Why I never kept track of the number of women I boned …
- Another one of those somewhat boring and utterly useless metrics for yours truly ...

It’s funny, but thats one of the metrics that a lot of men consciously (or unconsciously) use to measure their “prowress” in the ole “hay” as it were.

Nothing necessarily wrong with that, of course, if thats your thang …

Sanjay Dutt, whom I’ve spoken about and mentioned here – original Bollywood bad boy, and great great actor was approached by “Ranbir Kapoor” the farthest thing from a stud you’d think, but a damn good actor anyway when he was playing the role of Dutt in his biopic “Sanju”.

And naturally after the questions about how many drugs he took, the lung collapse, his stint in jail and so forth, or perhaps BEFORE – came the main question everyone had been waiting for.

“How many women have you been with”, the bad boy was asked.

At the age of 60 or so, the mans response was prompt.

“I haven’t kept track”, he laughed. “Probably over 300!”

As for Ranbir, he said it was more like 10 …

(if memory serves me right, hehe)

But its interesting.

The Bozos are constantly on the lookout for the notches on the bedpost when it comes to yours truly and they ASK in various roundabout manners too.

A friend of mine recently made the following comment.

“You get laid damn near every night” …

And wanted me to hook him up with girls etc, to which I replied in a very polite manner, I might be a lot of thing – but pimp daddy I aint (or shuld I say dont want to be!_).

And should I also say I dont want to use spell check more than I have to, hehe.

But anyway, this little numbere has never held any special import for me.

It got BORING after a while to be honest.

And I never started to keep track anyway …

Ditto for Schofield’s constant question about “how many girls asked for your WeShat while climbin” (and the eventual rant on the advanced book on pull-ups).

Probably more than 500 if I were to guess, but whose keeping track?

Sure ain’t me.

What I DO keep track of is This.

The number of NAMES I’ve been called.

Yes, my dear fellow.

I’m rather strange in some ways.

And thats one metric I love to keep track of, because as that list grows, so do my SALES, and in direct proportion to the number of names (or rather, the speed at which the list BE growing, hehe).

Last I checked it was 1111, which is a damn good number combo, so good that it being Xmas Eve and all, I might just do a bumper sale for a while or something.

I haven’t decided as yet. Depends on feedback, so if you got ideas, let me know …

Or then again, I might not .We’ll see.

But on that note – a very merrry Christmas to ALL OF YOU – Bozos included, hehe.

Make merry – be merry (as much as you can) – and live, an dlet live my friend. Thats really all this boils down to!

And if you don’t, well, there’s always that ole Dan Kennedy maxim.

Every time you get a negative comment, you raise your arms up in the air and go HURRAH!

Because it’s most likely a Bozo-nator sending it your way, hehe.

I applied this in my life and business the minute I read it, and have never looked back (ok, I dont do the physical motion, but the mental feelings it evokes are more important).

For me a smirk and Cheshire cat grin does me fine, hehe.

Last, but not least, if you’re into keeping track of the notches on that well worn or NEW bedpost, go for it, hehe. You won’t hear a peep out of me either way. It’s a rite of passage for most men, and I probably unconsciously did it at some point as well.

Not that I Recall tho!

And thats it for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – A nd again – Merry Christmas EVE – and Merry Christmas – – and a very, very happy and prosperous New year to you all! Yours truly agnostic and aethist – contrarian and barbarian that I am – foreign devil “gui lao” that I am – and total and utter and always iconoclast does NOT celeberate this or any other festival in particular – but hey – have a great, great one if you dO!

PS #2 – I’m not sure if I left “vampire” on that list. I think I did, but I’ll check and make sure. In the meantime, remember that Mr. Iconoclastic Handstand pushup does NOT celebrate too many festivals – – but enjoys the holidays – – and HATES shopping “in person” … so, WE right HERE will stay open throughout the hols and then some. Check out our products while I check out the list, hehe.

PPS – Be sure too to check out the course that is getting bozos over the world rattled and running scared (jealous is a better term, heh, but what do I know) – Pull-ups – – from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS! Yes, you heard me. Super stud, bro. And I MEAN THAT!

Why my NUMERO UNO (or close to it, anyway) requirement in life is this – NOT TO BE PESTERED – and why it should be YOURS TOO (or close to it!).
- Pests are a PESTILENCE - - even the HUMAN KIND.

caveman or not, there.

I said it.

And it is TRUE.

If there is ONE thing I hate more than almost anything else other than showboating (another pet peeve) it’s that.

And believe me, the lengths, short, long, international or national that I can go to – – literally – – to stop being PESTERED – – beggar BELIEF.

Lets take Bozo for an example.

Scofield has been doing his inane trolling for ages now. Since 2016 or probably even before (it probably all started when I told “el jackass” about the fitness biz – thankfully not the other business – eithe rone of them for that matter).

Well, I told him, but his Bozo ass couldn’t figure it out if he tried.

But either way, do I care? DID I care?


He blocked me, continued trolling me, and that was that.

Then he lost his phone apparently, got locked up in a Hannibal Lecter home or something, and then showed up again abruptly in 2020.

“Glyns been real active as of late”, I still remember a mutual friend who despite claiming otherwise seems to have nothing or very little better to do than deal with the Bozo’s rubbish (according to him “he’s the only friend I have left”. Yeah. Right! A guy that screwed him over BIG time multiple times and according to this mutual contact this (by hisn own admission) “known lunatic” is a friend. I give up!)).

“He says he’s sorry. Wants me to send you this”.

And pat came a picture of me and th eBozo together the night he refused to pay up his share of what he ate, drank and crapped out as well …

Which is par for the norm.


No problemo.

But really, what did these nuts think.

That I’d take one look at the picture and forgive all?

N oway, Jose.

It dont work that way with yours truly. Perhaps it does with people like the mutual contact who enjoy being screwed over, but NOT ME.

And of course, I would have left it at that.

The bozo didnt tho, and it’s not his toothless threats and inane comments that got me to finally call his ass out.


Much like I dont like mosquitoes and I WILL swat ‘em awat, I will swat Bozoz like this away too.

And on that same note …

I do not wish to be pestered about “why I dont get on the phone”.

“What my plans are”.

“Why I dont do things a certain way” (or why I do)

“Why pull-ups are one of the best damn exercises ever, far, far better than the deadlift and the insanely MORONIC lat pulldown machine at the gym”.

“Why pushups are the best damn exercise ever”.

And lot more.

Should be self evident, but you’d be surprised at the number of nut jobs that try and “persuade me to the contrary”.

Hey, I get it.

Not eveyrone likes me. Most probably don’t.

And thats fine!

Just keep your inane nonsense away from me (to those reading this that fall into the above categories) Other than that, by all means go and be Hannibal Lecter if you want, but by all means, and that same token, do NOT expect me to “welcome you with open arms” either.

And thats all I gotta say.

Live and let live.

Its that simple, bro.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – My workouts ensure that you never PESTER anyone – or yourself – while working out. I require peace and quiet for my workouts, and other than my rthymic breathing, you aint gonna hear a peep out of me.

No broing, pumping, preening, posing, puffin, buffin, smoking (ok, I know, but if you’re the Bozo readin this then thats probably what hes doing anyway) …

No Tee Vee shee vee.

No blaring music. UGH!

No Metallica. No rock. No rap. No roll. No headphones. NOTHING.

Just me, my living room, and my cave, and I’m LOVIN’ it, and getting in the best damned shape of my life.

Can’t beat that, brah …  (oh, and definitely NO DUMPHONES either, ugh).

Why I am ALL For private gun ownership

If I could whittle the answer to that one down in one – or two words?

PERSONAL responsibility.

IN other words, take responsibility for your own life.

Now, am I saying that one should turn vigilante, take the law into their own hands, and so forth?

Hell no!

I respect cops in general. They have got a damned tough to job for the most part, and they cop a lot of damned flak for things that really aren’t their fault.

Let me tell you, in the heat of the situation, YOU TOO would make decisions that don’t always seem the best, but have to be taken – and done anyway!

And while there are SOME bad apples amongst the lot, I’ve found for the most part that there are far fewer bad cops than they are good ones. In fact, the “normal public” has far more jackasses and “heads up their asses JILL-asses” running around than cops do …

But anyway the point begets.

Cops aren’t superhuman, and they will be the first to tell you that.

And with the bozo liberals doing all they can to undercut and understaff police departments around the nation and yet demanding MORE from these FINE ladies and gents – guess what.

Sometimes, when seconds count – cops are minutes o rmore away.

That is by NO Means an indictment or anything negative on the police. (in general).

Including the Hong Kong police – if there is one thing I AM SAD to see it is how the FINEST police force in Asia, and arguably in the world at one time (in my opinion at least, and I should know!) has turned into little but a CCP funded “go between” of sorts.

I have had nothing but positive interactions with cops in general, including but not limited to situations where a lot of people would complain “my fundamental rights are being violated”.

And I’d reply with this.

“In most cases, if you just CO-OPERATE with the police, then … “

Ah, but the bozos dont get it!

Anyway, I’m allfor private gun ownership my friend and taking responsibility for your OWN life – and safety.

And while I agree that the background checks etc in some states need to be made more stringent – and no, while I do NOT mean that every citizen should posses a veritable arsenal (for instance, some of the military grade rifles or machine guns that can pop of hundreds of rounds at one go aren’t really needed for personal safety in my opinion – slippery slope though trying to ban ‘em, so I get that!), I am ALL for lawful gun owners owning as many weapons and firearm as they wish to.

Provided they do so LEGALLY, take all precautions, keep the guns away from Bozos, kids, irritated spouses and such!

And most responsible gun owners DO THIS.

Believe me, if you took a look at crime rates across America, you’d see one damning fact for the “anti gun brigade”.

Crime rates are wayyyyy higher in the libtard ruled areas than other areas which favor private gun ownership (and it’s there in the Constitution for a REASON – – a very VALID REASON AS WELL!).


And in the land of the free, that is one thing that is not, should not, and cannot be tolerated!

And no, while you don’t need a military grade arsenal – nothign wrong with a 9mm or your trusty Glock or what not by your side at all times.

You may never need to use it.

If you’re not comfortable with it, dont get it. Fine. I know plenty of macho men that aren’t comfortable with guns. Yours truly loves guns, but keeping one in close proximity to myself all the time wasn’t an entirely comfortable concept to me at first, and yet, do I have a gun which I can access if need be?

Let’s take a simple case.

If Bozo Scofield breaks into your home at 3 AM, for one, red eyed on coke or what not, demanding to drink up all of Charless beer before getting thrown out on the road in his underpants, or close to it (true story – it happened – and Charles was RIGHT in doing what he did) – then would you rather call the cops, or DEAL WITH IT?

I know which I’d choose, and for him, I wouldn’t need a gun either.

But, and the point begets. Way too many CRIMINALS for one have guns.

And it’s always a good idea to have a gun yourself that you KNOW HOW TO USE (believe me, watching Hollywood ain’t gun training either) just in case.

You might never need it, but just in case, until the cops show up …

As for the Bozo, he’s no more a threat to anyone than the flies that keep buzzing around me occasionally when I workout.

But … and again, personal responsibility.

Same thing for fitness.

If you’re unhappy with your weight and the fat hanging off your tummy – DEAL WITH IT. YOURSELF.

Ain’t no-one gonna come help you out, bro. Well, I can help you – but I can’t FORCE YOU to “drink the water” as it were.

YOU have to make the decision.

Its either get in the best shape of your life, or keep whining forever about “how I’m a big dude but can’t do pull-ups”.

And no, in case “Charles” is reading this, you ain’t the only one by a long shot bro saying this. Sorry to disappoint, but this email ain’t about YOU. It’s about EVERYONE that says that.

And as for yours truly?

Well – there is a reason I have a FAT ME on the cover doing my pull-ups

Sure, I could put a streamlined yours truly too.

But I ain’t gonna do it.

Because that would defeat the entire POINT, would it not. BRO ?

And I gotta get that off my chest. Matter of fact, I believe I just did … !


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the best damned fitness system right HERE.

PS #2 – Guns don’t kill. PEOPLE do… (something to ponder about for the bozos that constantly clamor against private gun ownership).

A sure shod way (or one of them) to know if youre dealing with or living in a CAULDRON of negativity (in any way)
- .. is when these bozos look at ONE Side of the story - not the WHOLE story.

I recently bought a jump rope for my daughter. A new one, with “colorful kiddie” handles, except those work the grip too, hehe.

Always the grip guy am I, and my daughter is picking up on it.

But after the first day or so, she “seems” to have lost enthusisasm from what I can tell.

And I told her the following (after telling her a lot of other things that I am going to tell YOU on this list NOW) …

“Do the thing, and you shall have the power”.

What does that mean, Dad, she asked. Does it mean “lose the battle and win the war”? (something else she’s been asking me about, since I explained the meaning of the phrase to her).

No, I said.

It simply means do the thing – and get the results!

But anyway …

Apparently a running joke in my house (and thats fine – dont get me wrong!) was “when Rahul was fat”.

Which is all fine and dandy again. Hey. I dont take myself too seriously, and I dont care about (if) what others think and all that, but I’ve noticed the following (this is just in “bozo” like environments, of course).

EVERY time I get my daughter motivated about something, SOMETHING negative about yours truly has to come in.

Could be a direct remark, or a snide one, or even an offhand remark where the person (and there are two – I doubt I need to name ‘em here!) didnt even honestly mean it (and sometimes they don’t).

But anyway fitness wise.

Dad, were you fat before”, my daughter asks in that innocent kid like manner.

“Yes, and … but I still did pull-ups”, I finished (after telling her the story of how I indeed used to be fat).

Were you so fat you couldnt fit into a chair, she giggled (pointing to a cartoon).

My lovely wife chirped up.

“Of course! He was so fat that …”

Now, in her defense, and I’ve written about this on the blog – there was a time I couldn’t fit into the sofa that I once moved … hehe.

In my defense though, I was STILL banging out pushups and pull-ups galore, although I Was admittedly eating and drinking WAY too much and it showed.

But the point is this.

Why not focus on BOTH things?

The positive is the results NOW.

Or the journey I took to get there – get in the best damn shape of my life!

In ways most wouldn’t even dream of doing – let a lone do.

I explained this to my little girl.

“Honey, always look at BOTH Sides. How many peopel do you think were that obese – and then lost weight that quickly?”

“Do you ever see Mom and …. point THAT Out?”

And it’s weird. Despite her “Mr Handstand pushup” and “you’re looking taller” remarks, my wife has nothing but negative things to say about the weight loss.

Perhaps because at that point my waist size was almost the same as hers, hehe.

Or, because “the girls would like it”.

You know how it goes with ladies, and we won’t go there.

But really, fella.

This same thing happens in MANY environments. And on many topics.

People tend to focus way more on the NEGATIVE than the positive, if even that.

“Focus on the negative, and guess what you’ll get”, I asked my daughter.

“The negative?” she ventured.

Yes, I said. Focus on the +ve, and …

Now, in and by no means I am saying don’t look at facts or the “negatives” that occured.


But when moving ahead, you picture the RESULT you WANT NOW, not “what was there in the past”.

Those that constantly focus on tearing a person down – guess what. Have they ever DONE anything in their OWN LIVES?

Bozo Schofield being a prime example … but you know the story there, hehe.

And this is a prime sign (if people around you do it often) that you’re in a TOXIC environment.

Nothing new for me, hence my rants on living “A frigging alone”. Hey. As Mr T said …. Hehe.

I live alone.

I train alone.

And I keep myself FREE OF any and all NEGATIVE influences, I might add, which are always at work to USURP YOU, my friend.

Fitness wise, and again. The morons that can’t do pull-ups because (lets face it) they either dont have the grip strength or the “shape” (in other words, they’re frigging FAT) to do it are the ones that bitch about “how grip is not important” and “I’m a big guy! I’m not fat!” and then get offended when people point out the facts, and then tell YOU, the achiever, that what you’re doing is not good because of some inane reason about “your hands are longer, so you can do pull-ups”.

Yes, I’ve heard that one too. And the bozo lot reading will no doubt jump on it…

Anyway, thats it for now. Enough said – lesson learnt?

I hope so, bro!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – More such motivation available right HERE – Gumption Galore and fitness wise – here are 51 MORE PIONEERING, BUCANEERING fitness tips to JOLT your ass into the BEST SHAPE OF THY LIFE – Fitness Pioneer.

I haven’t put out additional volumes fo r either, but I will if there is demand. Let me know!

PS #2 – The remark still rings out in my ears (my sister). “She’s too beautiful for you”.

My wife. “That shape looks terrible!”  (one of the strangest things I ever heard, honestly!) 

And of course, my Mama. “How dare you!

And amidst all this, the results keep a-coming. Hehe. Sometimes, you just gotta LAUGH. Which is exactly what I do.

(BTW, I’ve spoken a a lot about my Dad in these here emails, but credit where credit’s due – he DID in a quiet manner comment on BOTH sides i.e when I was FAT (true, he himself wasn’t exactly in any sort of shape himself either then!) and when I got in SUPER SHAPE. Like I said, he’s actually a fair person in most regards once he gets away from the Nazi feminism …)

PPS – As for women, if only they know. The Bozo knows, hence his remarks on “Pull-ups from STUD to SUPER STUD”. Those of you on the other site KNOW what I BE Talking about, hehe, but for now, lets stick to fitness. To get to SUPER STUD level at pull-ups and attract babes like never before (if thats your thang) – follow what I ask you to do right HERE.

When the fridge became the toilet … sort of …
- Another one of those sage tales down memory lane ...

My daughter often tells me “my stories are very interesting”.

So are my anecdotes.

And I recently told her about a story that I thought I’d share with you NOW.

Maybe it has a parallel to fitness, and maybe it doesnt.

Actually, he did headstands before … ah, but wait. Let me get to it first!

So, wayyyyyy back in the year 1999 it was, I believe, when yours truly and a buddy were getting drunken than a coupla farting SKUNKS.

I had an 8 AM the next morning.

HE had a 10 AM, I believe.

Needless to say we got so drunk that we both passed out. I didnt bother staggering back to my dorm room (this was before yours truly got an apartment) so passed out on the floor in a sleeping bag that felt so comfortable I wondered why they ever made “beds” …

But anyway, in the middle of the room I heard a noise.

Kinda like Niagara Falls.

The fridge was opening, I percieved, trying but not fully succeeding in awakening from my beer induced “stupor”. ‘Twas more comfortable to go back to sleep, I thought ..

… and I just figured it was my friend, which it was.

I figured he was doing something all drunk ass college students have done at some point, which is to either get more beer in the middle of the night, or at 6 AM upon waking up.

Yes, I’ve done both.

And it WAS him, as I could tell by him staggering back off to the bedroom, and that was the last I heard of that.

Next morning, I wake up, get to the fridge for some OJ or what not.

Saw a puddle of “somethign” in front of the fridge.

So, I wake up my friend.

“You musta spilt a ton of beer”, I cracked.

He didnt reply, looking somewhat ashamed.

OK …

Whats up buddy I laughed. Nothing wrong with spilling a few, and … (floor of the kitchen wasn’t even carpeted, so …)

“Uh”, he went.


I was curious by then. Something was “up”.

And then he proceeded to tell me he actually took a leak right there inthe middle of the night inf ront of his own fridge!

If there is ever an incident this fine dude has had to live down the rest of his life, it is this. Hehe.


And apparently it wasn’t that hard for him to clean up.

“It’s mostly beer when you drink that much”, was his sage admission.

(and luckily from what he said – – I didn’t dare find out – – he didnt “go” inside the fridge. The “deed” was done outside. LOL).

Anyway, such as it goes. And fitness wise, dude did plenty of headstands before getting drunk.

Dont know if everything really turned topsy turveeee or not, hehe.

But anyway, that night went swimmingly well I’d say!

And thats the trip down memory lane fo rnow. For some reason I thought I had to share that, so I did!

Alright, my friend. Be sure and pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System right HERE. It might not make you piss like a racehorse (or a drunk one), but it WILL get you in the best damned shape of your lfie – that I do guarantee!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Needless to say he wasn’t the only one that didnt make it in to class. And needless to say, I got plenty more of these stories. A certain summer where a buddy drank so much that he made 3D’s and a F comes to mind.

(for the kiddies reading this – nah – I ain’t glorifying any of this – but – well – it is what it is, sometimes!).

Why I will ALWAYS retain the right to have an opinion, and why I will NOT CENSOR my views, and why you shouldnt’ either.
- Cuz ...

On most things, at least.

But anyway, a little ditty I just noticed in the news.

Actress (Bollywood actress, and no, much like always, I do NOT watch Bollywood) Kangana Ranaut seems to be all in the news these days.

For the wrong reasons, peopel say.

For the RIGHT reasons, methinks. Hehe. Because she’s getting what she ostensibly wants for whatever reason – publicity – loads of it – and free one at that!

Hell, I ain’t even a Ranaut fan or any fan of Bollywood in general.

(Well, I do like Emraan Hashmi. Sanjay Dutt. The bad boys, but thats about it, hehe).

But really, apparently some joker has filed a petition in some High Court around the country against her recent “Pappu sena” tweet.

From what I gather, the word means ‘bozo’ in India.

They use it to refer to “Rahul Gandhi”, supposedly the leader of the Congress party in India while Mama Sonia pulls the strings for one …

And it’s often used as a “pjerorative” as well.

I mis spekt that on purpose, hehe.

Just checking how many of you BE noticing.

Pappu Yadav seems to be a fairly common “villains name” in Hindi cinema of yore (yes, back then it was real so I did watch a bit of it).

But anyway, she seems to be referring to some other political party in her latest “Pappu Sena” tweet. Sena, if I’ve got right means “army” in Hindi.

Now, some looney tune filed a petition against her wanting her Twitter account to be taken down.

Funnily enough this moron didnt think of asking Twitter to do so. He asked the High Court!

Who predictably dismissed his bozo like claims of “she’s hurting public sentiments” with the sage and sane remark “She has the right to have her opinion”.

Just like anyone else.

And this explains why I get so irritated when people email me telling ME not to write what I Do.

Like hell I won’t.

If it’s true, and if I feel a certain way, I WILL SAY IT.

Charles the once friend got ticked off at me posting articles on WeShat bout the current India-China imbroglio.

How dare I, he went. You’re doing nothing but pissing people off!

HE sent a long rant saying it, but that was his gist.

Along with the hidden “oh no, what if they see” comment.

OF course, if I say something against any other country, then hes happy to let it slide.

If someone says something against the US, or Trump, he wont’ say a word. He’ll probably support it!


But the point that rankled with me was this.

Its OK for the goose, but not the gander.

How dare I say anything about so called mighty China.



Well, I wrote an entire piece on that before, so I wont get into it again.

But bro, really.

Neither you nor anyone is going to, or has the right to take away my freedom of speech – while keeping YOURS perfectly intact.

Sorry if that little bit offends, but thats just how it is bro.

No-one complains when you disss and criticize pull-ups up and down while NOT being able to do a single one yourself despite years of trying (the wrong way) and claim the “iron’s where it’s at” (and yet finding every single opportunity to comment on what I have to say about bodyweight exercises), do they?

No-one complains when you send angry long rants, do they?

In fact, I distinctly remember thanking you for at least being frank enough to express yourself openly.

Do me the same favor, brah.

Of course, it makes not an iota of difference to me whether or not you do, because the facts stand.

And my opinion is that bodyweight exercises ARE the way to go, bro.

And this is backed up by solid FACTS and results.

And what the ACHIEVERS in any sphere of life do in terms of their fitness.

Hate me for saying it, but you know the list of names already bro.

And there it stands.

And last, but not least.

HERE is where YOU can invest in the BEST damned fitness system ever – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Believe me now and trust me later.

A few weeks of 0 Excuses Fitness will get that tummy down to thep oint you’ll at least be able to do dead hangs!

And there hangeth the issue.

Elephant in the room, I know. How dar eI.

But I did!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – A most (well, I’d say it will be) controversial Bollywood upcoming movie is “White Elephant” starring the lovely “Priyanka Chopra”. (ok, I DO sometimes know a bit about Bollywood, hehe). I’ll write more later abotu the drama it’s sure to cause!

(I’ve read the book)

PS #2 – To start looking less an elephant in terms of the “spread” around thy tummy (and this is for those that need to hear it) – well – THIS is the course that will get the LARD off – right on quicko- Corrugated Core.

PPS – And no, I neither agree nor disagree with Madam Kangana as her team calls her , apparently’s tweets. Notice the “Madam”, hehe, lest I get sued or what not. But either way, and honestly? I’d say she has as much of a right to post what she wants, garbage or not … as the next person does …

The ONE comment I’ll never forget my wife make …
- I mean, if just for the sheer stupidity, or should I say ignorance ...

It’s interesting.

Out of all the comments, arguments etc that I get from people (when I do engage, which is hardly ever) – none really “stick”.

Dont get me wrong.

Yours truly “memory of an elephant” remembers it ALL, but in accordance with the black mamba mentality, he doesn’t necessarily go all out every time he remembers something like that.

He plays his cards close to his chest … always.

But there is one thing I’ll always remember my wife saying, and I’ll remember it not because of the way in she said it, but (and I apologize if this pisses some people off) – but really – it was so STUPID.

The thinking behind it.

Actually, no, I dont apologize for saying it. Hehe.

But … anyway, so there was something going on.

First, the inane and endless conversations on the phone which to be honest could have been easily resolved via a quick email or text.

Of course, how dare I even DARE to say that. Hehe.

I didnt say it.

Explaining stuff that a three year old shoul dunderstand.

She kept doing it over and over again.

I said nothing. Kept MUM.

And then of course, some Korean or Chinese or Antarctic I dont know, soap opera started to blare.

Right infront of me.

I lost it.


But then didnt.

I asked the following mildly “Would you mind putting on headphones?”

Thats all I asked her!

The yowl that I got and the “how dare I” look – oh MY.

I’ll remember that forever.

And none of that would have mattered if I wasn’t WORKING OUT AT THE SAME TIME!

My wife went on with this comment (which is what I am writing to you about) …

“You’re just exercising! Why do you need peace and quiet (and by extension FOCUS) now? “

Some questions floor yours truly if just for the sheer STUPIDITY.

I said nothing.

Until this date, I have NOT brought it up.

But really!

Exercise doesnt require focus perhaps if you’re running on a treadmill at a pace that hardly taxes you for hours on end sipping lattes and looking at the Tee Vee Shee Vee.

Or if you’re “Madam” Jassy getting her lovely (admittedly) shoulders “pressed” (as she says) after each set of 10 reps of pinko dumbbells …

But real stuff?

Real man stuff? ?

I mean, really.

If you dont have focus during doing HANDSTANDS for one, and doing them on your fingertips, then you’ll likely BREAK your fingers or worse.

I was lucky my own thumb didnt get permanently injured back in the day (that injury Ive written about so often, and truth be told, I was exhausted – – and again, lack of FOCUS!).

If you’re doing pushups or squats in high reps – let me tell you this.

Without focus on what you’re doing in the here and now – you’ll go nowhere.

It is not for NOTHING I say my workouts build GUMPTION … and allow you to FOCUS intensely on a RESULT you want to create – any result!

But try telling that to the sheeple out there.

Anyway, thats it for now. I’m off to meditate for a while (YES, you need to focus for that too!).


Rahul Mookerjee

More on why yours truly NEVER, if ever, gets on the phone (unless it’s biz, but being I do that online… )
- Energy drains, bozos, and more!

I spoke about this yesterday as well.

And other than the inane “demanding” comments of “what are your plans?” , or “why are you doing this this way” and so forth which I have NO TIME FOR, to be honest (these people are massive energy drains and nothing else) … there is another reason.

Curiously enough, or maybe not, they all want to “pry” information out of you.

A lot of my current “tension” between say my mother and myself isn’t so much because of what I do, or how I do it, or even the past, or even “hard feelings”.

It is all that, but the crux is this.

Mommy (and certain other people) are DYING to know how much moola I got stored in my bank account.

They always have!

Until the age of 24 or so, they sort of knew. Not reall,y but they sort of knew, because back then I worked a full time job and of course they wouldn’t rest easy until they badgered me up and down about doing something else but then grudgingly “relented”.

(Not that it would have made a damn bit of difference if they had not relented, I’d have done it anyway).

“The money’s good!” I remember my Dad sniffing.

And of course, years later.

“Oh, thats China! Those jobs were useless! You didnt learn anythign”.

Yeah. Right. My nutty parents seem to have this idea that everything needs to be learnt at a “gurus feet” in the most excruciating manner possible, and GOD forbid yours truly actually got any MONEY for his efforts.

I actually realized this when I FIRST got a job in India, and asked my Dad what was a normal question anywher ein the world.

“I wonder how much they’ll pay me”, I mused.

And of course.

“Work first, money later!” my mom went.

And my Dad took forever to tell me HIS first salary, which of course was sacrosanct but mine wasnt’.

Growing up, we were always excluded from their affairs, but they always had the “right”, or so they thought to poke their nose in mine … (dont know about my sister, but I didnt enjoy it at all!).

The last time I told them anything about what I do or did or plans etc was when I got a raise at THAT job, which was of course roundly pooh poohed.

You got that for free” was the general vibe (because I didnt grovel for it, and becaus eI completed my work in a TRICE while the Bozos slogged away all day trying to get the RESULTS I did, but didn’t!).

True fact, my friend.

And let me tell you another FACT.

In life, or fitness, or BUSINESS. It’s RESULTS which count, bro.

I dont care if you work for 10 hours a day or half an hour in the morning upon waking up.

It’s your RESULTS that count.

And I got plenty more than anyone would care to count at that point in time … (and I gave you a key up there as to why).

Same thing workout wise.

I always LAUGH when I hear stories of “I spent X amount of time in the gym today”.

OK, great.

But is that the badge of honor?

Maybe it is if you’re pounding out REAL TOUGH stuff, like handstand pushups to the tune of 100, and pull-ups to the tune of 150 per workout, and doing those daily.

I shoudl know. I did!

But even when I did those workouts, I would not talk about the TIME they took (or the speed at which I got ‘em done which was nigh quick).

I Would talk NUMBERS.


As you can see on the Advanced Hill Training page!

Ask any achiever of note in life, and they’ll tell yo uone thing. They’ll all tell you they dont have TIME to waste, and that time is MONEY.

That means no gabbing away on the phone nineteen to the dozen. No constant Freako-Book or Shitter.

No constant WeShat or Was-App … or whatever.

No constant “gossip or idle chatter”.

And no idiotic pumping, preening and posing with the BROS after a “tough” set of 10 curls (with oil applied at just the right areas).

You workout to make your life better.

Not the other way around (or it shouldn’t be at any rate!).

And thats the lesson, BRO.

Quick, dirty and RESULTS producing. I cannot tell you how much I hate the other way – and so should any achiever of note either, because it does one thing – – make you go DOWNHILL – – and fast!

Back later.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I might add on no idiotic gazing at Korean soap operas for hours on end either. Yes, ladies, you aren’t immune to this either, and no, you dont get to “blame men” for all the evils in your life either.

PS #2 – Oh, and I think I forgot to include the link to the 0 Excuses Fitness System. Here it is NOW!

Twist, Torque and BURN FAT.
- Like never before!

In Pushup Central I give you an unique style of pushup that I have not seen done anywhere else.

And even those that teach or taught it dont really emphasize it as a core movement, and the mainstay of any routine, but they should be!

Anyway, I wrote about this sort of workout way back in 2018. I believe.

I think it was November of that year, or maybe December, I dont know.

I had NOT come out with Pushup Central as yet. That was THIS year.

But anyway, those were 11 AM workouts in the park I believe, and pushups and pull-ups for the most part.

And the pushups included many different styles.

I’d do 100 daily at that point.

Hindu pushups. Regular pushups. Arms wide pushups. I wasn’t doing handstand pushups a lot then, but I did the style of “torquing pushup” I speak about here, along with “Spider” pushups – another unique style of pushup when done my way, and both those were more than plenty for the core along with pull-ups.

To do this style of pushup, you lift one leg off the ground and TORQUE your entire body to one side, touch the floor, repeat on the other side. Thats ONE rep.

If you can even DO this when you begin, you’re a stud.

If you can get up to 25 consecutive reps of this, along with the “arms extended” pushup – you’re a super stud, and have a core of STEEL!

Now, I do mention these styles of pushups a lot in Pushup Central.

But what I did NOT mention, or at least directly, is that these movements can be done when you’re pulling as well.

When you’re on a PULL-UP bar, you can hang in a dead hang, and you can twist your torso in certain manners that will have much the same effect, except you’ll fry that GRIP within no time.

(while you’re at it).

In the “elementary” section of Corrugated Core, I give you YET another such movement which you stand and do.

All you do is twist and torque.

That is IT.

And you burn fat and loosen the joints and spine up like nothing before …

Indeed unique workouts, done in a style and fashion (and workout sequence) yours truly has probably PIONEERED, if I might say so.

And thats what I gotta tell you for now.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Grab the 0 Excuses Fitness System right HERE.

A few habits common to ALL successful people.
- Read and LEARN, grasshopper ...

I was going to title this email “The ONE secret all successful people share”.

But upon some quick thought, and on the spur of the moment thinking, I figured this was better.

You’ll see why in a minute, but some of these things may be obvious. They should be, actually!

Some, maybe not so much….

But anyway, one thing all high achievers in any sphere of life have in common is this.

They ALL Make time for fitness in their daily schedule, and if you look at what they do, it’s generally all bodyweight stuff.

Brings to me Teddy Roosevelt who reportedly did the “ab roller” while in office.

He’d often drop down and stretch out and crank out a set on it – and let me tell you, done right, that ain’t an easy exercise, and can be a workout unto itself.

I teach the “arms extended pushup”, of course, which is far tougher, and hits your shoulders, lats and CORE like few other exercises will (and grip too if done right).

But the other thing is, ALL of them (and I could name TONS of people – both modern day and “in the past”) do is QUICK workouts.

And again, bodyweight.

Brings to mind Ben Settle, another modern day success who I recently read followed a version of my own “mini workout” routines while cranking out his writing (not because he’s been following me, but he just did it. All high achievers think .. alike!).

The other thing? One amongst many?

Is that virtually ALL of them go for long WALKS, and the reason isn’tn ecessarily so much fitness (it is, but it ain’t the main reason by far) as it is ideation.

Could be Napoleon Hill going on his famed daily 10 mile walks. Or Ford, Edison and Burbanks taking yearly getaways together in the woods where all they did was WALK, walk, and WALK!

Long walks, and short workouts. Thats the ticket!

It really is, my friend. Could be yours truly slogging up that hill for hours on end as well … thos elong walks, I’ll always remember ‘em!

But really.

We’re full of IDEAS all the time.

Ideas that are just waitin to burst out.

And one reason why successful people do bodyweight stuff (or many, actually) isnt the “what” of the exercises, or the fact they’re bodyweight exercises.

They do ‘em because of SPEED, efficency, SIMPLICITY … and convenience!

All of which are VERY important for busy people – and successful people are usually BUSY.

And no, the average Bozo screaming “I’m busy! How DARE you interrupt me” when the next person tries to get him or her out of bed at 4 PM (the entire day was spent either on Facebook, or yakking away on the dumbphone, or watching dumb ass Korean soap operas and claiming “thats how life works”) doesnt count as busy.

Thats the least busiest person, actually.

REAL busy people are those that are either successful or really going to town int hat regard.

When you see a person in either one of those categories you’ll find more things in common.

They all have a penchant to GET HER DONE.

They rarely if ever spend much time on the boob tube, You Tube etc.

They READ A lot.

They are voracious learners.

They RARELY if ever indulge in idle gossip, chatter, talk about “where Mary’s dog pooped last week”, and other such inane nonsense (to be honest, that sort of thing IRRITATES me so much – I Cannot even begin to tell ya!).

And so forth.

And bodyweight exercises get the job done – FAST.

Check one.

They’re efficient and simple. Take for example pushups … or even the exact one I metioned up there.

Check two.

They lend themselves great to bursts of ideas, and inspiration.

Check three, especially for us writers …

And convenience. I dont think I need to go there?

So there you have it, my friend.

You can diss this as a direct sell for my stuff, but it ain’t.

I dont even sell the ab wheel or several other gadgets I consider useful such as doorway chinning bars and dont have any plans to do so, at least not in the immediate future.

After that, who knows …

But for now, there it is.

Take it or leave it.

But it’s true! And you’d do well to pick up a tip or two me thinks …


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pushups are one of the, if not THE best exercise you can do for yourself along with pull-ups. Quickest workouts ever, and yet they’ll blast your entire body. Take a gander at Pushup Central, and invest in the course – you’ll never regret it ! (and won’t be able to find a course on pushups better than it either, hehe.).