Why drama Queens and Nazi feminists aren’t exactly “winners” in the game of life – or fitness
- Life doesn't recognize drama, my friend.

Life doesn’t recognize drama, my friend (well, not unless it’s Oprah or some rot of that nature).

Or Sin and the City (sex and the city or what not) and assorted lunacy, Bold the Beautiful or what not, but the folks that made those shows are anything but stupid actually.

They’re pandering to the stupid lot out there – tons of them, “legion” as someone recently told me. Hehe.

He’s right.

And Nazi feminists are probably even more legion, along with the drama queens (well, all of the same ilk).

Behold what the “caveman” just saw …

I wanted to pull myself out of bed today but I couldn’t.

There’s some drama happened and the negative emotions suck me dry.

I know perfectly well what I need to be doing but I’m not doing it. This gives me a lot of bad stress.

I also know I don’t deserve a break just yet, but I’ve also learned not to give myself a hard time for underperforming.

Idk where I’m going with this post but let’s just say, I’ll bring my A game back tomorrow, you guys can check in on me✌️

No prizes for guessing who this is.

I’ll give you a guess – this woman had a “billionaire by 2025” tag on her social media profiles, while it’s now (today) changed to “millionaire by 2025”.

Apparently changes by the day.

Schofield would have a hey day, him with his billionaire (not) status. LOL.

But anyway, the only part of her post that makes any sense to me is the first.

Back in 2015, for a brief period, I DID feel that way.

I DID Feel like the sun wasn’t going to rise the next day.

But rise it did, and so did i, though it wasn’t pleasant.

I talked to some people about it, and none really supported me – all preferring to “not hear the tough stuff” as it were, and focus on inanities.

Fair enough, I suppose, given how shallow most people are.

But end of the day, I had enough.

And I channeled my rage, or anger, or sadness, or whatever you call the emotion I dont know – into my fitness routine “without even knowing it” which I ramped up very quickly to insanely “crazy” levels as some people called it.

Anyway, back to what Miss “CL” is saying …

If I had to give her advice?

I wanted to pull myself out of bed today but I couldn’t.

RM – Cry me a river, CL. Then pull yourself out of bed anyway. Just do it! The world won’t stop revolving. I did it, so can you. 

There’s some drama happened and the negative emotions suck me dry.

RM – Well, negative emotions can be countered with the positive if you WANT them in your life. 

I know perfectly well what I need to be doing but I’m not doing it.

RM – Well ,then you got YOURSELF and yourself alone to blame, so whining about it on social media accomplishes … what? Squat? 

Come to think of that, you posted something your fitness routine not being where it should be as well … 

This gives me a lot of bad stress.

RM – Sometimes, we get exactly we deserve…

I also know I don’t deserve a break just yet, but I’ve also learned not to give myself a hard time for underperforming.

RM – So, where do we stand? No kudos for underperforming, thats for sure, and no brickbats either. Btw, we don’t get breaks out of thin air. We MAKE our own breaks, those of us that are DOERS … 

Idk where I’m going with this post but let’s just say, I’ll bring my A game back tomorrow, you guys can check in on me✌️

RM – …. A game? Complaining about why “women are better to talk to than men”, about how male managers suck and female managers rock (without proof), about how “bosses need to be more caring and considerate”, and in general the entire world against the “Chloe brand of soap operas…” 

Now, I’m sure some may be thinking “what an A – hole he is”.

Perhaps I sound like one.

But not even the most critical of critiquers can tell me I’m wrong in what I say.

I mean, this whole rant she posted sounds like she’s looking for sympathy, tears, the whole she bang of “boo hoo”, “woe betide me”, “Poor Chloe”, “I understand”, other inanity …  and then … it accomplishes (to borrow a Schofield term he copied from book he borrowed (but never fully read)) F -all.

I mean, life’s tough.

Get over it already is my point.

Not to mention don’t mention your goals to the world, and inanenly change your goal upon the spurt of the moment, and then brand youself as someone that gives “actionable self help and improvement tips” (which is probably why it showed up in my feed anyway).

Neither are Nazi feminist “whiny” rants actionable nor are they “self improvement”.

Exactly the opposite, and I’m sure if you took her rant to ANY doer, they’d say much the same thing.

Anyway, my book on going from Zero to Hero! has 25 very actionable self help tips.

But they’re real world tips that don’t hand hold or pussy foot around the issue that YOU need to be a DOER and implement or apply what is taught in order to achieve success.

Social media doesnt make it on ONE SINGLE PAGE of either that book, or Gumption Galore, or any of my others.

Whining and moaning doesn’t either.

Blaming doesnt either.

And caving into the negative don’t either.

All for a good reason.

Now that I’ve said all that, well, THIS will be (in some way, shape or form) in the book on Nazi feminists. I’m halfway through that at the time of speaking (writing).

Lots of you will LOVE that book, though theres no drama in it. Just real life examples, and how to WIN and profit from the Nazi feminist plague as it were.

And fitness wise, same damn thing.

You hear people complaining about their lats hurting from too much lat pulldown, or “my feet are sore after my instructor asked me to run two laps! How dare he!” or … I lifted a lot yesterday, so I need a two week break!

Or what not.

All equal idiocy.

You do, and you do daily – much like you breathe daily.

Animals in the wild don’t muck around on “split day schedules” my friends.

The tiger doesnt pause for weeks to rest its hoofs, giraffes don’t their long necks, pandas don’t their mouths, and the deer certainly not it’s legs.

(and monkeys certainly dont complain about sore lats either)

(yet, I’ve seen plenty of human monkeys do and cry up a storm about ’em!).

Ah well …

On that note, remember to pick up Animal Kingdom Workouts – I did the “Noah’s Ark” workout in in today – an ass kicker.

I’m sore, tired, exhausted, and I’m loving it.

I’ll be back for more too!



Rahul Mookerjee

John Walker’s current workout routine from the United Kingdom
- And it's great!

Here is what John Walker wrote back in response to my email about “sending in your workouts”.

And it’s a great one, and makes some even greater points – strap in – lets GO!

Hello Rahul

Ignoring idiots would be easy if there wasn’t so many of them, unfortunately their number are legion.

As far as my training goes, I personally don’t believe that I could recover sufficiently on a several workouts a day schedule, I suppose it might work if each of the workout’s were not an all out full bore effort but even then it appears to me that this is an inefficient method of training, if you train hard enough then training more than once a day shouldn’t be possible even if you wanted to.

I believe in training with “maximum intensity” which precludes multiple workouts throughout the day, that being said if multiple workout’s a day works for you, more power to your elbow.

As for which of your books I use in my workout’s, I use them all to some extent, with 0-Excuses Fitness as the backbone with the other books contributing to the overall programme.

I also train with weights because I believe that nothing beats weight training when it comes stressing your skeletal structure and given that you lose bone mass as well as muscle mass as you get older (don’t forget I’m 64 in July) you need to use every tool in your toolbox to get the job done.

I will usually alternate between a full body weight workout with a full body calisthenics workout.

I could never understand why people split their workout’s into body parts, your body functions as a unit and that is how it should be trained.

I like to change things up every now and then, so some weeks it’s all calisthenics and no weights but I always do calisthenics workouts every week.

Anyway my friend the garden is screaming my name “again” so that’s all for now.

Warmest Regards


Some great points there.

Yours truly – –

Hi John

Thanks for your email – and also for “stepping up to the plate” with that workout write up! Yes, you’re doing it exactly like it should be – – 0 Excuses Fitness SHOULD be the backbone for it all. Thats why I tell everyone, even those that buy something like Gorilla Grip – that these exercises work WITH, not “in place” of those in 0 Excuses Fitness. Those are and should always be the backbone of any decent fitness routine (or you might say “bodyweight based” fitness routine).

Now the training multiple times a day?

Yes, you dont go full bore in each workout if you’re doing that. If you did, you’d be wiped out before the day was over, hehe. What I should have actually said was brief “mini” workouts throughout the day. For instance, you do 500 Hindu squats for your main workout. The other two might just be a quick isometric stretch and 50 pull-ups.

So the key is you do something – you get the FEELING – but you stop well short of failure if you train this way during the day (its a great way to boost productivity for one, and of course … those working in offices etc, or the “we’re so busy” crowd (I mean really, how can one be too busy to do the most important things in life!) … they’ve got NO excuses left NOT to get in a workout!).

As for weights and implements, well, as they say – the smart man has more than one tool in that toolbox – and indeed, it takes “more than one tool” to build a solid house (one with a proper foundation). So long as you stay away from the boobybuilding madness, which you DO – you’ll do fine!

Seems the rain has stopped where you’re at in the UK – so take care “out in the garden”, hehe – and talk soon!


Now, more on what he said …

The idiots part, I suppose I really should be ignoring them MORE, yes (ie. I’m referring to Bozos like Schofield etc) …

But sometimes, with the madness being constantly thrown at me from all ends it gets overwhelming so I gotta end it, hehe. Which is what I did with Schofield …

And the weight training – contrary to what a lot of people think, I am not and was never “against” weightlifting.

SENSIBLE weightlifting – go for it!

Sure, I believe there are more ways to build the bones up – but weights do a damned fine job of it as well, and thats why I’m going to put out a book on training with implements for it (which are “unwieldly heavy weights” if you think about it).

Its the pump and tone boobybuilding madness I’m against.

Second, note what he says about training the body as a whole.

It matters not if you’re doing weight training or bodyweight – you train the body as a WHOLE.

Third, what he said about giving it your all in each workout – if you can do that, it’s great – but make sure to take proper rest etc to recover!

Personally, I advocate not “going for broke” in each workout, but if you ALTERNATE workouts – such as he’s doing – then you can probably do it and still make great gains.

But if you’re goal is to get to 500 pushups per workout, of course, then trying to do that many daily might be counter productive …

And fourth, note that the one “constant” in his training is some form of calisthenics.

Great points, John!

And now, I’ll wait for a few others to send THEIR workouts in.

Do so, and I’ll post em here!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – My own workout today was one that left me hammered, blasted, and damn near unable to move. It was an Animal Kingdom Workouts special mixed in with pull-ups!

I fail to understand why the sheeple are PANICKING like…
- ....

Noone’s business!

I dont know if you can feel it, but global panic has reached CRAZY levels.

And we’re not even into year #2 of the dastardly China plan first unfurled in 2019 (people still dont believe it, eh? Well, if you look at the US Intelligence Community’s report – came out TODAY ON CNN! – I’ll share the link if ya’ll want it – in 2019, the report warned of a flu like pandemic sweeping the nation).

(the plan started in 2013. I said they unfurled it when they did)

(here it is).

I’ve been saying all this since 2018 – ever since Xi really consolidated his grip on power and became President for life. In January 2020, I got a bad feeling, and this was vindicated by events that occured a couple of weeks later.

In March 2020, I wrote about this not going away anytime soon, and it being the year of the survivor, while Bozos globally were chomping at the bit and talking about lockdown shockdown being the magic “end all and be all cure for all”.

I’ve beeen saying FOREVER, and so has Trump, and so has ANYONE with sense that lockdowns globally is what China wanted, and by doing it, you’re giving them what they want!

Lockdowns kill economies.


And therefore WAY more people than panic demic’s, and if you look at how China’s vaccination program is structured?

Unlike most other countries, they ain’t vaccinating old people FIRST.

They’re doing it to the – get this – working age population.

Them Commies are nothing but smart when it comes to MONEY.

This isn’t about vaccines though – the way they’ve been pushed through without proper testing etc (and again, I’ve been saying this forever!) is profoundly MORONIC.

And people that have TAKEN the vaccine are now starting to test positive for the plague, which doesnt surprise me.

My daughter is the only one that inspires me, hehe (well, one of the few amongst the DOERS who’re truly inspiring!)

“Dad, don’t call it the Coronavirus! Thats the name of your favorite beer! Call it the kung flu!”

So damned right!

Of course, I was the one that told her that, but I forgot to heed my own advice while rambling on about some Brazil variant of some stupidity of the virus that apparently bring the outer edges of the solar system into conflic t with the next one …

.. .ok, it doesnt do that.

But the stupidity is mind boggling.

John from the UK recently had the following to say to me –

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you must have the patience of a saint when you’re constantly bombarded by the “internet idiots” sometimes you just have to wonder just what have you done to deserve the unending unrelenting bullshit that is constantly being hurled at you.

So true, and I’d say that about the Brazilian PM too whose very sensibly advocated AGAINST Lockdowns, and continues the stand despite the abuse (he’s even been compared to Hitler!) he’s routinely subjected to.

President Trump.

Not so much the Indian leaders from what I gather, all falling over each other to ensure more inane lockdowns – and NOT providing – I repeat, NOT – any – I repeat, ANY financial support to those that need it despite their big words.

(I wonder what exactly one of the strictest lockdowns in India accomplished in 2020 ? Narendra Modi went on about “clanging highly annoying steel utensils” to ward off the plague, and that the “Mahabharat” was 21 day fight, so the plague must be too, and all that other marketing stuff, but what HAPPENED ?

They said it was to revamp the health care system etc.

I said at that point they should NOT Have locked down.

And what happened??Well, proof’s in the pudding Sir!)

(And Kejriwal, supposedly one of Indias best and brightest from their top institute has apparently forgotten all about it.

So much for fancy degrees, but getting back to it. (and lets not even talk about these people with fancy degrees and no “job shob” right about now)

I mean, look at the UK, Europe etc.

Look at what the MD of Bajaj, one of India’s largest companies said about “their countries support their people, the workers get compensated by the government, but in India, none of that is happening”.

Dont believe me? Go HERE.   (or ask whoever is actually “in the place” as of now, expats included)

Please don’t give me the poor country spiel either. It ain’t true. Bring that black money home, you’ll see the country’s economy jump from less than 3 trillion to more than 6 almost instantly!

Anyway here is what I told John about the Bozos

In general I try and ignore the idiots but in this case (i.e. the thing I posted about not accepting article submissions) – hopefully their bots will pick up on it and then not email me inanity in the first place (it gets to be overwhelming at times I admit!). As for the trolls/nutjobs … well, all one can do is to laugh at them – thats the price of actually “doing something good” – you’ll always have far more haters, wackos and jackasses than doers (because its “easy” to be an idiot, but being a DOER requires effort and gumption amongst others!).

which is true.

But anyway, I’ve asked him and a few others to send in reports of their recent workouts etc – and I’m sur ethey will, but why I am bringing the plague up?

Because people, my friend, are still buying into this silly panic left right and center!!!!


Hitler wanted – and did just this!

Every time I say this, people say I’m the Bozo.

Am I?

History proves otherwise!

And while I might sound somewhat frazzled, truth is I’m not – I am just making a point.

By all means mask up, get double, triple, quadruple vaccines if you think it’ll help, by all means starve economies of money, by all means line up to be “anally swabbed” by China after you travel there (yes sir, that is what they’re doing now!) – by all means subject yourself to mask inanity and so forth if you want …

. . . I do NOT.

And I won’t.

And the doers won’t either, that I’ll tell you NOW.

No-one with half a brain would.

As I told my wife the other day, if the panic stops, so will the panicdemic.

She didnt believe me. (and got irritated, which she and pretty much all women from I’ve seen get irritated when men talk about something halfway LOGICAL that makes SENSE. HA!)

I have a sneaking suspicion she will very soon. HA!

Anyway, enough on that long rant.

But it’s true.

And something else thats true is that quick and dirty workouts do FAR more to boost your immune system than an idiotic not fully tested vaccine ever could..

Get you some NOW – here.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And yes, to those reading this thinking “how dare he say he’s right“, well, I WILL say it. I AM right.


Because I am – and I CHALLENGE you to prove me otherwis e(no, inane Nazi feminist rants don’t count as proof).

(Tis amazing the way the sheeple thinking about “him taking credit” when it IS HIS CREDIT!)

PS #2 – The UK was doing just fine until now, and now apparently “ending lockdown” is why cases are starting to creep up again. Please folks, PRECAUTIONS – NOT PANIC!!

(and EXERCISE, not lazy).

Why Bozo Bestsellers peddling miracle cures for the plague deserve the BOOT, and …
- BOOT to ASS!

My friend from the Marines once made the following comment about my brash style to me.

“Rahul, back in the day, I was like you, putting BOOT TO ASS!”

(This when he was telling me to “tone it down”, but I wouldn’t, hehe)

“I like you! I dont like many people at all…”

Anyway, that aside, the idiocy continues, this time globally apparently.

Apparently some jackass is now selling “bleach” as a miracle cure for the plague, autism, and what not, and using strange marketing techniques to get the Bozos (true Bozos those who buy and USE that stuff!) to buy into it!

And he apparently, horrendously enough, seems to be having success with what is clearly DANGEROUS and illegal, and this idiot is peddling it all over the place!

(and horrendous because the stupidity in general – is – well – just horrendous).

I mean, remember when President Trump spoke about X rays and disinfectants killing the plague from China?

I’m sure he was right on that one.

As Trump said, pointin to the doctors.

“I am not a doctor”, he said. But, pointing to his head “I’ve got a lot up there, you know!” 

Which is damned right!

one of the most brilliant men ever I’d say, and certainly more so than the idiots with fancy degrees sitting around either prescribing medicines that aren’t needed to make more cash, or prescribing “C sections” when they’re NOT NEEDED to make more moolah, or making people come back for doctor visit after doctor visit, often times with NO improvement on the part of the patient and so forth …

… Anyway, that aside.

Apparently some idiot “scientist” is the latest fraudster out there.

From US company illegally peddling ‘miracle cure’ bleach for new Covid variants | US news | The Guardian   … 

The appearance of a new marketing push out of Miami by peddlers of the bleach “cure”, often referred to as “miracle mineral solution”, or MMS, signals the FDA’s uphill struggle in trying to control the potentially lethal trade. Since the start of the pandemic, the federal agency has been clamping down on fraudulent products which claim to treat or cure Covid-19.

It has also been using its enforcement muscle to move against chlorine dioxide dealers. Last August, the FDA arrested Mark Grenon and his four sons, who were among the most prominent “miracle” bleach peddlers in the US.

Members of the Grenon family claimed to be “bishops” of the Florida-based Genesis II “church” that sold bleach under the guise that it was a “sacrament”. They remain in jails in Miami and Colombia awaiting extradition to the US facing charges of conspiracy to defraud the US and to introduce a misbranded drug into interstate commerce.

Having taken down Genesis II, the FDA is now facing outcrops of new MMS dealers. Oclo is run by a former Cuban living in Hallandale Beach, north of Miami.

Ricardo Garcia describes himself as a “research and development scientist” trained in chemistry at the University of Havana, though he also identifies as a real estate agent. Most of his customers in the US are Latino Americans.

He is also known to be offering to transport bleach in enema form to Europe for use on autistic children, at a cost of $680 per liter plus shipping.

In text messages between Garcia and an autism advocate based in Europe, he said that he was distributing the vials mainly in “local areas in the USA”. He added: “We have been censored several times on social media but are still producing to save lives.”

Despite Garcia’s protestations, his main trading route still appears to be through social media sites. He promotes his toxic products on Facebook, Amazon and eBay.

He clearly has some success selling through Amazon. His “immune booster against pathogens”, costing $49.99, is a bestseller ranked 105 in the “sports nutrition and hydration products” category.

I hope the FDA “gets” this jackass too.

They probably will.

And I hope the looney tune bins reach out to the idiots that bought into this rubbish.

(same with the jokers who injected bleach into themselves, and ended up in the emergency room of all things after Trump said what he did. Bozo Schofield from what a friend told me was amongst them, of course, given his fascination with “rear ends” and fingers that don’t surprise me if you get my drift:.

Anyway … I’m not going to link his site here for obvious reasons. People like that deserve to be in JAIL (I mean clown selling the idiocy that he is).

But .. I mention it because of the “bestseller” status the Guardian has apparently given his stuff.

Not Amazon.


Selling at #105 in an obscure niche doesnt necessarily make you a bestseller any more than robust, rising and daily sales through THIS site have made me a multi-bazillionaire richer than Jeff Bezos (at least as yet, hehe).

My point is this – stay away from TAGS and labels.

I keep mentioning this on another site as well.

Tags, labels and “bestseller” tags in particular are overused and WORTHLESS.

Yes, if you have something that is doing well say it.

Shout it!

If it’s a bestseller, shout even louder!

Hell, I do …

But simply deciding whether or not to buy a product based upon that tag as many people do ?

“So many people and X and Y have bought and endorse it and shoved it where ..ah, but you get my drift!”

So what, my friend.

First thing you know, the masses aren’t necessarily the most braniacal of us out there.

Do the OPPOSITE of what the herd and sheeple do is what I’ve always done and advocate you to do.

And in terms of the fitness books and everything I do, thats why  I HIGHLY urge people to sign up for my list first.

It’s yet another reason, sales aside, I “pester” everyone on my list with multiple emails a day as opposed to one a day they signed up (no, it isn’t just over-deliver while underpromising, though YES that is PART of it).

ITs because I want the cream of the crop buyin from me, my friend.

The BEST for the best!

The BEST – OF the BEST!

And people that are DOERS, ready to take ACTION, and make CHANGE happen in their life NOW.

And thats one way of aggressively culling people from my list, and life in general.

So I’m left with the cream of the crop, and its a pleasure serving people like that!

And that, my friend is that.

Hopefully this idiot is caught soon (Bozo Scientist referred to above) – we’ve got enough wackos in the world as it is, and something like that, duping the sheeple and selling something illegal? Put the fool away – like NOW!

So I say, at least.

And again, hopefully the wardens at looney tune bins around the world BE reading this.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Bozo Schofield, the one loon even wardens at the looney tune bin probably wouldn’t want anywhere near ’em (they’d choose Hannibal) once (twice, actually) famously said “no-one buys your books!”

I wonder what he’d say if he read this, hehe. Which of course he is …

More on why “simple” often works the best
- With plenty of real life examples

With all the mess, madness and mania surrounding the “Jim” – the various Gizmos stacked up in it – the “electronic devices that monitor your heart rate” – the wrist bands that monitor every step you take – the so called experts writing down what you eat and the calorie counts and what not .. and of course, the “smorgasbord” (thats a word I cannot even begin to spell – Mr Tai Po copied and pasted it) of machines and what not in the Jim … I gotta say this.

Two things.


One, Yikes. (because none of this really seems to get people closer to what they want, is an illusion at best and outright fitness treachery at most – and it doesnt focus on what is really required i.e. real world effort and gumption).

And two, again.

Back to basics, and how simple usually works the best.

If you’ll look at the great athletes throughout the ages, my friend, you’ll see they ALL went back to basics, and focused on them very hard.

Walter Peyton did “tyre sprints” to get in (one of the main things he did) the awesome shape he was in.

Herschel Walker did tons of bodyweight exercises – pushups, pull-ups, squats, and he even did ’em in the pool!

He was smart enough to understand that swimming by itself doesn’t offer entire resistance to the lower body. He was also astute enough to know that not everyone can swim well – but everyone CAN get a workout in in the pool if you know how to (and it’s easy if you know what to do and how to do it!).

I love pools …

Mike Tyson. Any of the MMA guys you see. Any of the great boxers and wrestlers throughout the ages.

They may have done other things too – and did. Isometrics. Working with implements (upcoming book on that). But they focused on one thing first and foremost – bodyweight!

How do you think prisoners in jail, my friend, with their CRAPPY diets and constant lockdowns etc get so BIG – and ripped?

One, no external stresses (ie. they have lots of time to do two things – think and train!).

No wives, no bills to pay, no kids yelling up a storm, no bratty women wanting “it now”, and so forth …

(or entitled, or what not)

Certainly no Nazi feminists around. Hehe.

It’s a testosterone FUELED environment – DO OR DIE! Win, or perish!

And they thrive.

Now if you’re part of the lot that thinks “don’t equate yourself with the greats”! (Nazi feminist line that, hehe)

Well, I’ll talk about myself.

In 2016, before I got in the solid, ass kicking shape I’m in NOW – I did plenty of hill climbs.


And I’ve written plenty about them too.

Nothing pretty about ’em.

They were barebones, and brutal – rugged – a way of training I’ve always emphasized. My shoes used to be sopping wet with sweat when I was done, so hot was it out there!

Along with this, my diet?

At the time I wasn’t drinking ANY beer at all (not for weight loss reasons). (or maybe it was, I dont know – I wanted to do ALL i could to get to where I wanted to be at that point).

And my diet?

Crappy Chinese takeout – rice and meat – and it wasn’t large helpings of rump roast either. Hehe.

I got into great, great shape.

Then I did the Rolls Royce of Fitness, and got into even better shape!

Then, in 2018, for a period, all I ate for lunch?

Was “lentils and rice”, or as they call it in India “dal chawal”.

Indian staple “back to basics food”.

Nope, money had nothing to do with it.

I simply couldn’t GET what I wanted – India isn ‘t big on meat for one!

And once I got sick and tired of cramming chicken down my throat, I figured I’d stop “settling” and just do what “living basic in India” entailed i.e. “dal chawal” daily for lunch, and many times for dinner too.

Boring. Not fancy. “Really!”

Bozos around the world, including a certain Schofield in the UK would make those comments about it!

(such as he did about Pushup Central.

“A book on pushups? Really! Boring!”

If there is one comment, along with the silly “stud” comments he made on “Pull-ups from STUD to SUPER STUD – within WEEKS!” that shows just what an idiot the guy is, this is IT – for obvious reasons (and he ain’t the only idiot out there either, though he’s definitely “numero uno” in that regard).

But I remained in great shape – despite not having access to many of the tools I did earlier that year in China.

Of course, it didnt last, and I was back to my “eat all meat like a tiger” ways by the end of the year, but still – it was a long time!

So the lesson, my friend, is this – as always – keep it simple!

Simple, is really what works the best.

And write back and let me know about your workouts – and the books you use – and I’ll share your stories with the world!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – Remember the “BIGOFFER” discount we’ve got going on now – ends on the 17th. 30% OFF, so hurry – NOW!

PS #2 – Remember, two copies at most sitting around for Fast and Furious Fitness (Collector’s Edition). If you want in, jump now.

PPS – Animal Kingdom Workouts is a book every serious trainee simply must have. Grab it NOW, my friend.

PPS #1 – Even if you’re the “Jim sort” , keeping it simple works there too. You can make great gains with a rusty, rickety old squat stand for one!

PPS #2 – Bozos comment on Pushup Central was this – (I said it in brief up there, but here it is in flowing format) .

Boring, poorly written, drivel.

A whole book dedicated to… how to do pish ups. Really? Badly written too.

And if you see the comment above that, and the comment the other “doers” have left on this great book, well, you’ll see just how much of an idiot some people can be.

He was trolling, yes. We all know the history behind that, but reason I bring it up HERE and now is his first thought was “Gawd, pushups! thats so easy!” and “where are latest machines”

(Not that he could do a pushup on his knees to save his life, hehe)

(Come to think of it, I best not go there if you get my drift)

But really, great book my friend, and it will get you back to basics like nothing else. Get this NOW. Truly no other course out there like it!

Your workouts – from YOU!
- Let me know!

While discussing the recent spate of nuts hammering me with inquiries from everything to posting articles about wheelchair accessible homes to seniors retirement plans or what not – and how SILLY it was (and of course, my usual rant on the “bots” that scout the Internet to find sites with “articles” in them and then badger the site owners) – I got an idea.

Before that though, the reason I mentioned “why we aren’t accepting article submissions and never ever will most likely” is right HERE … well worth a read!

Anyway, I’v ebeen havin a bit of a chingwag with John (a great customer from the United Kingdom) about just about everything under the sun today!

And as he replied to that email of mine with a “sarcastic” “maybe I should send in one about why beer drinking should be an Olympic sport” (hey, if he did, at least that would be INTERESTING – LOL again) I got an idea.

The same idea a GREAT for the AGES – Brooks D Kubik, truly a GREAT in the “weightlifting” (real weightlifting) world got way back in the day!

When he asked me to detail my workout in CHina at the time, which he later sent to his list (and predictably) the list loved it.

Thats great stuff ! Are you in the military?

I still remember those emails back and forth with Brooks (and perhaps thats why yours truly does all he can and will continue to as far as possible engage with my biggest supporters and the DOERS as far as possible – because – well – thats what it’s all about!) …

Anyway, what he said is mentioned both on the blog somewhere and also in 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections in different ways, I believe. (or maybe just the latter, I’m not sure) (but definitely the latter).

And so I asked John to send in an account of the workouts he does three times a day – or week – or whatever is applicable !

I’m doing ’em three times a day.

150 pull-ups may sound tough, but they keep me SANE!

Ditto for the squats etc.

But anyway, this is just a note to ask YOU – to send YOUR workouts in if you so choose – and most importantly HOW THEY make you FEEL – and the tangible benefits of ANY NATURE – if you so choose!

And I’ll share ’em with the world!

So the floor is open now – fo ryou!

Let me know.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I ended my reply to John with this

“I best not get started on workouts. If you thought I “waxed lyrical” otherwise – I’m something else altogether in terms of workouts!”

Which I am, hehe.

But now it’s your turn to write back and wax away – let me know!

“Kanjus Makkhichoos”
- I dont know if I spelt that right!

“Kanjus Makkhichoos”

I dont know why I thought of this now …

But Hindi not being one of my strong points, i still know what that above bit means.

The first word means “miser”.

Second means “someone that sucks a blood out of a fly”.

Said together, I’ve always found the combo to be hilarious (Its one of those “India” things – dont ask . Hehe. If you’re familiar with the language/culture, you’ll understand!)

But sucking the blood out of a fly …

It brings to mind the nutter who made me pull the BIGOFFER discount code a while ago (seems like forever, eh, lol).

“why no discount on Gorilla Grip”

Which I guess since I didnt mention specifically that there was a $100 cart threshhold BEFORE the discount would be applicable, I thought it would be obvious that $17 or therebouts product likely wouldn’t be covered, and why someone would want a 30% off on that – I mean, how much does that equate to anyway? A coupla bucks? is beyond me.

But he did.

And with several other nonsensical queries jamming up the ole Inbox, yours truly Texas cowboy got the red ass and disabled the discount, period.

Ah, Texas!

I was having a great (hypothetical) discussion with a customer about why Texas seceding from the “Union” is “hypothetically” a great idea, and while some of the concepts behind it may be sound, in reality, it wouldn’t work.

I personally wouldn’t support it, although again, I Can understand why some people feel the way they do about the Lone Star State, which even people from up north have said “they must be doing something right down there!” – and which has some of the best people and food – and which I’ve always loved!

In reality though, it just wouldn’t work, at least as far as I can tell.

But this isnt about TX.  (by far my favorite state; has always been so)

(The Trumpinator said it best “they wont secede, because they love me!”)

(That they do!)

It’s about “kanjus”.

And amazingly enough, despite the most generous discounts I give people (without being asked) – despite inviting people (those that are friends or what not – hey, I even invited the Bozo) out to lunch, dinner, what not – and being as helpful as I can in general – hell, even this site – you signed up for one email, and you get like 10 a day, all value packed! – people call me that.

Usually the Bozos.

Brings to mind 2009 I believe it was, or maybe 2008 when I got “married”, and there was that lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng court case about Delhi Police screwing us out of money, corrupt female lawyer and so forth.

(all in the annals now, but STILL being talked about in many circles)

And even the cops when they were investigating case #2 – called me (well, one did) “cheap”.

Because apparently I wasn’t paying for their lunch, or transport, or some inanity.

I’ve never understood why routine police work that “I didnt ask them to do” had to be paid for by me? Especially given case #1 started because the cops and lawyers were complicit in screwing me outta cash, case #2 because …

But that was the statement – unofficial, of course, that they made.

Whatever, my friend.

I dont know … I provide value unparalleled in my books and courses for those that can SEE IT.

And back to the Hindi expression.

I certainly wouldn’t term my “substantial” self as a “fly” , either on the wall or not. LOL.

But I don’t let people suck me dry, true (pun NOT INTENDED!).

LOL Again.

But really.

Drains on time, energy, and inanity in general is not tolerated by yours truly, and I do all I can to cut those type of people out of my life, regardless of whether or not they’re in the majority or minority or not either one of the two.

And on that note, I’m out.

Remember the discount code – remember the TWO copies remaining of Fast and Furious Fitness – I will NOT print this edition once it’s gone, and if you want it autographed etc – feel free to shoot me an email and let me know, and I’ll be glad to oblige.

And my eyes are tearing up upon seeing the number of times I have mentioned that, but I’m making up for lost time in March or whenever. . .

. . . but this likely won’t be mentioned post this week, so jump on the train NOW if you want.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Lots of you have been asking about the pathbreaking book on isometrics delivering great results to many a DOER – here it is NOW.

PS – Just so you know, $50 cart threshold now on the current discount. But it ain’t gonna go lower than that, sorry.

Why I dont buy the “content providers could be held liable” bullshyt
- Because it's an excuse to curtail FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

I dont buy it, bro.

Last week, I got a response from a guy (he’s a great dude actually) stating that he understood my point about social she-dia, but also their point because “they could be held liable”.

Remember, this was about a discussion we were having about the plague from China on there (I think Pinked-In, I’m not sure, but I think not, I think … but anyway, Idont recall).

Oh, and one thing …

A former boss once made the comment about “you say he’s a great guy, yet criticize him” when I talk about something “bad” that people did or wrong or something I dont agree with or what not.

It was at THAT job, actually.

He claimed that “you said he’s a great guy, but you criticized him anyway”.

OK, I did.

The topic in question was about some idiot who thought he was my boss just because the boss had to prove a point and wanted to “demote” me because of some idiocy he thought I was wrong on the last time I worked there (I’ve worked there so many times I’ve lost count, hehe).

But whatever it was.

I’ve been criticized and debated GALORE, my friend, and the list of haters is legion, but lots of them talk positive about me too.

We all have faults, bro.

So if someone is a great guy it dont mean he’s perfect.

This should be effing obvious, but people dont get it, so I gotta say it.

But anyway, back to social she-dia.

Just why the hell any social she-dia company would be held liable for some user posting something on there – after signing a disclaimer that “the views are the individual’s”, not the company’s is beyond me?

Logic anyone?

Just why the hell any court wouldnt bring up the First Amendment or whichever one it is i.e. freedom of speech for ALL?

I mean, so long as the content isn’t illegal – I dont see what the problem is.

“Deemed objectionable”? 

By who, my friend?

Bozos and SJW’?

China tom tommers?

Or … and even if they deemed it that, hey guess what.

They have a right to do so.

And I have a right to post and WILL CONTINUE to post my own views on it.

The bottom line is this – YOU – PInked-in deemed it was “not good” or whatever you said in that silly email.

Curiously, in true PRC style, you never bothered to tell me which post caused offense.

Thats been covered in the last post on this, so I wont go there again.

But really.

This, my friend, is an EXCUSE the big companies are using so they can continue weaseling their way inside and into certain “Deep Chinese” pockets as it were.

It is pathetic, but that is what is happening.

Sell out, is the word I’d use to describe for these companies.

Anyway I dont buy the reason they give me for the reasons above.

And that, my friend is that.

And again, I mean, think about it.

Even without the logic etc – lets say a Sidney Sheldon or equivalent wrote a novel about (I believe it was “Master of the Game“) a certain lady thrown into jail wrongly, who gets out and becomes a master house burglar along with another dude.

Someone models their burgalaries on the book.

Is Sheldon responsible?

I dont think so, bro.

Sharon Stone once said it so well in Basic Instinct, where she said “I’d have to be stupid to murder someone the way I described it in my book“.


And the list goes on …

Anyway, idiocy aside, and this is probably the last I’ll mention it here – remember, the BIGOFFER (30% OFF) is valid on ALL products, and we’re getting a tremendous response.

Thank you, all – and those that haven’t “made hay while the sun shines” – please do so!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I must confess “sun shining” brought to mind a certain Blow-Zoe, but I’ll let it rest. LOL. I really think I’ll let that one rest for good now!

(but, I believe HE is th eone that “reported” the post in typical juvenile manner).

Pinked-Out just threw a hissy
- Ugh again

So,after I posted that last post – which I did NOT share on any social media (I never use social “shedia”) – here is what I got from Pinked-Out, the ONE form of social media I SOMETIMES (very rarely) use.

I’ll post it here …

Or maybe they sent it before, I dont know.

Clearly these idiots haven’t heard of “VPN in China” for one.

But I posted this on Pinked Out –

So, Pinked-Out just threw a hissy and claimed “some of my content” has been blocked in mainland China. I am not sure what content, and since they never bothered to tell me which one, I’m sure is more thought policing on the part of the “big 4”. I already NEVER use FreakBook, am getting off Shitter period, NEVER use Insta – and Pinked-In was the only network I still somewhat occasionally use.

Guess its time to say goodbye very soon to that too!

But really – thought policing anyone? Not to mention the Bozos won’t tell me WHAT post caused the problem, if there is one!

Seems saying it like it is just isn’t acceptable any more.

So be it. I’ll continue doing it anyway.

What is insane is they never told me WHAT post caused “offense”.

Which makes me think they removed it simply because I was saying it like it is in SOME regard, or perhaps some Nazi feminist or Bozo reported me or what not.

If it was really against regulations on what not – then I’d have been banned from the platform most likely, or suspended, or what not.

But really, and here is the Shitter note I left –

These dammed social media companies – Shitter, Pinked-Out and Freakbook need some regulation, period! Way too much thought policing going on and arbitrary blocks!! And if they can deplatform the BEST PREZ ever …well!

Now scrolling back through my last Pinked out messages …

Oh, and if you dont understand why I call it Pinked Out, especially with messages (not to me personally, but this is the general conversation there) like this –

The best conversations I had with people online, 95% of them are with female.

Just saying

And guys, a “hello” as a message won’t get you any reply nor with another “how are you doing”.

…. As well as all the idiocy there I’ve shared before, well, then you’ll never get it.

I’m hoping they’ll deplatform me before I personally jump ship myself. I’ve already done so on Freakbook after they a) penalized me for posting a reply against a BRAZEN racist attack a CHinese person made against the ROW and b) after they continue to post pictures of people picking cotton in Xinjiang, claiming “its not illegal labor” despite the evidence there that it IS, and then some!

(and of course what they did to Trump).

… but anyway, I scrolled back through my messages to see what might have caused offense.

There was something (three comments) about me replying to a lady getting irritated about people making assumptions about her (why she isn’t married and so forth) and I agreed and sympthasized.

I hate that sort of thing myself. I find it irritating as heck when people expect you to conform to certain BS standards “externally” but internally, these same Bozos are hypocrites of the highest and grandest order.

Then there was a discussion about China’s economy tanking and being on the rocks and what not, but I’m hardly the only one saying it. Those of us with sense have been sayin it for YEARS.

Then some other rubbish about whether I’d own a house or a car.

I said house.

But given Pinked Out never told me what caused offense, I Dont think I’ll be running after them to find out, especially given the “no reply” email its coming from.

But point of all this – these damned social media companies need regulation.

We all know about the Freakbook owner and his probably Chinese (or of Chinese origin) wife, Shitter, and so forth, but I didnt think Pinked Out was this bad, but apparently it is!

Freedom of speech – MUST STAY!

And that, my friends is the bottom line.

As for this site, it keeps blocked in China randomly, and has been ever since it was incorporated. Dont think I’ll lose too much sleep over it, given most Chinese have VPN’s these days anyway hehe.


Anyway, thought I’d share that because …well, of the obvious.

Freedom of speech, my friend.

You take it for granted, most do. (I’m referring to the sheeple).

Until one fine day it’s taken AWAY from you, and then …

’nuff said!

Remember the discount code – BIGOFFER – remember the two copies of Fast and Furious Fitness (collector’s edition) – and take action – now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I wouldnt be surprised if Bozo Blowfield went running to the Chinese, lol.

PS #2 – All these social media companies contains attacks by the Chinese on the ROW, and especially the US of A. When will THAT be deemed not kosher??? Siding with the Nazis is what it seems like to me. REally, folks. SPEAK UP!

On the plague from China, and more . . .
- Ugh

This morning, I asked my “beautiful wife” or “lovely significant other” (I wonder if the Nazi feminists will read this, hehe) – whichever term you prefer – or my “rose like…” (I’ll stop . LOL) if she was still wearing masks etc amidst all the plague madness going on.

She says yes, but from what she says she’s “finally” given up on wearing them because she believes there is some real threat.

Bottom line – she doesnt want to be fined by the cops (if it happens).

Yours truly, of course, hasn’t worn a mask anywhere since the so called pandemic (panic-demic) started, and has no plans of doing so (again, unless absolutely required or what not, and even then, NO. I value my personal freedom far too much!) – and NO, I dont plan on getting vaccinated.

I’ve been saying for AGES that vaccines aren’t a 100%, and they take TIME to roll out successfully.

Any vaccine worth it’s salt takes at least 3-5 years to test fully and roll out, not a few months and then “push” it out!

Some people from what I read in Israel ended up getting lockjaw from round numero uno there.

In the US, of course, tons of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine have been recalled – and when asked, the supervisors at the factory bluntly asked the “quality guys” the following.

“Do you want me to make vaccines, or keep testing?”

And with the immense load on his shoulders, I dont blame the dude for saying this.

Finally, what I dont get is people that have got the vaccine, and yet worry about “maybe picking it up”.

I dont get any of this, never have, and will not buy into it.

And neither will I frequent shops etc that have the “wear a mask rule”. They dont get my business, period.

Some of us, including US President Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, many others (YES, I’ve been saying this since Jan2020!) have been saying FOREVER that this thing ain’t going away anytime soon.

China done spread this menace in 2019, and they have been planning it for years.

The grand plan is 2020-2025 – and what happens after that is anyone’s guess.

If I’d tell people the world in general is moving closer to war with each passing day, and that conditions since 2018 have been closely approximating that before WWI, then they’d say I’m an idiot.

“That can’t happen now”.


Well, we’ll wait and see. But there’s a reason “history repeats itself” my friend. \

Anyway, plague aside, I wonder … and I’ve said this for a while now, a long time actually.

Do we see people talking about FITNESS?

About short, intense bursts of exercise that do MORE for the heart than angioplasty causing long hours on the babewatching-mill?

At the JIm Shim?

About getting back to basics, and doing BODYWEIGHT exercises instead of rummaging around waiting for the Jim Shim to open?

And so forth?


You know why?

Because people in general would rather panic, and use that as an excuse to sit around and complain.

The Chinese are nothing if not masters of the long game.

And they planned this reaction – predicted this would happen – and it did!

Now, WE have a choice – whether to buy into the mess or not.

China did this to everyone (their own citizens and expats there included). China pretty much ruined the entire world just when it was starting (in the US and some other places) to pick up. China knew the reaction this would cause. And …well, it should be bleeding OBVIOUS by now.

Question, is what are YOU going to do.

And while I’m not buying into the panic and never ever have, and never will, I seem to be firmly in the “relic from bygone era – how dare I!” minority.

Anyway, enough on that too!

Thanks to all that have placed orders for Fast and Furious Fitness until now – we’ve got a great response and there are currently TWO copies sitting around waiting to GO – once they GO – they’re GONE, my friend.

So if you want in ,jump on this now.

And last, but not least, remember the discount code BIGOFFER – it won’t last beyond the 13th, I dont think!


The 17th. Hehe. 13th was the original date.

OK, I just checked  – the 19th, but again, I might pull it by the 17th, given the response we’ve got. Or before that.

So says “Mr Mercurial”.

So if you want that great discount – get it NOW, because it might not last.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And no, I wont call it the Coronavirus. Corona is my favorite beer, and I’ve never wanted to call this thing that, even before Pres Trump made the statement about Corona being a place in Italy, so call it the kungflu.


PS #2 – I see the UK has “opened up” and rather than CELEBRATE this, we have folks complainig about “the plague may spread again”. I mean, really……!