow any of the 10 workouts given for a set length of time, and watch your body change dramatically – for the better.

Now back to the stretch – all I did was hold for two minutes straight before writing this to you. Could have and probably will go longer later on during the day – but this stretch does the following –

Stretches out the entire back – and lower back – a problem area for most people.

Stretches the CALVES – and HAMSTRINGS – both another neglected area for a lot of folks.

Relieves tension in the shoulders, triceps and traps. Improves digestion and FOCUS – and gets the blood flowing through the ENTIRE BODY.

And it can be done in at least 10 different ways – each one hitting the body DIFFERENTLY, my friend.

As for what it is?

Well, it’s popularly known as a “cat stretch” – or even dog stretch, for those of you that have pets.

Notice what the domestic (or wild) cat – or domestic dog for that matter does upon waking up – first thing in the morning.

He STRETCHES – both forward – and BACKWARD – and as humans we too would be well advised to learn a lesson here.

This simple stretch truly does set you up for the rest of the day – and gets you feeling great. Combine this with the bridge, or some of the other stretches in 0 Excuses Fitness – and you’re off to the races.

These movements can also be used as a mini-workout of sorts for those of you that keep claiming “you’re really too busy” (yeah right, but …).

Throw in a min stretch here. Hang on from a pull-up bar – or doorway – or whatever for another half a minute. Hold a bridge for 30 seconds.

And so forth.

It’s not that difficult to get great workouts in no matter where you are – if you just know how – and if you just do it!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – For more such nifty lil workouts that you can crank out literally anywhere – grab the 0 Excuses Fitness System – and follow along with me right in my living room as I guide you through the workout of your LIFE – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

The army man I met in the Indian hills in 2011
- - and that cast iron, rock solid - grip of STEEL!

Dear Reader,

Way back in the day – I traveled to the Indian Himalayas and I met a man serving in the Indian army there … but wait!

You Gorilla Grip fans — and indeed fans of 0 Excuses Fitness will remember another similar tale that I’ve often mentioned – that of meeting a man from the Marines (currently an ex-Marine) in 2016.

And while I’ve spoken about that a lot – this particular tale is set in 2011.

(NB – I goofed on the date in the last email – should have been 2012 instead of 2011 – THIS particular story is set in 2011).

Anyway, back in those days we would do regular trips to the mountains – at least once a year – and this trip was to a very scenic place (replete with tigers, leopards and all the wildlife you’d expect in that part of the country) – known as “Ranikhet”.

Well, getting there itself was an adventure. The economy car I used did NOT have lights (headlamps) suited to the narrow and winding (and dangerous!) roads of the Indian Himalayas – and combined with the fact that we got lost while getting there – and the fact that the entire area was spectacularly BEAUTIFUL – and scary as well -it was quite the trip getting there!

When I say scary, picture the following – for those of you that have seen “First Blood – Part One” – you’ll remember the stunning visages and HEIGHTS shown in that movie.

Multiply by about 10 – or 50 – and add in PITCH DARKNESS – and a jungle (while not quite teeming with, but present nonetheless) with big cats – and a couple lost on the road – well – you get the picture!

I still remember maneuvering that little bitty car through the roads — backing it up ever so carefully in areas where the road was barely wide enough for one car, let alone a massive truck trying to pass – – and a DROP to the other end – – right into a flowing, wide gorge …

Quite the trip it was, and we ended up spending the night elsewhere – -and getting to our destination the NEXT day.

Picturesque indeed, and given the jungle etc, it was probably even more lush in many regards than the other parts of the mountains we’ve been to (believe me, stepping into that jungle makes you feel you’ve stepped into another WORLD) – and of course, the first thing I did upon checking into the hotel was to go outside for a jaunt up the hills!

Some steep hills there, and as we were clambering up one of them one fine morning – we met a man – a man from the Indian Army which is stationed nearby.

He looked at us, and smiled – and then asked us where we were from.

And once we introduced each other – he gripped my hand – and my word – I STILL remember that grip – done so casually – and yet a grip that felt literally like a gorilla had got a hold to me.

Much like with my friend from the Marines – – that grip spoke VOLUMES.

Here was another man that had been training hard and heavy his whole life as part of his JOB – and built his grip up to nigh spectacular levels without even realizing it!

Another one of those guys that had been in the trenches, and being I wasn’t really a grip fanatic (well, not as much as I am NOW) back then – I turned to my wife and asked her “how” in wonder and amazement.

She laughed, and didn’t comment any further.

Anyway, as we walked up and down the hill – it was like deja vu all over again.

That section of the hill had STEEP stairs up and down – not unlike the hill I mentioned in 0 Excuses Fitness.

And the army was training nearby – or a platoon was, anyway. I still remember longingly looking on at the rope climbing and other things going on (btw – there is a great, great grip workout right there – not to mention entire upper body) — and as i looked at them training, a guy offered us some water, which we thankfully drank before proceeding on “our own merry way”.

Great memories always, and I’ll mention this in the upcoming travelogue too – stay tuned!

Last, but not least – remember that MOST, if not ALL of the tricks I give you in the Gorilla Grip series will not only build a cast iron, rock solid – CRUSHING grip from Kane – but these are ALL exercises used in the real world.

And the proof is there in the pudding, as it were, hehe.

All for now! I’ll be back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Some of my patented “three finger” pushups – done at awkward angles will also give you the grip workout of your LIVES. This course is going GANGBUSTERS – pick it up right HERE – – https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/

The fortune teller I met in 2012
- ... and a bit of a trip down memory lane!

Dear Reader,

Way back in the day, yours truly drove (with the Mrs) to a little town in the Himalayan mountains in India — a town known as “Dalhousie” – a scenic indeed town and a big tourist attraction.

I’ve spoken before of my love for the Himalayas, and how if I had to choose a favorite place in the whole world – the Himalayan mountains in India would be IT.

Pristine – untouched by Man in large parts (at least when you get up to greater heights) – not to mention getting in fantastic workouts without even trying.

There’s a reason why people from the hills anywhere in the world stay lean – and mean – despite not watching their diet as you might think they do.

Well, although we enjoyed that town – there was ANOTHER “less traveled” and EVEN more scenic spot that we wanted to visit – known as the “Switzerland of India” and upon first arriving there after spending a couple of days at the above spot, we saw why.

Beautiful, rolling meadows – lush green fields – and believe it or not – cows and sheep galore too – much like you’d expect in a picture perfect postcard – with the mighty and “rolling” Himalayas in the background (close to the Chinese border in some ways, but not quite).

I’ve written up travelogues on this in the past and might have them for sale soon – be on the outlook for that!

And while we were exploring the place, we came across this lady selling trinkets – little “what have you’s” if you get my drift and other feng shui related stuff.

I’m not (or wasn’t, at least, at that point) much of a one for that kinda thing, but the wife was, so we got to talking to the lady while buying some things for her.

This lady was nothing special to look at (in terms of being “out of the ordinary”) – but the minute she spoke – oh BOY!

She took one look at me and rattled off the following with picture perfect accuracy –

My job (i.e. what I did)

How my life had been until then (in terms of finances)

My likes and dislikes – right down to a T – – and even more amazingly enough – – things in my child hood that I thought only I knew!

I kid you NOT – my friend – and all this with a simple look at me!

She truly was “attuned” into the Universe – and as I asked my wife just how the heck this happened, my wife grinned one of those Cheshire cat grins.

“She just knows! Some people just know!”

Well, we had a great trip – and we returned there in 2016 again – this time with a three year old in tow, who enjoyed the entire adventure of traveling there (this time by train – and a bit of a longer trip as it were).

And we met the same lady again – at the same spot – and she predicted more things about me (and the wife) with UNCANNY accuracy!

“Oh, Rahul (yes, she remembered my name after all those years!)” she smiled, looking at me. “He must be living abroad.”

“Rahul will live abroad his whole life, and will NOT work for someone else”, she proclaimed, while hanging my wife an elephant of sorts (Feng Shui stuff)

And being I was in China for the past few years, well – spot on again!

“Rahul will be in the electronics business, and he won’t really start to “take off” until the age of 40″

Hmm! I don’t know if she meant “online business” by “electronics” – and as for the stuff about age – well Napoleon Hill said it too – most successful men that have made it “on their own” do NOT start to hit their stride before 40 – – sometimes way after!

Well – we had another great trip – not to mention great workouts in the Himalayas – and I’ll probably be writing about it soon. Already have it written up actually, just haven’t put it all together, and so forth.

And good news is this – my friend – you do NOT need to be “clairvoyant” in order to percieve – or predict the benefits that the fitness routines I offer you will give you.

You do NOT need to be a fortune teller to KNOW you’ll get in the best shape of your life with these routines – whether you have a hill next door to you – or a 14 hour drive away – or whatever it might be.

Jump on the stick NOW – and start reaping the benefits TODAY.

Well, my friend – that is it for now. Tomorrow (or in the next email) I’ll bring you the tale of the army man I met in Ranikhet (again way back in the day ) – and again a different “lifetime” — and a man with one of those cast iron, ROCK SOLID grips I talk about so much.

Stay tuned!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Grip training is one of my favorite topics – and that is why I put out there the Gorilla Grip Compilation – – a “two in one value” – – if there ever was one – – https://0excusesfitness.com/gorilla-grip-the-compilation/

P.S #2 – Also, if you enjoy my daily tips on GRIP – – well – – for those not on that particular wavelength – I’ve put out a product containing a ton of nifty little tips on building nothing other than your GRIP. Grab it right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/gorilla-grip-tips/

“Ordering a new Dad on Amazon” – and more!
- ... and the EASE with which kids take to exercise!

Dear Reader,

A standing joke in our house is this – especially when members of our three-strong family “get in each other’s faces” is this –

“Should we order a new … from Amazon”?

Never fails to crack up and ease any tension that might be there – and we use this most often with our six year old when she “complain about” either Mommy – or Daddy!

“Should we order a new daughter from Amazon, Mom?” I’ll often ask, trying to hold back my chuckles.


OR the reverse – when Mommy talks to my daughter about ordering “Dad from Amazon” when there is an “argument” between a six year old “small version of me”, hehe, and myself at the ripe old age of 38 (OK, 39, but whose counting, hehe).

And funny part is, in all those cases, my daughter’s answer is a very (along with a stern look at me – either on the phone – or in person).

“No! No new Daddy from Amazon”

“Why not, sweetie”, I’ll laughingly ask.

“Because we have so much fun together …” comes the response.

And last night, this was the message.

“Dad, do you remember when we did sprints together”

“Of course I do! In fact, I taught you how to sprint when you were 3 …”

And I did, hehe. My daughter was running sprints at the tender age of 3 – doing mini-pushups on my back at the age of 1 – and NEVER, ever misses a chance to hang on to the pull-up bars when she goes to the park.

In fact, if I remember right, six or so years ago, I was getting her going on the monkey bars at the age of 6 months – supporting her little legs on my chest – and “guiding” her arms forward, hehe.

Great memories all – especially as the entire world is wracked by the dreaded COVID-19, but here is the point I’m trying to make – and it holds doubly true at THIS time more so than any other.

Global obesity levels are at all time high – especially amongst kids – and if there is pandemic #2 – or at an EQUAL- with #1 (COVID-19) – well, it’s gotta be OBESITY.

And shockingly enough, kids aren’t being spared these days – even in so called developing countries like India and China (and others – but those are the most prominent “outliers” on the obesity list).

Bad diet? Yes.

Lack of natural movement and exercise. HECK yeah. Kids these days spend way too much time on their smartphones and devices as opposed to doing what kids should do – which is to MOVE and MOVE A LOT!

But most of all, you know what the issue is, my friend?

It’s the fact that we as adults set a bad example for our kids.

My daughter is one of the few kids around in her class that is NOT obese – and the MAIN reason behind this is that both her mother and myself encouraged her to partake of physical activity from a very young age.

Not only that – she sees her father set an EXAMPLE (and Mommy too on occasion).

Be it a kiddie Gorilla Grip – or running sprints in the living room – or doing bear crawls with her at the age of 1 – or the rest – it’s about setting a good example, my friend – not to mention the fact that doing so will get YOU as an adult HALE, hearty – and healthy – and in the very best shape of your life, if you do things right!

We often forget the simplest of things are the best in life – and so it holds true for exercise, my friend.

All for now.  By the way, the “responsive” issue on the products page that some have rightly brought up has been resolved now – or so I think at least. Let me know if you’re still facing issues, and I’ll have it looked at asap!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Remember when YOU were a kid – and YOUNG? Putting on weight was nigh impossible no matter what you did it – and the type of physical activity you likely did was one huge reason. But fear not – I’ve put together a course for you duplicating JUST that sort of physical activity – workouts you can follow right NOW –  and get the SAME results years later. I’m living proof of this – and for more – click on over HERE to grab the course right NOW – – https://0excusesfitness.com/eatmore-weighless/

P.S #2 – Just checked the sales info on the site – and Pushup Central is literally FLYING off the shelves – order your copy right HERE – right NOW – https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/