No point trying to convince those that won’t BE.

I say it for a reason.

And I say it often times, hehe. It ties into “let the world do what it wants, and YOU do what YOU want”.

And in the case of fitness it also means this – if the “gym goers”, pumpers and toners, and all the sort of people that “don’t get it” (despite proof aplenty on a platter in front of them) keep doing what they want – well – it’s POINTLESS to try and convince them otherwise.

A losing battle.

And I’d rather not bang my head against that brick wall.

Whether its overweight people that refuse to acknowlege the fact that being FAT means no matter how strong you are, you’ll never really be able to do pull-ups well let alone do ’em at all – or people NOT acknowledge that it is THEM and THEIR OWN THINKING alone that is keeping them “down” in life – the point stands.

Personally, I don’t even try to convince said people of anything.

When they vociferously jump up and down about yours truly and how stupid he is for being “impractical” for one (amidst a whole plethora of rather more beautiful terms – it’s pushed past 900 now that list of names I’v ebeen called, hehe) … what do I do?

In the past I’d argue it.

I’d make valid points.

Only for them to be ignored and the heels to dig in even farther like “Balaam’s ass” in the Bible, hehe.

And it would be a losing battle, of course, not to mention I’d lose energy explaining things to people that would never ever seriously “get it anyway”.

For instance, the person that once told me “table pushups” were “gay”.

He was referencing me in that position on my WeShat wall …

(a claim that was roundly rebutted by a ton of others, in particular a former gymnast on social media) – and a person that later wanted “Free training” because apparently “it would help me”.

(and of course in his own words “didnt care about the blog”. Yeah. Thats all it is, a “blog”. Hehe. Another red flag right there)


He’s a nice guy, actually.

But – thanks – but no thanks!

And then you have my S.O. Or Wife. Or, whatever you choose to call that sort of a relationship, hehe.

EVERY time she watches her mindless soap operas, guess what happens.

Without knowing it she’s in a bad mood afterwards.

And it doesnt need to be seen. It can be felt, the VIBE.

Now, before yall ladies start hating on me for saying this, guess what. Same thing for guys as well for their version of drama and soap operas.

And those that stay glued to the TEE VEE – which is known as the idiot box for a reason (closely followed by “those who only watch video after video and nothing else” and those that stay glued to the dumphone).

(It kills your imagination for one, and it makes you, whether you know it or not, subconcsiously believe in the BS being shown on there – and then when that same thing don’t happen in real life – guess what. Irritation. Annoyane. And the whole smosrgaboard of NEGATIVITY that does NO-ONe any good!).

(Not to mention a lot of times it makes you blame those that “do get it” for no good reason …)

And it ain’t nothing against her either, to be frank. She’s doing what the vast majority of the world does.

(Hell hath fury upon the sad man who tries to convince his female S.O. Otherwise, hehe).

Yours truly is the “odd one out” here, hehe. And guess what. I’m glad to be!

But anyway, back to fitness.

It’s a losing battle trying to convince someone, for instance, that you can literally EAT MORE AND WEIGH LESS – despite proof being there aplenty.

Or, that pull-ups are not better than the silly pull down “shull down” machines in the gym (the most idiotic invention ever along with the chest press machine to be frank) … (to those that believe that).

Or, that pushups are the best damned exercise ever. Despite the Marines for one doing 500 of them daily pretty much in their training!

And so forth.

Might as well save your time and energy for those that get it, bro.

And for those of you that do – well – I am HERE for you.

All for now!


Rahu lMookerjee

PS – HERE is where you can pick up some of our bestselling PRODUCTS!

The power hours, and the power of DREAMS

And I dont just mean dreams as in “what you want to achieve”

Those if harnessed right are nigh powerful indeed by themselves, and much like my fingers flying over the keyboard in utter darkenss right now (while it’s broad daylight outside) – WILL be accomplished no matter what.

NO FORCE on Earth can stop a man that has truly made up his mind – on ANYTHING.

Now, whether or not you agree or not is a different story.

And whether or not you use the “force within” for good or evil is a different story as well …

But point being?

Well, lets get to the less esoteric part ofthis first.

The power hours.

In ancient Chinese “Taoism” and even probably Hindu texts etc, the hours between 11 – 1 (either in the afternoons, or the early AM) are known as the power hours (I’m using my own term here, but you get the drift).

ANYTHING you do within these two hours gives you DOUBLE the benefit.

If you work out within these two hours for one, you get TWO hours worth for benefit for ONE hour of working out.

(Is it any surprise most of these books were written either during that time or in the early AM or the fact that my best – very best- gains came from working out at this time)?

I think not.

If you read or meditate between these two hours, same thing.

If you love, or make it … hehe, well, I won’t go there, but the point stands.

And it can be proven.

Now, on to other dreams.

It’s no secret that I mention visitations in my dreams, some so real I can FEEL the people next to me when I wake up.

Quite literally.

And it’s usually not eerie at all, contrary to what you might think. It’s just a “he was here” or “someone was HERE!” feeling, but it’s a good feeling, or neutral if I might say so.

Henry Ford I believe it was visited me early on this year in May, but for what, I have no idea.

I wasn’t dreaming anything specific (well, we dream anyway – but I didnt remember the dream).

But yet, he came, and I can still remember the feeling when I woke up.

Someone was THERE. And it was Ford, and Ford has visited me in this manner on many an occasion my friend.

And the most recent occurence was SCARY.

A “turgid” dream (turbulent) …

And at the end of it all (btw, Bozo Scofield played ah uge part in that dream, hehe) – a HAG showed up.

A vicious hag – the kind you see in “devil” movies, and your worst nightmares.

Claws out ready to pounce, hair wild, the expression of the “devil:” if I might say so.

And I ain’t religious. Hehe. Haven’t been a believer in God since the age of 4!

This dream was the catalyst though to (mysteriously) for me start doing that one other thing that worked so well for me without even knowing it in 2018 and doing it consciously.

What followed?

Was miraculous even for one that believes in the Universe, and Universal power.

Shortly thereafter glass broke at odd intervals in the evenings at home.

In theory, it was a cracked window pane.

But practically, the fact that it chose to break at that moment speaks volumes.

Out with the BAD, good with the in, and again, that one trick was missing.

Yes, even yours truly stops doing what worked for him on occasion (and by this I don’t mean money!).

Anyway – back to it – and what was it.

Those of you on this list paying attention know what it is – meditation.

The HOW is what is important. And I’ll divulge more on that later! (or if you’re a personal coaching student – well – you already know, but for the rest).

For now, just remember what I said above about power hours. It’s true – and then some!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up 0 Excuses Fitness – our flagship product – right HERE.

Why I keep my prices HIGH – and why I WILL CONTINUE to do so – and a bit on “who woulda thunk it”.

Well, well, well.

Who woulda thunk it, eh?

As 0 Excuses Fitness and my other pathbreaking books on fitness and health (as well as motivational tips in general) continue to motivate thousands (hey, from the horse’s mouth! ;)) – and continue to outsell a lot of the other rank and file “normal” books on fitness out there, a thought popped into my mind.

(and this is just the fitness side of things. If I shared my other writing over here, some of the people beneath and probably on this list too woul dhave a corollary, hehe).

Who woulda thunk it.

The guy who was famously told he was useless, had no ambition, was routinely bulled in school, trolled uip and down (and Bozo Scofield is still at it, so I should say “is”) … and more …

… is now not just a fitness expert, but a bonafide “best seller” in many regards.

And it’s about the mind my friend.


Two dates – and years truly changed my life around.

July – Nov 2015 was what kindled the FIRE within – which never truly STOPPED burning.

And 2017 was a landmark year in more than one regard for me.

On that note, if there is ONE book (or two) I Can recommend it is (are) the following –

Pyscho Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Malz

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

NO, I do NOT sell these book myself. No, I get NOTHING for promoting them, but for anyone interested in success, these are two books you MUST have. And read about a bazillion times over. No, it ain’t fiction that you can devour in one sitting. It’s MORE Than that.

Every time you read the books, you’ll feel a certain something. You’ll LEARN something new. You’ll feel the words jumping off the page even more and resonating with YOU if youre truly GETTING AFTER IT!

Claude Bristol’s TNT – the Secret Power Within … and the Magic Of Believing are two other books I highly, highly recommend.

Anyway, enough on that. I’m aware most will ignore what I’m saying here, but do so at your own “peril”!

Anyway … back to PRICE.

And why I will ALWAYS keep my prices high regardless of anything else!

Take a look for instance at a recent testimonial I got for a (which is a reasonably priced book actually) for “Pushups – Reverse Pushups – the BEST darn exercise ever

(btw, check out the other site for more on reviews – I posted a lot more there!).

The exercise in this book is quite difficult to master but once you crack it, it will blow you away at how good it makes your entire body feel, I’m 63 and let me tell you, this one exercise has done more for my overall wellbeing than anything else I’ve ever done. A masterpiece, thank you.

Now, compare it to THIS review.

(this isn’t verbatim, but this was in 2017, right after I released the book – and from a “lookie lou” and “Doubting Thomas” if there ever was one).

I’ll leave his name out of here (indeed, I removed him from my list as well), but here was the sum and substance of what he said.

“I want a refund! The book only has one exercise, and the workouts are similar to 0 Excuses Fitness”.

And there was more, where he directed me to some of the more “normal” books out there.


No thank you my friend.

And the request for refund was very firmly DENIED (and I then put up the NO REFUNDS policy very clearly on the site as well – it was there before, but I made it more prominent).

The minute you lower your prices, the minute the lookie lou’s and tyre kickers come a hunting my friend.

And thats the lot you want to stay away from. Including but not limited to “Bozo Glyn Scofield like trolls”.

All they want are freebies. And worse, they’ll never do anything with free info even if it’s handed to them on a platter.

I mean, really.

Just one exercise.

Isnt’ that why I SAY THAT LOUD AND CLEAR in the name of the book, for one?

Which review would YOU rather trust?

I’d say the second!

And to reward THIS MAN – a man that truly gets it and got in touch with me about a few of my other books – I not only posted his reviews for all to see – but also gave him a 40% discount (FLAT discount) – no less.

So much for just money being important.

No it ain’t the only and main thing.

And I think you get my point here, fellas! (or ladies reading this!).

And that, my friend, is something YOU must keep in mind too, especially if your work is top notch and a grade or two above the rest.

Now, some may get their knickers in a twist here about “potential lost sales”.

True from a certain perspective. You my lose “numbers”.

But what you lose in numbers, you’ll make up in VALUE.

Ben Settle I believe it was (‘I am not sure, but I think so) who said it, and said it best about focusing on the 4 shiny QUARTERS as opposed to a 100 pennies.

And thats always been my philosophy too. Last, but not least, if there IS indeed a geuine customer who can’t “afford” the book for now – well guess what my friend.

Where there is a will, there is a way, and John Walker knows this better than anyone!

(The person who has been reviewing my stuff as of late – and so does Charles Mitchell – and Gautam – and a host of other people I’ve written about before!).

Both Gautam and John had the issue above, but guess what – they GOT in touch with me – and then well – the rest is HISTORY as they say. Hehe.

So thats the advice there. Take it or leave it, my friend but if you’re serious about success at anything – I’d take it if I were you!

Why – well – I believe I’ve explained it twice already! If not more …

And on that note, I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P S- Pushup Central has been garnering MORE rave reviews. I’ll post about them here too – stay tuned!

PS #2 – And yes, if you want a discount of sorts and are a genuine customer – I’m more than happy to work with ya. Get in touch, and we’ll see what we can do in that regard! 😉

The best upper back STRETCH ever!

Or pretty close to it, at any rate!

And it’s something I first discovered YEARS ago, years before I even started 0 Excuses Fitness.

And it’s something that I really, really got into once I DID start my fitness business(es).

And it’s something I did out there in the park today as well after a long, long time.

And … well, those are enough “and’s” – and – it felt great!

Ok, so let me back up.

I dont know if I mentioned it, but combined with the bit of “gluttony” yours truly does over the past couple of days (I believe I wrote to you about this), and “less” workouts or at least not as intense as you’d think I’d do daily, I’ve been feeling a bit “under the weather”.

Not so much health wise … but, “body wise” if you get my drift.

Something was up. Digestion was a tad off the blink when I woke up, and I was feeling sort of restless.

The same feeling you get (or I get, and you SHOULD!) when you need a good workout to sweat it all out!

And so out I went in the great yonder to that ole favorite of mine – the PARK.

And while there wasn’t any hiking today, I did plenty of running (check out Advanced Hill Training for some of the stuff I did – and YES – it CAN be ported over to flat land too!!) and of course pull-ups.

Thought about dips. But didnt’ do ’em.

(As a matter of fact, I did handstand pushups to finish the workout off, and thats what I’m about to do as soon as I finish writing this and then sending it to YOU!).

But anyway, my upper back was feeling “wonky” for some reason throughout the workout.

And I tried stretching it. Touching my toes. Bending over. Loosening my limbs in that special manner I taught you a while ago (and teach all my “private” students regularly!).

Nothing quite worked …

But then in a flash it hit me.

It wasn’t so much bridging (one of the mainstays of 0 Excuses Fitness) – which is a great, great stretch – cum – strength builder unto itself that I needed to do (I had bridged before I went out to the park).

And it wasn’t the “best damned exercise ever” either, hehe (YES – I wrote a whole book dedicated on the reverse pushup itself, such a fabulous exercise it is!).

It was something else.

Two things, actually, and one of them is the bear crawl found in many of my books, including Kiddie Fitness, Advanced Hill Training, 0 Excuses Fitness – and more.

And my newest book – Animal Kingdom Workouts – truly one of the BEST books there is on bodyweight training and with the 68 exercises therein and the workouts as well, you’ll probably never need another workout regimen again in your life!

Anyway, if that fires you up (like it recently did John Walker, a long time customer) – hey – guess what – that is the entire point of all this! 😉

And it SHOULD fire you up to be honest.

Anyway, that was one of the things Id id out there today. The bear crawl for what it’s worth can kick the average adult’s ass even faster than regular pushups can – and there is a good reason I rate it so highly in terms of conditioning, strength (upper body) and fat loss.

And upper back STRETCHES as well, if done right!

Along with a certain variant of the Hindu pushup (which was the #2 thing I’m referring to) which you have to DO in order to understand.

Mere words don’t do justice to these exercises, my friend, especially not some of the more “unique” ones – and for those of you that want to know – well – do Hindu pushups the RIGHT way – all the way back as I show you in the VIDEOS in 0 Excuses Fitness.

And after both of these, I felt loose, limber, and on top of the world!

Sore upper back, neck and traps are something we all deal with, especially those of us (like yours truly) that work a lot at the computer – but it doesnt have to be something we have to “put up with”.

A few minutes of these exercises is really all it takes my friend.

And you CAN and should go longer – but you start with a few minutes – and that few minutes turns into more – and more – and more!

Alright, my friend. So thats my story for today. I’m off to do some handstand pushups. Back again soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The best course on handstand pushups is right here, right YOURS for the taking – Shoulders like BOULDERS!

Handstand pushups solve ALL problems!

Tongue in cheek perhaps, that one!

But it’s TRUE to an extent if you think about it, and more so i fyou think about it more.

How do we solve all our problems – the real problems – or any problem?

By doing (if you’re doing it right) – what Henry Ford once famously said was the toughest job ever.


Ford was right, methinks! And it isn’t so much “tough” (it’s actually amazingly and blindingly easy and simple if yo uknow how to do it – and more importantly, keep your mind focused and free of the clutter and jumble of thoughts that normally go through most people’s minds at any given point in time) as it is “people don’t know how to do it”.

Or, more to the point “are too lazy to learn”.

Really. Yes.

You’ll have hordes of people jumping up and down trying to learn how to do handstand pushups, for instance, and with damn good reason mesays.

But thinking?

You’ll hear a “deafening silence” if I talk about learning how to think right!

And keep your mind focused, which is key too.

But relax. That ain’t the missive here.

What I AM talking about is something I told my seven year old daughter (whose been seeing her Dad Mr. Handstand pushup do exactly what the name says ever since she can remember, hehe. In fact I think I got her into her first handstand at the age of 3, or so, and it never left her!).

The skill, that is.

And as she keeps doing these herself, and I noticed her do the same – I ENCOURAGED her to do – MORE!

Kids truly learn by example, my friend, and Kiddie Fitness for one is a great great book modeled on what yours truly does – for KIDS.

Truly an awesome book out there for your kids, and truth be told, the exercises therein would floor most average adults within a minute or so, perhaps and probably earlier.

But again, back to handstand pushups.

And what I told my daughter to “egg her on” (she apparently prefers doing these while watching the dumbphone -ughhhhhhhh, but hey, it’s better than not doing ’em at all!) ?

Was what I told you up there.

Handstand pushups solve all problems!

Or, I think “Handstand pushups solve ANY AND ALL problems!”

Do more, my friend! (me talking to myself).

Anyway, this isnt’ to be taken literally obviously, but it’s more true than you think.

And it’s pretty much my go to physical resort when “all else fails” or before it does!

Mentally, I’ve outlined a lot of my tricks. There are tons more, but for now, I’ve told you a lot of them in my emails etc, but physically?

There are a lot of workouts that refresh me, but none do so AS QUICKLY as handstand pushup workouts!

Not to mention the sheer feeling I get from doing these.

Look, brah, when you’re balancing your entire bodyweight on your hands and pumping out pushups – believe me – that is a – FEELING – that cannot be BEAT by anything else!

Strength wise, perhaps and probably by pull-ups done right, but in other regards?

An “entire body strong” feeling, especially in the TRAPS (there is a reason I mention the grizzly on the sales page there??)?

I think there is NO other exercise other than the handstand and handstand pushup that does it, and within a few seconds for most people!

Within a minute for yours truly.

I BUZZ. I’m feeling STRONG. My entire body is PULSATING with strength and more energy!

And mentally too – the increased blood flow to the brain helps clear your mind, and give you a fresh perspective on things!

Believe me now and trust me later too, when I say that these help your digestion immeasurably (and I should know, given all the gorging I’ve done over the past few days).

So all in all, if you’re having a tough, rough day?

And problems just keep cropping up??

Take a minute or two out.

Bang out a few handstand pushups and other brief workouts. Or simply hold your handstand for time.

Even half a minute is way harder than it seems, and has way more benefit than you think!

And you’ll soon see the truism or near truism, hehe, of “all problems melting away” once you DO these and get good at them, and do them throughout the day!

All for now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up Shoulders like Boulders right here my friend. It’s truly the ONE definitive course on handstand pushups with an UNIQUE twist that there is out there!!!

“You’re always so positive!!”

Thus cameth the comment from Madam Tracy, her of the “India man hot” fame …

And I have NO doubt that my “positivity” (to be honest, I was just being ME and not trying to be positive or whatever) contributed a lot to the “hot” comment, especially given yours truly wasn’t (at least in yours truly’s eyes) anywhwere near “hot” at that point.

But as I say so often, and it’s a tagline on the other site, it’s all about the MIND my friend.

It’s all about what lies within (workout wise too – that why I do things the way I do ’em!).

As I recently posted on LinkedIn in response to a comment from an “older” lady who certain bozos are hitting on (seems the vast majority of guys are using all social media as Tinder these days – o rshould I say “bozo guys” – – certainly NOT all guys fall into that bracket!) … and it’s pissing her off.

Big time.

And in response to her rant, I mostly agreed with her (she was right – nothing is more annoying than some bozo you dont even know messaging you out of the blue with inane rubbish to be honest) – and replied that

“Beauty is inded in the eyes of the beholder”.

Perhaps so thinks Madam Tracy, hehe.

Anyway … point of this?

Can be hard to stay positive and upbeat at the best of times my friend. Especially if you’re not trodding the beaten path (and if you aren’t, you KNOW what I mean!).

But it can be done equally easily if you know HOW.

And while my book Zero to Hero doesnt contain the how’s of this in a proper manner (that is more focused on the “what to do”) – the how is something I’ve written about, and in the book I give you an example of the most PURE form of joy I’ve ever seen.

And thats what really the how boils down to and what matters.

Now, the other “how’s?” or the “what’s”, actually?

Well, everything that I keep writing about.

Remove that which you don’t want from your life, and be unapolegetic (to yourself too!) abuot doing so. Without fear, without regrets.

When life hits you in the gut – hit i tback with VIM, VERVE, VIGOR AND GUSTO – in the solar plexus and keep on keeping on no matter how impossible the final goal might be.

Stay focused on the end goal, not where you logically think you are now, or where the Bozo Glyn Scofield’s of this world rant about, hehe.

And more. Visualization. Past bests, and thinking about them/

Mirror technique. And much, much more, and I’ve written all about them.

Perhaps I’ll do up another book on “Zero to Hero”, and will give you more details there!

For now though, remember too, that the MIND can only function when the BODY is functioning at its best.

And for that, a PROPER fitness system that works you from the inside out is required.

Believe you me, when you get on some of these workouts, you’ll be radiating positivity and attracting the same to you without even knowing it!

And thats what it’s all about my friend.

All for now – back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is the link for that BEST damned fitness system I “rant” about so much – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

More “5 star” reviews coming in – and thank – YOU!

So, I was idly browsing my Amazon pages (remember the last email I sent you on that)?

About the one and only Bozo Scofield having time to rifle through all my books on Amazon UK and post idiotic trollish (and laughable insane) reviews.

I’ve made that point in the last email though (two of them) I sent out to you on this.

And I’ve made the Bozo’ rants “famous” as well, but believe me, there are more I did not put here.

But anyway I’ve made no secret of the fact that our products flat out work.

They’re pricey. Yes. Hell yes.

Certainly not for “everyone” as it were.

But for those that truly do “get it”?

Charless Mitchell, for one, a loyal customer that owns pretty much every book I’ve ever put out – and WORKS on the exercises very assidously at that!

In fact, I’ve got no idea in terms of his current progress on fingertip pushups, but given the man’s tenacity and drive, he might well be challenging yours truly shortly, hehe.

And to be honest?

I’ll LOVE that.

What I want is for HIM and ALL OF YOU to BEST ME!

Thats the point of writing the books – to get – you – YOU – in the best damned shape of your life!

Via the best damned fitness system ever (and hey, it’s no lie – I even created 5 videos for it, something I hate doing, hehe).

And on that note, here’s another great reveiw from a customer on Amazon.

(here is the page for it –

Verified Purchase

GREAT Book! 

I have a few of this author’s books and I’d like to purchase more but unfortunately they’re way out of my price range, i.e. £174 for the pull up book is beyond my budget, if I spent £174 on any book no matter how good it is, my wife would have a fit and I would not be able to justify the expense, which is great shame but that’s life I guess.

Having said the above in “fairness” I must point out this book is one of the more affordable books by Rahul.

J. Walker

Now that, my friends, is a REAL review from a REAL customer.

And I agree with him on the price part, hehe.

And he’s right – gotta keep our significant others “calm”, hehe. Mine has been calm over the past couple of days, but one never knows what storm BE brewing in the teacup (tempest??).


But anyway, a huge thanks to YOU Mr. Walker – and the rest of ya’ll as well. DO post some more reviews – honest stuff like he posted above if you buy from Amazon or other third parties – as (and as I said before), if you don’t – guess what – the Bozos will.

On that note, I idly reported one of the Bozo’s comments as “abuse” (which it was) to Amazon, and they seem to have taken it down. Kudos! I didnt really expect much of it to be honest, but Bozo Scofield seems to be too much even for Amazon, and I get it.

Hehe. Certified and known lunatic as a friend (a mutual friend who shall remain nameless ;-)) very recently told me … and he was RIGHT.

Anyway, moving on from that – and back to price.

The price for the books unfortunately will remain what it is.

However – and for YOU loyal customers out there – if you get back to me with a short email detailing what exactly you’d like to buy (but you’ll have to do it from the site, or perhaps other sources – Amazon from what I understand doesnt have coupons) – and how many etc, I’ll see what I can “cook up for you”.

I was thinking of making a “one size fits all” discount (hey, it’s Diwali in certain parts of the world – so thats one reason – but Happy Diwali to all of YOU no matter where you might BE right NOW) … but that might not work for everyone.

And being I generally don’t do discount anyway, well …

But yes – write back and let me know – and I’ll see what I can do in that regard!

If you prefer to buy from some of the biggies (Amazon etc) direct – I get that too – I’m selling on plenty of platforms right as of now.

Just write back – let me know – and we can go from THERE!

Once again, thanks – and I’ll be getting back with more reviews from people that “heeded the call to action” and DID take the time to write reviews. Thank you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the best damned fitness system right HERE my friend: The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

These workouts truly do KICK MY ASS …

All these years later!

And they’ll kick yours too, if you just LET ’em.

Perhaps I should have said that at the “bottom” of this here email. But I’m going to switch it up a little! 😉

(Edit – More on “switching” on the other site when it’s back up, hehe. Already got the piece written up!).

But anyway, as I sit here today …

I am SORE.

I didnt do a massive workout yesterday. In fact, you could call it a rest day in many regards.

But it wasn’t … but the day before that was really a workout day for me.

And I’m STILL sore from that workout.


Pull-ups (done in EVEN more advanced style than in my advanced course on pull-ups which most Crossfitters, marathoners, and certainly gym pounders and babe watchers CANNOT do right off the bat, and in many cases years later either!).

And of course, that ole favorite. Handstand pushups.

Except my traps, damn near everything is sore.

My forearms especially. This for the Gorilla Grip guy!

I’ve been rubbing them throughout the day to improve blood circulation etc. And I’ve been doing some serious THINKING as well my friend.

Thinking, as Ford said is often the hardest job!

And my conclusion from the thinking is this.

“We are all, always, “supported” during our journey in life – provided we know what it is we WANT – really, really WANT”.

Provided the desire is strong enough, you’ll find a way to get it – eventually – yes, even in these times of COVID and what not.

Help (or what might seem like it) – or miracles (or what seem like them) will materialize in the most “insane” ways possible.

You’ll think it’s luck.

But it really isn’t, and I’ll write more on that later, perhaps (though I’ve written a lot on it already).

But really, my friend. If you’re tuned into yourself, and the SPIRIT that lies within you, and therefore the Universe, you probably look at the word “coincidence” in a whole different light than most people do.

I know I do.

Anyway, back to the physical plane, bro.

Think about this – if my own workouts are kicking my ass YEARS and years after I do ’em – what sort of shape do you think they will get YOU INTO?

What sort of super shape will YOU BE IN even if you start “basic”?

The results truly do beggar belief, my friend.

And for all of you looking for a way out of the constant negativity we’re bombarded with, there is a way.

It isn’t always consciously making a decision to disconnnect your high speed Internet (as I did in early April this year, or was it March. I believe March! Hehe).

It’s to look WITHIN.

It’s to maintain FOCUS.

And the mind is in superior shape if and only IF your body is, my friend.

Before we get too esoteric then – jump on board the BEST DAMNED FITNESS system right HERE my friend.

Get in the best shape of your life. You know you’ve always wanted to, and if you’re seeing this email right about now, it ain’t no coincidence either!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember too, that you “start light”. For those of you just starting out with pull-ups, I’d recommend the basic course FIRST and then the advanced one. Or, you could just grab the compilation – highly recommended – and get on board with all of it in ONE format!!

(and no, that introductory price ain’t gonna last. Get in while the going is GOOD my friend. Yee … HA!)

On “making things more interesting” and more

It’s funny how it works. Hehe.

The other day, a lady on my Facebook friend list sent me this about my fitness posts (which I admittedly despite my not-so-obvous hatred of social media shmedia post there as well – at least for NOW) …

“You’re a really good writer! You should write articles, or other pieces for newspapers or magazines, or be an editor”.

Now, I’m not sure if she actually read the posts past the headlines …

Prboably not, or and as I told her, she’d have known yours truly is an editor for yours truly.

With four or more websites to maintain (perhaps more in the future) I have enough on my hands and have no plans of taking on more. At all. Certainly no jobs.

UGH (“real jobs” as people like to say).

Now here is something else she told me.

“And I’m sorry, but I don’t read your posts! I’m a woman! If you show me jewelery, or nice food, or other pretty pictures, I might!”



No prizes for guessing who did what (unless you’re on the other, yet to be up site).

(Patience, grasshopper. Patience. It took me a while to get my emailing here sorted and we’re roaring along as before in that regard. Give me a few more days, and that other most salacious site will be up too…)

Anyway, she’s right.

The posts weren’t for her. Especially not the headlines.

And if it’s having the intended impact (exactly what she said) – then I’m doing a damn good job, even if I say so myself.

Especially with the long line of trolls ever ready to troll me, Bozo Scofield for one being at the top of the list . But this woman ain’t a troll though.

I mean the girl who messaged me on FaceBook. Not Bozo “third gender” Scofield. Hehe.

God knows what he (she) is. Perhaps not even he does!

Anyway …

Point of me mentioning it?

Is no, if that is what you’re into, I ain’t gonna go out of my way, or even try to for that matter “make it more interesting”

(Actually now that I remember, the lady asked me to do political pieces for my magazines. As you can see from a lot of my social media posts, I love to dabble in political discussions every so often).

(only with people that GET IT though. Not for me the loooong threads dedicated to nothign but trolls…)

I’ve been told my writing IS entertaining on that note.

Very much so.

As an user told me years ago, “it strikes a chord”.

As a friend Harding once told me “he knows how to connect with his customers, and “draws you in”” (and this comment is public on social media).

Or, as Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once said “I love your style! I love the way you connect with your customers!”

And so forth.

But all these people were people that GET IT (are people).

The rest of the bozos, complainers, whiners, pissers and moaners (prime case being overweight folks unable to do pull-ups complaining about “Rahul giving them advice on doing pull-ups” becaus ethat advice ain’t what they “want to hear”, but rather is what they “NEED” to hear, and big time!) don’t.

And hence they don’t like what I say.

But they still read it anyway, hehe. Quietly, and they then troll me.


So my stuff is having the intended impact.

But really, no.

When you buy a product, you aren’t buying the product so much as the personality behind the product.

In this case, it’s yours truly “movie star like” “ go to the gym even though I never have”, “cave man like” “long emailers like” “ fitness fanatic like” “Mr. Fast Mr Handstand pushups” and so forth personalityy you’re buying.

And from what I gather, lots love it!

So NO, I don’t intend on changing that any time soon my friend. Hey, and if you don’t like that – I get it – all it takes to remove me from your “life” is a little mousey click on the “unsubscribe” link …

(It’s right there at the bottom of the email for the bozos who “dont read because it’s too long”). And then in the same vein complain about “it doesnt make any sense”.

Well, of course it wouldn’t. If you didnt read, it wouldn’t make sense would it now. Hehe.

And so it goes.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I’ve been off ALL social media for a while, except when I get on to post these things. If I haven’t replied to messages etc, mea culpa. Will do so asap!

Why you genuine customers out there should ALWAYS leave reviews (even if the book isn’t up to your expectations)

So it’s interesting.

Over the past couple of days, I’ve been chatting with a contact of mine from the UK on a social media network I won’t mention here.

He’s a great guy from the looks of it, and one of his posts (or a couple of them, actually) were about “how to reply when people want to do something for you”.

Apparently some people have asked him what they can “do for him” because of all the helpful advice he gives them (and he does, really).

So he put out the usual laundry list you’d expect. Sales. Get my services. Buy me a cup of coffee (figuratively speaking),. And so forth.

None necessarily bad options, but he left out the “crown in the jewel” (as Bozo Scofield apparently likes to term it as).

That being REVIEWS.

And I advised him that the best thing – VERY BEST thing he could do for his business was to ask customers to leave reviews – even if they’re “bad” reviews.

Now, why would I do that.

Well, we’ll get to that.

But really, the main reason is this. The Internet is full of (and this has just gotten worse during these times of the China plague where people are stuck at home with nothing better to do than follow their favorite “studs” (another Bozo Scofield term for yours truly, hehe) trollish characters who have nothing better to do than troll the Internet all day long, and believe me – they WILL post reviews, even if they’re idiotic and laughable ones at best.

Now, this doesnt bother me one bit, of course, but if it DOES bother you – and sometimes it does bother people – then please (and if you’re a genuine customer, you know who you are!) leave a REVIEW.

Even if it’s a poor review (so long as you’re a customer that actually invested in the product).

Companies have been emailing me as of late. Companies I work with. And the overriding theme in all their emails (sometimes they ask MORE than once, but thats fine).

“Rahul, would you mind leaving us a review please?”

And obviously, I leave reviews – which are HONEST – and usually glowing because I believe in the “if you don’t have anything good to say about someone – then don’t say it at all (unless it’s Bozo Glyn Scofield on public welfare – the bully “el supremo” as it were, hehe, but you on the list know all about him! Hehe. I’ve even had people asking me “where from in the UK is this guy”, hehe) philosophy.

Unless it’s a product or service I purchased that I ain’t happy with, but in that case I’ll leave a factual review, and not all the time.

In fact, personally, I don’t even READ reviews most of the time because they’re useless for the most part.

Ever notice that the people with the best products usually get the worst reviews?

Ever notice the number of people jumping up and down about the current US Prez with inane, troll like “infantile” comments which have nothing at all to do with his Presidency?

And so forth.

But either way, here is what (and I just noticed this today) Bozo Scofield left in terms of a review a while ago on a few of my books –

(By the way, if you’re someone from Amazon UK reading this – do you guys even ALLOW non purchasers to leave reviews? It would seem so … so you folks reading this, if you want a genuine review – look for the “verified purchase” icon on Amazon).

(And yes, there are some verified purchases – real customers that left reviews that were less than stellar, hehe. A look at the “Gorilla Grip Amazon UK” page (just type it in Google, I’m too lazy to do it right now, hehe) will give you the link to a review I’ve mentioned a lot of times already …)

(And it’s all good. I don’t mind, really, provided you’re a customer and have BOUGHT the book!).

Anyway, take for example this “gem” of a review the Bozo-nator Sco the Bo left –

The author claims to share how he can be a stud, I thought I would try it. My days would start at 3am with me walking 20 miles a day, and doing 25 laps of the swimming pool at the complex. The rest of the time, I was doing volunteer work or working with the local authorities. I was just a typical Tom Tom! I wanted to be a stud like Rahul who has no friends or sex life. Sure enough, the book was utterly drivel. I asked for my money back but Rahul launched into a campaign of threats. He is obviously a loner and we hope he will get help.

Or this …

Being as I’m something of a pioneer myself, I thought I would try Rahul’s book. Utterly, utter drivel spurting from the mouth of a barely literate mad men. He cheats on his wife, so what can he do to his friends? Avoid this book.

The first on the “16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections” page, and the second on the Fitness Pioneer page, and he took the time to leave reviews on ALL of my products on Amazon UK as well, hehe. And no, I did not report him for “abuse” as yet, and probably won’t.

In fact, I invite the Bozo to post a bit more so I can tell you guys about it … (and we’ll get to his pioneering trollish ways in another posts. For now, mercy…)


But really.

Do those reviews sound like someone you’d want to ask an opinion on about a product?

I think not …

Boo hoo! He cheats on his wife”

This little gem coming from someone who used to pester me about women asking me for my WeChat ID all the time, while his lonely nutzo ass was doing you know what at home with a beer bottle and getting kicked out of his “dorm room” at his illegal teaching job in China for being a drunk, druggie, and dealing with “women of the night” (most of them who reportedly had a huge UGH to say about him).

(and, for reference, a mutual friend whose girfriend the Bozo “hit on” (apparently unsuccessfully for the most part said the same thing)

(Now, it’s something you’d expect from a woman, but probably not a guy. Hehe. But Glyn Scofield, sometimes I wonder).

Most of whom he never slept with.

Hence the jealousy?


(For reference, this bozo once sent me an email under a pen name asking for “how to get laid in China”.).

Yes. Really!

( Do a search on the blog and you’ll find it. This nutzo is still stuck in one of my FB groups under a wierd nick, but I haven’t had the heart to remove him as yet, hehe).

As a friend of mine recently said, he’s truly OBSESSED with you, Rahul.

And he is. He ain’t the only one, but he seems to be the one with the most time to burn …

As for the tom tomming part, well, you on the list know all about it already. Do a search on the blog if you don’t, and you’ll get my drift.

As for requesting a refund, if he bought through Amazon, wouldn’t he be requesting Amazon for a refund and not yours truly “El groucho” who does NOT, I repeat, NOT, for whatever reason offer refunds of ANY nature for products sold?

And back to “cheating”. On the one hand I apparently cheat on my “wife”. OK …

… and on the other, and in the same breath … “I don’t have a sex life”.

OK ….

Snicker, wicker. I love this, really!

But really, back to it.

Genuine reviews.

Would you really want to trust a review of the nature posted above?

I think NO my friend.

And yet, all the GENUINE customers – those that like the book – and email me privately about how much my books and products helped them – well – YOU people for some reason don’t leave a review on Amazon, or whichever site you bought it from! Hehe.

And thats fine.

I get it.

You bought it. It helped you. You loved it. You bought some more.

Hey, I’m the WORST at remembering to leave reviews!

But … this is a reminder to do just that because if you don’t the Bozos and trollish characters with not much else to do will.

And thats basically the request for this one! I’ll be back soon – and perhaps we’ll cover some more comments Bozo Scofield left (they were left a couple of months ago, but it was only now that as I rejigged my profile etc on Amazon – I sell mostly through my site, so I don’t tinker a lot with Amazon etc) that I noticed them.

Hence the wierd dream about the Bozo I had around Sep 27. It’s written down as well, hehe, and I couldn’t figure it out, but I have now. Heh.

And so it goes. Back later!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – For real reviews, go HERE –

PS #2 – Here is where you can check out some of our products (or go to Amazon, google, whatever) … 0 Excuses Fitness Products.

PPS – If the Bozo-nator is reading this, as he no doubt it, hey, dude. Please do leave me a few “honest” reviews on the other Amazon sites as well. Don’t know if they all allow trolls, but hey, worth a try! 😉 Better than have your nose buried in … ah, but I won’t go there

(but I’ve MADE the Bozo and a buddy of his famous on that other site which is currently down – and they wouldn’t know it in their wildest dreams, hehe. I’ll post more about that when it’s UP! Pun intended, and maybe not, hehe).