More on lower abs … BURNING!
- Two days later, hehe

I believe I wrote about a super ab workout the day before yesterday?

Then the day after that (yesterday), I told you about just how sore my abs were – and my entire BODY.

Despite me being “Mr Handstand Pushup” – and Mr Battletank Shoulders!” and many many other things, I didnt do a single (or very many at all, lets say) handstand pushup or pull-up to get this effect.

It was FLOOR workouts with bodyweight ALONE.

And it was intense session of jumpin rope.

Ever wonder why boxers use this sort of routine not just for conditoning, but that cast iron look to their eyes – jaws – and MIDSECTION?

Like, SLABS of functional muscle spread across your midsection, and the obliquest too – even one of those slabs could send the proverbial “12 pack” look flying if it so much as tapped it.


And my lower abs are STILL burning from those two days intense workout (on that routine!).

I mean, quite literally.

Today, I just got into a handstand – and coul dbarely do the pushup.

(I will do it, of course, later – but thats the initial feedback from a guy who normally pounds out 10 without even thinking about it).

And the pull-ups felt slightly easier – but again, I felt it in my abs (from the guy who does 10 as effortlessly as “drinking water”, perhaps).

As for the Bozos at the Jim pumping and toning, let me tell you this.

If I put any one of them – or all of them (including the prime Bozo whose now sending me notes with his name as a company or what not – I mean really, Bozo Glyn Schofield, how STUPID – I repeat, STUPID does one have to be to put your own name on a company? OF course, if the company is all about sticking noses and tongues where the sun dont shine then I suppose it’s limited liability anyway, hehe) through such a workout, they’d be unable to walk – or get up from bed – or perhaps even squat down DAYS after a quarter, if even that, or what I did.

And I didnt do a lot at all.

Patented pushups – and jumping rope (various styles, all basic).

And that was it, my friend.

So while I’m getting back into advanced stuff (well, you decide if it’s advanced – or more so than what I mentioned above!) – the BASICS can never be forgotten.

And these two courses are a must grab – for EVERYONE!

Pushup Central (which is literally the BEST course on pushups out there – and the ONLY course of it’s nature (search away fella but you won’t find one better or even like it)).

(Truly pioneering)

And of course, that old favorite Jump Rope Mania!

And that, my friend is that … oh, but wait.

All the copies of Fast and Furious Fitness – The Collector’s Edition sent ou tearlier this week have reached by now.

Enjoy – and do leave a review via the link you got in the purchase email, because remember, at the risk of sounding like a stuck record, if you dont, the Bozos with nothing better to do than twiddle thumb and troll will!

And again, it needs to be an HONEST review is all I’m asking for.

And last, but not least.

Yesterday, I believe it was, I was rummaging through an old file folder to get a hold of some idiotic document or the other.

I never found what I was looking for, but what I did find was an extra copy – just ONE – of the COllector’s Edition of Fast and Furious Fitness.

That makes three, but it’s likely two since I’ll keep one for myself.

So if you want in, jump on this now — and I’ll get it out to you at the soonest.

If you want it autographed, just let me know – will be done at no extra charge. Wont’ change the delivery time frame either (but if you want OTHER books autographed it might change the timeframe a bit, but still no charge).

And I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And no, there will NOT be a reprint – – not this “special” – truly special – edition, so if you want in, “get your thang on now” my friend.

Super duper SORE lower abs
- Another jack La Lanne special!

My friend, my friend!

My LOWER abs – the trouble spot for most men (and women) – are SO sore today I cant begin to tell ya!

“DOMS” some may call it i.e. delayed muscle soreness.

I call it “HDTS” – heavy daily training soreness!

Now, thats nothing new for me you might say, so whats the fuss about?

The Battletank Shoulders guy complaining about sore abs?

The pushup “master” (whose still striving for mastery, and will continue to until he passes) – with sore lower abs?

Well, yes. Yes, my friend, the pull-up guru has ’em!

And while super tough workouts aren’t the reason, WHAT I did over the past few days is.

I’ve switched for whatever reason to focusing (again, which I do in short burts) HEAVILY on floor pushups as opposed to handstand pushups like I normally do.

And trust, while the latter is Gorilla stuff, the former ain’t nothing to sneeze at as it works the entire body like nothing else.

It works you to the BONE.


And I’ve been doing a lot of jumping rope too.

Pull-ups, yes, but I might as well not have done pull-ups the last couple of days, so sore am I!

And truth be told, if you’re on a program with th efirst two, you’ll be lucky to DO pull-ups once you’re done.

Anyway, lots of my workouts involve brutal combos.

But this one exercise that I did – is a pushup which is primarily a lower-mid back pushup – and a shoulder and LAT movement.

Not Hindus and reverse, though those are great.

This , my friend is a Jack La Lanne special the great man often did.

And it’s something I’ve modified a bit, and put in Pushup Central.

It’s something that will make your lower abs SO Sore that you’ll struggle to sit up in bed if you do it right.

Which depends upon your fitness level.

For most, even GETTING into the position is impossible.

If you can hold the position without quivering for more than 15 seconds, you’re already doing pretty good.

It makes the plank look like what it is – KIDDIE stuff.

And it makes ab rollers etc seem “pale” by comparison (though thats a piece of equipment that for a change I do endorse as did President Roosevelt, and if he endorsed it, you know it was good!) . . .

Check this out –

When most presidents take a beating, they do it in the headlines, not in a headlock. Teddy Roosevelt preferred the literal version.

During his political career, he voluntarily subjected himself to a staggering number of brutal sparring sessions with championship-caliber fighters. Boxers; wrestlers; martial artists — it didn’t matter to Roosevelt. If they’d be willing to punch him in the face or pin him to the ground, he’d take them on. He felt it was the only way he could maintain his “natural body prowess.”

While Roosevelt was governor of New York, he found out that the American middleweight wrestling champion was training in Albany. The instant he heard the news, he summoned the wrestler to the Governor’s Mansion. After a short conversation, the wrestler agreed to come over three or four afternoons a week to train him. Roosevelt, who was in his early 40s at the time (nearly double the age of the wrestler), looked forward to his training sessions so much that he eventually bought a wrestling mat for the workout room. While neither combatant had a problem with the wrestling mat, Roosevelt’s Comptroller did, and he refused to audit the bill for the mat, claiming that wrestling wasn’t “proper Gubernatorial amusement.”


Need more in terms of just how tough the past Prez was?

There’s a fine line between toughness and strength. TR walked on both sides. His willingness to engage in hand-to-hand combat has already been established, but is there a greater measure of toughness than how he acted after he was shot? Just before he was about to give a speech in Milwaukee, Roosevelt took a .32 caliber bullet to the chest at point blank range from a would-be assassin. Fortunately, he had some papers and a glasses case in his coat pocket to blunt the initial force of the impact, however, the bullet ended up lodged in the president’s chest. After a short delay, TR went on to deliver his speech — with the bullet still in his body. After a few words, perhaps our manliest president pulled the bloodstained script of his speech from his chest pocket and said, “You see, it takes more than one bullet to kill a Bull Moose.” He won over the crowd, and a solid 5 score for toughness, in the process.

Bull Moose indeed!

Maybe I should write a course on bull moose strength. Hehe. But anyway, this isn’t about Teddy. You can read more great stuff about him here – . . . but for now, remember.

Sore lower abs – and you know what that means, my friend.

You kno wwhat that means!

Fat burning and weight loss – at warp speeds – and if you’re telling me thats not something you want – well, you’re lying my friend. Hehe.

Here is where you can learn ALL about this special style of pushup I talk about – Pushup Central.

And here is Corrugated Core , another MUST have course in that regard.

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – From Roosevelt’s autobiography …

autobiography: “Having been a sickly boy, with no natural bodily prowess … I was at first quite unable to hold my own when thrown into contact with other boys of rougher antecedents. I was nervous and timid.”

And here’s how he describes the first real beating he took: “Having an attack of asthma, I was sent off by myself to Moosehead Lake. On the stage-coach ride … I encountered a couple of other boys who were about my own age … They found that I was a foreordained and predestined victim, and industriously proceeded to make life miserable for me. The worst feature was that when I finally tried to fight them I discovered that either singly could not only handle me with easy contempt, but handle me so as not to hurt me and yet to prevent my doing any damage whatever in return.”

There’s more at the link above, but I Can relate. Oh boy, I can relate!

From one whose grip was SO weak that girls threw the ball further, lanky strong tennis players made it a point to “crush” the wrist (even when it was injured) – from one WHO never had good physical genetics and still doesnt, from one who was taunted from a young age “he thinks he’s so strong” and routinely got his ass beat when he was young …

.. to the fitness champ, a guy that can HELP you do the same!

Gorilla Grip.

And then some!

Truly, skyscrapers DO rise from the most humble of beginnings, if the seed of DESIRE planteth by YOU!

The importance of a morning routine
- Second to none!

This is going to sound elementary to some of you, to some of you perhaps “periflous” or “superflous”.

Always one for using “big words” am I, eh. Hehe.

(so I was once told -but really, some of the words I use that people say are big – shouldnt be called “big words”!)

But anyway, the morning routine . . .

I’ve always had it ever since I can remember.

When in college, it was obviously “wake up and go to class” – but before that, I still had a routine.

Drinking coffee for an hour or so while “on the Internet”, checking email etc …

(or whenever I woke up. If I had less time, then it was less – but drink coffee I hadto!)

Not to “wake up” so much as part of my “routine” if you get my drift.

In adult life, and indeed until today, it’s been two things regardless of where I am, who I’m with, what I’m doing – or not.

Wake up – have my TEA – and then get to work on the computer writing – or, if I’m waking up and working out first thing in the morning – then I do that – but the tea remains!

My “quiet” time for an hour or so remains no matter what or no matter what people think of it.

ANYTIME this routine is interrupted, I get cranky as a BEAR – even crankier than ever.

And it is these simple routines that I credit to a large part in terms of the “doing” for my success at whatever it is I succeeded at – fitness – life – relationships – whatever it might be.

I haven’t included the mental part of my routine in any of this, but first thing in the morning, when my feet hit the floor? I don’t check the dumbphone.

I might check notifications etc if I “suddenly” wake up in the night, but it’s more to swipe them away so it doesn’t keep blinking.

And I sure don’t send emails or reply etc late at night. Well, not most of the time – I remember a 330 AM email I once sent, but thats the exception, not the norm.

I keep trying to teach my daughter this same thing – that despite it being “lockdown everywhere I can imagine” – and where it’s NOT locked down, such as China, “mask down” – the importance of a routine cannot be overemphasized.

No waking up, dwadling around for hours, honey do’s etc … that can wait – for later!

Wake up – do your routine – and THEN that can happen!

I dont know, but for me this routine thing has always been very important – and if you look at high achievers ANYWHERE – in any job, business or industry, you’ll see they have the SAME thing going on.

It might not be a morning routine or afternoon or night, but have a routine they will.

There is a reason U.S. Marines and elite forces around the world have a very strictly regimented lifestyle , my friend – like “clockwork”.

This doesn’t allow the mind to wander, and forces the brain to focus no matter what.

Marines are famed for their “where others see problems, they see solutions or ways to figure that solution out”.

And having a ROUTINE is part of this – whether people realize it or not.

Anyway, thats the wisdom for now.

Those of you that ordered your copy of the Collector’s Item of Fast and Furious Fitness last week – they got sent out early this week – and they should ALL be arriving right about now at whichever location you’re at – and you should be getting them by the end of the week no matter what!

Much like Jeff Bezos and his famed “stickability” to deadlines etc (in this case delivery timeframes of two weeks which I promise when you order the paperback) – yours truly follows the SAME principle.

(you can damn near set a clock by Amazon, in case you haven’t noticed)

I was thinking it might be a little delayed this time, but doesn’t seem like it.

Either way, you’ll probably get it by the end of the week, maybe before- maybe a day or so later.

Enjoy – and do leave a review!

(the email you get on anything post purchase has a review link)

(And YES, paperback guys – the “repeat” emails are currently set up on an instant digital download basis – we haven’t yet configured our follow ups to synchronize with delivery timeframes – but give it time – all will happen!)

(In SOME cases your book might be a bit delayed – but thats only in special circumstances, and youll be intimated of the same as soon as you order, so there won’t be any ambiguity. As I recently told a great customer –

I  love autographing books for my readers – -but equally, I also believe in keeping everyone posted on “when they should expect” the product as it were.

And that reminds me – if YOU want your copy of a paperback signed – let me know in advance, and I’ll make every attempt I can to do so!

Normally the books go out “direct” from the warehouse, but for those of you that want it signed – I’m happy and honored to do it – it may tack on a few days to the final delivery timeframe, but that is a “small price to pay” as it were – nothing beats an autographed copy of a book – I know how it feels!

And – last, but not least – you instant digital download guys – lots of “love” to you as well – its instant as usual for you – so – have at – and ENJOY!

And as always, leave reviews – please!

Because if you genuine guys don’t, curb sitting Bozos in drag with nothing better to do will ..


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you haven ‘t checked out the THIRD “ultra short” (ever notice how the “smallest courses” sometimes pack the biggest punch and give you MAX value for your MONEY?) course on handstands, do so now.

But remember, get the first two courses FIRST before you get this one.

PS #2 – We still have THREE copies of Fast and Furious Fitness (the collector’s Edition) available – so if you want in, jump on this now. Remember, this won’t be available once I sell out, which will be very soon.

I found the third copy (I had only two sitting around) when I was rummaging around documents in an “age old” folder of mine where I keep things for safekeeping – there it was, my beloved FIRST BOOK! 🙂

An astounding example of colosally and absymally DAZZLING “whine, groan and MOAN”
- Just when I thought I had seen it all.

So, every time I think I’ve seen it all in terms of nadirs of “whining and moaning”, I’m proven wrong.

Whether thats good or bad I dont know – but check THIS post out.


I have a resting bitch face and I get judged for it.

“You’re so cold and distant”
“You just sit there with a long face all day”
“You’re making the environment uncomfortable for your co-workers”

As a quiet person with RBF, people just assume I’m disdain, cold, or angry, they assume I’m hard to get along with when we never even spoken.

But in fact, 95% of the time I’m relaxed or even in a good mood, and I deeply care for the people who are around me.

I’ve been struggling with RBF forever. Do I wear full makeup to work every day? Do I get botox to lift the corners of my mouth?

? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ???? ??????.

I know I’m not alone in this. I’m speaking up just so you know:

??’? ?? ?? ??? ???? ? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ???’? ?????????? ??, ????? ???????? ???’? ???? ???*?!


It ain’t no secret I dont like jobs, employers, and have never stayed in a job either by hook or by crook longer than I “had to”.

But when I see something like THIS – I PITY the employers – in general – and believe me, they’re far from perfect themselves.

I mean, but really – having to manage someone like this??

A female that sits there, does nothing apparently except “F all” – bitches, moans, whines and groans about everything at the workplace, is on social she-dia all day long, is hardly the eptiome of productivity and far from it, to be honest, and thats just off the top of my head and getting started (not to mention Nazi feminist/male boss hater as well) …

I mean, WHO would want something like that – and I pity the person with the misfortune of havin hired this woman.

For any job!

And back to the post itself.

Is “RBF” even a thang??

I mean, the things they come out with! The other night it was someone that pissed and moaned about a dude saying “she had a choice to throw up or not” (on a regular and conscious basis) and apparently that very down to earth statement was rude, uncaring, insenstive or what not.

I mean, what about LAS? Lazy ass syndrome?

What about PBS? Pot bellied slob?

Or SRB? Split routine booby building Bozo?

Ah, but wait. I forgot. Those aren’t “nice” things to say eh.

I get it …


Speaking of Bozo, he’s sending me emails with the following.

“Bi sexual Bi polar curb queen Bozo”.

For real.

I’ve heard of cuckqueen before, of course.

But those are females normally, but we dont know what the Bozo is, of course. I doubt even he does, or cares.

But curb queen??

Like, hooker??

I’ve NO idea, and I’m NOT going to Google it, hehe.

But anyway, all these things remind me of why I am very vehemently against expanding my ONE employee base – regardless of how big I get.

A prior employer once said he didnt want to “get too big”.

For the life of me I cannot imagine why he didnt. I would, and I do.

But for the life of me, I can’t imagine myself with employees, especially not idiots of this nature which make up the very vast majority of people these days in “Sissy Central”.

Both male and female and in between.

If I manage or supervise someone, I Want them to be …

… ” I took a round in the shoulder, I took a round in the gut, I took several to the body, but I dragged my buddy out there admist live fire, and I got the damn job DONE!”

So said the incomparable Steve Austin in a movie in 2015 (cannot for the life of me remember the name now) about his time in the Army (in the movie).

And he’s right.

Thats the sort of person I’d like to ideally manage.

I also know ideal exists in Utopia, and it ain’t happening. Finding people to live up to my standards? Forget about it.

I’d just get irritated all day long.

And hence, the decision to remain solo in business.



I truly believe, my friend that the spectacular results I’ve got and keep getting and that the 0 Excuses faithful do would be HIGHLY diluted if others were involved.

Its best to train SOLO.

Mr T knew this – I did – doers throughout the ages have known the value of training SOLO!

And to find out more about how I do – and jump on the train NOW – go HERE.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – This lady then did the one thing guaranteed to get her idiotic post tons of views.

She was complaing about her posts getting no traction (no wonder eh).

This one got plenty of Bozo love … from cucked men all salivating after she posted two decidely “unattractive” pictures. Horsey faced and what not, all good either way, but looking at the cucked men out there and the number of them … I gotta wonder.

Which is worse – the Nazi feminists or the cucks that enable them ?

I’d say the latter by far.

Anyway, more on the book in that regard. For now, go HERE to pick up some great fitness products to get you in the best damned shape of your life – NO punches pulled, NO excuses made!

What would Henry Ford do?
- Yes, it relates!

Every time , my friend (and I’ve been thinking about telling you this for a while now) – I’m faced with a tough situation – problem – or something – two things pop into mind.

First, if you’re Harry Houdini, then there’s always a way.

And most of us can be- I’ve proven it time and time over again in situations that most would deem nigh impossible to get out of or overcome or better or what not.

Second, here is the thought that comes to mind.

“What would Henry Ford do?” 

Or, these days, it’s becoming “What would Jeff Bezos do?”

I’ve no doubt Bezos too when starting out asked himself the same, or similar questions. I’ve no doubt Steve Jobs and the rest did too.

Astoundingly or oddly enough, or maybe not for those with brains, the answer is the same as “what they would do” i.e. what I’d do.

then I just do it.

I dont question “why” Bezos does something after he’s explained why he does it, and the “hows” of it (which he does all the time, but the Bozos globally just don’t get it).

Brings to mind a famous (NOT) Matt Furey one liner that while it hasn’t changed my life “phenomenally” as yet, is a line that might end up doing so in more way than one.

It’s a line most of you have likely not heard.

But in one of his writings, the great man once said the following about sales, marketing and advertising for which he was known best.

(Yes, bodyweight fitness too – there is a reason I credit HIM in the Rolls Royce, not so much because he created those exercises – he did NOT. And he’ll be the first to tell you that too. But he DID bring them to the mainstream, and I’ll never stop giving credit when its due!)

But anyway, point being this – he said when you advertise (I dont remember the exact line) –

“you don’t call in the teeny weeny dicklet owners. You go for the 800 lb Gorilla”.

He didnt say the first line.

He said the second in a different way.

Way I look at it, in that case?

You do what I term pushup as i.e. the BIG DOG of fitness – you advertise, but you do so where the BIG DOGS go.

Move aside Google and the rest.

There is a silent big dog out there lurking right under your nose that most of you will not even notice, yet, it’s responsible for more sales than Google, Shoogle, Yahoo, Wahho, and the rest combined …

It’s also where I accquire most of my new, long term and SERIOUS customers – the DOERS.

Anyway, that aside, how does it relate to fitness?

Well, the first reason is simple, second not so much so.

When you want to lose weight, you dont muck around with idiotic treadmills and the lot – you go for the BIG DOG.

Wanna become a jaguar, my friend – lithe, mean and agile and with an amazing “crushing bite” -(translate to grip in your case) – then train like one.

When you want to build shoulders like the Brahma Bull, then do what the human equivalents do.

When you want advice on fitness, and health in general?

Then listen to one thats been there and done that, one that truly is a “master of his craft”, one that’s truly “not so humble” as it were, and indeed, “an insenstive asshole” (I was just called that) and “rude and arrogant” and “abrasive” . ..

. . . and whose stuff works, flat out works, better than any of the other so called gurus out there, and this brings me to point TWO.

The more important one in my opinion.

When I tell you to do something, and explain why – then just do it my friend.

Dont keep asking”why”.

If you want to build upper body strength like never before, then right now I’m telling YOU to get Pushup Central and get cranking (in addition to the courses linked above) – and I’m telling you this too – you’ll be hard pressed to fin done single course on pushups better than this.

The Bozo once made the comment about “just a book on pushups. How boring!”

Maybe for the Bozos it’s boring.

But Google, or scour, Or Shoogle, or Pogo-le, or what not – you won’t find a course better than this, or even one dedicated to pushups the way I teach.

Simply not out there, my friend.

Point isn’t necessarily to do pushups or not.

Point is, when someone that KNOWS tells you what to do , and why – then you just do it, myf riend.

You don’t muck around wasting time with why’s and wherefore’s unless your a prime Bozo.

And that, my friend, is the point of me telling you this.

Off for my workout soon, but I WILL be back.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why opening those “TOUGHIE hard to open” jars is EASY PEASY for me
- And how it can be for you too.


And how it can be for YOU TOO!

This morning, I pried open a jar that had “pickles” or something, I dont know, I’ve no idea but it’s been there for ages “sitting around”.

(I guess that alone tells you two things – not much pickle running around in China, except the knock offs of Indian pickle, and two, I generally don’t eat much pickle even when eating Indian food …)

More the Tabasco (red hot!) guy I am, hehe.

Bruce once made the comment about some super hot Jalapeno peppers as in

“You might be able to swallow a 100 Tabascos down like beer!”

But apparently THAT pepper he was referring to was SUPER HOT!

Flames out ass and fumes out mouth kinda hot …

I laughed.

(this was when I was 19).

“Eat Indian food first, and you’ll never worry about other spicy stuff!”

Which is true.

Indian food, for one, can be incredibly spicy. I remember a time my wife (in 2013) once made me “chili vegetable” and that damn dish was SO DAMN HOT I Couldn’t even eat it!

Until then I remember a certain Coop De Ville’s that had spiced up their hot chicken wings no end – it was so spicy, that as the then girlfriend said, “my boyfriend can’t even eat it!” as being the spiciest of the spiciest!

Anyway, all this spice aside, back to jars.

Those hard to open jars.

Those glasses stuck inside each other.

Those “metal” thingies – the old fashioned ones you gotta TWIST apart.

And more.

All of this until a few years ago, YES, even when I did 500 pushups daily (for a while) was TOUGH For me.

You might think I’m indirectly pimping Gorilla Grip here.

Which I am. As I opened the jar today, Gorilla Grip! were the words that came to mind – and mouth!

But I remember a friend (one time) Charles, the same guy who could barely hang on to the chinning bar, let alone do a chin-up after years of trying – the same guy who complained about a storm about my post on pull-ups that wasn’t even aimed at him, didnt even mention him “just because the truth HURTS” – once mocking me about grip.

“You’re the guy they call when something needs to be opened!”

I guess he meant legs, hehe.

I still remember him saying it in public.

“Rahul drills ….” (I best not go there, but he made that comment too!)

But anyway, drills etc aside, the point is simple.

What exactly is wrong with BEING that sort of guy?

The guy that has an insane kung fu like grip that pulls men three times his size and weight over?

The guy with an unnatural pull to his grip – the guy that knocks out pull-ups easy peasy, lemon squeezy?

Is there anything WRONG with it?

I’d say there is something very wrong with NOT being one of the above, and stubbornly sticking to the “weights and weights alone give you a good grip and fingers like iron pliers”.

No they don’t. Not like certain bodyweight exercises done for high reps do.

Ask Dangerous Dan for one (remember, he recieved the Presidential Medal of Freedom too in addition to ALL his other VERY SOLID accomplishments, numero uno being promoting American Wrestling – the REAL stuff, not the WWE shebang for what it is – real man stuff!) . . . who did fingertip pushups galore to build his grip up.

Or, Bert Asserati, the one armed handstands at a mammoth and muscular 250 lbs or so …

Or, yours truly that never train the grip directly with grippers, “forearm wrist rollers” and the like …

Or, any of the DOERS.

The sort of training I do – and what I advocate in ALL my books, will build a grip like cast iron without you even realizing it, my friend.

And for more, simply delve deeper into the exercises, and you’ll discover the magic, my friend.

Yes, you will!

Start right here.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – There is a reason why the DOERS RAVE about fingertip pushups, and some of the variations on this I teach you in Pushup Central – truly never seen before variations. Get on the program NOW, and you’ll SEE.

Why your upper-mid back may be “hurting” (not “sore”)
- This is a common question ...

At the outset, let me say this – “hurting” is not to be confused with “sore”.

The two are different!

And for the lazy asses out there that believe in split schedules and “I did 500 pushups yesterday” or “5” so I won’t do anything at all for the next week to allow my chest to recover, and so forth – this email ain’t for you.

I did lots of pushups yesterday, and I can feel it in my BONES.

Not just muscles, but BONES.

And you’re damn right, I WILL do another tough workout today. Except maybe not focusing so much on pushups, but …

But anyway, more on that later maybe.

For now, upper back pain is common – a very common question I get is this (and indeed, what my wife told me this morning).

“My back hurts!”

And often times, the person will “stretch” their shoulder blades back and forth trying to loosen the kinks out or what not.

A massage probably is what most people think of to resolve this sort of thing.


That might work – temporarily, but the real root cause of most people’s back pain is this, my friend – too much time spent being a “hunchback of Notre Dame (or Dude”).

It’s INSANE – I repeat, INSANE – the amount of MEN for one I see walking around hunchbacked!!!

And of course, man tits and the lot . . .

Even when I was a phat phock, yours truly was NEVER a hunchback.

My back – or anything else – never “hurt”.

My feet didnt hurt from running either (yes, I’d often run back then!) .

And no, I dont have great genetics physically. IT’s the OPPOSITE. I put on weight easily, and I put it on in the areas most noticeable, it goes OFF the last from there as well, and so when I’m in great shape I look like a movie star, and when I’m not, I look like a slob and phat phock and still attract women anyway, but …

… back to backs.

Most common reason – time spent hunching over.

Either the computer, or dumbphone, or what not . . .

Or, just “sitting around all day”.

Or, if you’re the “chest workout and chest alone” sort … too much time on the BENCH press which makes you look like an ape from the front, and a pelican from the back.

I cannot emphasize this enough to those that keep wanting to “press weights” from a “lying down position”.

If you want to lift weights, do so STANDING.

Lift things over your HEAD.

Or, lift things up from the GROUND. Preferably ODD OBJECTS, which will be on the book with training with implements!

But the best thing if you want to train chest – pushups!

EVEN if you just do the BASIC pushup your whole life, you’ll be working your back and traps more than you will any bench press of any nature.

And your chest will thank you for all the deep breathing involved which makes it GROW at a deeper, internal level (thus the “broad” (or barrel) chested external look).

These are two secrets I’ve mentioned in the Rolls Royce of Fitness, and here I am, givin them away for free for those that care to read.

And if you don’t believe me – just scroll back to the email (you’ll be doing it a while, hehe) where I once mentioned getting to the point where I’d knock out perfect pull-ups, 100 per workout, and yet, when I got back to pushups?

10 of them made my “lower lats” or what not so sore that I couldn’t lift my arm up to shower!

Proof enough, me thinks …

Anyway, if you’re suffering from back pain remember one last thing – STRETCHING.

The isometric stretches in Isometric and Flexiblity Training are GREAT for the back – the bridge I’ve taught you there, and in other books being NUMBER ONE!

Do these, and you’ll feel better almost instantly.

And if you do the BEST darn exercise ever, which “makes people feel better than anything else they’ve done before”?

Well, do it, and you’ll see!

And that, my friend is that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I once told Carol that “too much weight on her you know what” may make her “hunch forward a little”.

She didnt understand, so I asked her (always the tactful person) if her bra size had gone up.

she didnt understand the word “bra”.

Then I used the word “breast”.

“Don’t ask me that!” she tittered, half shocked, half “you know what”.

But it’s a very REAL reason for “hunching forward” for ladies, especially those that don’t exercise!

Same thing for humungous Glyn Schofield like man tits and massive bellies that strain the back musculature no end, and hence why I rant up a STORM about it in Animal Kingdom Workouts.

On a closing note, remember the old Chinese saying “Ren Pang Qiu Dian

Fat man have small penis.

Laugh all you like, but there is a reason why they say that – including the one about “Confucious says man on toilet is ….?”

High on pot.

OK, I’m being facetious here – but you get my point in terms of the weightloss!

PPS – Rocky’s joke was and will always be best in terms of bad jokes i.e .why do cows wear bells? BEcause the horns don’t work. LOL.

PPS #1 – And yes, ladies CAN do pushups – many of them in the book CAN be done by you ladies, especially handstand pushups and the ones “on your back” as it were!

(no inane jokes please)

When your body so desperately wants to quit but your mind – won’t let you!
- As it should be!

The mind, my friend, I’ve often said is the biggest muscle that controls all.

This truism, along with a coupla others – one being what I mentioned in the title came to mind as I was getting through a Rahul Mookerjee patented 1000 jump rope – 100 pushup barebones BRUTAL workout – part of which was straight out of Pushup Central, for which customers have left MANY a GLOWING review, and all very well deserved.

When your body wants to quit, but your mind won’t let you, was one of the statements made!

And it’s so true!

This is bodyweight training at it’s very best, the most brutal!

Thats another comment – I’m paraphrasing from mind, and as I finished up – note, in addition to the above, in that 15 minute blast, I also did 20 handstand pushups and 35 pullups – another truism came to mind.

That being, one I talk about all the time.

Mini workouts!

And how brutally effective they ARE!

And this is why I’m writing this to you.

In fact, I’m going to do another brief workout after this, but as the heart still roars?

If you can only do 10 pushups, my friend, and that is brutal – why not incoporate this style of training into your routine, and see how quickly you progress?

It’s one of the keys to progression at ANY exercise, and ANYTHING you do – that I’ve been talking about for a long time now.

It’s how I did it, and how you can too.

YES, you advaned men out there can make great gains on this routine too, including yours truly for whom at one point I’d barely feel 250 pushups – but I’d still sweat up a storm in the A/C.

Those videos are truly GOLD – those in the Rolls Royce of Fitness (man, I am giving my SHOULDERS a break as I write this!).

And there is a reason I keep saying that!

Those of you that have bought the book elsewhere, let me know – and I’ll do up a special price for videos only (if you want – that option is not there on the site for obvious reasons).

And other than that, I’m glad one thing persists in all the madness globally.

Hard workouts – done BRUTAL style – Rahul Mookerjee style.

They’ll benefit YOU like you’ve never benefited from ANY ROUTINE before!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – Back soon!

Am I the only one that think the entire world is becoming more sissified by the day?
- As in, pink panties ...

I swear, I gotta say it.

It seems to be “out of vogue” to say it like it is – which it always was. More than that, calling people out seems to be met with even more “shaming” (not that I care two hoots) – and people calling you a “tool” or something like that for saying it like is.

If you are a serial job quitter, God forbid someone say that at the risk of supporting abusive employers (so called) and being so called insensitive and what not.

Even my wife, who rarely agrees with me about anything agrees on one thing – Amazon is doing SOMETHING right despite  a lot of employees there constantly complaining about something or the other (low pay, no benefits, what not).

At least they HAVE a job, she mused . . .

Spot on (hey, I give credit where its due!)

(true, every big company has issues with employees claiming to be paid cut throat wages and what not, but really – Amazon? The way it’s grown is sheer genius and people forget the reliability and low prices that keeps it where it is – along with customer service – right at the top of the chain when making their moronic complaints).

Oh but wait, they’re “poor mistreated employees” and not morons …

Then we have the fat wackos that can’t do pull-ups that apparently have the right to troll my posts on pull-ups with meaningless rubbish and claim “I just blather on and say just do it” and that “my fitness advice is useless”.

Classic case of a bald man teaching a man with hair on how to grow it!

The students attempting to teach a very practical and able teacher . . .


Then we have idiots that claim “they’re big but not fat”.

Call ’em out, and they whine.

Then we have – I just saw this – people with eating disorders that if you tell them not to barf after every meal out of fear of looking not so thin or consciousness or what not?

Didnt you know, the reason women do it is not because “they choose to!”

It’s the male pressure, its the pressure society puts on them! Sob!

And so forth.

I find this constant sissification to be sickening to say the least and to be very honest.

When I was a phat phock, I wasn’t mollycoddled or given a shoulder to cry upon. The opposite, in fact.


You decide!

Same thing for me growing up, in school, college, what not.


You decide!

Jobs – I was very vociferously derided and still am for leaving many of ’em …


Again, you decide . . .

Dont get me wrong, there are some and many cases in which a person needs genuine help, but by and large most of the whinging going on out there brings to mind one thing – entitled LAZY phat phocks and BRATS.

“Your fitness advice doesn’t help anyone!”

So he says. So says the guy that can’t do a pull-up – – for years – – after trying it HIS own way, yet he won’t do it my way because it requires – ahem – hard work!

(truth be told, he wanted it all for free which he knew he wouldn’t get, and was too lazy to read what he DID get, so … )

Or this gem –

People choose to have an eating disorder…

This is what someone said on one of my posts last week.

Now I’ve tried and tried to let it go but…I can’t.

That comment really REALLY got to me.

Now I know there is a lack of knowledge on this subject but…

Do we really think people choose to fight demons?

Do we really think people choose to be in and out of hospital?

Do we really think people choose to hurt the loved ones around them?

They don’t!
Why would they?!?

The truth is they can’t help it. ?‍♀️

The little voices the demons get the better of them sometimes and yes I’m included in this.

I still have my down days I still get the urge to purge when things don’t go exactly to plan.

It really is a daily struggle.

And comments like the one above can really affect people suffering from these things.

I can’t stop them from stepping up and reaching out for help.

So THINK before you speak people as you have no idea how your words can affect others.

All the other dude said was “they have a choice”.  (which this gal does – either be a bratty entitled victim, or DO something about it (and not just “support groups” and other nonsense that isn’t even required for this)).

And seriously, if you looked at the video she posted (the whiner)?


Especially the way she gestures with her fingers etc, all made up to a T.

(No I ain’t jealous hun and no “it doesnt bother me” – before the inane “so why do you care” comes in from Nazi feminists).

I dont care.

but I gotta say it like it is.

One of the responeses to that bratty post was “if someone says they have a choice, they’re a tool”.

I guess I’m a tool. I’m that most of the time of course, when I call phat phocks what they are – phat – when I call the lazy farts out for what they are – “unwanted burdens on the planet” – when I call the pumpers and toners out for having no real strength and conditioning – when I tell you that BODYWEIGHT exercises are champ even though real weightlifting is great too – and so forth.

But guess what, I’d rather be that.

And ladies, no, you don’t to achieve those silly “Uniqlo” standards of fitting into girls clothes – kids clothes at that.

I’d think anyone with any common sense would know that!

yet, many don’t.

I dont know, man.

Maybe I’m just old fashioned.

But when I had to quit cigarettes, I didnt do it via support groups, vapes, or what not.

I buckled down, and did it.

When I had to lose weight – ditto.

No-one “helped” me or what not. I did it!

My point simply is – running away from FACTS rarely, if ever helps change ’em …

But hey, who am I huh. Hehe.

Anyway, remember the two discounts we’ve got going on currently – 15% for you new guys out there, and 20% for our loyal “returning customers”!

And I’ll see you soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why Vitamin Bee, See, or Pee (or vitamins in general) ain’t the magic be all or end all for anything …
- And the inanity continues.

Wacked-Out never fails to disappoint!

I’ll let you guess who made the following comment –

If you’re feeling low, stressed, irritated, sluggish, anxious, can’t concentrate or depressed…

You might be lacking vitamin B.

We all know is crucial to manage our emotions and bring our A-game to work, but sometimes is not that we don’t have the willpower, but rather the nutrients in our body are not enough to support normal brain function.

There are many studies indicate that the vitamin B complex is linked to emotional wellbeing, so if you are having some stressful days, you might want to consider increasing your VB intake!

Are you taking any supplements or you think they’re just placebos?

If you guessed it’s a whiner, moaner, pisser, groaner, SJW, “looking for points on social media” person … (amongst others) (not to mention plum ENTITLED in most regards) – you’re right.

I’l leave out the name here.

But this same person wrote a while back about getting canned from all the jobs she worked at because they were “abusive employers”.

(and bringing her A game back in the next post, which she clearly hasn’t, but she’s gotta make SOME excuse..)

I can understand her point – to an extent – hey. I’ve gotten fired or left EVERY job I’ve worked at in the past, even the good ones!

But if I were to be asked, my numero UNO reason for leaving or wanting to … would be … ME!

The other reasons would come later, perhaps, but the main reason would be ME, and that I never wanted to work a job anyway.

But that, of course would require taking personal responsibility eh.

Alien concept it would seem … (to a lot of folks).

But anyway, this feel good crap she’s talking about.

I dont know, do prisoners in jail that get shitty diets complain about any of the above?

If anything I bet theyre always the EXACT opposite, RARING to go if you get my drift, and most are either solid strong, or ripped to the bone.

& inventive to a T.

Most, at least.

I mean, I dont know – Vitamin B?

It’s been ages since I ever thought of diet, let alone a “healthy one” the experts recommend – so called experts.


I’ve ranted enough about what I think of the so called experts, so lets diverge a minute and see what a customer said about ’em!

Yes I certainly know what you mean about people who try to dictate to you how you should live your life, what you should believe or what you shouldn’t, seems every where you look these day’s there’s always someone trying to convince you that they’ve got all the answers, how people survived in the past without all these “experts” telling them how to live is a “mystery” I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that we’ve got all these experts to guide our every move otherwise who know what kind of mess we’d be in???.

We were rapping about something other than vitamins. And vaccines, lol.

But anyway, in the Simple and Effective Diet for one, I make no excuses or bones about the fact I did the precise opposite and keep doing it of what the idiot experts want you to do for “three square meals a day”, breakfast being the most important one, and of course bitching and whining about how many Vitamins you took, did you pop Viagara and so forth.

Ditto for my highly unconventional fitness, but bottom line – do they work? Better that most others out there? !

You bet your betsy they DO, my friend. Proof’s in the pudding, and as I just get done with another one of those brief mini workouts I love so much – I’m feelin great.

without vitamins, fancy diets, massages, Swedish therapy, “a shoulder to cry on”, or so forth …

Hard workouts done regularly, my friend, are tough.

But believe me, they bring the best results!

I’ll be back soon – in the meantime, remember, those discounts we’ve been talking about?

Well, you RETURNING customers will get an auto 20% discount off anything over $100, so there’s no need to put in a discount code.

And new customers -have at as well – there’s a coupon code for you which you’ll see when you add product to cart!

15% I believe …

And that, my friend is that. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If I were you, I’d take advantage of the discount to get some of our most popular stuff now. For example, Animal Kingdom Workouts, Pushup Central and the compilation on pull-ups – to name but three.

But take your pick – and as always, folks, please remember to leave a honest review! (links in your purchase email).