More on jump rope mania!

Oh boy!

I’m SORE, for one. IN my hips, calves and thighs. That workout I wrote to you yesterday about truly was the bomb!

And I’ve been on one of my writing sprees as well.

So intensely focused did the workout yesterday make me that (much like when I hammered out 20,000 plus words a day for the other business – I was on 0 Excuses Fitness brief workouts then!) – that I started the course right there and then.

Or should I say picked it up. I had some of it written, but once I get in the flow – watch out!

And the course is half done already – now its a matter of getting the pictures taken, which will likely happen within the next few days.

Editing. Adding new stuff in (I just added a section on jump rope BASICS (i.e. “how”) that most people miss …).

And I got the sales page up as well, my friend. HERE it is!

You’ll notice that for now, there is no “order” button. Thats because the course isn’t ready. But for those of you interested that want to pre-order – shoot me an email – and I’ll even do up a 10% discount for you on the price.

And of course, have the discount coupons etc out to by email …

For those interested in the print books – well – we’re not offering them right now on this site (as you know).

Unless you’re interested in Fast and Furious Fitness which being my VERY FIRST fitness book and a “collector’s item” that a lot have just because it was my very first …

in THAT case, we’ve got a few still sitting around on the bookshelf beside my James Hadley Chase novels, hehe.

But I don’t have the option on the site to buy paperbacks even for that, because that is not the direction I’m going for now on that site – but if you want paperbacks for that book – shoot me an email and we’ll see what we can do.

All for now, my friend. Let’s see if I can wake my little “photographer” up, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I might be a bit “hard to find” ove rthe next day or so while I edit all the pictures, take ’em, finish the book etc.

PS # 2- Then again, maybe not. But really – some of those workouts at the end of the book that I put in there? You that likes to be challenged will get a real challenge for one. A real effing challenge – YES!

PPS – Be sure and check out Jump Rope Mania right here – order button coming soon – but we’re accepting pre-orders NOW!

Jump rope … MANIA!

Big, big news from yours truly.

Jump rope mania as it were, and as I got done doing variations of jumpng rope that I do normally, but upped it several antes, I gotta write to you about this.

One, because that new book I’m talking about WILL BE reality soon, and you know when yours truly says something, he does it.

And I cannot say when, but it will happen – that is for sure!

If you want to place “pre orders” for me, by all means email me and we’ll see what we can do, as I’ll try and figure out a discount or something for you somehow IN ADVANCE.

But that aside, oh boy!

My legs are sore. Calves and ASS especially – these variations really tax the GLUTES!

And they’re like NOTHING out there. NOTHING is being taught like this, especially not the way I do ’em!

And 3000 felt evern better today.

Actually it was probably around 3100. But whose counting!

But anyway, you might be asking, “so what”.

Is this even more “advanced” will be the next question than your normal stuff.

Well, fear not friend.

ALL these variations are things YOU TOO can do – and (practically speaking) – FAT WILL FLY off thy body at RECORD Speeds if you do ’em!

You need to get good at teh basics first, yes.

But thats not nearly as tough as you’d think!

And I’ll lay it all out for you, including workouts that while are advanced, you can do, and that will kick your BOOTUS from here to KINGDOM come within the space of a few minutes, and that will be ALL you need to do to burn fat the rest of your life!

Trust me on this one.

Such a solid workout did I have that yours truly’s grip started to fail around 25 pull-ups afterwards!

Granted, those were super tough and for a change I did grip work first.

But still, if yours truly feels like this, then …

I finished off with Animal Kingdom Workouts – TWO exercises from it.

Forgot the handstands, but I’ll be doing those soon!

And right now, my friend, THIS is what I gotta talk to you about . Stay tuned for more!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I know not when the new course will be out, but I’m assuming pretty soon!

PPS – Be sure and pick up the best course on pushups (I did another advanced version today that I wrote to you about in the last email HERE – and get cracking on that version, my friend. Core of steel and grip of Cain!

PPS – Believe me, the benefits of this are MENTAL as well. You won’t believe how fresh you feel (I had an IRRITATING day today to say the least, and I’m fresh as a DAISY NOW) after you do these! Jumping rope is great not just for fat loss, but also co-ordination, dexterity and GRIP. And you’ll literally be burning new neurons into your brain as you train this way. Stay POSTED!

(And if all the above benefits aren’t enough for you, I dont know what else to tell you except you ain’t got a pulse. Unsubscribe then, hehe. Really).

(And believe me, the way to advance to anything is NOT by doing the same ole same ole. I’ve said it. Mike Mahler has said it. Matt Furey has said it. Everyone with any common sense knows this. Do something tougher always – keep challenging yourself – that is the real KEY!).

Brute, raw, bulldozer like STRENGTH ..

That folks can’t argue with.

You know how it goes, don’t you?

The “he’s a solid character” comments! Or look! (with people looking from a distance, nodding approvingly, with THAT look in their eyes. Those shoulders, they’re saying!).

I still remember a hilarious incident that occured way back in the day when I was doing pull-ups (at a weight less than optimal) and some moron was pestering me about buying the latest something.

I hollered at him finally, but he didnt get the picture.

Another guy took him aside.

“Let him be”, he advised. “Or Rambo will come aloose!”

And he might well have, hehe.

But the point begets.

In China, I’ve often spoken about the “da xing xing” chants when yours truly starts SWINGING himself across the monkey bars two at a time, and won’t stop for seemingly hours.

It’s not hours of course. But to the average person, a few minutes of doing this feels like an eternity because guess what – it builds corresponding GRIP and shoulders power that few other exercises can – and b) because most adults can’t even hang on to the pull-up bar for any length of time, let alone do THESE.

And sad part?

Virtually ANYONE can do this kiddie – or ape like exercise – and develop the POWER I speaketh of.

That BRUTE, RAW, BULLDOZER like upper body power and a lean streamlined midsection that even the pumpers and toners at the gym want …

(Da Xing Xing means “Gorilla” in English).

And it’s not just fitness.

Ever come across a man (or woman) who “sweeps you off your feet with the sheer force of their personality” for instance?

I bet you have.

Again, same thing, and you cannot argue with this my friend.

Back to fitness – and exercise.

Though ALL the exercises I do and advise will build strength and conditoning in a way few others can – here are a few “eye poppers” – and believe me, YOU, the average adult CAN do ’em – which is why I put ’em out !

If I really wanted ADVANCED, I’d be putting out courses on muscles ups and advanced isometrics, which I might well do anyway.

Yes, I know the average person thinks these exercises (the ones I’m talking about now) are advanced.

They might seem so.

But follow my instructions, and they won’t be!

Here they are in no particular order –

Pull-ups – done right! Do i need to say more? One set after the other, smooth as butter …

Handstand pushups – if there ever was an exercise that will make folks jaws drop in ENVY, including the bazillion pound bench press addicts, THIS is it!

NOTHING compares to handstand pushups done right!

The “extended arm” pushup I teach in Pushup Central. – Just GETTING into this position is tough, let alone doing pushups in sets from that position!

… and those are just three off the top of my head. There are pleny more, my friend. PLENTY more!

But the above three make a good start.

And if those, along with a decent lower body program are all you focused on for the rest of your life, you’d need NOTHING else for the upper body – and you’d build brute strength of the nature few men – or women – have.

You’d become an ANIMAL.

The king of the jungle.

Quite truly!

Don’t waste a minute now, my friend. Hop on over here, and pick up them courses I speaketh so highly of. You will never regret it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Check out the reviews on 0 Excuses Fitness too – truly amazing !

PS #2- Yours truly is “advanced”, but he still does these all the time. Think about THAT!

Criss CROSS … ABS!

We all want them, don’t we?

Those abs that have that X shape to them (as opposed to the highly and utterly stupid six pack that most crave – at least the “gym sheeple”)? Along with the V taper to the back, and everything we secretly admire (and publicly diss, if you’re Bozo Scofield for one, hehe).

Really. And I’ll write more about secretly admiring and publicly dissing later. Righ tnow, this email would be spoilt if I wrote about lunatics like that!

But anyway, a couple of my courses will get you there.

For one, the exercises in Advanced Hill Training for one.

ALL of them.

And of course my patented “clock -cum -X” pull-up in the advanced course. I forget what exactly I called it, but crack it open, and you’ll see which one I’m referring to!

Boy, I can barely hold my shoulders up right as of now. Just got back from that workout I wrote to you about in the last email!

And I’m taking breaks while writing. Hehe. So awesome was the rest of the workout.

But really, most people say the above stuff, and a lot of my stuff is too advanced.

I disagree.

Anyone with a pulse and thats not lazy can do ’em, if they try.

But still, the too tough babel continued.

And despite myself, I did what I NEVER Do. Am never comfortable doing.

That being to “cater to the masses” .

But it didnt work. As I expected.

As Charless Mitcheel rightly said, you can change your stuff up to cater to the masses … but thats not you!

And he’s right. IT ain’t me. And I ain’t comfortable doing it either.

Hence the name change of Advanced Hill Training to “Eat More Weigh Less”, and then after a few short months, despite more sales, back to what it was.

Her’es the thing.

Call me crazy if you would. Heck, I probably am.

Turning away more sales for one

And also turning away whiners and cry babies that were attracted by the title, but didnt DO the thing, and then whined and moaned about refunds, and other idiotic stuff.

I’d rather have the serious lot, even if it’s less sales, and why?

Because that is ME.

When you buy 0 Excuses Fitness, you buy ME, my friend – o rmy fitness and life thinking packaged into these products, and know it or not, realize it or not, thats exactly what you do when you buy any product.

ANY product.

Anyway, back to it.

Criss cross abs.

Two SIMPLE exercises will do it too.

One of them is in the beginners section in Corrugated Core, and if you can stand and pull your tummy in (even those of you with 46 inch plus waists) – then you can do it. And it works – Fast.


And the second is what I wrote to you in teh other email about criss cross rope jumps, and it ain’t what you’re thinking my friend.

Oh no my friend.

Not even close. NO-ONE on the market is teaching you, I’ll tell ya that!

Anyway, that will have to wait. For now.

I haven’t put out a course on that as yet, so …

But for now, grab Corrugated Core if you’re interested in the above and criss cross abs (who ain’t, hehe). Or some of my other products if you so would.

You will never ever regret it, that I DO promise!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Apply for one on one coaching HERE.

No personal bests!

Something so incredible happened that I had to stop my workout and write to you about it.

Without glasses. Bathed in sweat, or almost!

And that being, the motto of my workout today mentally.


And as I kept repeating this to myself, miraculously or not you ask?

I shot past one personal best and then the other – not in terms of reps so much as time my friend.

The human mind performs best when it’s not under stress, despite what the so called gurus tell you. Sure, when it gets tough, the tough get going, but not in a stress filled manner.

The body is the same, and is it any conincidence that I felt the words “relax!” sinking through my arms, shoulders, everything as I kept jumping rope seemingly non stop?

I think NOT.

And I discovered another great “criss cross” variation on jumping rope that NO-ONE out there is teaching, and that I’ve taught my private students with great success.

Think a rope jumping version o fthe “clock” pull-ups I teach you in the advanced course, and even I’m feeling it right now.

But really, my friend.

This above stuff applies to life, business, everything you do.

Do it stress free, and watch your results flow.

Now, I’m in a hurry to go to pull-ups!

So I will expound more on this later, but for now, an incredibly powerful visualization technique I used which worked wonders for me in the past when I was fat?

Is to literally think and feel the flab stripping off the areas wher eI put it in on the first, that being the waist.

I dont have this now, of course, but I thought it anyway!

Let’s see if it gets my obliques in even better shape. IT will – that I know!

And I’m out – for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – You’ll understand what I mean by “feeling the fat melt off” once you get on the Advanced Hill Training techniques!

The power of a FOCUSED mind!

This morning I woke up feeling somewhat …

I dont know the term for it, to be honest!

Wasn’t run down. Wasn’t exhausted. Wasn’t tired. Wasn’t irritated. Wasn’t really anything except …

.. but for those that live int he flow, you’ll know what I mean when I say “something was off”.

Something WAS off!

I’m not sure what it was. But as I proceeded with my day, minor annoyances began to creep into my mind.

Annoyances that in the grand scheme of things are NOTHING to be honest.

And that I’d normally just ignore.

Not that I’d “want” them. I’d acknowledge them, and move on, but not today.

(And there, my friends, I’ve given you a HUGE tip on success at anything – see if you can find it!).

And this didnt go away, despite conscious efforts to focus my mind.

So I did what I do best – and enjoy the most.

Turned off the lights in my cave.

Switched on my meditation routine.

And within less than 5 minutes I feel … DIFFERENT!

The annoyances are still there. I can “feel” them even more, and yet even less, if that makes any sense.

The power of a calm mind, my friend, cannot be overestimated.

Boddhidharam, that great spreader of Buddhism in China (he came from India obviously) was reported to have started at a blank wall for EIGHT years without moving. He reportedly even cut off his eyelids so he could meditate without “falling asleep!”

I’ve got no idea if this is true, but some of it, in fact a lot of it, might be!

I’ve head about Japaenese monks that run marathons where (and belive me, they ain’t easy – try running barefoot up mountains for years upon years in forests infested with snakes and such – for one!) … if they dont complete it, they (reportedly) have to commit suicide (and they carry a knife with them for this purpose!).

That part does seem to be true from what I read on the Internet.

Now, I’m not saying you do something that extreme. I don’t, and wouldn’t!

But these secret meditation techniques I use are so powerful that they literally have the power to make what you really, really want inyour life manifest right there in front of you, IF and only IF you’re open to not just it, but the process!

And if you are, you’ll notice not just miracles occuring, but a calmer and better life overall (assuming thats what you want, hehe – some don’t apparently!).

I reveal ALL in my one on one coaching sessions on this front, so if you’re interested, apply right here (but no, it ain’t “cheap” – but yeah – it WILL give you – like all my PRODUCTS – way more value than what you paid for!) …

And last, but not least, remember that while mind rules all, the body needs to be taken care of.

Forget the buffoons who tell you to (as one did me) “train the mind” when you’re doing pull-ups, for instance!

Without a healthy and strong body (from the inside out), your mind power will be diminished.

I won’t say it won’t be there. Several men (Churchill for one) have moved mountains while living a very unhealthy lifestyle.

Yours truly did for a while in the past too.

But exceptions to the rule, and “exceptional cases” are one thing – for the most part, get on a decent fitness system my friend.

Take care of your mind – and body – both – equally!

And the results will nigh surprise you.

Alright, my brother (or sistah, hehe). I’m out. Back later!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The other site is UP!!!! Has been for a couple of days, actually …

PS #2 – HERE is the 0 Excuses Fitness System. The best damned fitness system EVER!

Why I always do my STRENGTH training first as opposed to conditioning

So, I’ve written about this before haven’t I.

And I’ve done it both ways, of course.

I usually do my strength training first for the most part, and then conditioning (overall speaking).

But I’ve done it the other way around, andwith great results too.

But today, the thought struck me that conditoning is really more “stamina” as opposed to “pure strength”.

And pure strength ain’t what my training is about, my friend.

Ever noticed that running or pounding the pavement becomes doubly hard after doing a 0 Excuses workout, for one?

Ever noticed, for one, that pull-ups are easy to do FIRST but sprinting becomes tough later, while the other way is not necessarily true?

Well it’s because of this – the STRENGTH training and 0 Excuses Fitness stuff aint just strengh ttraining my friend.

It’s strength and CONDITIONING. It’s training from the inside out!

And it trains every part of the body, and leaves you spent – in a good way!

The only piece of training that I know so far that bucks this logic is CLIMBING hills, or walking them.

Not running, or sprinting.

But simply walking hills is an unique strength – cum – conditioning workout nothing else can give you and that is why I’ve devoted an entire chapter to this in 0 Excuses Fitness.

Really. It’s that good!

And of course, you on this list know WHY.

But anyway, to finish off – and again. Variety my friend.

And what I shoudl have said in the last email is this – that “taking a few days off won’t make much of a difference if you’re doing it right”.

I don’t mean doing nothing.


But there are those, for instance, that start to make progress at PULL-UPS, for one, and are afraid to back off, thinking their gains will go down the toilet if they work on other exercises a while.

Banish that mentality my friend. If you’re doing it right – it ain’t gonna happen.

If anything, it will IMPROVE your gains as I just wrote about.

And now that I’m done saying that – well – off to the showers with me.BAck soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is where you can pick up the best damned fitness system ever, the one and only 0 Excuses Fitness System!!!!!!!!

What I learned after NOT jumping rope for a week!

Yes, I did it.

I didnt jump rope for an entire week, just to “do it and see how it felt” because ti felt like the right thing to do on the spur of the moment.

I did pull-ups and sprints pretty much the entire of last week, except for some walking and stretching as well, I didnt do much else.

And I did LESS, not more as I say.

And today, as I felt the urge to jump back into jumping rope, I thought it would be a chore, or at least a bit of it.

Predictably enough, or maybe not, it wasn’t.

Maybe I slowed down a bit towards the end, but maybe not, as my overall time was th esame.

And I hit 3000 jumps, not quite the 3500 I did last time I did it, but 3000 is still a huge step up from the 2000 jump rope daily workouts I used to do.

So much for my methods not working or being too opaque as some bozos like to claim.

If that ain’t progress, and that ain’t real training I dont know what is.

And another thing I learned, or should I say two.

One, adjusting the length of the rope affects the workout – big time. This is something I have NOT seen taught anywher,e and yet, I discovered it a while back, and believe me, the different lengths hit your body differently – pun not intended.

And as I did this today, I remembered I got SO MUCH still to do.

So many books still to write.

Looks like the one on jumping rope will be #1, followed by isometrics and then plyometrics.

See how it goes.

Ain’t no telling with yours truly as y’all well know!

But second thing, HANDSTAND pushups of all things felt easier!

I popped off 20 like no-one’s biz, for one.

(OK, first two were a bit stiff, but then I slinked off 8 and pounded out 10. Easy – PEEZEE!)

And I learned another thing, that I knew already of course.

That there are SO Many different ways to do this truly superlative exercise, and that BattleTank Shoulders, advanced though it is and perhaps only 000001% of the populace will be able do the workouts there in … is only the TIP of the iceberg.

Trust me, hehe.

Trust me now, and believe me later!

But anyway, the point of me saying this?

Is that VARIETY of the spice of not just life – but workouts as well bro.

Thats why I give you such a wide range of books- and workouts. Truly something for everyone.

And truly something that will keep you in shape for ther est of your life!

And the workouts in 0 Excuses Fitness for one are enough to keep you busy the rest of your life, and making gains and great progress my friend.

Grab this right now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And again, be sure and leave reviews if you’ve already bought the book! I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this!

These workouts will not only give you a “sexy chest” but a HAIRY one as well.
- If you wanted one. lol. Plenty are too happy with their "I'm BIG, not FAT!!!!!!!!!" man boobs. Hehe. And if thats you, all good!

I gotta laugh. And initially I ignored the comment.

But (and especially given some of my other writing), it was too unique to ignore!

A person named “Claude Lee” on a decidely NON “sexy” social media platform had the following to say about one of my recent posts.

“Sexy! Nice hairy chest!”

Now, some might get offended by this.

Some might not.

Some might think “what the hezey”.

Thats what I thought initally, but a thought just struck me – we’ve all heard the expressions “grow some hair on your chest, “boy”!”

Or something like that.

“Balls of steel”.

“Balls the size of golf balls”

And so forth, and while this isn’t descending into you know what, the point is this.

These workouts DO giv eyou that LOOK – and the GUMPTION I’ve spoken about so often – and they literally DO MAKE MEN OUT OF BOYS!

Especially the handstand pushup workouts – as mentioned in Shoulders like Boulders, and for you advanced sorts – Battletank Shoulders.

Yes, I know.

The initial course is advanced enough, but there are those that want more, therefore …

And fear not. Due to all my recent commitments (a spate in those to be honest) I haven’t found time to write more books that will literally make more “hair” sprout on your chest due to the massive boost of T-rone you’ll be getting in your body.

But Im on it.

Advanced Hill Training and Animal Kingdom Workouts are two courses that do the above just as well as the two above it.

Or, any of my courses actually.

Thats what natural training does to you.

It makes you feel GOOD all over from the inside out.

IT makes REAL muscle sprout – and it improves the functoning of not just your internal organs, but the MOST Important muscle in your body – that between your EARS.

Really. Honestly. It does.

Not to mention outdoes most other “run of the mill” fitness programs out there by a factor of 10.

Anyway, books in the offing?

One on bridging workouts (believe me, this is a RUMPUS kicker el supremo).

Isometrics (half done, and I haven’t budged past that half mark as yet!)

A book on doing plyometrics (again – half done – but …)

A book on MUSCLE-UPS (to be honest I hadn’t thought of this one, but I believe there are people out there looking for the ultimate – and believe me, the muscle up is just step #1 to the ultimate. Yes. BELIEVE ME NOW and trust me later on this one!).

And … let’s see. Jumping rope (and that will be an elementary – advanced course that anyone can use).

A lot to do – and not that much time to do it in, hehe.

We’ll get to it all eventually though!

For now, I can’t promise that my workouts WILL make hair grow on YOUR chest – but it WILL “make men out of boys” – that I do promise!

And I’m out.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I wonder what “Miss Lee” – her of 0 Excuses Fitness fame – would have thought of the above comment! Indeed hilarious!

Working out every THREE days

This might come across as a bit of shock to some of you – actually, it probably will!

The dude that rants about working out everyday, doing something daily – and (and I do it too these days) – doing something TWICE a day if possible (make it possible, bro!).

I’ve even written about training hard THREE times a day, which I’ve done as well.

But anyway, flashback to 2010 I believe it was.

I think so, or perhaps 2011. It was after I put Fast and Furious Fitness out though (collector’s item right now, and one of the very rare cases in which yours truly physically stocks books!) – in which I said the following.

And rightfully so . . .

“Sprints are the Mecca and Medina of leg training”.

No, no, no. I’m not religious.

But what I said up there is TRUE.

While Hindu squats are one of the best ways to train the legs, and jumping rope is a superlative exercise everyone should do regularly, and while there are OTHER superlative exercises – nothing really beats sprints – or hill sprints in terms of sheer PACE and conditioning.

And muscle!

And REAL strength all over your body.

You’ll truly be strong as a horse if you do these!

And back in the day, I took this truism to heart too literally.

I was doing them in the park outside one fine day after two days of hard workouts (and this was when I wasn’t near as in shape as I am now!).

And suddenly, I felt something “snap” in my calf.

And the inner thigh twinge.

But the calf was painful!

I limped back to the car somehow.

Somehow engaged the clutch etc, and drove home.


I still remember staggering back home and the wife looking at me with that expression.

“You’ve injured yourself again!”

(And this was BEFORE the years I really picked up some serious injuries. Hehe. That THUMB injury remains the worst and most painful by far, and today? I can’t even feel it!).

Anyway, I took off work for a few days. Yippe. Hated the job anyway. Got canned shortly thereafter. Hehe.

All works out for th ebetter!

But anyway, lesson to be learnt here is this.

If you’re sprinting, even if you can’t go all out when you start – you do NOT do these daily!

And I believe I’ve said this many times in Advanced Hill Training.

And all my emails on sprints.

You do NOT – I repeat NOT – regardless of how much of an ironman you are, sprint hills daily!

Or sprint on flat land for that matter.

You could climb hills daily, yes. But even that can be tiring, but sprinting all out daily?

First off, you won’t recover. Your gains will slow down and you’ll go BACKWARDS instead of forwards.

Perhaps if you’re doing nothing but working out like I did for a few months in 2017 when I wrote all these books, your body can handle it, but even in that case – it will get “old” soon.

(“its your life! All you do is workout!” Remember that comment, hehe).

“Burning the candle at both ends” in some ways I was at that point …

But anyway … YES.

If you’re doing Advanced Hill Training, you do NOT do these daily if you’re the regular person and even if youre not!

Unless you want to pick up injuries and slow your gains down.

And while it might not feel like it, your body will repair itself during the break – and you’ll come back stronger than ever, hehe.

This isn’t an excuse to be lazy by the way.

On your days off, you do SOMETHING.

Could be pushups (the easy stuf perhaps)?

Could be walks, or swims. Point being, you do SOMETHING.

Active recovery as I keep talking about is key, my friend.

And if you’re truly crazy, well do your sprints “one day on, one day off” if you reall yhave to (but make sure to warm up etc well before!).

Anyway, thats that for now. One of my other “injuries”: when I was a lard ass was when my right foot mysteriously bloated up to THREE times it’s size with “fluid”.

The good Doctor that looked at it wouldn’t even touch it, such a good Doc he was. Much like Uncle Bob who once went to an Indian doctor with the flu, and she turned away as soon as he approached so as to (in her own words) “not get it”.

Gotta love people, eh.

Anyway, I’m out. Back soon with more!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – You SHOULD pick up Advanced Hill Training – truly the best course to burn fat at warp speeds (and no youdon’t need hills for it either! But it’s good i fyou have ’em).