“Dont ask me! Ask CHINA that question! “
- So sage, Donald...

My oh my.

They’re all coming out of the woodwork pretty quick.

A certain ‘Dark” just did, Idont know it’s a he or she.

“have you ever been to a COVID19 ward”, was the question.

and the person let it hang.

Nothing after that.

A typical Tom Tomming response designe dto skirt the issue at hand – obfuscate fACTS and drag whatever discussion might have been possible into the gutter, and keep frustrating the other person with one liners (she) – a certain JILL COMES TO MIND! (while discussing the Antifa madness ,all this cunt had to say was “do you care about debunking white supremacy” – this in response to my very lengthy, rational, logical posts on LINKEDIN – any wonder they banned me???) twisting the point around until, like Sunny Deol or someone said in Damini, the person “forgets what he original discussion was”.

He said forgets their way to the court.

The logic – or lack of – is the same.

To answer this stupidity?


And I truly feel for all those that have died from the China virus.

NO-ONE, regardless of anything should have to die from this mess!


And I feel for everyon that has. It ruly do!

Yet, that wasn’t the point.

“Point was freedom”. 

My answer to this nut would be as follows.

“Have you ever been to Xinjiang?”

“Have you ever been to a place where they actively put cameras INSIDE YOUR BEDROOM To make sur eyou dont skip quarantine (at home))?

Most of all, it would be this ..

“Dont ask me, Ask China that question!”

When you ask them, yo umay get  very UNIQUE answer, my friend.

And since Tom Tom’s, thats the first thing they won’t do, that’ll shut them up.

Oh wait, Wei Yia Jiang, and the implied racism.

Give me a break, hun.

He said it to EVERYONE, not you specifically.

And its precisely what I’ll tell everyone sending me idiotic, inane and NASTY COMMENTS like that!


Back to my Lumberjack Workouts!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why I ain’t gonna stop or shy away from saying it – LIKE IT IS!
- What you KNOW ME FOR!

Because, well, friend…

But first, flashback to 2003 I believe, or maybe 2004?

So says Amitabh Bacchan and Akshay Kumar “rolled into one” as someone once called it. (My Dad, actually, who hates my guts).

Famous last words, and equally meaningless. HA!

We know the above as “firebrand”.

But anyway, mercurial Mookerjee once didnt get paid his wages for like 14 days straight back when he worked a job – 14 days late, I may say.

I spoke about complaining against them to family and others.

Predicatable response.

“Nothing will happen, the only thing that will happen is they’ll fire you”, I was told (the word “idiot” was left unsaid).


I wanked up a storm to the Boss.

Next day, I got paid. So did the rest!

In China, that first job I was canned for  the same job which Clement privately told me “I hope you can sue the shit out of them!” …

I was told publicly not to speak up, and “you can’t fight with everyone your whole life”.


I dont aim on fighting with everyone, I never have.

I just want to be free and left the fuck alone.

I dont want fucking panixines being shoved on me, I dont want the freedom to own a fucking weapon be taken away anywhere in the world, I dont want to Kow Tow to big government and big Tech, I Dont want to wear fucking masks (and I don’t) .. and, well, I’ve been a mammoth epic Twitter rant about it.

Now, you’re seeing a more “sane” version of this, but really, PHOCK!

I mean all the restrictions globally, and people claim “I’m the anarchist”?

I’m the person – I mean, let’s see I want to live my life free and unfettered from BS – and I’m the one that needs to be silenced???

If these goddamned social media companies can remove Trump, they can remove anyone – but they aint getting my freedom of speech.

Not Charles, Not Pinked-Out, Not Shitter, not no-one.

And the APATHY is what I hate the most.

People just dont care, even now, all you hear of?

Jobs and “did you get the panixine”.

I mean, you talk about freedom, and precious few, if any listen!

It’s insane, I dont get it.

If YOU, my friend feel this way – tell me.

And back to the incidents I mentioned above, the China job?

Based out of HK?

They pulled a fast one.

Two months more, I could have sued the shit out of them, but before that, no (that was the Labor Law back then).

And believe me, I damn well would have too.

Fuck running scared.

And now, my friend, if there is ANY one message I can give you thats more important – it is that. FREEDOM, and NO PANIC, please!

Freedom to be who you are.

Say what you like, as you like, free and unfettered .

Freedom to TRAVEL.

Freedom to step out of your frigging house!

And so forth …

And that, my friend, is the spirit in which Fast and Furious Fitness was written, and the spirit in which I offer you my Collector’s Edition, truly a rare gem.

Man, I gotta go. I’m just so PISSED!


Rahul Mookerjee

The defining characterestics – well, two of them – that unify LOSERS, Nazi feminists, and Bozos…
- They're all of the same ilk anyway!

My friend,

They’re all of the same ilk anyway, and if you’re thinking there’s only ONE characteristic, or two main ones?

You’d be flat out wrong.

There’s many – plenty.

But I’ll focus on two here – two huge ones.

One being (but first, that all important “story”, hehe).

Many years ago in China, a friend of mine – and a colleague “Clement” was discussing how it was in China back in 2003.

And the thinking of “he’s a foreginer, so he’s richhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” 

(pretty similar to my wife who keeps claiming “You’re in China, so you have a lot of money!”

Like, Jesus, why would I LEAVE a democracy and my own house etc (well, so called “own”) and a young family etc (which at that time was still a “family” as opposed to now – thankfully all well and truly in the past)) for CCP ruled China…

There’s some things I love about China, yes. It’s even spawned (pun intended) many a great biz for me!

And I met some great people there. And some lovely trolls too, hehe.

But anyway, that was the thinkin in China back then.

These days, when someone looks at a foreigner in China (not me – for me it’s always “Mei Guo Ren! Hen Duo Qian!!!!!!” – my wife once commented (at the time we were in some financial distress, I believe in 2011, or 13, or 14? I cant remember, it was while climbin gthe hill) … “You have nothing in your pocket, yet they follow you, revere you!

True. They did. All about THINKING RICH, and you’ll BE RICH. Simple as that …

But all the time making snide jokes about expats there etc, the type that runs out dancing monkey centers, with me, I never felt that – or experienced it. RESPECT!) … .but anyway, these days?

These days “these bottom of the barrel wankers come China to steal our girls, state secrets, and teach English we dont want to learn!”

It’s been that way for years.

No-one with any real money ever goes to China, and no-one (expats) make any real money there and more importantly get to keep it.

Sure, there’s plenty of ’em out there riding on the coattails of their girlfriends and wives, and the Schofield Scammers preying on the uber gullible (there are many still there).

Losers in general, and bottom of the barrel fools as my buddy from the Marines put it, and he was right!

But anyway … where was I?

Ah yes, the thinking!

The thinking back then in China was “every foreigner is rich” (even an idiot like Schofield for one would have been included in that).

I still remember the girl who brought my boss’s lunch up his “room” (well, his office, but the damn office was in a hotel!!!) (he preferred desk lunches apparently a lot of times) …

She’d just stand beside my desk and think it was for me.

“No, him!” I’d point to Jim, hehe.

She wouldn’t get it.

“Lao Ban”, she would keep saying (boss).

And of course, the colleagues there would chime in.

“Foreigner, you’re rich!”

It was insane!

Clement was from Hong Kong, a far sight more sensible.

And he was chuckling once about the well mentality, and the Chinese attitude of “he’s rich, so lets dip into his “richness” and take what we can for free”.

Clement compared it to several wells, all empty, one overflowing.

“They take water out of that one well” he giggled.

(i was explainin gthe meaning of “jugs” to him too at that time if you get my drift, hehe. Big jugs as the Secretary at that job had!)

“And gradually, as they keep taking, the water level keeps going down” (and he gesticulated too!) ..

“And then well empty!”

He guffawed.

It’s a juvenile example, but one I enjoyed, and will neve rforget.

And thats one of the things that unifies losers, bozos and Nazi feminist idiots – that “he has more ability”, so “he can pay”.

When you point out “commensurate” and goose and gander, of course, all that is ignored, because…

Point 2 – they only attack when they CAN.

And, when the other person cannot strike back – or reply.

Like Bozo Schofield, who attacked me viciously with his racist trolling, spread lies about me and many other people (they all took it – I didnt, never will, never have, never did!) … looted and cheated LOTS of women, committed sexual crimes, as yet unnoticed against minors in China … and many, many other things – all those things, he only did when he COULD.

Like a great customer once told me.

“The only reason the little twat is saying that is because you’re not likely to come to the UK to punch his lights out”.


I wouldn’t journey to the UK just for that.

But I might to drink a few Stellas with you, John!

Hehe. If the offer still stands.

And, we might well meet the Bozo in a dark alley.

Come to think of it, we might not WANT to.

UGH! (enough said).

But those, my friend are the two things I gotta say.

One, the “if he’s got it, he can give it to us” (with NO intention of earning it).

And of course, the sorry, sad excuse of “he always had it good” when the reality is the polar opposite, when whatever good he or she was MADE by him or her, not given by some idiot Tom Tom …

Pandering, entitlement, all of it.

I’m sick of it.

So screw LinkedIn, and any other social media network that bans me for that while the REAL reason of course is they can’t get enough of CCP jackboots stomping down on them …

Alright enough of this.

Back soon!

(And remember, that pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness. I get about 10 emails on it daily, but if ALL of you are really interested, then step up, SHOW SUPPORT, and place the pre-order now!)

(And of course, get the last two remaining copies of Fast and Furious Fitness – Collector’s Edition. Believe me, this rare gem will turn even rarer soon.).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Know the real reason why Glyn Bozo “wanted to be friends in 2020” and started attacking again when I Called him out for being the scorpion he is?

It ain’t so much because he hates me

Its because EVERY TIME he’s trolled, or done something, his OWN life – he’s had NO money, NO MONEY At all, nothing at all going on for him.

And of course, like the loser he is, his thought process?

“Rahul (insert person of choice – usually Chuck whom he cheated out of tons of money, tore up his apartment multiple times and much more) is why! I’m goin gto attack him!”

Of course, it never occured to him to sort his OWN life out as opposed to blaming others.

But there you go, real life example bar none!

PS #2 – I remember a gal, Carol once telling me about an ex that gave her money and a car or some rubbish, and yet “she wanted more” so divorced him (or actually, didnt want to divorce, but he did, and DID!) ..

“He has more ability, so he need do!”

Till date, I haven’t heard what abilities she has… Hehe.

Of course. It’s all God Given.


Why your support NOW is more important than ever before.
- It transcends other things...


So why do I say this?

It ain’t because I’m entering politics for one. No no!

But it’s simply because…

This morning, I woke up to the following –

Hi Rahul,

LinkedIn has reviewed your request to appeal the restriction placed on your account and will be maintaining our original decision. This means that access to the account will remain restricted.

We require all members to engage in a professional manner and this type of content is not allowed. For more information, please review LinkedIn’s Terms of Service: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/user-agreement and Professional Community Policies: https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/34593.


Member Safety and Recovery Consultant

Now, I could rant about how the Bozo reported me, and how they’re basically doing this (for the second time) NOT because of the Bozo (gotta call a spade a spade, Glyn wasnt involved in this at all other than his silly “reporting” which they could care two figs less about) but because…

Well, this time they pulled out the two posts that got me banned the LAST TIME!

Both to do with entitlement and Nazi feminism. Hmm, surprising coming from Bill Hates owned “Left-In” – ain’t it?


I told them that since they already penalized me for that, and banned me once, then how could they do so again.

Then they pulled out some other crappy post dealing with – let us see…


I could rant at Linked IN about this.

I could tell them that I have over 6000 followers there, and that what they did was wrong etc.

Fact is this, friend.

My CHINA related posts – which really, really hit home for many people are what got me banned.

So I ain’t gonna grovel in front of LinkedIn again. Fuck ’em!

I mean, I did do them the basic courtesy of telling them that “I’d respect their policies” or what not – but they figured that since thats all I’d do and I wouldn’t grovel, they’d keep the account “in a restricted status”.


I’ve got over 10000 followers on Facebook, and I never use it. Wonder if LinkedIn knows this!

Instagram on the other site banned me. I didnt even bother to submit an appeal there!

A picture of a “foot” for whatever reason got me banned there. WTF??? Apparently that was “nudity”.

It wasn’t.

Anyway, fact is, my friend WE – YOU – and I – are being silenced daily.

There are very few platforms out there (yeah, I know, Gettr is one, but still… they dont have that reach!) with any sort of major reach (Amazon is one exception to this rule – guess why Jeff left China! It wasn’t because he didnt “make it there” – it was because, like me, he didnt want to bend to their BS!

If you’ve seen Chinese sites, and their crappy design you’ll know what I mean. Chinese sites – especially shopping sites like TaoBao are like pages with so many ants running across the screen in various colors and tiny Asian fonts you can barely read that you just GIVE UP!

Amazon is the polar opposite – simple – well structured – easy to use!

Just like Google etc.

I don’t blame Jeff for giving up on China in that regard, NOT Changing – like Henry Ford didnt change his 8 cylinder enginer no matter what for ages, like Rahul Mookerjee REFUSES to be cowed or “silenced” no matter what Big Tech tells me – same thing. Some things you dont change, regardless of what the locals “think”.

People “thought” the wireless was a “figment of a looney tune’s imagination” before it was invented, for one, and what about planes?

Trust me, like with Uber etc (see the falling Didi stocks now? Everyone, especially the Tom Tom’s claimed Didi was the next best thing to gold, but it wasn’t!) – China is the one that ultimately lost out in terms of Amazon, not Amazon itself).

Anyway, I cannot stop making positive remarks about Amazon.

Hey, their managers even drink Stella! Hehe.

But anyway, there are very few, if ANY platforms left for US To express our views, friend.

And that isn’t why I need your support.

Well, it may be ONE of the reasons – because to stop the madness, friend, you have to SPEAK OUT!

YOU have to have an audience, a reach, all of those things.

And no, the LinkedIn fools banning me permanently doesn’t mean my reach will go away there.

Those that want will simply sign up here.

And this here site is sitting in good ole Texas, and they ain’t gonna ban it – ever.


Anyway, with the way the world is going, mandatory quarantines, panic passports etc – and pressuring those of us (a dwindling few – YOU are among them though!) – that refuse to bow to government dictum and so forth – the way I train – and the way I TEACH YOU to train – becomes even more important!

And other than freedom of speech, keeping the anti “big government conversation going” (trust me, it’s damned important, or the damn Big Tech companies wouldn’t be banning me left right and center – they know this HITS HOME! People were shitting bricks on LinkedIn for one. Think it’s just the “bigwigs” that hit home? Nah – they’re just the ones that make it to the news! My Buddy Dwayne just got permanently banned from Facebook, for one…) – keeping this workout spirit which I dont see on any other site out there going is uber important.

So, friend, your support is needed.

Get a few products.

REVIEW them!

Honest reviews please…

Place that pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness (if you have not already – many of you have already stepped up – thank you!!) …

And get the last coupla copies of Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Edition, which trust me, will become very valuable in “time to come” (for reasons unmentioned as of now).

Most of all, SHAKE THE INERTIA is my point.

Something, anything.

Your support is what keeps all this going, and always will.

And, the more the merrier (thanks for that, Chuck! Hehe).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Think about what I’ve said above. It’s damn important, especially in THESE times!

PS #2 – I gotta end this with a blurb on “whats important”.

Here is what Dani said about the price wankers and so forth (which I keep saying, folks have no issues spending like $150 on a night out, but products that will help them “they couldn’t be bothered!”) ….

Money is everything nowadays. You can hear ppl here complaining about it, but still everyone is taking vacations and spending money “that they don’t have” ??‍♀️ I can’t understand. I guess ppl like living with debts or spending their savings.

Those restrictions make no sense?? basically you won’t leave the room hahaha.

Biden well… I don’t get this restrictions he is making. So stupid.

I have a friend that did 14 days quarantine in Mexico in order to enter US… what is the problem with Europe? No idea? bcs things now are not going that bad…


She was referring to the inane restrictions the US has in terms of international travel, or I think Biden will make it mandatory very soon i.e. EVERYONE traveling to the US must be vaccinated.

Not sure if that includes citizens , but I’m sure like they’re doing in Texas and FL, they’ll try and pressure them too.

It’s weird, really, this Biden policy of turning the US into another China in many ways.

To be honest, I think he’s lost it – he never had it.

He’s a doddering old man, probably a great GrandPaw (he calls his family every night, and interrupts meetings for family – hmmmm?) … but he ain’t fit to run the country.

As for Hyena Harris, the less said the better. FAKE!! SELL OUT!!! (apparently the Mexcian president now wants to talk to her about “permanently opening the border”)…

(she’s trying to travel, hence the comments on restrictions)

And, the money part, I was telling her what I tell YOU i.e. people spending money on inanities, then complaining about “no money”. What I’ve often found with people that keep complaining about “no money” is that they really want a “lower price”.

Which is fine, but just tell me! We’ll see what we can figure out …

Really, folks, focus on whats important! A teeny discount here and there won’t really help you with anything, but if you think it will, I’ll be happy to GIVE You one -but you gotta ask!

And your support for THIS here business is more important now than ever before. 

NO, we won’t go under – or anything like it “without immediate cash” or some such nonsense.

Point is YOU though, the freedoms they’re taking away, speaking up and AGAINST it, training in a way that allows you to do so … and allows you to survive and thrive…

OK, off my soapbox. But it’s true!

(oh, the restrictions, more on that?

30 day stay on visa, quarantines for 14 days if you’re not vaccinated, 7 if you are – entry exit every 30 .. .or 60 .. or whatever one has.

Can we say Big Government is doing all it can to EMPTY BANK ACCOUNTS? The PLAN!)

(not to mention completely destroy the travel industry).

OK, really off that soapbox now, but it pisses me off!

Why Wacko Schofield mediates 108 times a day ..
- True tale, hehe.

It’s funny . . .

They talk about meditation and stuff as being the “be all and end all of achievement ” i.e. “calm the mind”, and you’re done.

It’s true – and it’s the opposite too.

True as in if you do it the right way, its a great start!

I’ve spoken about a certain Sri Yantra before, I believe, which is the most scientific method of meditation there is, yet the Tom Tom’s and Bozos don’t even consider it, preferring the beads, chains, amulets crap (of course, anything that requires any concentration. Hehe. How could they!).

Third eye … not the one the Bozo likes…

ANyway, seerism with proof aside, here’s the thing.

That night when he was trashed, the Bobo was mumbling (Bobo seems to be right too, hehe) about some Indian girl “Pooja”.

Apparently also some weShat group “Bobo’s English corner”.

And apparently the Bozo, as he pulled me close to him (ugh, I remember the BREATH! Charles had fallen asleep, Bozo was wide awake as he tends to be in the early hours of the night staring at the full moon or what not, scheming, plotting) …

“Rahul, I’ll tell you something mate!” (and some nonsense about “dont tell Chuck”) (which I wouldn’t have anyway, dont know what Bozo was on)

OK, what.

And what poured out made me puke – almost.

Damn near.

Apparently he meditates and worships to Pooja (or he did back then) “108 times a day”.

He does so in the toilet, sitting in front of it if you can believe that.

Thats right.

Dont believe me?

Ask a certain Roya, she’ll tell you the tale of how the Bozo once took a huge dump in class – so drunk was he (I know he was drunk, but he was probably high as a kite too)…

Anyone with any knowledge of that dancing monkey school he worked at will…

They should hire bodyguards to keep Bozos away. Hehe.

Come to think ofit, the bodyguards would scoot too, hehe.

I couldn’t believe it.

I asked him again.

He then pointed me to a book which apparently he learnt it from.

Which is great, bu tthat book wasn’t entirely reality, it was fiction – well, mostly real, but mixed in with fiction.

Now, 108 is a magic number according to many.

Ancient cultures and what not, hence the writer probably put that in the book (and hence Bozo picked up on it, so devoted was he to kissing Poojas ass literally!) ..

But, all that aside…

Tell me one damn thing.

WHO is to say that 101 isn’t a great and equally lucky number?

Or 55?

Or 110?

Or, ONE?

Or, any number?

True, spiritual is one thing. Sometimes, some things mean something

But … most people dont know the S of spiritual and aren’t interested in learning.

Fair enough, but why not learn about your subconscious?

Essentially, one and the same thing.

Trust me, while there is magic in numbers, all the astro shastro, Vastu Shastu, and numerology crap – was all given to us by a human mind so deeply immersed in the subconscious that he performed miracles.

THAT is the key, friend, not necessarily 108…

Trust Bozo not to understand.

But you should, if you’re on this list, you’re smart … I’d say that, at least!

Not so much the “disinterested” lot, for those of you that are, kindly hit unsubscribe NOW.

But, my favorite number changes.

And today, it was 55 x 2 = 110.

Do these many pushups daily, with the right breathing, watch your life change..

Hell, do that many reps of anything, watch your life change…

And I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Connect, my friend – CONNECT!

With the inner YOU, the right way!

A true example of apathy – utter – and OBSESSION “so obsessed they’ll go to any lengths”, hehe.
- Bozo, thank you!

Gotta thank Boozo Bozo again, ya’ll!

But this is gonna be a short one. Ultra short!

Like the Bozo’s wang doodle apparently judging from the “I need to be cuckolded by Rahul” (and he isnt necessarily being farcial either). Trust me, I know this Glyn Schofield character very well. The things he says drunk for one… that he doesn’t even recall..

Anyway – I’ve written tomes on apathy.

But obsession?

I’ve written tomes on that too, but to give you yet another example.

Something NONE of y’all notice, I bet. Or noticed, or would anyway.

Right down to the bottom of the site, I did another experiment along with the social media experience which Boozo failed very miserably..

I put in links to some of my other sites.

One being, our sourcing business (import/export).

And Schofield was the ONLY one that saw that.


Now, why didnt y’all see it?

ya’ll didnt care.

Which if I were you?

On THAT one, I wouldn’t either- fitness is not import/export, and vice versa.

But … he did.

True obsession, eh.

Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct running after Michael Douglas could learn from him – her!

(He was a guy the last I met, these days, with all the wacko wokes out there, who knows).

Anyway, thought I’d tell you!

And for those interested, here’s the site.  – https://shristiimports.com/

Nothing great, but the reviews are!

Products are too, much like on THIS SITE!

so if you want physical items, tea,whatever – Ive said this before, I’ll say it again, I even had the shop up on this site … let me know!

And we’ll DO IT!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Been TOO busy to do the daily emails on that one, as you might imagine. But, all in good time, hehe.

Why I Cannot tolerate people that want a “look see”
- Ugh.

“but I want to look first, can I”.

These words, once in a lifetime, a past life, I think “centuries ago”, hehe, made me pause and think.

“Should I give the benefit of the doubt to him or her”.

Often times, I did.

Guess what I got in return.

If you’d think ZILCH, you’d be right – sort of.

The AGGRAVATION COMPOUNDED I dealt with from these folks was beyond comparison. ALL freebie seekers and complainers, whiners, moaners, pissers and GROANERS BASICALLY.

Know what got me results?

“Rahul, I want to buy this, please send me a link and the amount, thank you”.


“Rahul, can I get a discount if I buy (insert whatever combo he wanted)?”

I’m paraphrasing, but the gist remains.

I’m not saying everyone that asks for a discount is a doer either, but usually, via the tone of their email – you can tell , my friend.

You can tell!

Now, the “can i see first” part.

First thing you know, this ain’t a bookstore, friend.

A long time ago, I’d enjoy going to Barnes and Nobles, if just for the “fresh smell of the books”. Hehe.

I dont know, I’ve always loved “smelling books”.

Guess it’s better than sniffing asses, hehe, which the Bozo so loves.

But the smell of a fresh book, the pages freshly minted – know the only thing better int hat regard?

The smell of crisp red 100 RMB notes or perhaps ole Ben as well, hehe, straight out of the ATM .. and lots of them!

Wads of cash hehe.

Which I never use, being I’m all digital, and being my phone is stuck in an infinite boot loop – yet again – UGH!

“Buy a new one”.

Laptop too.

“Buy a new one”.

I can just hear people saying that.

Dani did too! (but she’s smart tho – she understand what I’m about to say HERE)

First thing you know though, the laptop I want is “not in stock” and hasn’t been for ages, and being this one was bought in 2018 – the “fag” end, mid – Dec, to be precise, I dont think I’m going to spend more on a new and equally and more crappier one – given laptops should last at least 8-10 years.

My last two Toshibas – warhorses!!!

Beaten up, battered, yet, they worked.

Hence, I gave it away last year (my old laptop) as opposed to sell it.

Good stuff, someone can use it!

Same with phone. This damned phone was bought in Oct 2018.

Now, it’s just been like what, less than 3 years?

I dont change dumbphones as frequently as I do underwear – when I wear it.

TMI, point begets tho…

Ah, for the days of the trusty ole Nokia phones – the brick phones with the “snake” games that a certain Aa Chie put her picture on “NO OTHER GIRL WILL HAVE YOU!” – and that years later, my soon to be wife (all in the past now) chipped off with her fingernails painstakingly, inch by inch, until that tiny blue cover was new as it could be.

“you dont need this anymore!”

I think she asked me if I did, but the point was obvious. Hehe.

But really, the buy a new one brigade, I wonder how much they’ve bought themselves?

And on that note back to it.

(But really, I’m like Henry Ford in that I spend big time on things that matter, but I also ruthlessly dissect each purchase. Which, again is one reason I’m not so eager to hand money over to the damn laptop guys unless they give me what I REALLY want…) 

( but really, I shouldn’t have to do it in the first place. Them things should last. Pathetic!!)

So yeah, in Barnes and Noble you can flip through books and what not.

You might even, in the good ole days, sit down and get away with “reading half of a short book for free”.

But this ain’t the good ole days, and it ain’t Barnes and Noble, friend.

First thing you know, everything I offer is a NICHE product.

Second, and more importantly.

EVERY TIME I’ve leafed through a book and read more than a few pages, it could be at an airport bookstore or wherever, but every time I’ve done it?

I’ve bought the damn book, period.

Because I’m a DOER.

And I wouldn’t LEAF through the damn book in the first place if there wasn’t something that attracted me to it in the first place.

Ditto for these serial refunding Bozos and those that “want a look see”.

They want it, they just dont want to pay.

“His products are so expensive!”

“Every time he wants money!”

“I’ve paid him so much before!”

All these moronic responses are what the Bozos think before spending more at the nearest bar, and hey.

(it’s INANE! I mean, do you go to the bar the next night and say “i spent $150 on drinks the night before, can I get this night “on the town” for free”?


I didnt think so. Even Bozo Schofield wouldn’t!

Then why apply the same inane logic to books and try and CHEAT PEOPLE??? Boggles the mind, I just think “A-hole” when I see someone like that!)

If thats worth it to you, so be it…

But, point is this.

EVERY time someone wants a look see on Amazon, it’s someone trying to game the system. 

True, Amazon has cracked down on this.

But not to the extent they should.

But, it’s also true that the majority of customers are like me i.e. they look, and buy, and it’s one way to spot idiots from a mile off… So, they let it be.

Much like they let the Bozo post his inane stuff on there.

These days though from what Dani told me, they’re making it tougher. She tried posting a review for a book she translated, they didnt let her for some reason.

So maybe they’re changing, but the serial refunding hasn’t stopped.

it’s just gone UP.

And, so have sales.


So if the serial refunding wackos want to continue on in their own merry way – do so.

I’ll continue on MINE.

And make more sales. Hehe. Trust me, it’s funny how that works. One guy returns it, two others BUY – and love it!

I mean, yeah, sometimes, there are genuine reasons, but most of the time it’s BS and cheapskates doing it, period.

So again, if you want it, just fuckin GET IT!

No “can I see first”.

And especially with niche stuff like mine, where most people follow me first, read what I have to say, sign up for the email list, read for months, and THEN and only THEN buy…

You’re already convinced, friend.

The only question is, can you NOT be a cheapskate and look for freebies all the time. Hehe.

So those are MY thoughts on that.

As with the reviews thing, I might have missed some things.

If I did?

Write back – let me know!

“Be Bothered”. 

Or , “Be arsed” to get back. Hehe. 

And thats that. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS- Ooh, almost forgot to pimp the last two copies of Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Edition, which I guarantee wont last longer beyond this week, trust me, I know how all this works, hehe.

Bottom line friend – If you want in – get it NOW.

Reviews, and why most people don’t leave ’em!
- Unless they're Bozos, hehe. in which case ...

My friend,

I’ve been blasting my email out on “a few questions” with regard to reviews a LOT over the past few days. And finally, I’m starting to get responses.

Basically it was this – I mean, if YOU love the product, if you’ve told me privately, if you want to buy again (and have) – then why not leave a REVIEW – on either Amazon or Google if you got the product from there – or via the link in the email sent out with your purchase which is the easiest?

I simply can’t get it.

Takes a few minutes of your time, is free and you get REWARDED for it ie. discounts for future purchases, mentions in these emails, and much more…

Not to mention, you help others (the real buyers) trying to buy since we all know the wackos and Bozos (one in Brum is eagerly gwaking at this email now wondering “well, my trolly reviews on Amazon – Rahul overturned those to HIS advantage – now how do I GETTTTTTTTTT HIM!”) with too much time on their hands and noses up asses will do ANYTHING to leave said reviews (jokes of reviews).

And a host of other reasons I’ve mentioned in THIS email.

Anyway, here’s what Kevin from the UK had to say.

I think people just can’t be bothered.

Well, I can’t argue with that one! Hehe.

I’ve been “ranting” about it for ages, this state of inertia people have worked themselves into – folks – SNAp OUT OF IT!


Thats not just motivational babbly gobbledook – it’s TRUE!

No, it’s not “governments are doing this or that”. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE YOUR OWN LIFE if you SO CHOOSE!


It’s there, trust me…

Anyway, here’s what I told Kevin (he’s not a customer as yet, I dont believe) –

(so much for the wackos that claim “he just wants money”. I’m happy to interact with all provided they are sensible and not trolls or idiots! I can’t stand stupidity, yes… more on that later).

So true, Kevin … Haha. But that state of inertia that people have fallen into is just pathetic in my opinion. People are just falling into the very dangerous trap of “live day by day” – and it’s just getting worse globally.

Remember, things only change if we MAKE THEM change!

But, sometimes there are other reasons too. Hehe. Stay tuned – I’ll be sending out an email shortly on that.

And – if YOU buy a product – do leave a review. Remember, I dont want 5 star neccessarily. Most are that, yes – which is great! But what I really want is honest reviews, they help everyone, and since the trolls and Wackos with too much time on their hands leave ’em, the DOERS might as well too!



So there’s that.

But, there are other reasons too…

Check this email from Mauricio – a great translator working for me on a fiction book I wrote …

Hi Mike! Sorry I had not answered the message before; when I “get lost” for a few days it’s because I can’t really check the messages from the <chopped> platform. Notice that I checked the links you sent me but I did not find the exact place (within both websites) where to leave my opinion on the novel. I don’t know if I didn’t pay too much attention or definitely the Amazon store is too much for me, hehe. If you guide me in a more specific way, I will gladly help you.

(Remember, I’m Mike for a few people)

Now, his response to a book he was translating was this –

I thank you for your words and of course, I continue working on the novel, which by the way is very good!

(His Dad ended up in hospital with a case of gangrene, had to have part of his lower leg amputated, long story – but bottom line, he was late on the translation – but bottom line – he TOLD ME – which is what counts to me!

Hey, life happens… I get it. And if you TALK TO ME, you TELL ME, I’ll listen! I always have…)

So I had basically sent him very heartfelt condolences – thats a nasty, nasty thing to happen to anyone my friend. I’m sure you would agree.

And since he loved the book, I asked him the following –

Hi Mauricio

Thanks for getting back to me! I completely agree – if one body part gets so badly infected, sometimes there is no choice but to “cut it off” so that the infection doesn’t spread. Sad that it had to happen that way, but on the bright side, your Dad’s out of danger – so thats the good news!!

Glad too to hear that you like reading about “<chopped>” – enjoy the book while you translate it – look forward to receiving the final translated version!

By the way, and if I might ask, can you do up a short “review” for the book too? i.e. what you liked in the book, just a few lines explaining “why you liked it”? This sort of thing really helps, as readers tend to favor books that have been reviewed by multiple sources — so if possible, do let me know (or post it on the English Amazon page if you want) – but either way, let me know!

Him –

Hi Mike! About the last thing you asked me about the book, I want to understand well what you would like me to do: what would you need is a synopsis where the content of the book is broadly shown? Or do you need my personal opinion on the content of the book where I include why I liked it? I am happy to support you in this regard, but I want to understand well what you need. Greetings.

Me –

Hi Mauricio

Thanks for asking and clarifying what I meant! What I basically need is #2 i.e. as you said, your personal opinion on the book, and why you liked it. Like I said, honest reviews really help other people that want to buy the book “decide”, so … Let me know. Thanks again – much appreciated!!



Him –

Hi Mike! Okay, now I understand what you need, and of course I can help you with that. Now tell me: am I sending you the review by this means? Or do you need to publish it in a virtual store where you distribute the book? And let me know if you need it in English or Spanish, thinking from now on when the Spanish version is published for sale (hoping to meet your expectations regarding the final translation)
Me – I sent him the Amazon links etc. 

Him (after a few days) –

Sorry I had not answered the message before; when I “get lost” for a few days it’s because I can’t really check the messages from the platform. Notice that I checked the links you sent me but I did not find the exact place (within both websites) where to leave my opinion on the novel. I don’t know if I didn’t pay too much attention or definitely the Amazon store is too much for me, hehe. If you guide me in a more specific way, I will gladly help you.


Now, here’s the thing.

To me, leaving a review is as simple as “click a button and just do it!” 

Writing it too.

I mean, Google and Amazon make it VERY EASY. Trust me, if Bozo Schofield can do it, anyone can!

And the link in the email YOU get with YOUR purchase – even easier!

Just sign into the site, leave the review after clicking the link, and thats IT. Nothing else required!

But for a lot of people – it’s difficult! Apparently it falls under the realm of “tech” which I really don’t get. To me its nothing but point and click, tech to me is “coding”.

And I dont know, to me, telling someone “put in your email address here” and then “click submit” is like basic level IT to me, which if even my daughter knows…

But then again, thats the thing!!

Thats what I think.

But thats not what others may feel! Hehe.

I dont know, thats IS one reason I quit I.T support. Hehe. Too aggravating!

But anyway – here was my FIRST response to Mauricio –

Hi Mauricio – T

hanks for getting back to me! All you need to do is write a few sentences on how why and what you LOVED about the book – why you thought it’s great – thats all! Just write it up, and send it to me on here, and thats all thats needed. And – hope the translation is coming along fine – let me know!



I forgot about it, but then I remembered.

He wanted SPECIFICS!

OK …

So i did up two screenshots, and sent it to him.

I also sent him the links.

I’m sure he’ll figure it out from there. With yours truly guiding him every step of the way, sure he will!


But anyway, where is the message for YOU – you might ask me, friend?

Well – it’s this.

IF tech reasons are the reasons you cannot submit the review – let me know! 

And I will – I promise – do my best to help you along those lines without saying “it’s too simple” or “I told you so”. Hehe.



And … anyway.

Pinkies and butts aside, I gotta say, take action NOW friend.


Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Edition is WAITING – those last two copies.

They must go.


And please, serial refunders, if this is you reading this here email, stay away. There are few things that irritate me more than idiots wanting a “look see” and then quickly refunding.

I get it.

You feel times are tough.

Bla, bla, bla.

I cannot convince those that won’t be.

But there’s never any excuse for serial refunding, either get the damn book or dont, its just that simple.

And again – no inertia please!

Whew, thats like … what 3000 words already?

Be LOOKING for more, hehe.

I cannot help but chuckle.

“stop, stop, stop! no more emails!”



Rahul Mookerjee

A heartfelt LETTER to Chuck – one he’ll scoff at. But I’m going to say it anyway, Charles…
- It's long overdue!

I wrote this once before last year, I believe, but today is truly the last I’m going to write about it (that part of it).

His comments on exercise, fitness, my pull-ups etc – well those, Charles are eternal.

And he wouldnt want to take thos eback either! Hehe.

But really, Charles…

You claim you were never racist towards me.

Yet, you accomplished your buddy the Bozo into all the WeChat groups to troll me “on his back” as it were.

Sure, you didnt most likely start it.

IT’s beneath you, that sort o fthing, but once started?

Bozo Glyn talks about people talking about him behind his back as an excuse for his horrible behavior.

Yet, the fact is y’all were talking about me first – specificially, the audio notes I sent you you were always too busy to listen to – but always had time for inanity.

And of course, speak about dancing monkey gigs and the monkeys in them – you had ALL The TIME In the world.

Anything real, you never did.

Which is fine.

But to laugh about someone that puts his heart into everything he does, including give you 0 Excuses Fitness, bro, diss his work as “crap” and “everyone knows it” (true, you didnt say the former, but you felt it!) ….

To never read it.

You’re not the only one guilty of the second.

But, you’re the only “friend” guilty of the first!

YOU asked for it, hey?

And I was kind enough to do you a favor in that regard, and you fuckin know it.

But all that aside (I could care less what you say or think about me, or my fitness).

Know what really CUTS DEEP, bro?

Is the feelin gof truly trusting you, then being ABANDONED!

I would never have gone to get you what I did in 2016 from India – business or none. I could care less about money – I’ve always been that way when I had it – and when I didnt.  and I’l always be that way, friend.

I certainly wouldn’t have gone through the hassle of involving my then wife in it either, bro – and you know that for a fact – unless I thought it was worth it.

I was constantly pilloried for “youre doing it for his girl” and “sexual tension between Kate and you” from Bozo Schofield, I told you about all this, yet, you never said a word to the Bozo.

You made merry trolling me…

ANd all aside, if you truly did  not think that, two questions brah.

Man to man, face to face, nikka to nikka, player to player .

“They want the real deal” (i.e according to you the color “white” means “he or she can teach” and the rest can’t).

I gave you the example of Mexican dudes cooking better Indian food than me, and indeed, Glenn from Australia the Masterchef, who coul dlikely cook better than me – period.

One Mexican, one white as white can be.

If we wanted to choose a chef, I dont think you’d choose me – even for INdian food. Heck, I wouldn’t!

True, I’m an “extraordinary” case. I get that. I’ve been told that.

But teaching wise, I hardly think skin color is the barometer for anything except endurance in terms of how much B.S. one can take with the racist taunts before givin it back – and getting canned.

The three men I mentioned in the last email did all they could to help me at that school, Charles…

I wouldn’t have lasted a month without ’em! (YES, my teaching abilities were the main thing, but the racism – you have to FEEL IT, bro!).

I could give a crap less, o fcourse, which you know.

ON that note, second question.

You say you didnt do it, right.

Well, I agree.

Glyn Bozo did.

Yet, you never told me, did you?

You asked me last year.

“Is that what you really thought?”

(thats the long and short of it hey?)

I could turn around and ask YOU that same question…

There it is, bro.

I love you, and have no ill will towards you.

If I did, I’d get in your face and say it.

You’re not a racist person, I just hope you get out of the Glyn Bozo spell and the “misled” facts you’ve been fed all your life, specifically in the PRC.

If you don’t, no issues.

But one request.

Do add me on WeChat, and I’ll send you some groups – lots of them – you can troll me on along with Glyn Bozo.

Really, Chuck.

I honestly, from the bottom of my “dark” heart, hehe, thought you were above all that.

And that endeth that…


Back to good stuff.

That Collector’s Edition BE WAITING!

Will you, my friend, be the first to take the LAST copy in existence, and no, I’m NEVER going to print the Collector’s Edition.

Only you and Father time know!

I’m out!


Rahul Mookerjee