“Sometimes they dont want to pay!”
- Boy, am I on a roll today!

Since I seem to be on one of my rolls…

So, if you’ve read that last email, you’ll get this one!

But anyway, when discussing “how to’s” with Michael – whose lifestyle I always admired but somehow, at the age of 24, wasn’t able to fully emulate…

(Years later, my English name in China – Michael. Coincidence? I think NOT, hehe.

The guys I follow. Michael Pompeo for one. Coincidence? I think not, hehe.

And no “follow” doesnt equate to “learning from Gurus” for the Bozos that will no doubt say that, I just feel Pompeo’s one of the smartest men out there, a real Sec of State, possibly the best ever, and doesnt get his due a lot of times…)

“Sometimes, they dont want to pay, Rahul!”

is what the General once told me once when I was wondering “if people would pay for what I put out” (and I wasn’t even thinking fitness business then – I was doing “HKSARIT I.T. Services” as a business back then, hehe. All deregistered now, but thats what I was doing back then “on my lonesome”)

“My life didnt get this way until after 40, Rahul …

Give it time! Yours will too, maybe BEFORE me…”

Anyway, he was referring to something very important.

Sometimes, and often times, you gotta show people more than just your talent – and the (if we’re talking something like this) – books etc.

Thinking back, if I had done all thi sback then, Id have done – a DAMN fine job of it.

I repeat, a damn fine job of it.

I’d get clients too. I’ve never had a problem getting those!

But there would be one thing missing.

Two, actually, which are one and the same.

One, the X factor you see NOW.

And two?

Well, the results.

While I was certainly doing more then than most ever did or will, I wasn’t a fitness phenom like I turned into later.

The RESULTS page says it all.

When you’re in truly better condition OVERALL at the age of 36 – and have a FAR more reduced waistline (remember, your lifeline!!!!) than at 24 … your so called PRIME ..

Well, that alone is proof enough!

When you can beome a phat phock and still do 500 pushups a day if you want to!

Or, pull-ups …

When you can, when you choose, lose that flabbage within a couple of months – and trust me, there was a LOT TO LOSE!

“120-60kgs” … 

My first book was titled just that!

Yet, it ain’t even published as yet. Hehe.

Maybe it will down the line!

I still have it somewhere in the annals of my computer … And it’s still an unpublished book on Amazon for one. Hehe.

But that was missing back then, now that I look back upon it …

But now that I look back upon it – remember one thing – or two.

One, there is never a better time to start than NOW.

Start anything!

And two?

We are NEVER experts at anything, and yours truly the “Stella Artois of Bodyweight Training” will be the FIRST to tell you that.

I say it all the time in 0 Excuses Fitness System too.

Ask any true doer, they’ll say and tell you the same thing too.

We always strive, aspire for more.

Without that, life would be bland and meaningless.

And its only in striving for the BEST – and better than that – that we truly find out mettle – and find out what we’re made of!

And, of course, the money, results, and all that.

Back to “will they pay for it”.

Believe me a lot of people are walking around with knowledge in their heads they could sell NOW – with no knowledge of marketing, or writing even!

Like my buddy from the Marines once said.  (and trust me, this info that HE is walking about in his brain – Jeepers, people wouldnt just pay, they’d pay BIG BUCKS TO LEARN!)

“I dont have the confidence!”

True, to put yourself out there daily like I do, and have done for years – it takes guts.

It takes guts to face life and STAND on your OWN Feet. And run on your OWN STEAM.

It takes gumption, doing, a lot of it.

But, the knowledge a lot of people have?

Trust me, EVERY thought you have repeatedly during the day for one can be turned into a product people will buy.

This might sound incredulous. It does, eh?

But it’s TRUE.

People dont believe it though.

My “wife” – or ex – or SO – or whatever you call it, hehe.

She’s got talents right now that people would line up to buy … (if she put together a product, or even if she didnt in some regards).

thing is, people miss the sky for the trees…

People see the roadblocks, not whats beyond it…

And if there is one reason I wrote Zero to Hero, it is that!

It’s a condensed version of “VICTORY – from 120 to 60 kgs” – I’ll tell you the exact book title after I look on Amazon. Hang on, let me do so now!

“Triumph against ALL ODDS! From 120-60 kgs – From “loser to WINNER!” – Concieve, Believe, Achieve!”

When I wrote this book in … 2016? I wasn’t confident enough to publish it!

(prophetic too, that title…)

But maybe I will down th eline, hehe.

But anyway, thats what I gotta tell you.

Rise up, and inspire others to do so, friend.

It’s the best – and only way.


Rahul Mookerjee

“No-one sees the work!”
- An interesting comment!

Here is where the doers – and “sometimes” doers – and often times, idiots – thoughts merge . Even the Bozo will relate to this! Hehe.

Jokes aside, I’ll remember a time when I was … well, this was after getting canned from my first China job … remember that one?

In a most “upper management” sort of manner I was canned, but that was the gist i.e. canned.

And when I was hunting around for other jobs etc (little did I know the site I created – or should I say “Michael created it, and this Michael worked on and contributed the MOST to it hehe”) … Michael, the General once told me in an offhand manner the following.

“Have you ever considered other options, Rahul!”

“With a little creativity, you could make money for yourself – a LOT OF IT – and not have to work for someone at all!”

For someone who used to work at a Nokia factory, later “got canned and then rehired back on a part time, “work a few days a month” basis while they did his visa and stuff” … well, that made sense!

But it didnt to me.

At the time, though I “wanted” to do my own thing, I had no idea how to.

No advice on how to.

Jobs, jobs, jobs was all I saw and heard…

The mind needs to be open first!

And mine wasn’t in that regard, but it was WILLING, which ultimately made the difference.

At the time I thought Michael was being “puerile” and not giving me the real deal in terms of how, what etc.

Yet, little did I know that years later, I’d be saying the same thing to others…

Sometimes, friend, you gotta find your OWN way.

Sometimes, you gotta slog for LONG before that damn door opens – or you see the light…

In many cases, years and years and years.

Such is life!

It’s also a “roundabout” we all get on, and then off (not my words, the General said that!).

But anyway … he made this comment too once (regarding visas, and the hassle I was going through trying to get it on my own – which was of course solved later by a certain “Mr Sethi in HK” who I’ll always remember – great guy, his company helped me out a lot, and thanks to Thomas from Germany and his Indian friend for introducing me to him – but again, I didnt know about it then!) …

“Rahul, you did something good! I did too!”

“The visa guys dont know about the work you did that changed people’s lives. They dont know this about me either” …

The rest was left unsaid.

But, I learned it.

Through the years.

The art of giving – without caring what you get in return – is often what gives – and keeps giving – the MOST.

Trust me on this one!

Life, business, relationships, all of it …

But anyway, last night, I was on a conversation with … I dont know what the relationship is – significant other? I dont know “it is what it is”, hehe…

She was complaining about how her back hurt, the backbreaking work etc her “employers” never saw (I thought she was referring to housework!).

But she wasn’t at that point.

Given her job is making calls, sitting for long periods etc – I figured “how can her back hurt” (unless its the sort that hurts from inactivity – but she was not referring to that either).

Inactivity and sitting for long periods does play a part in it, yes, big time.

For a woman who was once naturally super fit …

I get it!

It’s all gone South, the other way, some situations maybe not of her own making, but some her own …

But anyway, the “work”?

I chuckled as I thought of all the writing I do.

Returns or not, I’d NEVER think of saying it was back breaking!

It often is.

Trust me, working out – a lot – writing damn near a minimum of 10,000 words a day or so … It’s a lot!

A hell of a lot.

I LOVE it though.

I love talking to y’all!

I love going back and forth with y’all! Rapping with you about your life, your goals, your fitness, giving you advice, albeit free, but very valuable …

(so thanks for listening to me too! You on this list are truly the only people in this world I speak my heart to without caring what “anyone will think”!)

Anyway, as I stretch, my point is this.

First, no-one gives a rip. No-one will.

It’s your job to MAKE them give a rip through your performance. Ultimately, those are what get noticed and what count.

Second, if you’re sitting for long periods, you simply must get up for short periods and stretch the way I do in Isometric and Flexibility Training (the way I teach you).

Trust me, some of these stretches and positions take like less than a minute to do.

But the way they realign your entire body, the way they make you feel profound .. is entirely beyond belief, imagination, and comprehension!

LAst night, I was having a strange calf niggle which made it damn near impossible to walk.

Where did I pick that up?

Dont know?

I thought of writing to YOU about it.

But I didnt!

Instead, I did a special “calf to butt” stretch mentioned in the book repeatedly throughout the day for like 20 seconds at a time – on my own bed.

Thats all.

Today, I dont even FEEL it.

I DO feel a certain other foot injury (right foot) I picked up from doing “overly enthusiastic” hill walks …

Hence, in Advanced Hill Training, believe it or not, i teach how you to WALK too.

There is a right way, and wrong way.

Just trust me on this one …

Most do it wrong, aren’t even aware of it.

The way you breathe, move, move your arms, all matters…

Anyway, I’ll be working on that today too through isometrics.

But, point #3, perhaps the last?

Is that if that work is making you complain so much, you should find what you’re truly good at, where work seems like fun, time flies before you know it.. .

As it has NOW, hehe.

I’m already through 2000 words, and haven’t even popped/cracked my shoulders and traps.

Gawd. Hehe.

Anyway … you get the point my friend – I hope you do!

And thanks for being on the list – you guys truly make it all worth it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Sometimes I wonder what if I had started all this way back in 2004, hehe.

The results would be truly stupendously mind boggling eh.

Hey. What can I say. Life!

But it’s all so worth it!

Plus, as mentioned in Zero to Hero indirectly, we only really DO when our back is against the wall, or when we’re truly tired of bouncing around from one place to the other … in more ways than one!

I know a lot of you haven’t got that book.

But you should. True gem, along with my others!

The lesson I gave – and HAVE always given – my little one on life – and teasing – and more!
- This applie sto adults too!

“Dont internalize it!”

People internalize things, my friend – at a very young age, and that continues all their life.

And, what we internalize hurts us WAY more than we think it does.

It doesn’t so much hurt the “already hurt” Bozos that are already hurt in some way most likely.

But anyway, it’s happened to my daughter for all her “short life” thus far, and her life, of course, is just starting!

And I told her the following a few days ago.

“Honey, you better get used to it. Anytime you’re better than someone at anything (she is at many things, English being the #1 thing, of course! Hehe. “Chip off the old block”, big time!” …

I paused for breath – not really – I was interrupted.

“The crabs in a bucket mentality” …

She knows all of it!

I’ll always remember a time when my daughter was 1 or so, perhaps less than that, and clambering up some stairs to her Granny’s home for chocolate or something …

And we didnt even need to tell her that the chocolate was there. I can remember Granny (my mom) saying with a “semi-resigned” nod of the head.

“She knows everything!”

(which I dont know if they noticed, but thats something I’ve often been told i.e. you know everything!).

Yet, here is the point.

She does because of good influence around her – and her own actions.

I do because .. well, my own actions, thoughts and the “school of hard knocks” aka life.

But often times, I told my daughter, you’ll get guilt trips and idiotic comments “because you know it all, you’re expected to be the well that people draw from – until it’s empty – then they move on to the next sucker”.

You’ll get teased galore – criticized galore – and so forth.

She knows all this, of course.

She told me!

Hey, I’ve been putting it in her brain ever since she was born damn near!

But the question here was HOW to respond to teasing.

My daughter thought the best way was to furiously defend herself.

I smiled.

“Open another front” I told her.

Whataaaaaaaaaaaat, she asked.

And I explained.

SOmetimes, with idiotic comments like she gets logic doesnt work.

The idiots who give you guilt trips as an adult – same damn thing.

You lob the ball back at them – open another front – sometimes completely unrelated.

With illogical taunts, and I know a LOT about those, trust me – except I had no confidence growing up either to retaliate verbally “thats not good, Rahul! We should be polite!” (of course, the Bozos on the other side were never told to be polite) – and physically “they can hit you, but you shouldn’t hit back!” was the gist (thats what happens in Nazi feminist households where the “head feminist” has NO idea of what real life is about) . . . the best way is to respond – illogically.

True, there are many ways of responding to personal attacks and such.

Yours truly has not just perfected the art of such, but also perfected the art of making money from it. Hehe.

(and what I mention in this email is just ONE way of bashing the trolls and idiots back – just ONE).

I not only love, but welcome personal attacks.

Anyway, this style of responding may not be always good – I agree.

Sometimes, the other person has a valid viewpoint which you SHOULD rebut logically.

But all too often, it’s the idiotic guilt trips and leechers with nothing better to do with their own time than dispense unwanted advice is what you get …

And, all too often DOERS get caught up in their BS …

Hence today’s email.

Hope it helped.

“Why are you singing in English”

I mean, geez, I wasn’t there.

But, fuck, let the girl sing in whatever language she wants

Just because she’s BETTER at it doesn’t mean you gotta drag her down to your level (I’m telling this to the Bozo who apparently told her not to).

But thats life, friend.

ANYTIME you’re better than someone – due to your own work etc – something GOOD about you – you’ll see Schofields and Bozos galore …

Such is life, hehe.

And I’m sure this little talk here will help a lot of you!

Anyway, during visualizing this morning (last night, in the ether, I heard a certain someone say “how dare he be better than me”, hehe) … I thought of Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness.

And how to make the club section even better, though it’s already done.

Its truly a megamoth, friend, truly one…

The wait will truly be worth it for this one!

And make sure to get your pre-order in now for it, because the price WILL go up on it again – very soon.

Thats it for now.

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why I have never been much of a one for people that say “oh, but that’s just small money, it doesnt matter!”
- All of it does!


Back when I still ordered stuff online in India, or every time I do or did, it was always ONLINE PAYMENTS!

Regardless of the issues in India with that failing etc a lot of times, and the “COD” option always omnipresent no matter where you go in India (and even these days, to an extent in China, though no-one uses it – or cash pretty much – in China)- I’ve never do COD.

Or, I’d avoid it like I do the Bozo and the plague from China.

EVERY time I’ve had to get change, its been an issue.

In China, not so much to be honest. I can walk into any store, or get anything delivered, and the delivery guys will always have the right change in hand, at least for me, I’v eNEVER once had an issues with years in China that I’ve spent!

But in India, different thing – and opposite.

Inevitably its the delivery guy claiming no change – and acting lik eyou’re “stingy” asking for it back.

I’ve never understood that mentality – have you?

Perhaps it happens in other countries too …

I dont know, but to me, I’d rather do biz with the man who, like a mechanic in India “back in the day” I used, and still stay in touch with – that “hisab hisab hai, Sir!”

He was saying, what I owe you is what I owe you – not a cent more – not a dime less – or whatever.

THAT is my man!

And THAT is the sort of person I tip – even in countries like China and INdia where it ain’t required, period – and DO.

Then companies that “auto debit” customer accounts without asking.

Amazon, my friend again – its a matter of thinking!

They never do that.

They might CREDIT your account with items that weren’t present at the time of delivery or what not, but not debit.

Anyway, here is where I am going with this.

I’m not asking you to be cheap – you shouldn’t.

But always remember, it’s DROPS that make up a massive ocean.

Same with money, same with your FITNESS, friend!

Those 100 pushup workouts you do daily ADD up. Those hills climbs do too!

Those Lumberjack swings do too!

I think you get the picture, friend.

And I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why taking PRIDE in whats yours, and being PROUD of it – is KEY – and why you should teach your kids this!
- Important!

This is an obvious lesson, but adults – and kids both – need to learn it – re-learn it – and so forth.

I often catch myself getting lazy with dusting my laptop off and stuff, for example.

Sure, it’s hardly anywhere near filthy, but China for one – and even countries like India (which are worse) and if youre living near construction etc anywhere – a lot of dust “seems to enter from nowehere” – and settle anyway!

I’ve never figured out how the dust piled up in my China apartment, with windows ALWAYS closed and A/C always on.

No, dirty filters weren’t the issue. I cleaned them.

Bozo would have kittens if I asked him to, hehe, but I didnt.

But anyway, that aside – I’ll never forget the time my wife asked the daughter to clean her bike.


“I’m not your servant, Dad!”

(Since I got the responsibility of getting her to do it, as I do when she cleans her room – if she ever does – LOL)

(which is fine, hehe)

But while my daughter is admittedly in some regards molly coddled (partly due to our own uber strict upbringing) – some of this is good as well i.e. let kids be kids – I got her to do it anyway.

You should have seen her. Hehe. At the time she said it, it might as well have been one of those adult brats the Bozo so loves!

Princess, indeed!

But anyway …

She cleaned it, but at first, sparingly.

I gently rebuked her.

The rods, honey.

The handlebar. And so forth.

If you’ve seen Over the Top, and Sly polishing his old truck till it GLEAMED – you’ll know what I mean!

Bollywood, if you’re a fan of the hilarious Houseful series, in II, you’ll see the “once bandit turned millionaire in the UK” still clean his steed – a white HORSE – stallion – as he did many years ago when he rode it with a rifle

“Jagga kitna bhi bada ho haye, kitna bhi ucha pahuche, per zameen par!”

My Hindi is rusty.

But thats what he said!

I.e. “I might touch the sky, but my feet remain firmly rooted”.

Theres lessons in all this WE can learn, friend.

How often do we let our surroundings – our rooms etc “go to shit” because who cares, we couldn’t be bothered to clean it…

Take pride in what is yours, my friend.

Keep it in tip top shape.

Because if you dont respect whats YOURS, it wont respect YOU.

And it won’t give you returns down the line – the opposite  actually. You might think “well those are just inanimate objects” – when I told my little girl, thats what she replied – but truth is, everything is thought, friend.

That is an unescapable fact of LIFE.

Fitness, same damn thing.

RESPECT your routines, they’ll get you through the roughest of scrapes and toughest of times!

RESPECT your training tools.

RESPECT your fitness books (and for the cheapasses, well, enough said).

Most of all, respect the time people such as me put into creating stellar products like I give you …

And that, my friend, is that. Lots of lessons, eh!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, friend, the price for Lumberjack LODESTONE Fitness WILL go up.

So if you haven’t got that pre-order in, do so NOW. (because very soon,even that will be gone).

Why “harbingers of doom” are always very unwelcome.
- A couple of photos I saw last night sparked this one!

Classic, my friend.

I saw a couple of photos last night, and it sparked these thoughts – hours later.

The “names of the guilty” have been changed to protect the innocent, you’ll see what I mean here. Hehe.

But anyway (or, you’ll guess, lol) – I’ll never forget the time when I was canned from a job way back in the day – not necessarily due to any real fault of mine except the usual “entire staff gets replaced every six months” thang a lot of I.T. companies in India had going on at the time “so we dont need to pay them more”.

I’ll also never forget how I changed from being a “systems analyst” – a boring job with basically nothing but documentation to do that no-one followed (note – in theory, this is one of the most important things in I.T. i.e. a link between sales and operations with knowledge on BOTH ends, but in a lot of companies, neither sales nor operations pay much heed, if at all, to the functional specification docs prepared by the guy!) …

In any case, I was never one for pages long worth of documentation.

I’ll leave that to Jeff “at” Amazon, hehe.

True, they have their uses i.e. the docs – no better example than Amazon!

I’ve always been the sales guy though as you might imagine, and even my support roles in CHina were often “customer facing” …

Anyway, the boss accepted my application “to move to sales” in the twinkle of an eye.

While the two “little bosses” didnt. Hehe.

Big boss probably thought, hey, why the delay, and the project I bagged for them a while later – well, that proved he was RIGHT – and I Was too.

Anyway, a short while later, I got canned.

And, I’ll remember a certain “someone” telling me mournfully to accept the offer of a “we want you! dont quit! How about at reduced pay!” (remember, this was pre 2008 and they had the gumption to ask that!) … “at least something is coming in”.

Of course, I didnt listen, and was chastised for “you never listen to me”.

Within a week, I had bagged not one, but THREE different job offers – all at vastly higher salaries.

I chose THAT job, and the rest is history.

But anyway, can’t you feel it from some people – photo or not?

You look at them, and you see “woe betide me!”

Or, you see a resigned look “resigned to whatever may happen”.

Either way, it’s never been my style.

All my life, I’ve seen it around me – and before I really took control of my mind, guess what sort of folks I attracted to me relationship wise.

And what sort of results I got THEN – and NOW.

Polar opposites wouldn’t be stretching it. It would be the truth!

Friend, your MIND is indeed the most important tool.

Those subconscious influences around you you’re not even aware of are one thing, but are you aware of what was implanted in your brain since childhood – often times unwittingly by either you or the person doing it?

Trust me, most cases of this are unwitting!

Not all, but most.

If you look at the results YOU are getting in life, or fitness or anything – well, it might be a damn good to look inside your BRAIN first – and ask yourself some hard questions FIRST before criticizing either the guy that brings the message to you – or the tools you use.

If you read Zero to Hero, perhaps, and you dont instantly become a multi-millionaire, for one.

Or, if after getting on the 0 Excuses Fitness System – you still don’t lose oodles of weight – and quick.

Or, if you look at this and say “how can I get fit without a gym”.

There are no limiting BELIEFS, my friend.

Sure, the self help shamians sell you this – i.e. “upgrade your beliefs”.

It’s a crock.

Upgrade your thoughts, pay attention to your FEELINGS.

And block the doom and gloom out, friend.

I’m not saying don’t be aware of the world around you. IN fact, you’ll see that when you do it my way, you wont just be aware. You’ll be hyper aware, and you’ll develop your gut and sixth sense like never before.

And the physical gut will become a rock hard solid CORE of muscle if you do it right. Flat, hard, natural – so strong that as Farmer Burns once said “my own abdominal muscles are soft enough naturally, but if I tighten them, it is likely to cause more pain to the person striking me with full force (first) than me”.


If he said that, you best believe there is a sliver – or a hell of a lot more- truth to it.

My friend, you truly attract what you think – believe down deep inside you as a result – and then those are the results that show on the outside.

And working on your thinking isn’t near as hard as it might sound – in fact, it’s outrageously EASY.

Apply for coaching in case you’re interested in special mental techniques that will change your life forever – but note, and first – you’re not going to hear any of the “I’m rich!” – 1000 times a day affirmation and other garbage from me.

You’ll hear what works, and that ain’t what most people want to hear (hence everyone teaches just the opposite).

Anyway ….

Replace the doom and gloom attitude with an attitude of CHEER, my friend.

There is always something to be thankful and grateful for, even in your darkest times (because if you are, the sun WILL shine again).

And that, friend, is that.

Back soon!

Best ,

Rahul Mookerjee

PS – This is yet another reason why I’m SO picky and selective about what, if any, company I keep – and why I hardly ever get on the damn phone …

You ain’t felt a WHIRLWIND until …
- .. you feel THIS!

Trust me on this one.

In the movie, The Rock – the General famously tells the President in the movie and his advisors –

“You have 18 hours remaining, gentlemen! Transfer the funds – or BE PREPARED to REAP the WHIRLWIND!”

That movie is full of solid, climatic and uber dramatic scenes – UNBRIDLED MACHISMO too!

A great popcorn movie too, but I loved the movie.

SOLID movie, I thought, right down to Cage and Connery – both so perfect in their roles, especially Connery as the grizzled veteran and the General (I cannot remember his real name – Hummell in the movie) with the piercing blue eyes – true General style – looking at – and THROUGH YOU!

Anyway, thats nothing compared to …


Its nothing compared to the Category 3 Hurricanes I routinely climbed mountains in, with trees falling all around me ?

Literally – I dont know if I put that in the book on recollections, likely not, likely the second Volume. So many more recollections to put in!

But … even that pales in comparison to …

Wail. Waaaaah!

I liteally feel like wailing, eyes screwed up like in a comedy movie I once saw where one of the heroes proudly Tom Tom’s his animal skin shoes, clothes, everything to a lovely girl in front of him … only to find out she’s rabidly “conservationist”.

And the tongue lashing she gives him – oh my!

It’s hilarious, dude starts crying thereafter.

“She reminds me of my Mama”, he goes, to a bit of a mortified father standing next to him who was hoping he’d talk marriage. HEhe.

He wasn’t that far off in many regards!


…. anyway, even that?

Until you feel a Princess, my friend, literally YELLING at you – and I ain’t talking an adult brat here (that the Bozo so loves, hehe).

I’m talking getting a tongue lashing from an enraged Gorilla like 8 year old daughter (well, almost 8) – either in person or otherwise!

My ears are still ringing.

All I did was say “chocolate was trash”.


Not all of it is, but the colored candies and crap kids eat – not good!

I’ll never repeat that mistake again. Even the phone, as if on cue, went back to restarting randomly …


Now THAT was a whirlwind. Hehe.

She was supposed to do some chores, of course, I dont think she’s done ’em. Hehe.

True Princess, and since Daddy puts up with all of it … Hey. What can I say!

But, she’s the star of Kiddie Fitness, so the occasional chocolate or more than it, hehe, is well deserved!

And, on that note – kids, my friend, right down to their BODILY GESTURES – and mannerisms -when they WANT something – are a classic example of VISUALIZATION and using the subconscious mind – almost instantly.

Sure, my daughter is almost past 8, so she’s no longer a wailing baby that needs “milk” every hour (so cute, hehe).

It truly was cute, I will always remember those days!

But … the way they gesticulate, yell, etc – even if the parents are “normal” and not “doting” – ever since a kid NOT get his or her own way in terms of buying stuff like that?

Or, putting stuff on Daddy’s credit card, hehe.

Some of them, of course, never grew up – in a bad way. Like the Bozo, but we ain’t talking him

And some kids of course never grew up – in a good way – yours truly. HEhe.

And we’re talking normal parents, not the abusive sort that truly  make me ANGRY (few things make me really mad, but thats one).

That book, my friend is truly something that your kids need – more so than the chocolates and candies you get from them all the time – I’m still Goggling looking at my expanding “cart” – and the credit card associated with it, hehe.

Anyway – carts, you say.

YOUR fitness cart, friend should contain two things –

One, ONE copy of the Collector’s Edition of Fast and Furious Fitness – not two anymore – one of them has been promised to someone “offline”.

And two, remember, the current price for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness will not last forever.

This, my friend, is a book that is truly one of the best ever – along with Pushup Central and Isometric and Flexibility Training, and all my outstanding manuals for that matter, all getting you in the best shape of your life.

It won’t make your shopping cart balloon either!

But, it’ll definitely add LESS girth to your ballooning waistline (for some of you, hehe).

And that, my brother, is that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Classic dialog, eh.

“… or be prepared to REAP THE WHIRLWIND, gentlemen!”


PPS – Given whats going on in Afghanistan, and Biden’s whiny, “bend over backwards for nutwads” “concilatory” policies – as opposed to what is needed for terror mongerers i.e. STRICT red lines and a very strong deterrent policy – remember, you dont negotiate with nuts like the Teleban!! – I gotta say this.


I know people that served there.

And I’m sure theyre all thinking, so what was the point of all those wasted years in Afghanistan if the Teleban – Taliben – whatever it is is BACK in control?

What a mess, And Veterans, if you’re thinking that, I feel for ya, I truly do..

(and please, loony libs reading this dont give me the BS of “their country” , their rules – its insane how Libs are willing to put up with the exact opposite of what they want in their own countries in others for one aint it? Try putting a purdah on someone in the US, female, male, or what not – and see the backlash (rightly so!).

Iraq – YES, that as a mistake in my book… ole George got it wrong. (his oil holdings likely did not, hehe).

But the Teleban, give me a fucking break – you can’t have people flying planes into buildings and not expect retribution. Going in was the right thing to do, Trump was leaving – but the RIGHT way – now this mess….

And yes, it affects the whole world!)

Why mispronouncing certain words could be the TICKET.
- For you, hehe! And it applies equally to fitness too.

My friend and dear reader,

I’ll always remember the trump speech in Ahmedebad, in i believe 2019?

The Namaste Trump event, which PM Modi held in response to Trumps “howdy Modi” event in TX a few years ago (another massive success, though I doubt trump understood much of the Hindi Modi spoke in that speech, hehe).

But anyway, in the India event the Trumpinator put on a grand, gala, nigh classic Trump style show – littered with gaffes, seemingly intentional, but they weren’t!

Trust me.

Trump does unintentional intentional unintentionally, he’s a Master at it. Hehe.

Like yours truly …

But anyway, the crux of all that when was when he mis pronounced the great Sachin TEndulkar’s name as Soochin – and carried on without a blink. LOL.

IT was classic

You could see Amit Shah, Home Minister of INdia, literally ENJOYING the show, doubling over in laughter, and willing Trump on, of course, the Trumpinator being the showman he is, was loving every minute. Hehe.

so was I.

Gotta love ole Donald!

But anyway he mispronounced several other names.

“Sri Vivekananda” was mangled several times (a seer in India).

Virat Kohli’s name was too, though not quite as much … I can just imagine the chuckles both Kohli and Tendulkar must have emitted. Trump is classic!

But anyway … it brings to mind an odd instance, when the Bozo for some reason (who pronounces, for some wierd reason”Chuck as “Choooook” – sure, it’s the accent where he’s from, but still, sounds wierd, I dont know why) ranted up a hissy about the world schedule and “Rahul’s mispronounciation of only THAT word”.

dont know if it caused him to disrupt his ass licking schedule, hehe.

But he kept likening the word to “skid-ule” – apparently too skid marks for the Bozo?

Who knows.

To be fair, I cannot recall ever pronouncing it that way … but hey.

Skid-Mule or Schedule, so long as the person got it. Who really cares?

It’s so typical of Glyn, his inane and nonsensical observations, like the ones HERE – soundly rebutted by a great customer (one amongst many!).

I mean, dont get me wrong.

I’m not for mangling th elanguage, but we ALL mis pronounce CERTAIN words.

Can any one of us say we have never wondered how to pronounce, let alone mis pronunce certain words ?

Of course not.

Marc the African silverback Gorilla from Canada often pronounced balcony as “Bal(as in Ba-ah-l -cony i.e. the French way of saying it – it was originally a french word anyway, as many in the English lexicon are) – and marketing differently too.

yet, overall, he was as good – or bad – an English speaker and as native as you and I …

It makes nary a difference, friend, unless your Bozo with skid marks on his face of course, half drunk most of the time…

That one gaffe, by the way, gave Trump more publicity in India than any intentional marketing ever could at the time!

And look – it applies to fitness too!

Fitness wise, there isn’t any ONE way to get it done, friend.

You could do pushups – but there are so many ways to do ’em – and for some of you, that might be all you need your whole life.

Or, some of you will read Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness, and mix in those workouts with pull-ups – and thats all you’ll need!

Others will need hill sprints and other stuff.

Some will do great on Animal Kingdom Workouts (and cougars, hehe).

And so forth.

Never any one way to get it done!

So long as you’re proceeding in the right direction OVERALL – that is what matters, friend, both in life – and otherwise.

And on that note, be sure and make your way over to the Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness page NOW because the clock is running out on the pre-sales offer.

Hurry – good things DO come to an end!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – Latest on the Bozo? Well, according to a former Bozo’s friend Candice (current Rahul’s friend though!) – apparently he got so trashed that he ended up at some local video story’s glory hole (they even have those in Brum?? Thought that was just an US thing…) and got the heck beat out of him later.

This guy, ugh.

And I got pics for proof, but NO, there is NO way I’ll post ’em here. Social media … now thats the ticket, hehe, plus he’s sent Candice some picture where he’s putting a finger to his mouth, pointing in a most obscene and suggestive manner.

Really, Glyn, the madness doesn’t cease…

Why Bozos and idiots globally – rising numbers – are watching more inane veeeddeeeooos – why yours truly is the polar opposite – and more!
- & then some, hehe.

Here’s a great comment I read in an article recently (about China’s recent – and yet again – crackdown on ESL teachers, especially the Bozos and Chucks and people of that nature – Nah, Chuck ain’t the Bozo. Glyn is, hehe).).

I’ve been saying it forever, of course.

I still remember Chuck and the lot asking Glenn, a friend of mine (of course they’d ask him – he’s say what they want, not the facts!) about ESL a while back.

I’ve been saying the Chinese economy is on the rocks for a LONG time now.

That damn Humpty was teetering a long time ago.


With the recent change in laws, EVEN more clampdown on anything resembling free speech – the very recent law (which the TOm Tom’s will never admit, of course, haha) PROHIBITING people from having two – not kids – apartments – haha, the writing is and has been on the wall for years now.

The bozos never acknowledged it, of course.

Now that it’s staring them in the face, they’re shitting bricks and all “very busy” …

When the reality is?

They’re immersing themselves more in idiotic Tom Tom content more than ever before to “get a break from their lives”.

“Get in better mood”, they feel.

But what happens – beyond the initial dopamine drop – or drip – both one and the same, the precise opposite.

Why people don’t spend time watching the sort of movies I do – in my mind – and what I want – all day long is beyond me, especially when I show them the results with proof this sort of visualization, the only movies you ever need to see can bring!

Anyway, Dwayne was the ONLY friend of mine – curiously enough, like me, Republican to the core (yeah, the Tom Tom’s dont get into politics, I know, but their liberal sides SHINE brightly, like cat piss in the snow, ugh) that agreed with me on both ESL and the economy.

He’s a doer.

Amazed? Not! Hehe.

I think right now people are just in desperation, panic mode,” said Gascoigne.

China’s clampdown on tutoring upends the lives of millions — Quartz (qz.com)

No prizes for being right, eh, Charles – or the Bozo – whomever and their ilk might be reading. HEhe. I know they all are, avidly GLUED to this dispatch, though they’ll never admit it.

But anyway …

Yours truly – sage as always –

So true, especially for monkeys doing and TOm Tomming esl. Pathetic!


(and so much for “we’ll be Chinese. No you never wll be!) (mark kitto)

i remember explaining this to Bozo Schofield once, he’d agree when he had no cash.

the minute the schools, or Chuck tossed him a few crumbs, he’d go to the opposite extreme.

“Mark Kitto is a nobody, Chuck is!”

Hell, whoever gave him money for that nights beer was a somebody to Glyn! Hehe. Including yours truly when he mooched that night off me, couldn’t find his so called ATM card.. .

Mark Kitto nobody my ass.

Down to earth Brit that started not one , but two pioneer businesses, got them taken away by China. Which, of course always happens once you get big!

His comment though, is what I’ll remember the most – the one beneath.

“You’ll never be Chinese!”

Google, youll see.

No matter how much wackos and Bozos that have painted themselves into a corner claim they will be, they wont.

(including the idiots who want to report this to the NSL. Hehe. Pinked Out- banned me is all that happened. Some things are below even the NSL, hehe). (not their trolls tho).

Anyway , veeddeeeooosss…

Look, I’m telling you.

I could make a killing if I invested in some videos I suppose.

Some fancy shmancy garbage that is all talk, maybe 1% real stuff (as you see in most so called instructional videos out there).

But I’m not.

I’m doing the opposite. As I always have!


The contrarian barbarian as always, and boy is it landing me some great, great news daily.

I might do up one for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness, I likely will. But thats about it…

And speaking of which, pre-order cycle gonna end soon on that, much like the pre-wash on the Bozos’s famous non functional washing machines, hehe.

I dont blame the machine. Poor thing.

But YOU, my dear chappie, will have ONLY yourself to blame if you dont get the pre-order before the price goes up – up – UP!

And thats the blast from now.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee aka Bozo ass kicker, hehe.

I can hear the teeth gnashing too, lol…

NO prizes for being right, eh Chuck. Were there any though for being dead out wrong, lol.

Why I truly LOVE being ignored (well occasionally, hehe).
- I do!

I’ve been flirting with a certain “Nicole” all morning.

She’s been giggling resisting the urge to press “reply with facepalm emoticon“.

Women love ’em. Hehe.

But she’s doing the right thing.

While I dont necessarily need to chase her, I love the chase!

Thats what I love about LIFE.

Each new goal, accomplishing, surpassing – same thing with women in general!

And, thats what I just told her i.e. the part in the heading.

I also added this.

“It makes me feel extra special”.

Now, there are two reasons I told Nicole this – one I’ll tell you here, and the other, I best not. Hehe.

She’ll have my hide, I’m sure, if I do!

But anyway …

Sometimes, the idiotic replies I get.

On Twitter, I recently posted one of my old posts – somethign about training naturally.

No pictures, nothing, just the link.

Some Bozo, no doubt Bozo Schofield’s butt licking crony or something, replied back with two images.


One was a micro weiner.

I wouldn’t post that here (tmi – but good part – ?)

You couldnt see the damn thing anyway, it was non existent!

Quite literally.

He was also, as I was talking to Helen the other day, “locked” in some sort of chastity device. Wonder how he flies, hehe.

It was pure metal (maybe Bozo Schofield could give him some tips) .

Come to think of it and given his long drunken rant the other day, that is likely the Bozo himself.

Except the other image?

Some German picture (writing was in German) of some steriod.

With German text (he wrote it) – is that small enough.

I dont know which one dude was referring to (or Bozo).

His small thang (which is zero to be honest, I didnt even know that sort of thing existed) – or  the “box which promises power”.

except, it does anything but in YOUR BOX!!!

Anabolic steroids, my friend, may give you puff buff bloat, but they REDUCE the size of your wanker, my friend – and the attached you know what’s.

Trust me on this one.

Bodybuilders have told me,  and many others have too.

Plus, you’ll get heart attacks, and the puff buff goes away to be replaced with “old lady wrinkle”.

Come to think of it, a certain Charles once made the comment about “you like them older with two kids”.

Well, without wrinkles he might add…. LOL.

And in solid, sexy SHAPE!

Hey. Cougar fitness?

(some of them cougars give you a great, great workout, hehe. Trust me!)

All covered in Animal Kingdom Workouts!!

But really, that response I got made me think.

Sometimes, it’s best to be ignored. Really, what folks think is beyond me!

Anyway, if YOU are or ever have thought about taking anabolic steroids, dont do it, friend.

Even if you could care two figs less about the man bits, it’s just not good for you.

Train naturally, the natural way, and what you “grow” will STAY with you.

And that, my friend – is that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is where you can pick up the system that gives you the most, best and everlasting “T” here – The Rolls Royce of Fitness System!

Truly does PURR, it doesnt even meow!

Helps you get a ton of  meow tho, hehe,

(speaking of which, I’m pretty sure she’ll reply with “dont tease me, pls”.

Hey. I’m the ultimate tease, lol … )