Why you need to take the long term view
- Life, business, everything

Recently, I was told by a person that I was “almost 40” and I need to “do something else with my life” other than “sitting at home”.

Of course, this person doesnt know what I do – or so she claims.

But here’s the thing my friend.

We all have this hangup about “ages” and achieving something by X age, or getting married by so and so age, and so forth …

In the PRC, women, for example are STILL despite what the feminists and Nazi feminists there claim – “rejected” as “sheng nv” (left over women) if they aren’t married by a certain age (usually around 25 or 26).

The pressure to get married is SO intense (more for women than for men) that the “rent a boyfriend” industry in China is a-booming as we speak, even during the plague which China claimed has disappeared from its shores, but those in the know – we know!

Anyway, the point is this.

If I, for instance, had taken the view that “I have to do X, Y, Z” by “A, B, C” age, I’d be cucked, ducked, effed, and DOWN for the count – and I’d be pushed further into a corner with no recourse for myself.

I never have – all my life.

It’s been not just about living in the flow, but also a “long term plan of sorts” even without one if that makes sense.

True, I made tons of mistakes along the way.

I still do!

But hey, mistakes make us who we are – so long as we learn from them (and most seem not to).

And if you take the long view in life – business – fitness – and you do it the right way, you’ll prosper at levels you’ve only DREAMT of until now, my friend.

From Henry Ford to Steve Jobs to Col Saunders to scores more – if you do the research, you’ll see that Napoleon HIll was SPOT ON in terms of the age of “40-60” being the most productive for males, if they let it.

Because before that, most males are too busy “sowing their wild oats”.

That might sound like a stupendous concept, but it is not.

Those of us that understand and apply (and I’ve been doing it unconsciously ALL my life) what Hill said about sexual transmutation are either destined for greatness or already there and aiming for BIGGER and BETTER.

It’s no secret that Hill spoke of “all successful men being highly sexed”.

True, the Tom Tom’s will diss this as being “just words” and “how dare I say it” or “compare myself” (I’m not, by the way – comparing yourself to anyone is a cardinal FLAW in terms of YOUR success – Dr Maltz explained it best in Pyscho Cybernetics, i.e. YOU are YOU!) . . .

Which is fine, as they’re stuck behind the computer sending me inane messages like the following –

Device: Mobile

Name: Rahul the heart throb

Email: [email protected]

Brummie “infesting london right now” Glyn ain’t by a long shot the only one either!

Anyway … take the LONG view, my friend.

It may take time, but so what.

When you finally arrive VS “if you never did it, never slogged, and never achieved what you wanted to”.

At that point, which one of the two guys above would be more admired – and which more cucked?

I think you get my point …

Do what it takes, bro, and have the LONG view in mind.

Keep your eyes on the prize.

And fitness wise, this applies too.

You might not get to 500 pushups in a workout today, tomorrow, or even this month.

You might not roar your way to success at any business in a month, or two, or even a couple of years.

Hey, I started WAY back in 2010.

True, I didnt “keep at it” for periods in the middle. Live and learn!

But it happens.

And as far as prizes go, there is NO bigger prize on offer right now than the Collector’s Edition of Fast and Furious Fitness, bro.

We have three copies in stock right now – and remember, once they’re gone, they’re GONE.

No, it ain’t no marketing trick. These particular copies will NEVER be printed again – rare Collector’s item as it were!

So if you want in – take advantage of the discounts we have going on, and jump on this now my friend.

I’ll see you soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Stretching the thighs, traps, and HAMSTRINGS!
- Oh my!

I’ve written a lot about stretching the hamstrings before, my friend – and the traps.

The two areas where you store the MOST tension in your body (unless you’re Brummie “now infesting London” Blowfield if you get my drift, but for the sane folks out there) … and the two areas you should stretch to feel “absolutely on air” , light as a feather, feel so good that you might well be lying there on the beach being massaged as you sip on an ice cold Corona.

Please dont make the connection between the plague from China and the Coronavirus.

It ain’t that to be honest. It’s the Chinese virus, or the plague from China as I personally prefer, or the Wu(han) flu, or the Wu Flu, or the Kung Flu, but the one thing it ain’t is the goddamned “Corona” virus – Corona is one of the best beer companies out there!

And their sales had been HURT last year by this insanity China spread everywhere.

By all means call it the Snow virus if you want – Snow beer being China’s pale, tasteless “if you’re on a tight shoestring budget and want something with barely any alcohol and tons of carbs” beer ..

(Snow Draft is pretty good though) .

Anyway, the stretching.

I talk about a lot in the book on isometrics. 

And being that I’m STILL chained to the keyboard with no time even for my brief mini workouts until now, I’ve been doign stretching.

and those parts of the body mentioned in the above email are the MOST important to stretch (calves too).

And all the stretches mentioned in Isometric and Flexiblity Training will ..

  • Stretch those parts out, and the entire body.
  • Increase your overall strength levels by leaps and bounds not just “a lot”, but exponentially.
  • The book contains the secrets the Great Gama and other icons lik eBruce Lee used, and goes – get this – BEYOND THOSE secrets!
  • Yes, beyond.
  • You’ll feel like I described above.
  • You’ll also get past old injuries, aches, pains, and more and your performance in everything (including the bedroom) will sky rocket (no pun intended, and pun intended) tremendously.


I should put that on the sales page for the book!

But anyway, ONE of the stretches I just did is a great, great thigh stretch not mentioned inthe book – it takes “heels to ass” to another level altogether.

No, not the Schofield heels to ass position, the EXERCISE position in the book that streches out the calves that way (those that have got the book know which one).

I didnt put it in the book because it’ sjust too advanced.

And despite what a few other gurus claim, no, it’s not easy to work up to “even for beginners”.

You might end tearing a quad or more.

It CAN be done easily, but most people haven’t got th ebreath control down for one.

Anyway, thats in an advanced book on isometrics which people have already asked me for.

Thick and fast the requests BE flying in. Hehe.

And on that note, I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS- Be sure and check out the book on isometrics – contains hidden old time STRONGMAN secrets – right here.

(and no, pushing against a tree ain’t what the book covers, though if the Gama used that, so can you).

PS #2 – the world is in SERIOUS leader of a REAL MAN, a REAL LEADER. Care to step up, anyone? I mean, enough is enough, and the world as a whole needs to stop this blasted Wu Flu maniaical herd like PANIC!

Like, enough already!

A “spartan, NO NONSENSE attitude that will build the best YOU” which makes Fast and Furious Fitness stand out
- And he is RIGHT!

As if you needed any more on Fast and Furious Fitness, the Collector’s Edition which I’ve rambled on enough in terms of why you need to get it – NOW.

Because once these two copies are gone, they’re GONE and they will never be reprinted, and this is a classic – my first book – and very dear to me – and very dear to EVERYONE that wants to own everything I’ve ever written (my great customers and the DOERS).

Here i s what John Walker had to say –

(he got the book yesterday).

Hello Rahul

Just thought I’d write and let you know my thoughts on you book, Fast and Furious Fitness.

The book is a classic manual for producing a strong and supple body, with the absolute minimum of equipment.

What I like most about the book is, outside of an overhead bar or branch to perform pull-ups and some parallel bars or a couple of chairs to perform dips you have everything you need to become a “leopard” why a leopard? because a leopard is the perfect balance between strength and suppleness.

With that said I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a minimalist approach to building the best version of themselves.

This book delivers on many fronts but it is it’s “no-nonsense” spartan attitude that makes it stand out, get this book and put it to use, follow it’s teaching and your new strong and supple body is assured.

This is a great book and I believe that it will benefit anyone with smarts to put it to good use, highly recommended, bravo Rahul, bravo.

Warmest Regards

John Walker.

Yours truly (I sent him a short reply, but Ill write more here)

Hey John

Thanks for that great review!! (more importantly, the “honest” review if you get my drift).

I agree with everything you say – mostly importantly this “the best version of themselves”, as the 10 Commandments of Physical Success are JUST as applicable to life itself as they are FITNESS!

(as I’m sure you are aware).

I hope you got the other emails I sent w.r.t what you were asking about the “Mrs’s issue” if you get my drift.

And – if possible, do use the “review” link you got with your purchase to post this – that way, I can “auto post” it to the site without even doing it manually – it just adds even more “authenticity” to the review if you get my drift since it is then “user submitted” in it’s entirety.

Much, much appreciated!!!


Rahul Mookerjee

Now, let’s deal with the last part of this first!

LOTS of you have been sending me great reviews both here, and on Amazon – much appreciated!

But what we (I) did as of late was to configure the system such as that it sends you a link “review” in the purchase email you get right after download.

So what I’d really love for you guys to do is to use that link – and post the same thing you’d email me!

Why – well, no real reason, except it adds the “final layer of authenticity” to the reviews as it were – because yours truly has set it up so that I cannot even edit or delete reviews that I “don’t like”

(not that I would – I dont know why Idiot Keith James thought I would! hell, I ain’t even reported the Bozo Schofield’s blatant trolls, and I won’t – some examples and monuments to shining idiocy MUST REMAIN!)

And, it auto posts to the site in a way I Cannot do by copying and pasting.

Easy enough to do – just click the link, and post the same thing (use your site ID and password to do so).

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Now, other things – 

He speaks of a big cat, the leopard.

Hes spot on in what he says.


The Jaguar, which is what I’ve modeled Advanced hill Training on.

Not the car.

Which is a pale imitation of the royal BEAST!

The tiger is my favorite. Obviously the king of all cats.

But the jaguar is the most ferocious and primal in many ways – and cannot be beat! (well, pound for pound) (and I’ve written about why before).

Then –

He speaks of chair dips.

I cannot recommend these enough – and if you use dipping bars – thick ones as I mention in the book – even better for the grip, and even more brutal.

In the future, I will be coming out with a book dedicated to dips. Watch this space for more – dips dont get half the attention they deserve and should COMMAND, my friend.

In many ways, they truly are the upper body pushing equivalent of the squat (along with the handstand pushup).

And if you can do chair dips – then the next steps is chair pushups – see Pushup Central for more on this.

Then, the 10 Commandments of Training Success are JUST as applicabl eto life as they are fitness.

And commandment numbero Uno mentions Tracy … and how she improved her language and other abilities by leaps and bounds by “thinking FIRST” and doing later.

Scoff all you like, but the mind is always and indeed the most powerful muscle.

and, if there is ONE part of his review I LOVED – is true – and is applicabl eto all I do, say and teach, fitness or otherwise?

BAREBONES and brutal, and it flat out works.

With that said I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a minimalist approach to building the best version of themselves.

This book delivers on many fronts but it is it’s “no-nonsense” spartan attitude that makes it stand out, get this book and put it to use, follow it’s teaching and your new strong and supple body is assured.


Two copies remaining, ya’ll.

Time is TICKING, so if you want in – get this NOW.

Truly worth it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I’m off to update the sales page – thanks John!

PS #2 – Something most of you won’t notice is he used the word MANUAL.

YES! He truly DOES GET IT!

- Some things, yo ujust gott say are too OTC

Here is the reply the Wacko from Brummie’sville masquerading as someone else just sent me.

wrooofff !-P

thank you very much Awesome, thank you so much !-P

Clearly this guy would be best served by finding an online male or female Domina to “cater” to him (but of course, I forgot, that takes MONEY, hehe) – and humiliate him, sissify and cuck him, “make him her servant”, and whatever else resides in the deep recesses of his sexually starved frustrated mind (excuse for it).

I didnt reply.

But its painfully obvious that Brummie Blow the Bros Glyn, whose been roundly blocked on ALL social media, whose email addresses, and indeed anything with “Glyn” in it have been roundly BLOCKED – and someone who according to a REAL STRONGMAN in Shenzhen, China “dejon” is “obsessed with me” …

… is now signing up with different email address without his name in there so he “get through”.

I mean really, Glyn.

If there’s one thing even you know about me it’s this – I will not be badgered and pestered into doing anything I dont want to, period, regardless of how much “you can make money lol!” or “its a great opportunity!” or whatever other ROT.

If I dont want to do it, I aint gonna do it.

And I ain’t gonna sissify you, period. Its not happening.

True, I’ve been called alpha and all that, and I am, but alpha doesn’t mean “nutjob”.

True, I’ve been called a porn star multiple times by multiple people, but I aint, and I ain’t got no desire to be one either (never had).

True, I’ve been called a yoga “yi gia lao shi” as the chinese put it, but long hair and Baba like looks don’t make me one.

Yours truly is what he is. And enough said on that one.

If you dont believe me, and if I had a choice?

I’d call myself a sissy and run AS FAST as I could in the opposite direction, never to look back. Some things even real men can’t stomach.

Dont believe me?

Well, one time my lovely wife and me got into a massive fight over “I wasn’t doing it enough” or what not (I mean really, I was writing books I believe) and she claimed I didnt find her attractive no more, and “so many other girls in China” and what not, and I had to plead with her, beg her, nothing worked.

Finally I told her that she could tell Facebook and everyone on the planet whatever she wanted (for some reason it came down to that, or something silly which happens in these arguments).

“you can tell them I’m gay for all I care”, is what I told her.

True story.

Ask her if you dont believe me.

Point is this – I don’t like being BADGERED over all.

Mr Caveman “Sir” wants to be left alone, period.

And point also is this …

That WROOOF! emails aside, the Pushup truly is the big dog of fitness.

In Fast and Furious Fitness, I probably didnt go as “in depth” into it as I should have but then I did in the Rolls Royce of Fitness, and the book (former) has plenty that the latter doesn’t, and the latter has even more, and so forth …

… and Pushup Central came out a few years later too, which is truly the most exhaustive manual on pushups ever

“best ever”.

Thank you, vinnie! (customer I referred to yesterday – one of ’em)

If I were you, I’d have all three books with me NOW, my friend, especially the Collector’s Edition of Fast and Furious Fitness which once the last two remaining copies are GONE, they’re gone – no more reprints.


And in terms of being badgered, a gentleman from Ukraine or some place sent me TWO emails about the same thing

“please can i look first”.

As if I didnt get the email, he “forwarded it again”.

Same with the character above.

No, you can’t look first.

No freebies.

and I ain’t gonna be pestered into giving ’em either.

And Glyn Blow the Hockey Field Schofield, as a great customer of mine once said.

“If you’re reading this (Sir knows you are) – please just stop, no-one cares what you think”.

He’s so right.

And I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Those of you on the Noah’s Ark workouts in Animal Kingdom Workouts, be sure and write back and tell me about it!!


Why Rahul Mookerjee does not, and never will do video calls.
- Ugh

I may make exceptions for rare cases if I’m talking to my daughter etc.

But for the most part I’ve made no secret of the fact that I abhor the dumbphone (except for the financial benefits it sometimes has) – and video calls etc even more. UGH.

Nothing to me is more inane and ENERGY KILLING than holding up a dumbphone in front of your face and blabbing away with allt he right camera angles, showing whats the in the background etc, staring at each other through a screen (so damned unnatural) – and so forth.

Ditto for Skype video calls etc.

Ditto for idiots that ask me to get on the phone when it could be resolved via writing over email.

If you can’t write it FIRST, don’t say it is my motto.

anyway … picture the following inanity.

Before people say it’s not true – it IS. I’ll provide proof and timestamps etc if y’all don’t believe me.

A subscriber signs up for the list.

“Sir, what do I … “

Actually, let me copy and paste. This is just too stupid for me to type (and there is a point yes).

In response to the initial email he got about signing up, he responded with this.

“yes, fitness”!

Then, in response to the auto email he gets about his email address being confirmed and ready to receive my “blasts” –

“may never come!”

Then, this wacko stuff –

“may I please you?”

As if that wasn’t enough, he sent a “solo” email saying the following .

“may I speak”?

Again, all true.

Could have been Bozo Brummie apparently now infesting London from what I hear Schofield with a pen name or something …

Anyway, I responded with a polite note to the nature of …

Oh, I replied only because he asked me this.

what do I do now, sir

I thanked him for signing up, I told him to enjoy the free emails, and I told him to get a few products if he wanted.

In response to that, of course, it “came”.

The usual invitation for a video call on Google or something which I promptly denied, and then I deleted the email.

Yet another wack job from God knows where.

But anyway, point of this being …

(it’s not so much about random Schofield types badgering men and women “out of the blue” with inane nonsense about being their servants or “please you sir” or some other rubbish)

It’s about this – I dont do video calls.

Damn near EVERYONE , especially women on my list have wanted to do it.

I dont do it, period.

The women get pissed, sometimes the men do too. LOL.

So be it.

I just won’t do it. Nothing more DRAB and annoying to me than those goddamned video calls!

And of course, as for the wacko above, enough said.

But enough has NOT been said about the one time I did do not video calls, but VIDEOS taken by the lovely and industrious Cindy, who even edited some of the pictures in 0 Excuses Fitness.

Why did I do that?

Certainly not for purposes of vanity or to be a porn star in China like the lovely wife said in a huff, certainly not to show off the “sexy dark skin” (wtf??) like a Wacko on Pinked-Out said, and certainly not to show off my prowress at the exercises (and I’m damn good, I’ll say that, at thos eexercises and many others and so can YOU BE if you DO THE THING!).

It it primarily because some of the stuff in 0 Excuses Fitness just requires videos to show you the proper form.

I could write tomes on the form for Hindu squats for one, but you’ll have to “see me doing it” to really get the idea.

Same thing for reverse pushups.

Or the best darn exercise ever

SOME exercises just HAVE to be accompanied by video in my opinion.

I didnt put a lot of this in Fast and Furious Fitness, but then again, that book emphasizes the gymnastic bridge (something not really covered in 0 Excuses Fitness) – a few other exercises not in that book – and has info on DIPS too which is not there I believe in 0 Excuses Fitness.

If I had to choose one in terms of BRUTAL “info” (does that make any sense?) I’d choose the Rolls Royce with the videos.

But, if I had to choose Classic?

Collector’s item?

Then it’s Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Edition – HANDS DOWN – no questions asked!

And we’ve got TWO copies remaining – well, three if I include my copy – so if you want in on this, jump now, my friend.

No, it ain’t a marketing trick – once gone, its gone. The world has “moved” to digital, and thats fine – yours truly “pioneer” saw that coming way back in 2015 or so, and therefore everything on this site was first, and still IS (and even when I sold directly off the other site which I don’t now) offered in digital format.

So, thats the update for now. back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Some of you have been signing up for the site, but you’ve put just the NAME and not the email address. True, the form shouldn’t allow that in the first place ,and I’ve rectified it, but really, and this is bloody obvious – put in an email address too please. Duh!

Numbers based trick to get thy REPS (rep count) up
- Only exercise, please!

At the outset, I’ll say this (because without this disclaimer I get profoundly moronic replies – that this is about exercise – real man exercise alone, not pumping in the gym to show off your biceps or lower abs or whatever).

But anyway, great question came in from Vincent yesterday (a Rolls Royce customer, and he’s recently purchase Jump Rope Mania! too to “accelerate fat loss”).

Smart dude.

Advanced HIll Tranining” is next on his bucket list.

Even smarter guy, because he said all this WITHOUT me mentioning any of it!

But anyway, his question was with regard to rep counts and what to do when the final goal despite him being a doer, despite him following my advice of eating a bear one bite at a time to a T seems very far away sometimes.

I’ve addressed this galore, and hey, it happens – to the best of us as well, including yours truly.

And for some reason, it happens MORE when doing those BRUTAL high rep pushup workouts, or jumping rope!!

Yes, my friend, maybe because along with squats those are the two that really lend themselves to great workouts done high rep style.

I’ve mentioned inthe past certain tricks I use to get my jump rope reps up big time.

I still use these. I dont think I’ve mentioned them ALL in the book, but often times, I give you extra in this here emails as a sort of thank you for staying on this list.

I’m not the easiest of people to deal with, hehe.

but anyway …

The trick I often use is this – count twice for each number.

Which often makes 75 x 2 = 300, or 600 for one …

Nope the Math expert hasn’t lost his marbles, not one single one of ’em.

Jumping rope is great for the brain in case you didnt know – the kidneys too for those of you with “sexual” problems or what not.

But it’s basically this.

You count TWICE for two jumps – the same number.

So two jumps becomes one.

Yes, it’s that simple.

And I call it a top secret secret because so few people use it. And becuase it works like a bleeding charm.

And because the simplest things not often, but always work the very best.

Believe me, I’ve got my rep counts up by over a 1000 using this technique alone!

It works best for pushups and jumping rope – both courses linked herein are CLASSICS my friend. 

Get if you want, of course. I won’t be jumping after you to get it …

Ditto for the numbero uno classic Fast and Furious Fitness The Collector’s Edition.

once those final 2 copies are GONE, they’re GONE. No more reprints.

So if you want ’em, get ’em now.

I only had ONE, but then I found ONE more last week, but believe me, this ain’t no marketing trick – when they’re gone, they’re GONE.

And another technique I’ve used very well in the past w.r.t. pull-ups?

The “Pavel” ladder technique.

Im not a huge fan of Pavel, but he makes several good points in his books!

And I’ll talk more about that later …

For now, it’s workout #2 done for the day, so I’m off to shower.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – More tips on the way.

Why jacking on more and more weight to the bar is the dumbest endavor EVER.
- Because, it's often counter productive

On the Animal Kingdom Workouts (Amazon UK) page, I received the following review a few months back which I’ve already shared, but I want to do so again.



This is one of your best books to date, clearly you understand what it takes to create the perfect beast.

Mastery of one’s own bodyweight is so much more important than some random goal of adding 10kg to your bench press.

Moving your bodyweight with strength, grace and power is how the human animal was built to move.

People, do yourself a favour and buy this book and learn the lessons in it so you too can join the ranks of the superhumans. Yet another masterpiece Rahul.

Glyn Schofield, you’re a clown and quite clearly you’ve never worked out in you pathetic little life, because if you had you’d know what’s important in a “training book” which is the training information it supplies not whether it has typographical errors, “I mean come on man training books are about training not writing style”.

Warmest Regards

John Walker.

Now, I’ve gone on enough about why this book is a must have, so this isn’t so much about that.

And it ain’t about Bozo Glyn either. Ugh. Sullying anything training related or anything at all with his name is just … UGH.

It’s about ….

Anyway, before I continue, my books tend to have FAR lesser typos than my “regular writing”. I do edit my books, as opposed to my other writing which I never edit, and never will most likely (except when I “forget” to say something that I had to – then I edit, but usually not even that).

But there might be the odd one there, I dont know.

I believe John was referring more to the Bozo like comment below in that regard

Badly written, boring

I keep going back to Rahul’s work as I have so much money to burn. Disappointment yet again. His writing style is very poor and the content focuses only upon himself.

From a certain Bozo we all know (and focusing on myself? For one the book teaches YOU how to do these exercise, and if yours truly doesn’t show you, then who would? I’d rather WALK THE TALK with YOU, bro. As opposed to jerking off at Socksford if you get my drift).

(and just in case some of you like Wacko Keith James whoever he is thought I “only share” whats “good” – well, this proves you wrong. Never understood what that particular wackjob was on about in that regard!)

Anyway, Bozos aside, this morning I did some training with the “joris” – which are traditional Indian clubbells of sorts (some call ’em clubs) . . .

It’s something that is going to be very prominently featured in the upcoming Lumberjack Fitness which was going great guns until the computer crashed last week yet again, but we’ve got it all backed up in multiple locations THIS time, so we’re back to work on it … (along with a coupla other books).

And it’s something that bears testament to the TRUISM of what is mentioned BOTH in the comment above (John’s) – and the title of this email.

I trained “light” you might think this morning with 8kg “joris (17 lbs).

That might not sound like a lot at all.

But believe me, some of you avid bench pressers would be hard pressed to do some of the patented “twirls” I’ve got for you in the book – – even with THREE kilogram “joris”!


And you’ll be lucky to get beyond 5 or 10 smooth reps on each side.

This sort of training strengthens and – more importantly – REHABILIATES the shoulders like NOTHING else can.

All that clicking a lot of you wil hear is GOOD – it’s stuff resetting itself.

Much like the clicks I heard with the Chinese massuesses!


But right about now, you could take a drill or hammer to my soles – or shoulders – or thighs – and you wouldn’t hear a peep out of me. Wasn’t the case years back.

But anyway, this sort of training also packs on lumps of solid, functional muscle to you very quick – the Indian wrestlers – real wrestlers, not the pantomine at the WWE use these all the time till today.

And that, my friend, is all the proof you need in terms of just how great these are.

Not only that – they make your shoulders way more flexible that regular bodyweight and even kettlebell training etc (I’m thinking of putting a bit in there in that regard) can.



You can ignore this, and think you’re a master at handstand pushups or doing 50 pull-ups or what not.

But no matter what your level, believe me. The weight feels FAR heavier than it says it is – so start off light.

I realize there will be some nuts who will ignore this anyway, but hey – I’m not responsbile for your blown out shoulders, hehe.

And on that note, remember one thing.

It’s great to pump, tone, sit on a damned bench and add on weight to your curl and pretend thats real man training.

Newsflash – it ain’t.

Thats sissy training.

REAL MAN training, my friend is not about show. IT’s about function.

IT’s about what you can DO with your muscles as opposed to enter Mr Olympia.

Ugh. Preen pose, buff, oil … UGH.

And while joris and even the “gada” (mace) is great to train with – remember one thing.

The foundation is always bodyweight exercise, my friend. 


Never, ever forget that.

And on that note, I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Animal Kingdom Workouts is right HERE.

PS #2 – Remember, we’re down to TWO (it would be ONE, but I found another copy in that old folder I was rummaging around in – and the copy itself is brand new as it were) copies of my FIRST book ever (fitness wise). Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Edition – jump on this now, because once it’s gone, it;s GONE with the wind as it were. It will NEVER be reprinted, and for those of you that want to own everything I’ve written, and certainly the “classics” – this is a GOLDEN “once in a lifetime” opportunity.

I leave the rest up to YOU.

The most vulnerable spot on your body
- Very important!

Earlier, I sent you an email about positions (static) to improve sexual desire for both men and women.

Based upon the number of people that despite the lockdown and despite ‘getting tired of seeing the same face’ if you get my drift, hehe – told me that they weren’t getting any (and in some cases “too much”) … I figured I’d do that one.

Pun intended, and maybe not.

So I “did”.

But this email is about something else.

And at first glance, especially given what we’re referring to above, I wouldn’t blame the guys and gals and even the Glyn Schofield “in betweens” or “undecided” as it were for referring to a spot, or spots, or several below the waist.

You’d be right.

But we ain’t talking the obveeeeeoooousss here, bro.

We’re talking ABOVE the waist.

Now, many may respond with “stomach”.

The stomach is the most vulnerable spot, many might say.

You’d be dead on RIGHT.

“LEt’s see him take one to the gut!!” 

The words of my friend ring out with regard to a boxer – a great boxer, but one that admittedly was not in “shape” (still lightning quick,  but he had WAY too much fat around his ole waist).

WAY too much.

This was said after he looked at me and said (referring to my own core)

“I’d be wasting my time by striking YOU there!”

That he probably would despite the sledgehammer blow his punch packs.

I wouldn’t want to feel it, hehe.

But anyway, that aside, the other weak point?

Eyes, youmight say.


In a street fight, there are few better areas to claw than the eyes and …


THAT is not only one of the most ignored areas of the body when training – but also overall.

Which to me is nigh amazing, because the neck is the one body part, even more than forearms that screams strength, bulk and power out more than anything else – even in heavy clothing, impossible to HIDE!

And not to mention that your vital forces pass through your neck.

The nerves in your neck control many things – including your performance in bed to an extent.

Note I said “to an extent”.

But the neck is a vitally important part of the body to train, my friend, and the great news is you can strengthen another part of your body – that other weak area for most – the CORE – with the same movements if you do bodyweight training for your neck.

The bridge.

The best darn exercise.

Advaned Handstands. (admittedly I didnt put this info in Profound Handstands, but thats because it’s too tough).

Twist and Torque pushups” …

And the list continueth.

For the life of me, I cannot imagine why you wouldn’t want to be like Farmer Burns whose “own stomach muscles were well developed, but soft when relaxed”, and yet, when he tightened them, you could strike him with all th eforce you wanted, but you’d hurt yourself more than him!

Or, what I mentioned about elbows bouncing off my own core like balls of a brick wall.


I better stop, the nutjobs that may or may not be reading thi swill be salivating, but I mean real balls, not …



Anyway, some people have made a comment about “you’re an Indian porn star”!

I thank them profusely for that comment. My own wife once angrily said that about the Rolls Royce, and a probably gay dude from China said “sexy dark skin” (I mean really, dude, I dont even HAVE skin that dark, but for Chinese I guess anyting not lily white is “dark”) … And when I asked some others about it, they said this.

“Oh, he’s just saying it! He’s not gay!”


(admittedly the skin looks darker in certain parts of the video, but to be honest, I could care less if it looks pink and purple and green – the point is EXERCISE).

(not “that” exercise either)

Makes no sense, lol.

Much these day doesn’t!

But neck training and CORE training always makes sense bro, it always does.

Jump on the train NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

Static positions to increase sexs-ual desire!
- for both men and women!

I’ll never forget the day when a female Bozo emailed me “in a huff”.

Apparentlty one of the positions I showed in the Rolls Royce of Fitness (the bridge) was “not kosher”.


I asked her, then I never heard back.

I forgot about it.

And a couple of days later a huffy puffy Schofield like  message (if you get my drift) showed up.

“Because it shows you in an indecent position!”

Thats all the message said.

I was confused. Flummoxed.

Then I got it.

The INITIAL book – the Rolls Royce of Fitness – had me on the cover – SHIRTLESS.

Without a shirt, in all my “hairy chested” glory, and some of the pictures I believe too were that way before I changed it.

Given my wife angrily remarked “keep making porn in China!” when she first saw that (perhaps the smile/sneer did it, I dont know!) … and given another person (on LinkedIn) of all things commented about “sexy dark skin”! (this was a guy, ugh!) … I thought that was it.

It wasn’t.

She complained that “my nether regions were visible in a “visible” manner” if you get my drift when doing the “best darn exercise ever”.


I must admit, I thought I had heard it all …

Needless to say, I didnt respond to her, and didnt change the images etc. (except I put on a vest).

But other than this, many of my great customers have been having another issue “their wives and significant others” sometimes need a little “nudge” to get in bed if you get my drift.

A certain General who I know (I’ll let you guess!)once made the comment about …

“She even wears clothes to bed! How unsexy is that!”


I dont know.

For me, Mr Caveman despite what everyone seems to think about him being a Don Juan steers AWAY from women – and sex  – for the most part, which given the number of notches I’ve got (which I never bothered to count) you’d think I’d be “full of it”.

Maybe I am.

But for me, I’d rather less hassle than anything else (and more business).

Wasting the entire day with honey do’s ain’t high on my priority list …

Uncle Bob to be fair warned me about this a long, long time ago.

“Wait till you get married”, he said!

But anyway…

EXERCISE, as opposed to tantric mumbo jumbo and lazy man’s way to “increase desire” (or woman’s) is the number one and ONLY THING I’d recommend for anyone in that regard.

Nothing improves blood flow and clears the “mind” (if you get my drift, both small and big) like exercise done right can.

Not herbs from India, not Ginseng from China, not “ancient Chinese culture secrets”, not wackos that shower you with special potions, and so forth …

No, not brutal workouts, but workouts done RIGHT.

But of course, that isn’t palatable to all, especially the “lazy women and men” wanting a lazy way out.

So since exercise isn’t on the charts (though I sure hope it is), lets go one better.

A derivative …

There are static positions, my friend, that have been proven to increase blood flow to the nether regions, improve overall stamina tremendously, and ….. increase DESIRE.

There is a reason I said Animal Kingdom Workouts may well put the Big V out of biz someday if enough people jump on the bandwagon.

There is a reason too, I’m giving you the following static positions which even the most vehemently “against exercise” folks should be able to use if you market it right i.e. “lazy lady’s way to magically lose weight as the Indian Baba from God knows Where said”.

And so forth.

One, the TABLE position taught in Isometric and Flexibility Training.

Two, the DOWNWARD dog position taught in the Rolls Royce. (no, not what you see online!).

Three, and this is one of the best things – the PATENTED squat position I teach you in the book on isometrics (linked above).

And four, the BRIDGE in all it’s shapes, guises, and forms.

(Taught in the Rolls Royce, but I’m going to come up with “advanced bridging gymnastics” in the future too).

Five, the BEST damn exercise ever – just “do it” for one rep a day, and see how it makes you FEEL!

There are more.

But, I thought I’d mention this since many people have asked – or ARE asking now!

Hey, with the world in lockdown, divorces are increasing exponentially.

But so it time, and there’s little better spent than in the hay eh, hehe.

(especially if you’re stuck doing monotonous chores like folding laundy or gardening or dealing with inane face shields or what not).

See how it goes guys – and gals – and let me know!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – BOTH men and women are equally “guilty” of being lazy in many ways.

PS #2 – So are kids – hence Kiddie Fitness (but as an adult, SET the right example first).

PPS – The writer ABSOLVES himself of any and all responsibility from situations rising from too much or any time spent “frolicking”, hehe (read KIDS and more!). LOL.

PPS #1 – All these positions, and this is a fact, increase kidney strength beyond belief.

More on lower abs … BURNING!
- Two days later, hehe

I believe I wrote about a super ab workout the day before yesterday?

Then the day after that (yesterday), I told you about just how sore my abs were – and my entire BODY.

Despite me being “Mr Handstand Pushup” – and Mr Battletank Shoulders!” and many many other things, I didnt do a single (or very many at all, lets say) handstand pushup or pull-up to get this effect.

It was FLOOR workouts with bodyweight ALONE.

And it was intense session of jumpin rope.

Ever wonder why boxers use this sort of routine not just for conditoning, but that cast iron look to their eyes – jaws – and MIDSECTION?

Like, SLABS of functional muscle spread across your midsection, and the obliquest too – even one of those slabs could send the proverbial “12 pack” look flying if it so much as tapped it.


And my lower abs are STILL burning from those two days intense workout (on that routine!).

I mean, quite literally.

Today, I just got into a handstand – and coul dbarely do the pushup.

(I will do it, of course, later – but thats the initial feedback from a guy who normally pounds out 10 without even thinking about it).

And the pull-ups felt slightly easier – but again, I felt it in my abs (from the guy who does 10 as effortlessly as “drinking water”, perhaps).

As for the Bozos at the Jim pumping and toning, let me tell you this.

If I put any one of them – or all of them (including the prime Bozo whose now sending me notes with his name as a company or what not – I mean really, Bozo Glyn Schofield, how STUPID – I repeat, STUPID does one have to be to put your own name on a company? OF course, if the company is all about sticking noses and tongues where the sun dont shine then I suppose it’s limited liability anyway, hehe) through such a workout, they’d be unable to walk – or get up from bed – or perhaps even squat down DAYS after a quarter, if even that, or what I did.

And I didnt do a lot at all.

Patented pushups – and jumping rope (various styles, all basic).

And that was it, my friend.

So while I’m getting back into advanced stuff (well, you decide if it’s advanced – or more so than what I mentioned above!) – the BASICS can never be forgotten.

And these two courses are a must grab – for EVERYONE!

Pushup Central (which is literally the BEST course on pushups out there – and the ONLY course of it’s nature (search away fella but you won’t find one better or even like it)).

(Truly pioneering)

And of course, that old favorite Jump Rope Mania!

And that, my friend is that … oh, but wait.

All the copies of Fast and Furious Fitness – The Collector’s Edition sent ou tearlier this week have reached by now.

Enjoy – and do leave a review via the link you got in the purchase email, because remember, at the risk of sounding like a stuck record, if you dont, the Bozos with nothing better to do than twiddle thumb and troll will!

And again, it needs to be an HONEST review is all I’m asking for.

And last, but not least.

Yesterday, I believe it was, I was rummaging through an old file folder to get a hold of some idiotic document or the other.

I never found what I was looking for, but what I did find was an extra copy – just ONE – of the COllector’s Edition of Fast and Furious Fitness.

That makes three, but it’s likely two since I’ll keep one for myself.

So if you want in, jump on this now — and I’ll get it out to you at the soonest.

If you want it autographed, just let me know – will be done at no extra charge. Wont’ change the delivery time frame either (but if you want OTHER books autographed it might change the timeframe a bit, but still no charge).

And I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And no, there will NOT be a reprint – – not this “special” – truly special – edition, so if you want in, “get your thang on now” my friend.